Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1965, p. 2

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WEATHER FORECAST Mostly Cloudy, Windy Much Colder With Snow TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Temperatures in the low 30s along with winds up to 40 miles an hour and more and snowflurries will add up to a most unpleasant change from Tuesday's mild weather for 'AFFAIR TWAS NO SECRET Snowdens Have Fun At Katzenbach Party WASHINGTON (AP) -- Im- agine having Princess Marga- ret and the Earl of Snowdon turn up in your neighborhood for a party and you'll get the idea of how it was on Highland SY THE COHAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, November 17, TY88 [AIDE LOSES 8 PAIRS PANTS LONDON (AP) -- British diplomat Martin Reid is miss- ing eight pairs of pants. A first secretary in the foreign office, Reid and his wife, Joan, are preparing to leave for a new diplomatic post in tropical British Gui- ana. Having once lived in the tropics, Reid already was sar- torially equipped, but his eight lightweight suits were more than four years old, Mainly cloudy, windy. and cold today and Thursday. Scazierea snowflurries today and Thurs- day. Winds northerly 25 to 40 diminishing to westerly 20 to- night and Thursday. Cochrane, White River: Sunny with cloudy periods ative wolf whistle greeted the|quired to wear blue jeans or Princess. She waved and black tie. smiled. | The princess, after a day of \sightseeing, a British embassy ARRIVES AT 11 4 : It was 11 p.m, and the can-| reception, a tea party and a Place. Especially, if the host and hostess--the U.S. attorney-gen- eral and his wife--are trying to keep everything a secret. children and dogs and grown- ups watching the show. Four boys climbed on a roof to get a better view. Older folks brought their drinks along and launched It was like a block party with) dielight party with five - man combo was on--an affair for young, gay, talented types that, hostess Lydia Katzenbach said! jthe royal couple might not oth-/ erwise have met. | As they checked in, past a cordon of reporters and photog- raphers, the secret guests--| about 60--turned out to include the wife of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Defence Secretary) The party broke up after her departure. dinner with high military offi- lcers, decided to leave at 1:20 m He and his wife decided that, despite the slightly wide lapels, the coats were wear- able. But the trousers were too wide, too floppy and too Round-World Flight Lags. loose for today's fashion, Scooping up the pants, Mrs. Reid took them off to the tailor for alteration. She col- lected them Tuesday leaving | them in her car parked in | south London, while she most residents of southern On- tajio. Cold weather and snow- flurries are expected to con- tinue into Thursday. In snow- belt areas near the Great Lakes six inches of snow and heavy drifting may be expected. else- where accumulations are ex- pected to be considerably less. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Western Lake Ontario |accumulations of up to five or|Low overnight, high Tuesday: Dawson ...-ceceee 7 Victoria . windy and cold today. Variable cloudiness with some light snow or snowflurries Thursday. Winds northerly 20 becoming West 15 tonight. Observed Temperatures 17 party--watcher parties. ; m shopped. When she returned. Robert McNamara; presiden-| N.Z. (AP)\ ° , Suddenly, that sleek, black CHRIGTORURCE, at) tial assistants McGeorge posi first roubd-the-world fight! © thief had broken into the |Windsor, Toronto, Hamilton: Weather advisory issued. Mostly cloudy windy and much colder with snowflurries today, 'tonight and Thursday, possibly jaccumul a ting one or two in- ches. Winds west to northwest 25 to 40 diminishing to 20 Thurs- day. | Lake Huron, Southern Georg- lian Bay, London: Weather ad-/Toronto ... visory issued. Cloudy windy/Trenton .....++++. and much colder with snow-|Ottawa .. flurries and local snow squalls|-- today, tonight and ioc MA likely accumulating up to five Six-|or Six inches in snowbelt areas SUSPECT CA SE inear Lake Huron and Georgian| Bay and elsewhere two or three inches with heavy drifting. Winds northwest 25 to 40 dim- inishing to 20 Thursday. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- May Be Simply burton, Killaloe: Weather advi- Sluggish Kidney Action sory issued. Snow briefly mixed | it's a pity to put up with this common with rain or freezing rain| backache because zoe se don't ney changi to occasional snoW-| may help you. You flurries this afternoon, continu-| become sluggish, arlatey einen ing into Thursday. Windy and|'he result' can be am snneriag noe: much colder. Winds becoming|ging backache. This is when Dodd's northerly 25 to 40 this afternoon | pega'? athevlate tidne ache hae and northwest 20 Thursday. lieve the irritated condition that causes Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-| you don't feci better, rent better. Used agami, Algoma, Sault Ste. Ma-|suecessfully by millions for over 70 rie, North Bay, Su dbury: years, New large size saves money, FUEL Om VSNL McLAUGHLIN 7 23-348 l KING ST. W. Sault Ste. Marie.. White River...... Kapuskasing ...++ Earlton ....c.s008 North Bay....seee Sudbury ...scerees Muskoka «sores |Windsor . London . "lleft Honolulu Sunday was 42 hours, 26 minutes, 26 seconds. The 45 scientists and "SCHOOL SUPERVISION DISCUSSED AT MEETING About 100 principals and potential principals in Osh- awa and surrounding area returned to the classroom last night at the T. R. Mc- Ewen public school. They were attending the first in a series of six monthly lec- tures on school supervision and. administration. Silvio Sauro, chairman of the in- HERE and THERE The Oshawa and District Labor Council delegate to a Canadian Labor Congress manpower training conference will be Keith Ross, ODLC secretary. Delegates voted Tuesday to send Mr. Ross to the conference to be held in Ottawa in February. Leading trade union officials from all over the Dominion will at- tend. 'The inroads of automa- tion and technological change are making sweeping changes in the world of labor," said Mrs. Ross. "We want to know how people are to be re- trained for other work in- stead of being thrown on the serap-heap when automation makes their jobs obsolete." Oshawa and District Labor service education commit- tee, Ontario Public School Men's Teacher Federation and a principal in Etobicoke Township, chats with guest speaker W .H. Garton, an inspector in Etobicoke Township and William Arm- strong, principal of T. R. McEwen school. Mr. Arm- strong is director of the course, sponsored jointly by the Oshawa Principals Asso- ciation and the teacher fed- eration. The topic of last night's lecture, attended by public and separate school officials, was "the principal, the new teacher and teacher evaluation." Five Ships In Mishaps QUEBEC (CP) -- Five ships jwere involved Tuesday in St. }Lawrence River _ accidents which claimed no lives but dam- aged the vessels, sinking one. | On the river below Quebec iCity two pairs of freighters col- lided in fog and snow. One of the ships, the large Canadian Duane J. Beers. Ivan Terry lore carrier Lawrencecliffe Hall, and Phyllis, children of Mr, lsank in 30 feet of water. | and Mrs. Neil Cunnginham. | 4 fifth vessel, the Greek-flag| |Protostatis which was being towed by three tugs, broke loose and ran aground off Wolfe Island near Kingston. The Lawrencecliffe Hall, a 23,000-ton vessel, and the 6,000- ton freighter Sunek collided at 7:15 a.m. off Ile d'Orleans, 14 OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; ond radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oil Budget Plan evailable. Murray Larmer; Dean Rog- | er, son of Mr. and Mrs; | RECALLS OLD CAR | FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)-- Bert McGugan recently found | the licence plates of his first car in his attic here. With a right-hand drive, the 1910 mode! could go at 35.m.p.h. At 74 the oldest resident of Paiponge township, Bert recalls that there were few roads and no bridges in those days. Ralph R. Melanson; Allan Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. McMullan; Rodney William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plain. At an afternoon ceremony, the following were baptised, James Alexander, Barry Robert and Robyn Duane, children. of Mr. and Mrs. COAL & SUPPLIES TTR EAT TRIE ET Rolls Royce rolled up. Thelang Jack Valenti; newspaper|over both poles arrived in ba bee stolen all eight pairs Princess, in a white satin gown Art Buchwald and!Christchurch, today six hours 0 om S. : nd white mink wrap, stopped|Russeli Baker and_ television|pehind schedule. But the lead- id anay. _ to buy new riefly outside the house. Flash- newscaster David Brinkley. ers of the flight confidently pre-| *"pat Pegg org }|bulbs flared. , Some screeches of laughter dicted that they would complete| thief may ietirn therh. My A crowd pressed tightly) oe heard outside when Lord|their flight to Honolulu within! husband, you see, is six feet against the white fence to watch) -._\their target flying time. ated the excitement at the home ofSnowdon donned an ungainly| The specially equipped Boe-|em. i Attorney - General and. Mrs.|sweater adorned with black) ing 707 jet landed at" Christ Nicholas Katzenbach, the social ties. Mrs. Katzenbach made it aiaréh just after 9 p.m Tatton! P rid . lions of Washington Tuesday/after hearing he once com-|, flight ear aay South Pole etition its night. plained he never knew when he from Buenos Aires s Argentina | Applause and a loud, appreci-'went home whether he'd be re- The 'total flying Hiab sine: itl Mother Of 8 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE BRANTFORD (cP) n crew teen householders in Park Ave- aboard were tired but smilingjnue East, a middle-class dis- T T t M il d jafter being the first to fly over |trict of old houses, have signed wo oron 0 en jalle both poles on the same flight.!a petition to keep a mother of {Air time between the poles was'eight on city welfare from be- 26 hours 57 minutes, jing moved into their neighbor- For Durham "Op Entry The plane circled the South|hood. Pole at.a high altitude for 30| The petition was handed to BOWMANVILLE -- A burglar|They crawled through the win-|minutes. Visibility was clear,|city council Monday night by alarm triggered in the Durham|dow an4 attempted to open the|and scientists at the U.S. sta-\Frank Ton, a Park Avenue re- Farmers County Co-op late last|steel vault with a tire iron. The|tion below were seen waving in|sident. It said residents did not Monday night led to the arrest|wrecking bar was 15 feet away |sreeting. want a repetition of circum- of two Toronto men who ap-jon the floor. There were two delays en\Stances when another welfare \peared before Magistrate Craw-| The two accused, after arrest,{route from London. Because|{@™ily lived in the area. It lford Guest here Tuesday. Both/led the police to Martin's car|London airport's longest run-|"idn't spell out those circum- \pleaded guilty of possessing|parked nearby and showed them|way was under repair, the jet|Stances. | jhouse breaking tools and break-| where the keys were hidden. lcould not take off with enough|. Ze petition is against mov- jing and entering. Both were con- lfuel for the flight to Argentina|"8 in Mrs. Vivia Kusch and victed. A Parry Sound high schooljand had to refuel in Lisbon.|"€t eight children who were | Arnold Stanley Flood, 30, of|student was convicted of public|And some of the crew and pas-|°Victed Nov. 4 from a house on /30 Bright st., went to reforma-|mischief. Magistrate Crawford|sengers got stuck in an elevator| Victoria Street where they lived ltory for 18 months on each|Guest fined him $100 and costs,/at London airport and had to|2%, Years until it was declared jcharge to run concurrently. His|or 16 days, on this charge and|be sawed out, That delayed the/UMfit by the Brant County record of numerous similar of-|$10 and costs, or five additional|fight an hour. 4 health unit, fenses dated back tu 1956. jdays for illegal possession of |---- John Willis Martin, 25, of 12 liquor. | |Rosseau st., went to Kingston) poth charges were laid Sept. | Spooner Asks Lie pe song for two years. He|25, the date of the "Players 200" | ad first come to the attention! : ; ® of the police in 1955 and almost | een Ca cok 'i For Co-operation yearly thereafter. His record in-| obert eres Feil ef aah tea cluded three years in the peni-/°@" Was checked | y police, pre-| TORONTO (CP) Mutual tentiary following conviction iajeeee, as identification a birth co-operation instead of suspi- 1960 and six months in reforma-|°eTtificate belonging to James/cion among Ontario municipali- tory starting January this vear,|Hugh Dale, Parry Sound. As a'ties is the only way to solve He had been released only re-|result Dale was charged under civic problems, Municipal Af- cently. the Liquor Act. fairs Minister J. W.- Spooner Ontario Provincial Police, who} In the back seat of the car said Tuesday night. were notified of the shrilling)was an open part bottle of rum! In an address to the Ontario | alarm, found the two accused|and a case of beer which Cardy|chapter of the American Public | hiding in a storage shed behind|later admitted he purchased in|Works Association, Mr. Spooner a mill elevator. They admitted|the Bowmanville Brewers Retail/said it is imperative that a) having entered from the rear|store using the same birth cer-|number of civic administrations | where they were foiled by ajtificate. take co-operative action to deal | steel fire door leading to the of-| E., C, Wildman, counsel for the| with and threatened to take le-| MEATS ~" During the week ending Nov. 13 the Oshawa General Hospital admitted 312 patients and discharged 325. There were 48 births. Nineth-three major and 118 minor opera- tions were performed as well FRESH GRADE "A" CHICKENS ONLY THE fice. They retraced their steps |defence, pointed out that his cli-|services. Few municipalities | and entered the office throughjent, after taking aptitude tests,|have taken advantage of legis. | a small side window which they|had left high school and wasjlazion providing for such joint | Council has been trying to get local elected bodies to set policy on the purchase of 4 from strike - bound s. At the November meet- ing held yesterday answers to ODLC letters were received from the Oshawa Separate School Board and the Public Utilities Commission. Frank Shine, OSSB secretary, said that the matter had been re- ferred to the board's execu- tive committee. J. B. Annand,, PUC general manager, said that the issue is on the agen- da for next Wednesday's monthly meeting of the com- mission. "Congratulations are ex- fended t 0 Miss Roberta gan, Humewood ave., on her 17th birthday. "Eleyd--Ayreof.. Bowman- ville continued his domina- tion of Hampshire sheep showing at the Royal Win- ter Fair this year. Mr. Ayre showed the champion ram nd champion ewe and plac- ed first in six of the nine sections of the Hampshire elass. T. C. Glaspell and Son, of Taunton, showed the reserve championship ewe in the Cotswold-Lincoln section of the sheep show at the Royal Winter Fair. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered at Trinity United, Church, Bowman- ville, to the following chil- dren: Jill Leah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H, En- gish; Jil Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- fieth Hockin; Michael James, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Members Enter Queen's Guineas UXBRIDGE -- Six 4-H mem- bers will be representing On- tario County in the Queen's' as 73 eye, ear, nose and throat operations. Two hun- dred and forty-five treatments and examinations were given. Thirty casts were applied. During the week 625 physio- therapy treatments were giv- en and 479 visits made. One hundred and forty occupa- tional therapy treatments were given and 20 speech therapy cases were handled, Some 6@ members of the Library Clerical Assistants' Section of the Ontario Library 'Association came from scat- tered points in the province last week to attend their fall workshop at McLaughlin Pub- lic Library. Guest speaker was Fred Israel, deputy chief librarian at St. Catharines Public Library. The group was. welcomed on_hehalf of the Oshawa Public ibrary Board by Miss Enid Wal- jace, assistant chief librarian. Mrs. Maureen Stephenson, Richmond Hill Public Libra- jthe site of the first: accident, jthe 10,658-ton Soviet freighter miles downstream from Quebec City. : cliffe Hall tried to beach the ship but had to give up the at- tempt and take to lifeboats with their captain, Devona Larose. either ship. Less than four hours and 120 miles downstream from Kosmonaut collided head - on with the 10,142-Spanish freighter Monte Urbasa. SOVIET SEAMAN HURT A Soviet seaxan, Nikolai Pan- talei, was seriously injured when his cabin was smashed in the collision. He was taken to hospital in Quebec City where he was to be operated on today. Roth the. Soviet.and Spanish ships were still able to sail and were expected to arrive at ship- yards at Levis, a Quebec City suburb, today. The Kosmonaut had left Que- ry, presided over the meet- ing. Mrs. Margaret Rak of 100 Kawartha ave. reported to The Times earlier this week the finding of an older news- paper as an item of interest. She had no interest or asso- ciation with the story of a missing person to whom ref- erence was made in the old newspaper. The Times re- grets any embarrassment caused Mrs. Rak over this misunderstanding. Jack Reid, of Bowmanville, appeared in magistrate's court Tuesday at Bowman- ville charged with theft of municipal funds. He was re- manded to Dec. 7 for hear- ing. New executive of the 1966 | Oshawa Folk Festival Asso- | ciation met last night. They are: Jan Drygala, president; Orest Salmers, first vice-pres- | ident; Jan Brandsma, second | vice - president; Mrs. Linda | Morison, recording secretary; | bec City shortly after midnight |Tuesday with a 14,000-ton load \of grain destined for Odessa while the Spanish vessel had been on her way to Montreal jon her maiden voyage. The 7,500-ton Protostatis was 'on her way to drydock at Mont- real. She was beached two weeks ago at Pointe Traverse, No injuries were reported by later | forced with a wrecking ba | joining the air force. municipal proj ects. The crew. of the Lasyrence-| 30 miles west of Kingston, Of- ficials expected the vessel to be) A selected number of steadily employed people ere turning spere time hours inte cash in- come replenishing light merch- andise accounts established fo- cally by prominent Canadien manufecturer. Constant repeat turnover and de- finitely no soliciting can provide @ reliable second income to sincere persons with sound fob history. You see six of the results In 1934 Brights began to import young vines of the finest wine grapes grown in the world. admittedly, among the finest wines ever produced in Canada. If you insist on an imported label, you've wasted your time reading this far. If you ignore the iste! end judge the wine, waste no more time reading. here. These sre The million-dollar grapes Cream Sherry A favourite of sherry con- nolsseurs. An appetizer wine of real merit. President Sauterne A light white wine for the table. With fish, fowl, white mests, salads. President Pert A distinguished dessert wine. With cheese, desserts, after dinner, FINEST QUALITY HAM 99: RINDLESS SIDE BACON LB. 7 or RED BRAND "Boneless" RIB ROAST LARGE BOTTLES "PINK LADY" DETERGENT 2 rox 85° @ For The Freezer Owner © Red Brand Blue Brand BACK BACON BY THE s 89° MAPLE LEAP CHEESE SLICES Minced Ib Chuck Sia aa aR Steak @ HAMBURG @ WIENERS © SAUSAGES 3s 1,00 SRR: SWIFTS PREM 2 TINS 85° @ MARGARINE @ LARD @ SHORTENING lbs. 1.00 RED BRAND Sirlain - Round - Wing STEARS LB. 89° WAX BEANS 15 OZ, TINS 8 .. 89° OF BEEF 39° OF BEEF 49° Top Commrecial 130.150 Sides .... 49¢ Hinds ... . 59¢ Fronts ... 4{¢ Chucks .. 46° Sides .... 48° Hinds .... 58* Fronts ... 40° ¢ Top Commerciol Chucks ... 45 Bocgeres Cut Wrapped & Delivered FREE Write Today -- Oshawe Times uineas at the Royal Agricul- e Box 1021 tural Winter Fair Nov. 19. secretary; and Joseph Lukas, ° The six members, who are) treasurer exhibiting their 4-H steers at the|-- een enero nn Why Pay More... Royal this year, are: Dorothy SAVE Hi C gal, Brown, RR 1, Oshawa; Larry ON PREMIUM QUALITY Phone 668-3341 Bagshaw, Wilfrid; Ian Hogg, FUEL OIL DX FUEL OIL RR 4, Uxbridge; Donald and Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajex Districts Christa Step, corresponding Try these wines, soon. We envy you your first thrill of discovery. President Sherry ideal before dinner; with hors d'oeuvres, soup course. SIDES OF SELECTED SIDES OF MILK FED SIDES Or Pr Ch Canada's prize champagne. For ny dinner, afl gaia occa- sions, especially weddings and anniversaries. Brights ' . \ nieaosouas WOES snes President Extra Dry A dry delicate wine that inepires encomiums from all whe try it. With fish, white meat, salads. Sandy McTavish, RR 3, Ux- bridge and Jim Newman, Udney. Each of the steers has met the) rate of gain requirement of two} und per day over a 150-day ing period, and will be sub-) fected to a culling committee) upon arrival at the Royal. The judging of the Queen's Guineas classes will take place) at 10 a.m, Pork 49¢1Veal 47itLamb 47% BRIDGELAND "irs Open 9 to 9 Thurs. and Fri, y | MEAT PACKERS and PROVISIONERS | : & ,

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