Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Nov 1965, p. 10

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. " fhe recelved at Uplands Airport Gregoire Finally because it was printed in Eng- lish only, He thought the ticket - hel vent thawing. This method has Pays His Tickets . {should have, been in both offi- worked very well at Ottawa, but} OTTAWA sc) ron cial languages. care must be taken not to un-joire, the Ci iste MP from) But a young man acting for cover the bushes too early; and,|Lapointe, made his peace with'7, Gregoire walked into the as with the other methods, the|the Jaw Friday when he paid trate's court office Frida roses should be defoliated and|2" $8.50 parking fine. ae if Sprayed with fungicide before| Mr, Gregoire earlier thad|t0 pay the $8.50--$5 fine. and vide a place for disease to startiso all the shoots that produced|being covered. \threatened to ignore the ticketi$3.50 costs. Plant Research Institute in winter. flowers this year should be cut It was inevitable that once the| Climbing roses, like Blaze, |out. | ann Central Experimental F arm/{producé their flowers on old) If you grow gatden roses in| Osh & Dist 1 t R | Estat a d started to grow hybrid tea andjwood and that which was madejareas colder than Ottawa it is| awa 1 ric ea e oar floribunda roses over 60 yearsjthe year previously, so you/|best to dig them up and bury) ago a great deal of study wouldjmust save as much wood as/them in a trench. A method re-| M L % sandy soll. When the sofl has frozen hard a layer of strawy 'material or light leaves is placed over the mound 'to pre- 10 THE OSHAWA YIMES, Seturdey, November 13, TY6S 'THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK GARDEN GUIDE Winter Protection Plan For Roses Is Outlined By A. R.. BUCKLEY be given to the cause of winter|possible. That is why it is safer|cently adopted with success in| injury and means of protection.jto take the whole bush down|Minnesota is to first tie the | Today the Plant Research Insti-|from its support every year. rose canes on each bush in a} tute is still investigating the Rambling roses such as Doro-|bundle; then partly dig up the | problem for no completely. suc-jthy Perkins , Minnehaha and|bush from the ground, so that. cessful. method of wintering|Hjawatha flower only on the|the whole plant can be bent these roses has yet been! wood formed the previous year,'over and covered with light) | THE HOME WORKSHOP Since one of the most im-| i | | HA i! tts portant factors that determine ; ; . CUT-OUT SANTA / Gil Wii ae }! Design No, 500 1687 Sq. Ft, including Hobby Room Garage: 480 Sq.Ft. efforts should be directed to-| ward achieving this condition. | To get a continuing crop of roses it is necessary to encour- age unchecked growth during the summer and when this hap- pens the hardening process does not take place. Early ma- turity does not occur naturally oe in hybrid tea or hybrid flori-|\\ bunda roses so the gardener) Be must regulate his cultural prac- tices in order to check growth. There are several things you can do. 1. Stop fertilizing after the first of August. | MAKE THIS DECORATION] THE HANG-UP PROBLEM | 2. Reduce the song supply br for your picture window or tolis a gies five adorable! the minimum after the firs ut on the tabl animals. A bunny, a panda, a September. In some parts of the alt "wa aol oF mantle. De dnd a Glee are tae cat) country this may not be pos-' ee ied coe hin actual: in one with a child-size hanger| x sible because of abundant rain'size cutting and painting guides |of ¥Y,-inch plywood. Clothes may ' at this time of year. |for Santa, sleigh and deer about|be hung on the antlers of the} ' 3. Reduce the available nitro-|10 inches high is 50 cents. 11] dpee as well as the pegs below. | gen in the soil by adding 4),).9 js one of |Pattern 381, which gives actual-| HOME DESIGN No. 500 mulch of sawdust, peat moss,| ket N ge gi cogent In| size guides and directions, is) leorncobs or straw in July. The|'acket No. 55 -- Christmas Cut-/s9 cents, It also is one of four| denitrifying bacteria use a great/Uuts for Lawn and House which|patterns in the Child - Pleaser] i | i in the soillis a big value for $1.75. Post-|Furnishings Packet No. 47 -- all| a home for entertaining and |2mount of nitrogen i ey 75. Post-| ir | i ition of this), \for $1.75. Postage st outdoor living, It has a most aerate mecompos age stamps not $ ge stamps not : Home: Worksho: Bihan rn, acceptable. Home Workshop Edi- interesting layout. The living | 4 puring September cut dead| snop or, area with its open planning |flowers with as short a stem as| hardiness of all plants is the early maturing of the wood, WITH SLEIGH i ih a AND DEER! Dy an i! 360 BOB STEVENSON Hyman Real Estate Ltd. WHY... MS.L....? We have seen many instance where people, as purchosers have paid too much for their properties, and found that they must toke a loss upon reselling. Knowledge of the market MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE conditions is the buyer's safest guide, to the purchaser. From the Vendor's point of view, he will waste time and advertising dollars by trying to sell his property himself unless he is properly advised on 2 reasonable asking price and other tips that make his home saleable. After all, organized real estate, Multiple Listin Service, is the showcase The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, ( Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra, (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). for properties and the largest number of buyers prefer to deal through Multiple Listing Service. A point to remember is thot by listing M.L.S., you are reaching all the potential purchasers of every real estate office in the board--therefore, you ore being assured of the highest possible price for your property, This modern design is truly , The|tor, The Oshawa Times, Osh- Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. 'awa, Ont. Dregne wife. necro Name eeecenesecoeseesooees Address Peeeereccesecoverse COO oe OOP De resereeeoeesseoeees eoerereeeercoescesecsceeseseee FIRST AID TO CUTTING DOWN ON FADING QUESTION: Is the amber colored transparent material used inside retail store windows for the purpose of eliminating the effect of direct and reflect- ed sunlight on displayed mate- rials? We have a north and east exposure living and dining room. Carpeting and upholster- ed furniture have faded con- siderably. An interior decorator told us that the fading is due to sunlight reflected from the stone house to the north of us and from reflected sunlight from: snow during winter months. Would the amber color- ed material be available in win- dow - shades? ' ANSWER: Yes, the amber- colored material is for the pur- pose you mention. It is a very thin plastic material, made into a window shade or "screen"; consult any window shade maker. If you could use fiber- lass curtains over your win- lows; this is now available at many draperies and _ textile stores in a wide assortment of weaves, weights, patterns and finishes. Fiberglas materials are resutant to sun, heat, fad- ing, etc. QUSTION: I placed ruber caps on legs of chrome kitchen chairs. These have discolored my vinyl floor covering, leav- ing deep orange stains that spread. What, if anything, will remove these stains? ANSWER: Only. suggestions I can_offer are the following: Try removing the discoloration with a liquid polishing wax, made by a nationally known manufactur- @, following label directions carefully. If not successful, try using the wax with a fine steel wool, rubbing carefully. Or use a floor-cleaning preparation with the steel wool, followed by immediate rinsing with clear water and drying, then waxing. PAINT PEEL OFF STONE QUESTION: Our fireplace is made of large natural stones. The mortar, raised and round- ed rather than smoothed in, was originally dark, I painted it light, but have never been sat- AILING HOME | ing in pale colors makes walls) appear to recede and the room| seems larger therefore. Paint-| ing the fireplace the same color} as the walls will make it less) conspicuous. ROOFING FOR SUN DCK QUESTION: We are purchas- ing a house that has an attach- ed garage with a flat roof. We} want to use the roof as a sun! deck, covering it with canvas) for this purpose. Where can we obtain the roofing canvas? ANSWER: Roofing canvas is available from roofing supplies ldealers, together with instruc- tions for its application. Be sure the material is labelled as roof- ing canvas, since other types are not suitable for this pur- pose. REFINISHING BOILER | QUESTION: I have acquired) a copper wash boiler that was my grandmother's. I would like} to refinish it to its original ap- pearance. What could I use? And, then, how can I keep it!) b worn off the surface, the only) right? ANSWER: If the copper has carpeting, nap side down, under 'V' boards. makes this portion an attrac- |possible so that new growth will tive social centre, yet the |be discouraged. : f | y K foliage free kitchen is effectively closed |, >: Spray to keep follag z from insects and diseases. This off by the open fireplace and |preyents defoliating during sum- the glass wall behind the /mer and the consequent produc- counter. Traffic to all parts ition of second growth. | of the house is excellent, and | It is, of course, still neces- | extends through the hobby |sary to adopt some means of | room to the garage, patio |winter protection. Before the and outdoor barbecue. All |ground has frozen hard spray) rooms are extra large mak- the roses with a fungicide and | ing this a home to be proud |mound soil around the hybrid} of. Construction is brick and |teas and floribundas to a height stone veneer. 1687 sq. ft. jof 8 to 10 inches. Bring the soil} , lfrom another part of the garden| Standard Blueprints for this |for this operation. Drawing soil | design No. 500 cost $15.00 for lup to the roses by means of a) the first set and $5.00 for |noe or spade will often expose) additional sets. They are Ithe roots and thus cause greater available in Canada by re- |qamage than if the plants were turn mail. (Ontario residents |jeft intact. must remit 3 per cent Sales | after this operation leave the Tax). Now available at this roses until the ground has | Newspaper Office (or from | frozen hard and then cover them the address below) is our new | reen boughs such as Design Book entitled "Suburb- neues hold png snow and an and Country Homes de- | provide shade. This helps to signed for Canadians," price keep the ground frozen all $1.00 tax free. This edition in- | pinter. cludes information on Cost of | climbing roses should be Building and Financing in |taxen from their supports right) Canada, Heating, Insulation, |now, if not done already, and | | Constructional Details, etc., |pinned down close to the surface | plus many outstanding new |o¢ the soil. Then the entire plant | designs -- Ranch, one and 'may be covered wth soil or the half storey, -split level, two jase of the plant mounded and storey colonial, and duplex ithe rest wrapped in burlap.) homes. Also included in this |when the ground has frozen,| book are full details on how to | over with straw or boughs or, | der blueprints. as is done at the Plant Re- BAS sae -- search Institute, use inverted each leg of the refrigerator, By) Make sure that all the foliage jway to restore it to its original | pulling on the carpeting, the re-|from the roses has fallen or |appearance .is to have the boil-/frigerator can be shifted with has been removed before cover- DISCOLORATIONS ON VINYL|¢t replated at a metai piating)no damage to the tile floor. 'ing or else the leaves might pro- ishop. If the metal is still intact all over, but tarnished, the orig- jinal appearance can be re- lstored by using one of the cop- jper cleaning preparations.) These are available at super-| markets, housewares and: hard-| ware dealers. After cleaning land polishing, the copper 'can be} Kept bright longer by applying} a coat of Clear lacquer or clear jplastic spray (available hard- |ware and paint stores). MOVING REFRIGERATOR QUESTION: We want to move lour refrigerator to another wall) lin the kitchen where it will fit junder some new cabinets being) \built. How can we do this with-/ lout marring the tile floor which is fairly new? ANSWER: A piece of old car- |peting and two people are jneeded for the job. Work the | | eae Replace your old TV antenna, get Better Pictures with a New Super STAREIRE WEFEEEE S58 Ge by 'LINDSAY'. . . CLEAR-UP YOUR TV. PICTURE RINVEST in HAPPINESS! With ; rmstrong | lomes Your Design For Modern Living At Its Very Best! ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST... . Copper tone hooded exhaust fan In kitchen. . Stainless steel kitchen sink, . Colored ceramic wall tile for bothroom and colored fixtures. . Valance boxes in living and dining room, . Kitchen cupboards ond doors natural stained imported mahogany (custom built), . Double laundry tubs. . Forced air gas heating -- or forced air oil heating. . All-electric light fixtures. . 100-Amp. heavy-duty electric wiring installed. . Divided basements with facilities, . All services included: paved road, soni- tary, and storm sewers, individual water connections curbs, . Front and side yards sodded. . Sidewalks installed from front to drive- way~ornd-side door to driveway. . Fancy ceiting in living room and dining recreation room. , 094 Hors throughout where Asbestos Vinyl tile is not installed, . Metal iron railing installed on front porch where there ore three steps or more. . Copper toned built-in triple paper towel rack, . Clay Brick, . Built-in Kleenex dispenser, Two Popuiar Locations SOUTHWOOD PARK AJAX . Poured concrete basement (with life- HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH -- Opposite Pickering & District Real time guarantee). . Mahogany trim. . Built-in range and oven. . Your choice of bow window or picture window, Estate isfied with it. Do not wish to! cover stone with wood panel- ling because I am afraid it will) make an already small room| appear even smaller, Would you! advise painting the stones the same color as the walls? If I) do, will the heat of the fire) With this EXTRA High Performance TV antenna and be ready for VIVID COLOUR at its best. WARNING MOTORISTS SOME PLANS PROVIDE FOR «roe ww | (ROLLING HILLS ESTATES OSHAWA MANY OPTIONAL EXTRAS GRANDVIEW AVE. at OLIVE AVE. Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy Improved SPARK- LING biack and white pictures. AVAILABLE TO YOUR TASTE cause the paint to peel? ANSWER: The disadvantage of painting stone or brick fire- places, is that, once painted, the. porous nature of these mate- rials makes future paint remov- | al difficult if not impossible. In other words, the fireplace will Cold Weather Ahead ANTI- FREEZE have to remain painted. The) paint won't peel off due to heat | from the fireplace, provided the coating is applied to an absolute- ly clean surface and according to label instructions. Use either a resin emulsion paint, or a dement base paint. Don't know what color your room walls are presently paint- ed, but remember that paint- a (Prestone Brand also aveilable) we justall Anti-Freeze and do @ complete cooling system check HAVE US DO YOUR WINTER TUNE-UP Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec-Trees 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 @ LLOYD CORSON, President | «+: MAJOR or MINOR TUNE-UPS DONE GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534. Ritson Rd. South Ph. 728-6221 ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT COLOUR BLACK & WHITE TELEVISION RECEPTION Call ws TODAY for « Free antenna check up and estimate T.R.1.0. TELEVISION Corner of Bond and Division Street OSHAWA PHONE 728-5143 The place you'll love to live in. . id or Rol Heated by Safe! Silent! Consumers' Clas living Exclusive Agents H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE OSHAWA 723-4645 AJAX 942-3310 . your choice of either Southwood Park, in Ajax, ling Hills Estates, in Oshawa . . . are developments planned to keep pace with the times. They include many pace- setting trends not usually found in homes of this moderate price range. There is a wide variety of plans based on modern for 1965. (--l-=---1 IF YOU WISH YOU MAY HAVE AN ARMSTRONG HOME CUSTOM BUILT ON YOUR LOT .. . PHONE 942-2401 .

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