Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1965, p. 5

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AAS gt RENE A ONY TERRE ARIE IN WHITBY DAY - BY -DAY Area Bantam Teams Set For Hockey Games rent series will see Brooklin Bantams, sponsored by Sklar|play a return game in the Furniture Co., play a home and|Whitby Arena tomorrow even- home series with a fast-moving|ing. hockey squad from Brooklin,, Game time will be 6 p.m. AD beginning this evening. Theljinterested hockey fans are first game will be in Brooklin|urged to attend at least one of starting sharp at 6 p.m. |the two games to watch to-| The second game in the cur-/morrow's stars perform today. WHITBY (Staff) Whitby Willowdale Pastor Special Speaker Rev. William Maurice Whid- junior and Pel pgp gard den, minister of naa god 37 the direction of Mrs. D.| E. Williams. The anthem by the} United Church, Willowdale, was|-cnior choir was entitled "To) the guest minister at St. Mark's|God All Priase and Glory Be." | @ United Church 139th. anniver-/The juniors sang Alleluia" and sary service Sunday morning.|"God of Heaven;" and the In-| The worship was conducted by jtermediates sang "Praise To the minister, Rey. John M.'The Lord." Smith, and Mr. Whidden's mes-- On Sunday evening a series sage was entitled 'The Great of November Studies, based on| Commandment." Dr. A. B..B. Moore's book} Music for the special occa- 'Jesus Christ and the Christian | sion was provided by the senior Life," was started. These studies choir under the direction of will continue each Sunday even Mrs. J. L. Beatén and Whitby Whittlers Lose 22 Pounds The weekly meeting of Whitby|had high weight losses of 3 to Whittlers TOPS Club was held|4 pounds, and the queen for the at Kathleen Rowe school Nov.;week was Mrs. Lamjka Rot 9. The meeting was brief due to|tine with a weight loss of 4% the power failure. The club|pounds. welcomed two new members to| Members who terminate their its ranks. : membership in TOPS tend to Total wight loss for the week|gain weight easily. It has been was 22% pounds. Everyone|found advisable to remain ac- seems to be returning to ajtive in group theraphy meetings regular 'Losing Routine." which give inspiration for reg Quite a number of members ular weight losses. HALF A TON of moose is a lot of winter meat and, the|ing throughout the month if you don't agree after checking, the above photo, have a talk with Harold WHITBY (Staff) -- One down . i. C itt by Harold Rowley, vee pees st. s,, when he dropped a 14- Group Names Nominating Committee s,s. when he cropped ada. St. Presbyterian|Dec. 7 meeting. Further ar-|waska Valley, south of Algon Church Women, Group No. 5,/rangements were made for the\quin National Park, Monday held its November meeting at\association bazaar Dec. 4 at the morning the church hall. Mrs. G. C./Church hall, Group No. 5 will Dalgleish chaired the meeting!be in charge of apron table and led in prayer. Rev. W. J. S. McClure led the/ments will be made with Group down with one shot. Bible study, 'Two Men who|No. 4 to stage St Andrew's! more shots were fired to make Met God on the Gallows."|Night, Nov. 26 at the church.ure of the kill. The . animal This was followed by a ques-jhall weighed just over half a ton. tion and answer period Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. R Members were asked to bringijPickard and Mrs. Jack in the calendar plates at the|Cowan. Andrew's Rowley stated, icottage,"" Mr Monday." "about 8 a.m., ing for about jan hour. WIND WRONG "Starting out from the cot- 37,241 One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wollpoper and Murels @ Custom Draperies ®@ Broodioom @ C.LL, Paints and Varnishes ® Flo-Gloze Colorizer Poipts DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 ee Boosts Education Bill PARIS (Reuters) -- France will increase its expenditure on education to a record 17 per cent of the national budget next year. Almost one-fifth of all state revenué will be spent on educa- tion--on teaching in the present schools and universities and in building new ones. Education Minister Christian Fouchet said in a recent parlia-| mentary debate on the 1966 edu- cation budget that it was the | continuation. of an expansion | which, in the last few years had finally given national edu ation the priority it must have France's expenditure on edu- cation has almost doubled in) the last three years. J . Kinsmen Bantams Blank Legion The Whitby Kinsmen Bantamlagainst the Whitby Police) Hockey Club poured on thejteam, to pick up a 3-1 victory.| ressure in the bantam division|/Pete McCormack, Bob Stevens) of the Whitby Minor Hockeyjand Jim Obrjen tallied for thelihe. i yyy Hert Association League this week/Rotarians; while Mike Forbes} owing from a park area t when they blanked Branch 112,/scored for the losers. wards any moose in the. vicin- Legionnaires by 3-0. The first scheduled game, ity," the hunter stated. "I did Leading the Kinsmen to their)Abner's Esso against the Peel (/° think too much of this since win were B. Jones; J. Hodges|Wee All-Stars was cancelled); . ould carry my scent to the and J. Aikenhead. Kinsman net-|when the power failed. This) oos6 sitting down for a minder, Gordon Juby, turned in -_ 2S be played on Mon- breather I thought the situation a sparkling effort. keeping the/day, Nov. 15. : over, figuring it would be too Legion squad off the score) Future league games: Tues-|,.¢'s hike around the district sheet. day, Nov. 16, Rotary vs Kins-| 10-8 1 wanted to hunt so the In the second game, the|man; Legion vs. All-Stars and| ind would be blowing towards Rotary team came up fighting! Ab's Esso vs. Police team. ine "Moments after I nag tert I H ome stampin Kinette Club Plans Cake Draw 9 (witty text on eee Whitby Kinette Club held its] "Gentlemen's Night' will be) s s "Mothers and Guests Night' held Nov. 20 with the Kinettes Fluid il Wednesday at their dinner meetentertaning their husbands ing at the Spruce Villa Hotel. Tenltorm of a Christmas dinner| memeers, eight gg ge two| party Dec. 8 at the Spruce Villa! es ower ests were present. The presi-|Hotel. i. Marjorie Gartshore, pre-| The draw prize, donated by, A decrease in the sale of tided Kinette Judy Smith, was won|fluid milk, in August of this During the business session,|by Kinette Norma Souter. Thelyear in Ontario County, is re- inal arrangements were made|second draw, donated by Kin-\ported by the farm economics for the Christmas cake drajv tolette Club, was won by guest\and statistics branch of the be held Dec. 23 at the Snel-|Marjorie Connell. Ontario Department of Agricul- grove drug store. Tickets are| The remainder of the evening ture now on. sale. was spent playing cards Sales during the month : totalled 964,827 quarts. bie s Ld ° |compared with 1,023,635 quarts Fire Fighters Demonstrate Equipment in "August of the previous year The November meeting of Sin-|the fire fighters for a revealing|2"¢ 1,099,224 quarts in July of sarong sales 1 . ithis vear. clair Home and School Asso ia-jand pine poor program. There)" 4." increase was noted ih tion was held Tuesday evening|are 28 volunteer fire fighters at sales of buttermilk. The total at the school auditorium Thejthe Garrard rd. station A ques lfor August of this year was president, Mrs. G. W. Bryant, tion and answer period followed.| 4. 15,197 quarts. This com- welcomed all present _ The secretary Mrs William pared with 14,209 quarts in Prior to the business session Grylls, read the minutes. Mrs. aypnst, 164 and 17,668 quarts Mrs. Bryant introduced Harold| Bryant introduced Mr. Vierin,|in July of this year Bryan, Fire Chief of Garrard) the teacher of Grades 6 and 7. | Sales of chocolate dairy drink rd. Fire Department No. 2, who| It was decided that a Picture] were down. The figure for Aug- thanked the members for allow-jof the Queen be placed in thel ust of this year was 48,148 ing them to come and speak. (school. The 1965 - 66 proposed] qyarts. This compared with Chief Bryan introduced other|/Dudget was read by Mrs. Mur-|¢3 360 quarts in July of this year members of the fire department |") Brown and approved. It was|anq 49,399 quarts in August of who were present to demon-|the unanimous decision of thejjast year strate fire equipment. Ce guia A total of -- = i Andsay demon 5 wore = fluid cream were sold in Pointe gg ns Derg My while Pike "he Ce tee nny in August of pe ligt Chief Bryan named each item| choice will se micas meg ne | This compared wit : ; . Captain George} mh , inci-\gyarts in July of this year and ar dacenetuied, hazards {n)oa! Willem Haynes and _his|34 949 quarts in August, 1964. the house such as 'What fumes! ¥ ' ' -------- from cleaning fluid can do hills a ee ee how to get habe pegs Magan' outlined to the members| when cleaning floors die i 4 the Home and Schoo! Centennial be dane by opening oars 4nd project. She announced thal the pie toh 'al how hair spray Area C Conference would be emonstrate ' 4Y\held Nov. 20 at Central Col will burst into flames when it jegiate Institute. Oshawa comes in contact with a lighted' Phe door prize Gas "wan be match : Mrs. Ray McLaughlin. It was Fireman Art Wilson showed ajsuggested by one of the mem film on '"'What can happen in ajbers that a discussion be held Schoo} when there are notin the future on the subject "Are enough exits for the children to}summer vacations too long?" si ' The next meeting will be Jan. Frank Parrinder thanked|11 with the children taking part. -- wivicasmoameeroosmamee Ko | be no Christmas con- jcert in December due to lack of space in the auditorium Lunch was served by Grade 1 and 2 mothers. -- the STOLZENFELS KENNELS proudly announces the opening of their DOG BOUTIQUE WED. NOV. 10 @ Professional grooming service for all breeds @ Training, boarding and stud service available Please call for appointments Make your Christmas bookings early CAL} 655-4487 and a long haul ahead was the/and when I turned around, there cottage story brought back to Whitby| The moose, estimated to be|round between three and threé andjspine. It was decided that arrange-\, half years old, was brought/where it was after which the|where | really appreciated hav-! Three | hunter finished the animal off.|/ing an aluminum boat. The| boat cut through the ice with-/ out any trouble at all,' he said.) "shot the moose just across|r ape Mr |Crevice Lake from my summer} He| I went across|to haul that moose back to the) the windjlake,"' Mr. Rowley said. o-|I got it back to the water's edge | | | Rowley, 1,000 Byron: st. s., National Park Whitby, the successful hun- ter. Mr, Rowley shot the 14-pointer near Madapaska Valley, south of Algonquin shot.. Three more finished the moose off Whitby Hunter Bags 14-Point Bull Moose and found about was this big creature looking! straight at me," Mr. Rowley "That really threw me for said loop,"' Moving cautiously, the hunter|what made matters worse w reached his rifle three away, took aim and through the The moose over the surface fired ajboat was frozen After moose's;worked on it for a while dropped |finaiiy got it going and that up |HORSE NEEDED "The moose was about and one a half miles from Crevice) Rowley said, "so! "This is the first have made big kill in Ontario," jit looked like I was in for iquite a haul." He said he re- traced his steps to the lake jish Columbia but this into deer have been dropped by t |hunter since moving to he admitted head boat and, after driving town, picked up a farm horse. "The horse was really needed |Province, The "moose will such then|Parts of the' animal, figure the hide and feet, \future plans as well. "Part of the hide will I butchered the animal gave up for the day with night closing in." LAKE ICE COVERED An unexpected problem arose|feet the next day when Mr. Rowley/weights." He brought the animal down with one shots --Oshawa Times Photo Mr. Rowley stated, "but [96.0 feet\the fact that the motor of my Mr. |Rowley said. I've hunted bears, goats end other animals in Brit- is my said he had only been out hunt: sped across the water in hig|Dest trophy in Ontario. Several this "When|mounted and adorn a wall in \Mr. Rowley's front room. Other ltanned," he said, "and, the may make good paper 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 12, 1968 § Butter Make Is Lower Commercial dairies in Ontario County paid $156,180. for the 3,821,520 pounds of milk pur- chased from district producers in August of this year. Of the milk purchased 2,632,456 pounds sold for an average price of WHITBY DISTRICT 'BOWLING SCORES WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesdey) Tripies 620 and over -- 'Les ® (288-253); Chas Nash 692 (273-222); Wi Goring Bruce Henderson derende 658 (243 Bill Hi remainder brought an average! singies of $2.70 per hundredweight. er ah Vv The department of agriculture states 79,556 pounds of cream- ery butter were made in the county during September of this year. This compared with 86,498 pounds in September, 1964. The make of creamery butter) Berber Shop 4; A and T for the nine months of this year|{;,* ® 3) in the county is 801,709 pounds. The figure for the same period of last year was 847,547 pounds, A total of 269,256 pounds of) creamery butter were made in. September of this year in me United Counties of Durham an ; Northumberland. The figure BOR een cues i oun the same month last year was|mary Amell 599; Jean Ward 580; Farquhar 578, Leurraine Mi 573 $280,553 pounds. Tedys Wiles S69, Isable, Ferndsie 7 221; Geo Childs 221; Ron Childs 220, Team Standings -- Whi Barber Shop 1; Whitby ice 1s J. B. McMullan Real Estate 6, WHITBY LADIES CANDY 'BOWLING LEAGUE Savers 1; Lolipops 3; Maple ities for the nine months of this|Moase S41, Dimple Gough 534). J lyear was 2,277,967 pounds; while) scare iz?) Kay Feuvile Si9s, \the figure for the same period lof 1964 was 2,386,879 pounds. |r 50! and Allce Bradley |. The make of cheddar cheese| pees ema jduring September in the United|236; Katie Loyst 235; R \Counties was 637,124 pounds| Rose Peleshok, 229; Doro }compared with 608,288 pounds in| Barker 225; ithe same month of 1964 |make for the nine months of this| 40 and "lovee Plenard. 20 lyear was 4,494,403 pounds com-|. Cellar Dwellers: Jackie Banks 96,86 |pared with 4,034,169 pounds for|Avdrey, Barker 87; Dorothy Brandt the same period of last year. Betty Pascoe 242 'a! Brandt 228 isabel Farndale 219; |Mildred Thomas 86. _ {Rotary Club here about her six 237) Mi om, Gauvin, 646 (232)) | Crossroads Africa who worked $5.23 per hundredweight. The|{nolich $4) (244) Earl Cane 690 (232); 220 and over -- Bill Lundmark 'anderende 257-234; Don Reed itby Hotel 5; Joker's 5; Lewis Custom Tailors 4; Sam's Motors 4; Drew's ie Wine Assoc. Points for The ODay: Allsorts 3; Gum- drops 1; Humbugs 3; Jelly Beans 1; Life Buds | and Pascoe 613; Marg 567; : fot ., Gi The make in the United Coun-|Katie Loyst 561; Liz Martin 584; Bernice King 505; Ruby Schieder 504; Grace Sand- 50 500. Laurraine Myers |Kay Fertile 227; Mary Amell 225; Audrey Lil The | Munns 2\8; Jean King 213; Jean Ward 212; Liz Martin 211, 2. ai Also 2nd Feature Attrection Cutie Grant 84; Evelyn Jeppessen 91 and | GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS GROW | ove 32% ° In 5 Years When interest ot 594% is left to compound, © WORKED IN AFRICA BROCKVILLE, Ont. (CP)-- An attractive Queen's Univer- sity student recently told the weeks in Africa last summer. Elizabeth Love was one of 140 Canadian students in Operation with "natives building schools and hospitals. POLITICAL BAN, LIFTED SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) Public protest brought the gov- ernment of Prime Minister Ian _|Smith to rescind a decision that government - aided students should sign an undertaking to abstain from political activity. BROCK Evening Programs at 6:5! WHITBY Saturday Matinee ot 'Phe Professor's A et on sown 7 "FRANCIS IN THE NAVY" with The department reports the following percentages of dairy products marketed in paper and) plastic containers in MUSCLES WORK FAST Ontario|\the British annual aimilk, 46.9; partly termilk, 69.5; chocolate dairy|-- inniopiocele \drink, 84.0; cereal cream,} 6 O'CLOCK RELAXER A\ a whipping cream, 60.2; as|table cream, 85.1; sour cream, 1) Oil To Be Sought Off N.Z. Coast WELLINGTON (Reuters) -- I Five oil prospecting companies will begin geophysical surveys this southern summer for an oil and natural gas search off the; New Zealand coast. The New Zealand government has issued the companies with petroleum prospecting licences New Zealand continental shelf, extending from the three-mile territorial limit to the 100.) fathom marks he be as OEE STs in SEEK SUNKEN RELICS A team of amateur divers is exploring the remains of a Da- nish fleet which foundered in be Pedal-driven cars built for ; 4 y "soap-box sounds. coming from behind mej;went down to the lake from his\County in August: standard fluid|qerby" can reach a speed of skimmed/39 m.p.h. on a quarter - mile quarter of an inch of ice all milk, 50.4; skim milk, 53.4: but-| course, q Donald O'Connor -- Martha Hyer ------ TALKS GARS INTEGRITY AND THE AUTOMOBILE DEALER There is hardly a business in the world that doesn't have its odd) black sheep. Though no worse than any other, the car business is no exception. \t's quite easy to understand why other- wise ible car deal for inst decide to use a low advertised price os bait to a while the "hook" in the deal lies disguised under They ere simply trying to set themse! apart people will think they can get the best deal at their shop. Motorists who buy on price alone ore the real cause of thi practice, If the gimmick didn't work, no dealer would use But here is the contradiction though. All buyers, including the most energetic price shoppers, are merely trying to get the most reol VALUE for their hard earned money. 1¢ a dealer pockets the factory new car preparation cherge, for instance, end delivers cars with a wash and a polish for a few dollars fess, it is the customer who is stung, Or the customer con lose by getting the brush off in he deserves service. Or in juggled finance figures. eee esaepeeeteneeeneed 1566 in a storm off the island of Gotland. We believe that the significant difference between all cars, both new and used, is the dealer who sells them, Price is but ; Here's the newest dollar sign NATIONAL TRUST "SAVINGS | NTS | shiny, new, silver dollars! of $10.00 or more. there! But that's not ail. We'll extra bonus of 10¢ per ten per account. time-tested plans to accumula' dollars for you! Save with. safety--look into National! in Oshawa?! ri To call attention to the installation of our new revolving sign, we are giving away All you have to do to get yours, is to open a Savings Account at our Simcoe Street office, You'll get your silver dollar right then and to a maximum extra bonus of ten dollars There's never been a better time to onen a Savings Account at National! You'll get a shiny, new, silver dolar. You'll make extra bonus dollars. You'll enjoy the benefits of our longer office hours, free chequing facilities, higher interest, and a choice of four Look for our new sign--it's worth free -- where a special silver-dollar-bonus waits for you! \ a \ cK also give you dollar deposit ite money. National Trust SINCE 1898 one thing to be considered. You must compare ALL. of the deal. -- This ts @ policy thot has served ws end our customers well. 1f you ore in the market for en bile, we would like te talk te you end show you how it con serve you too, STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge ot the WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundas St. W. Whitby The Finest in Nightly Entertainment Proudly Presents THE FABULOUS BOBSMITHS "CANADA'S MOST VERSATILE COMEDY DUO" @ Whitby's Finest Eniertainment Nighily ai 9 P.M. @ Matinee Safurday. ..3 p.m. to 5. p.m. JAMES MAHER--Manoger

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