Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1965, p. 5

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IST R aac WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Whitby, Tweed Teams Decide Championship WHITBY (Staff) -- The Henry Street High School junior foot- Seu tea Wii meet -a-strong 'Tweed High School team in a sudden death game this Satur- day afternoon in Whitby to de- cide the COSSA junior football championship, The big game, complete with 'ttractive cheerleaders repre- Barbershop Quartet Next Wednesday evening is tmefit band concert night in 'hitby, with the Whitby Brass bands, both senior and junior taking over the Henry Street High Fool. Activities begin at $ p.m with guest appearances be made by Oshawa Barber- shop singers. _ AN proceeds of the gala event, Nov. 17 will be in aid of the Whitby General Hospital. A sell out crowd is expected to attend. Heading up the program as master of ceremonies is Gerry, Price, announcer at radio sta- tion CKLB, Oshawa. He will in- troduce members of the Whitby General Hospital Board and each special event in the pro- gram. In addition to a fine selection ' Mayoralty Candidates To Speak All three candidates for the Whitby mayoralty will be guests of the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, Tuesday, Nov. 16, at a special public meeting.at 8 p.m. at 8 p.m. at the Kathleen Rowe Public school, Athol st. - The candidates will answer questions and present their re- Designed to provide fun and frolic for both young and old, a Hootenany will be hel din the old Anglican Church Hall, Centre st. n., Whitby, tomorrow beginning at 8.30 p.m. The event will feature Pres- ton Wynn, local recording star and a host of youthful talent, wnder the sponsorship of the Anglican Church Young Peo- ple's Association. Among the many guest stars) expected to attend the gala event are the Trident Two, mak- ing their first public appear- ance in Whitby. The talented couple, from Peterborough, Cris Cuddy on the harmonica and Maurice Switzer on the guitar, senting each school, starts at 12 noon. The game is expected to provide all the thrills of the Grey Cup game to be played in Toronto \ater this month. Spectators attending the game will enter the field through a fenced off area. A small admis- sion will be charged by the stu- dent council, Champions To Sing of band music arranged for the program, the concert will fea- ture the 'Four In Accord', Osh- awa Chapter's recent Barber- shop Quartet District Cham- pions, The champion quartet, all members of the Oshawa Chap- ter, Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in Amer- ica, will present some of the many songs that helped it win the coveted trophy. Some tickets are still avail- able but are going fast, concert committee members suggested. Anyone wishing to obtain a guaranteed seat is urged to pick up a ticket at the earliest pos- sible moment. The Singing Boys of Mon- terrey,. 30 dark-eyed choris- ters from Mexico, will sing at the Kingsway College Auditorium Oshawa __ this spective platforms. The meeting is open to the public with every resident of the community urged to attend this highly important event. Candidates will present pre- pared addresses, answer pre- pared questions and also, ques-| tions from the floor. WHITBY -- The Royal Cana- Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Plans For Christmas Party Recording Star Hootenany Attraction | Saturday evening. The boys under the guidance of their director Dr. Felipe Jedesma will perform a wide variety of classical and Mexican | |King, reported Mrs. Florie will be presenting Bob Dylan type songs in addition to songs written by Cris. Hugh Laurence and Avis Leg- gett will present Pete Siegar type songs while Gordon (Gord.) Peck will entertain the audience on the guitar. Through- out the evening an old type sing-along will carry the theme jof the program. All young people between the ages of nine and ninety are urged to come out and attend the special event with the dress strictly informal. Relaxation and good wholesome entertain- ment are the key factors in this event, it was reported. Ratepayers Sponsor Election Meeting candidates and the chairman of the Whitby Public Schoo! Board will ad- dress the public at a special meeting in R. A. Hutchinson Public School, Nov. 15. Host for night is the Blair Park Vista tion. The meeting is open to the general public with all. resi- ee of the community urged 'o attend. Questions will be ask- ed from the floor following each ', Mayorality Whitby Guides Take Tenderfoot Test | The Second Whitby Guides held its November meeting at the United Church House. Mrs. Taylor opened the meeting with the Guide prayer and "Queen." The company was happy to have an honored guest, Miss H. Winters, who tested the Tenderfoot Guides and prepared them for their enrolment. During the testing Sharon the! speaker's address. begins at 8 p.m. Keeping in time with local municipal affairs, the ratepay- ers' association has also sched- uled a public meeting for Nov. 22 at the same school at the same time. The second meeting will fea- ture candidates for election to both town council and the school board, it was announced. Douglass gave the local knowl- edge test to the Second Class Guides, Afterwards the group The event dian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary|/Adam is still in Oshawa Gen- held a business meeting Nov, 9/eral Hospital. at the Legion Hall. The presi-| Bon voyage wishes were ex-| dent, Mrs, Phyllis Norris, was)tended to Mrs. Helen in the chair. A new member,|will be visiting her daughter in Mrs. Elizabeth Mitten, was wel-| Vancouver for a month. Mem- comed, bers will look forward to her} The auxiliary Christmas party] return. will be held in the Legion Hall) 'The euchre, Dec, 14. Mrs, Ann Stanlick is) usually held in} suinton thet dnlens their. dues|tioned that the auxiliary had) are paid they cannot vote. |provided sandwiches, hot choco- It was announced that a bus/late, etc. to those who sold will leave Legion Hall; Nov, 15|Poppies Nov. 6. A cheque was at 7.30 p.m., for Bowmanville|issued by the Ladies' Auxiliary to attend a social evening. to pay for this. Jean) The next meeting will be aj - |social with Vi Parkinson as con- The sick convener, Mrs. Lark who|° MEXICAN CHORISTERS TO SING IN OSHAWA folk works, The choir is on a North American tour which will take them the length and breadth of the WHITBY DISTRICT! BOWLING SCORES, MONDAY MIXED BOWLING November 6, 1965 Team Standings -- County Bowl 7, Crackpots 7, Headpins 7, Sabre Jets 7, Poker Chips 7, Rockets 5, Woodpeckers 5, G-B-Jays 4, Lucky Thirteens 3, Whitby Cleaners 3, Neighbours 3, Wobbly Pins 0, Triples, 600 and Over (276, 253), Harvey Roberts 705 (269, 244), Vi Jordan 723 Sleepers 0, Blowers 0, Nitwits 0, Ringers t; Fee: te! vation Fa geaig ine ionising papell THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 11, 1965 § MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet Union showed off. Sunday a huge rocket which it said is capable of triggering a sur- prise nuclear attack from space. The rocket had been shown once before but its capabilities were described for the first time Sunday, during the mam- moth military parade marking the 48th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution that in- stalled communism in Russia. The Russians said the 115- foot rocket could put a nuclear warhead into orbit around the earth, From the first or any later orbit, an official! an- Russ Say Rocket Poses New Threat From Space nouncement said, ground. con- trol could fire the nuclear war+ -- "unexpectedly" at a tar- get. Orbiting of a nuclear-armed weapon Would vioiaie a United Nations agreement which the Soviet Union and the U.S. have signed. The Russians, however, said only that they were cap- able of launching such a weapon, not that they had 50. : TAKES TOP SPOT The orbital missilé received the place of honor, the last spot, in the parade through Red Square. THE WHITBY & AJAX BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY Before it in the parade came a mobile missile which the Rus- sians described as invulnerable. Top Soviet leaders and Cuban Armed Forces Minister Raul Castro, the brother of Premier Fidel Castro, stood atop Lenin's tomb between snowflurries and flashes of sun, watching the parade. CORNS "tc" Fastest Relief For This Foot Trouble This size =. Yang ab them separate D! Scholls Zino-pads Tay %* DRAPES * BROADLOOM * PAINTS * WALLPAPER DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 United States and include principal Canadian cities. Saturday's concert starts at CONSULT A LICENSED REALTOR FOR EXPERT ADVICE OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 515 Brock St. S. Whitby | ~--s MARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 © INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL - © COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET WHITBY coon 8 p.m, ee TAKE AIM AT WEEVIL ARNOLD' LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP)-- S Scientists at the agricultural) 115 Brock N. -- WHITBY research centre here are begin- ning a two-year study of-how to control sweet clover weevils. They hope special methods of cultivation will be the cheapest way of controlling the insect which kills or stunts summer Save on Govt. Inspected Meats of Known Quality. MIDGET HOCKEY THURS., NOV. 11, 8 P.M. Whitby vs Markham 'allow, || Support the local boys from the Richard Sandford 696 (254, 260), Earl Smith 692 (254, 239), Ruth Frank 651 (222, 236), Vern Brooks 650 (230, 228), Sam Peake 649 (256, 211), Clare Holter 649 | Whitby Minor Hockey Assoc. Mercury Furniture and Appliances * Phillips %* Clairtone * GE. FREE DELIVERY Harwood, Ajax 942-3711 ROYAL | HOTEL Feoturing: @ Excellent Culsine @ Quiet Atmosphere f@ Fully Licensed Enjoy an evening out 171 Brock N. 668-5012 JUST ARRIVED ! (256, 246), Bill Hewis 646 (217, 278), Cari Pascoe 645 (222, 207, 216), Doug Rowden the Legion Hall every Monday, ae ye 209, 218), Merv, Bemis 630 (235, | [ : 205), Jim White 6 208, | jconvener of the supper. The] will not be held until fufther| ovina' sy (eeu chuck einen yan \nomination and election of offi-|notice, 201, 214), Lil Peake 613 (240, 247), Doug | Sie : Puckrin 611 (204, 227), Bett cers and executive members) yrs' Dorothy Ormiston men-| (22, 204). ny Sone Singles, 200 and Over --- Noel Edey 254, Keith Laundry 248, Jenny Gowler 245, Rita Cane 244, Terry Plumbe 241, John Hendricks 229, Harold Moore' 228, Clara Rowden 223, Ron Pascoe 221, Verna Sandford 220, Grace Sandford 219, 207, Allin Hewis 217, Grace Scholten 214, Marion Roberts 213, Marty Jordan 213, fo more TO MEASURE . SAMPLES @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors --e-- New Fall Tailored | i For As Little As $25.00 DOWN You Own : A QUALITY CAR from NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK N, » USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP | CONNELLY SCHOOL | of DANCING vener, Members are reminded that| the deadline for names for the Legion Children's Christmas party is Dec. 4. Names will not be accepted after this date. The form to list the children's names is at the Legion Hall or the sec- retary of the Legion Auxiliary, | Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston, could be' contacted. The date for the Chil- dren's party is Dec. 19. Whitby Bridge Club Winners | | Ariye Murphy 212, Myrna Brown 211, . Joan Denyer 210, Chris. Adair 210, Cyril 129 Brock St. S., Whitby |] . Dancing Garratt 208, Mickey McMaster 207, Paul PHONE 668-2091 Instruction Frank 201, Kon Scholten 200, from 4 years seins of age. Classes for Ladies. BENEVOLENT REBEKAH LODGE = [fj resiver now for Fell term ~ 513 Mary E. BAZAAR BAKE SALE & TEA 1.0.0.F. HALL -- Brock St. $. -- Whitby SAT., NOV. 13th BEAVER LUMBER Co. LTD. : "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes &. Whitby 668-3331 Dor-Mar Beauty & Where it's s0 @ easy to look oe So nice. FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 Monuments in stone and marble | seas 2:30 to 5 P.M. 4 Generotions of Experience formed a circle and sang songs when Mrs. Taylor gave thanks land welcomed Miss |back again. Miss Winters closed the meet- ing with this thought "In the word Guide "U" comes before "yp, Mrs. H. M. Jermyn To Open Bazaar Mrs, Harry Jermyn, wife of Magistrate Jermyn, will open the bazaar, tea and bake sale to be held by the Afternoon Branch of All Saints Anglican Church Parish Guild Nov, 17 in the parish hall between 2.30 and § pm. ; Peosiving will be: President hare. Charles Daly, Honorary president Mrs. Stanley Arm- strong. Mrs, Ethel Quilter will be at the door. Conveners of the booths are: bake table, Mrs. Ronald Carter and Mrs. E. L. Hurlbert; mis- cellaneous booth, Mrs. George Ei and Mrs. R. E Smith; children's table, Miss Louise MelIntosh. and Mrs. Thomas Henstock; candy booth, Mrs. L. C. Dewsbury and Mrs. Donna Martin; Christmas stock- ing, Mrs. Milton Halpenny and Mrs. Muriel Carroll; aprong booth, Mrs. Edith Watts and Miss Edwin Barnes; used book counter, Mrs. L. R. Green. In charge of kitchen will Mrs, F. 5, McGary. conveners are Mrs, Ear! Dilling and Miss Alma Rowe. Coffee and tea pvill be served. Tea hostesses for the Novem- ber meeting were: Mrs. George _|Levingston and Mrs, Edith Watts. Band Auxiliary To Serve Refreshments 'The Whitby Brass Band La- dies Auxiliary held its meeting at the band social room. The president, Mrs, George Foster, chaired the meeting. Plans were made group to serve lunch to mem-; bers of the band and their fam- ilies and also the visiting choir quests following the band con-| cert Nov. 17 at Henry Street High School. Mrs. Morley Smith, treasurer, reported on the successful rum- mage and bake sale recently theld, for the! The auxiliary on Dec. 13 will! Spruce Villa Hotel. This replaces the regu- jlar meeting Tea hostesses were Mrs. Stan ley Redfearn and Mrs. Walter 'Church. lenjoy dinner at CWL Plans Mistletoe Ball 6t. John the the Parish Hall Tuesday even- ing. The president, Mrs. H. C Munro, chaired a short busi- ness session. Members were reminded of the annual bazaar to be held Nov. 27 at Denis O'Connor High School, She also mentioned that articles for the bazaar could be jeft in a box at the back of the church. & The annual 'Mistletoe Ball grill be held Dec. 4 at the parish hall from 9 till 12 midnight This is a CWL project, the music will be by Gerry Darby- shire and his orchestra. Tickets are $3.00 per colple and can be obtained from ticket convener. Mrs. Robert Mackey at 668-4089 The Dec. 7 meeting will be in the form of a Christmas party at 8.30 p.m. Following the business meet- Evangelist CWLiing members enjoyed card held its November meeting at/games. Proceeds will go to- jwards the purchase of gifts for Fairview Lodge residents. The winners and high scores BROCK Evening Programs at 6:55 & 8:25 318 Dundes €. 668.3552 BUSI*'FSS OF THE WEEK ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock N. easeenessinteeanenssenatessenseemesemmersee el BREIL TER MER AJAX CLEANERS @ COLD STORAGE @ SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 72 HARWOOD &,, AJAX Winters! § of the games played by the Robert Rodman, a former WINS SCHOLARSHIP | members of the Whitby Dupli- leate Bridge Club were: | North and South -- E. Coles) jand Georgie Bovay, 93%; Mrs.) Love and Mrs. Baxter, 85; Mrs.| {Thompson and Mrs, Vick, 75; \Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. Wilson,| Saturday Matinee at 1:30 WHITBY , Phe Proiessor's Apprentice goes way-out on hisownt ABNER'S ESSO featuri rv THE GREAT NEW One of the finest hotels in Whitby is the Royal Hotel ot 171 Brock N. The Royal features 20 cleon mod- ern rooms for rental by the day or week along with beverage rooms, cocktail lounge and dining lounge all fully licensed. Famous for its ARMSTRONG HOMES Proudly Presents Henny Street High School pupil, was awarded a $550 scholarship at McMaster University's recent convoca- tion. Robert, the son of Mr. 7544; Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Baker, | 7314; Mr. and Mrs, Hutcheson, | 173. | | East and West Mr. and and Mrs. G. Rodman, of |Mrs. Cole, 97%; Mr. McCuaig | Church st., Pickering, is jand Mrs. Bovay, 96; Mrs. Cross- studying Applied Math- |man and Miss Wilson, 914; Mr. ematics and Theoretical land Mrs, Goodwin, 91; Mrs. Physics Welch and Mrs. Bowman, 734.| S| ET | Tas tahl oawet @9WFIr ei c = STOLZENrELS KENNELS proudly announces the opening of their DOG BOUTIQUE WED. NOV. 10 @ Professional grooming service for all breeds @ Training, boarding and stud service available i Please call for appointments \ Make your Christmas bookings early CALL 655-4487 Red Wing Orchards uqgests Sur CRISP JUICY APPLES 7 TELEVISION - RADIO HOLMES ELECTRONICS 24-Hour Service wuirsy 668-5679 { LUNCHBOX TREAT Roadside Market Open Saturday & Sunday -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. COLD STORAGE OPEN Monday through Friday 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Located 22 Miles West of Whitby on Highway No. 2 at the "Big Red Apples" a FRANCIS IN TE Donaid O'Connor Aiso 2nd Feature Attraction TLIE WIA RAMBLER | Secretarial | Overload Service ve tirwie 1003 Brock $. 668-5391 | ssid Wb ce 1E NAVY with aa oe 68 -- Martina tyer ® SECRETARIES ® TYTS ® EXTRA STAFF NOMINATIONS * MAILING & DUPLICATING SERVICES | 101 Dundas W. 668-8181 Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the TOWN OF WHITBY fine cuisine the dining lounge ot place to enjoy a meal out. The at- mosphere leaves nothing to be de- sired and your every wish will be catered to. Don't delay, enjoy an evening at the Royal today. Park- ing is no problem at the Royal as large tot ot-the-rear-of the Hotel to accommodate their many patrons. Piano music is feo- tured in ineir fine cocKian tounge where the quiet friendly surround- ings ore made for an evening of relaxation it's the Royal Hotel at meal or just a quiet evening of relaxation, its the Royal Hotel at hi iit dine METS SS the Royal Hotel is an excellent Southwood Park Ajax and Rolling Hills Estates Olive & Grandview, Oshawa 942-2401 43 SHERWOOD E. PICKERING = lender Lenderost &< #1> JUST OPENED! WHITBY MEAT MARKET For the purpoas of nominating SES and SEPARATE SCHOOL condidates than ore required opened in the places named in Town of Whitby, ond will be open from 10:00 longer. in the County of Ontario that in pli in that behalf | require the presence of the said Electors at the Municipal Building, 405 Dundas St, W. in the said TOWN of WHITBY at the Hour of 7:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, NOV. 18th, 1965 office of MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, COUNCILLORS, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONERS, PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUST- Whitby: of which all electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if @ greater number of nominated and make the required declerations, polls will be MONDAY, DEC. 6th, 1965 with the $ HORTON'S STUDIO @ INDUSTRIAL @ CHILD STUDIES @ PORTRAITS @ WEDDINGS 942-1110 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX fit end proper persons for the 171 Brock Nl. in Whitby, 668.6981" Sei Swurrey Thing Homer; Cptred Fort GOOLD'S Been wh BROUGHTON || FURNITURE MOTORS % Licensed Mechanics % General Repairs .. * Quality Fina Products 1101 Brock S. 668-8211 SPECIAL... New -- Unpainted Furniture and Chrome Kitchen Sets 215 DUNDAS ST. E, 668-5481 GEO. HARDING EXCAVATING Trenching is Our Specialty FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 668-3566 411 Fairview Dr, TRUSTEES for the Town of to fill the said offices ore the proclamation, in the said a.m. until 7:00 p.m. end ne Whitby DX OIL Now is the time to to arrange for your FUEL OIL from DX. 668-3341 No. 2 Hwy. Whitby LEHN'S BAKERY + Specializing nm ©@ Cokes © Pastries Open 10 a.m.- 9 p.m. Tues., Sot., Sun. 12-9 p.m. 668-8111 114 Lupin Drive Whitby HOMELITE Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve and six Councillors ere to be elected for @ term of twe years. Four public Utility Commis- sioners are to be elected for a term of two years. Eight Public School Trustees are to be elected for a term of two years, Eight Separate School Trustees for « term of two yeers. XL-12 @ Custom Cutting SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas St. E. | ici | JOHN R, FROST, Returning Officer. SHORTY"S CIGAR STORE * Brigham Briar Pipes * Guns * Ammunition * Cameras * Films HOURS 8 AM, -- 10 P.M. DAILY 121 Brock N. 668-8361 Whitby -- Ph, 668-3226 JNSURANCE Geo, H. Vick Ltd. 668-3579 and 668-3330 108 Brock N. Whitby th aan Maran

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