; ' i } ih naan na ---------- 6 THE COHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Movember 10, 1965 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Court Orders Farmer Pay Account Balance BOWMA ~~ A_Ponty- farmer was charged under the Maser and Servants Act in gistrate's Court here Tues- day. Jacob VanDam, RR 1, ad- mitted that he had witheld $22.50 reason. "Happy" DeHann laid the tharge claiming that amount owing for custom combin- . He said that he had been for everything except the four days' work in Septem- ber when his employer ordered him off the farm. VanDam claimed that DeHann had stolen his coin collection, including a five-guilden gold jece, a Christmas present from is aunt in Holland, now de- ceased, and worth more than its face value of $12.50 for senti- mental reasons, | Evidence disclosed that De- lann had used the coin collec- ion as part payment on a car. fome of the coins had been re- turned to the owner by the lice. Conviction for this theft ad resulted in DeHann's ar- rest and conviction in Port Hope Magistrate's court, He had spent 30 days in jail Magistrate R. B. Baxter listened to both men and de cided that Van Dam pay De- Hann $10 and $7 court costs A Trenton man, stopped by olice on Highway 401 because is car had faulty tail lights, appeared charged with failing to produce evidence of insur- ance and driving while his li- cence was under suspension. Francis William Mills, 71 De- laney st., told the officers he had left his licence at home, but showed them a slip of paper with the licence number on it In lieu of insurance, he show- ed them an unsatisfied judg- ment slip After making sure the tail lights were repaired at a ser- vice station, the officers allow- ed Mills to continue on his way toward Orillia, They were not satisfied with the explanation, however, and checked with Tren- Aces Clobber Indians 9-3 QUEBEC (CP)--Quebec Aces ton police, followed Mills and stopped him at Manchester, Mills argued his own case at great length. Magistrate Bax: ter reserved judgment to Dec. 9 at Brighton, commenting that he intended to do a little checking himself, Two teenage lads were charg: ed under the Liquor Control Act. The penalty for Donald Mason, 405 Athol st,, Whitby, was $50 and costs, or seven liquor. Magistrate R. B, Bax- ter ordered the beer confiscated Gerald Cummings, RR 1, Port Perry, was fined the same amount -for a similar offense, plus $25 and costs, or five days, for drinking under age. Both charges were laid after police received complaints of trouble at the dance hall Caesarea, They were asked to stop and check all cars, days for illegal possession of} Bell Service Criticized PICKERING (Staff) -- Picker- ing Village officials attacked the Bell Telephone Co, day night afier feesiving = asking for comments on Bell's service in the village. Several councillors objected to the village being listed in the phone directory with Ajax and said they felt the village should have a separate listing. Councillor Basil Kearney ob- jected to service charges by the companyweach time a phone was |moved. Mr, Kearney said since 'he rented the phone from the leompany he saw no need in charging for the installation since no other rental company charges installation fees, Council also objected to hav- ling to wait a long time for the operator, Village Clerk Bruce Hogarth said that on one occa- sion he waited for 40 rings be- fore the operator answered, Councillors also objected to jthe long distance charge to West Hill which was closer to the vil- Hlage than Oshawa which could |be dialed without charge, the } Pickering Board Debates Circulation Of Minutes PICKERING (Staff) -- The Pickering and District School Board decided night that minutes of its meet- ing will be further studied be- lfore they are sent to the area 'high school teachers federation. \Board members felt so minutes of their meetings were jnot public property. The federation, in a letter to lthe board, asked that three |copies of the board's minutes be isent to the organization as well as a brochure including the names and addresses of board |diction the minutes to the federation was defeated while a motion to further study the matter was passed by the board its public relations committee. tion and passed the matter md | One member, Ithey were run off on a dupli- jeating machine and would in- jvolve very little work, | Board Superintendent C, Rich- the absenteeism of teachers at the Dunbarton School, Trustees |R. H, Brown and E, Crooks said they had received calls from |parents complaining students at jthe school had unsupervised study periods. Mr. Richardson advised the members, and staff of the three|board that commencement exer: Ischools under the board's juris-\cises will be held at the Pick-| ering District High School on! One motion refusing to send|Nov, 12, Ajax High School on! 19 and at Dunbarton High Nov School Nov, 26 The board also decided pe" day or $25. parents attend service, fo raise wages for supply teachers | The board decided to acknowl-jeffective Noy. 1, Teachers will) edge the letter from the federa-|be receiving .5 per cent of the| yearly minimum salary of $5,000) Church Plans Home Visits KEDRON (TC) ~ On Sunday fternoon, Nov. 14, visitors will be Calling of ithe members andj adherents of Kedron United Church. The purpose of this program is to express the con- jcern of the church for all its people and to inform them of new programs within the church fo serve various age groups. The visitation will be concerned with budgets and finances, Prior to the visitation there will be a congregational supper at the church Nov, 11 begin- ning with dessert and coffee at 7.30 p.m, John K, Glover is general chairman of the visitation com- mittee, Conveners are Rev, Win- nifred Bridges, Harold Werry, Mrs, Ross Lee, Marvin Hannah and Murray Jackson, ~ One of the innovations at Ked- ron United Church this year is a baby tending service during the morning service, Children) and infants too young for the Junior Sunday School can be left in the lower hall where they will be cared for while their Gowns are being made for the jjunior choir, who will be taking part in the services during the Christmas season, The chorist- To Attend 4-H BROUGHAM (TC) --_ Miss Margaret Miller, eldest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Millar, s Grade 12 student at Pickering District tiigh Schodi, will be one of seven girls repre- senting the province at the National 4-H Conference Nov, 11 to 17 in Ottawa, The delegates will spend three days in Ottawa and three in Toronto, Each Ontario girl will wear a grey kilt, navy blazer and grey tam. The Ontario crest will be on the pocket of the blazer, Margaret's cousin, Ken Knox of RR 1, Hampton, will also be one of the seven Ontario boys attending, ACTIVE WORKER Ken has been active in 4H Agricultural Club work and in the Ontario Junior Farmers' Association, A' student at the Kemptville Agricultural School, he has completed 26 agricultural clubs, Ken has participated in both regional judging competi- tions and Provincial Inter-Club competitions, This year he was on the winning provincial 4-H demonstration team, Ken attended Junior Farmer Provincial Leadership Camp in 1964 and this year he is Secre- of the church choir and a mem- jers are directed by Mrs, Grant | Hunter, Mrs. Steve Sobil, Mrs. John High|Brown, said she saw no reason/and Mrs, Roy Nottingham are Tuesday|minutes could not be sent since ing jeaders of the CGIT group which meets month about on |Thursday evenings at Kedron, \Columbus and Raglan, Mrs. me of the ardson said he would look into|poss Brown and Mrs. Bruce Vaillancourt are the leaders ofl be received by Their Excellen- the Explorer Group, fin ization, Ken is also active in | sports, Mrs. R. H./K. Glover, Mrs, Allan Francis) One hundred and forty senior jmembers of 4-H Clubs from 10 iprovinces, eight 4-H members |from the United States and, for the first time, a delegation of ltwo girls and one woman lead- jer from the North West Terri tories, In Ottawa the delegates will leles, Governor-General and Two District Young People tary of his local club, A member) ber of the church's youth organ-| Conference Agricultural Winter the O'Keefe Centre. After the annual banquet on Nov. 17 a farewell party will follow and the delegates will depart for their home provinces on Nov, 18. Madame Vanier, at Govern ment House, At dinner in the evening they will receive their gga of Canadian Citizen- p. FLY TO TORONTO Saturday morning the dele- gates will tour the National Art Gallery and then fly to Toronto where they will register at the Royal York Hotel. In the eve- ning they will attend the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens, Sunday, delegates will attend church service and then travel to Niagara Falls by bus. Monday morning the confer: ence will be addressed by Pro- Political Economy, discussions. During the week the dele- fessor Paul Fox, Department of University of Toronto, followed by group BUNNY TURNED SCALE The heaviest rabbit on rec- ews eetst=4 44 xi wa weigned 24 pounds. One-Stop | DECORATING SHOP © Broadioom © CLL, Paints and Vernishes © Flo-Gleze Colorizer Peipts DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 | Jean Becker's | Becker's Own Liquid --~ Reg, 5% OPEN 9 A.M, m gates pill attend the Royal L/ BECKER'S -: =," =a" THE ORIGINAL MILK JUG STORE BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT BECKER'S Prices Effective Wed,, Nov, 10th, te Sat., Nev, 13th. Becker's Own 40 on, at, Plus Deposit The BECKER MILK Store BLAIR PARK PLAZA ~--- WHITBY REG, 6%, PLUS. DEP, 49° REG, 2% 25° 49° 32-02, BOTTLE iM, == 7 DAYS A WEEK Cope, L Loughe 1968 909 Simcoe St. defeated Springfield Indians | 9-3 Tuesday night and increased| their lead in the Eastern Divi-| sion of the American Hockey League. Leon Rochefort was the star, SQUARE FRI., NOV, (9th, gege WHITBY GENERAL HOSPITAL LADIES' AUXILIARY OLD TIMES DANCE & ROUND 9 P.M TO ft A.M, ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL of the game, picking up three goals, and two assists, Jean: SMORGASBORD Guy Gendron and Cleland Mort- Tickets --- 4.00 Couple son scored two each and Don Blackburn and Wayne Hicks one each. or Coll 668-241 Available now et Hilda Sleeman's 4 and 725-9759 HONORING CANADA'S VETERANS ! | RIB ROAST 69: AT BRIDGELAND N.--Phone 728-3361 ig Really Tops -- SIRLOIN, WING, ROUND, T-BONE "RED BRAND" STEAKS Here are steaks that are Tops in Taste & Tops in Tenderness 83 Tops In Quality RINDLESS SIDE BACON Ib. 79- 3 Ibs... 1.00 COOKED HAM eg HAM STEAKS 69 Margarine, Lard Shortening 1.00 4 Ibs, | CANADA PACKER Packages .. " Lest We Forget . . . Remembrance Day is more than a time to pay tribute to our honored dead. It is a time of rededication . . . to our country, our ideals, our hopes for a future assured of peace. The men who died for our country upheld these ideals... it is up to us to draw full meaning from their sacrifices, so they will not have died in vain, ZELLER'S Downtown Oshawa and Oshawa Shopping Centre 1 G Vi) -- 19° 39° . Cello Ont. No. 1 Golden Yellow TOMATOES POTATOES BANANAS 19-1bs, 23138 i 91k | 29° RED BRAND BEEF | SIDES... . 48 | HINDS ... . 58° FRONTS . . . 40° CHUCKS . . . 45¢ case Spmeemiaumetraenart RED BRAND BEEF SIDES... . 47° HINDS . . . . 57° FRONTS . . . 39° CHUCKS ... 44: | "FOR THE FREEZER LOVING FAMILY" SIDES OF TOP COMMERCIAL BEEF (280.300 Ibs.) 39: Ot Top Commercial BEEF (130.150 tbs.) 49: 5 lbs. of BUTTER To the first 20 freezer orders for sides of beef SIDES of SELECTED PORK 47. SIDES of MILK FED VEAL | (80.90 tba.) Blue Brand Beef and Top Commercial Beef Orders, Freezer | ALL PRICES QUOTED INCLUDING CUTTING, WRAPPING AND FREE DELIVERY Customers Only. 47i. | MEAT PACKERS and PROVISIONERS Open 9 to 728-3361 909 Simcoe St. N. 9 Thursday and Friday -- City Wide Delivery 1 Busy Call: 723-32625 he DomINION FOCD SPECIALE AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION IN THE K-MART PLAZA Richmell Dna PEANUT BUTTER naan AVAILA BI f 7 CELE © Smooth Qn & zK Py Varieties BRATION Cake Mixes 0 1, 18 oz, pkgs a } AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION LARGE 16-OZ. ms AVAILABLE Richmello Angel Cake ONLY AT D¢ MIN 1ON \ Hilltop Dainty \ Chocolate VIC FAT orn