WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Kelly's Increase Lead In Mercantile League Bob O'Brien picked up the other Kelly goal. For Royal it was Bop Tripp wiih twa, Bil Le -- mark with two, Harvey Rob-| i erts and George Mitchell with singles. In the first game, Art Rennick led the way for Ottenbrites with three goals. Lloyd Seymour had two and John Vesters one, Sun-|%_ oco scorers were Graydon Col- ville, Brian Fletcher, George Tran and Gerry Luke. WHITBY (Staff) -- Kelly's in- creased their lead in Whitby Mercantile" tiockey tea gue action by downing Royal 9-6, in the second game of a dou- ble header. In the first game, Ottenbrites defeated Arena Sun- oco Elmer Tran opened the scoring for Kelly's at the 18 second mark of the first period, and also picked up three others. A) MacDonald also picked up four, Group To Sell Church Calendars St. Mark's United Church)period was taken by Mrs, Ger- Women, Unit 7, held its October |ald Stachow who condensed the meeting at the church house. |last chapter of "God and His The president, Mrs. Thomas |Purpose." This was followed by Farndale, chaired the meeting.|a quiz. The worship period was led by| Miss Carol Smith, accompan- Mrs. John Foster, lied at the piano by Mrs, Sta- During the business session it)chow, rendered a solo entitled | was mentioned that .members,|"I Walk With God." | as in previous years, would sell; The next meeting will be Nov. United Church calendars. \15. Members are asked to note Plans were made for the me, the change of date, i" 9 anniversary dinner. The study! Refreshments were served . 7 St. Andrew's Women Elect Executive St. Andrew's Presbyterian | Women, Group No. 1, held its) November meeting at the home | of Mrs. D. Zilstra, 210 Palace st. The president, Mrs. William Scott, opened the meeting with prayer. The. Bible Study was in| ed the following slate of officers for the new year; ; President, Mrs. William Scott; secretary, Mrs. George Ander- son; treasurer, Mrs, Aubrey Mc- Naughton; program convener, Mrs. Donald Wilson; fellow- The focal point of the compilation of Monday's federal election in Ontario Riding was the Whitby office of Roger G. Conant, riding returning officer, Members of his staff did an efficient job as the deputy return- ing officers in the 314 polls telephoned and brought in ship, Mrs. Thomas Sloan and Mrs. Walter Porter; social, Mrs. D. Zilstra. Final arrangements were made for the bazaar to be held Dec. 4 at the Church ahll, Volunteers to visit residents of Fairview Lodge are Mrs. Thom- as Sloan, Mrs. D, Trumbley and Mrs, William Scott. The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Thomas Sloan, Cochrane st. Lunch was served. by Mrs, Trumbley and the hostess, Mrs. Zilstra. | Used Clothing MacDonald and Mrs. Victor Colbourne remembered the} many who are sick and shut-in in the Assembly with prayer. It was decided to send a sum of money to the group's mis- sionary children, David and yong a a Bigs Be o-cous| business district can best gift. be carried out by the town of Lunch was served by Mrs. Len Brasier and Mrs. Walter Brownell. The Nov. 22 meeting will be at the Midgley resi- dence, 124 Lupin dr. IODE Chapter To Lay Wreath charge of Rev. W. J. 8S. Mc Clure. The topic was "In The Beginning God". Mrs. Donald Wilson reported on a meeting of the various groups' treasurers which she attended. It was agreed that the group continue sponsoring a child in Formosa to further her educa-| tion. Mrs, Walter Porter and Mrs. Thomas Sloan, in charge of the nominating committee, present- WHITBY SURVEY This article, in the series dealing 'with the survey made of the Town of Whit- by during the summer, deals with the phasing and financing of the program suggested by the University of Toronto students who con- ducted the survey. Women Repair The Pentecostal Church Women's Society Missionary Council held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Midgley, with 14 mem- bers present. The council work- ed on cutting and sorting stamps, also repairing used clothing to be sent to South Por- cupine Ontario Northland Mis- sion. The president, Mrs. Midgley, chaired the meeting and Mrs. Victor Colbourne gave the scripture reading. Mrs. Ewen indebtedness to the community. Sale of municipally owned lands: could provide necessary funds for almost all of this redevelop- ment, Municipal expenditures on the CBD, at any stage, will largely centre on the initial stages, the | WHITBY (Staff) -- Plans for the redevelopment of the cen- Whitby without bringing further; The November House of Windsor Chapter, IODE, was held Nov, 8 at the home of Mrs. J. L. Hughes, 301 Byron st. s. The regent, Mrs. John Davies, opened the meet- ing with the prayer of the Order, The fashion show, held last month at Henry Street High School, was discussed. All agreed the event was most suc- cessful both socially and finan- cially. It was moved by Mrs. John Wall and meeting of seconded by Mrs.| armed forces in Britain. Mem- bers will also make two nurs- ery bags each to be sent over- seas, Anyone wishing to donate pocket novels to be sent to the forces overseas is asked to con- tact Mrs, John Wall, 403 Fair- view dr., telephone 668-2278. The chapter is planning a Christmas dinner and evening when members will invite their husbands. This will take place participation of the merchants, civic enthusiasm and the avail- ability of private investment. Projected parking requirements however, would serve little use if there was no increase in cus- tomer interest. Moving out of the scope of the central business district, the present series of articles now deals with the development of neighborhood shopping centres. Dec. 1 at the Sprucevilla Hotel, Whitby. | A Christmas decoration dem- Stuart Roblin that the Chapter onstration was given by $s. place a wreath on the Whitby ee: Feed Jack Morgan who showed elab- SHOPPING CENTRES Each neighborhood, described in detail in earlier articles in this series, should contain a small shopping centre, This cen- Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. A flag prill also be flown that day. Representative Mrs. Murray Beadle will attend the ceremony. orate fancy Christmas wrap-|tre could consist of several ping, decorations for the home|Stores owned and operated as a orations, also centrepiece deco-\needs of local residents. including two full door-size dec-|unit, catering primarily to the not at the expense of the CBD. The sites should be located on the north, east and west in or- der not to supplant the CBD, Road patterns must provide adequate access for vehicular traffic to these sites. A marketing survey, prepar- ed by a competent authority should be presented to the town council by the site developer. MAXIMUM SERVICE In order to provide maximum service to both the residents of the town and, tourist traffic, highway commercial develop- ment should be allowed but gov- erned by a set of principals. ~--Development should occur only at specifically designed in- tersections of arterial and col- lector roads, --Continuous growth could be |discouraged by development in nodes about the intersections. Village To Get Traffic Lights PICKERING (Staff) --Village residents will have to pay one mill on their 1966 tax bill to pay for the purchase and instal- lation of traffic signals at the intersection of Church st, and Highway 2 in the village. Council Tuesday night ap- proved the installation of traffic lights at the intersection after a village to have the lights in- stalled. The village will have to pay 36 per cent of the installation cost, plus the cost of the fix- tures or $2160. Reeve Ross Murison said he hoped no fatality would occur at the intersection after the lights were installed, The department of highways will install the lights as soon as possible, The department of highways also informed council that, the Highway 401 and Church st. cutoff would be illuminated by the department in the near future. | SECRETS BEHIND BARS WARRINGTON, England (CP)--Lancashire's new crime squad of top detectives was poised for action when its spe- cial secret telephone was in- stalled. The first call came from a woman wanting to know what was on the menu and the second caller asked when the bar closed. Post office officials found the number was already used by a hotel. Invited guests were: Mr. OFFICES ALL rations, wall decorations, etc. | .The proposed shopping centres Pag: ho Ponte Fong Mrs. Davies, on behalf of the|Should be centrally located with- new books for the library at|S'°UP: thanked Mrs. Morgan for|in each neighborhood, provid- Whitby Ontario Hospital. Mrs.|het interesting and instructive] ing convenient shopping facili- John Vickery seconded _ the|1@monstration. ties for most of the neighbor- caitlin. Colored slides were shown of |hood's residents. Prime impor- Mrs. John Wall read a report last month's fashion show, most |tance should be stressed, how- on services at home andjslides being of the member's|°Ver, In keeping sight of the abroad. Members are .to bring|children. ewe eg igo age ceaiye hig good.used.clothing at the next; Tea hostesses were Mrs. John} satan Re oh Pigg Se meeting. It will be sent to the'Vickery and Mrs. ar Hct one commercial function of the jcentral business district. This is particularly important in WHITRY PERSONALS pei ery Aer two, three and four which would en- A surprise house warming|ranged a birthday party at their|circle the CBD. Most of the party was held last Saturday|residence. Present were Mr.|every day needs of these neigh- evening at the new residence of|Flin, Mr, and Mrs. John Oudyk,|borhoods could be provided by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilkinson,|Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dykstra,|the larger commercial area. 241 Lupin dr. The party was ar-|Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horsmar, | ranged by Mrs. Ed Sobczok. |Mr. and Mrs. George Flin, Miss) FOUR OBJECTIVES Present were; Mr. and Mrs oowsece alias sng Frage _ ea a , : . Mrs. ment, in relation to resident ser- Ed Sobezok, Mr. and Mrs. John Debra, daughter of Mr. andjyices, should involve the com- Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brod-|Mrs. Mervyn Parks, recently munity shopping centres. Four hagen, Mr. and Mrs. William | celebrated her sixth birthday.|main objectives or ' principals Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, James|To celebrate the occasion aj should prevail, these centres McCann, Mr. and Mrs, Don Fer-|family dinner was held being larger than the smaller \s : Mrs. Gord ; ; i >iliti ea = Pace png th tg St. Mark's United Church 4 neighborhood shopping facilities. bam, Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Ea.|W's Couples Club held its No-| Size of the site and number of wards, Mr. and: Mrs. Francis|V¢mber meeting by enjoying an buildings should be limited by Sedgwick, Michael Brodhagen,|¢vening of curling at the Annan-|Sound planning on the economic Peter Durham, Mrs. Myrtle Wil.|ale Golf and Country Club, Six-|development of the centre but, kinson, Miss Catherine Wilkin-|teen couples. were present for son. this social evening. Following| the games refreshments were | and|served at the club. The Decem- Mrs. Ceci] Anderson, Mr. and|ber meeting will be a Christmas Mrs. Peter Pallock, Mr. and|Party. An executive meeting will Mrs. Lawrence Treagus, Mr.|be held in November to discuss and Mrs, Hunter McQuigge, and|the forthcoming election of offi- Wiliam Emmerton. Friends | ¢&'s. Helbu ack: Wak served attended the Cook - Smith wed- | : ding held = re last Satur- | ay. On Monday it was Mrs. Sharon, daughter of Mr. and| stone's birthday. A pre-birthday | party was arranged by mem- |bers of their family. Mrs, Frank Madigin, celebrated her seventh birthday Nov. 9. Best wishes are extended to Mrs. Grant Miller, 929 Centre st. | e., on the occasion of her birth- (lay celebrated Novy. 9. Family Monuments Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gallant) and children, Allan, Janie and| Linda and Cecil Baker and chil- dren, Scott, Warren and Rox-} anne, all formerly of Vancouver, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Paterson and have established residence in Whitby. Mrs. G. H. Flin, 506 Colborne} st. w., celebrated her birthday! Nov, 8. To celebrate the occa-| sion members of her family ar- Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 There will be no col GARBAGE NORM TOWN OF WHITBY THURSDAY NOV. 11th Notice Re GARBAGE COLLECTION CLOSED DAY lection of garbage in Whitby on Thursday, November 11th. ALLY PICKED UP THURSDAYS WILL BE COLLECTED FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. petition was circulated in the survey had been taken, | RETURNING OFFICER'S STAFF KEPT BUSY jof business, This category takes BE suspension Goesit pay Gii as BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 10, 1965 § - a public place, Grant Rosedale dr., Whitby, was Court Imposes WHITBY (Staff) -- Driving aj car while one's licence is under} In Careless Driving Case Robert E. Hibbitt, RR 1, Whitby, found out Tuesday when he appeared in Magistrate's Court. Hibbitt was fined $75 or five days for careless driving and $10 for driving while his licence was under suspension, The accused was charged by OPP Constable David William Klenavic, Sept. 23, after he had forced the officer's cruiser onto the soft shoulder on High- way 12, near Myrtle Station. The officer said Hibbitt had been proceeding northerly while he had been southbound, Hib- bitt's car skidded around a sharp bend, south of Myrtle Station, forcing the police cruiser to leave the highway to avoid a collision, 'Having liquor in a_ public place brought a $100 fine or 10 days to David William Grubb, 219 Greenwood avenue, Oshawa. Grubb was apprehended outside $25. Cookwill was a by Whitby Police Officers after he was seen speeding through town, along Brock st, n., re- cently. It was noted the ac- cused had an unopened case of brought a $100 fine or 10 days\beer in his car. He admitted to the accused, His licence was|he had consumed one beer ' hs, shortly before heine atenned be "Charged wits having liquor in'the olficers. $75 Fine BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY Evening -- Starting At 7:30 ay THE BEACH ALSO, 2nd FEATURE ATTRACTION. "LILI" in Color -- Starring Leslie Caron -- Mel Ferrer sie aeaadedaeaaeaeameaal the Whitby Community Arena during a recent dance and, upon investigation, Whitby their returns. In addition to the staff, representatives of newspapers, radio and televi- sion worked in the office to make sure running totals were supplied to their media at regular intervals, Seen here is a view of Mr, Co- nant's office at the peak of the activity. --Oshawa Times Photo Group Names Municipal Land SaleNew Officers Aid To Development WHITBY -- Group No. 4, Pres- byterian Women, held its meet- ing Nov. 8 at the home of Mrs. Peter DeVogel, 903 Annes st. e Mrs. Carman Sarles_ wel- comed 11 members. The theme of the devotional period was "Remembrance." Mrs. Sarles read an article on 'Those Preci- ous Books of Memory," from the current issue of Glad Tid- ings. Mrs. W. J. S. McClure led in prayer. During the business ion members were remind- ed of the Association Christmas dinner meeting to be held at the church Dec. 13. Gifts of canned goods or men's clothing were asked to be brought at this meeting for the distribution at Evangel Hall, Toronto. Plans for St. Andrew's Night were discussed,, Groups No, 4 and 5 are jointly sponsoring the St. Andrew's Night Concert and Social at the church Nov, 26. Mrs, Lloyd Campbell read the --Access to these nodes should only be from the collectors to minimize the dangers to pedes- trian and vehicular traffic. The highway commercial areas should be limited 26.9 acres or 0.77 acres per 1,000 population, One other aspect cial develop t sh the industrial - commercial type of commer- 1 be in, bakeries, dry cleaners, dair- ies and other related develop- ments, Although many, if not all of these establishments are now located within the CBD, these users could be encouraged to re- locate within the light industrial area prhich can best satisfy the above requirements. Police officers found a quantity of beer in the accsed's car. Lloyd Gordon Elliott, 1474 Evangeline dr., Oshawa, a pas- senger in the Grubb vehicle was fined $25 or five days also on a charge of having liquor in a public place. Found guilty of theft of $56 Theodore Richard, no fixed ad- dress, was sentenced to three months -at the Mimico Reform- atory, The accused requested assistance from the court in curbing an alcoholic problem Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck recommended the accused be sent to Mimico where it was said he could receive treatment. A careless driving charge against Leonard Rombough, 542 Fairport rd., Fairport Beach, SAVE $ $ ON AUTO_ INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $26.00 on your auto insurance, "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 SECRET PERIL LURKS EDINBURGH (CP)--The or- dinary postage stamp may be a danger to health, says a lec- turer at Edinburgh University. Dr. S. Selwyn says germs from dirty hands can be carried on the gum for weeks, and people could easily catch colds and stomach disorders by licking stamps. He suggests a non- toxic disinfectant be added to the gum. ' NEED 50 PER CENT MORE At least 50 percent more food is needed in the world by 1075 to alleviate malnutrition in the developing countries. report of the nominating com- mittee. The new officers are as follows: President, Mrs. Car- man Sarles; -secretary, Mrs. Charles Brown; treasurer, Mrs. William Morrison; fellowship, Mrs. W. J. S. McClure. Mrs. John Frost extended a vote of thanks to the retiring New Library Village Project PICKERING (Staff) -- Pick- ering Village Council, at a meet- officers. The Bible study, 'In the Beginning," was led by Rev. W. J. §. McClure. Mr, Mc- Clure closed the meeting with prayer. The next meeting will be Jan. 10 at the home of Mrs. Thomas Brown, 709 Clarence dr. ing Tuesday night, p da by- law for the construction of a village library as the village's| Canadian Centennial project. The cost of the library, to be built at the north-west corner of Sherwood and Park rds., is to be $25,000. ye The project will be financed by $6,000 under the Winter Works Program, $5,000 from the Ontario Library Grant, $4,000 from the sale of a lot at the Church St. Public School site, $1,755 centennial grant from the province, the federal govern- ment and the village contribu: | tion to the project for Centen- nia! year and $2,348 or one mill fa and one mill or $2,490 in @ Professional grooming @ Training, aaa: Please call for STOLZENFELS KENNELS proudly announces the opening of their TALKS GARS 3-STAR SELECTION AT NORTHSIDE 1965 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR HARDTOP Stardust blue metallic; 283" V-8; steering, power brakes, automatic, radio, wheel eovers, whitewolls, other extras, Under 7,000 original miles, belance of new cor werranty, Lic. No, 176-555 1965 DODGE "440" POLARA 2-DOOR HARDTOP Navy blue with silver grey body, matching blue interior, "318" V-8, automatic, power steering, eustom radio, whitewalls, wheel eovers, other extras, Bolonce ef new cor warranty, $ 2796 Lie. No, 244-167 1965 DODGE POLARA SEDAN DOG BOUTIQUE WED. NOV. 10 service for all breeds and stud service available appointments Make your Christmas bookings early CALL 655-4487 White and ice blue body, automatic, custom-godio, wheel covers, padded dash, other extras. Balance of $2495 5-yeor/50,000 mile warranty, Lie, No. H26-005 .. USE NORTHSIDE'S CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN een Ne NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE | | | WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where you get QUALITY MEAT at Cut Rate Prices CHOICE QUALITY BEEF Old Fashioned - Kosher Style - Pickled CORNED BEEF MINCED BEEF BREAKFAST STYLE 3 ss, 95° SAUSAGE STEAKS SIRLOIN - T-BONE & WING Assorted--Chicken Roll, Mac & Cheese, Pickle & Pimento--Dutch Loaf COOKED MEATS Cc Ib u. 69° 3» 1,00 us, 49° ICE CREAM ear, 19° ] SCHNEIDERS PICKLED PIGS FEET ts, 23° GENERAL BAKERIES BREAD REG. 22c EA. 2 FOR 35¢ SCHNEIDERS SAUERKRAUT LB. 19¢ We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting & Wrapping . Ask About Our Prices WHITBY MEAT MARKET WHITBY PLAZA WHITBY Red & Blue Brand Beef--CLOSED MONDAYS--AIl Meats Govt. Inspected PH: 668-6941 | GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS - INTEREST IS PAYABLE % YEARLY OR MAY BE LEFT FO ACCUMULATE AND COMPOUND % YEARLY when interest ie left to eccum late, your 3 bi ever 34% im 5 years. 308 Dundes St, W.