ess san iri Fier et hae pV ween en gE ie: § a GB lamers pelt ete OBITUARIES __|Chest Donations Mount, nen NOTICE LIONS FREDERICK &, BROOKS --_| Alberta ss ie The funeral service for Fred-| The funeral service will be H ] T S ll e ff TO CREDITORS erick E. Brooks, 296 William st.|held at 2 p.m, Nov. 12 at the e 0 nwe orers _ INDUSTRIALS rane, ak ae oe eet) bul Gn. BIN GO e., who died Nov. 7, at the|Northeutt and Smith Funeral Stock Sales High Low a.m. CH'GE| a a a eh AND OTHERS IN. THE ES- Oshawa General Hospital, was|Chapel, Bowmanville. Interment! Donations made Monday to|Robson; Mr. D, M. Alloway,| aii +e We a. Tg ge ARCHI- held at 2 p.m. Nov. 9, at the|will be in Orono Cemetery, the Greater Oshawa Community|president, General Printers; Dr.| Alte :AS Yen? 1564 Mets eniistes LATE OF TONITE jMeintosty oAedarvn-Fenera! : Chest-came from: Mrs, C.-M.lA, W.Harding: A. Geisherger; Al?* i 3 3832 "Gani gie "Seed zce -28 $=. L +L tt eS Piet there, THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN H FUNERAL OF Wallace, Mr. J. H. Beaton,|Consumer Gas Company; Mrs. THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, $1,200, in cash prizes Rev. L. W. Herbert, minis- Monarch Life Assurance Co.,|W. J. Salter; Oshawa Animal DECEASED , ter of King Street United| RUSSELL H. LOCKWOOD [ainortocuiver of Canada Ltd.,|Hospital; The Venerable H. D. : : ; Jackpot Nos. 55 and 58 |Church, conducted the service.| The memorial service for Rus-|Kassinger _ Construction Ltd.,|Cleverdon; Dr. W. G. Grant: At Super All persons having Sg ; Interment was in Oshawa Union/sel H. Lockwood, who died Nov.imMr, and Mrs. W. H. Sterriker,|Dr. W. G. Watt; Mr. E. E. Hig-| Bink Mo pth oar pean ha Early Bird Gome.7:45 Cemetery. 3 at the family emeeres, 300/Dr. and Mrs. C,°¥. Kwan, Fred|gins; Kingsway Motel; Mr. and eo. bet ach ; 4 . +f The pallbearers were Mort.|King st. e., was held at 2 p.m.,'~ Storie, Algoma Manufactur-|Mrs, David M. Lander. 25 : peat a pee ag Jubilee Pavilion Petre, Robert Lyn, Robert|Nov. 9, at the Armstrong Funer-jing Too] and Die Ltd., The Rev-| Metropolitan Life Insurance k LH $124 10a 1% Supt breed 8 ol cng chou tha 2th doy of See Bickle, William Bickle, Ra y)al Home. erend R. A. Sharp, Mrs. T.|Co.; Walmsley and Magill Of- pig a Salad BG $50 80 OMS tember, 1965 are hereby noti- SALE OF Bickle and Robert Fleming. | Rev. John Morris, minister of|scott, Mr. A. E. Bathe,-Nationallfice Equipment; Rosebud 7% 7% a See fied to send to the under St, Andrew's United Church, iGrocers Ltd., Dr. C. L. Kell,|Beauty Parlor; North Simcoe| 87! ce TR Transair 300-15. 4}$ 415 10 ficmed on'or before the 17th | Manderaft. Work GEORGE BROWN conducted the service. Inter-/Cosens and Martin Ins., Lake|Pharmacy;. Mr. J. Constable; A Sz ze pe | Tr Can PL 63s ssa 38 a5 Na dey of November, 1965 their C ag! : re employes a anal nes was in Oshawa Union Ce-|ontario Steel Co. Ltd., Britnell,/and W Employees; A and W 60 $204 20a 20%) Trans-Mt | 200 S84 1a 194 -- s names and full particulars of anay Motors for 43 years, George|Melery. Moore and Co., Dr. J. Dillon,|Restaurant; Allstate Insurance| Can Foils A $38 38 B+ 1% ee ee Et ott te a MPSON'S _|Brown, $85. Oxford. 't.. dledlacthon.'P Fekyta, C. Burton, sist, veteran's Association. | [Company; Canadian Acceptance] <Lrpary, 3 $4, H,, ty cl un carta" 1s sme a te ¢ paler wilt be dh t ibuted hav- SI SO parly today at his home. Mts tcane, H Squires and 0, Ora. B hile B ihe 'Lid Canad UAW, Auxili , he on cs is we yy : 'Su a Se estate' wi str ie SIMCOE ST. N. Brown, who had been in failing|* , H. , Ora./Buehler Brothers ., Canadalre; uxiliary No. 373) Corm 17s 8 8 an ing regard only to the claims Bread Company [4d., Mr. J. J./Short Freight Lines Inc.; John mM Tt $19 of which notice has been re- ' i health for a few months, was in English, Dr. D. J, McLean, ColM. Phillips; H.C. St d CG Sec A 24 $il¥4 114 11% sia Nov. 1 to 13 inclusive his 74th year, MRS. A. E. MURDOCH nglish, Dr. D. J. McLean, Co-|M, ps; H. C, Stone and} C imp Bk ¢ 150 $62% 62% 62/4 -- % s10 aoate ceived, é ie td.; ills Co, Ltd.;| ¢,! G8 Ol 425 812% 12% + Ve = a ae by Agnes Brown, the deceased waSlmonths, Mrs, A..E. Murdoch Ltd., Mrs, H. B. James, Mr, J.|ees); Edward Plowman. $114 Vater kth Beene ber 27th, 1965. Lakeview Handcraft Guild edi iy Rog Motes Pl bag died Nov. 9 at Hillsdale Manor. Grouch, Mr, Ian MacKay, R.| Penicke Enterprises Ltd.;| cremeel! . 15% Weston 8 Too sz aha ma DENIS PALLISTER, Proceeds of candy donated to tion in England and came tolite 'eceased, who was in hericoci! Bint, Union City Body Co,|Goldstein Investments L1d.; Mr.| Co! ceil ih Te Zellers HO S20 Me aa Administrator, local charitable organization. |Ganada ax h 76th year, was the former Almalof Canada, Dr. C. D. Russell.|Arnold Lovely; Mr. Jim' Par- Pda Deak ton by his Solicitors, aera : ---------|Canada as a youth. Harlow, } y Li Mr SS : Mr. fi 39 hy He lived for a short time at) Born in Rawdon township, Mz: 7s B. Elliott, Mr, C. Hiker, Mr. Ross Weatlake; Mr Cn on 10 See OILS Greer and Kelly, tka Ris | t |World, Mrs. H. E. Beath, Mr.jDon Lovely; Mr. Ron Coleman; ae San Street Set, BINGO Peete At the time ct nigl Hastings County, Mrs. Murdoch! "Brisebois, Dr. R. Beckett, J.|Stan Salt; Board of Education| er%aton 123% en ee RS 4 + wa, Ontario, Pit in Oshawa. At the time of hisireceiyed her education at Ster-| ' ; ¢ 120 p 270 0 725 TUES., NOV. 9th retirement from General Motors|iing and Belleville. She taught A. Yanch, QC, Beneficial Fi-/(employees); United Steelwork- Sane Me oe 8 i ; Zio : VES., ' in 1961, he was employed in the 8 4 oy mance Co, R, L. Crain Ltd.,Jers of America -- Local 1500;| Crain ri 50 $31%4 31% 31%-- Ml Bann 400 ; 50 505 -s : school at Pontypool and later/General Aggregates Lid., M. B.|United Steelworkers of Amer-| Crow's N 100. sisi 18 1s 4 te Mw --1 | Territory aes 5 body room. y » Sel 7 , . Crush Int 107) $14Ve 4b Maw Texmont 52150 15) NOTICE 20 regular games $8 and $10 , at Harmony Public School in)Rennett Construction Ltd., W. B.lica -- Local 2784; Canadian 1 Texore 31% 2% 344% SHARE THE WEALTH , Mr. Brows was a member OUOshaws for many years, Bennett 'Paving Ltd., Mr. W. N.|Welding Gases; Mister Donut;| Dist Seay én $37 'a7 '37 Tormont Wa a aa -- A : ae St, George's Memorial Anglican) The deceased was a meniberitaain' Gha 'Reyarora Wat uM ES olaveri Cenadian Corl © brag 25 $287 28% 20% -- | & EX Gas, : Tribag 0 242 242 24 TO CREDITOR $150 JACKPOT Church and was, at one time, aloes; * Gutied Charan: n, The Reverend Walter/Famous Play 1S mich ad cip-pec tee tee Eines Trin Chib 9 9 i oe ' {of Simcoe Street United Church/Rackham, Piyah Chapter of|poration Ltd.; Regent Theatre;| Dotasco 1090 $28% 28 2844+ Val Cont Del $i1% 11% 11% U Asbestos THE es. | 53 Nos. $20. CONSOLATION eager gry -- ser iw spuring|and was active in the work of/ Hadassah, The 'Reverend D. R. Sinclair;| > Glass 100 $1814 I5i5 sv Dynamic 4800 120 118 120 UCL Mine AND Caine It te 5 Ne inate Me we card F\the United Church Women. She) Alex G. Storie, A. Hosmar,|Credit Bureau of Oshawa; Mr.| pau' sa fe? Aad se 405 3 | UUCL Mine Ate Or ater Loe ping eus ties je ee Cae ig es serve was also active in Red Crossichartered Accountant, Biltmore|H. Flim, Land Surveyor; Can-| Dom Text 80 si Nat Pete i as 8 | UN Fort F THE Ci yerseas with the 58t atta- as. keonly POON dL Faers mut ' + ae bed ee 6 " , Vv ' : r 5, Utd Pore S Raawe tee COUN DNIPRO 'HALL ton CER of Toronto hn |work and was keenly interested|Theatre, Dr, C. R. Collard, Dr.\nings Lid., J. Kevin O'Kane; yon bh hig Ge ols fee Upp Can 6s TY OF ONTARIO, LABOUR- | He was predeceased in 1953/i7,the Work of the Oshawa Hor-/4 y. ¢, Scott, Dr. 0. G. Mills, |Mr, J. R. Reeve; Oshawa Esso Eavisite 215. 812M Petrol 50 0 70 Want oe tua ER, DECEASED, . Corner Bloor and Edith by his wife, the f Grace| icultural Sociegty, She was a/Mr, N. I. Metcalf, Nash Alum-|Service Centre; Lander Stark Falcon' 250 $i0pVs lone Vere dsl uct 2 196, 10) White Star 1000 34 34 34 --1 4 : Can hibit rd inairiod Sept member of the Rebekah Lodge.linum Ltd., Curran and Briggs|Ojl Ltd.; Louis S. Hyman, QC;| Fam Play 200 $2514 2514 25'4-- va| $oponer 300 ty) Wilco a eo All persons having claims THE PILOT CLUB 24, 1924, in St. George's bent Mrs. Murdoch was predeceas-/Ready-Mix Ltd., Oshawa Times,|Mrs. Phyllis Jubb; T. G. Gale| Fe, Srain On a a ee Pe ly Glue Hil against. the estate of the SI if aa at , ged by her first husband, Car-/Mr, &. w ynolds, Dr. G. L.|Limited; 1, R. Rowsell; $17 7 17 Zulepa 1025 21 2) 2% +1 9 OF OSHAWA Oshawa. He is survived by a Patles in 1082. She w Mr. . Rey , Dr. G. L.|Limited; Dr. H. R wsell, Oe Os a ee es men Pauley, in 1932. She wasiAdair, Mrs. F, Carswell, Dr.,.Rathmann Orthodontic Labora- ' srr sadly ae i ee MINES Sales to 11:00 a.m 987,000, above - named = deceased, FOREIGN TRADING 200 145 145148 ayaa seus Ess 8 cieege sxSeeye o88ziacs $12% 12% % $81% BI 81% $11% 11% 11% + & is ee Prerererereririiity iiti ts brother-in-law, George Clark, of]... ee ie haat A pty Oe Eee iINIGHT OF CARDS lOunaWar a hace rigs E. M sag of Naheucal tar and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, Mr.|tory Ltd.; Mr. and Mrs, C, f 75 $0 32 3) -- Vel Advocate 100 460 > who died, | shawa; > wae ME. 53. redeceas r ini. KF. F ; fils lew. ' ' 402 $ =| A Am Moly 1000 180 - As ald the 8th dov of | HILLSDALE MANOR Craigen, who made her home|j9,9° re " deco " te ars Mealy, mE Pg an ay 7 A Am Moly 1000 190 Aanico wag October, 1965 are hereby | Fi iver with him as well as several che is survived by two-ne Weite Feather Farms. Dr thay W. BE. Noble: Dr. B. A. WR ais Su st Wi ANC cop "aoe 1p Siscoe ws 275 275 +10 notified to send to the under- Mraeoy) nieces and nephews in England, Les! 1D 1 d\ Met ae A nate ee eel DE Bas: ak 1 ae ee ee ae Sullivan 4 440 640 ' in bale phews, Lesiie anc onald/Metcalfe, Mr. M, G. Coates, F.|Brown; Mr. A. J. Parkhill; S. erry f f | : ¢ Upper Can 1798-178 175 10 signed on or before the 17th November 11th, 1965 The funeral service will be!-Thompson of Sterling; two step-|w, Woolworth (emplovee. Vis. Kk ( ; ppc Hayes SH 5 $24 2 2Ns us ' Belleterre 2000 an 2 t A Joy ; ' ; step-iw, yorth (employees),|/S. Kresge (employees) -- Ya 94 19V4 ethim | day of November, 1965, 7:30 P.M held at 11 a.m., Nov. 18, at the| qaughters, Mrs. D. D. Green of Peter Wood, vo on a 635 $14 14 144+ | Bounty Ex 500 22% 22th 221% sf a eye i , jas Robert Cameron,|town; Ray Hall Adventures | fi | Sr A their names and full - parti PRIZES, DESSERT & COFFEE Mcintosh Anderson Funeral| Now Lickeard and Mrs. William|Kinloch's Limited, F. W. Weel uwovers): Mec 3. Wilson:| K y Brunt 1 3174 Alle 1% - BOWLING NEWS culars of their claims, Imme- Home, Interment will be in Osh-|/, wh : Sa diately after the said date, Admission °75¢ awa Union Cemetery. Cook 7 (ad a? gs Step-/worth Company, Kent Shoes|Angus Graydon Carpet; On-| [inp on" 300 $8 Sain ibes 2 the estate will be distributed |gingo, Bathe Park, Euialle Avenue,|I°.. G, Ongley, rector nd etugatl op ghalah of Pres-!Ltd. jtario Department Transport! imp Tob 100 $14¥6 14% 14% Con' Keeley 3 SUNDAY NIGHT LEAGUE having regard only to the | Thursday, 2 pm. and Euchre, Saturday,| George's Memorial Anglican|S°tt, Bruce and Hayward Mur-| Albert V. Walker, Mr, E.|(employees); Donevan and ind Accap 25 N20 20M 2486 Santri oh et | Bar, Sar bowler, Mae rove Remick claims of which notice has 8 pm. Church, will conduct. the of Oshawa and 16 grand-|Bind, Atlantic Finance Corpor-|Fleischmann. Land Surveyors;| inglis 1200 87 7 I= Wi costar $14 124 1A al Over 600 were: Louie' Kelemen 669 been received, apes. jchildren jation (employees), Mechanical/Franklin-Simon Shopping Cen-| Inland Gas 200 $10'2 10¥e 10¥2--%4| Cent Pat 197 192 197 +a | (282), Jim Hutchison 650 (223, 256), BIT service, The funeral service will be| Advertisi Tt Speedy Muttlire:" V ata ear Int Nickel 488 $102 10194 101% -- ¥2| Cheskirk 14 13. 13. =} | Smith 645 (223, 217, 205), Don Wilson 640 DATED AT OSHAWA, Octo- 5 jAGvertising Ltd., Speedy Muff-\tre; Young Ages Limited. int Util xd 210 $31% 31% 31% -- Vel Chester $000 18Y) 18Ye 18% (226, 256), Mel McKinnon 621 (244, 226) ber 27th, 1965 ex ; raraiege , |held at 2 p.m. Nov. 11 at the/ler King, Peacock Lumber Ltd.,| MCallum Transport; Ralph] Inter PL 110 893% 89% - Chib-Kay y 9 ang Tear) McKeegan $16 (241), icf Me Mad Cook 4 i S | JOSEPH ANDRE GALLANT |MciIntosh - Anderson Funeral)Mr, G. Freeman, Genosha Hotel| Jewell Men's Wear; Stephenson| [M1 SP. 30 a 14% lb nw la 3 Haines, 253, "Bord. Smith. 239, hhae Mac Sa nhe. a SA, | The death occurred Nov. 9, at)Home. Interment will be in Osh-|(Qntario) Ltd., The Canada Life|Jewellers; Bruce Hynne; Hen-| Jetterson 2375 chee 30 198 198 198 19 |Donald 224, 208, Ken Pye 221, Doreen ws Soli the family residence, 354 Pinejawa Union Cemetery. Rev. Sohn| Assurance Company, Mrs. A. G.\derson's Book Store -- Scott| Je! 8" 100 : Coch will 365 Kelemen 218, Ron McKeegan 218, Bob by her Solicitors, ave., of Joseph Andre Gallant,/K. Moffat nister of Sime ck Miles Chnnniic. tick yc a, > 100 Coin Lake 2500 22 22 22 +9 |Page 210, Ted Smith 208, Gord Johnson Greer and Kelly AUDET, Joseph ' ha , '» min r_ of Simcoe Hornick, Miss K. Connolly, Osh-|Hubbell: Henderson's Book Store 1100 Comb Met 1 21a 21% 214 + Vy) 205, 200, Don Wild 205, Hazel Austin 204, 114 King Street East Entered into rest near Burketon, Ont.,/son of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Gal-|Street United Church, will con-|awa and District Labor Coun---- Clarke Hubbell: Mrs. Eve- 500 5% Coniagas Rt 1200 3 2 2 w=} {Betty McDonald 204, Peggy Pacey 203, Oshawa, Ontorio, | |Auenday, November 1965, . dosenhilant, The deceased, who had not|duct the service. cil, C, Cole and Company Ltd.,|lyn 'Stevenson; Montgomery's the ee imsul © moe oe Pp Aaae waiae ene Lace Gav were: ¢ ' . udet, be e l. Bi ; we & AG, | 1) . ; a fa rben : c i |Vachon, and father of Mark. Resting atjpeen in good health for some} jJudge and Mrs, A. C. Hall,/Ladies' Wear; Mr, Steve Piper;| tOnt Cem 245 $4 6% © Mareus 55 Pye 97, Don Wild 95, Dian Noden 93, jthe Armstrong Funeral. Home, Oshawa,|time, was in his 10th year. | zs lBruce Harris Fuels. L. Ver.-| shaw. LB Cem w 300 25 325 --$ | C Mogul 390 385 +5 | 78, Rex Gillette 94, Ron Pye 91, Con- with Reaviem High Mass in St. Mary's! Born in Sudbury, July 6, 1956,| MRS. T. E, RICHARDSON [7 UCU rison Fuels, L. Ver-iMr. J. Shaw. Laura Sec xd 25 29% 29% -- Ya] Con Nichol +314/nle Gillette 90, Bruce simpson 87, Ning orn in & y, y% ' : non Walker Insurance Adjusting) Otto Swartz; Rosemarie 12% 12¥a-- Vel C Rambler 10 +3. |Wilton 84, Morrice Ruff 74 and A. Tit. of the Peonle Church Friday, November! ; : | TENDERS 12, at 10.30 a.m, Interment Resurrection|the deceased moved to Oshawa| Mrs. Leila Pauline (Paula) !t tq. John Lambersky, The Rev-|Beauty Shop; Buehler's Butcher "4 Be yl goneet ray yg, Bag icine Gk hi tans ie Cemetery. jree y wi is Richardson wi s E./ . A *aguknl . Cop Corp | Iwas a member of St Mary's of{Richardson, 'died, Oct' so, aijcren', E Winter, Mr. E._ C.jshop (employees); Wilbur War. 400 $11 10% 11 cop Fields Ta) Blue Birds and Spinners int Go" For prices on a proposed | BROWN, George ne. Paople Mesa eee bees Ta ficten side, (Warne, Dr. M. L. Morris, Miss|ner; Bert Edwards Barber and] {90ce 8 "Su bat) ae 8 S 4 wierd Dal hale 1), dae Daahaece te jAt his late residence, $55 Oxtord Street,,@ People oman Catholic) ier Summerside, Sharon Hurst, Reta Robertson,|Beauty Salon: J. Anderson: LobG B pr 220 $31 31 3) Cowich 77, 71 «+77 «4a | Don't forget the dance next Saturday Kitchen Extension 17' x 21]//on Wednesday, November 10, _1965,/Church, |Prince Edward Island, She wasp. 0. Mason, 'Alex Nathan.|Cooper - Smith Company; V,|_ bob. Inc 400 $84 8% BM Craigmt night, at the Canadian Corp. Every one ate Brace Clarke ie he cathe year Ret| Besides his parents, he is sur-|a daughter-in-law of Thoma sicook's Body Shop, Roy Pigden,|Mette; Mette Plumbing Com.| (2%, #3 16% 16% Crowpat 3000 8 88 8B Ws welcome to come, Memorial Park Building |ing at the Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral vived by ae npr pry ene oc 204 Byron st. 8.,/Stephenson's Brothers Garage |pane 'htd feuinisvess;: Pet geal PR any oY "% Sener 110 $3914 % wat 77 MOTOR CITY MIXED Home, 152 King Street East, Service in) Jean, Kathy and Sara and four| Whitby. IM aint Ni 2 , y Ne niitvetebe Maher pr 500 9% 9% Donald: 1200 18¥a 15Ve 15) 4 ° ' ) ' dhol Palla |McLellan's Tire an iC Pp , jonalda a "a It's Al Jamieson again with 782 (319, Ps ee: big Ment Union Comaiony (the relaives wii{brothers, Maurice, Leo, Phillip) She was the daughter of Mr.|Lee Bishop Radiator Pyne BA tt Holse Furnishing Com-| mere: 2ft0 $2 30M ay -- We} Kost Sun 142s 915 905 905 Pala Makceree, wan tee" sans ce tial Box B94 isp Seater Tinraday aod Pricey evening tron'? tot and Ulisse. and Mrs. Harold B. Schurayan Walter Houston, D. Corby. | pany; Loblaw's (employees) Mon Foods 100 $8% 8% 8% Genex 1250 (38V2 38% 38a -- Val mieson 692 for the Gals (200, 207, 285) Coll 623 5894 for detail p.m.) The child is at the Armstrong)and was born in 1930. She was| Donations made to the Great-|Shop bing Centre; Swan Hard- ee lg es ue uci Slack on 00 i ie a pre ry Meee ed SA OT \« r details, Funeral Home for requiem mass/educated in Summerside Higher Oshawa Community. Chesilwace: Walker's Stare (employ- Nat Trust 275 $22. 22-22 Glenn Exp {000 1 y +% Willlamsen 690 (207 Des) Boug erin ass Closing Date CROSS, Walter W. in St. Mary's of the People/School, Branksome Hall, Toron-|haye come from: Public Utili M '4. Mis Y*) Noranda 405 53 | Granduc 100 35 350 633 (296); Leon Davey 635 (221, 212), 202)9 Entered inte rest in Honolulu, Mawall/Church at § a.m. Nov. 12. Inter-|to and Acadia University, Woll-|ties. Commission fool Seat walle ' yi 7 _ Ne pee ie tae faa pal a reg Helen Trott 634 (217, 249) and!' Wes' Kuta on Sunday, November 7, 1965, Walter W, : ' ioe s / SS ' yvees); | Doughty; alker's ivision o s slens (20: 3, 214), November 30, 1965. |Cheas, beloved. tusmand' of Wiisen Marie ment will be in Resurrection|ville. ee General Motors 6f Canade Hin Gomion' MacKey eer Co.): | ocean, cem 150 $22 a r S88 The 200 Group -- Laura McKinlay 263, Mer aacens jammer of Eileen Louise andiCemetery. Rev. N. J. Gignac] In 1953 she married. Thomas|ited (employees). We in-|Kar Nes imi oN Bio les dee yd dg ' 190 Sree tate pose due een GhUmbley 215, Inez Curt 223, 2189 Se atl Ruths of Oshawas son vot Mrs. unt ge B. Richards hile mente employees); Welland Win-|Karn Drugs Limited (employ-| Parker 100 495 SS Ba $76%4 76% 76% + YeiReg Norris 239, Aura Walls 266, Art 38--Coming Events Flossie Cross of Toronto and brother of| Will sing the mass. 4. Aichardson while he WaSlery Ltd; Fabricated Metals andjees): Karn Drugs Limited: City| 2embine 100 N%4 114+ Yo} Int. Bibis 200 118 118 118 +1 | Moreau 239, Jim Goodes 257, Roy Mann Arthur ot Toronto, in his 45th year, For stationed in Summerside with|stampings Ltd (employees); lof Oshawa anki "Department | Pew "can Se 12 iS AUR y Al be iA Le Pa fa Vida, Morey 228, Marl Ford 219, Ber. uneral service in the chapel Wednesday, | ae mT Pheer a f. s AG., yees s S F w Cor, n' elm 1 2 4 V nice Goodes a at was,the first game OSHAWA Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount WILLIAM LAING the RCAF. They subsequently Mr. and Mrs, D. Kalnitsky: (employees); Oshawa Public Li-| 2" Core pr 445 $46 Vs Iron \ Bay 600 226 225 225 4 |Bernice? Bud Morey 247, Cecil Litster 20s Lawn Cemetery, | Following a short sickness the|ved in Montreal and on his dis- Woodview Co: ity C | i : pal? Premium 200 310 310 310 Iso 200 216 216 216 --2 |Hi Johns 226, Flo Litster 221, Vi Norris gas r SS charge they lived in Fredericton "ommunity Centre; |brary (employees); City of Osh-| Price Bros: 325 $39% 39% 39% 4 %| Jelex 21500 38 37) 38 212, Jean Kroll 217, Ross Clark 201, Harold JAYCEES GALLANT, Joseph Andre death occurred Nov. 9, at the|y rein '\Mr, D. E. Duffy; Parkway Tele-'awa Board of Works (employ-| Probuild P 240 160. 160. 160 Jonsmith 2000 15 14% 15 Wilson 250, Jack Anderson 221, Sadie Dacre gpa hinder egies | Bowmanville Memorial Hos: N.B., where her husband con- vision; Mrs. Williams: Mr. Sam : City Hall loyees) QN Gas 1575 $12% 12Va 12¥a-- Ye) Kerr Add 3100 845 830 830 --0 |James 243, Lucy Kutasienski 203, Joan ee nto rest in the family residence, N (tinued his studies at the Univer- 7 Mys, ams; Mr. § ees); City Hall (employees). QN G 63 w 625 675 665 665 | Kopan 2000 22/4 22% 22% Jackson 230 and Shella Patterson' 206. tne Avenue, Oshawa, on Tuesday, | pita William = Lain Busceglico; © Os aa «§ k| -- mber 9, 1965, Joseph Andre Gallant, pital, . of g, lico; Jshawa Steak : sity of New Brunswick. After : | ze George st., Bowmanville, He/S!'Y ' : ,_|House; Mrs, R. G. Lancaster; | i ul f Mr id M Ed Gal- ' ~ rp , " , a 44 ' Monster BINGO Jack and Beatties of Aimetie, Jeary Katty, was in his 86th year. jhis ote een they lived N'Mrs, Helen Neill; G. S. White | Basic Retail Advertisin G id OSHAWA TIMES PA ERNS Rare, Maurice, Leo, Enillip and Ulisse, A son of the late Mr, and Mrs. ae a 0 ge BP sdpos resineet and Son Ltd; Mr. Howard| g ul e | Thurs., MOV PTR Re ite Rr Rerete the Re-|William Laing, 'the deceased iad widioaied ia cht ce Continental Hair Styling; Pearle Cen yet marys of, telwas born west of Orono. A resi-| : . Y/Rae Rundle; James T. Thomp-| Off N F t I Pl Mi People Church, Friday, N: ber 12, 9 9 oe ivities nye cad Mar erste ra aP ot 20 GAMES AT $20 a.m Interment Resurrection cemerery (dent of the Newtonville area|@Ctivities. son; Williams Electronics: D.| ers ewrea ures n anning 5 GAMES AT $30. |most of his life, he was a farm-| When her husband accepted/Cooper Service Station; Thom- 1 on' SBD, JACKPOT | PAING: len : er an engineering position with the/as Goch Service Station; Fred 'The fifteenth edition of what is|tions of the Time Table offer a $20, PER LINE PLUS Mb chbaa a Se Scale * eeeny Oo. Mr. Laing, who was a mem-|Town of Summerside, Paula Lawless Service Station; Gary considered the number one |tested program to help solve $50. PER FULL CARD [2ina, ? George Sireet, Bowmanviiie her of the Clarke Township|returned to her home town, For/Service Station; Jan's Garage; guide for retailers in planning|this puzzle by making retail ad- 2 -- $250. JACKPOTS Year, deer brather ct Genron M Lane council for a number of years, |the last five years she has been Central Auto Body Shop; Jim-|their advertising programs is vertising work harder and sell vin , "g7|Bowmanville, John M. Laing and Archie\WAS an adherent of Newton-jactive in the Ladies' Aid of the/my's Service Station; Model|now being used by newspapers |more." JACKPOT NOS. 52 and 57 A. Laing, both of Fawcett, Atberta Rest ville United Church and assist Prince County Hospital, in the Shoe Store; Four Season's Trav- and merchants throughout the The new Time Table has been $10 PER LINE PLUS $200, | manville service In the Chapel on Friday/@d in the building of the new|Sunday School of St. Mary's/el; Collette Beauty Salon; Hol-|U.S. and Canada. The Fifteenth|redesigned for increased effec- PER LINE CARD IN 52 AND at 2 o'clock. Interment Orono Cemetery. |church |Church and she has been a keen|den Brothers; Lakas Coffee|/Annual Time Table of Retail Op-|tiveness. The presentation sec- 57 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK He is survived by three bro-\fund - raiser for charitable|Shop; Marten's Furs Ltd.; Eve-|portunities, incorporating the tion is pocket-size and contains ' LENNON, Patrick James og rs | : i , BREA ; aa ; ; PLUS $25. CONSOLATION |Peacetuily, at the residence of his daugh thers, George M. Laing, of Bow-|causes lyn' Perrault (Mrs.); Miss F.|1966 Newspaper Advertising!specific sales data for 10 basic PRIZE. $150. TOTAL PRIZES r, Mrs Maynard, Breoklin, on Wed-|amnville and John M, and Ar-} She is survived by her hus-|A. Taylor; Peggy's Hairstyling; |Planbook, has been published store types, Acetate: fill-in and GUARANTEED IN THESE [nesday, I 10, | 1968 f |band, two sons, Thomas Tyler|S. J. Payne;: §. J. Lawrence|by the Bureau of Advertising, die-cut panels enable the news- TWO GAMES. tate Etized CGINtY: Survived BY (ty, George Schurman (4) and|-- Jamieson Drugs; "Mr. Hy M>ANPA; and-is-avaiiabie trough paper and retailer to Work Clos: : ers and seven sons, prede- | by her daughter Susan Paula/Smith. jmember daily newspapers vi er tugeiner in piipoiniing saies Regular games pay double in [ceased by ® son, Vincent, in his 92nd year. |(9), also, by her parents and.a| Barbara Kennedy, The Rever-|the Bureau. jand advertising patterns for the ey HP ee Chapel, Whitby, for 'requiem mass in St BIRTHS sister Sally, Mrs. Laurie A.jend J. K. Moffatt; Mrs. H. C,| Advertising staff is trained in/retailer's merchandise lines in EXTRA PRIZES See, Naan ae ee Coles and brothers, Maynard F.|Stevens; Monsignor Paul Dwy-|techniques of: planning and is|his own market. : ment St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Come and Michael S, Schurman. 'er; Mr. G. S. Grant; Mrs. bold blr an on programs with city} bag Foe iat ory nd irhchagl ' d Cr os. i re) HILL -- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hill are, ------ - - ----- | retailers, jing Planbook section contains a ited in the Chapel Thursday at 7.30 . i | veri JUBILEE sted In the Chapel Thursday at 7.30 Bm. |proud to announce. the' bich Sale | "Retailers need to periodically "market target table" covering MacKAy, n |November 9 1965 at the Oshawa Gen-| take 'a fresh look at the retail/per family expenditures for 8 » Jon 4 | ' ; ' Suddenly, at Oshawa General Hospital,|°'?! "ospital. A: sister for Scott, | profit puzzle', and this is the|store types and 4 merchandise PAVILION fr, Mondays November & 1968, John } THURSDAY, NOV. 11 theme of the new Time Table |lines. It includes seasonal sales band of Margaret. MacAulay end' loving Pe cg SgP eR Ne ye fl ga pe ee |presentation to merchants," |patterns for 18 U.S. store types, : a of Di her of Mrs.| Ann, 8 Ibs. 6 ozs. Born November 1, 196s,| ee jsaid Mark R. Arnold, Vice-Pres- national sales information for 50c ADMISSION ¢ Yancouver. Mr. MacKay iat the Oshawa General Hospital. First] FIRST RACE -- Purse. $2,200. Maiden,|Money Galore, No Boy A-11S ident, Retail and Classified De- some 100 merchandise lines, and ow Funeral Chapel,| granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George} Ids, 7 Furl |Sitver Gu Boy 119 ; ici = | oF service in thei Forrester, Whitby, and filth' grand-lwile's Bice cient ign orones: | Silver Gus, No niga 108 partment, Bureau of Advertis-|advertising patterns for over 70 Bus Ba eo olga we lee weed Me cannes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reazin of| Bosret, Inouye 113 Royal Paul, No Boy A-110 ing, ANPA, more, Sales patterns for each of : be sip rooklin, Thai oO joctors wan, | Wir iger, Ste X10: A--Wiliow n r ni Agre OTe anf} ia ic » . cery istric' ME onte cae + aey | Stocks and. Grankc Aisa the Veutihe Homies 1 fle mah ee eae The profit puzzle is how to|the 12 Federal Reserve Districts NOT AGM ITED | MURDOCH, Alma staff Martian: Champ, No Boy 113 QUINELLA WAGERING build and sustain maximum are also included along with sea- solipnlaladiagaiy teaceediaiateeenccaissaciabs m Tuesday, Novem Jive Dancer, Ferro X108 sales volume while keeping costs sonal sales patterns for 17 Cana- r 9 rr 4 Miss Dwyer, No Boy 110 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,200. (4000 d * said Mr. Ar Id. "The diz store typ d 34 50 50 LUB ate e Ee. M WILLIAMS Ron and. Joyce are happy Gallumphant, No Boy 117 Claiming, three-year-olds and up. One down, said Mr, rnolc € ian s ore types an mer- - 6: Res at Mcintosh ~ Anderson{too announce the arrival of a son, Robert! Canadian Rebel, Parsons 110 and one-sixtaenth Miles. presentation and planbook sec-'chandise lines. Funeral Home. Serv in th hapel Craig, on Tuesday, November 9, 1965, at Farmer Jack, No Boy A-119 nearest Simcoe St. United Church Thursday Navarnhar sh, 2 pm. inter:| ne Oshawa General Hospital. A brother: seconn pace -- Purse $2,200, (3500) | Red Shanear, Finley X114 Italian Government Is Cool , Saturday, November 13th. |May Hamilton Pisgstt wed husba Ricky's Rita, No Boy 111 s 7 ; PET CUDDLER Yr ember 13 lat Ruth Alride end tether oe nace i Pd IN MEMORIAM. |Snow Water, No Boy 114 ayy BB ll ah eget ese 0 a e ] or ex 1 ms By ALICE BROOKS 4857 SIZES 10-18 Commencing ot 4:30 p.m. in [man Weeks (Sheila) of Oshawa, in his | Miss Telso, Inouye 114 iB Prine blabie eneD # Kater Entry Mile. A : BINGO TOMPKINS, Olga | Where hearts are ever true -- Leader Lane, Werry Xt! Italy's film indutsry, the sexy) Other state funds will go tolte knit a sweater for your dog.|Slanted buttoning that gives it ment Union Cemetery for Bryce, Patricia and Diane, Sarosu, Werry X108 Sh 'ver. Meeting (ef the' Atimetr IGaystone, Ditttach. 116 €-MrsG_M Graham and The Match ROME (AP) --- After months}judged by a mixed commission' Protect your pet from the | 6 A A lane we often travel a THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maiden, 5) | ' . Al Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, | len travel down i . Slithering Sam, No Boy 120 movie. documentary films, with sub-! pattern /7158: directions sizes|a sophisticated look, When night dear brother of | PIGGOTT, Max Hamilton Blue Chintz, Werry X10 |Choppy River, Wall 119 | PURKEY SUPPER | oot Able Ruler, No Boy A-117 Pentsriet, Walsh Clie | $1.50, Children under 12 [service In the chapel Thursday, Nov, 11,/dear father, who passed away November |Aldenstart, Fitzsimmons 114 i at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union| 4, 1951, and a dear mother, who passed | O°. Bricker, Ferro X112 | SEVENTH RACK--Purse $2,700, Aijow.|Slammed the subsidy door onlindustry representatives as|Tck and easy to knit. ; By ANNE ADAMS mat A 4-oz, skein knitting worst- Yshawa Genera Kornblum. X17 | Fast-is--'eet, Walsh C yeors 75c, Cemetery. |away November fy 19st erty, Teoahes, Turcette 117 | jed plus trim is all you need} New angle on the jumper-- Chal t rol i ANNUAL phage et Nea Chief Brant, Steve 8-103 | Hospital on Tuesday, November 9, 1965. Squadru, 'Spanking Breeze Satins c-113 the Memorial Holl. Adults [Funerdi Wome Ouhawa ' he 1 Mi 1 p r pay h funeral Sean sig ss Joanne S., No Boy A-114 ' : cold wi s sw % J | 7 TNideth en dks Care emery M6 soe Biy of controversy, parliament hasjof government officials and film with a smart sweater. It's! JUMPER OR DRESS Memory lane is*® lovely lane, A--J © Meyer and Dane Hill Acres Entry,/@06eS: Three and four-vear-olds. One/that persistent creature ofifilms of particular merit, Because it leads to you three. and four-yearolds., (Divn of 1st)./isie of Mull, No Boy A113 I No re) Ye le se ; : a : FERNHILL PARK jproyember 8. 1965, Olon Townsend in her) _avingly remembered and sediy missed|7. Furiongs | Wally Wallace, No Boy B-110 The episode was reminiscentisidies ranging from $8,000 to 10, 12, 14, 16 18 included. 'falls, wear it as a dress with- 83rd year, wife of the iate Arthur J ; SDAY NIGHT ata &. Geer cae by daughter Mabel Blow and Family Wee Lass, Leblanc 114 Goria Garden, Turestie 108 at time morality picture: 16 I u Gome 7:30 lered. Hi bohie hanna oe oe emer, Rabtiterd: 113 Buiterscotch, Leblanc 10 an old-time morality pi $16,000. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) {out the blouse. » No 1 orthien 'De ; . Parli nt, outraged at | ch a 6 Gomes $6 a R re heme ar te North] Everlasting Memorialization ee a. Se ee _ phi 'sirinady i D-118 eg lle ys wayoanl cil In addition, there will be spe-/for each pattern (no stamps,| Printed Pattern 4857: Misses' a2 A dphons 4 nd Funera dome ow i ms if rat 1 ja S$ sirinday, : s : | . ; 3 % eoch $10.. $15. $20. $30, |manville. Funeral service 2 o'clock thurs-|, 'S_almost possible with the Susie Sweet, Inouye 118 Aitention Here, No Sexy Wath. orders her out ints cial tax cuts on the box office please) to Alice Brooks, care Sizes 10: 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 SHARE THE WEALTH Gay afternoon. Interment Hampton Ceme-| MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER |jSerry, oiitach t0 jKhalife 2nd, Gordon the cold, never to receive any|(@k® for movie houses that bookjof The Oshawa Times, Needle-|jumper 314 yds. 39-in.; blouse : Door Prizes {!#Fv ___} thot we supply ond install; Bay Beach, McComb 113 Giilavinag 'Male, Mirctircenns othe inakela' suppor from the state, {more Italian films in preference|craft Dept., 60 Front Street/1!4 yds. 35-in, fabric. K Soibeid B f | Please call Moon Babu, Werry X113 Also Eligible: Caledon Colonel, | But eon Wein is nak haloiees to foreign pictures. West, Toronto 1, Ontario, On-| FIFTY CENTS (50c.) 'in: coins | indnes beyond Pri 3 na Sra o Boy, B- sexy § SS 1 i JAYCEES y ce, ye | C-113; Senator Gray, No Boy, B-118 There is good reason for the tario residents add ic. salesi(no stamps, please) for each within reach of all MOUNT LAWN FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200. (3800) A--T-E King. W T Mason and Dane Hill/In fact, in the opinion of indus- wees " a MEMORIAL PARK Clelming, two-year-olds, {Divi Of: me).| | Acres Entry. | and F Norton Entry.(ttY insiders, Sexy Film with her|Z0vernment to shell out these tax. Print plainly. PATTERN}pattern. Ontario residents add One. Mile : INT 2 I | f 723-2633 Sweet Trouble, No Boy 108 C--C Smythe Entry, stripteases and nudie scenes, is|Subsidies, Films are a big)NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. /2c. sales tax. Print plainly |Knight Out, Werry x10 : broad. Last y le, /alog stars knit het yISTYLE NUMBER : } pay Dena. : } eltaate 7 Eis R a ne iasogs 2 stry, |abroad. Last year, for example, alog stars knit, crochet -- many} 4, NUMBE vehi lon cheedl 390 KING STREET WEST man in Filion Ziteatenemons ot iSNTH RACE: - Pu ne $2,100, (3 000) gee ei staid latlian pictures earned $40,000,- more needlecraft designs. Three! Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Wheels Jr., Finley X109 ne-sixteenth Miles u n c Ss 5/000 in foreign currency andjfree patterns printed in catalog.jcare of The Oshawa Times CARD OF THANKS 22it0'siser! sce 1" King Legend, Ferre) Meat roubles and Premier Aldo' crossed' $245,600,000. at home. |Send 25c. [Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street aL dies 55 a LOCKE'S FLORIST aoe ia since. hae Bay Flight. Armiirong' I: lage a ler ans recent'Y!/Government taxes, on' domestic) NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilt|West, Toronto 1, Ontario. THU AY EVENING 7:45 | Funerol arrangements and | HOLLAND --' Many 'thanks to all my, Maior Roberts, Barroby 114 yin, Tecate' : won final parilamentary appro-liicket sales totalled $28,800,000,|Patterns for you in color, with) BE ALERT to What's New! ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL florol arrangements for ail {fiends for the cards, visits and many|Tract, No Boy A-119 val of a program of subsidies During the financial 'uncer-|Wilting motifs. Finest patterns|\Send for excitement-packed (Albert and Jackson Sts.) neeaior , messages during my recent. stay In the/A---Dene Hill Acres and Willow: Downs 8 and special benefits to help), i. ai Italy's new inflation\€Ver collected _ from ~famous/Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog oy - occosi yes pit ecia anks tothe boys arm Entr } y rs y S| rf atalog. Phage $6 314 $20 } ISHAWA SHOPPING RAH6 and RAHB, receiving, inspection : them out, fithin the leat wo museums, Send 60c, for new/350 design views -- school, N 7 be dout ed + trig ed HOPPING te ladies nariary of the Roya Ganz | RIFTW RACE -- Purse sain. (7s igh y. The new law provides a sub-;¥!tn the last two poe money Museum Quilt Book No. 2. De-|career, glamor styles Plus 70 IN JJ 5 j 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE [fan Lesion tage Port, Fittaimmans' sidy of $64,000 a year for each|to finance pictures had become) i c f rn -- ¢ c . you ali, Vintage Port, Fitzsimmons 110 X--S ibs AA M , J uxe Quilt Book No, 1 -- sixteen|coupon for free-pattern --choos Door Prize $15 -6555 | "8. & Holland! strayed inn," Becreby 112 P PESSED ~ChOURS GALA BALL GERROW IFUNERAL CHAPEL lcahant thoi, Warts' ep Pom neiewh, Ferm. Batty. consistently the most reliable Moneymaker both at home and} GIANT 1966 Needlecraft Cat-/SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, Telephone 728-6226 POST TIME 1 P.M. of 20 feature - length pictures'increasingly hard to come by.!complete patterns. 60c, it from Catalog. 50c,