Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1965, p. 30

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anew TN eT en mA ee ee ae MUGGS AND SKEETER MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA JULIET JONES iI" IT WORKED! Twas GOIN TO ASK YOU D King Feet Spode, inn, O65, Wad vghs marek CE\NO,LVIDN'T, © LAREDO,,..L WAS JUST STARING AT THE COIN. AD A) eg pe is AY), YOO NEZ «AND SIT IN THE VIBRATOR CHAIRS Reg pil rglie pee ak ptr geo tt LET'S SEE NOW, SHES 5 D TO BE CARRYING A TOY POODLE.» AM, THBRE SHE 1S! -- uz 'TO THE AIRPORT 18 9 ag Hs NEW lamas mm, iG! BE A SWEETIE-PIE AND WOLD GOLIATH WHILE AH FINO MAH BAGGAGE CHECK em Y'ALL WILL LOVE EACH AN KNOWS \N BXPEDITION WITH VILMJALMUR STBFANSSON IN THE CANADIAN ARCTIC...) | CAPTAIN BARTLETT. = = L@AD 'THE HU AND BE BACK IN 10 en. CLMbeS SORES! THE LONE RANGER STAY WITH THE KARLUK, INTING - T BARTL COMMANDS: (papas, POINT BARROW, IN TEPANGSON AND WIS Haees®, Pat RARLuI On NORTHERN ALASKA woe Ke ges § MaATe AND ¥ you IND aNnow (4 'a @ TO HEAD Baro BACK TO one Snip f SECRET AGENT X9 WAVE YOUR TAIL ANG YOU GET THE SARDINE! DONALD DUCK THE OSHAWA TIM®S, Wednesday, November 1 BRIDGE Opening lead -- two of dia- onds. I hare al only have y ; also have to be lucky, Skill is @ big factor, no doubt, but luck is at least as important. The luck takes many forms, not the least of which is how well or badly your opponents play against you. Take this hand played in a pair championship, South was Terence Reese and North was Boris Schapiro, Shapiro's jump to four hearts was optimistic; three hearts would have repre- sented his hand adequately enough, Reese could certainly not be blamed for bid six hearts; he though that Scha- piro would have a better hand. West could have defeated the slam if he had led the ace of spades, but he chose a diamond instead, Reese took advantage of the Japse to produce twelve tricks, though he did have an anxious moment or two. He won the diamond with the ace, drew three rounds trumps, cashed the king of dia- monds, and then played a low club to the ace, This last play was quite important; if Reese had led the king of clubs before playing a club to the ace, he would have gone down, After discarding a spade on the queen of diamonds, Reese led a low club from dummy, East low. To insure the contract Reese played the nine from his hand, a safety play which proved to be neces- Sary when it develo; that East had started with four clubs to the Q-10. Reese then gave up a club to make the slam, It would not have helped East to play the ten on the low club lead from dummy. He would still have made only one club trick--the queen--in such case, Hands like this are, the kind that win. tournaments, . Scha- piro's misbid, West's question. able opening lead, and Reese's 17, Region 20. Colleen land 21, Sexton [Ok grain 25.Drive [BE 3. Scatters in away headlong 27, Swiss ere prom INBBEIRIT CIA) f Mas . Benciat 20, Harbor PAULI MSET 6.Blunder 30.Re- CREBD 7. Tenor solo cog- Yesterday's Answer suffix 8. Crayon nized 19.Ceremonia} 11. Waist truths 37, Elevate ribbon 31, Fat 39. Game of 12, Branch 83, Constraint: skill 14, Resembling Law 43,Card game a snakelike 34, Gaulish 45. Cover fish god 47. Music note 24, Skimpy: Yo name 'LA, LZ 28. Alas! Z i 29, Door Y, ' gections 7 18 82, Floated = 35. Bovine 26, False Y, 38. Tear Y Co 40, Caribbean, i Arabian, Baltic, ete, 41, Ruthen- jum: sym, 42, Shovel, for one 44, Names 46, African 48. Capuchi monkeys 49, Astringent fruit 60. Conclud YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Skin Problems Are Discussed Dear Dr. Molner; I have sev-/ The foregoing letteris fairly eral skin problems. The skin is/typical of quite a few that I get oily, I also have blackheads and/--and have to leave wunan- bumps under the skin. They arejswered, because there is no more like small boils. universal remedy for complex- Should I take vitamins orjon troubles, any more than #M | something for my blood? I had|'tere is any single medicine boils svhen 1 was a teen-ager,|'"at "is good for anything that rong oping fo 8 3--Barrie 4--Danny Kaye Show Buttalo Devon Burke Secret '}--Albert J. Steed 9--Abr: '2 ante 'aronto gent 10:98 PLM, %--Sports Hot Sea? PABC Scope $+ 3---Festival 11:00 PM, WRONEBOAY EVE. 114-4-)-4-4-3-2---Nows 6:00 PA. Weather, Sports NF am | Thestre 9--Five O'clock Show bho daa Superman Metro Finat ge yah BS Adventure| Viewpoint 3--Secret ret Vike Pa. S-Lioyd Thaxton hacLete Show on Pm, é-Night Metre S---Leave It Te Beever 6--Music Hop Net ae 8-2---Let's Play 3--Hudson Bay ier hie 4--Search For Tomorrow M Sports B-Neonday Repert 6:00 PLM, 1-2---News Move me Pm, Pati yg Hope 1:40 PLM, N jews, is With Te-News Chuck Healy %---Plerre Berton 6-4--Guiding 1 tght 4&--The Long Hot Summer 10 Pm, 6:28 PLM, 1:80 AM. Sports|!1--Theetre News lt--News; Weather) oy hg 9--James Beard Show a: PLM, eaiesc inet Matinee Ni--Family Thestre J--Ben Casey -43--News) Weather Treat and Sports 0100 A.M. @--Huntley-Brinkley V--Sehnitrel House News 4--Captain Kangaree 4 Toronto Vi--Hamilter 3--Summer Cerouset Mike Ceugiee Ghew i--Cieyenne aha ab é--Across Canede Ties Care %--~Sergeant Bilko 7:00 PLM, 1--Toppar &4-As The World Turns 11--Gilligans island oe With Uncle 2:00. Pea, 9 Runamuck e-Rip Cn' Dialing Per Dellare | Kids ts People 6--News, Weather, or, My oie ee k a Sports 4--Mikes ign A less lim - +The 4 Trem ' JONSYIOONe"S: or 12 O'clock | High vee hee 2--Huntley-Brinkiey é--Byesy Rose Lee Regt 2--Doble Gills pales nme PM : : olen hee on ay 9--People in Contilet t #3--The Doctors 9--Gidge' Hat he, seen -2--Fractured Phrases 7A Time For Us P2-Virginian tet [e2--CAnadlan Schools | G--Love "That Boo 4-1 Love Lucy 4--Linkletter's Party 6--Political Tetecasts 4---Lost in Space 1:8 A Movie 0:00 PM %--Bingo ne Pm | Special Movie §-2--Concentration N=Donna Reed %--My Favorite Martian | 7----Donna Reed | 9--Fractured Phrases 3--Patty Duke Show | 63---Friendly Giant |!--Bonnie Prudden $3--Okay Crackerberry | 4--The McCoys i %2--Another Werle Meee 63. hepaenniinet Day 'al Mespitel NHL Hock | 4 ts 7--Gener! Mentreal a tam Service W43--To Tell The Truth bea ey 100 AM | 10 Pom, 63--Bob Hope Theatre 4--Beverily Hillbillies Vi--Bonnie | Prudden --Punny Mr, And Mrs, '0 Pa §:2---Morning Star 7--The Big Valley T--The Young Set ¥-2--Bob Hope grates gh hese 3 late 4--Green Acres 4--Andy ayberry 2:30 Pm 1) AM. 3--Kerteon Kernivel | 63--Festival %--Summer Fun on Pm | 4--Dick Van Dyke 4--Fieids Of Sacrifice | %--Mickey Mouse Club | - 0 &--The Match Game 10:00 PLM. Me A.M, N--Merv Griffin Show cross Canada 7--Recketehip 7 2:18 PLM, %--Dear Charlotte see their doctor when they de- oatmeal soap, alcohol . rinses tect suspicious symptoms, Yetjand other home remedies, go to some don't often do so when one|a dermatologist and find out particular organ is involved./(a) what your troubles really The organ? The skin! - jare; (b) whether any of thels APPLE-CHEEKED, VACANT- EYED, LOCAL DELILAH |!? © King Fasveres Syaiiienta, Ian, 1965. World rection memerwnd " JONES 'S DEFINITELY NOT STRAW HAIRED, APPLE-CHEEKED OR VACANT-, EYED. AS AMATTER OF FACT +. SHE'S GORGEOUS! but my skin got better in my 20s and I don't see why | should have this trouble now. I know what foods I. can eat and what | can't--fresh fruit of any kind, eggs, chocolate, nuts, etc, Begides this | have brown spots on my face. Can you help me bleach them out without kbleach cream which I cannot use? with oatmeal soap, and put al- cohol on it at night. I hope you can help me--Mrs. W. J. To such degree as |! can, [ try to offer help on skin prob- lems, but most skin conditions have to be seen to be identified accurately, I wash my face twice a day " ails you." i could make any number of jsuggestions to you, Mrs. W. J., jbut you would waste time and jmoney trying them, and prob- jably get little or no benefit |Why? Because without seeing jyou, L have no way of guessing jwhat the real trouble is, and if iI don't know the trouble I cer- tainly can't guess at the right pproach. : Forvone thing, what are those bumps? Are they acne? Does LARGEST ORGAN ithings you are doing can help, Oh; yes, the skin is an organ,|or whether they' may even be the largest in the body. It not/harmful and (c) what you can only covers a considerable areajdo that will improve the health but weighs, all told, semewhere/of your skin. around 16 or a dozen pounds. Yet folks seem disinclined to) Dear Dr. Molner: What seri- get expert diagnosis, and in-jous effect would a booster shot stead fuss around With | s0APE and @ vaccination have on a creams, lotions, and even), a "blood purifiers" which are a|two-year-old child, given simul- total waste of time. jtaneously, one in each arm-- Maybe it's our fault for not)5.M. having emphasized this. After) No serious effects, except that the oily skin contribute to them? [Do you have a chronic, low-! srade staph infection stemming} from. your teen-age boils? Or! are the "bumps" something en-| tirely different? { Many people have learned to all, complexion troubles aren'tjif they happened to be painful, often of severe peril to general|the little fellow might have two health or life. Still a consider-'sore arms instead of one. Even able variety of blemshes can be|so, the pain from the booste: readily identified by a skin/likely would be all gone by the specialist. jtime the vaccination became So instead of relying on the}sore--if it did. skill in the play were all joined together to produce an unbeat- able combination, id OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS OSHAWA MEN'S MAJOR PR pth a hrs second section saw of Qi In decided 2) score, Lucky Strikons tirer : winners, kept up their rey J -- ine Ozarks. Jimm (308) and Art |, 800.291). led the way with lots of help, namely Larry Piper, 778 (312) and Joe Ristich, 714, Tin Stovin was the only Orark to Nt, 730 (310), Les Sabres eked out @ win ead gum in anit af Can Arpr Mob 0s in (334), and Pam Knight, 732 (359), Lieya Sabin was top man on his team with 703, Earl Jordan led the Hill Bil to thelr win over MicMace with 793 (337), He had lots of help trom Himes (296), and Matt Bell 710 (295), Mick Master finally got the ball worki was headman on the MicMacs wi (313). Also shooting big were Hardie 727 and Bob The remaininy in Group Two there the section win oon. ee Seo se oe (275), and Rey Cooney 680, sparked the Naperville, As for the Hi-Bells, ne com: wes one shu ning Hi-Balls being pal oe, A, aeeee, aan The other games were 2-1 wins for Ball Hi's, Blowers and Cyclones; the lose Other good scores in Hal Batlem 74) (303), Greg Tony in 670, both of the C and Hal Clarke, who was the only get off the ground with his 490 (272), SALLY'S SALLIES "The man shortage is getting worse, I'm a head taller than this one" EARN EXTRA MONEY A selected number ef ateedily employed people ore turning spare time hours inte cash in- come replenishing light merch- andise accounts established lo- cally by prominent Canedien manufacturer. Constant repeat turnover ond de- finitely no soliciting can provide a reliable second income to sincere persons with sound job history, Write Todey -- Oshawe Times Box 1021

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