Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1965, p. 28

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OR EE eg es getienyng pera peugwlerkyes eee te ea ya OPES THE GSHAWA Times, Wednesdey, Nevember 10, OSHAWA BOWLING SCORES MONDAY NIGHT LADIES' Leacut Shige 92, H Mooney 9 and L. Pen RAINBOW LEAGUE Standings -- Orange 15, Red 13, Belg 1% White 11, Black 11, Purple 11, Plate Bive 9, Tan 9, Grey o. i tL) al 7, - 5 and Yellow 4 Main una Cor , vit an LUTHERAN MIXED LEAQUB Moncton Wipe Mlee Baer, 70. Women's high single - sm ee. ear L\\ ee Ss sae LADICS LEAGUE ESS it at nie ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLANS areges eS UF BRAND oy 5 cn gy Boll. eerses 22, Burrus 20, uc Te 8, Campbells 17, -- % REG', Vickers 157 Coiling 12 and Scotts 9 USER oF +a @UYS' AND DOLLS' LEAGUE 0 y Hi MH ae | -- Harold Ballem & on as, eee aud 344); ny Ret a 825 (254, 316, 255); Ron Swartz 819 (277, 265, 277)) OVEN Lloyd Sabins 794 (297, 255, 242); manning Swartz 780 (280, 296, 204); Al Pellow (224, 300, 250); Paim Knight 755 (211, 285, 259) and Bob Lavergne 717 (251, 238, 228). Dolis' i Triples -- Janet Peel 836 (320, 298, 218); Bernice Buday 825 (354, rl Ev Harding 77) (215, 296, 260); pm A Hutchins 762 isl 241, 282); Joyce BOSToO, 231). Ps Teams Standing = Hickleberries 4, Ball N BROIL Soypiras ir Perrys Pets 1" and Alley l C Mrs. R. Barker se PLETE ASSORTMENT OF Air ze Ball Hi's took team triple with 3,009, A COM BOLERO Lost "s @lso team single, with 1359. } K o PROTEN® Collin ood MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE | RECORDS THERM-0 BOWLS teaks Le, sw Sonar RI Sn AE A eS ens tl Bell 722 (272, 202, 248); Isabelle King 716 BON 237); Marion Dingman 716 (253, E Ss aay and Evon Pellow Te" (233, 250, Less Reynolds 3, Dairy Queens 3, Acadian) SPECIALy in b Motor City 0, Pic-O-Mat 0, BLA Vicsimoun 8 ond pea . wh MOOD MUSIC AND STANDARDS yaaa Bo ONELEEOPLAWS Proraye HI _ a 5 ward. 741, 3, Hart 709, D._ Wotton 705, | ) COLORS ---- c RINDLES ' CANADIAN ot R Ein ce ue ce | ww, Pme ree Oe 684, 01 , D. litters 672, C. Winscott 659, F, Mig 45 ey | eg : J. Bell 64, P. Tompkins 642, Hedger 621, Pi Bn eg ag 617, A. Canfield 615 and 6. oie ole Fra ea art a oB:| SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS ee a anfie inacot , jomp- iy wor Mh "are ao, Cin Ras he j ell { AR I 5 77KG. PRICES EFFECTIVE Lemon League -- S. Weeks 66. | NOV. 10, 11, 12, 13 -- CITY STORE LEAGUE -- Maude. Cockerton, S15 SPECIAL! AYLMER CHOICE HALVES Sec; BARTLETT PEARS..2=90' 2&4 elma cape Maxwell House -- 14c Off Deal wenn 221, Al. Hill 208, Muriel Batt Nelda 208, @dna Bowers 303 and Betty Campbell 203, SPECIAL! Teams Standing -- Modern Upholster- Ing 16, Jury and Lovell 14, Thomson and 5-LB Kernaghas 14, Jordan's Florists 13, Rivi- ciacoed : : era Hairstyling 10, Nu-Way Rug 9, Angus. BAG Graydon Carpet 8, Kinloch's Men's Wea: cone Hardware 7 end People's SPECIAL! E. D. SMITHS PURE BLECTRICAL MAINTENANCE . LEsOUE om RASPBERRY or J AM 16 FL. 53 Games -- Dan arul . wuw~utereesccescccccsccsececeees OZ. TIN sawyer, $2 and Bil compet! oz... | STRAWBERRY me Sietee TT, Same Gan Shs Rete see ming 216, Dan Charuk 253, 204, 211 (668), SPECIAL! No. 1 WHITE LIQUID Fe weerteh can a 0 iA 32 FL. ey 'ahr By sary Cory 8 ugh he BEEKIS : HONEY aventirons dieses, QA SPECIAL! CHOICE Mahon 222, 223, John Jukes 209, 213, Manning 210, Wayne Thertell 261 and Ped 20-FL. SPECIAL! YORK FANCY FRENCH STYLE er 0Z. TINS STORE LEAGUE National Grocers 4, Ont. Motor Sales 0 Town and Country 1, Oshawa Bakery 3; OZ. TINS Service station 0) Padlars 1, Seven' Up 3; TREAT AT YOUR FAMILY TO HEALTH! LOADED WITH REFRESHING JUICE! Motor City 3, Acadian's 1; Dixon's 0 and Alger's 4. SPECIAL! IRISH or BEEF e Over 700 -- J. Martel 812, $. Saimers 011, &. Carswell 768, D. Burden 758, R. . Thompson 755 and J, Debeaupre 740. eenerecencananes High ag _ & Based M5, J. De i besupre 3 Burden 309, 276, S. Ime 272, . H. 4, H. Bathe 30, R. Brooks 201.3. Martel 299,| SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE c Dea a a 6. em " 2, eaan. Hote: m4, F. Brenton 285, 1. Wall 7, B. IN PIE 24-02. LARGE @ MEDIUM ) A. n . A eeWoeneeeerseressseeereceee' wevee 275, J. Zok 273, J. Bent 27%, $8. Skerrow s os ee SIZE DOZEN SIZE DOZEN 27, P. Barrett 270, J. Healy 267, Siren Jat) R: Pearve 297,"R. Turvatali] LOBLAWS PRIDE OF ARABIA 8, K. Jenkins 258, . Sargent 257, Loiseg 252, W. Lanning 251 and A. Kuch FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! SWEET AND LUSCIOUS! ead MARS, MAYO Lemon taegue a P: Toreskt 97M le s PORT WHLLAM vara tvteis GO F Babe = Red Emperor GRAPES an ALSERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE | Wii i fnree more weeks io adh in} Lultd section, we find the Sea Fleas on ee re top| a IT'S FRESH APPLE WEEK! EAT MORE ON FiEat Jets 15, Bugs 14, Top Cats, viet | SPECIAL! GOURMET FANCY FROZE ALL PURPOSE! FANCY GRADE! Starlings 1) and Satellites 9. 'FRENCH CUT GRE 10 0Z Cc squat € s pound Eric Jacklin was high man this week EN BEANS % Yo riti a APPLES | tees KGS, with hs Wiple of 735 and ingles, ot 294) P oe an PACKAGE (253, 248, 202), Lloyd "edwards 679 (243, Gh. ta Richard Cra ob GET YOUR BINGO CARDS AT LOBLAWS B91, Perce Clark 261, Alan Venema 24, WATCH TV SHOW. FOR PLAYING RULES Glen Maunder 233, Frank Cooper 228, 202, Norman Marnien 223, Ross Clark 222, Mark Hill 22, Art Allman 212, 202 and| jail . as Willlam Pike 206. f . : es ; Por the ladies, Grace Locke was high . : sige f ' with 226 end 208, Marg. Jacklin 213, and . ' : "9 Winnle Scott 201. po f - The Sea Fleas, Top Cats and Starlings = p a : eens. y meena SARS. SUTHERLAND fook all four points from the Hawks, Satel-| Siemans He : \ . : ; aru CAD KOMOKA lites and Bugs, The Stars took three from : : 7 the Rockets, and the Jays and Jets split two points each. GM NICKEL PLATE Looks like the fellows had a big week) 3 again, we have six bowlers with the big seven this week. They are: C. Lockhart 761, G. Jessome 757, G. Glover 740 (322), &. Raby 739 (300), D. Bailey 738 end G. Mathieu 04, 600 Scores: M. ae i. Catton 653, @. Pappas 653, 0. Ison om P, Trey - @, H. Rolls 632 (332), W. Werosk! Dove 614, J. Jackson 611 and K. Evading 08. 200 Scores «= ®. McCaffery 241, 211, L. bg *e 331, D. Morrison 223, 206, 7 e' ». e' e % 2 Y, fs : Shetfee 218, 209, K, Shebrook 232, A * Rutter 24), M,. Coburn 222, &, Benm 218 . and &. Pigeau 207, Only oon Soren thie week, reguier G wire courant 6 puscHas oF WITH Courom 8 puRCHast oF wire Courow & PURCHASE OF Kuipers " ONE 67.68. soTTE ' _caitts faken = Plates 4, Shingre, 0 rata wocaton sworrban A saree paeaers | gt toothy MR. D. BAULDRY MR. P. TOPEK renters Racker) Mera a Paa| Mia bel SWEET 10 [Ol «TEA BAGS tM = SIMONIZ -- Team standings -- Platers 23, Shiners| (MARR TT Lage *4 SouroW exniess mov. 17 ESPNS ¥-2 Couron exriem Nov, 17 MERSTY TTS V2 CouroN exes WoV, 17 i, Upon 18, Mixers 17, Polishers 12 . 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF LARGE AMILY WIRE AND HARNESS owe 32". or. cornea ONE FAMILY SIZE TUBE ONE 402, TIN FOOTHPAS' 1 GROUND: Team Standings -- Gay Six 35, All GLENWOOD PURI Cats 31, Ht Balls 2, Fiyers 28, Hi Los INSTANT COFFEE EXTRA DTRA tA 08 PEPSODENT BLACK PEPPER 23, Head Pins 21, Lucky Strikes 20, Jest- Y4 Coupon tures nov. 17 i EXTRA EXTRA ors 19, Pie Plcxars 17 ena sare 1. STAMPS CTT ae *4 COUPON FxPeEs HOV, 17 V5 _courom mxpiens wov. 17 RRSAPMEPE v.16 COUPON Oxriatt Nov. 17 STAMPS Over - 24, 222)), Raioh Jennings aos a gomapas! 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPOW & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF eae || /) mec wan el herd |) BESS erste if ); Bill Herd i ees H Rorien tad (24a, TN Roy Goncron 030| MEET MOLASSES thi Pa Boneless Chicken ORANGE BASE [ibwmwal SHORTENING ORANGE JUICE [ibe peemel --STANDARDS erg = yaa 621 Gone STAMPS OUPOM EXPIRES MOV, 17 | ; stamps I \ PTT Te v1? COUPON rxvrass HOV, 17 V.18 COUPON EXPIRES Mov, 17 TRREARRERSE Y-19 COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 19 20 couron exrinss nov. 17 MPSA v.28 couron exrcs nov. 17 MBSE o gym ¢ 22 COUPON ExPmats nov. 17 (288) and Bob Clarke $03 (253 | WITH CouroM & PURCHASE OF Wit couron & puncwass OF WITH COUPON & PURCHAS OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF o tn ous eet eres )) Monee mae sta ao ne Why fyn Rosseay 233, Bill Smith 230). CIM aonisate NCH FRI Aigepaie bowen. oye Hutchison 229, Clara. Dubbiestein 229,| MNTT APRICOTS Orange EXTRA AJAX | CHEESE ; SPINACH GRAPEFRUIT PORK SAUSAGE Gorman nr) bath Chsburner 317. Pouline| re, BIL TL Lam ¥:39 Courow cxress Wov, 17 STAMPS Be . ry 'V-27 Covrow mxrmes Woy, 17 'V.28 COUPOM DUPETS HOV. 17 sear 1.32 COUPON HxPIAES NOY. 17 ¢ 'V.31 COUPON FEPIEES HOV. 17 ¥.30 COUPON EXPIRES HOV, 17 ¥.29 COUPON EXPIRES WOV. 17 MR, D. WOOD MRS. 8B. KINSELLA Bell 216, Tamara Collins 213, Joyce Smith LONDON 214, Cassie Morrison 210, Barb Wilson 210, Rich Wilson 207, gm Robinson 207, Steve Lovelock 204 and Beaner Smith 201. Beemer" smi 97, Bivens burgess 8 Ok SHOPPING CENTRE STORE OPEN WED., THURS., AND FRI, TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M, or judy Gannee 0 ana Bllese Senile WT,

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