- eathoes 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 10, 1965 or = DISTAFF DIARY ""~ Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by thee secretaries. MARY STREET H-5 King the meeting continued with Mary Street Home and Schoolia report by Mrs. Andrew Czere- *"- @pened its November meeting | with a Red Feather speech by / } _ Scholarships for Grade 6 and *. Danny Dillabough. His interest- Grade 7 pupils; social bingo and ing speech was on the CNIB,/draw to be held on November one of the many organizations|15 in the Parish Hall; Christ- covered by the Red Feather. |mas party for the members. The president, Mrs, Michael} The meeting was closed by Kadoski, introduced the family|the Reverend John C. Pereyma - life chairmen, Mrs. Robert Con-jand refreshments were served = Snaty, who did a puppet nee by Mrs. A, Czerewaty. ~ made up of potatoes portraying "the Tater Family. Although the NAVY LEAGUE AUX. > Previous to the régular meet- mily had amusing names like) t ick-Tater for the father, it con-jing, Petty Officer Ted Luhtala thanked the bers for the veyed a message so that every decided to have a social waty. Topics discussed were: |M this year. Refreshments were served. The nest meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Fred Beare. COME-DOUBLE CLUB Come-double Club of North- minster United Church held their annual fall dance in the form of a imssquerade, in the lower church hall. Music and entertainment were provided by r, Aubrey Hollis. Hallowe'en decorations set the atmosphere. The evening ended with a buf- fet dinner. A "Who's Who" evening is planned for November 10, ST. MARY'S CWL The monthly meeting-of the St. Mary's of the People Catho- lic Women's League was opened by the president, Mrs. Leonard Weeks. Mrs. Max Coleman, so- cial action convener, reported jduced the scholarship winners sponsorion the work done at Hillsdale! Manor, and discussed how to be a "Lay Apostle". Mrs. Kenneth Johnson intro- duced the new members. Mrs. William Feebes, spiritual con- vener, asked for volunteers for the Perpetual Mass for World Peace, An apron shower gvas held for ihe annual bazaar si wie home of Mrs. Kenneth McRae, No- vember 7. Plans were made to accept the invitations to visit the tele- vision stations in Toronto later this year, Mrs. William Edwards intro- for 1964-65. The Reverend Nor- bert Gignac made the presenta- tions to Bernard O'Brien and Ann Marie Grills from the Osh- awa Catholic High School, and to John Novak and Ann Marie Kroll, Grade 8 students in the The Reverend M. J. Darby con- gratulated her and presented her with a cheque. Mrs, Mullen thanked the mem- bers who helped at the wedding dinner recently catered to. Also thanks were extended to Mrs. John O'Boyle, Mrs. Dennis Me- Auley and Mrs. H. T. Anthony who helped in the tuck shop at Hillsdale Manor this month, It was decided to fave a Christmas Party on December 14 and exchange gifts. Father Darby urged everyone to attend the forty hours devo- thanked. Members prere remind- ed to obtain their tickets for the congregational dinner to be held on November 10. A report was given on the cleaning and decorating of the church premises. Plans were made for sending flowers and fruit baskets to the sick and shutins at Christmas. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Holy Cross Council of the Catholic Women's League held their November meeting recent- ly in the parish hall. Mrs. J. T. Mullen, president, presided. The councillors gave their reports. Mrs. Albert J. Brown resigned as education convener, and Mrs. Stephen Rigo accepted to be educational, convener for the remainder of the year. Miss Linda Squires was pres- ent to accept her scholarship. parish schools. Mrs. Leonard Weeks red congratulations from the ng oe Mrs. Leo McCarthy and Mrs. Gerald Kasabek will convene a pot-luck supper for the Christ- mas meeting in December. Special guest, Mrs. W. F. Mercer was introduced by Mrs. William Edwards and she illus- trated gift wrapping and candle making. Refreshments were served. KNOX WA The November meeting of the Knox Presbyterian Women's Association was held in the church lounge with Mrs. J. S. Cuthbertson presiding. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs, W. F. Taylor and Mrs. James Wraith. Those who helped with the successful Harvest Dessert luncheon in October, were the bazaar November 19. Mrs. William Skuce was a spe- tion on the use of cosmetics. Refreshments were served by the lunch committee, the next meeting will be held Decem- ber 7. member of the family could «» Benefit from this show, The par- ~ents then formed four circles "with a teacher in each group and discussed their family prob- lems. Then all groups had a chance to tell their findings per- taining to family life. Everybody was invited to the Area Conference on Saturday, * November 20, at Central Col- legiate. Room count banners gift of money he received from them while he was away on a cruise. He also presented the president with a doll from Hol- land. Plans were made for the an- nual Christmas draw in the near future, also for the Christmas dinner to be held some time in December for the cadets. Walter Ellis. went to Mrs. A. Keys and Mr. The draw was won by Mrs. | Refreshments were served by | L. Gauer. Refreshments were|/Mrs. David O'Flyn and helpers. | served by grade mothers Mrs.; 'The November meeting will be | Howard Cook. and Mrs. Alanjheld at the home of Mrs, Fred Wood. |Kunkel. Members were reminded of a eas the rummage sale at the VAW| DUGHTERS OF ENGLAAND | «-seeHall, with Mrs. L. W. Hurren,| The regular meeting of the i=, convener. |Daughters of England was held jin the Orange Temple on Tues- jx ond OPA AUXILIARY |day evening. Worthy president aor, The November meeting of the|Kate Glover presided with Wor- | "Ladies' Auxiliary of the Osh-|thy vice-president Nancy Mur- meme @wa Police Association was held rall assisting. In the absence of sweat the home of Mrs. Mervin)Chaplain Sarah Van de Walker'| "SSS Baker, with Mrs. John Reardon|the devotional period was led "wee presiding. Mrs, Charles Hill re-|py Jessie Madder. Nan Kirk- "= ported a successful rummage/pride was acting pianist. Cor- wm gale on November 3. Final ar-|respondence was read by the *» © rangements were made for the] secretary, Doris McDonald. "= _ bazaar to be held in the Legion ol "-- *were urged to attend the work aight to price the goods. Mrs. Kenneth Ostler gave a SS report on the Cerebral Palsy eee - School. Mrs. William Hayes and a 'Mrs. Charles Hill will be in wom » charge of the Christmas evening i *~ to be held at the home of Mrs. S Kenneth Ostler. Refreshments = ~ were served, oom OSHAWA LIONETTES «=. The recent meeting of the "= Oshawa Lionettes was held at ew. the home of Mrs. Peter Andrey. } = Mrs, Jack Anderson, president, ---- ** presided. The secretary, Mrs. "wm - Andry, read the minutes and $0. Mrs. Gerald Hudson gave the «~~ treasurer's report. ped Three bursaries are to be «= given to Donevan, McLaughlin ae --and Oshawa Catholic High ©= "> Schools. A rummage sale will «~ be held at Simcoe Hall on "rw November 24. Four members omen Will go to Hillsdale in Novem- ssee= ber. Progress of the selling pro- war" ject is favorable. Refreshments meee grere served by Mrs. Kenneth | tr Loverock 'and her committee. | ES st. GEORGE'S UKRAINIAN "~~ CWL -- JUNIOR AUXILIARY uw. The regular meeting of Saint «owe George's Catholic Women's "=. League was opened with a pray- wuiee @r by the Reverend J. C., "--" Pereyma.. After the minutes somms.. 'Were read by Mrs. William Yas- "eee maniki and the treasurer's re- ae Hall on November 27. Members |tion be sent to the Oshawa It was decided that a dona- }Community Chest Fund and to the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. |It was proposed that the Christ- |mas party be held at Adelaide |House in December. Further de- | itails will be announced at the, jnext meeting. The lucky draw| |was won by Doris McDonald | jand Beatrice Hurst. Final ar- jrangements were made for the} \trip to Hamilton to attend the} |75th Anniversary of the Queen} | |\Victoria Lodge. The bus will leave Oshawa at 3.30 p.m.,| Wednesday, November 10, from the Orange Temple. | The next regular meeting ill be held Tuesday, Novem- ber 16. | PHI PHI CHAPTER, | BETA SIGMA PHI | The first November meeting) of the Phi Phi Chapter of the| Beta Sigma Phi was held at the| YWCA with Mrs. Donald. Mc- Clennen presiding. The Ritual of the Badge was) held for Mrs. Thomas Lane, and| she was presented with the Nu) Phi Mu pin and a lovely cor-| sage, Miss Beverly Baker, Miss} Barbara Black, Mrs. Harry Cockburn, Mrs. Douglas Dono- van and Mrs. Wayne Fawcett were given their ritual. and be- came pledges. They were pre- | sented with corsages, and will) receive their pins shortly. | Mrs. James Carson, chapter --. * port was given by Mrs. Nicholas advisor, resigned and it se, La COPEL PEEP EL EPEETE Multiply your fashion looks with smart es blouses at tremendous savings. Acetate, SPECIAL . surrah, or cotton in long or % sleeve styles. 3.99 pred Fall's prettiest prints, Sizes 10-18, REG, = to $8. 00 = SKIRTS = To co-ordinate with our blouses, skirts in ae sheath, action, walker, or A line styles, SPECIAL io Plain wools or novelty tweeds in a variety 4.99 BLOUSES of colours. Sizes 8-16, REG. to $9.00, Fashiona Sines 1867 BLOCK BUSTER FEATURE FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 1-Ib. Prints 54 LIMITED QUANTITY Ideal for Boiled Dinners -- Chunky Style Fresh Choice Fresh S WIENERS SHOPSY'S FAMOUS "BOILABLE POUCH" 3-18. BAG Free Offer Deal BUY FOR ECONOMY = Extra Lean -- WELL-TRIMMED SHOULDER LAMB cHoPps 69: CHOPS .. Meaty Stewing Lamb 2 1»: 29: 1.00 COOKED HAM TWO - GET ONE FREE! FOR CORNED BEEF oo vec: con 58° «PIZZA PIES tcc. 120 va It's Lamb Week at SPROULE'S TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO TENDER -- JUICY -- PLUMP ONTARIO LEGS 69: TENDER - JUICY - THICK CUT FOR BROILING... LOIN LAMB 39: FRESH ! NEVER FROZEN FRESH . Rindless liced Golden Valley .. 1-LB. n. 98° BACON FOR A TASTY TREAT -- MANSION HOUSE 1-LB. PKG. 79 2. ron 98° COMPARE AT 45c -- SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP COMPARE 2 FOR 25¢ -- AYLMER WONDER ROYAL CHARGER COMPARE AT 73c!--KRAFT - CREAMY SMOOTH COMPAR 28-0Z. Peanut Butter JAR 59° Sockeye Salmon ,... 57* Tomato Catsup 2 ':.: 3% 10 oz. tin 10- 1 lb. prints 2 5 PLUS DEPOSIT 2 for 25< COMPARE AT 23c!_-AYLMER 35° 16 oz. jar Large Bottles E AT 65¢!--FANCY FRENCH FRIES | | ©. 5 u< 1.00 COMPARE AT 23¢!--KELLOGG"S CORN FLAKES 5 8-02. PKGS. | E. D. SMITH'S Apple or Cherry PIE FILLER 'em or Match 'em! FREE WHITE SUGAR § ths. with the purchase of 4 General Electric Light Bulbs at regular price. 40 Watt- -- 60 Watt -- or 100 Watt. 20-02. TINS 3 ms 1.00 COMPARE AT 85c! TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS COMPARE AT 25c! COMPARE AT 23c! LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT WESTON OR SUNBEAM CRISP 'N' SERVE ROLLS COMPARE AT 69c! GAY LIQUID DETERGENT COMPARE 2 FOR 29¢ -- SOFT RITE WHITE OR COLORED TOILET TISSUE ROSE BRAND WINTER SALAD 6-02. CR Ob et 19° SUPREME WALNUT NIBS . AS 28-02. 19 Tn, Cella. 225 soon BLANCHED ALMONDS REG. 29¢! 2 25¢ ha 2 37° : '| eae ae CUT MIXED FRUIT 6-00. Phe, 205.5 gas 40° CUT MIXED PEEL 8 ROLLS 1.00 @ OPEN TONIGHT @ Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday ond Saturday Nights Until 10 o'clock SAVE 10c Betty Crocker. Gold Medal 8-Oz. Pkg. RED GLACE CHERRIES corner oF KING at RITSON R , : 7-LB. AMPLE OFF wind PARKING PASTRY FLOUR BAG 69° 8-Oz. Pkg. reiting 45° COURTLAND .. . FOR EATING OR COOKING 6 QUART BASKET OAD, OSHAWA tion this coming weekend. The final plans were completed for cial guest and gave a demonstra- Pep empath OEE I A et Se ani a Aren't you ' glad you have A little girl to fuss over and dress up in the latest fashions. Fashions to make you proud to show her off. Fashions like these you'll find at Walker's...the store that thinks young...and where good taste in fashion is not expensive. A HAND EMBROIDERED CARDIGAN: Please don't pick the daisies embroidered on this beautiful sweater front. Neckline and button closings are crocheted. In Orlon*, White/Green, White/Burgundy, 8-14 5.98 $4.98 B VELVETEEN DRESS: Embellished with a lace collar as dainty as an old world lace doily. Has short sleeves and a button back. Red, Royal. 7-12 cree 5.98 € FLORAL EMBROIDERED DRESS: In rich velveteen, A bouquet of appliqués are strewn on its bodice. Also features a snowy white collar and contrasting pipe tri, Red, Nave GOK ea 5.98 D A MAD ABOUT MOD DRESS: A 2-tone polka dotted charmer, Rayon solid bodice with a polka dotted ruffle, hs dot skirt with matching tie belt. Brown, Green, 7.98 Matching si shell . SHOPPING 1S CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT Satisfoction Guaranteed Or Your Money Refunded ALKER'S 48 STORES SERVING ONTARIO Open Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Thurs, and Fri, to 9:00 P.M,