oa . nalatnictninnsstinnpll EE § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 5, 1965 in air) gained an assist on the game and that's John Ferguson (22), another of Backstrom's team mates, keeping an eye on Sawchuk, --CP Wirephoto along with goalie Terry Saw- chuk and Allen Stanley (26) -- all trying to thwart Back- strom, Claude Larose (right background, with his stick finally managed to score this goal, part of Canadiens' 5 - 1 triumph over Toronto Maple Leafs. That's Tim Horton of the Leafs (left) RALPH BACKSTROM (second from left) had a lot of hindrance and opposition in the NHL game at Mont- real last night, before he BADLY BEATEN Both Leafs And Bruins Find Second Night Rough By THE CANADIAN PRESS riod when he beat Toronto net-)picked up his first goal of the Inight w yon the drawlof. the night h bined |basi "agers rn Sawchuk on a/night when he won the draw of the night, as he combined|pbasic duties. Montreal Canadiens climbed)minder Terry from Eddie Joyal on a faceoff with Claude Provost, to make it!transmit any movement of the h d 4-1 midway through the middle|foot to the ski and secondly,|¢adpiece or hood and not-too-| into a first-place tie with Chi-| screened shot from 15 feet. aaed in Temsith tacritery, Red wines ue ith ale ied vous pore : vadbed The Leaf defenders appeared period, best effort of the season in Na- they counted two goals in galas freeze as Richard popped the tional Hockey League action seconds early in the second pe-'puck: in the net. Thursday night. riod The Canadiens, led by Henri Bobby Rosseau and Jean Bel-|Leafs' only goal when he picked Richard with two goals and an ivea, were caught behind the|UP the rebound med Toronto. Maple ie i per ee ntreal while De- Toronto goal, but Beliveau man-yy treat goaltender Charlie|tion as he left the ice, Leafs 5-1 in Mont g troit exploded for five goals in aged to come up with the puck. | Hodge and just poked it home the second period and went on He fired it to Rousseau fromjat 2:59. to defeat Boston Bruins 8-1 in; ning the net and the right|----------- PTeraavs loss coupled with bar ad popped it in the corner Detroit's victory left the Leafs ' and the Wings tied for third won pRAW, SCORED spot with five points -- four) Seven seconds later Richard onto. Norm Ullman scored jup a goal and three assists in By THE CANADIAN PRESS leading Detroit to its lopsided Bobby Rousseau, Montreal|victory over Boston, |Canadiens right winger, scored j5-1 victory over Toronto Maple/g.51 of the first period, and then |Leafs giving him 12 points and | drew assists on markers by Ull- points behind the leaders. SOCCER SCORES {sole possession of first place in! man, Floyd Smith and "Andy The Canadiens have played one more game than the Hawks. ROME (AP) -- Italian CUD | the National Hockey League's| y soccer tournament second-|individual scoring race. |Bathgate in the second period. Ralph Backstrom opened the scoring af 3:38 of the first pe-| Pit Martin scored the other round results Thursday: Rousseau has four goals and/n.iroit goal in the first period LAST NIGHT'S STARS | ns fou and| Palermo 1 Fiorentina of Flor-|@ league-leading eight assists.| hile Gordie Howe and. Bill s , : By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Fa'erm¢ |Bobby Hull of Chicago Black! Gadsby also tallied. for the Red Henri Richard, who fired two : |Hawks and team - mate Doug Wi ; ing|Catanzaro 1 Napoli of Naples 0 ; |Wings in the wild second pe- onthe Palla oe Canarousl of Vicenka$ Modena|Mohns are tied for second spot) jog as Detroit scored five Mapl 0 }with 11 points apiece. Hull has| victory over Toronto aple oe als, | Ullman's second goal of the |night was the only one scored in the third period. Tom Williams spoiled Detroit - eight goals and three assists! Leafs. Brescie 2 Catania 3 while Mohns' record is six goals Ron Murphy, who scored one/Varese 2 Livorno of Leghorn lland five assists. goal and picked up three as-/Potenza 0 Spal of Ferrara 2 Jean Beliveau, Montreal's big| loped Boston Bruins 8-1. Venice 0 against: Toronto, tying him for bid when he scored at 12:33 in veau has four goals and ania, power plays despite the fact National |Cleveland 1 Los Angeles (WHL) /assists. 1 periods. Mantvonl 16 9 WLT-F APtan assist moving him into|£#™es and gained one tie in its 5 jin the sport seriously after the play a big part it is advisable Richard got his second goaljpoots. The ski boot has two Gilles Tremblay scored atjcomfort to the foot. Therefore} \11:24 of the final period to close|it must be stiff enough' to pro-| : | ° Tim Horton came up with the|out the scoring. Richard re-|vide the first and not so stitt)ltely be worn on cold days. Gog- Al Lopez Resigns ceived an assist on Tremblay's|that it- cannot provide the sec- from a Red goal and the 15,229 hometown |ond. Kelly shot directly in front of fans gave him a. standing ova- Referee Frank Udvari calledjerly, The boot must fit snugly nine minor penalties, six to Tor- ; Sa h hould bi NHL LEADERS jgoals and Ron Murphy Sichad peoveihent of the foot in the | you money and aid you in learn- i HAE Speen meg nettntr oe TIPS TO SKIERS Proper Basic Equipment Important For Beginner By JOHN NICHOLLS A beginner can spend be- (Note -- This is the second |tween $20 to $200 on skis rang- of a series of articles on the |ing from wood to metal to fiber- subject of skiing, to run as a |slass. To the beginner, buying weekly feature, in Friday's |fairly low-priced skis, his pri- issue of The Times, during |™any concern is to see that the the winter season. The writ- |skis are straight longitudinally er is the "club professional" |or more simply, that they are and racing coach of the Osh- |not warped. A pair of skis held awa Ski Club.) bottom to bottom should touch at the tips an and at the tails If one is going skiing for the|without applying pressure to first time and is faced with the |them. problem of equipment, the sim-| Beginners should beware of| plest solution is to rent what one) hyying skis too long or too stiff. requires for that first time out./4 ski that is a foot longer than Although it may be difficult) yoy, height is, probably too for some people to establish)jong. Since height. and weight whether they intend to indulge/and natural co-ordination all first day, most people will prob-|{o have a qualified skiing sales- ably be able to say "'it is a reat/man advise you in your selec- sport, where can I buy my Own tion, He can also advise you as equipment". to the advantages of metal "< And so the shopping starts!|wood, or fiberglass over metal, Because of the research and the/or vice-cersa, depending on the experimentation that has gone/area where you do most of your into the manufacture of ski|skiing. equipment, over the past few; While poles seem to play years, one owes it to oneself to|minor role in a skier's reper- shop thoroughly before mak-/toire, they are a tremendously ing any major purchases. important item. The pole helps| us maintain balance and gives FIVE MAIN ITEMS jus confidence in the early| nrg A the pryyd needs five | stages. Later they set up the separate items 0 equipment. |means so much to the advanced| They are not necessarily in!skier, Poles in most cases ea of Paces Sino a oftis:| should be light and strong, but| , &s, Doots, poles a not too long. ing. Although skis and the bindings| CLOTHING IMPORTANT are sometimes sold as a single| Clothing has become as im- item we will discuss them sep-|portant a part of skiing as the arately here, because of the|Ski itself in recent years, with tremendous importance of a/the stretch pant leading the good release binding. |parade. The beginner should at ' Sa ; look for practicability an d| First, we, will dacusn: the warmth, when selecting cloth-| Snow resistant pants, wind 7 i ing. § Firstly, ~ it rst resistant jackets, and a warm MAN AND WIFE BOTH SET WORLD SPEED MARKS Mr. and Mrs. Craig Breed- as she reads the official the world's speed mark for love, shown here, are now notice that she has just set men on Tuesday, in the | entitled to be known as 'Mr. a world's land speed record same car that Lee drove and Mrs. Speed". Craig is (for women) of 308.56 miles a i holding. Mrs. Breedlove aloft per hour. Her husband set Spirit of America Sonic I", Craig's new world - record time was 555.127 mph. --AP Wirephoto ; , 4 : bulky mitts would just about . it must provide wamrth and| : Lopez was named a_vice- : suffice White Sox Manager| 127: vs mamed a vice Long underwear should defin-| president and assistant genera manager of the club, gles are almost a necessity, Lopez, 57, led the White Soxij NEED... eat tits ke ee CHICAGO (AP)--Al Lopez re-|to the pennant in 1959 and to| Fuel Oil However, to do any of theitriend with you to help with|i8med as manager of Chicagojfive second-place finishes, in- CALL above the boot must fit PrOP-| vour selection. If the salesmen|White Sox Thursday after nine cluding 1965. He previously had PERRY without causing any uncomfori-\Y°% 2%e, buying from are ex.|Seasons with the Americaniheen manager of Cleveland In- Dey or Night 723-3443 . 5 |perienced in the ski industry,/League club. dians from 1951 through 1956. able pressure anywhere. Thus they can provide you with a No aecebior Wak navied: I HINK ee | laterall/few extra tips that may save| ---- Of Our Tax Structure VOTE Monday for HODGES | X/ oii }boot, The toes should be free ing to ski more quickly. |to wiggle and the heel may! Shop early, while the choice lift vertically up to one quar-|of Styles and size selections is jter of an inch. With the foot in] tin) good! |the boot and the boot done up,|------ the upper boot should flex for-| ward without the boot buckling] REMEMBER WHEN? yas or bulging at the sides. Begin- By THE CANADIAN PRE: ners should avoid boots that are Josie Conacher noha Kelly Disney extremely stiff. : : greatest all-round athlete, Used Cars Since the binding is the item} was purchased by Montreal Ltd. that binds the boot to the ski] Canadiens 35 years ago today and plays such a big part in! --in 1930--from New York 1200 Dundas E. our skiing safely, we will dis-| Americans, also of the Na- Whitby 668-5891 cuss it next. A binding must] tional Hockey League. Con. BUDGET TERMS allow the toe to swivel away| acher retired from profes- DROP IN from the ski laterally (right) sional sports in 1937 and or left) and also allow the} went into Ontario Politics heeel to lift off the ski vertic-| and later federal politics, | ally, if it is to meet mene _ suit | safety requirements. gi : a | eee Q : ae ay mes oe Se iad el be adjusted as to the point at) YOUR SATISFACTION 1S OUR AIM All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE DEMOCRAT However, all bindings have to which they will release the boat | o a : from the sk. If you cannot in er roe ec ion adjust it yourself, a good ski| 7? ° shop will adjust it for you. This adjustment should be checked | periodically. A release binding improperly adjusted is no i er a release binding. for Home and Farm! i nezia of i | , sists as Detroit Red Wings wal-|Lazio of Rome 1 Venezia centre picked up an assist oalie Roger Crozier's shutout fourth spot with Stan Mikita of the sec : ond period. FOOTBALL SCORES, STANDINGS Chicago with eight points. Beli | None of the goals were scored equal amount of assists while that refers 'i ; sree Vern Buffey called By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Thursday's Result Mikita has one goal and seven sight penalties in the first two t| 2 Henri Richard of Montrea Chicago , ; ce Ontario Junior A Itired two goals and picked up Boston has now lost four Detroit : 20 Niag. Falls 5 30 16 11) fourth spot with seven points, |{ve_ Starts to date. Toronto 2 18 5|Oshawa 24 11/Richard, who is tied with team- Noo vere i 12 3|Toronto 4 s|mate Jacques Laperriere, has t |Kitchener 33 three goals and four assists Boston : 1 1! Montreal 28 7\while Laperriere has one goal Thursday's ts ts Peterb'gh 34 Tland six assists, Toronto 1 Montreal 5 Hamilton 44 7) The leaders: Boston 1 Detroit ' |St. 'Cath. 45 7 Saturday's Games London 0 43 4/Rousseau, Montreal Boston at Montreal Thursday's Results Hull, Chicago {Toronto 2 Hamilton 2 Mohns, Chicago Kitchener 4 Peterborough 8 Beliveau, Montreal Today's Games Mikita, Chicago "Oshawa at Niagara Falig Richard, Montreal *|London at Toronto Laperriere, Mtl 8 Saturday's Game weteanen nm : Kitchener at Oshawa BARTENDING SERVICES Wedding, Dances, Bonquets, ete. Telephone: 725-8329 or 725-8303 AAnPRwwwe Oo American League Providence Baltimore Hershey Springfield Western Rochester 5 Pittsburgh 3 2 1 Direct to the Track Saturdays Ly. Oshewe - Ly. Whitby Ly, Ajox .... 4] International League |Toledo 2 Muskegon 7 22 10/Fort Wayne 2 Dayton 4 2: 6 Saskatchewan Junior 16 4/Melville 1 Brandon 8 | 25 2\Regina 2 Saskatoon 5 Cleveland Buffalo ancome DS me Ate <= eosook OOo e | 11:00 o.m, 11:10 em, 11:20 om, Send your great white hunter to the nearest whiskotheque for that great new go-go whisky from Seagram's ' RETURN FARES OSHAWA .... 2,60 WHITBY ...,. 2.40 AJAX ....... 2,20 Includes Admission Return After Last Race While he's out, steal his sleeping bag. Tlekets end ) Information ot OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince St.--723.2241 WHITBY HARRY DONALD LTD. Telephone 668-3675 Ll EXPRESS BUSES GREENWOOD OCTOBER 30th TO NOVEMBER 27th ' POLYTHENE ! A_ sturdy protective material... folded over in- easy ro i handle rolls . . . resistant to acids, alkaline materials and e corrosion. AVAILABLE IN: .002 gauge .......... up to 10 ft. wide -- 150 ft. long .004 gauge .......... up to 32 ft. wide -- 100 ft. long if 006 gauge .......... up to 40 ft. wide -- 100 ft. long : Qi Q I IDEAL FOR... E © BUILDING CONTRACTORS for winter working conditions @ GREENHOUSES @ CISTERN LINERS R - © HOT and COLD FRAMES © FARM POND LINERS & q © SKATING RINKS @ TRENCH SILOS 2 | @ EQUIPMENT COVERS © HAY STACK COVERS ] A f t R | HERE IS THE READY-MADE PROTECTION FOR THE FARM ee, CONTACT US TODAY! aaa) AJAX (North) AJAX COFFEE SHOP Telephone 942-3390 AJAX (South) THE COFFEE CUP Telephone 942-2940 Oshawa Wood Products LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 41% COURTICE 728-1611 eee A' LONT | Gra Coach linn "ALLONT -- THE NAME TO BUILD ON"