sa Ng ORT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 8, 1965 2] B.C:: Big Question Benneii Influence power, maintaining that there will be no majority government after Nov. 8. By STEPHEN SCOTT VANCOUVER (CP)--A poli- tician who is pet te eo mot running constitutes one 0! OTHERS the poi marks in the Nov. --_ Te uae B.C. needs in- in| creased Credit repre- sentation to prevent "discrim- Premier W. A. C. Bennett is HER HOPE FOR THE FUTURE 4 b ination" against the province, a in a round of speech- pee ry an effort to boost the stock of Social Credit, which won only two of the province's 22 seats in Parliament in 1963. Aside from Okanagan Bound- ary where the Social Credit candidate finished second last election, 2,601 votes behind Pro- ssive Conservative winner vid V. Pugh, Mr. Bennett's party has a long way to go to add to its total in B.C. In almost every other case where the Social Credit candi- date was defeated, he ran fourth behind the New Demo- particularly in its dispute with the federal government over jurisdiction over offshore min- eral rights and the province's so-far-unsuccessful attempts to establish a Bank of British Columbia. Opponents of Social Credit say that even if the party doesn't elect more members, a fairly substantial increase in Social Credit votes could result in the upset of incumbents in ridings where the result was close last time. But just who will benefit is difficult to say. The NDP says Is nYOUR HANDS! eratic Party, Liberal and Pro-j|any votes the premier draws gressive Conservative repre-|will be at the expense of the sentatives. | Liberals and Conservatives. Lib- And even in the two ridings|erals say the votes that would the party won, the races were|be involved are ones that swing close. Bert Leboe took Cariboo| between Social Credit and NDP. with a 792-vote margin over the|And Social Credit says it is Liberal candidate and Alex Pat-\gaining from among former terson had a 1,765-vote edge in| NDP adherents, Fraser Valley. Since 1952, B.C. has been sup- In 1963, B.C. voters elected|porting Social Credit provin- nine NDP, seven Liberals and| cially while showing mixed feel- four Conservatives in addition|ings about it federally, In 1953 to the two Social Credit MPs.|the province elected four The winner's margin was less|Socreds, in 1957 six. The party than 2.000 votes in eight of the|lost every seat in Canada in the 22 seats and. while conceding| 1958 Conservative landslide but that some seats are safe, alijhas had two each in the last parties are talking of possible|two Parliaments. gains here and there. | The CCF, now NDP, won jseven seats in 1953 and 1957, SLATES ARE FULL |four in 1958, 10 in 1962 and seven Ninety - six candidates havelin 1963. been nominated. The Liberals.) The Liberals held eight seats Conservatives, NDP and Sociallafter the 1953 election, dropped Credit have full slates. There/to two in 1957, were wiped out are four Communists, three in-|in 1958, won four in 1962 and dependents and one independent Social Crediter. All but three of the 1963 win- mers are running again, a no- table exception being in Kam- loops where Davie Fulton, for- mer Conservative justice min- ister, is seeking to return to federal politics after an unsuc- ¢essful. try at revitalizing his <2 provincial fortunes in C Mr. Fulton takes the place of Charles Willoughby who won with a 245-vote margin two years ago. But if most of last election's| winners are back, few of the losers are trying again. Only 12 of the 71 unsuccessful condi-| EXTRA dates are running. | One is Howard Green, former! Conservative external affairs] minister, who lost to Liberal) Grant Deachman by 1,404 votes| in Vancouver Quadra,. Another is Conservative Douglas Jung who art pie Ss ert seat to pee on nister Jack Nicholson by 2,119 votes, Premier Bennett's participa- tien in the campaign could have interesting ¢onsequences for all parties. He has said he wants enough Social Crediters in Par- lament to hold the balance of seven in 1963. | The Tories wor three in 1953. seven in 1957, 18 in the 1958 sweep, six in 1962 and four in 1963. be |CLAIM LIBERAL AIDES One interesting race this time is Kootenay East where Liberal James Byrné won by 770 votes last election. Both Social Credit jand NDP claim te have promi- nent Liberals working for them this time. EARN . MONEY A selected number of steadily employed people cre turning spere time hours inte cash in- come replenishing light merch- andise accounts established le- cally by prominent Canedian manufecturer, Censtent repeat turnover and de- finitely mo soliciting can provide @ reliable second income to sincer persons with sound job history. 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