SS in Mg AB AB ere * th peel eee eye neteencernne in. : E WA TIMES, Thursday, November 4, 1965 3] 'Man Hurt As Gas Explodes BELLEVILLE (CP) -- David Craig; 24, of Believilie was in fair condition in Kingston Gen- ral Hospital early today with head injuries received in an ex- plosion Wednesday. Belleville police said the explosion apparently occurred bd ry 27. =! m6 _ ae aa + S334 +4 = STOCK MARKET OSHAWA ths JAYCEES Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Monster BINGO : nt Nickel 230 610146 19186 10148 220 $32 31% 31% Ti 4 HURS:, NOV. 4 20 GAMES AT $20 5 GAMES AT $30, 1 -- $150. JACKPOT $20. PER LINE PLUS $50. PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250. JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS, 51 and 56. $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PER FULL.CARD IN 51 AND 56 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25. CONSOLATION PRIZE. $150. TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TwO GAMES MOTSMS, 908 nano racers. nigiee ae --_All car parts. Cour- Telephone 723-5238, or, New meter, Aeety Wier Spm. 8 Olive Avenue. PRIVATE SALE 1961 Ford cosch V8 au- tomatic, in condition. $850 or best fi es bgsiiteed 28283 =! a --" z FI 33~ aca * = TUNE-UP YOUR CAR NOW FOR FALL Minor and Major tune-up. Get top performance from your cor. = Fefss8isz on 'Kevin, = 1+ & oo eee board-iot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS 1 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge' vi% 1 Now SH We We $10 610) «610 = * 2550 $14% 14% S10%e $22% 1 = disebisd ee te Paul Sige e 35 ~ go B8ue 8&33~ DAVIS -- Don and Kathy 'chsh Ml announce the birth ef thelr son, Fo 4 $. 3 of38veae t+ pean SaeaanrapeeY is eve ve ou ~Bgbestiy teste Se Laurie, Dawn Bisiivrweyuiy body Shari, and mechan-| Phone after 6 p.m. Stock Abitibi Alta Gas Sales 1780 110 225 mn SEE YOUR Private. SERVICE SPECIALS AT GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534 nase Rd. South sae 28-6221 East, after 4 ies FORD, XL -- --~ Women's -- wallet contain- f of and valuable} rem, Osh- tomatic, ically. or a KEYS --- John and Helen (nee cay) are very happy to announce the birth of @ son, Paul Raymond, 9 Ibs. 9 o7s., on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1965, at Ajax- $634 6 63 -- Me Lge Genera! Hospital. Many thanks) $3% 24 V*-- lo Dr, Davidson and maternity ward 100 $3994 39% 39%-- sett, Anthes B pr 25$103 103 103 "y Poa pr @ $12 ety Bs t jer Atl Sug pr 210 $100%6 100% 100% on Om ip 0 _ ylwhen a natural gas pipe line Bank Mont 115 $61 F 250 , : 2700 3 33 (3s 48 Bank NS 174 $73 mh ie PY L) Arlon gg Bo > 2 2% was broken while workmen Ban PA is 356 566 Ot "os bog eth 600 00 sono ik He a4 + "iwere laying new sewers on Pin- Bey Mills to $5 SS yo oat ig Nene 2m $1 6 Sl +8 422 42 424 +1¥,|nacle Street, jay iis pr S a ac Bell Phone 748 $58% 58'4 S8% Bow Vailey 1200 $11% 11% pith _ Craig, who was working on 50 8 8 8 212 212 212 +2 Bow Viy w 200 550 550 120 117 118 the sewer project, was caught ean 18 Ta 7 $204 20% a + by the blast, which also blew 00 060 Bee out part of the front of a house i 8% BA Oli 385, $29%e 29%% 29a + Ve 605 605 Bcph 515 p oat $183 103 320 33 owned by Phil Van Dusen. No 1957 O1.DSMOB power brakes offer. yea CHRYS four-door automatic, power sti custom radio, etc. ( renee E @, power steering, : Py ead $150 or best SLE ao one owner, end) - VENNOR -- Murray and Doreen (nee Weish, are ee 4 to announce the ar- rival of their son, 5 Ibs. 13 ozs., on Nov. 1, 1965, Oshawa General Hospital. A wee brother for Wayne, Lynn, Larry and Lorne. pow lo, mit val nd jer steering, radio, whitewalls a other extras, Telephone 723-4149 afetr five. 1964 METEOR, custom, two-door hard- fop, 252 Inch engine, dual range auto pai full power. For appointment, 728- YOUNG -- Hubert and Lillian Bs proud to announce the epee of 1 son, Kenneth Allan, 6 tbs, 9 oz pig vember 1, 1965. A little brother 'tor fps 'tte. Many thanks to Dr. Doherty 4th floor statf, 495. 490 «490 $16% 16% 16+ Ve 8% 8% t+ % 560 550 560 +10 hound, female, vicinity Chestnut Street, Whitby, last Thursday. 'Will answer to Penny. Generous reward. LIENS PAID OFF! We i nadia lin or down. or 725-0747. Cassiar 100 Over 60 cars to i payments Gus Brown Motors Ltd., bas ie "sanex Skylark convertible, power equipped, radio, bucket seats. Still under warranty. $2,850 or best offer. 723-4406. 7 "RAMBLER Areerican convertible, power equipped, radio, low mileage. idea! lars cer. $1,050 or. best offer, Telephone 773-4406. 1957 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 hardtop $200 or best offer or will trade for '58 or ne 'dui product with bed moter. 623- iar jy CHEVROLET 'Station wagon, jon, Ticence X7151 An ideal family cer. No down pay- ment. Easy terms, Gus Brown totes Ltd., 728-7375. 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8 dl two-door hardtop, power steering, Power | Beige color, four thousand "ae $3,300. 723-7539 before 2:30. 7965 CORVAIR Monza two-door, 710 | HP) powerglide, radio, whitewall tires. Etc. Mileage 4500. $2495. Phone 723-2400. 73% CHEVROLET, four-door , four-door sedan, mech- enically very sound. Five new tires. $100 or best offer. Telephone 7 723-1875, 1953 CHEVROLET, motor and body In ex- cellent condition. Radio and rear seat speaker. New snow fires on rear. Two spares. Phone 723-9225. eared 1942 OLDSMOBILE F85-V8 sport coupe, bucket seats. Power steering. Radio. Phone days 728-1603. 1964 CORVAIR 700 four-door, blue, back- up lights, washers, whitewalls, radio, very good condition Telephone ) 725-8359 790 CHEVROLET convertible, new top tires and motor, excellent condition. Best cash offer. Whitby 668-8409, 4 CHEVROLET station wagon, 348 nine| passenger, power brakes, steering end beck window. Needs body work, Telephone 723-1639. 198 PONTIAC Parisienne, hardtop V8 automatic, power lo and reverb, Royal master seat belts 728-2203 four-door steering, tires.| . aa ee a nearly ready Yo paint, $225. Yeeseors| John 655-3231 efter 6 p.m. 1963 CHEVROLET, two-door, Taga | late, Full price ont Telephone Wh! 1957, PONTIAC Sees deluxe sedan. | one owner, excellent condition. Phone 723-3032 or 723-7124, | 1956. BUICK four-door hardtop, excellent conditien, automatic, radio, power brakes, steering and windows, Best offer Telephone 725-2071 725-0722. 32 '@ OCDIMOBILE f Super 88, fou hardtop. Loge condition, possible finan low down payment to right party owner. 725-2753. telecon iene 193 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, automatic. Call 673-5057. j 31--Compoct Cars for Sale Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Yeur Authorized Dotsun ond Fict Dealer NOVEMBER 5th, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors ond others having claims against the Estate of EMMA LUELLA HENDERS, late of the Township of Mon- vers, in the County of Dur- ham, retired nurse, deceased, who died on or about the 6th doy of August 1965, ore hereby notified to send their fully certified statements to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1965, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY, 85 Kent Street West, LINDSAY, Ontario. EXECUTORS By their solicitors, | FROST, INRIG & GORWILL, | 169 Kent gy Mey | or 38--Coming Ev Events Central Council of | Neighborhood Association SPECIAL BINGO ot the OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM FRIDAY 1965 Over Regular games pay doublein 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES JUBILEE PAVILION 50c ADMISSION Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leov- ing Four Corners at 7:30 p.m. CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED 'Annual. Bazaar Proceeds for Crippled Child- ren's Treatment Centre on SATURDAY NOV. 6th 2 p.m. | at Simcoe St. United Church MEMORIAL HALL (Bagot Street) * * TEA ROOM -- NEW TOYS HOME BAKING -- KNITTING AND APRON BOOTHS HOLY CROSS BINGO Every Friday 7:45 $600. IN PRIZES DEATHS CAMPBELL, Flora Agnes |At Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge, Friday, lOctober 29, 1965, wife of the late Andrew | Campbell in her 68th year Funeral was |neld at the McGuire and Law Funeral |Home, Uxbridge. Interment was in Ux- bridge Cemetery Noble, Jean Isabelle After a lengthy illness, at the Oshawa Genera) Hospital on Tuesday, November 2, 1965, Jean tsobelle Noble, of 154 Pine Street, Whitby, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Noble, dear sister of |Staniey Gordon of Glasgow, Scotland, and James of Oshawa, in her 38th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel Friday, November 5, at 2 p.m. interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Minister, Rev. S$. Armstrong. (Visitors commencing 7 p.m., Wednesday.) | | RICHARDSON, Pavia On Saturday, October %, atter 8 tong iliness, at her home, Summerside, P.E.1., in her 36th year, beloved wife of Tom Richardson Jr., (formerly of Whitby, Ontario),. dear mother of Tyler, Susan and George. interment in Summerside, P.E.I 1968, | | | ROWE, Florence Estella At Tyndall Nursing Home, Toronto, on |Wednesday, November 3, 1965, Florence! lEstella Porter beloved wite of the late' |Elvin George Rowe, in her 8ist year, dear mother of Mrs. Harold Kendrick |(Uella) Toronto, Gordon of Toronto, and |Mrs. Stanley Davidson (Pearle) of Osh lawa. Resting at Hill and Robinson Fu- neral Chapel, Nelson Street, Brantford, Ontario. Funeral from the chapel on Sat- urday 3 p.m. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. SENKO, John bps be into rest in the Oshawa Generel Hospital on Wednesday, November 3, 1965, John Senko, beloved husband of Katherine Bzelel, father of Mrs. Mary jLisovec of Oshawa, Mrs. Walter Kraw- ichuk (Olga of Burlington), Mrs. George Neil (Anne), of Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs. Basi! Banning (Rose) of Quebec; Misses Elaine and Joan Senko of Windsor; Mi- chael, Steve, John and Gordon, all of Ash- burn and Andrew of Oshawa and brother of Mike Senko of Oshawa, in his 70th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral omen Oshawa, with mass in St. George's ainian Greek Catholic Church, Satur- aye November 6, at 9 a.m. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers et the funeral home Friday at 8 p.m.) SMITH, Avis Lillian In Kingston, Jameica, on Tuesday, No NM ember 2, 1965, Avis Lillian Smith, be- loved wife of the late Alexander Smith, and leving mother of Mrs. W. Stehie (Mildred) of Kingston, Jamaica and Kemp jot Oshawa, pre Perm N 100 $14% 3H 400 134 $25 Ste € ew A pr 25 $43% 43 ¢ Chem W500 810 805 C Dredge 300 395 CF Prod 1 pr 50 C imp Bk C 359 Cc | Gas Ol! et Cit CPR set oy CPR pr 800 a Cc TireA 100 $56% 56% S6%e-- CWN G S& 100 21% 21% ell Chrysier Col Cell Col Cel pr con MS Con Paper $52%4 52\%4 $634 62% pu We 12% 55 $25% 25%» 2 2295 $5434 54 106 $39 39% 845 $14% 14% 30 $105 105 783 $21% 21% 300 375 «375 150 $14% 14% 14% 100 420 420 420 220 260 210 710 108 + % 214 Coronation 75 Crush int Cygnus A $16% 16% $27% 27% et 250 20 50 Prin 4B gua "a 240 100 $12% 12% ae +% 355 $108V2 108% 1082 --~1 $74 74 Ta---% 25 $30 30 (30 ee He 22 26% 13% 6% 2475 18% WwW 1% 14% Hayes Sti Home A HB OG Hur Erle Husky Husky A pr Husky B pr Imp Ojl Imp Tob 4% ind Accep 24% Inglis 7% inland Gas $102 10% 53. C3 52% gs. Ss | BRYANT -- | would like of express my sincere thanks fo ali my relatives end friends who were so kind during my re- cent stay in the Oshawa General Hos- pital. A special! thanks fo Dr. Shaw, Dr. Guselle, the nurses staff of Floor 3B. Sincerely, Mrs. Maude Bryant CAMPBELL -- We wish to thank eur many friends end relatives for the kind expressions of sympathy, re and 100 455 819% "ta 'im +% yd +h y' Shell Can 2120 0% Oe os $184 18% 18% $192 192 19% Trensair Tr Can PL Trans-Mt Trans PPL Tru-Wall Turnbull Un Carbide 19% + Ve 10% + Ve 7a + Ve 1% --1 2934 + Ve 56 144 --~ Ve 36% 11% -- 435 430 40 --! $21% 21% 21% 2 «2 $12 12% 12% $26%e 26¥e 26¥e-- 4 170 170 «(170 200 255 255 255 +8 OILS 100 395 1% 14a 790 Mu 240 22 000 Camerina 100 CS Pete Cent Pat Cheskirk Chimo age? C Bellek c Caliinen Cc Halli Granisie Guilt & Hastings Int Bibis Int Helium int Helm 1 Kenville Irish Cop iron Bay Jacobus Jelex Joutel Kerr Add Kopan L Dufeuit Latin AM Leitch Louvict Macassa Man Bar 13400 224 18000 1000 156 Coniagas Rt 4 "S00 500 24575 6750 4000 1400 100 5000 700 5200 125 3500 2150 6450 1000 2500 Rt Sia » 000 4975 34 Mu 3 352 Wie +1% Sales to 11:00 a.m.: other injuries were reported. REPLACE LONGDEN LAUREL, Md. (AP)--Willie Shoemaker was named to re- place suspended Johnny Long- den on Canada's George Royal in the Washington, D.C., Inter- national at Laurel Race Course Nov. ll. FOREIGN TRADING 100 400 400 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 ~~" +25 DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER BAY 725-6553 PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa CARD OF THANKS) Now CN is operating its own passenger trains between Montreal-Oshawa-Toronto Here is the new and faster schedule of CN trains which will serve your community dail: ys BONAVENTURE Specializing in Volkswagen Repoir ond Service. 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 To Montreal: 'To Toronto: Lv: 5:26 p.m. Lv. 9:56 p.m, Travel time: 5 hrs.14 min, Travel time: 44 min. Coaches, parlor cars, dining service, cards extended to us Ligi pd our recent bereavement in the loss of @ loving mo- ther, Flora Agnes Connell, ~Sons and daughters. STORRY, Bar! Udell Entered into rest in Toronto General Hospital on Wednesday, Novernber 3, 19465, Earl Udell Storry, beloved hus- $100, in 56 Nos. $20. Consolation $5,000.00 SABYAN | MOTOR SALES LTD | Volkswagen Sales and Service New ond Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings * VOLVO & PEUGOT | *® MERCEDES BENZ | General Repair and | JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE Auto-Electri¢ Service 449 Ssesinge Rd. South wo 728-0921, "ener custom sedan, six cylinder, radio, whitewalls, extras, $1375. Telephone 725-2150 or Bleor West 45 CHEVELLE Super Sport, four-speed, 283 motor, duals, radio, rear speaker. Cyprus green. See st 95 Nonquon Road 723-4374 after § 1963 CHEVY II, coach, standard, 6 eviin-| j der, A-1 condition. Low milleage Estate| Sale, -$1250,-723-A2RA 799) AUSTIN, A55. Very good condition | $225. Telephone affer 5 p.m. 728 - 6688 | 191 VOLKSWAGEN, red, paint. | new tires, low mileagé sacrifice Best offi Telephone 723. 4821 "60 VALIANT V-200 four-door sedan, stan- dard transmission, excellent running, | goes body, dependable transportation. hone affer 6 p.m. 728-7137 1960 VALIANT "Perfect condition. New 6487. automatic, many 254 new will 728-6454 oF aaa: white with red_in- terier, two-door hardtop, 32,000 original) miles. Telephone Newcastle 987-4378 196 CORVAIR standard transmission.| Best offer. Cal! 728-7046 after 4 p.m. 32--Trucks for 'Sale H 1953 CHEVROLET one ton stake. Excel-} Four nearly new! ly with 6 racks, Price $400. 400. Telephone Ajax 942-2495. $5 CHEVROLET, 1 ton, plywood box, ax, 8-| ly tires, traction grip on rear, nearly! Good condition throughout. good ires. Best offer. Telephone Mr. Taylor 25-9151 wALETO TON pick-up. 1960 Chevrolet Fleet- ide or best offer. Telephone Hard- mand pee Baud 725-1721 3:3--Automobiles Wanted _ CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used cor to "'Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and 'Save' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 GBHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars fer wrecking. Tires and parts for sale.| 1975 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2142 | UAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid 209 Wentworth East, 725-114) WANTED -- Cars fo for -Wwerecking. phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols. SWAW AUTO WRECKING Co. baaght. parts for sale. iron and metais bowght. 89 Bloor Street East: 725-2311. 34--Automobile = Repair oe pert carburetor and on electric service. | 222 King Street West, 728-0817. bh TANSMISSION ~ specialists Transmis-| our only business. 1038 Simcoe) arth "phone 728-7339. $T SERVICE on » front wheel balance, see 'Bert' i Marian Auto, 25 Grenfell Street. 728-| i 'ORD -- S00 stake body wi Tele. Care Want. Ads Don't | i, Cost-They Pay | in prizes $1500.00 Jackpot $500.00 Snowball $150.00 Special Game $1000.00 Esculator 20 Regular games $50. ea. 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 eo. Admission $1.00 (receive one cord for regular games). All games 25¢ double on except Jackpot | By Special Request This Bingo will be operated on | « s.milor basis os the Bingo in || | Scarboro. | DOOR. PRIZES All games will be ployed on [| double cards | Shore The Wealth--7:15-p:m. Regular Garnes--8:15 p.m. BUSES Leave Bond and Simcoe St, | 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 | p.m., 8:00 p.m. Available | ofter the Bingo. | KINSMEN BRING THIS Special Full Price Pass To The FRIDAY, NOV. 5th KINSMEN Children under $10. each Horizontal Line $200. in 51 Nos. $20. Consolation Free Admission--Good Parking No Children Pleese SALE OF Handcraft Work SIMPSON'S SIMCOE ST. N Nov. 1 to 13 inclusive during veep hours. Sponsored Lakeview Ae raft Guild | Proceeds of candy donated to local charitable ergenizetion. SUNNYSIDE PARK Bingo. Tonight 20 games ot $20, 5 games at $30 -- $150. Jackpot ~ $250. Jackpots NUMBER 54 - 57 $500.00 54 NUMBERS -- $250.00 58 NUMBERS EARLY BIRD GAME RED BARN 16 not a dmitted Extra Buses. BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE Simpson's Order Office Friday, Nov. 19 11:30 6.m Sponsored by Church of Jesus band of Reta Hoover Thomas, in his 63rd year; father of Mrs. Wilfred Edwards (Kathleen) of Whitby, Mrs. Frank Gollinger (Laura) of Pefferlaw, and Kenneth of Newmarket, Edward and Dennis of Sutton; and brother of Archie of Newcastle, and Wilmot of Quebec, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home with service In the chapel on Saturday, November 6, at 11 a.m. interment 0: awa Union Cemetery. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements: for all occasions. OSHAWA. SHOPPING SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE BE ho fama within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST | "Telephone 728-6226 Kindnes. beyond Price, yet | CRAWFORTH -- The family of the late Mark §. Crewforth wish to express their sincere thanks for the floral tributes, cards, , to them during thelr recent bereave- ment, --Jack, Margaret and families. sHesTOWsKY -- Mrs. Polly Shestow-| janks and appreciation to all who were so kind during her recent bereavement in the toss bal a loving husband and father. OBITUARIES JOHN SENKO In failing health for four years John Senko, of Ashburn, died Nov. 3 at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. He was in his 70th year. Born May 26, 1896, at Liz- kowca in the Ukraine, Mr. Senko was married at Wishart, Sask., in i917 The deceased came to Can- ada 54 years ago and for a time lived in Saskatchewan be- fore coming to Oshawa 25 years IN MEMORIAM CLOUTER -- In loving memory of Ju- |dith Lorraine who passed away Novem- ber 4, 1964 | Oh what would | give to clasp your hand, Your dear kind face to see, Your loving smile, or mie hig voice, That meant so much to No one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have such can tel! Of the grief that is borne in silence For the one | loved so well Sadly missed by husband, Raymond. EVENDEN -- In loving memory of |George Frederick Evenden who passed away November 4, 1947. So many things have happened, Since you were called away, So many things to share with you Had you been left to stay. Every day in some small way, Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are ever near, SHH missed, foved, always dear --Sadiy missed by Mom and family. McMahon -- in loving memory of our ldaughter, Margaret Jean, who passed SUPER CAR BINGO AT THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $7,800 in Prizes including New 1966 specified Car from dealer of your choice or $2,000 Cash $1,000. Hi-Lo Game $1,400 Big Snowball (55 nos.) $800. Small Snowball (51 nos.) $600. regular gomes. $450 Special games | Don't forget to buy the | economy pack for value end | lx \% save money Plus 4 Early Bird Games Share the Wealth) at 7:30 Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes KINSMEN | 39--Notices _ Chirst Lotter Day Saints. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING 7:45 at ST. GREGORY'S HALL. (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $160. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 KKKKKKXKKKK KK KKK KKK KKK VOTE TO ELECT GUIDE REALTY Ltd. To Sell Your Property Call 723-5281 OPEN DAILY 9 am. to 9 om. See our regular. ed under Keal Estate For Sale XXX AKXKANK Smort Business People Sing the Praises ot Oshawa Times Classified away 4 7% e from the hay 80 aenty: soon. Constantly mised by Mother, -- and sisters, Barbara, Lesiie and Joa MecMAHON ~ in loving memory of my darling granddeughter, Sag get Jean, who passed away November 4, 1963. Till memory fades and life departs You live forever in my heart. ~~ | Sadly missed by Grandpa Bingham, MCNAUL ~~ In loving memory of @ dear mother, who passed away suddenly on November 4, 1964. Off; and off my thoughts do wander To the grave not far away Where lays a dear mother Who passed away |ust one year ego today. Life is not quite the same to me Since you passed away that day, You bade no one a last farewell Nor even said goodbye. You were gone before | realized And only God knows why ~--Sadly missed by her son, William. McNAUL -- In memory of my loving sister, Mrs. Annie MoNaul, who died sud- denly on the 4th of November, 1964. ago. Prior to his retirement in 1961, he -had_been_an_ employee of the electrical department of the Oshawa Public Utilities Com- mission for 14 years. Mr. Senko is survived by his wife, the former Katherine Bzel- el; six daughters, Mrs. Mary Lisovec of Oshawa, Mrs. Wal- ter Krawchuk (Olga) of Bur- lington, Mrs. George Neil (Anne) of Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs. Basil Banning (Rose) of Que- bec and Misses Elaine and Joan Senko of Windsor and five sons, Michael, Steve, John and Gor- don, of Ashburn and Andrew of Oshawa. Also surviving are a brother, Mike, of Oshawa; 14 grandchil- dren and one great-grandchild. The deceased will be at the Armstrong Funeral Home for mass in St. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Nov. 6, conducted by Rev. J. ©. Pereyma. Interment will be in Resurrection Cemetery. EARL UDELL STORRY The death occurred following a short, serious sickness, at the 'Toronto General Hospital, Nov. 3, of Earl Udell Storry, of 150 Simcoe st. s., apartment 2. He was in his 63rd year. A son of the late Eli and Martha Storry, the deceased was born April 5, 1903, at Good- wood, Ont. A resident of Osh- awa for 20 years, he was em- ployed by Herb. Robinson Auto- motive Ltd. for 11 years. Mr. Storry is survived by his wife, the former Reta Hoover Thomas; two daughters, Mrs. Wilfred Edwards (Kathleen) of Whitby and Mrs. Frank Gol- Always ed by sister of Kingston, Margaret of Oshawa, brother and sisters of Scotland. Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install; Please cal! MOUNT LAWN aA! ARK ed interment Cnien Gemetary, linger (Laura) of Pefferlaw and three sons, Kenneth of New- market and Edward and Den- nis, of Sutton. Also surviving are two broth- ers, Archie Storry of Newcastle and Wilmot Storry of Quebec The memorial service will be held at the Aimstrong Funeral Home at 11 a.m. Nov. 6 follow- by Oshawa a LAKESHORE To Montreal: Lv. 11:01 a.m. Travel time: 5 hrs. 29 min. Travel time: 45 mins. Coaches, parlor ears, dining service, To Toronto: Lv. 8:00 p.m. CAVALIER To Montreal: Ly, 12:50 a.m. Arrive: 8:00 am. To Toronto: Lv, 6:42 a.m. 2 Arrive: 7:30 a.m. Modern Equipment All CN trains are air-conditioned, i the relaxing comfort of bright, renovated coaches, sleeping and parlor .cars, lounges and modern dining facilities. 'and you will like convenient CN travel to and from Montreal's Central Station--the most up-to-date rail passenger terminal In Canada. Red, White-& Blue Fares oe savings every day of the year--now in all along the line between Montreal and Toronto. Complimentary meals for parlor car passengers during regular meal hours. Extra savings when two or more share sleeping accommodations. Red 'Bargain' Day Fares--One-way coach travel Oshawa--Montreal: Oshawa--Toronto: $7.10 $1.55 Convenient Connections CN trains offer you convenient connections to points in southwestern Ontario, Chicago and midwestern US points, through Toronto and to points in Quebec and the Maritimes through Montreal. And all CN trains arrive and depart Central Station In Montreal. Faster Schediles Cut out this new CN timetable for handy podet reference. TORONTO -- MONTREAL MONTREAL -- TORONTO Lakeshore Daily pee. lier ly Lakeshore Daily Bonaventure Dally "Sal Toronto Lv 10.15 am 4.50 pm 11.59 pm Montreal 9.30 am 4.50pm 11.55 pm Danforth Ly 10.28 12,11 am Dorval 9.55 5.17 12.25 am Oshawa Lv 11,01 5.26 12.50 Cornwall 10.48 6.12 1.30 Cobourg Lv 11.36 1.87 Brockville 11.43 7.05 3.00 Belleville Lv 12.18pm 6.40 2.36 Ki ti 12.30 pm 7.49 4.00 Kingston Lv 1.07 7.27 3.50 Belleville 1.28 8.37 5.05 Brockville Lv 8.11 5.00 Gob 2.15 5.52 Cornwall Lv 9.05 6.05 Osh 9.56 6.42 Dorval Ar 4.03 10.05 7.26 Danforth 3.32 7.16 Montreal Ar 4.30pm 10.40pm 8.00 am Toronto 3.45pm 7.30 am CN train services linking your community with Montreal and Toronto will be and more frequent than ever. Go the way of the worry- save time and money. And please--reserve early