Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1965, p. 25

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CO eh i Ren Gaon a ae Bit . ih Bae ; ' - oe sare mrnaeget e pnnitntaigl peacnagig 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Nevemner = 17v0 Woman Admits y Charges Murder Suspect tan Canahan cies. cal The "Saaipuies non-profes-| working. See ig' vane children, said there is "a press-|sional" was another example.|parts of the United States. Ps Sought In Metro ing need for a much more|This worker, he said is we a at tne is not our problem, Rough Economic Road a3 cht yg ad AE oy Eg Ew Bo gf gl pee OBS ens oug onspiring n ons service offices in stores, where| Work in Canada." help people with social prob-jada's failure to implement such people can drop in for consulta-| He said a store-front consulta-|!ems in his or her own neigh-| programs. ' QUEBEC (CP)--Aima Roy|asked for postponement of sen- tion between buying groceries or|tion project in Cleveland, Ohio, N Matter Who s In eat Gagnon, 53, of Sherbrooke,|tence to Nov, 9.when he would|furniture, is one of the socialjis an example of this approach. i @) Que., pleaded guilty Wednesda make. representations on behalf welfare projects needed in this|Individuals and families seek- to charges of arson and conspir-jof his client. country, the director of theling help feel more comfortable ENJOY acy to commit arson in connec-| Berube already-has-boon-sen school of social work at the Uni-\dropping into an office in a tion with fires which destroyed|tenced -to prison terms for versity of Toronto said Wednes-|shopping centre in their own Beaurivage Hotel in Neu-|fraud, conspiracy and arson.|day. neighborhood than walking into jan agency where they are often frightened by a more formal at- By JAMES NELSON tariff Agreement promised at|for 1965 models. Mr. Pearson WA (CP)--Th '. the outset to be a key issue but |said 170 Canadian companies i OTTA (CP)--The govern-|it kept fading as a talking point |had announced or were plan- 4 ment elected next Monday 4P-|as election 7 drew near, The|ning increases in plant facili-|¥ le near Quebec City and a Among other things, he pleaded, Prof. Charles E. Hendry, . pears likely to face touchy de-|agreement by the two countries|ties, and 20,000 new jobs were|house in Garthby in the East- guilty to conspiring with Moise|speaking at a press conference cisions in the next few weekS\to permit duty-free movement|being created. External Affairs|¢™ Townships. 'iad pee ae Dg ermine and months in controlling con-|across the border of automotive|Minister Martin said the agree- Mrs. Gagnon admifte Ebert 1963, vage Hotel in November, flicting forces now developing] vehicles and original parts was|ment will inject $1,000,000,000/SPir/NB with Eugene a he iat 43, a Quebec Cit | Notice To Members ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN... ! in the a gel fi aa looked upon with suspicion, par-|into the economy in 18 months. phone ed iene ae eee" i. snalles tat Pou so ts ae Economists: eite these facts:|ticularly by the smaller parties.|. Real Caouette has said the # : e serve o specia sinessmen's lunch, Expansion has been going Lg : Creditistes will hold the balance and to her house injon charges of fraud, arson and INDEPENDENT ORDER ineiesting main course, fag bread, butter, on at an unusual clip for an|SAYS IT'S GIFT of power and that the man who|@ y conspiracy to commit fraud and vegetables end desert, for gate : i coffee 5c extra, unusually long 2% years and| Mr. Douglas for the NDP said|is prime minister after Nov. 8 Dorion, "arson, : Gg more, with gross national |it represented a $50,000,000 an-|will have to sign a pledge with; a OF F ORESTERS TRY US TODAY! . product up nine per cent last) nual gift to Canadian auto man- |his group fo cut taxes, increase | | We also specialize in delicious year and this, Business anal-|ufacturers, the amount of duties|family allowances, and raise Initiation, Reception and Dance | @ LIGHT LUNCHES Oe and up. Tea ysts are wondering how long | forgone by the federal treasury.|old age pensions ultimately to) j it can continue. Social Credit Leader 'nump-|$125 a month at age 65. || haute coitfure . . . Concert Holl -- ROYAL YORK HOTEL asl oats saat --Purchases abroad py yeat|son suggested the idea of a po- | if CHINESE FOODS seem to be creating a deficit hitical pay-off to the Liberal] VAPOR QUANTITY | | SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 61h, 1965 me, aa tala, Can: da's | pil. |D2tty--"T don't know where) 'The quantity of water vapor! Modella Hair , | Care avae {his with capltall ootog Set inte enn cone, cor [present in the air in proportion| AT 8108 Fens ' inflows, may to a large extent|Cent trom such sources," Indus (00 jhe Possible 1s international coiffures Held Under The Auspices Of | be made difficult by Britishltry Minister Drury hotly re- ee | | THE HIGH COURT OF CENTRAL ONTARIO me OA ave RESTAUR ANT Sueis pent praia ged " ae THREE CLIMBED EVEREST| | Members not receiving, Tickets, 'may obtain same (Members. and / pth duction is run-|, Mr. Drury pointed to reduc-) Three teams have reached ne fe Pony ete eve ele SI ee eee Re ee ei Lda J Sedan pr tae Tur|tions announced by Canadian|the summit of Mount Everest-- 725-4531 6 european Aas st, Royal York, Nov. 6th a AV 14% KING ST. E. in Bead ig booming, tight-|auto manufacturers in the fac-|British in 1953; Swiss in 1957; stylists oshawa, ont, | 728-4666 -- 725-0075 ness developing in the skilled|!0'Y Prices they would charge and American in 1963. fabor market, and capacity) ae demands on transportation fa-| cilities. These are exerting pressure on prices which could provoke inflation and) encourage further demand for imports, thus widening the balance - of-payments 4iffi- culty. | --Some restraint has been suggested by the Bank of Can-| ada in higher interest rates,| but these have yet to put a damper on what analysts call) over-heating in the economy. Economists say tax measures) " . New for foll/65. 7 --fiscal, rather than mone-| @ d tary poliey--should be used/ -- f ( 6 Pc. eithér to restrain or to spark) : ; a the economy. Restraint is ] hn i r or : : Jy a looked on as politically un- SS gs R tly wive popular. ; ' : ae 'ie. ' THERE'S NO STIR | Ae: ' : : ; : Ge) eee : Dinette But these economic problems aa Bt é ' s , have created little stir in the og ; le - ' oS prose ees oo ae ~ : --* = | Z , ' 4 } Modern round pedestal table cause in the main they are not ees é ' bread-and-butter items touch-) ana Yemen ZB ' ; " in wolraterborite, 4 i back 8ng the individual's pocketbook | \% : . é D wedi a halen Facts which touch the individ- | 2 \ t \ % ¢ ta ual--unemployment and _ infla-/ i \ : tion--have not been significant \ ie | eB (Z issues. Unemployment is at a : dg \ : Lf, j : : nine-year-low, and while price \ . : " pore , : . ' levels generally remain high) a a. : : mF 4 the consumer price index re-| sa | cently declined. | ' ' a ; See our disploy of over 40 Campaigning for re-election, aa . : i Dinette Groupings. Finance Minister Gordon says i ' Fe ae ; . the Liberals "turned the trick."| "We are prosperous again," he , a. : yaaa, : said. Trade Minister Sharp has ; said fear of balance - of - pay- ' " ments difficulty is over-stated. i Fl q But Conservative Leader ' Swivels -- Recliners -- Rockers. Relaxers --- Modern and Period. ite cots te waevust incosee| | DUAL PURPOSE Dozens of styles and colors. and corporation taxes to keep, oT a 7 PC. DECORATOR LIVING ROOM po a yang gh hea a : " A smell deposit holds your choiee. duction from taxable income in Glove soft quilted Vynelle Model illustrated -- modem 8 for individuals. | ies ; aa, Mr. Diefenbaker also prom- Excitingly mew and smart -- to .completely furnish your living room. Bed chesterfield and WAY RECLINER -- covered in ised to repeal the -11-per-cent| chair covered in foam quilted vynelie, the miracle fabrie that wears and wears. Choice of 8 sales tax imposed by Mr. Gor- new fall colors -- He hat -- don on building materials and ee ee production machinery, saying it @ Bed chesterfield and chair. vynelle. is a cause of high living costs. | Liberal Robert H. Winters, for- @ 2 Modern walnut step tables. mer public works minister seek- @ Matching coffee table. ing to return to Parliament, has @ Complimentary table lamps. 7 termed that sales tax discrim- . J seas mG. inatory and regressive, | WANTS NO AUCTION New ! Open Stock New For Fall. Prime Minister Peatson| opened his campaign declaring 7 j iT 5 Pc the government would '"'proceed WA LN I ' i a Q with responsibility, refusing to : 1 j ' use the tax-payers money to i re so || aepmmamrnat Bedroom engage in auction sales with ir With i i Se eee eS ith Heat and stain resistant top Mr. Diefenbaker promise ) 3 i F> 6 raise basic 'old age seg bo Sleek modern lines in soft toned sandol- oF he f roup $100 a month from $75, and to ? i ' pay the difference out of the Wed: welt =f SINGS: RENTS ot Canada Pétision Pian fund: Mr: shown = Buffet; Hutch,with s5-deor y 23 : Gordon said such a move would 'i # : a this suite @ favorite with younc scuttle the contributory retire- oblong table ond 4 diners. Sa iP en -- moderns -- quality constructio ment pension plan. EY teed "3 & : r features, mo mer finish, anc Mr. Pearson said Mr. Diefen- - \ << / ee Sint rile ce Walley, nenael baker's plan would cost $800,- & ba Pi : walunt-group includes -- Triple 000,000 to $850,000,000 a year, Fi ae 3 J 4 he and then promised to raise the i i ; eee: 0 oe oe $75 pension to $100 or more for j righ quality -- 312 eel! toem pensioners in need. mai ; yodded mattress and boxspring, wae Democratic Leader Butt : jougias said using a means test @ Buffet -- $78.00 @ Hutch -- ee : is humiliating for pensioners | @ Table -- $57.00 @ Chairs ea. page mo oF 7 Pe. Group Clean, uncluttered lines, moke Mr. Gordon said there wouldn't| As Shown. be a means test for pension sup- plements, but a determination! of pensioners' needs. Health A Minister LaMarsh said pension- ' am Sonenten: See tented ers in Prince Edward Island, 5 for instance, don't need as ; MARCONI for 66 much to live on as pensioners | nr . . in Toronto. : : cats : Modern walnut cabinet -- Big 23" The new US.-Canada auto , . ' picture. Handwired chossis with full Mak | Poe" ee SOFA by DAY ake Your t Awa a : ee SLEEPS 2 AT NIGHT ! VOTE Count || = si $228 ! Pe Chetrt Oe ic LANE ---- The gift for her. ctrtone . Rutherfords own exclusive design in a Big-Big cedar chest Princess Theatre, See our complete display of New at @ penny pinching price, 52" long in lustrous satin ; eh Marconi $ ger walnut-solid cedar lining -- 4 complete Home entertainment centre with all the famous . 389 Exactly as shown 2 Ly Clairtone quality features--Fully transistorized with 5 year Televisions... " Choose your own Cedar chest from the largest display warranty Garrard record chenger. FM Stereo- in Oshawa, -- A small deposit holds, Multiplex 12 pushbuttons -- Front mounted : television controls Hand rubbed walnut Sage: 105 down. Bolonce on cory 3.7 FOR THE FINEST FURNITURE VALUES 10% down. Balance on easy $ 195 . } : = M Decorator y ea Ca 4g ae? FREE = PARKING apres a os 725-6559 19 "res OPEN FRIDAY IN OSH AWA Who'd ever guess this handsome sofa opens into a com- monthly peyments fortable full size bed with an innerspring mattress? Ideal TILL 9 TWO DOWNTOWN STORES 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. unt. Sours civ Slag Pt Soe Se eo fabrics.

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