Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1965, p. 20

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ys sf a ELECTION TALK No Melting-Pot, MONTREAL (CP) --_ Con- servative Premier Duff Roblin of Manitoba, speaking in French at a Conservative rally here, ssid Wednesday night the Conservatives oppose the prin- ciple of the "melting pot' for Canada. With Party Leader John Dief- enbaker near him on the plat- form, Mr. Roblin said the voice of French - speaking Canada "should be clear in the party and in Parliament." The premier, reading with Vote Grit, Vote Tight Money: W.A.C. VICTORIA (CP) -- Premier W. A. C, Bennett of British Co- lumbia said Wednesday night a vote for the Liberal party Nov. 8 is a vote for tight money. He told a Social Credit rally one of the reasons Prime Min- ister Pearson called the election was because he has policies "'he was afraid to put before a mi- nority government--and that in-| cludes tight money .. . and| once they (the Liberals) get in for five years, they'll make you) like it." | The rally was a windup of a| Caouette: Fought For French Rights | GRANBY, Que. (CP)--Credi- tiste Leader Real Caouette told) 'a campaign rally Wednesday! night that his party has fought) for the rights of French-speak-| ing Canadians for the last three) years. } When the French - speaking) minorities in the other prov- inces get the same treatment) and are respected with the} same deference as the English-| speaking minority in Quebec, he! said, then he will believe in na- tional unity in Canada. | Mr. Caouette, in a 30-minute! Hays Still Sick, CALGARY (CP) -- Agricul- ture Minister Harry Hays will be: unable to make any public appearances before Monday's federal election, his campaign manager said in a statement) Wednesday. Bill Dickie said Mr. Hays continues to make a satisfac- tory recovery from a bout of pneumonia but has been ad- Letter From PM Opposing Dupuis | ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP)--A let- ter signed by Prime Minister Pearson and Quebec Liberal chief Guy Favreau has been sent out to voters in St: Jean- Therville - Napierville constitu- ' ency telling them the National Liberal Federation has "'one of- ' ficial candidate only" in the riding. 5 "Only Mr. Jean Desmarais, and no one else, may rightfully + golicit your support in the name Pearson's Secret Of The UN ' LINDSAY, Ont. (CP)--Prime| Minister Pearson said Wednes- ' day night that something "of very far-reaching importance") * is going on at the United Na- | tions. \ Reds Will Support Progressives WINNIPEG (CP)--The Com- ' munist party of Canada will support "progresives" in the Nov. 8 federal election, Na-| + tional Leader William Kashtan) of Toronto said Wednesday. | "Our main effort, in addition) > to getting as big a vote as we) can in the 12 ridings where we i influence-peddling in connection) 9, » "eontinuous act of will" to with a bid for a racetrack fran-\nojq the two nations in a part- chise, seeking re-election in the constituency as a "Liberal." a sp? " gee e Cp SSL op che OS elas ay eer Some Boos, But NoBomb For Diefenbaker's Rally A member of the Montreal| In Quebec Best Show By MICHAEL GILLAN MONTREAL (CP)--A crowd of 2,500 gave NDP Leader T. C. Douglas several standing ova- tions Wednesday night when he said only his party's candidates can properly represent the Que- Canada: Roblin dramatic gestures from a pre- pared text, said Conservative theory "has never stood for the assimilation of one culture by another and we have never sub- scribed to the American con- cept of the 'melting pot.' "' The Conservatives stood in- stead for the "parallel develop- ment": of both French and Eng- lish cultures in Canada. While they have not always attained this objective they have "never lost sight of them," the Manitoba leader said. MONTREAL (CP) -- Amid|the boos of a group of young separatist. hoots, Conservative|separatists high in the stands Leader Diefenbaker told ajand the fear of possible vio-\arena for the Conservative crowd of 4,000 Wednesday night)lence. rally. hispartywould_safecuard the! However none occurred. More|_ constitutional rights of French|than 250 city policemen and se-|P3R\* SUNK: mkiwmsmiae Canada. curity agents were on hand. Security police ejected at In his third and last election| Police checked parcels at the|least three of the younger-set campaign visit to Quebec, Mr.jdoor to see whether they car- shouters, Another group of 15 Diefenbaker delivered thelried bombs. None were found.|!eft under escort at the tail end pledge in a 10-minute speech in|The tight security was of Mr. Diefenbaker's speech. Rees seen ciere seme province-wide tour by the pre- mier in support of Social Credit equality," he said. "I cannot conceive of Canada without/been trying to link the Liberal|tice Minister Wagner of Quebec Quebec or Quebec without Can-|government with organizedijto "remedy the situation. He ada." This provoked a grea burst of applause. police bomb squad was at the| "we stand on anity based on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 4, 1968 Qy ¢|crime, said Quebec people have/did not elaborate on this point. @ right to honest government.) Mr, Diefenbaker flies to Ed- A Conservative government,|monton today via Winn for who has'he said, would work with Jus-la night rally. sh Mr. Diefenbaker, see Pst IN OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY SAVE on Fuel Oil with a Famous GOODCHEER or LINCOLN FURNACE ANDREWS HEATING 725-1660 OSHAWA bec reform movement in Ot- Pe taws his basic French. prompted by fear of a repetition|, A moment of drama came be- Stressing the party's newly-| It was a festive rally withiof Tuesday night's Liberal rally fore Mr. Diefenbaker took the poltan Pe atin Rin dank ie songs and placards. sprinkled|which was marked byg fist|Podium. Pierre Sevigny, one of Gestedaralion 369. ion ih ac-(throughout, the crowd in thelfights between ushers andjthe 1963 defectors from the eucal Ua ald pactiba a iavae 6,000 - seat Maurice Richardlyoung separatists. A home-\Diefenbaker government's cab- divided the nation on regional,|ATena. It was marred only bylmade bomb was also found. pp age Mage Sigs Mage Sage racial and religious grounds. | serted, . . candidates. | The meeting was held in the | The former associate defence Mr. Bennett labelled the elec-|\downtown Showmart, the same any 0 oyco ec 10N1, | minister then delivered a -rous- tion as "'the election of the big/hall where Prime Minister ling speech, praising Mr. Dief- switch." Pearson spoke Tuesday night. '< enbaker as a man of integrity He said it took voters many|The NDP meeting was boister- . jand courage. He called on the years to get fed up with the/ous but there were none of the e " p 1 8 ocre crowd to show their support old-line parties in provincial/separatists present who almost land they rose with a standing politics and there is a similar|broke up Mr. Pearson's rally. | Ryn peer, Alta. (CP)--Na-lelled across the country during Ovation. move now on the federal scene.) Ten security officers and 35\tional Social Credit Leader Rob-|the campaign. During the brief English por- The most recent evidence, he|party officials were on hand inert Thompson said Wednesday; For the second night in a row, tion of Mr. Diefenbaker's said, was the Tuesday switch in/case of trouble but they were|night he fears many Canadians)Mr. Thompson shared a plat-|speech, some separatists stood party support by two Saskatch-|not needed. are so fed up with the political|form with Alberta Premier E.|and gave Nazi salutes when he ewan daily newspapers --the) Mr, Douglas and his wife en-|situation in Canada they will|C. Manning. The premier|made a point. Some were rec- Saskatoon Star-Phoenix and the tered the hall accompanied by |not vote Nov. 8. jstrongly praised Mr. Thomp-|ognized as members of the Regina Leader-Post. his Quebec leader, Robert) pis was a federal election|S0n's work in Parliament "on)group that disrupted Mr. Pear- Cliche, and Mrs. Cliche. Two se- Canadians didn't want and one|Dehalf of the province and allison's rally that attracted 3,000 curity guards had to carve a ow iS dae eee as lCanada," and said Albertajat the Showmart. lpath through the cheering|Ccalle simp "needs more Social Credit MPs) kKxcept for Mr. Diefenbaker's address, repeated themes he/crowd for them. |pediency, he told about 650 per-|to fight for the things the pro- English remarks, the whole has stressed in his current elec- "ne SOne attending a rally here forlvincial legislature is trying' tolrally was conducted almost en- tion campaign and then asked:|LARGEST RALLY central Alberta Social Credit! qo, Heely in Breach. Peeniar Dutt "How is it that no one accuses| Party organizers said the|candidates. The capacity of tHE) are Manning wald the election : ; Du lo} j r s Mr. Mé g Sa n Roblin of Manitoba, campaign-| British Columbia, Alberta and|meeting was the largest the/hall was 850. would either result in a sliming on behalf of the federal| Nova Scotia of separatism when party has ever staged in Que-) mr, Thompson said he has no-|majority for one of the two ma-|party, also spoke in French. these provinces proclaim sojbec,_ : : iticed a great deal of apathy|jor parties, or a return to mi-| loudly that the MPs they send) The NDP is trying to estab-|among Canadians as he trav-nority government. 'CHANGE IS NEEDED' | to gga will defend sre lish a beach-head in the proy-|---------- re : Mr. Diefenbaker said _ the) rights and claims exclusively? |ince, and Mr. Douglas said he |Conservatives recognize the| "Why does the word separat-|is certain Mr. Cliche will be 18 CLERGYMEN IN RUNNING jneed for change to meet chang-) ism always have to be tagged elected in Beauce riding. ling conditions in the constitu-| | j : : field, but "we will not) : t to do, The NDP leader won his loud- | . tional , no . to us oo ks 0 lest applause when he opened) nite urc server | endanger the rights and princi-| id same t na jn taking Cafe) nis speech in French, and apolo-| |ples which have been benefi- me Our Oe BEAT igized for his lack of ability in cial.' ithe language. | 1 ' #, He repeated his promise that No Appearances | "We do not speak the same Muses réac er S Part a Conservative govern- ye wae ae | ment would call a national con-| vised by his physician to remain|!anguage but our sentiments} ference on Confederation and| at home. and our aspirations are the' TORONTO (CP) -- The Ob-|running for election next Mon- national unity: | _ Mr. Hays is Liberal candidate)same, because we are men of|server, usually more concerned day. There are so many, in| -- : a boa. ae - tee ne good will," he said lwith affairs spiritual than af-|fact, they could form their own spl 4 " pe : ata? fairs temporal, muses in its/party. after contracting the illness and B sovegl idle ee dl current issue about things it} Just supposing that the ee tome Sow ieee »a] entire enten was" conducted |¥ould like to see in Canadian preacher party could form a} He addressed one political ae ata : political life. Some individuals|government, The Observer sug- forum by long distance tele- : would get moved around, too, if|gests in a column this week, it phone and aright hd Spoken |» 599 EMPTY CHAIRS it had its way. could nationalize the manufc-| for him at other forums. nother 2.500 chairs at the 27© publication of the United ture and sale of alcoholic bev- rear of the hall were empty, {Church of Canada notes that erages Mr Douglas repented-his phi there are at least 18 clergymen ze children an estimated ar. . : S two-)____ <n ) teen-age girls and boys-- of the Liberal party on election|nation theory which he last : aS . teould be re A hes di day," the letter says. mentioned in Victoria last week) PLAN DRIVING COURSE rtaseen Ceti eens Mr. Desmarais, a notary, is|where it brought no response) EDMONTON (CP)--The Al-\ment could be abolished, wider a former mayor of St. Johns. |from his audience. berta Safety Council has an-)grounds for divorce could be| Bion Gebais ae snag il are not oh --_ We nounced a defensive driving put on force and information nm uis by n . The -'tion, we are two," he said. "We i " .|on birth control disseminated. mer minister, who was re-|have not one single language, Presta: for: Hdmonton: peer ---- a S aie moved from the cabinet by Mr.|we have two." jsive driving ols st Pe hash Pearson following allegations of} ' ; ling automobile accidents by) [venmee s survival depended mmpensating for another driv- £ E3 3 . co Le a A HO er's mistake. A similar course offered to Calgary civic employ- ees cut car accidents within the! group by 60 per cent. He was cheered again when|-------- ea iS SPEC VOLKSWAGEN jhe said he does not agree that | Sales & Service this country is destined to be! wore about it." he semarked at absorbed by the United States. WERNER'S SERVICE CENTRE an election rally here. To curb Canada falling under) Highwey 12 end 7. |nership and to keep the econ- jomy in Canada's control. Something Very Special For Your Home 'Perhaps I shouldn't say any The prime minister was not)the control of foreign interests, | available for elaboration after 2% NDP government would set his speech. jup an industrial development corporation to buy back indus-! tries and resources. A dining room suite by Peppler 985-7162 A chesterfield suite by Cooper Bros. Crystal from Europe are running candidates, is di- Accessories from Spain or rected towards getting a larger) progressive group elected to Parliament," he said in an in- terview. Mr. Kashtan defined progres- sives as individuals whose posi- tions on various questions are such as might merit Communist party support. f\ / A beoutiful mirror THEY ARE ALL AT; TURNBERRY Interiors 312 Stevenson Rd. North Custom Drapes, a rc Service the Sign of PURE VIRGIN WOOL The Saville House QUEENSBURY A magnificently tailored coat that will state your individuality and geod taste, all the warmth and glow of Pure Virgin Wool" s in : | ROSSLAND ca ROAD THORNTON RD @rmonep tateder ted | OS 1 See GIBBON STEVENSON RD Come live in braemor gordens . . . see the thrilling homes featuring o wealth of charm thet will delight you. Take a fresh new look at luxurious living at moderate cost. Come and inspeet this ideal farmily community with the suburban flavor and yet only minutes from. downtown Oshawe. Call Us Today HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1678 braemor gardens If you're one of us Dirt Particles ;.. don't let your people find out about GILLARD Cleanit Service or brother you've had it! We know that nobody likes us but GILLARD'S really does evidence in these superb clothes marked with the International mark of Pure Virgin Wool. Look for t mork on the label and enjoy the something about it. Hear they spent thousands his of dollars on the most up-to-date machinery... just to get rid of us! pride of wearing The Queensbury Coat, From 79.95, canning's ltd. 20 King St. E. 725-1512 Join the war against Dirt Particles and have GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD, DO YOUR FARMER -- LABOR CANDIDATE Dear Undecided, You asked me if the New Democrats could form a Government. The evidence says, "Yes". We've nominated 255 candidates. It only takes 134 for a majority in the House of Commons. We've nominated doctors, lawyers, business men, teachers, skilled workers, Labor leaders, three former Presidents of provincial farm organizations and other committee leaders -- more than enough from which to choose a capable cabinet. Remember, too, that Tommy Douglas had 17 years experience as Premier of Saskatchewan. He provided business-like administration, favour looking legislation. He gathered the most effective civil service in Canada to help with the long range planning of its economy, education and social welfare measures. It's time for a change. You're fed up with the two old parties. Speak up. Vote New Democratic or November 8th. Your vote counts. Let's give the old parties-a well deserved rest. This country needs it. Sincerely yours, Oliver Hodges NDP Candidate, Ontario Riding YOUR SHIRTS AND DRY CLEANING 725-3555 CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS 82"Kingston Rd. W. 82 Kingston Rd. W. 63 King St. W. 124 Dundes St. W. 38 Brock St. W. 839-4321 942-0732 723-2381 668-6421 852-3359 BAY RIDGES, WEST HILL AJAX, PICKERING OSHAWA WHITBY UXBRIDGE Published by Ontario Riding New Democratic Party.

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