18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 30, 1965 30--Automobiles For Sale | 30--Automobiles For Sale 34-- Automobile Repair 38--Coming Events 29-----Wanted to Rent ie fi oye three ENGINEER eet family Z i 'e- 26--Apertments for Rent Looking For an Apartment? Check These Features 9 pee MAiA GiE CouRT. % Immediate Occupancy »& Children Welcome -- Ist ond 2nd Floors % 3 minutes to South General YOUNG Cag Legare ees oe quires single room wi "4 on Telephone bas Sra GENERAL MOTORS 6 ss USED CARS GM OK Warranty * '65 CORVAIR CORSA 2 DOOR H'TOP 140 motor, red with white in- terior. Very low mileage, Lic. 241625. $2495 spertnent by boconber Ist for 'arid couple, THO. Re dren wish to rent two or three-bedroom furnished home in Oshawa - Ajax "ae. trict, Telephone 723-2087 or 725-4497. 30--Automobiles Fo For Sale KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Leins paid off Trade up or down ___ Always top quality. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road Motors % Both and o half in oll 2 and 3 bedroom suites * Twin elevators * Balconies & FM, Musie "Rental Representatives on duty daily 1 --9 p.m. 728-9468 or 728-9466 ofter hours 723-6255 OSHAWA BILL WHITTICK MOTORS SALE Now On Come out and brouse around, All prices clearly marked on windshields NO DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY 1250 Dundas St. E, Whitby 668-587 1-2 1960 CHEVROLET 8 Bel "Atty te four - door! sedan, 148453, V-8, automatic, very clean. No down payment, Easy s terms. coy Brown Motors Li1d., 728-7375. 1964" PONTIAC Parisienne, four - door hardtop, aotional equipment includes power steering, power brakes, deluxe radio, whitewalls, washers. Low mileage. Private, 668-5180. 1965 BUICK "Wildcat" convertible, Li- " 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 __ MORE CASH | Paid for Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 ALL CASH | REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. | 27--Rooms for Rent _ ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Coll between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | Two ) furnished rooms, use eof kifehen and living room, Sult 'couple, Telephone Whit. by 468-6236. A tor rent for A956 @, 109 Parke Road South. MANY MORE USED '65 CHEV'S IMPALA'S BEL AIR'S CORVAIR'S | | | | | | | For clean cars or trucks. We deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 1988 PONTIAC convertible. Power steer- ing, power windows, automatic. Newly room In quiet home,|re-bullt motor, Good tires, Private nice furmiehad_ best Motors, Gentieman|Could be financed. Telephone: days282-| rrad, Apply 1223 Sun Valley Court./3969; evenings after 7, ask for Mr,! Hewitt, 668-2692 jedroom for gentleman in new| JUST fake over payments, $38. monthiy use of garage, very reason on 1960 Pontiac sedan, standard, Clean able, Telephone 728-2191 car, four very good tires, Balance owing $895. Telephone 623-2917. ON CLEAN bedroom, In quiet home, sult lady. Close to buses, Oshawa Bivd.|1956 DODGE, automatic transmission, 6 North, $7.50 per week, Telephone 723-6859 cylinder, two-door hardtop, good trans after 5. portation, as is for $70. 800 Dean Avenue, D housekeeping room for two|/25°570! n Neer bus. Telephone afternoons of 1964 RAMBLER V-8, automatic, seven ings. 723-5722. lteen thousand miles. Still under warranty TED, two quiet girls to share home | Radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, Will fi with nurse (private home), Oshawa nance. $1,995. 725-1724 north. leg itt References please.'1959 PONTIAC, Licence 23516. Lauren- Telephone 728-01 tian, 6 cylinder, automatic. An ideal fam jlly car. No down payment. Easy terms, ROOM, Tabi, 87a _noapital | Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. Apply 218 Francis $ Street.|1960 FORD 6 cylinder, standard, four- ere door, radio, good running condition. Tele) oppos| » Oshawa 86 Cabot Street, Apply| Phone 725-0864 1954 CHEVROLET, good running snd FWO Wurnished jin housekeeping rooms. | ton. $100 cash, Phone 728-3290, Apply 319 Ritson Road South or telephone | '56 OLDSMOBILE, Holiday 98, good con 723-6363 after 6.30 2u5 dition, re-built motor, Telephone Hamp-/| il - 1 FURNISHED room oe No cooking. Close to Donevan Colleg! '59 CHEVROLET. convertible, good condl- | and public schaelt References required. tion, radio, automatic 283. Best offer.) Telephone '721 x Telephone after 4.30 p.m., 723-3027 ROOM for cerilcmans parking Jpace,| JEEPS -- 1947 and 1961, with new motors eerey located. Apply 410 King Streetiand clutches, in excellent condition Eas | Telephone 723-784} atter 6.30 p.m Apply '56 PLYMOUTH V-8, automatic, Good condition, $200 or best offer. one Phone 728-9338 1954 FORD, good motor, poor body, $45. Telephone Whitby 668-8534. LARGE front bedroom, to share Wwith|i965 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, @ cylin- quiet gentieman, twin beds, $7 weekly./der, automatic, power steering, Shade-| Two blocks north of hospital. Telephone lite windshield, 'Nocturne mist', 9,000 78-2758, miles, Telephone 723-7347, eu room ae \63 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, keeping or with board, Private entrance. hardtop, immaculate condition, Telephone Whitby 668-6577 financing, low down payment FURNISHED 1 room, lady pre pom i. Ciose| Party. One owner, 725-2753 i So downtown and shopping. $8 weekly, 1956 CHEVROLET stationwagon, Also yt 122 Church Street |trumpet for sale (Olds) In excellent con- SINGLE furnished room, for| dition. Apply 324 Stevensons Road North, | entieman, in clean home, 135) 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, four - door| elina Street, hardtop, V8, automatic transmission, * beds, Power steering, radio with rear seat) "|speaker, wheel discs, whitewalls, back:| "Tup lights, etc, $2950. Telephone 728-8345, an | 1985 CHEVROLET Convertible, V-8,| siege sendy "employed cracked engine block. Cheap. 423 Buclid from jentiemen, Parking, one block Street, Whitby, seca a jorth General Motors, Telephone 728-6697, [MODEL "A" FORD, good running condi- ee tlon, New plates, $375. Telephone Lind FURNISHED single rooms 214 Dearborn say 324-3196 Street (one block from foveal) Kitchen oS o and TV room, Ladies only, Phone 723-2479 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, four-door for. appointment. sedan, standard shift, "Diplomat Blue" BLOOR STREET wast - - = Housekeeping 21,000 mileage. Price $1580, Telephone room for two gen' stov 269-2552 sink, dishes, linen a supplied) veane '68 MUSTANG, bathroom. Telephone 728. Nos, only five months, ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- two furnished S*critice housekeeping rooms on third floor, Also : one furnished single bedroom, Apply eve nings, 6 to 8 FURNISHED housekeeping ,two gentiemen. Apply 99 East. '64 CHEV SEDAN Lic..H45796 $1995 'Oe CHEV 2 DOOR Lic. H28648 gentleman ; with park- Tele bungalow, FORD '62 FAIRLANE Four door sedan Lic, H25388 $995 aR girls, '62 CHEV 2 DOOR "Gold", Lice, H41669. $1495 '62 PONTIAC 4 Door Station Wagon Lic. X7804 $1795 3 Athol Street st a r4 pm, FURNISH , clean, single toom, Cl to Shopping Centre. Apply 368 Pine Ave- nue. "Tadio, Tele PONTIAC '60 Lie, H38832, $995 ® ' "tour-door possible to right suitable Apply PELESHOK- STARR "Your Friendly G.M. O.K. Used Cor Dealer" STATION ROAD, AJAX two door hardtop. bv 942-6300 leaving. country, After 1998 CHEVROLET sixcylinder standard, Brian four-door sedan, radio. Good condition - Telephone 725-4066. 1958 FORD FAIRLANE, two-door auio enone Nasi matic. Asking $278 or best offer, Ajax | 1962 MERCURY Comat sedan, Foorma tor | 942-0554 after 4 p.m tion, 6 cylinder, 101 engine, new whitewalls plus many extras Elgin Street) 1963 MERCURY convertible, in excellent|gwner car. $1,478" Telephone soe atso condition, One' owner! Whitby 468-8209. TT CAR ' : ; ~ . use ARTS, spindles t Kk FURNISHED room, $5. weekly. Gentle-|1988 CHEVROLET station wagon, A:1 con|trallers, also. used tires" Sor Blow Ghent men only. Phone 723-2853 dition, Lic, X7768, Telephone 725-5101. | East, after 4, 723-2281 ~ FURNISHED clean front room fortwo! 1959 CHEVROLET, red, standard, 144 z Gentlemen 16 share} also single rGom, buy! Must be sold to close estate. power light housekeeping optional, Two minutes | phone 728-5074 pb north of four corners. 725-8460. 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne Va aulomaiic, tive DOUBLE furnished room, central, two-door hardtop, power steering, power | 49, ; ng space. Telephone 728-7130. nrakes, Beige color, four thousand. origi- 000 miles. Asking te 100 fs pene. we = ~ nal miles, $3,300. 723-7539 before 2:30 9 'iva ELGIN STREET EAST, 23 -- Furnished |'S? CHEVROLET, two-door, hardiop, va room for gentieman. Housekeeping privi-/19SS OLDSMOBILE sedan, $194. Full price." Licence 'H91740. Cash Janes, Close to downtown. Apply after 4 anod motor, denendable rede or térms at Nicole Motors. Whins om. 19-0755 668-233) isl ROOM to rent with use of modern Kitch. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, ios) BUICK. ie = en, for nice clean gentleman. Apply 222 automatic, Call 623-5057 Hasa97. Black Scan saterion Ne oon Dovedale Drive, Whitby, 468-4870 '61 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, li-/ payment, Easy terms, Gus Brown Motors ¢ 0 WHITBY -- Furnished light housekeeping cence H29188, V-8, automatic, ful power, Lid., 728-7375, room for rent with television and private| white, red trim Nothing down! Easy am entrance, Telephone 668-2332 or apply $42/ terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd,, 725-6568. rel ead ca dg --_All car parts. Cou: Mary Street East 1962 CHEVY II, automatic, four - door.|nights 725-4404 ROOM for rent, tor gentleman, parking Low mileage. Clean car. $1,300 or near ed m apace, 10° Park Road South or tele. est offer. 728-7120 Ling is ee wae one hv 723-180 2 ud Brone Fay 18 4 BUICK Skylark convertibie, matic, full power. For appointment FURNISHED rooms, single and double, equipped, radio, bucket seats. 7749. clean quiet workman, $59 Ritson South or warranty. $2,850 or best offer LIENS PAID OFFI We trade up or down By 723-4406 Up or dowr dendnsarl oe - Over 60 cars to choose from. No down FURNISHED room, close to north Gen-'é1 RAMBLER American: convertibie, payments! Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728 era! Motors, hospital and four corners. power equipped, radio, low mileage. Ideal 7375. Apply 240 Divi sion Street Ady's car. $ best offer. Telephone FURNISHED warm clean bedroom, for '*) 446 respectable young man. Telephone 725 Must SELLI 1958 Chevrolet convertibie. 3 ng Condition, Best offer, Tele ONE large turnished bedroom, good lo- 28-6633 before 5 p.m catity, S minutes walk to bus. Parking CORVAIR Monza 'Coupe, white, red facilities, Telephone 728-0706. mechanically perfect Nothing 28--Room and Board Trade dered. ms available noe H26493. Gus Brown Motors Litd., 7PS-AS6R ROOM AND BOARD "tor gentlemen ing to share, home cooked meals, 2 ng space. Close to South General by 668.5452 72 23-2786 vy PLYMOUTH Va automatic for two gentlemen white res, A Singie beds. Near North P Cromwe good meals. Telephone shone sin owner, After 8 o'clock 19S? CHEVROLET adin. Good cond Owner 9 ask for top cond One good Tele i 723-4149 i] r extras. Telephone park Standard shift, 485, Telephone convertible, hard. range auto power 728 Sti! under Telephone 0 'S? CHEVROLET Bel Air, four-door, cop per-beige with matching trim. Showroom condition, Nothing down, Easy term: cence 523-529, Gus Brown Moto 25-6568 '4 CHEV. Bel Air engine, automatic whitewatls, etc 723-4262 after 5. SS CADILLAC Eldorado convert $400 or best cash offer. will accept ca AS part payment (older or newer Tele phone 725-5535. 1989 CHEVROLET, V8 automatic. Tor woise with matching trim. Licence © Cash, trade o terms at N Motors, Whitby, 648-333 1960 PONTIAC convertible. Must be to be appreciated. Licence Hasst? trade or terms at Nichols Motors Dy. 668-333) "63 PONTIAC convertible with 327 motor four-speed. Licence 482567. Cash, trade oF terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-33 1959 OLDSMOBILE Super 8s, and paint job, Best offer! Telephone 1630. 1987 BUICK, four-door hardtop, good con dition, new tires and battery. $275 or bes! Sy Offer! Telephone 728-5618 1957 PONTIAC four-door sedan, good motor, clean interior, Telephone 773-2915. 1957 PONTIAC, $200 cash. Two-door nder, standard, Good condition Dhone 723-445 1964 METEOR, V.8, automatic tition. Best offer accepted TOR-7794. 1965 PONTIAC Strato Chief, secay nder automatic windshiet: a oversized whitewall tires, $ $2,375. Apply 189 Windsor Street 1%3 CHEVROLET Bei mmar ' Radio. Hh refused four-door sedan radio, power steerin on Immaculate, Telephone wit ale park Motors blue), Reasonable 4 cy! 1940 CHEVROLET Biscayne an Whit nder tam ry twordoor to shere room, GM. Good nome. 772-206) ROOM AND BOARD for gentiomen. Five Gay week. Willing ft) share. Lunches packed. Phone 728-4112 ROOM AND BOARD -- Contraity located south end factories, five. or seven Gay week, lunches packed. For informa tion telepnon 34054 ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen wilting fo share with single beds. Park ing, central lncation, Telephone 725-2008 SINGLE rooms and doard. Apply 25 Div sion Street. ROOM AND ca Ceara Ym 3350. ROOM AND BOARD, close to downtown weehes packed, parking spece. 4 Albert etc Street or telephone 728-944) offer WHITEY -- Central, private or shared (1984 OLOSMORILE room for gentleman. Parking. TV, onod in brakes tans lunches =o packed. Day worker matching interior preferred. Cal 60-08 18) CHEVROLET eo BORNE "STREET EAST, 87 -- Room x75 wen and board fer gentlemen to ment share, Close to north General and towntown Apply move addr os BROCK EAST, 151 -- Room and board ma! tor gentieman. Willing to share, single ' beds, Telephone 7203405, vate. 48? Avene 33) goed) tandition ene Telephone 725-9984 standard, Telephone teen Cash. four-door, Whit dition. $225 728-407 1956 PONTIAC sedan goed tires. Mechan After 4 p.m, 725-612 1956 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, two-door hardtop, radio, power steering, excellent condition. Privately driven, Telephone Whitby 668.374) 1957 OLOSMORBILE $300 oF best offe Ford product standard six, ally good. Rest fiv offer 798 Super an or will trade for with bad motor hardten S BOARD, gentieman preter 423 close to Motors. Telephone 5445 1S GMC F * e-DAssenger ped. avlomatic Hanay with $7,800 ~ Rus radio, best ' al miles o Prone 728-1940. ged cor nardion, power adin, dark Telephone statinr . 72S-Raas 6 cy! washers wagon 72R-4018 Air whitewalls Must se "two - door No ree 668-809 " OLOSMOBILE Super 88 hardtop, aute-/ a bocty Gus _ after 6 p.m W962 CHEVY ti four - door. @ cylinaar automatic; new moter comry) new tires jAugust; radio, Sacrit No younenane offer "panes. after 19 CHEVROLET 1 Automat ado red and white n Motors Lr 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard-| v4. automatic, power steering, r brakes, radio, Top condition, Best "75 be notea? ing i? PER MONTH The cost of this od. deily for one mpaia, black reef. Re ~ EWEVROL aT red trim, Convertinie six cylinder, tv. equipn washer © sre nie os > and & avaliad own Motors Lid -- ~ OLDSMOBILE Fas. bucket seats, power nee 1595, Phone ~~ 778-603, You te reod ? ies METEOR nine > passenger slation gon. Telephone after @ p.m, 725-1606. radio, nearly 1 afetr < Telephone 723-5238, or ply new: body - Telephone |! cence 58588, demonstrator, fully equipp- ed. Very reasonably priced. Gus Brown| Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1962 GRAND PRIX Pontiac, licence H 26884, 389, V-8, with threes carburetors, four-te-*4 transmission. Just like new! | 728-7375 11965 CHEVROLET Super Sport, V8 auto-| matic and other extras, Phone 623-5194| affer 5 p.m | 1955 CHEVROLET BeiAir. Full price $274, cence 220937. Cash, trade or terms, at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-3331 1959 PONTIAC 6 Stationwagon, stick shift,| custom radio. Four nearly new tires, plus two gnow tires, $795. Bargain for cash 867 Sylvia Street, 725-433) "0 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, V-8, automatic, double power. Low mileage. See! Save! Nothing down. Terms, Licence 119139. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. 61 CHEVROLET Impala convertible. |This is a car for the young at heart! Licence 426663, Cash, trade or terms Jat Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-3331, 31 --Compact Cars For Sale SABYAN OTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. 5, 723-346] Open Evenings § & YOLVO & PEUGOT * MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 ACADIAN, four-door Terms availiable sedan, stan Telephone 1962 dard, $1350 668-4924 '$9 VAUXHALL stationwagon. Ready for| the road. $274, Full price. Licence X7152. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby. 668-333 F-45'V-8 OLDSMOBILE bucket seats, power $1,595. Phone days 728-1 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, new tires, Motor completely overhauled price $595, Telephone 725-1724 | 1963 COMET wagon, automatic, good con |dition. Private. Ajax 942-6244 after 6 p.m 1962 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, new tires, | battery, exhaust system. Immaculate con dition throughout. Telephone Whitby 668 | 5689 | | 1962 CHEVY I! convertible A-1 condition |Telephone Whitby, 668-2892 |1961 VOLKSWAGEN, red, new paint, new fires. low mileage. WII! sacrifice Best offer. Telephone 728-6454 or 723 16 Sport steering. Coupe, radio. snow Full four new tires, new new paint job, $250. Telephone 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, battery, new muffler, motor, transmission A-1, 723-141 58 VAUHALL Victor tom radio, etc. $100. 32--Trucks for Sale 1954 GMC ou) speed nent, & Litd., 72-7375 1953 CHEVROLET one ton stake, Excel ent body and mote nearly new tires, 6" x 9 body with 6° racks, Price $400. Telephone Ajax 942-2495 four-door, cus Telephone 725-3429. Licence 82177 No down pay- Brown : Motors M-ton pick-up transmission Gus Four ones ed tran nt mect Motors Lid 60 Saat pIck-Up With" racks, four heavy duty tires, Ex- y. Terms! Gus Brown 68 Fleets A phone 72 ide body condition 3-4406. radio $1095 or 7 '60 HALF-TON pick-up. Brand new tires Wide box Ready for the road! Licence v24974, Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-3337 1999 VOLKSWAGEN van ence 16261B, Cash Nicols Motors. Whitby 'SS CHEVROLET, tires, traction Full price $495. trade or terms at 668-3331 1 ton, plywood box, 8 grip on rear, nearly new condition throughout Reasonable. motor Good 23-1090. DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the ess Service: Directory brings extra tomers moderate cost, Telephone 723-4492 to place 'your aa 33--Automobiles Wanted s WANTED YOUR CAR IF BGT, 5. vertible GUS BROWN Motors Ltd. 725-6568 CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your use q h"' or to "Ted" to the New Save MOTORS 725-557 Talk Car Dealer and CAMPIN - Re = AUTO WRECKERS wrecking tworth East a soaperael AUTO ranes -- Wanted cars tor ng and for sale. Telephone 725-2142 parts Ms. Neluen hires? Tele ars werecking WANTED 2 Nichols phone SHAW 4549. Robert AUTO WRECKING co." bo WANTED TO BUY gt Street ° hevrolet 34--Automobile Repair OSHAWA TUNE uP CENTRE offers | pert carburetor 222 King Street West 72ROBY?. TRANSMISSION peciaticts ess Fransmis 1038 Simcoe Bert 728-) OR THE BEST SERVICE ent and whee a? Marian Auto, * Fe oe 33 Grenfell Street want | Highest prices paid 75-118) and auto electric service, | TUNE-UP YOUR CAR NOW Minor Get FOR FALL and Major tune-up, top performance from your cor. SEE SERVICE SPECIALS AT GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534 Ritson Rd. South 728-622) 35--Lost and Found Central Council of DEATHS BIRTHS Neighborhood Association SPECIAL BINGO "at the OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM ALLEMS, Lovis Ww. At the Oshawa General Hospital on| Mother October 28, 1965, Louis W. of Grace Cavanagh and dear father of Ross e Windsor, Bruce of Deep River and Paul of Oshawa; in his 70th year. Resting at) the Robinson Funeral en 9 Brooktin.|§ rer in hapel on Saturday tober at Ld pm. Interment | Barrie Union Cemetery. AVERY, George At the Glencedar Nursing Home, wey | bus, Ontario, on Thursday, October 1965, George Avery, formerly of Lis Britain, beloved husband of the late Har-| riet Avery and dear father of Caroline (Mrs. Lioyd Bradley) of Brooklin, and) predeceased by a daughter Ada (Mrs, Ross Woodward) formerly of Belleville, and a son, Lioyd, formerly of Peterbor- LOST -- Male cat, f, smoky Shopping Centre. Reward. Chilaren's inf Telephone 728-5455. tost -- iy" Bian rw. wal | bicye ward fe. Vicinity of Division Street, Telephone 728-3216. 37--Auctions H from Mr, K AUCTION SALE laving received instructions F, J. Pringle, 205 ing St. W., Oshawa, | will sell by public auction on Sat- u Pp. rday, Nov. 6, 1965 at 1:00 m. the household contents beds complete, dressers, chest ° robes, frigerator, ti f drawers, rockers, ward- washing machine, re- electric range, an que pandora coal: and wood stove, 4 piece Lake Victorian suite, rug, sewing machine, lectric massage machine ond mony other articles too num- @rous to mention, Terms cash, no reserve. Phone 725- 3039, Myles King, auctioneer. 38--Coming "Events ; MONDAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S 69 2 SNOWBALL Pie AUDITORIUM 0 King St. East at Farewell FREE -- ADMISSION FREE '0 Reg. Games------Total $300 $160, in 56 Nos us $10 each horizontal Regular Jackpot $100 in 59 Nos. $20. Con line SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Children Please WOODVIEW COMMUNITY MON., NOV. Admision F 5 R Ch CENTRE BINGO Ist Ticket Gives You ree Chance On Door Prize. $250 Jackpot Nos, 52 and 55 $50 Consolation Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or less $50. Consolation -- $150 Jackpot $20 a line $50 full card 20 Games at $20 Special Games at $30 egular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less $100.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admision $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA ildren under 16 not admitted BINGO + U.A.W.A, HALL SATURDAY, OCT. 30 20 GAMES $10 A GAME JAN 7:30 P.M 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH A FLORIDA TOUR 24 days nd to FEB Personally Escorted a> 14th FOR INFORMATION CALL 623-3265 or COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX 631 Bowmanville, Ont write WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Manning Rood TURKEY SUPPER Nov. 6th, BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE Ch TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game REE ADMISSION $1250 in P r 56 and dren under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Comers 4 P.M. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5th, ough; and dear grandfather of Joyce (Mrs. Bob Hutchinson) of Kingston, ne Avery of Peterborough, and the jate Gerald Woodward; In his 94th year. Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, pron Service in the chapel on Sun-|w. October 31, af 3.30 p.m, Interment Lite Britain United Church Cemetery, in lieu of flowers donations to the Heart Fund would be appreciated, 1965 Over $5,000.00 in prizes | | BLACK, Nellie M. At Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, October 20, 1965, Nellie M. MacLean, |widow of Edward J. Black (112 Oshawa 3oulevard North). Resting at Mcintosh- Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street) $1500.00 Jackpot $500.00 Snowball $150.00 Special Game $1000.00 Esculator 20 Regular games $50. ea! 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 ea. day, at 2 p.m. Interment Cemetery, Little Britain. (Family receive friends at the funeral beginning Sunday afternoon) home BRETT, Ann Duncan At Alax and Pickering Hospital, on Fri day, October 29, 1965, Ann Duncan pein, beloved wife of the late John Brett, of Kindnes beyond Price, yet within reach of all, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL! 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728- 6226 Admission $1.00 (receive one | cord for regular games), All games 25¢ double card-- except Jackpot. East, for service in the chapel on Mon-| (Vera) 130 pg grandmother of dear sister of Ebene isa (Mes. Eachnie Home, Roos Psherld Pickering, heed iene ; |pital. Ingston | Coitier) Pickering cis de eS les be recited at the funeral evening at 8 p.m {Keay CRAWFORTH, Mark Salisbury The family sorrowfully announce hi den a at the "Aten Pend General Hospital, 30, 1965, (Beatrice! . Gulley (Sarah) of Toronto, in his 75th year. Resting Town Funeral Chapel, mribk in the Chapel on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 2 p.m. Inlertnent Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Minister the Rev, F, -- Visitors commencing 7 p.m. Sunday. WELCH, George At St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, Thurs- day, October 28, 1965, George Welch In his 68th year, beloved husband of Ethel and dear father of Mrs. C. W. Read. Oshawa; Read, Christian) (Nellie) Toronto, Survived by 14 grand. wilt) children, 3 great-grand children. > Welch is resting al the MecDougal- Brown Funeral Chapel, St. Clair Ave., 4., Toronto, Service will Ad held Mon- day, November Ist., at 2 M Pacey - i oot and Jean (nee Wil- Regt) fo announce bose arrival of a aah on ag id Octo- ber 28, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hos- 'a brother for David. ELDERKIN -- Doug and Hilda (nee ore to announce the arrivelof , at Hospital, A Bet for Dale. "hanks to i Or. Anderson and 4th floor st GREGG -- John and Audrey are pleased to announce a oe Scott, 6 lbs.. on October %, "065" 1 the bo gg Goan' Hospital A brother' for Jimmie (nee irth Ph trayagyad ~ Ted and Maddy are irth of their on Thomas Patrick, ig October 29, 1965, 12 08s. brother. for As weight § Ibs., Terri, Patti and 'Kelly. 'thanks fo Or, E. Mcliveen McGILVRAY -- Marilyn Pe Bill proud- the birth of daughter, e|ly announce Andrea Nancy, on Prigay, 6 8c. 2, 1965. A sister for Karen and Dav MCLAUGHLIN -- Don and Betty (nee Evers) are happy to announce ~ birth ot a son, William Donald, on %, 1965, at Toronto East General Hospital WRIGHT -- Jim and Eileen (nee Pat- ferson) announce the birth of their son, 7 Ibs, 14a yo at Ajax Hospital Friday, October 29, 1 Inst grandchild for Mr. ind Mrs, H, ys Patterson, Sevaiien Saw aichewan and Mr, and Mrs. Wright, Ajax, Mount Pleasant coer Teratia. WILCOXSON, Frank H. At his late residence, Columbus, Ontario, on Thursday, October 28, 1965, Frank H, |Wilcoxson, beloved brother of Maude and |dear undie of Winnifred Bonnetta, Marie Hamilton, Clinton Moore and Aubrey Moore; in his 88th year, Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, Serv- ee 'eo eg chapel on Sunday, October 31, 9 1 2 p.m. Interment St. Paul's Ceme- hee, 'Columbus. (Friends will be received i the chapel commencing 3 p.m. Satur jay.) DEATHS LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA oof SHOPPING 24 HOUR HON SERVICE [By Special Request This Bingo will be operated on o s.milar basis as the Bingo in Scarboro {| DOOR PRIZES All games will be played on double cards re Ng ~8:15 pn. Share The Weal Regular Games-- BUSES Leave Bond and Simcoe St 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m, 7:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m. Available after the Bingo. THE RESIDENTS OF HILLSDALE MANOR Your Vehicle Deserves The Best SERVICE UP TOMORROW COLD WEATHER'S HERE ! Is your car prepared for the rugged winter driving conditions. DRIVE IN TOMORROW to one of these automotive spe- c ialists and SERVICE UP. BRING or CAR LAMBERT OIL CO. LTD. HWY. 12 -- BROOKLIN Also Best Prices! FUEL OIL DIESEL OIL NAPTHA GAS STOVE OIL GASOLINE Hurry in and try Our Service BROOKLIN 655-4801 Cordially Invite You to attend their ANNUAL BAZAAR Wednesday, vyember 3: At 2:00 P.M. Sale of work, Afternoon tea, Home baking and Door Prizes. SOCIAL BINGO, St. George's Hall, corner of Albert - Jackson, Monday, November } 8 o'clock evening. Lunch, prizes. TURKEY SUPPER at Harmony "United Church Hall, Saturday, November 13, from 4.30 on, Adults $1.50. Children 75¢. 39--Notices : On IT'S TIME NOW! To winterize your automobile BODY REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING Free estimates, Insurance work a specialty. OSHAWA BODY SHOP 725-8332 109 BLOOR E. We Buy & Sell Cars & Trucks ACT NOW! AVOID THE RUSH HUNTERS and OTHERS | WHO MAY BE AWAY | ON ELECTION DAY | ARE URGED TO | USE THE AD\/JANICE AUVAINCL VOTING POLLS ARRAY, Oct. 30 and Monday, Nov. 1 R-E-P-O-W-E-R YOUR CAR FOR TROUBLE-FREE WINTER DRIVING "DAVE" ALTERNATOR SERVICE AND REPAIRS OSHAWA TUNE-UP FAVV EN CENTRE 222 King W. 728-0817 For further information call the OLIVER HODGES CAM PAIGN HEADQUARTERS Oshawa 723-254] Whitby 668-6421 XXXXXXXKXXXXKXXXXKKKKXKK VOTE TO ELECT GUIDE REALTY Ltd. To Sell Your Property Call 723-5281 OPEN DAILY 9 a.m, to 9? p.m. See our regulor od under Real Estate For Sale XXXXKKKKKKAXKXKAXAK KKK Winterize Now ! Avoid the rush, get set for cold weather now, anti- freeze, thermostats, tune- ups. DON DOWN SHELL SERVICE YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE @ Complete repairs @ licensed mechanics @ Downtown Parking 723-7032 97 KING EAST TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for LET GEORGE DO IT! Safety:check your car beforé Winter Also minor repairs, tune-ups RESULTS LICENSED MECHANICS DRIVE IN TODAY! Telephone | 723-3492 | GEORGE'S | for, all other departments FINA re SERVICE STATION 932 Brock St. North Whitby 668-4232 Open Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am to 5.00 p.m Wills ce. YOUR CAR BE READY FOR THE FIRST COLD MORNING ? Stop-in Today at... AL PRESTON'S SUNOCO SERVICE 925 Simcoe N. 725-2552 READY FOR WINTER ? Don't let the first cold snap catch you unpro- tected. Now is the time to bring your car into... RUSSELL*S TEXACO SERVICE STATION 461 Park Rd. S. 723-1211 No Winter Driving Worries If you see BILENDUKE'S Esso Service We Specialize in ¢ TUNE UPS ¢ BRAKE SERVICE 1004 Simcoe S. at Wentworth 728-1411 DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE Winterize Now! BOYD'S ESSO SERVICE OPEN 24 HOURS Licenced Mechanie Tune-ups Towing -- Road Service Major & Minor Repairs KING & THICKSON RD. King W. 725-7622 Don't Wait SERVICE UP NOW! Special prices on snow tires Everything your car needs for winter driving ahead, all service performed by efficient personnel HARRY DOVE'S Fina Station 792 Simcoe 5S. 725-5311 STOP! DO YOU FEEL SAFE IN YOUR CAR ON SLIPPERY HIGHWAYS? WINTERIZE NOW |! Your Safety ls Our Business at CLINT'S TEXACO Service Station 245 Wentworth 728-5811 | Set. 8:00 @.m, to 12:00 p.m. |