Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1965, p. 7

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» @peaking Canadians nor does it ELECTION TALK Offered Cash To QUEBEC (CP) -- Two New Democraiic Party candidstes running in Quebec City constit- uncies said Thursday they were' offered sums of money recently, to withdraw from the Nov. 8 election campaign. Jean-Paul Berube, 33, NDP candidate in Quebec West, said in an interview that three per: sons called at his home Tues- day while NDP organizer Ray- mond Bernatchez was there. He said the three offered to pay him $10,000 -- $2,000 of which would be for Mr, Bernatchez--if he ould sign a_ statement promising to withdraw from the election campaign, Mr. Berube said the men car- ried the cash in three envelopes and he saw the bundles of bills Diefenbaker's Last Week In Ontario | OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva tive Leader Diefenbaker will concentrate on Ontario in the last week of the Noy. 8 election campaign. An itinerary released Thurs day says Mr. Diefenbaker will be in Ontario Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday Mr. Diefenbaker flies from Halifax to Toronto Sunday, then goes to Hamilton where he will spend the night, He attends an afternoon meeting in Brantford Monday, then returns to Hamil- ton for a rally, After an overnight trip by rail Quit: 2 NDPers (inside. He had never seen the men before. Raymond Bruneau, 36, run ning for the NDP in Quebec East, said in a separate inter- view that he received a tele- phone call a few days ago from an anonymous person who of- fered him $5,000 to withdraw. Both men said they refused the offers. Mention of the alleged bribe} offers was made Wednesday by Robert Cliche, Quebec NDP lleader, whose name is pro nounced kleesh, in a speech to In his speech, Mr. Cliche said jMr, Berube and Mr. Bruneau had been offered $8,000 and $5,000 respectively to withdraw from the running, to Owen Sound, Mr. Diefen- baker will. whistle-stop Tuesday to Goderich, making five-min- ute pauses at Tara, Chesley, Neustadt, Harriston, Palmers- \ton, Listowel, Mitchell, Seaforth and Clinton At Goderich, afternoon meeting, then go on by rail to Sarnia, taking a 27- mile auto trip to Wallaceburg for an evening rally The Diefenbaker party spend Tuesday night on four special rail cars parked at the Sarnia station, After a break- fast reception Wednesday in Sarnia, Mr, Diefenbaker wil! fly to Montreal from Toronto, Tobacco-Growers Aid Promised SIMCOE (CP)--Finance Min- ister Gordon Thursday night renewed a Liberal government pledge to assist Ontario's to- bacco growing industry "We have made clear our readiness to help the board (Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco * Growers Marketing Board) in its work," he said, adding that * the government also has plans) » to assist farmers in general Mr. Gordon was speaking on ' behalf of Jack Roxburgh, Lib- eral member for Norfolk in the ' Jast Parliament who is seeking re-election, He said Mr. Roxburgh had helped to arrange a meeting in Ottawa this week between to- * bacco board and government officials in an effort to settle * the financial problems related to the sale of the 1961 | surplus | It is a very ticklish prob- \lem that will require careful and sympathetic attentiCon when we are able to go into it in 10 days or two weeks--assuming the election goes the way I hope it does," Mr. Gordon told the audience of about 400 | The finance minister also promised greater federal assis- tance for crop insurance, a ma- jor program to redevelop farms, assistance in retraining and resettling farmers seeking other employment, extension of unemployment insurance to full-time farm workers, estab- lishment of a livestock meat board to direct supplies and a new mortgage program for farm housing crop | Grits Threaten Confederation: Duff VANCOUVER (CP) -- Pre- mier Roblin of Manitoba cam- paigned across Vancouver * Thursday, contending that the Liberal government is threaten- ing the structure of Confedera- tion, He said the threat does not lie in the aspirations of French. spring from the obvious need for change. He told students at the Uni- versity of British Columbia , "What concerns me is the feeling that these problems are ernment which does nol seem itself to have a clear picture or a sound conception of what It wants Confederation to be. 'Instead we find it presiding like a dipiomat over the con- flicting views of others, as we come together from time to time. , . , The strongest political pressure group is most likely to get its own way." i His schedule included an ad- dress in support of. Howard Green, former Conservative ex- ternal affairs. minister trying to recapture the Vancouver being confronted . ... by a gov- Forest-Products SQUAMISH, B.C. (CP)--Ne- gotiations for a Canada-U.S forest products pact similar to the automobile agreement will begin after the Nov, 8 federal election, says Jack Davis, Lib- eral candidate in Coast-Capi- * Jano Mr. Davis, parliamentary as- sistant to Prime Minister Pear- son in the last Parliament, said Wednesday the pact is "defi- nitely in the works" 'It ta Being actively explered on both aides of the border," he told an -all-candidates meet- ing in this logging community Quadra riding. Pact Forecast 40 miles north of Vancouver 'Right now there are no for- mal discussions but I would ex- pect negotiations to be initiated right after the election." Mr. Davis said a forest prod- Columbia would be able to send not only newsprint and pulp t the U.S., but more manufac tured paper products, paritcu- larly fine papers. "This will mean more jobe for -mere- people -here, more good-paying jobs." Mr. Davis said other indus 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST. Oshowe an election rally at Mont-Joli,| he'll attend an) will) ucts pact gould mean na Removed On Grit ay-So ANTIGON'ISH, N.S. (CP) Returning Officer Colin B. Dug- gan of nearby Upper South River said IYoursday he took the name of Pragressive Conserva- tive candidage Dr. D, Hugh Gi! lis off the voters' list because Rod Chisholm of Antigonish, president of the Antigonish- Guysborough liberal Associa- tion, said Dr. Gillis was not a Canadian resident under the terms of the Elections Act. Dr. Duggan said Dr Gillis' name had been on the list in the Antigenish - Guysborough federal ricdng, but it was re- moved Oct,, 21, revision day, be- cause Mr, Chisholm told him iDr. Gillis "was only a summer jresident inp Canada, | Dr, Gillts, head of the com municationws department at Bos- ton University for the last five years, hast said he wil! continue his campatign for a seat in Par- liament ip the Nov, 8 federal election, Me said he still main tains a home at Pinevale, Anti gonish Connty, Mr. Chisholm said Thursday there is 'a "serious question as to whether or not he (Dr. Gillis) is a qualified elector under the Canada \€lections Act." He saif' Dr. Gillis applied to the United States immigration service for admission to the United States as @ permanent resident Oct. 28, 1959, "His ap- plication was granted," Mr. Chisholna said. 'Thereby he did Tory's Name|Politicos Free With Cash When Election's At Stake ernment has offered $14 perConservatives.to date in the By TOM MITCHELL OTTAWA (CP)--The parties have spread a wide assortment of political goods on the counter' for the voters to pick over be- the price tag. As the party in power, the Liberals have been able to time some announcements of speci- fic spending programs to fit in neatly with their appeal to the voters, Just before the election was called, a $2,000,000 grant was announced for a hockey arena-trade centre in Vanou- ver, Since the election cal| Sept, 7 there has been a series of similar government announce- ments; --~$500,000,000 over 15 years for medical and denia) re- search and training facilities. --$100,000,000 for a long-term northern roads program. $40,000,000 for a university scholarship' program over four years A $25,000,000 investment in Nova Scotia's coal industry. $12,000,000 for Eskimo hou- sing But these tangible figures are like the top of the iceberg-- much more remains under wa- ter, PROMISE MEDICARE The Liberals have promised implementation of a medical peti to provinces joining the proposed plan. This would put the annual -- bill at about $500,000,- But many provinces think the $14 will not meet half the per- person cost of such a plan. At the latest federal - provincial ihealth conference, the govern- ment gave a commitment to boost the federal payment if this estimate proves too low, So it's difficult to say just what the program might cost! when put into operation, New Democrat Leader Doug: las hasn't put a price tag on his party's promises to end univer- sity tuition fees, institute eco- nomic planning, establish a me- dica] care program, spur build- ing of a second trans-Canada highway and improve the posl- tion of the farmer. The same is generally true for the wide- ranging farm and social wel- fare programs pledged by the Liberals and Conservatives An exception was the promise by Alvin Hamilton, former Con- servative agriculture minister, of a $2,000,000,000 long - term program to reforest 20,000,000 acres of second - grade farm land in Eastern Canada. SETS FIGURE That figure probably loomed large in Social Credit Leader Thompson's mind when he said care insurance program, The campalen would mean exnendi- ture of more than $6,000,000,000, A Liberal-Conservative con- troversy bubbied up when Prime Minister Pearson tried to put a price tag on Conserva- tive Leader Dielenbaker's pledge of an increase in old age sate to $100 a month from 75, Mr, Pearson said this would mean a tab of about $850,000,- 000 this year, more than the economy could bear, But Mr, Diefenbaker countered said the prime minister was figuring on $100 a month for those 65 and -- seme iaaice a Gk AE aR Meee aes a ial a THE OSHAWA TUMES, Friday, October 29, 1968 7 | = the $50,000,000,000 = TIME product--total whee 22 at England's all goods and services. The di-\Greenwich Observatory, now vidend would Canadians|sited at Herstmonceux, is 80 sect i soni oe gle lata pore represented by the CIVIL DRAFTSMAN City of Oshawe Engineering Department SALARY RANGE $84.00 to $95.00 per week (3644 hour week) REQUIRED: Energe f to perform following Sutton: Plot field notes, coleviots Cyanine, tr Applicants must hove full high schoo! end municipal drofting expert ence will be an asset, Previous applicants for drafting positions invited to re-apply, icants shoul full detol! jon, » stotus, etc, one mh Souter' fa Pi) p.m., November Si 08, Personnel Otticer Oshowo, OUND NED: that promises by Liberals and not lose; his Canadian citizen: iship, bud the application showed this intemtion, Mr, (hhishoim said Dr. Gillis had not; resigned his position at Boston HW niversity. He had sought 'a leave of absence, He said Dir. Gillis had not moved his wif and children to Canada for femsibility of free-trade pacts -ith the U.S. and one of the next will be industrial ma- chinery, A fimrest industry spokesman in Vancouver said major ob- staclesi to a forest - producis agreesnent are opposition in Easteim Canada and the US, The spokesman said the opposi- tion fiactions would fear its com- petitive positions would be harmed by the removal of tariff WINTER TIME TABLE Effective October 31st., 1965. BUSES WILL RUN ON STANDARD TIME ----? | i 1 ] i da or SMOKING | PROBLEMS | ' CALL SMOKER'S DIAL | 728-2221 | | FOR FREE ASSISTANCE TO GREAK THE WABIT 24-HOUR SERVICE Tickets and | OSHAWA: Tedel Ltd., Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street, Telephone 723-2241 tries are also being examined The Yankee Peddler Went to His Customers ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS- WINDOWS - 'PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEPTED FLEXALUM SIDING JALOUSIES Regiarsing and re-sereening Aluminum deer and Window Inserts WA ALUMINUM OSHAWA | FREE PARKING} | forever... naic PHONE 728-162%3 95 ATHOL ST. E., OSIDIAWA Like the peddler, we specialize in serving people, and in meeting many needs. Folks just like you have discovered how easy it is to get things done, with fast-acting TIMES ACTION WANT ADS. They've rented rooms, hired de- pendable help, found their lost pets, bought homes and cars, sold anything. from an extra snow-tire to a multiple unit apartment building. Try them . . . they work wonders, Your investment? Just 72¢ per day for « 24 word ed on the low 6 time rate. 723-3492 acti CLASSIFIED OSHAWA - WHITBY -- TORONTO MINOR SERVICE CHANGES (Ask for Time Table No. 7) nformation at WHITBY: Harry Donald Ltd., 300 Dundes Street East, Telephone 668-3675 GREY COACH NES AT TION ae setts SATIN 4 INCOMPARABLE 30" 'FINDLAY' GAS RANGE In gleaming white or Colonial coppertone enamel finish! high-speed "Set'n'Simmer" top burners, easily @ low simmer to a full poe. heat. oe © Surface mounted controls for greater convenience and safety, © Two-in-one oven timer for both "eook" and "off". @ Pilots light bumers automatically, r) Seleer-clouater qenahelens bepter, with Rage ap atieranint te (MODEL 932QDT) YOUR GAS COMPANY SPECIAL, 199,00 MO DOW PAYMENT>AS LITTLE AS 06.90 PER MONTH INSTALLED, TAX INCLUDED i Bodied | Me POON Nor Ceuta: TLL TTT Led TT 7 ye 'Findlay Natural Gas A WONDERFUL WHISTLING KETTLE When You Buy This Gas Range Now! A modern stalniess steel copper-bottom kettle that boils water 80 fast, it has to whistle to tell you it's ready! Boils water fast because you're cooking with Natural Gas. This $7.50 Value is yours absolutely free with the purchase of this specially priced Natural Gas Range. (offer ends December 15, 1965) (Gonsumers' ('as 29 CELINA OSHAWA 728-7363 (r

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