Rhodesian Blacks: May in an election. He moved into the office pre nated all 'white opposition last|could be revoked or changed THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 28, 1965 3] later by a white Rhodesian gov- Gondo -- interviewed' earlier| Discontent Grows Diseuity among Riodes- fa's African nationalist lead- evs is a major stumbling 'ch to prospects for black rc'> in the country. This siory by a Canadian Press reporter sets forth the dif- ferences between the mod- erate aid extreme national- ist positions By JOSEPH MacSWEEN SALISBURY (CP) -- Rho- desia's African leaders, lawful and outlawed, say discontent is growing among their people who outnumber the white rulers by) 18 to 1. But the African leaders are split among themselves, which is one of the reasons why they have been unable to mount a serious assault on the regime of Premier Jan Smith. And Smith, asked about this splintering tendency among the! Africans, told me: "This is a fact that you have got to recognize as part and parcel of Africa--tribalism. Cer- tain Europeans come along jtion like that and it works in biissiuliy and they think they| can introduce Western civiliza- Africa--my God, they have an- Other think coming." Josiah Moses Gondo, 50 People's Party in the Legislat- ive Assembly, countered in an- other interview that moderate and extreme nationalists are|of the 1961 constitution the Afri- working for the same thing and he sees signs of them getting|tered on the voters roll . together, LABELLED STOOGE ZAPU and ZANU, both names based on Zimbabwe, ancient name for the Rhodesian region --now are banned and. their leaders in detention, restriction or exile. George Nyandoro, sec- retary - general of ZAPU, reached in neighboring Zambia, said Gondo is a "stooge."' Gondo, butcher and one-time school teacher, is the first black) will African to be leader of the op- position. He was catapulted into the position after Smith elimi- jwhite secretary whose salary. is jshorter than I now have begun Both nationalist partie s--jto expect." viously occupied by David But ver, chie' of the swamped Rho- desian Party, and inherited ajiateral declaration of independ- ence, said Gondo, might win the sympathy of:South Africa and paid by the government formed by Smith's Rhodesian Front. Gondo doesn't sound like a | will win ut any friends among other countries." stooge but he' makes remarks! verging on political suicide by criticizing the Africans them- selves as well as the whites. He|t9 seek wil] be in a position to leader of the opposition United|declined to estimate how long be before majority rule may be expected but added "I can say that if at the time cans had responded and regis- pendence from Britain. tobacco we have been selling to the Commonwealth countries." to the Commonwealth prefer- ence extended by Britain, Can- the|ada and other countries which -jernment after attaining inde- 000 persons are in jail, in deten- tion or under restriction in|--reflected none of these ex- Rhodesia and that 25 men are|treme views but indicated ra- intolerance from either Smith's threats to make'a uni- Portugal but "1 doubt whether "| don't believe that any new friends Rhodesia is endeavoring take the quantities of sugar and In this Gondo was referring time would have been Buch would be lost by UDI. | IMPOSED BOYCOTT This was a reference to a boy- cott imposed by Joshua Nkomo, ZAPU leader now under restric- tion, following the adoption of the new constitution which opened a limited path to the polling booth for Africans, |SAYS THOUSANDS JAILED | "We have great fears as to what this government might 4." Gondo declared. "The feel- ing among the people is one of disappointment and confusion." Nyandoro, 38, interviewed at Lusaka, capital of Zambia, de- nied that Chinese advisers have Yet Gondo said flatly the pro-jtaken a hand in the ZAPU tection of his people's rights be achieved not by '2 piece of paper"--the constitu- tion--but by extension of the right to vote. _The | constitution Men's and Young Men's Dressing Gowns Ordinarily 19.95! A cosy, washable blend of cotton. Wrap» Men's and Young "Substandards" . . . Would Be Ordinarily 5.95! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY around style with tie sash, stiffened lopels for good looks, 2 side and | breast pocket Handsome checks in new Fall greys, medium, the group. SALE, each . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 PHONE 725.7373 PRIS y: blues, browns ond reds. 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"About two years ago my not. have to work to prison|shop was wrecked by an African mob because I ¢ not go along "Tron- mote area, as now is 'the caselically, about the same time I was turned away from a white hotel and told to eat in a back might rise against the Smith|room when I was busy helping Sir Edgar Whitehead (then leader of the opposition) with a partner- Treat Yourself to ANADA'S POWER MARKETS OPEN WED., THURS. & FRI. TIL 9:30 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ADJUSTABLE SHELF UNITS workshop, garage, Useful storage un steel als Winterize Your Home with Sale-Priced Aids POLYKEN (WHITE SEALING TAPE) WEATHER STRIPPING Reg, 1.29! put wide and 75 ft. roll each ALUMINUM DOOR WEATHER STRIPPING SET Reg. 2.49! 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