Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1965, p. 12

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neers WEDDING SMILES radi- ate from Mr. and Mrs, Ray Busminski who plighted their troth recently. The bride, the former Claudette' Marie-Andre Marcoux, is POP EPR RE RS SEER EE ESSERE Cee eee ee ee saee the daughter of Mrs, T. L. Marcoux and the bride- groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buzminski, all of Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography WEDDING ALBUM Arecord for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office, Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony, names of out-of-town guests social editor either before or Claudette Marie-Andre Mar- ecoux and Ray Henry Buzminski exchanged nuptial vows last Saturday in St. Grego the Great Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Thomas Louis Marcoux. and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Buzmin- ski, all of Oshawa. The Reverend L. T. Mc- Gough officiated at the 12.15 p.m. ceremony. The soloist, Mrs, William Kinsman, was accompanied at the organ by Mr. Jack Driscoll. The bride's brother, Mr. Louis Marcoux, gave her in mar- rlage. She wore a full-length, classical gown of gardenia white 'ligoda, featuring an em- bodice of sculptured Gui- pure lace with sabrina neckline and elbow-length sleeves. The back fullhess of the skirt flowed into a chapel train, accentuated Kilts Are Swinging On Champs Elysees PARIS (Reuters) --The word Scotch today connotes a major! new French fashion trend as well as whisky, Teen-agers here went back toltiny lace over school this autumn wearing kilts and pleated tartan skirts, and a new fashion image was born. Within a few weeks the Scotch plaid skirt became the most influential trend in im- ported clothing since blue jeans and T-shirts crossed the Atlan- tic 10 years ago. The "Scotch look" is not nec- essarily confined to the junior set. It emerges here as an age- less style being worn by "'girls" from six to 60. The number of authentic clan plaids seen swinging along the streets of Paris would outnum- ber a highland regiment in full dress. One long - established Paris shop says there is a certain snobbishness attached to own- ing and wearing a genuine im- ported kilt instead of a French version of the same thing. The most popular skirt is styled like a real kilt with a series of oretening Hosts fastened with a giant gold-colored safety pin. e ae a Frenchwoman knows little of the traditions of the Gordons, Bruces, Campbells or the Royal Stewarts, but she considers their tartans the height of fashion. Tartan skirts as well as trou- sers and accessories are selling in all price ranges, from the ensembles in Castillo's couture collection to inexpen- sive versions sold in the chain stores Castillo makes a fetish of the Scotch look in the country cos- tumes with pleated skirts and neat little schoolboy blazer jack- ets. He shows mixed and matched accessories with bright plaids employed for low-heeled shoes, short gloves and cloche hats, or separate skirts with matching long woollen stock- ings. The leading gs for children and ped launch the current Scotch craze by pro- moting back-to-school clothes in every imaginable pattern and color and matching book bags are re- You are asked to submit the attending the wedding to the the day after the wedding. - Marcoux at the waist by a large, self bow. A double rose of silk organza held her bouffant veil of silk illusion with rose appli- ques and she carried a formal cascade bouquet of white Butterfly roses with a garland of yellow Sweetheart roses, con- trasted with foliage. Mrs. James Hill, Oshawa, was the matron of honor and the attendants were Mrs. Jack Car- roll, Oshawa, and Mrs. Charles Bennett, Oakville. They wore full-length gowns of jade green chiffon with empire bodices and shoe-string straps topped by jackets of silk velvet. Their headdresses were silk velvet bows and they carried swing cascades of variegated yellow roses, highlighted with a burst of Talisman roses accented with salal leaves. Mr. Edward Buzminski was the best man and the ushers were Messrs. Robert and John Buzminski. Receiving the guests in the Piccadilly Room of the Hotel Genosha, the bride's mother wore an A-line dress of cran- berry red brocade, matching laccessories and a mink stole. The bridegroom's mother was in a sheath dress of teal Chan- taffeta _ with matching accessories. Mrs. Marcoux's corsage was of mono- chromatic pink Sweetheart roses and carnations and Mrs. |Buzminski's yellow Garnet jroses and white carnations. | The bride was wearing a winter-white two-piece suit with ja. matching hat, navy blue accessories and a tailored cor- sage. of bronze and yellow pom- poms when: the couple left for a honeymoon at Virginia Beach. On their return they will re- side at 1190 Sun Valley Court. NOW ON A honeymoon in Mexico City and Acapulco, are Mr. and Mrs, William Johri Harvey Swan, whose marriage took place recent- ly in St. George's Memem- orial Church, The bride is In a colorful fall wedding lasi Saturday evening, Sally Fran- ces, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George James, was united in marriage to William John Har- vey Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swan, all of Oshawa. The ceremony took place in St. George's Memorial Church with Canon E. G. Ongley offi- ciating. The soloist, Mr. Thom- as J. Parks, sang 'The Wed- ding Hymn" by Handel and "O Perfect Love' by Barnby, ac- companied by Mr. Allan Reesor at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a for- mal princess gown of imported French re-embroidered cham- pagne cord lace over candle- light peau de soie with a low scalloped neckline, featuring tiny bridal buttons down the face of the gown, with elbow- length sleeves and a scalloped hemline forming a short chapel train. The long silk illusion bridal veil fell softly from a self Tom Jones bow of cham- pagne peau de sole. She car: ried a cascade of white gar- the former Sally Frances is James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George James, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John H, Swan, all of Oshawa, Swan-James Jackson, Calgary, Alberta, The ring bearer was Master Steven J. Innis, Etobicoke. The reception was held at the Annandale Country Club, Pickering, where the bride's mother received wearing an imported pure silk sheath with a Swiss lace coat of smoky topaz, matching lace hat and accessories and a corsage of wine garnet sweetheart roses. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a gold and jade Mardi Gras_ brocade sheath with an over skirt lined with peau de soie, matching brocade hat and a corsage of golden garnet sweetheart roses. Before the couple left for a honeymoon in Mexico City and Aleapulco, the bride changed into a navy blue silk worsted sheath with black jet jeweled V_oneckiline featuring long sleeves with the same beading at wrists. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Swan will reside at 1508 Simcoe street north, Oshawa. from a champagne muff. The matron of honor, Donald Floyd, and the other attendants, Mrs. Robert James,| Miss Catherine McClure and Mrs. Philip Dudley, were dress- ed alike in claret velvet formal princess gowns. Their head- dresses were self Tom Jones bows and they carried claret muffs with cascades of cham- pagne carnations and ivy. The flower girl, Miss Penny James, wore an identical dress to that of the other attend- ants, and carried a small muff of similer flowers. The best man was Mr. Regi- nald James W. Swan, Oshawa, | and the ushers were Mr. Rob- ert James, Oshawa, Mr. Philip Dudley, Windsor, and Mr. Allan) G ae WIFE PRESERVER Use a steak knife with a ser- rated edge to scrape lemon rind. denias and ivy falling lightly) SOCIAL NOTICE Mrs./ FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, John Smarz, Oshawa, announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Katherine Emily Smarz, Oakland, California, to Mr. Don- ald Leo Comerford, Oakland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley: Comerford, Oshawa, The wed- ding will take place on Satur- day, November 20, 1965, at 12.15 p.m, in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, Osh- awa. --Ireland Studio Husbands Decide What Brand To Buy WASHINGTON (AP) -- Who wins out when young newlyeds disagree on what to buy in the supermarket? The bride usually gives in and buys the brand her husband prefers, says a survey presented to the annual meet- ing of the National Association of Food Chains. The study delved into the shopping habits of the 57,000,- 000 U.S. housewives and in- cluded a hard look at the buy- ing practices of newlyweds who have an average weekly food budget of $20.43. The new bride as a shopper, said the report, is "serious, studious, value-minded, uncer- tain, responsive, appreciative and proud." "About two-thirds of brands purchased are the same as mother 'bought,' the study said, but "'when bride and groom dis- agree--the bride usually sur- renders and buys the brand her husband prefers." Other findings: --Upper-income families buy more than three times as much frozen food and six times as much frozen baked goods as lower-income fami- lies. They also are less likely to tny new products, less in- terested in food stamps and buy more than four times as much colored toilet tissue as other families. Trade stamps are most im- portant to blue-collar families, who spend.a greater portion of their incomes on food than any other group. This group is also most loyal to its super- markets. --Small - town families are very stamp-conscious, switch markets regularly and spend much less than city groups on meat and produce. 725-3581 for the best FUEL OIL combination. Plaid skirts ported to be their two best- selling items. rr Aa aid LADIES' SHEATH SKIRTS SIZES 10 TO 20 REGULAR 9.00 LADIES' BRIEFS SIZES--S-M-L, REGULAR 1.00 LADIES' HALF SLIPS SIZES---S-M-L. REGULAR TO 2.98 GIRLS' SLIM SETS SIZES 2 TO 6X, REGULAR 3.98 BOYS' SKI JACKETS SiZts 8 TO 14 Jewellery Save Up To 40% & 50% PRICE SALE 66* 1.49 2.99 g.99 delivery service ~ in town You get quality all the way with Lender-Sterk. Top quality Fuel Oil. Top quality, completely re- liable AUTOMATIC deliveries from clean, modern trucks, And once you're @ Lander-Stark customer you never need to keep phoning for oil; your tonk is kept filled ically. Added benefits for you ore: Free Emergency Service by Lander-Stark's own technicians; Free annual Tune-up and Clean- out; Budget Plan! and money-saving Replacement Parts Plan. Phone todey ond piece YOUR order for your winter fuel ell supply. Wee, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 25, 1965 A i BMPR aR a ec ta On October 12, 1940, the mar- riage of Miss aiice R. Ashton and Mr. Gordon F, Beech was solemnized at the United Church Manse, Roseneath, with the Reverend Eugene Beech, brother of the bridegroom, offi- ciating. On the 25th anniver- sary of this wedding, about 100 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Beech gathered at the Recreation Centre in the Hampton Town Hall, to help them celebrate. On the arrival of the guests of honor, their daughters, Miss Janice Beech and Miss Bonnie Beech pinned corsages and boutonnieres on the couple as well as on the bride's mother, Mrs. E. C. Ashton and the bridal attendants of 25 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Mr. W. J. Bragg was master of ceremonies for the program. Mrs. David Weldon accompan- ied by Mr. Ross Metcalfe sang "It's a Grand Night for Sing- ing" and the "Anniversary Waltz,' followed by a duet by Mrs. Weldon and Mr. Metcalfe, a comedy number. complete with costumes, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Griffin at the piano, Mr, Allan Bragg played two piano solos and Mrs. Harold Ashton read "This is Their Life," depicting in verse some of the highlights of the couple's 25 years of married life. Mr. and Mrs, Beech were escorted to the stage by Mr, and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, where a complimentar6é address was read by Mrs, Larry Ashton. | Friends And Relatives Honor Mr. And Mrs. Gordon. F. Beech sented the couple with a minia- ture copy of a large wall mir- ror and Mrs. Mervin Conroy presented them with a chan: atives and friends. 'Mr, and Mrs, Beech express- ed their appreciation for the party and gifts. Congratula- tory speeches were made by Stanley May, Raymond Burns, Frank Dorland, E. A. Werry, Clarence Hicks, Fred Billett, John Slemon, and Larry Ashton, The honored couple received numerous cards and long dis- tance telephone calls from Mr. and Mrs. William May, Wood- stock and Miss Lois Ashton, London, Ontario. The Enniskillen United Church Women served delicious refreshments from a table cen- tered by a three-tiered anniver- sary cake, flanked by silver candies and vases of red car- nations. Pouring tea were Mrs, Richard Griffin, an aunt of the bridegroom and Mrs, S, H. May, eldest sister of the bride. HAS ONLY ONE NAME PRESTON, Ont, (CP)---Myr- tle Cowper is known only as Myrt to 650 employees of a local factory where she is the industrial nurse. 'Everyone calls me by my first name, probably some of the. workers don't even know my married name," says Mrs. Cowper, who Little Mis Janet Bragg pre- was born in Milford, Sask. delier pole lamp, gifts from rel- Miss Katherine Emily. 'marz and Mr. Donald Leo 'omerford, both of Oak- Groom Designs His Bride's Gown MONTREAL (CP) -- Tradi- tionally, wedding arrange- ma@nts are left to the bride, es@ecially when it comes to chonsing her gown and those to he worn by her attendants. uit this was not the case wit® French - Canadian folk singer Lise Gibeau and fash- jon' designer John Warden, who were married here Sat- urdiyy. Mi. Warden designed not only' the gowns worn by his brid: and the bridesmaids but thos worn by his mother and Miss. Gibeau's mother as well, Commenting on the sugges- tion \ that as a fashion de- signee he was breaking tradi- tion, first of all by getting marred, the young native of Niagara Falls laughingly pro- tested that he was "'just an ordinary person who happens CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS TO WED HERE Jand,* California and former Oshawa residents will return to Oshawa to be married in St. Gregory the Great Ro- man Catholic Church on No- by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smarz, Oshawa. The prospective bridegroom's are Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Com- erford, also of Oshawa. IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK +s THEN YOU SHOULD BUY OR TODATT the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting NM... Remedy! There is no letdown, ne papper mts an all-vegetable laxative. For over 70 years, Nt has been folks pleasant, effective Helps you feel better ++. @nd look better? REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED» JUNIORS to love..designing clothes,' Due to the inclement weather of last week we are continuing this gigantic Anniversary Sale for another 2nd ANNIVERSARY | SALE | CONTINVES week... prices are reduced all through the store .. . so come on in and save | WASHER SPIN DRYER ci oe EAST: © _* EFFICIENT Washes Spin-Dries ®@ Rinses minutes, Compect: only 1614" almost anywhere. Portable: no extra inste required. NOW ONLY @ Actually "floats on air" @ Dual-purpose nozzle © Double-stretch hose ONE HOUR SPECIAL TODAY ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS HOOVER * COMPACT * PORTABLE 24 pounds of clothes in only 20 Only 8% gallons of wash woter. BONUS OFFER ROGER'S APPLIANCES & FURNITURE HOOVER CONSTELLATION 42.50 Between 5 ond 6 P.M. Tet Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: Ath Prize; Sth Prize: 6th Prize: 7th 8th Oth Prize: 10th Prize: Tith Prize: 12th Prize: 13th Prize: 14th Prize: 15th Prize: Prize: Prize: ELECT! wide, Fite lietion YOUR PURCHASE: COULD WIN YOU ONE OF 15 VAL 19" FLEETWOOD FAORTABLE TLV. ,cccscececcessuens ve EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER PORTABLE RECORD. PLAYER HOOVER FLOOR FICLISHER A.M./F.M, TRANSISTOR RADIO PHILLIPS CLOCK RU\DIO 8 TRANSISTOR RATIO 8 TRANSISTOR RADYO RIC FRY PAN BLECTRIC TOASTER, cicceeeeereeereeeserererenns a Draw Will Take Place When Sale Is Over '.... .,...... | DOOR CRASHER SPECIAL ; eet aie ALL THIS WEEK ! $209.00 | 1 HOUR - TOMQ@RROW - 5 to 6 P.M. : MeCLARY-EASY REFRIGERATOR No-Frost model, 12 cu. ft., A door. Reg. 329.00. With approved trade McCLARY-EASY % REFRIGERATOR Beautiful 2 door model, 12 eas. ft. cap- acity, Reg. 289.00. With appupved trade MeGLARY-EASY } 30" RANGE | Completely automatic deluxe model with: rotisserie, fluorescent back light, infinite heat @witches, 4 burners. Reg. 239.00, With approved @rede ... . 259) 229 179 YOUR CHOICE OF A Portable "TV Set or 2 piece, 4 seater chesterfield suite whan you purchase @ top line. FLEETWOOD STEREO 50 Bond St. East -- Oshawa Formerly the Credit Union: Bldg. Lots of Parking Right text te the Store ~

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