Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Oct 1965, p. 11

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_ tcausé my folks hate it. ( \This has been talked about at! 1Oogie said he'd think about ajmy dad told me--advice I was 4 itrim. but oe 0 itt FOR OUTDOOR TYPES 'ed through a tunnel of lea- ther on the pile collar. A new large zipper front clos- ing, side button flaps and knitted storm cuffs are other details. --By TRACY ADRIAN Men who enjoy the great outdoors, or who are sport car enthusiasts, will find this jacket a most useful item in in their casual clothes ward- robe. Made of walnut-color- ed Angola leather, the coat features a dog collar thread- Opportunities fh Medical Field Have Never Been So Great By ROBERTA ROESCH jfirst year of working. When I Dear Roberta Roesch: jgot my present job I received Can you work in a doctor's\a routine increase after a three- office if you're not a registered|month period. But since that nurse? I understand there are|time I've heard nothing about many opportunities in the medi-|an increase. cal field right now, so I'd like, This week, however, several to get a job with a doctor. Bul employees in my department I have no special training. were notified that they were re- 8.\ceiving raises, but I heard noth- Dear D. §.: : ing about getting one myself. The opportunities in the health 7 wor for a 'anlor seacutive field have never been so great) 9 supposedly recommends as they are at the present MO-| raises for the people under him. ment. There aren't enough) annarently he didn't put in a people to fill today's needs from) io49q word for me and I'm won- doctors right on down the line dering if it would help to go to to nursing aides and orderlies.!+h¢ man who's top boss and dis- With this current picture, any|ouse a raise with him. person who is seeking a jobly x where the need is as great as D J. K: the number of jobs will certainly ' Dear ¢- want to consider this field. This is a common working To help a doctor in his work problem that every man and or assist him with his patients|woman must face at one time you have to be a registered /or another. Usually, though, you nurse. But you can work in ai costs an unpleasant situation doctor's office as a receptionist|if you bypass your own boss if you have a pleasant person-\completely and go to see his ality, like people, handle your-|Superior. self well on the telephone and) A far more diplomatic move know how to do light typing.|would be to discuss a raise You can also work for a physi-|with your own boss before you cian if you're a medical secre-jtake further action. Then if he ary. agrees that you really deserve In order to work as a medi-ja raise he will undoubtedly offer eal secretary you must be |to take your request for an in- skilled in typing and shorthand crease to the person at the top. 4 \dad went into Oogie's bedroom ble."--Wouldn't Listen ANN LANDERS Even Sheep Dogs Need Grooming Dear --Ann--Landers;1--am, When! told him 1 wanted to writing on behalf of my brother|marry a divorced man, he used who is so mad he is actually|the same phrase. cross-eyed. (One eye sort of} Although I am only 24 and goes over to the side when he) gets excited and this morning|"2¥e been married less than a he was madder than I have Year people who meet me on ever seen him.) the street ask me if I've been eee . 15 ae ge rege Of |sick. My husband has made a is own for w' admir him.| He likes the Beatles and also\"°¥°U% hight ms me with his fault-finding. I can't do any- the Rolling Stones. Oogie is no} nut but he does happen to.wear|thing to suit him. He has a his hair longer-than most kids. terrible temper and is tight with money. So Ann, when women writne and ask if they should marry a \divorced man, tell them what the dinner table a lot lately be A few days ago my dad or- dered Oogie to get a haircut. not an actual cut. too stupid to believe: "It's fool- Well, early this morning my)ish to buy somebody else's trou- with a pair of scissors and he! | iwhacked off big chunks of hair! lon the side and in the back.|letting us know ho | Oogie woke up a few minutes you, but the statistics tell an-) later and boy did he ever getiother story. The chances for a} |mad. He screamed about liberty lasting marriage are slightly| and human rights and the four better when one of the partners) freedoms. My dad szid the free- has: had a previous marriage. dom to let your hair grow like Surprised? I was, too. a sheep dog is not one of the When you get to the two-time four freedoms, Oogie said how losers, however, the statistics a person wears his hair is his|take a sharp turn for the worse. | own personal business. My dad/And the more often a person said as long as a kid lives in|marries after that the slimmer} his parent's house, and eats and his chances for making a go of sleeps there, it is their business, |the next one. too. How do you feel about this?--| Confidential to Should I or Cut to the Quick Shouldn't 17: You shouldn't! Dear Cut: If there's anything/The man you describe has all I have no desire to get mixedjthe qualities of a dog except up in it's a fight between a loyalty. Tell him to get lost. sheep dog and his parents. : If Oogie looked like some of | the kids I've seen, I can under- | stand why your dad lost his temper. I do feel, however, that your dad should have laid down the} law and ordered Oogie to get his hair trimmed instead of wielding the scissors himself. Dear Wouldn't; Thank you for) w it is with Dear Ann Landers: My father) {P was a successful but ggnnkst WIFE PRESERVER tive businessman. He wou Use a waxed drinking straw never buy a used car because, lin his words: "It's foolish to \buy somebody else's trouble." to light birthday candles. WALKER'S Young Adult Fashion Council FALL FASHION SHOW To be held Tuesday, October 19 at 8 P.M. McLaughlin Public Library FREE ADMISSION and be familiar with medical! ~ ----_----____- terminology since. you will be! taking dictation and typing let- ters and case histories. In addition to your high school) education you can obtain spe- cialised training for this work in junior colleges, community col- leges and business colleges that | offer medical secretarial train- | ing and in some of the new vo- cational and technical schools. Dear Roberta Roesch: I feel that I should get a raise since I've just completed my) LWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! 4 LARGE American Prelate Asks Equality For Women VATICAN CITY (Reuters)-- An American. prelate has pro- posed that women should he! iven.a bigger place in the Ro- man Catholic Church and be al-| lowed to act as altar servers Special This Week BANANA LAYER CAKE Topped with Boiled Icing & Toasted Cocoanut S7' DELICIOUS PEACH PIE Made with Flaky Pastry 49: Special This Week at mass and as "deaconesses," it was announced Thursday. Archbishop Paul Hallinan of Atlanta made his proposal in a written intervention submitted to the Vatican Ecumenical Council He said that in proclaiming the equality of man and woman, "the church must act as well as speak by fraternal testimony, not only in abstract doctrine." He recommended that urgical functions, women should be permitted to act as lectors and acolytes After proper study and for mation, women should be al- lowed "to serve as deaconesses in proclaiming the word of God and in providing those sacra ments which deacons do, espe- cially solemn baptism and the distribution of the eucharist (holy communion)."' He said women should "he encouraged to become teachers and consultants 'in theology when they have attained com petence in this field." . Nuns, he added, should be fully represented and consulted "in all matters concerning their interests." I'd Rather Fight Than Switch ! in lit DIRTY SHIRTS to PIC WICK CLEANERS, REMOVED . PERMANENTLY Superfluous Hair fastest tronice and white as new." Try expert SHIRT LAUND You'll find that RATHER FIGHT SWITCH TOO! Electr ' the newest Selek- method MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa at the Genos'a Hote!, Oct. 18, 19, 20 PHONE 723-4641 | PICKWICK 434 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Another Woolworth Service ! PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS - Serves 16 to 20 People - Only 5.95 'History Museum...CHILD GUIDANCE To Replace Ottawa Landmark OTTAWA (CP) -- While the building she lived in for 52 of her 89 years is being prepared for demolition, Mrs. Adolphe Caron reminisces about the his- toric Ottawa landmark. ; A fragile but quick-witted By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Something good that any parent may do for the educa- tion of the retarded child of woman with sparkling brown eyes, she was the oldest tenant of The Roxborough, a downtown apartment building which has housed many members of Par- liament, including at least three prime ministers, since it was built in 1910. | "Tf I told you all I know, I'd be blacklisted," she says. Then, covering up a wry grin, she adds, '"'they were all a most respectable crowd." The sedate red-brick building on Elgin Street has been bought from its private owner by the national capital commission. It will be torn down within the next few months to make way for a new $20,000,000 human and school age is to read to him. It is true he may not be as ready at three or four to listen as eagerly and long he av- erage child his age. But, if he is retarded by a year or more, he may listen when seven, nine or 12 as raptly as the average youngster from three to six will. How strange it is that those who have written on ways of jeducating the retarded child at home or school have almost never advised reading to him in either place. How often have you seen teachers in special un- graded classes for mentally re- tarded children reading to them individually or in small groups? It is obvious that the retarded natural history museum, |child Jags in language develop- RENTS NEW SUITE jment and needs stimulation and As an auctioneer hurriedly guidance in talking more. sold off her old home's interior) As any parent or teacher fittings and furnishings to a\knows, the average child most crowd of bargain hunters, Mrs.|often read to at home is the Caron chatted with reporters|child who expresses himself Thursday in the comfortable ho-|best, as a rule, at school, tel suite she now rents just)/TRY INDIVIDUALITY across the street. | If I were teaching a class of She talked about the many retarded children, I would "try prominent political figures she|them out' individually on listen- has seen come and go during|ing as I read to one or more of her life at The Roxborough, in-\them at a time. By "trial and cluding Prime Minister - Mac-jerror' I would try out reading kenzie King who used to wheel|materials of various kinds and Start To Read Early To Retarded Child |the child, eight, rates approxti- his mother for walks in her/difficulty. Some of the chil- wheelchair through its narrow|dren's magazines provide. a! jage is involved. He has lacked THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 18, 1965 1] the necessary earlier experi ence. In 'spite of his mental 'age, the retarded child has lacked the preparation and stimulation the normal child, six, receives. He might, however, listen to a pictured story appealing to the child, three or four. But few parents or teachers would think of trying him ou ton materials my child at three, four or five 'was mentally retarded or if 1 had objective evidence that he was, I would try reading to him. I wouldn't give up readily, I would keep trying while seek- ing the most attractive ma- terial from which to read. If I could not win good re- sponse when my child was four or five, I would keep on trying when he was six, seven, eight or much older, One reason so few mentally retarded children are read to at home of at school is that par- ents and teachers try them on the same rhymes, stories ' or features which normal children of their chronological age enjoy hearing when read to them. When the retarded child does not respond as the parent or teacher expected, she gives up and assumes the effort was fu-|' tile. START EARLY Suppose the parent or teacher knows about how much the mentally retarded child is re- tarded. Suppose on an IQ test mately a mental age of six. Then this parent or teacher may try reading to him what she knows a six-year-old would eagerly respond to, But the) chances are he won't respond as expected. More than his mental hallways. wide range of attractive ma- Former prime ministersj|terial from which to read. Louis St, Laurent and Arthur; When I had won some suc-| Meighen lived there at one|cess, I would seek volunteers to) time, as did Governor-General| come to school and read to these Georges Vanier before _ he'children individually or in small! moved into Government House.|groups. I would try to get some! Mrs. Caron came to The Rox- |of these volunteers from among] borough in' 1913 as the bride of|the mothers of the children of] Adolphe de B. Caron, clerk of|the class, hoping they might to read to their wn retarded children at home. If, as a parent, I ee | | the Senate. She is the formerjalso choose Mary Montague Howard of New/o York City. ; INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 'ei et eam nN What do you need to make your home completely warm & comfortable this winter ?. A WEW FURWACE? Let Londer-Stark install a new, economical "Why ? Because my Hus- band's Shirts have never looked better. 1 sent his K- and they came back as fresh PICKWICK CLEANERS ERING, You'D THAN CLEANERS 728-5133 ee Lennox or Anthes oil furnace in your home for your everlasting comfort. Terms to suit your budget. QUALITY FUEL OIL? You're sure of quality with Lander-Stark fuel oil, Reliable, automatic deliveries with free Emergency Service all winter. Careful, courteous drivers, COMPETENT SERVICE? Fast, radio-controlled heating service by our own staff of experienced technicians, Expert, Ask about our Furnace Parts Replacement Plan. guaranteed = workmanship + «. what you do need is att kami Ve, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA | Become A Professional Model By Enrolling at 1 Walter Thornton School of Modelling and Charm Courses in modelling and self development. For en Appointment Cell 728-3441 360 King St. W. | SO easy. Let me plead with the pareni' of a retarded child oi scnooi age to read to him what he will respond to. Q. Among the problems par- ents write to you about, what seems to you to be the hardest on which to give advice? A. The problem of inducing the child to drive himself, to work harder at learning from books. Another very hard prob- lem is the child, from five te 42, wie won't defend hime', '286 KING ST. W. ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH FOR ANY GOOD REASON for car repairs to pay overdue bills > home repairs and refurnish- ings < for unexpected expenses. *50™ to '2,500 OR MORE GUARANTEED PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 728-1636 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED NF-65-8 e Kaekkke WHEN YOU BUY MOFFAT YOU BUY THE BEST! at Starr -- Your Exclusive Moffat Dryer Dealer The drying cylinder in _ Now you can dry bigger washloads.. And dry them faster na new OFFAT Automatic Dryer a Moffat dryer is much bigger than in other dryers and so is the fan and lint screen. You can put more clothes in the big 6 cu. ft. cylinder -- your laundry tumbles more freely -- dries quicker -- comes out with fewer wrinkles. Moffat dryers are the only dryers big enough to handle the big washloads from today's wringer washers and new larger automatics. ries more ways than any other dryer A MOFFAT Dryer d Priced From MODEL DEG-1530 199 PLUS CAPACITY -- You get cuble foot of drying space in: th drum -- dries faster, fluffier, in extra a @ Moffat' cashmere sweaters, fragile blouses, wool socks without damage. Terms Available FRE "Before You 725-3581 aii i ccaaumna STARR ELECTRIC BLANKET 29.95 Value WITH YOUR DRYER PURCHASE Buy ... Give Starr A Try" FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 491 Ritson South Open to 9 p.m. Fridays -- 723-3343

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