Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Oct 1965, p. 9

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She Os noliet Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1965 ney unm LIGHTS DIMMED BY SMASH GM Wildcatters To Go Back Today? Lift Truck Accident . Sparked Strike: UAW ed the wildcatters would be back Theatre. The driver of the second car, Bruce Corbett, 24, 627 Hortop. was ininjured. A passenger in the Malcolm auto, Awlwyn Haines, 23, also of Nestleton, was treated at the Oshawa General Hospital for facial cuts. : ton, collided with the pole. A standby crew worked for almost three hours to repair the damage, Lloyd Algar, Oshawa Public Utili- ties Commission assistant manager, said today. The a vehicle driven by Victor two-car accident occurred Malcolm, 20, RR 1, Nestle- on King st. at the Plaza marecneanins steiner " min Streetlights in the entire east end of Oshawa were blacked out Saturday night when a car toppled a hydro pole on King st. e. A streetlight control was knocked out of action when 1 Killed, 9 Hurt at the Settlement House, shows a young trampoline enthusiiast in mid-air. The photograph on the right catches the action in a floor- hockey, game at the Settle- House. structs a group of girls on the fine art of sewing. Miss Powell joined the staff in February, 1963. This is the second year' she _ has conducted a sewing class. A PLACE FOR FUN and a place to. learn -- this is the successful combina- tion at the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club and Simcoe Hall Settlement House. In the ammemmunennnmertiienmnan CAMPAIGN HO ROUNDUP Some 150 General Motors of centre photograph, Sue Powell, a member of the staff at the Boys' Club in- The classes run once a week for about six months. The picture above, taken men! +~-Oshawa Times Photos Look For Fair BAY RIDGES dustry Minister Drury Liberal Party rally here Satur- told a He said Canadians are now Share iregionis, but 'it was almost im- Dr. candidate, Claude Vipond, Ontario|local unions to put the same has|e nergy and organizational challenged Michael Starr, Pro-|effort and the same dedication gressive Conservative on the automobile |pact. trade candi-|into this election campaign as (Staff) -- In-)faced with the necessity of keep-jeconormic growth with measures date, to either "put up or shut|they would a strike. ling it in the growth pattern".|aimed at assisting less favored|up Michael Starr, Progressive : |Conservative candidate, attend- Inled the RCAF wing dinner at the Put Up Or Shut Up, Says Vipond To Starr On Pact Of Car Market: Drury "4%: following a canvass of the area during the day. He is expected to expand on PC policies on eastern agricul- ture as well as elaborate on \the tourist industry as it affects the Lake Scugog area. In Crash PICKERING -- One man was killed and nine other people were injured in a five-car colli- sion on the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, at the Liverpool inter- change Saturday evening. Const. J. E. Jordon of the Whitby detachment of the OPP, who investigated, said that a |westbound car crossed the med- ian into the eastbound lane and \collided with four other autos. |Damage to the five vehicles was Canada Limited employees who jstaged a wildcat strike Friday levening are expected to return to work on today's night shift. on the job tonight. Union and management spokesmen were scheduled to meet today to discuss the wild- cat strike. SPURRED BY SUSPENSION The men, employees .in the parts and service warehouse, left their jobs about two hours jafter the shift began. The strike |was spurred by the suspension for unspecified period of a fel- low-worker. A union spokesman said that the suspended man, an alternate committeeman in Local 222, Thrilling Victory Closes Out Career TORONTO (CP)--Langcrest, owned by James Langill of Montreal], closed out his career with a thrilling come-from-be- hind victory in the $17,710 Dur- ham Cup Stakes at Woodbine Race Track Saturday. The victory was worth $10,210 for Langerest, bringing his career earnings to $109,699. He will be retired to stud at the Nashville Stud Farm, 10 miles north of Toronto. a + eS Th ' BAMBI BARKED SUPPORT alerted a visiting relative, Mrs. Lawrence Porter, when a small fire broke out at home. The tag-day sought support for an animal shel- ter which the _ society hopes to build in Ontario County for the care and shel- ter of needy animals. --Oshaw Times Photo Hy jed smoking in the hospital cafe-) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- c | jident Johnson dressed Sunday Sunday to have broken _ ajwa to speak for you on the floor/lifeboat and went out and towed] In a second call to the hos-|for the first time since his op- Two-year-old Bambi, a Mexiean Chihuahua, barked his support Saturday for the fag day staged by the local branch 9f the Ontario Humane Society. Bambi, shown above with her owner, Rolanda Morin; 12, won plaudits from local dog lovers recently when he day night: the reduced automo-jenjoying a high degree of pros-|possil,le to get these. measures| Addressing a party rally ee rE United Auto Workers, was ap- bile tariffs between Canada and|perity -- unemployment is at itslinto force as a minority govern-|Bay Ridges Saturday night,/oshawa Airport during the\O9FF TO PORT HOPE 00. parently involved in a minor U , | P 4 Mr. Rickard will injestimated at $40 ' ; . the United States will increase|lowest point in seven years and|ment." which was attended by Indus-| weekend and spoke to a meeting|, pee, Campaign in Hank Loves, 1 of Northum-|2ccident involving a lift truck at the number of job opportunities|labor and farm incomes and ex- Mr. Drury said the Liberal try Minister Drury, Dr. Vipond/of party workers Sunday in his Port Hope Tuesday, then attend| land st iro, to--died- in the|te warehouse. in this country and enlarge Ca-|ports have increased. party is better equipped than|said Mr. Starr made reference|campaign headquarters the political forum in Pontypool|Derand st., toronto, a | nadian production He said the government. was any 'other to form the next ma-\fo the agreement as having . ; Tuesday evening. The Conserv-/Toronto General Hospital earlyipackK TONIGHT F nia aya ini fal deetis Gosc "many. secret clauses in-it,"' He spent Saturday canvassing/atiye candidate will canvass|Sunday of injuries received in| ; Speaking to about 75 persons|faced with maintaining this'jortty government. y ses in it. the Brousl J 1 | Albert Taylor, Local 222 presi i : ---- val bebe aside "This j 9 bat 7 gham area and today,/narlington Township Wednes-|the crash. He was a passenger) A in Bayview Heights collegiate) "This is, not true," said the continued his -door-to-door_cam- B' o fl tbound.car driven b dent, said today that he expect- in support of Dr. Claude Vipond, | |Liberal candidate. "Mr. Starr| eon ah ng til day, Clarke Township_and/in a westboun Me y . Liberal candidate in Ontario! BLACK DAY |has been casting innuendos at|P%18? ng . tala ical te this!Orono on Thursday and Bow-|Jaime Resendes, Denison ave., Riding, Mr. Drury said the new| the auto trade pact for some|°\°™S 'OF te politica La mec on teoee dl Mahar an ba a eS pact will enable Canadian auto- s a time and the time has come for |; , 2 jtending @ party rally in For P 4 saat dnc mobile-companies. to enjoy their Six People Injured him to get his facts straight." ues » ggg oct as Poe meg" night. i pv gal ba head and chest in 3 oe Pies Bs undle, the inde-) e Port Hope rally. wi 'ea- ae . fair share of the world market. SHOWDOWN. TONIGHT \pendent candidate, and his cam-jture the Rt. Hon. John G.| Police said the two men were RADICAL CHANGES a . He 'told about 75 people at|paign manager, Mrs. Douglas Diefenbaker, national leader of, on their way home from a Mr. Drury said even more 4 jthe rally that the showdown will |Crysdale, were not available for|nthe Conservative Party and will hunting trip and Jose Lopez was radical changes were in the n Ta 1c (3Cl en S jlikely: be at tonight's all-candi-|comment. lbe held at 8.30 p.m..in Durham /following his son in another car. je soars Pt on for ~~ _ dates = in Oshawa spon-' Jn Durham Riding, Russell ¢,| District High School. Lads eh bigger' ciated indus' dig war . | Saturday was a black day onwere taken to Oshawa General sored es © Jaycees. Honey, the Liberal candidate, | gay TO WEDDING Hage ted 1 mie 4 ac a. They re Beare hea been set|the roads of Oshawa. A total "| A passenger was taken to De Vipond continued' his officially opened his Darlington) Mr Rickard will edna clog Acacia a" at t : ae $j ' early morning visits to General|committee roo: i | feds vere: s : if up to provide direction and 4 aoa Beosage Riel Wales ces Goring in. ol "in| Motors gates today, then toured|2 about 'ix sulles oat ot Bowe in Campbellford for a noon/Sunray Crescent, _ Downsview; transitional benefits to mem-|). General Hospital ciollision with another car on|the East Rouge area of Picker-|manville this morning. luncheon to meet with Mr. Philip Deal, 33, of Sherwood rd., bers of the labor force who are)" y 11. on Saturday evening,|K.ing st. e. ing Township, and attended! qo is scheduled to attend a/pifenbaker, and George Hees, Toronto; Michael Dale of Bal- laid off. cues 8-year-old Ronald Wassler, of| Alwyn Haines, of Nestleton,/{0Ur Coffee parties and a lunch- candidates' forum Tuedaylo trade minister of Can-\con rd., Richmond Hill; Her- The industry minister in the|-(0 bert. st truck by| age : eon. Tomorrow he is scheduled|+:ont ; jada and a candidate in Nor-|hert Abernathy of Peterborough; Pearson cabinet said improve-|" ubert st., was struck by|yvas riding in a car driven by|t : ( 4 night in Pontypool, sponsored by|thumberland County. During/Alma Jehu of Bartlett av., To- ment and growth should not al-/2 car as he crossed the street{"victor Wayne Malcolm, also of '® ¢@mpaign in the West Rouge|the farmers' union. Wednesday, |the afternoon and evening, Mr.\ronto: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony low the problems of dislocation at the junction of Cubert anclfNestleton. He sustained cuts. area. ; iMr. Honey will canvass the|Rikeard will canvass the Cavan Bakuniec of Wilson av., Toron- to fall of labor's shoulders, bat ee ee tla SS Rha | Driver of the other car in- web i act i da Dem- Darlington area, Thursday hel/and Bethany area and will at-ito: and Johnna Kozief of Indian should be borne by the federal), le boy was ta en to Oshaw jvolved was Bruce Corbett, of ocratic arty standard-bearer/will spend in Cartwright and/tend a 40th wedding anniversary rd., Toronto. overnment i General with facial injuries an@}§27 Hortop st., Oshawa. He es-|!n Ontario Riding, today appeal- Saturday is expected to attend| saturday night wie (eat 8 . sandidate in|@>rasions. Driver of the cat icaped uninjured. jed to all parties engaged in thea Bowmanville Liberal Associa-) Y ares . Mr. Drury, @ candidate in involved was Charles H Ban4|- a ~!Nov. 8 federal election cam-|tion dance Durham has two other can- Md Quebec, said that in 1963, when) : ; Pee Snes i i tata meuaste didates, Anthony Ketchum of P F the Liberals came into power, ford, of ed lace ddinbe hl 0 ks T H t ite not to place posters on Garnet Rickard, the Progres-|Port Hope, the New Democratic rICesS or Canada was in a state of econ- grt pes ee age pra a op momets 1 me geod ve is a havard to Si', Conservative candidate in/Party candidate; and Wilbur) omic stagnation and there were|/0" . nila tes a ON : lite Sa oe ue iat '0 Durham County, will address a/Crandall, also 'of Port Hope,| Tobacco Set the beginnings of strain in the) , : | In Senior 'KY' Tilt ment he ante uuility lne-\meeting tonight at' the Cart-jrunning under the Social Credit relationship between the Prov-| ANOTHER STRUCK i ou ee id. Ae wright Township PC Association' banner NEWCASTLE -- At a meet- inces. j ss z r odges . campaigne 0- Pine ey --------_____--__-- aoe we fg al tiay th : " } About an hour later a secom'!; OAKVILLE (CP) -- Oakville day th t "| jing in Tillsonburg Friday, the og -- ns hay child was knocked. down Oaks won their second straight =f ey snd Sr et aes T H R th B /Ontario Flu Cured Tobacco ro cacin "and now we are -- -- aged, 4, ¢f/Ontario Hockey Association Se- forum. Prior to the forum, he ree ouse, a room, oat on ee Rig At gi 2 Eta tA OREN . |1425 Evangeline st., ran out !ninior A game Sunday, defeating will address a general mem- cepted an offer fro C |front - a car driven a Cec il|Galt Hornets 10-4, bership meeting of Local 1817 a S ee in S - picid ene that 2 . eae P. Rolfe, of 1527 Lakesiide ave:.| 5 Ini y j : obacco less than 55 cents a/§ | The Oaks opened the season|United Steel Workers, in the ] p Thi g M 1 g | - cists Korean Chorus -- a at the Friday night with another 10-4\Steel Workers Hall. OV n paia-ag bly eT of a 60 ( th etree zeune and M@o-lwin over Woodstock Athletics. |vycrren DUNLOP'S Oshawa Fire Depart ment)ment was.a call to the end of| At an Oct, 18 joint meeting ttracts The girl sustained head Pr oie in first place During the weekend, the NDP|SPent_@ busy weekend dealing/Mary st. where a tree -houselof representatives of the buying One of the more unusual|atm injuries and was taken, to) pouyg Hillman fired thre e|candidate visited with members nod Sidi dg 8 mane calls. Fup caught fire. : _ jcompanies and members of the Oshawa General : .© lof Local 494, United Rubber) On Saturday the department) he blaze was quickly extin-|local board, producers present- choral concerts to-comie to town|Ysnawa & BS jgoals, two in the final period,| 1 ot th 2D € T | was called to the home of Maur-|. ie ' 1 y extn afi hich in tale oninibn lately came off successfully at) Sixty-year-old Daisy Willianas,/t9 Jead the Oakville attack,|VoTkes at the Dunlop plant MM lices@autuier, 30 Albert st where|Rer ees Tne Cause. was found OO ee ne oat, a 88.8 the Civic Auditorium yesterday.|°f 158 Simcoe st. n., was taben| while Moe Galand and Charlie Whitby and also investigated | ae dtc se Poi thoi id be a space heater. justified an average price of 58. More than 1500 people attend-|!0 hospital after a rear #nd|nouycette both scored twice, De-|POSsibilities of harbor develop-|) 4 g No one was injured in the cents a pound for the 1965 crop. ed the two-hour-concert given by|Ollision on Simcoe st. n ifenceman Brian Pryce, Jack|ment in the county town -- eves the bathroom. blaze and it is not known who|.. The price falls in the range of} the 42-member Korean Orphan} She received lacerations fand!price and Bob Bishop scored) He addressed a meeting of care Mats wee ae fire| built the tree house. |the price opinion of the buyers Choir, now on its third tour of|bruises to the head. Driveg ofithe others |party workers at the campaign aes 7 ' en | ; miverae which is five cents a pound Canada the other car involved was Al-| Playing coach Earl Balfour,|headquarters in Oshawa and epartment arrived. |FAULTY MACHINE __jmore than the suggested price Directing the group was Park|fred H. Stevens, 640 Simcoe st.\carl Hatt, Ron Brain and Jim|later, met with members of the/BOAT TOWED IN FB gigs othe a season Hae por paca ee epee Jay Hoon, who led the singers|"- [Randle shared the Galt scoring.|International Woodworkers of} Just before 10 on Saturday eee ee sai e . in folk, gospel, spiritual and|TWO HURT j | ~~ [America at the Sklar furniture|night the department were calls The fire department checked| March 8. Christmas songs. The concert] Two people were slightly in- DROUGHT BREAKS jfactory in Whitby where hejed to the Oshawa Harbor where|9ut a faulty electrical motor in began at 3 p.m. |jured in an accident at Sinicoe . lsaid: According to a release:|reports of a boat in distress)|@ Sandwich machine that start-\JOHNSON ATTENDS CHUR The choir, headed for a per-jand Athol streets late on Sgitur-| SYDNEY, N.S.W. (Reuters) |"It is just.as stupid to send an}were verified. jed formance in cigars nt this ys night. Hse | Widespread rain was reported|old party representative to Otta-| The department launched a(teria. week, plans on visiting the city rivers of the cars inva lved| again next year. Its tours arejwere Adrian A. Martin, af 17\drought in parts of New South of the House of Commons as it|/the-small boat in. The two occu- pital, early this morning, theleration and attended private, being sponsored by the World- Cedarcrest rd Bowmantville;|Wales, but has come too late|would be to elect a foreman) pants were uninjured and none/department investigated another|family church services in his Wide Vision of Canada, a re jand Gordon Van De Walker of 24\to save the wheat crop in the|!o represent you at.the bargain-|the worse for their experience.|smoke problem in the building hospital quarters. Aides said ligious organization based in a st., Oshawa. Both. sus-|central-west area of Australia's|ing table é | Most curious story in a busy|The cause, however, was no-|there are no definite plans: for ronto, tained leg and back injuriej; and|most heavily populated state. Mr. Hodges asked the various weekend at the fire depart-|thing serious. Johnson's checking out,

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