ltian Champ, WOODBINE RESULTS FRIDAY, OCT, 15 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim-|F--Denotes Field. ing, maiden, three- and four-year-olds. Winners, Weed Bender, dk & or br 4a). by Fleet P 4th Eurlenas cy, and, 8.70 4.50 3,50|Prince Chevaiier, ov ath -- Grameri S-Wise Teddy, Harris 9-Bayview Miss, Werry 3.70 2.80| Fleet Path -- Joe's Mink, by Petition. 4,00| Pool $51,148. 10-Nordstern, McComb Also Ran in Order: Bosret, Babcliff,) Twilight Tar, Jericho Junction, F-Berne| Jerry, F-Air Champ, F-Petite Maria, Mar-) ing, two-year-olds. 6 Furlongs (13). Windy Tiger and Miss|7-Pioneer Polly, Fitz'ns cee |9-Tulmar, Harris F jes Field. 5-Lazy Rhythm, Dittfach Winner, ch ¢, by Orvieto 2nd -- Play) Also Ran in Order: Nearcostar, Wise, by Chance Play. |Fleet Romance,. Wabush, Royal Pool $18,064, Dally Double Pool $34,135.| King Jive, Paris Fashions, A-C! |Ricky's Rita, Gravel Pit, and Pirkka, SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim-/A--Stafford Farms aor. three-year-olds and up. One and one-| Winner, b f, by, Cl4 Pioneer Polly Miles (11). |Sadiana, by Chop Chop, Spanking Breeze, G'dn 10.50 5.00 3.60/Pool $52,621. Souzem, -Glassner 7.40 4,1 Also Ran ii Artista, Argo\ances, three-year-olds and up. 1% Mili Bound, A-Supreme Chief, Rip Van Jive,|(4). Sheree, Ky. Quill, Popey, and Ki-O-Ka. | -3Runadir, Dittfach Ki , J Minegarten and R L Alns-|1-Slithering Sam, Gomez 5 | 4-Scadadie, Potts worth Entry. DAILY DoUsiE, S AND 5, PAID $54.60, Also Ran: Latin Artist. Winner, b g, by Ski by i Pool $37,354. by Sun Again. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim-|Pool $17,819. Quinella Pool $26,554. SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2,500. immer, ch ¢, by Nadir -- Brown ing, maiden, two-year-olds. 6% Furlongs) (14), 3Dudiey, Dittfach 11.40 3.80 2-Quick Response, Fitz'ns 3.10 2.70) (6). SBroth of @ Boy, Harris 3.40 | 4-Winisteo, Harris 15.0 ler: Sabre Drill, Srita,|§-Chop-Em-Please, Walsh Linte Keg, cn & by FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500. Claim- 15.40 6.30 4.70 3.50 3,30 5.60 A Paul, Clam, 10 ' 4.70| SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,100, Allow- 2.60 2,20 2.10 2.60 2.10 2.10 eeter 2nd -- Sail Ho,/ QUINELLA, 3 AND 1, PAID $5.70, wi Sedge Claim: 3.10\ing, three-vear-olds and up. 6 Furlongs OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Di Must Stop Dismantling Of Canada, Says Rickard NEWCASTLE (Staff) -- Gar- net B. Rickard,. Progressive Conservative candidate in Dur- ham riding, said last night a PC government will call a national tonference on education to make such amendments to the con- make the British North Ameri- ca Act a Canadian statute. Addressing an organizational meeting of the Newcastle Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion in Newcastle town hall, at- tended by 25 party workers, Mr. Rickard said the dismantling piece by piece of our country must stop, "The Progressive Conserva- tive party is the party of in- dividual rights and of provincial rights," he said, "and shall stitution that are necessary and| tend the assistance granted vocational school costs, 75 per cent of which is provided by federal contribution to the capi- tal costs of universities and col- leges. He said a PC government will exempt from taxable in- come the amount of municipal taxes paid on owner-occupied homes up to $500 a year. "Now that there is fear of a slackening in our economy, it is time to put back into office men of vision -- men of the Con- servative party who will under- take major expansions and wel- come foreign investments," said the Conservative candidate. "This will increase employment opportunities and be of great assistance to the towns of Bow- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, October 16, 1965 21 REMEMBER WHEN... the Cup back to the West 22 years ago today--in for the first time in game, Combines won only one game. LONDON (Reuters) -- day night's soccer results; SOCCER Fri- Division iI Brighton 3 York City 1 Reading 1 Workington 1 DIVISION IV maintain the fundamental free- Barnsley 3 Barrow 0 doms and rights of the individ. ae gi Bape oat Hew: Lincoln. 1 Bradford 1 ual as set out in the Bill of\'astle and in fact, all the|stockport 2 Southport 2 Rights." county. Tranmere 1 Doncaster 0. Mr. Rickard said a Conserva- tive government will increase federal per capita grants im- mediately from $2-to $5 and ex- -|7-Arctic Swirl, Diftfach y ma, oid Fi o-| Also Ran in Order; Echo Boy, Carrier body Cry, Tipsy Trip, A-Jenn-Dar and F-| and Dark Fairy Miss Orono. é Winner, dk b or br hy by Windflelds -- A--G Keane, H Waggoner and E | Mack Millisteo, by Filisteo, Entry. | Le ge Field, | Poo! $49,201 inner, dk b or br ¢, by Bagdad ~--| EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,500. Claim- Hearts Desire, by Mr, Busher. ing, three-year-olds snd up. One and one- Pool $48,270, sixteenth Miles. 4 -Aliruilah, Dittfach 33,60 15.70 5.00) FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Clalm-|2 -Roya! Maple, Walsh 7.10 4,30 Ing, three-year-olds. 6 Furiongs (13). 1A-Boflac, Fitz'ns 2. 2-DH-Weed Bender, Inda 3.60 4.20 3.50) Also Ran in Orders My Valentine, 4DH-Litite Red, T'cotte 4.60 4.60 3,70\Scrivener, A Go'ten Turkey, French 10-Stre Willed, Harrison 5.20| Wind, No Kidding and Whip'n Blinkers. Also Ran in Order: Fiddler's Belle, My|A---D G McClelland and Dane Hill Acres Kimie, F-Bench Warrant, Take Notice,| Entry Shuswap Sal, Bega Bega, F-Prince| Winner, dk b or br ft, by Amaruilah -- Guard, Black Diver, F-Greek Tar and| Alipearl, by Alibhai. Ermine Sox. {Poo $61,685, Total Poot $399,481. DH--Deadheat for first. Attendance 5,237, WOODBINE ENTRIES MONDAY, Octobér 16 haute coiffure ... Individuals or Groups for St. John Ambulance Junior and Senior First ald and Home Nursing Courses Phone 668-4666 Evenings 725-4197 is PINEAPPLE MATS By ALICE BROOKS Add a flower-ftesh touch to tables with these luxurious pine- apple doilies. For.a club lunch or "cake 'n' By ANNE ADAMS te coffee' session, serve guests on bal eiesies lovely pineapple place mats.| Snappy, happy Parisian shape Pattern 7111: crochet directions,joutlined by stitching -- just 2 doilies. right for your girl! She'll love it FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200 Maiden) FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 (12,000) THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|in cotton or homespun for swing- Two-year-olds. One and one Iéth Miles (7)|Claiming three-year-olds and up. 6 Fur- for each pattern (no stamps,|ing off to school or weekend fun. Gemini Fuel Cells Did Job ® Ce eee ach Al tonne (2) please) to Alice Brooks, care of| Printed Pattern 4790: Girls' Of Ton Of Storage Batteries Ee CO ee Reh Pie ure TE The Oshawa Times, Needlecratt|Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10 \Arctic Canuck, Johnstone 114 {Royal Piper, Duran 116 Arctic Swirl, No Boy 18 Dept., 60 Front Street West, To-|takes 1% yards 45-inch. en se Olesmner. 119 | Ramnte Be, Eltzsleamons 116 ronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi-| FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins pert ere (QUINELLA WAGERING) dents add ic sales tax. Printi(no stamps, please) for each ' . " plainly PATTERN NUMBER,|pattern. Ontario residents add SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100 (3000) \cigiming three-yearpolds and up. ¢ Fur-/NAME, ADDRESS. ic sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, ee al a NEW! GIANT 1966 NEEDLE-NAME, ADDRES 8, STYLE ous Boy, Ni CRAFT CATALOG stars knit,,NUMBER. Win Dixie, jy Sh House Boy, No Boy- A113 Other Days, ec |Day's Best, -Werry 103 crochet fashions! Hundreds} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Trumore, Harrison 106 |Bonne Vitesse, Ferro X108 SIZES 6-14 SHE'LL LOVE IT Modella Hair Stylists international coiffures STONY STARE Toronto's new city hall The massive profile of the draws nothing but a stoney Indian head is adjacent to stare from a silent observer the observation tower. (CP) i the city's skyline. eneiumatneale 71 celina st. oshawa, ont. 6 europeon stylists 725-4531 RP AE OP I'VE HAD MY CAR SAFETY CHECKED! By JOHN BARBOUR freed temporarily in this chemi- ; cal reaction, uses them as elec- NEW YORK (AP)--The Gem-|tricity, and returns them to {ni 5 spacecraft darted across|complete the reaction. the summer night like a small| The silence, portability, excited star--with a hot, 126-/smokelessness nd smogless- SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 (4000) Gordon 113 See errr 9 ee ee se ae eer gma oe year-old idea in its tail. : Probably within the coming ' decade, that idea will be provid- ing power for more and more travelling North Americans. The Gemini 5 power came from flameless, smokeless, 'noiseless fuel cells. They produce electricity, with ness of the, fuel cells make them ideal for some uses--as low weight power for' battlefield ra- dar; for trucks that operate on electricity indoors; for isolated, unmanned stationg; like beacons or buoys. | Perhaps eventually, some fuel cell manufacturers hope, 'so much as a_ whisper loud, "storms or winds. -Gemini 5 weighed less than an enoines up to 30 per cent -BORRO WELECTRONS 'gas. It borrows the electrons sr . ty pie And the |silent, smogless power may op- only exhaust is w lerate cars and trucks It is a neat, simple and beau-) Fyel cells are tby far more tiful idea. But it will be some efficient than internal combus- time--if ever--before fuel cells| tion engines. They get more produce the power for Your|nower out of a given chemical home. Still it's nice to think|-eaction than does the mechan- ee. : . ee ical use of the same reaction ip e compact package lwhich burning gases expand) basement or the hall closet--not drive a piston : Fuel cells can reap more than fuelled by gas tanks delivered | gq per cent of the potential en- each month, unaffected byY/ergy in a chemicail reaction-- : |while steam turbines reap only The fuel cells that powered | yy to 40 per cent and gasoline astronaut, Yet they did the job : The fuel cells that operated of a ton of storage batteries. on Gemini 5 were capable of efficiencies up to 7 per cent. , Even at that, the cost of pro- Ths beauty of the fuel cell 1s | aucing power with fuel cells i f tural and highly cificient, phenomenon: The oxi-(could come nowhere near the dation of an element--actually low cost power from central Royal Autumn, Gomez 111 |Peter Picker, Gomez 114 Magic Queen, Grech X99 lLove Quest, No Boy 113 Alice H.,- Steve Xi04 Choppy River, Inda BIlé London Wise, Werry X106 Prime Away, Steve X11! Land Ahead, Armstrong 119 Color Her Fleet, No Boy 11! Line Me Up, Harris 112 |Fast-n-Fleet, Walsh 113 Stone of Gold, Dittach 110 Swirl of Glory, Leblane 113 Superior Parent, Inda B119 | Young Fashion, No Boy 108 |Popsaysno, Harris All6 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($3000)| mineral Wealth, No Boy 113 In Canada. 6 Furiongs (12) Laf' n Bid, No Boy 118 Select Sin, McComb 114 Shining Wings, No Boy 113 Dula Gail, Bell X108 Dark Gem, Leblanc 113 Captain Prefect, No Boy Hd lentry. B-C. Heinrich and W. H. Mac! jald entry. ), SEVENTH RACE Yowances) Two-year-olds. 6th Miles (7) No reasoning, Gordon 112 Chance Encounter, No Boy 112 Second Wonder, No Boy 112 |Chincoteaque, Gomez 115 |Le Maestro, No Boy 115 Royal Encounter, No Boy, 108 Fifth Street, Turcotte 109 Bonanze Babe, Gordon 1 Golden Jet, Barroby 116 Abitibi, Turcotte 118 Choreography, No Boy 116 Bronze Turkey, No Boy 113 Indian Line, Harrison 118 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($1000) Claiming three-year-olds and up. Foaled| BIGHTH RACE in Canada (Divn of 3rd) 6 Furlongs (12)|Claiming three and four-year-olds (Di Fabulous Star, Harris 110 jor Qnd) One and one Iéth Miles (10) Air Stamp, Gordon 110 |Lucky Degree, No Boy 108 Mediand St., Werry X118 }Roman Warrior, No Boy 107 Gum Swamp, No Boy 123 Jay Flight, No Boy 111 Mr. Flirt, Dittach 120 For' Wyn, No Boy 107 Woodcote Park, No Boy 123 Lucky Deal, Ferro 104 Farmer Jack, Fitzsimmons 123 Firelight, McComb it Miss Blackhawk, No Boy 112 jWild Fabius, No Boy 109 First Fashion, No Boy 113 Jet Invader, Barroby 116 Queencrest, No Boy 112 Dixie Pet, Ferro X104 Lady Domain, Cuthbertson X108 [Wy Sweet Love, No Bi joy 10? Susie's Roman, No Boy 113 X-5 Ibs AAC, Post Time 2 p.m | j electrical plants where burning the quiet burning of yarn cheap fuels produces steam to turn electricity - producing tur- ines. Ironically the fuel cell is an |bi Cause Obscure 'old idea. The first one was |made by Sir William' Grove in Lo MW Hg" 18° By the end of the 19th ng ac lcentury it was being widely KENTVILLE, NS. (CP hailed as. the power aparce that CENTVILLE, S., (CP) --jwould warm and min homes The federal agriculture de-|within a few years. partment has studied the) It still hasn't happened. growth of elongated McIntosh) But 20th apples in Nova Scotia andiand materials are producing New Brunswick, but the cause efficient fuel cells like the ones is still coscure. lon Gemini 5--and menufactu:- Nineteen per cent of Novalers expect to begin testing their ' Scotia's 1963 McIntosh crop was|industrial and domestic uses. | 35.30 9.000bby Direét, Gilmour century know-how| GARDEN CITY RACEWAY FRIDAY, Getober 15 FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for|$Crystel Duke, Hicks six-year-olds. and under. Purse $600 (8)/BJerry Canuck, Ren Fillon 7-Spencer's Pride C, Hilliard 9.40 6.00 3.50 7-Spencer's Pride, Hilliard 9.40 6.00 3.50/Explorer, Tommy 1-Royal Oaks, Woods 19.40 6.89! and Swan Song oy iso Started: Patriotic, Surge, K. G. Di-| x rl rect, Johnny Song. and Hasty Wid | SUxTh RACE 1 mile (Trot) SECOND RACE -- | ail ages. Purse $700. (8) 4Margaret Forbes C., J Geisel Jr Direct, Lynden A OW. | three-year-olds and up. Purse $3,000 Mile (Pace) for|s Nancy Brook, Graham | e-Betsy Herbert, Herbert 9.3017 080 Sona A |.Adios Breezy, Feagan 3.40 ha umd un hin Magic, Chatham "Adios, Pink Lassie and ie Duff. 'i AILY DOUBLES 7-Spencer's Pride C..|2 a5) ' Galbral te aiweret tone cPAID DOM he ia es 4Go For Broke, Walsh 2 THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for ' six-year-olds and under, Purse $600 (7)|pintes yh gd tig rhein -Mond: » Ki 9 10 3.1 5 < ican Dot, ieion 84 in beg 5 and 4, PAID SEVENTH RACE -- 1} Mile (Pace) affected. Most of the mal-|-- formed applies were sold to| make apple juice, but growers A Con 0 Death lost out on higher prices that g they might have commanded as fancy grade fruit R. P. Longley of the govern-; ment's Kentville research sta-| CAIRO (Reuters) -- Ernesto tion said studies he performed|(Che) Guevara, the fogmer Cu- failed to disclose the cause. |ban industry minister, and Con- However, they did show the| golese rebel leader Gaston Sou- malformed apples are pro-| mialot may have been killed in duced by the centre blooms. an ambush in The Congo, a De! ¥ an 3.20) BIGHTH RACE 1 Mile (Tr ;; 5 'ot) Also Started: Brave Margaret, Major's |three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,700 Missey, Willow's Boy C, and Rita M.igcaunt Yates, Kingston Reno. Scratched. Breeze Ada. z-Blve Raider, Wilson 1-Wee Symbol, Frtiz Lultwatter Frost, 6.40 3 FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for) aiso Started |five-year-olds and under, Purse $900 (8)) cor-- and Johnnie Lalrd. For Guevaira? | 14.10 4.90 3.40 3.20 2.90 4Clandeboye, Waddell 8-Peack Pick, Feagan GIncible Pick, Webster 4.60 | three-year-olds and u r 7 ip. Purse $1,000 Also Started: Jaonnes Trailer, Chatham) 4 superior Princess, Ca Hie 4.50 3.30 2 Chip, Starlite Grattan, Pontiac Nancy and ig-Lornie Rhythm, Caldwell 9.00 4 King Gratten $8. 2-Mighty Lady, Lester NINTH RACE FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) tor | Guinea, Sandy Demon, and three-year-olds and up. Purse $900 (8) (Gregor. Scratched, Mighty Stein. T-Minor Joe, Ca Hie 16.20 9.30 4.90'Att:, 3,266. Total Pool $173,067, Claiming. Three-year-olds and up. Fosled|a-p ry. Rotman and Mrs, R, &. Pisher|Pillows, more! Only 60c. MacDon: more designs -- embroidery,|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- afghans, quilts, toys, every-|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, thing! Three free patterns print-/Toronto 1, Ontario. ed in Catalog. Send 25c. BE ALERT to What's New! "Send for 'Decorate withiSend for excitement - packed Needlecraft!" -- 25 complete|Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. 350 patterns -- applique, pictures,/design views -- school, career, glamor styles. Plus coupon for Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --j|free pattern -- choose it from Purse $2,700 (Al- One and one ~ Purse $2,100 (3000) 8.0 440) 3.80 Also Started: Mistress Mine, Armbro} three-year-olds and up, Purse $900 (8) Ducky's Breeze 7.70 4.30 2,70) 1. Mile (Pace) for 16 complete patterns. 60c. Catalog. 50c. RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING fe In Your Home... or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 A: OSHAW, : vn ($94 eruce street Li EANERS CLEANING CONTRACTORS ¥ UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA lex | ae & Local 1817 2.20 2.20 Galbraith 2.40 Also Started: "'ntno Colby and Cadenza $7.10 ll Wish to express their thanks to the 70 tbe ii Business Men and Stores of the los Community for their support for (6) in our recent labour dispute 30) | Lay with Fittings Ltd. (7) is ssehcintieeeeieaiinaiaiaimaaaantaatiael 60 90 iso Serta Favoian. Gratton, @ ine WELFARE VOUCHERS WILL CONTINUE TO BE ISSUED The difference. in shape was reliable African source here apparent soon after the apples| said today. began to grow. | The source said both men The longer apples from the| were believed to have teeen In- centre blooms also lacked the|volved in a battle of Fizi, Bast- normal stem cavity. Apples ern Congo, where a group of from all outer blooms, how- Congolese insurgents wtis am- ever, were normal. bushed last weekend. Mr. Longley said heavily fer-| There had been no mews of tlized, vigorous trees produce|them since and it was believed more malformed fruit than the) possible they had been killed. young or lightly fertilized., Guevara, 37, the formeir chief DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. There was also evidence thatjaide of Cuban Premier Fidel cool spring weather was a fac-|Castro, disappeared frosn the} tor. public scene months agg | Raa 4 YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL gre invited to write for FREE brochure. Tells how you can earn Your High Schoo! Diploma. - ' JURY and LOVELL LTD. 8 King Street East Phone 723-2245 McCORDICK'S DRUGS 360 Wilson Road South Phone 725-8711 LAW PHARMACY | 1204 Wecker Drive Phone 725-3525 UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED YOUR FIRST PAY CHEQUE. ' Get your car checked FREE at the Safety Check Lane J servicé, i | We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Sensational 12-Color "EVERFLOW" BALL POINT - PEN With an extra blue refill. Less Compare SMERICAN one bce 2 King St., Hovelock, Ont. (Dept. 08) me complete information. This is @ High School fle Sonnaan Graders. is is ig! chool course fier VORP ETT Serr ie Prererereiririrerri rT rite te ADDRESS Pei ivkesse peaaeeunte cases Worceersrerviverces ~ This is o Canadian Hgh School Course. Why Pay More... SAVE!! C | ON PREMIUM QUALITY gal. FUEL OIL HALL PERKIN & CO. Chartered Accountants 1 d ore to the edmission to partnership of J. GRAHAM MacMILLAN, CA Henceforth the practice of their profession will be carried on under the firm name of HALL PERKIN MacMILLAN & CO. Phone 668-3341 DX, FUEL OIL Serving ohawe -- Whitby & Ajax Districts Chartered Accountants WITH OFFICES LOCATED AT 361% KING ST. E., OSHAWA thon the price of the refills. ror price saxe. 1644 MAIN too AUTOMATIC 8MM DRY SPLICER Tapes and splices both sides at once. Regular 6.95 FOR PRICE SAKE .. 4.88 MAIN FLOOR Compare Compare OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 --~ SAT. 'TiL 6 P.M. HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS! © COSTUMES -- for boys and girls. New vinyl has high visibility at night. MON. ONLY at 98c ... FOR PRICE SAKE PLASTIC PUMPKINS -- to carry all the loot. 9@°"7¢ at 59c .. . FOR PRICE SAKE DISGUISES -- Moustache and nose sets. at 29c . .. FOR PRICE SAKE SHELL-OUT CANDIES and GOODIES From Cadbury's -- Rowntrees -- Man- nings -- Hershey's, etc. -- All at the BIGGEST DISCOUNTS IN TOWN FOR THAT SMALL GIFT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR -- BUY NOW! AND SAVE! Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister Behind Police Stetion ommercial or private. Sponsored By WHITBY, POLICE DEPT. And 52" x 52" Pure Linen TABLE | CLOTHS in assorted colours. Guaranteed and op- proved by Modern Era. Com. pore ct 2.98 eac! 1 FOR PRICE SAKE .... MAIN FL "AURORA" PLASTIC SCALE "MONSTER" MODELS Regular 1.29 each FOR PRICE SAKE.... LOWER LEVEL COLBORNE ST. WHITBY Oct. 18 (Mon.) -- 22 (Fri.) e Free Examination for all passenger cars and small trucks, old or new,.¢ vy @ Quick Service--the comp! longer than ten minutes. pate 39 as eek SE NE e No charge---this safety check Is offered as a free public e Free Sticker--you receive an "a " car meets the sequied ot a a peseliel cd REMEMBER, A GOOD DRIVER IS AS SAFE AS HIS VEHICLE! ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A. @. MacNab, Deputy Minister SPECIALS Adults Only Allowed Specials patterns ond TI For Price Sake It's No Where Else 1038 King St. W. 7