Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Oct 1965, p. 14

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ee ae en ee ee 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 16, 1965 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK w-¢ 1 10-0 penance nnnen==} ' i. Bho OPTIONAL --- B/woy, 10'x10"7 <4 GARAGE PLAN : INCLUDED 7 z Seiko es H ' Linneosncnsid LIVING RM, ] q 19°x13'3" am Bn Lom apn im Sty ap 41-6 ENTRY | v -- | BED.RM, 11'8"x13'6 | Ms) Si DEN 11°8"x10" Kb a BED RM, i T= pep ao. 16'7"x16 coor 12'5"x16 i SECOND FLOOR = 596 Sq.Ft. The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, (0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name OOOO P OCR O OOOO E OEE OE EE EEDOOEOEO SORES EST OSE OEEEEE® Address OOO eeee Peer rere eee eneereseeenessHeeeeeeeesesesee® FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE. HAIR OIL ON PANELLING --jand make any necessary correc-| QUESTION: Before we couldjtions. If this doesn't eliminate finish the walls in our newly|the knocking, I recommend hav- panelled recreation room, ' thejing your oil service man inspect area behind the couch became|the installation and burner ad- stained by hair oil, where peo-|justment. Mighty good idea to "ple leaned back against it. How/do this anyway. can we remove these stains be- reMOVING 'GOLD PAINT' fore varnishing? QUESTION: Is there any ANSWER: Make a thick techie product to remove "'gold paint" of powdered whiting or other): oan old picture frame? Or absorbent powder and a non-| < : . : flammable liquid spot remover,|'s Sanding © bare" wood the and cover the greasy area) sncwrr. qt depends -on with a thick layer of paste.) 1 cin the cold is aint With masking tape, secure ajVlcer tne god is a paint, or 1 gold leaf. If it is really a paint, sheet of thin plastic over the top) acidipine. se may to retard evaporation. When the Ge Legge ttc earl paste is dry or discolored, brush : _|Structions, will be effective. If it al ceneaeet poate Re j18 gold leaf, it must be carefully| jscraped or sanded off. MORTAR DETERIORATING (MOISTURE-FREE FLOOR QUESTION: At the time we) QUESTION: I have a two-car} bought our brick home about 10\,arage that was converted into| years ago, we had a back porch/an apartment. The. floor is ce-| added. The mortar between the) ment. What can be done to this bricks of this porch has beenifiogr that would be best for, loosening and weathering out. I\one's health and more comfort-| am going to replace the mortar! ahle to his feet? | to keep the bricks from falling a~nsweR: Putting down---as-| out. What caused the mortar to nhalt or vinyl asbestos tile! deteriorate? I want to avoid its wouiq give a resilient, more recurrence. comfortable, moisture-free -floor| ANSWER: Cement mortar, if surface. Or a wood floor could metal pipes and an insufficient be installed, with proper water-| continue to wash it out. If sand proofing treatment. For detail-| is not clean and if it containsjed instructions on laying wood vegetable matter it will cause a floors, write to National Oak weak cement..mortar...Another Flooring Manufacturers' Associ- reason is the installation of ma- ation, 814 Sterick Building, sonry in freezing weather, This|\Memphis, 3, Tenn. This includes type of work should not be done treatment over concrete. if the temperature drops below ---- ------ 50 degrees. KNOCKING IN HEATING PIPE QUESTION: We _ have _ hot} water heat, oil fired. Every) time the burner goes on there is FIRST FLOOR = 1151 Sq.Ft. DESIGN No. 138 |HOME DESIGN No. 138 Double picture window gives a novel and striking appearance to the exterior of this one and half storey home. Entry hall provides direct access to all major areas of the house. Living- dining "L" with door to terrace is a spacious room that will permit various fur- niture arrangements. Den is a dual purpose room with separate closet. Extra large rectangular kitchen has table space in "window- wrap" corner, door to ter- race and good traffic circu- lation to other parts of the house. Stairs to upper floor are near front entry. The upper two bedrooms are un- usually large with plenty of storage closets, also full bath. Basement contains laundry and heating facili- ties. Second floor may be completed at future date as space: is required. House: 1,151 Sq. Ft. Garage: 556 Sq. Ft. Standard blueprints for this Design No. 138 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this Newspaper Offices (or from address be- low) is our new Design Book entitled 'Suburban and Country Homes designed for Canadians", price $1.00. tax free. This edition includes information on Cost of Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Constructional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs --Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colonial and duplex homes. Aiso included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. CP VINYL-ASBESTOS a knocking in the pipes. Is any-! F L. oO baa $ | L E thing wrong? | ANSWER: The knocking may be due to the expansion of the} mental pipes and an insufficient) number of supports for the hori-) zontal lengths of pipe to absorb the vibrations. Or the supports may have loosened. Inspect the pipe: supports in the basement, Announcement JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD, F.R.1, Bolahood Brothers Limited and the Canadian Institute of Real- tors of the Canadion Association of Real Estate Boards announces thot John A, J. Bolahood F.R.1, having successfully completed the 3 year University of Toronto Extension Course and having complied with all requirements of the Governing Council hos been eworded the designation-- ff! FRI. (Fellow of the Realtors Institute > MATCHING TODAY'S NEWEST DECORATING TRENDS MARBLEIZED -- Colours and designs developed to provide the utmost in decor compatibility, Marbleized effects to produce one- tone treatments or unlimited com- binations with light and dark colours, TERRAZZO -- A tremendous 'range of terrazzo tones to meet your exacting requirements for colour-relation with your interior furnishings and decorating mate- rials, Add charm to any room---- from attic to basement. MILLWORK & Building Supplies Lid. 1279 Simcoe North Open Daily 7 A.M. to 6 P.M, 728-6291 Friday till 9 P.M, GARDEN GUIDE BY A BUCKLEY Now is the time to dig sum- mer and fall-flowering corms and tubers, Some of these can wait uniii » few frosts have oc- curred, but others should be dug as soon as freezing weather is expected. Several methods of digging and storing have been tested at the Plant Research Institute over the past decade; the following ones have given the greatest satisfaction. Tuherous begonias: At the first sign of frost dig tuberous begonias, leaving as much soil on the tubers as possible and the tops intact. Store them for about three weeks until the tops can easily be broken off. Then clean the tubers and pack them in vermiculite or dry peat moss. Store them dry in a tempera- late March or April, when it) growth again, treated in the same way. store them in a single layer in a box of sand or peat moss at a temperature of 40 to 50 de- grees. Dahlias: Since these tubers should be stored for the shortest time possible, it is better to wait until the beginning of Novem- ber before digging them. Of course, this depends upon the weather. If a freeze-up appears} probable then you should dig them right away or else you will have difficulty in getting the| tubers out of the ground. Re- |moving the tubers from the soil) \should be done with great care since it is very easy to break) ithe brittle roots, Cut the stems to within six inches of the! jground and dig carefully around jthe plant with a digging fork; jthen lift the clumps from the |soil by prying with the fork. For) jthis operation two people are jmuch better than one, so_ if possible, enlist the aid of some-| jone and use two forks, one on| jeach side of the clump. | If the dahlias have been growing on heavy land, the soil jmay be left on the roots and the roots stored on a cool base- jment floor, either as they are or in boxes, but without remoy- ing the soil. In this way they will certainly keep until spring. If the soil is light and sandy it will fall-away from the tubers as jsoon as they are lifted and jsome other means must be adopted for storage. Take the jclumps down. to the basement, j\leave them to dry for at least a couple of weeks, then place them in a carton and cover them with vermiculite. Leave the tubers in a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees until April, then |move them to a warmer place jto start sprouting. About the middle of January it is a good idea to inspect one or two of the tubers to see how they are | PLEADS GUILTY TORONTO (CP) -- George) Miller, 27-year-old city hall} \clerk who admitted fixing traf-| fic tickets, told a court Friday| he took over the racket from a man who quit before him. |Miller, a clerk in the magis- jtrate's court office, pleaded | guilty to obstructing justice and was remanded to Oct. 19 for jSentencing. Now Is The Time FdlU-riowerng « coming through the winter. If they are very dry and there is danger of them shriveling it might be necessary to sprinkle them with water. Gladioluses: Gladiolus corms may be dug either after a severe frost or before frosts have oc- curred. The main thing is to give them as long a_ growing season as possible and yet dig them before the ground freezes. If you have only a few bulbs, mid-October is usually a good time, but if the planting is large, an earlier start is ad- visable. Because of an insect known as thrips, which causes consid- erable damage to bloom, it is necessary to take special pre- cautions when digging and stor- ing gladiolus corms. ture of 50 to 55 degrees until|/BEFORE DIGGING Before digging, have boxes will be time to start them into|and labels ready in the garden, Caladiums arelalso some 5 per cent D.D.T. idust, Cannas: After the first frost, | with a fork on each side of the cut the stems back to six inches.'row and then lift them with one Dig the roots, let them dry, and hand while cutting the tops off Loosen the bulbs first close to the corm with the other; place each variety in a flat and} label it. As soon as one box is filled with corms, sprinkle a little D.D.T. on them. This will ensure that no -thrips flying about at the time of digging will light on the bulbs and lay their eggs. Take the flats to the If possible they|room with a temperature of 40 with blocks of wood be-|tion of air. iroula-lchould he pl jother tween them to allow s cireula ail d in a storagelto 50-degrees. To Dig ie wes eas basement and leave them in a' warm airy place for a few weeks to dry. When the old bulb comes away from the new one it is) time to clean and store them. This will be in December, if you) dig them now. Clean off the old corm and the outer loose skin, but do not take off all the outer) husk down to the fleshy corm.) 3 SEPTIC TANKS | Approved for all municipal and township by-laws. Quality is unconditionally guaranteed. Deliveries are made on time. | a | } ¥ If 0 ag going to propagate --e ne Pe Il th HH cormels that adhere to the old CAPACITIES AVAILABLE corm for planting next year. @ 460 GALLONS @ 525 GALLONS As th leaned they) t should be dusted as Well To do| 7 babagay th GALLONS " " on this, pl t f 5) isan Gn mek Go te ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER pound paper bag and half fill it , . This quantity of dust should be sufficient for 25 corms. Store the clean bulbs in flats placed one on 'top of the 655-3311 Zzy CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. COMING to Oshawa Civic AUDITORIUM CARL SMITH and the COUNTRY MUSIC HALL feoturing @ FARON YOUN end his Deputies @ RED SOVINE @ BLAKE EMMONS @ THE STONEY MOUNTAIN CLOGGERS @ DIANA LEE TUESDAY October 26th - 8:30 P.M. © Advance Tickets .... 2.00 @ At Door ...... vane Roe @ Children ....5255.. 1.00 TICKETS ON SALE AT @ Auditorium Box Office © Disc Shop, Shoping Centre @ Bolahood's Sportshaven © Bishop's Sporting Goods @ The Centre Smoke Shop -- Ajex @ Alex MacGregor Drugs -- Bowmanville @ Whitby Arena ©, Whitby Music Shop @ Ray's Smoke Shop -- Bay Ridges @ Crest Hardware -- Port Perry 6 out of 7 torture-testers admit Abitibi woodgrain panels are torture-proof like. Common household stains clean Fact is; none of these lovable house- nailing. The cost? Much lower than CLEAR-UP YOUR TV. PICTURE this EXTRA gh Performance TV antenna and be ready for VIVID COLOUR at its best. Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures. Replace your old TV antenna, get Better Pictures with a New Super STARFIRE by 'LINDSAY'. . . TELEVISION R ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT COLOUR BLACK & WHITE ECEPTION Tall wa TODAY for a Free antenna check up and estimate TR. | TELEVISION Corner of Bond and Division Street OSHAWA PHONE 728-5143 'NONQUON RD. R.R. No. 1 hold demons has a chance against an Abitibi Woodgrain panel. Thanks to Abitibi research, a super-tough sur- face coating protects the finish for a lifetime. No worry about scratches, fingerprints, crayon marks and' the with just a wipe of detergent. And there's never a need for waxing or finishing of any kind, Installation is easy. Each 4' x 8' or 4' x 7' panel is V-grooved for au- thentic. plank effect and concealed you would expect (an 8' x 12' fea- ture wall can be panelled for as little as $18.00!), : Ask your lumber or building supply dealer to show you the whole range of the Prestige and Classic lines, ABITIBI SALES COMPANY, LIMITED * TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG BATHE & McLELLAN 725-4761 ERNIE CAY LUMBER CO. LTD. 81 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 53 ALBERT ST. 725- 121 , OSHAWA ies HOLLAND LUMBER CO. -- 725-4709 OSHAWA _McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-4688 OSHAWA OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. \COURTICE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | 728-1611 728-1617 co. PEACOCK LUMBER 328 RITSON RD. N. 725-4744 OSHAWA

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