DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. ORA AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the "GniaitoiegimGns = As, Auxiliary was held Armouries with fifteen bers attending. Mrs. James Smart was wel- comed back, after a trip to Eng- land and Scotland during the summer, which she enjoyed, A vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mrs. Raymond Hobbs for the use of her summer cot- tage at Sunset Beach, Lake Scugog, for the auxiliary picnic. It was decided to give a do- nation to the Ontario Regiment Association toward their build-) ing fund. Refreshments were served by the executive. CHRIST MEMORIAL WA (Naomi Branch) The October meeting of the Naomi Branch of Christ Memo- rial Church Women's Auxiliary was held in the church lounge. The. president, Mrs, Gordon White, presided. Mrs. Donald Hllis gave a re- port on the October meeting of the Advisory Board, She re- minded the members that on Sunday, October 24, at the eve- ning service, Miss Eva Hasell] will show pictures of the Cana-| dian Sunday School Caravan Mission in the West, Mrs. Donald Wilson reported in mem- lat Donevan, Central Collegiates. mittee, was guest speaker for the evening, outlining UNICEF, eee 16 be arlene if i ing conditions in countries where UNICEF was giving aid was shown by Mrs. Stiles. Aid is presently given to over 100 countries for more than 400 pro- jects. Other guests for the evening, Mrs. Robert Osborne, Mrs, Jack Walmsley and Mrs, McKee, were welcomed. It was decided that the club would continue to award four $10 scholarships to students for proficiency in Home Economics McLaughlin and Kinette projects to be held again this year are: Ladies Night Out, Strawberry Bridge; welfare projects, Hillsdale Tuck Shop, Hillsdale Kinsmen parties, Children's Aid parties. The next executive meeting will be held October 19 at thé home of Mrs. Donald Lake, 717 Glenecho street, it was an- nounced. 1ODE (Prince Philip Ch,) The regular meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter of the IODE was held at Adelaide House with the regent, Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, presiding. The regent brought greetings thelworks. In addition a film show-| William| that this year the Junior Auxil-\at this the first meeting after) iary's white gift service would) be held on Saturday, November) 13, at 2.30 p.m. | Mrs, Donald Ellis reported) the summer months, and com- mented on the success of the Dominion Day parade in which both the Golden Jubilee and the that the recent night of cards| Prince Philip Chapters of the} had been successful and thank-|IODE participated. Mrs, L. 0.| ed all: the members for their| work and support, Mrs, Gordon) White reported on the recent presidents' meeting, It was an-| nounced that the Christmas ba- zaar would be held Wednesday,| December 1; and that the WA Corporate Communion would be| held on Sunday, December 5, at the 11 o'clock service. The members held a nearly new sale, after which refresh- ments were served. | CENTRE STREET UCW | The Evelyn Goodwin Unit 3) Centre Street United Church) Women met in the chapel for its October meeting, Thanksgiving ws the theme of| the devotion period taken by} Mrs. Ronald Kellington and Mrs. George Dennis. Mrs. Kel- lington read two poems, 'In| Spirit of Thankfulness" of thanksgiving were sung and Irwin and Mrs. Leo Glover were thanked for the special assist- ance they gave. Mrs. Mitchell expressed her pleasure in representing the Chapter at the Civic Luncheon! § given in honor of the Governor- General and Mrs. Vanier, and also the reception given at Park- wood by Col, R. 8. McLaughlin. A letter was read from Fron- tier College thanking the mem- bers for the reading materials sent to the men from the Prince Philip Chapter. Educational secretary, Mrs. |Frank McCallum, read a letter} from headquarters relative to the closing of the adopted school at Eau Claire, and it was decided to adopt another school in Newfoundland. The educational secretary was asked to inform the prin- Vi ? os eens and) cipals of the five high schools\at the home of Mrs, F. M. Mc-jinvolved this year. All group Offering Little Things'. Hymns)regarding the change in plans|Lellan, Tooley's Mill. for scholarships to the various a reading given by Mrs, Dennis|schools. on the work of two missionaries) in Grenada Mrs, William Dearborn pre- sided for the business, Final plans were made for the fow supper October 20, There were 8 hospital, 13 house calls/ed to the members c be placed 1 November 11. Authority was given to pur- chase a memorial wreath to yn the Cenotpah, Mrs. Albert Hambly appeal- to contribute made and 49 cards sent, Mem-|comic books for Eskimos and bers were reminded of the she would look after mailing. bazaar December 1. The regent announced that Refreshments were served by|Miss Gladys Stitt was in hospi- committee in charge. 8ST. JOHN AUXILIARY The monthly meeting of the Oshawa Women's Auxiliary of the St. John Ambulance was held at the home of Mrs, Darrel Burns Court street with the) president Mrs, Wendell Ford) presiding. | After a short discussion it) was decided to hold a rummage sale this month, Mrs. Robert| Hulberts was appointed to make} arrangements for this . It was) also decided to hold a bake and! fancy work sale in November. Mrs. Allan Manser told of lectures and _moyies-held-for-the St. John Ambulance Brigade and she invited the members of the auxiliary to attend these lectures. Members of the Auxiliary who will be helping on the Red Feather Drive are Mrs. Leslie Allen, Mrs. Robert Hulbert and Mrs. Edward O'Hare. It was reported that Mrs. John Schnaider who is in the hospital is improving and hopes to be home soon Refreshments were served by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. Robert Hulbert KINETTE CLUB The October meeting of the Oshawa Kinette (lub was held jtal and asked the members to 'call on her. The meeting closed with the |towards the Bolivian Missionary; The remainder of the meet-| singing of the Queen and with-|Christmas drawal of the flag by the act-|Joyce ing standard bearer, Mrs. Albert Hambly KATE McLAURIN CIRCLE (First Baptist Church) The president, Mrs, D. H Wright, opened the regular HOUSEHOLD HINT Grease stains can be removed from suede with a vinegar-dip- ped cloth. When dry, brush with a stiff-bristled brush Bring This Ad For All Your Bridal Shoes TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA recently in the -- Piccadilly Room, Hotel Genosha, with the president, Mrs. Donald Lake, presiding Mrs. Donald Stiles, chairman of the Oshawa UNICEF Com- We Guarantee to SAVE YOU $100.00 ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST PHONE 723-1163 THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF Chambew- FOOD CLUB 932 RITSON RD. 5. FOR THE 74 Celina Street FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES latest Shedes and Fabrics , see... Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED. 723-7827 THE STRAIGHT, NARROW LOOK collection this year. And as for the Creed dresses, well they feature the soft fluid silhouette with waistline emphasis, sometimes belted low. His colors include beiges through to ginger nut, sombre green, vivid vermilion, a flash of scarlet, plenty of pink, and black. Straight and narrow with backs subtly cut from a wider shoulderline, giving a rounded effect, and always designed to accompany dresses, That, as illustrated in this garment of British wool fabric, describes the coats from the Charles | Creed of London autumn meeting of the Kate McLaurin;of November 'ircle-of First Baptist Chureh,|because of the extra pla to February 6, nning § | iC jwill be invited. | Plans were made for the) Mrs. Mabel Joyce conducted November meeting, when eachithe worship service on a |member was asked to bring a8|«"Thanksgiving" theme, ' assist- many of the following articles|teq by Mrs. Ross Porter and as possible: an = --, Mrs. Murray Eaton, cases, men's socks, an ne , 4 : . F. W. Swackhammer ee a tee Fogg gave an interesting account of Brantford. It 'was also de.\the World Baptist Congress, cided to make scrap books atjWhich she and her husband the December meeting for this| attended in June of this year mission. Members sewed doll|She said, "it was a thrill to clothes during the meeting, to worship with so many Christ- assist in fund raising. ians." She also showed beau- |""A sum of money was voted|tiful colored films of this event. Fund. Mrs, presented the Mabeljing was spent drawing names financial/of all church members to be report, 'phoned in connection with the The thankoffering meeting forthcoming: anniversary serv- vas postponed from the month ices this Sunday, October. 17. + WALKER'S Young Adult Fashion Council FALL FASHION SHOW To be held Tuesday, October 19 at 8 P.M. McLaughlin Public Library FREE ADMISSION AWW TA SAAVAY 4142. NDERS Dear Ann Landers: I was dis- cussing divorce with an acquain- tance and she said, "Divorce is not always a mistake, Look at your father. He and your mother are very happy." I told her she was mistaken --that my father had no previ- Qus marriage. She insisted I was wrong and named a woman she said was my father's first wife. I was sure she was mis- informed and said so, ' Last night I told my father what the "wacky'"' girl had said His face turned scarlet. My mother left the room, To my horror I learned that my father had indeed been married be- first wife and it was the same name my friend had mentioned. I am so hurt and humiliated I'll never be able to look that girl in the eye again, I asked my father why he never told no reason to. Is he right? Crushed Dear Crushed: No. parents {should tell their children of iprevious marriages because jsuch information is less painful jwhen learned early and first- |hand, Skeletons are for anat- omy classes, not closets. Dear Ann Landers: complain? grandchildren. Our daughters Friday and pick them up on Sunday. They make plans to that I may have plans. I used to be a cateress. My recipes are the finest but my energy isn't what it used to be. My daughters give me a list of {things they want when they en- |tertain. They flatter me by saying: "Nobody in the world bakes like you, Mom." I know they take advantage of me and I get mad at myself for being an easy mark, but what can a mother say?--Beck 'n Call Dear Beck: A mother can \say: "Look, girls. Don't count on me as a weekend sitter any {more because I'd like to make a few plans of my own. If I fore. I asked the name of his! Daughter Discovers Parents' Secret want to take your kids I'll let you know. And please don't ask me to bake for your parties. Here are my recipes and good luck to you all." (And good luck to you, too!) Dear Ann Landers: My wife and I have been married for 14 years. Lydia is domineering and temperamental, but I've swal- lowed my pride for the sake of |the children, Never once in her life has she admitted she was wrong. When we disdgree about the meaning of a word and I prove by the dictionary that I am right, Lydia says: 'What makes you think Webster never made a mistake?" | I earn a fairly good salary but it's never enough. This is the cause of our trouble. Ever since-we've been married Lydia has been getting a monthly check from her parents. If I say tell her it makes me look like a failure, she says, "Well--you Is there a solution to my prob- lem?--Mr. Inadequate Dear Mr.: You recite Lydia's faults without realizing that you cept monthly cheques from her Almost every weekend I am|/parents (for 14 years yet) earns} "drafted" to take care of my|the poor opinion she has of him,| | In my book, the' cure you're drop their youngsters here On| asking for would be worse than) the sickness. You'd have to tell Lydia to choose between you it. ee KAYE"S LARGE SIZE SHOPPE SIZES from 14% - 32% and Reg. 38 to 52. LOVELY LARGE SIZE FALL AND NEW WINTER COATS, DRESSES AND SPORTSWEAR KAYE'S f LARGE ZES SHOP OSHAWA 68 Simcoe St. BOWMANVILLE 725-5451 623-5102 } THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Stars promise that Sunday will be another pleasant day, especially where personal rela- tionships are concerned, You will have to be a bit careful ~\|in budgetary matters, however. {Don't spend too entertainment or travei or you) in either might find yourself a bit strapped by mid-week. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that while, at present, you may be experiencing something of a "slow-down" in business and financial matters, both are due for an uptrend soon, Financial plans, conceived now and car- ried out progressively, should show fine results by late De- cember, and a good cycle, be- ginning on the 21st of that month, will last until Feb 15. Do be conservative along these lines during November and the jearly part of December or even jyour best plans could go awry. |Next beneficent monetary pe- jriods: Late April, June, August jand September of next year. | Good chances of occupational jadvancement and_ increased me. (I am 18.) He said he SW! we can't afford something she|prestige run almost parallel to |writes for extra money, When I|the profitable financial cycles, but with outstanding chances of' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, October 16, 1965 ]] unusual accomplishment jindic|-coupeciatiy where iinances' are cated in January, June andjconcerned, An uptrend, begin- next September. For creative|ning then, will last until mid- workers -- and Libra boasts|February, and you should be many of them--the first sixjable to expand, further along months of 1966 should bring] these lines duritig the last two gratifying recognition for orig-|weeks in April, in June, next inal and imaginative work. August and September. Except for brief periods in| ~- learly June, vour domestic life! should be unusually serene, and) sentimental interests will be un-| der exceptionally propitious in- fluences during late December, next April, May and August, Best periods for travel; Early) February and the weeks be-| between May 15 and Sept. 10 of next year. | A child born on this day will be endowed with unusual per- ceptiveness and foresight, and will be intellectually inclined. DAY AFTER TOMORROW Monday's early hours will call for considerable caution in handling documents, corres- pondence, all written matters. Venus, auspicious in the after-| jnoon and early evening, is espe- cially favorable to romance, home interests and artistic pur- suits, } FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that a ed of initiative and enter-| prise now cold yield excellent results by the end of December! Ppp Pra a se _Is the share responsibility for the sad| change of life making me)state of your marriage. A hus-| grouchy or do I have a right to hand who allows his wife to ac-| oreee Vern Nielsen the Opening CONT HAIR 936 SIM leave town weekends and tell and the parental subsidy. She'd! me about it after everything is| choose the money and you'd end| set. It never occurs to them up witha broken home, Forget! Is Proud to Announce of his new... INENTAL STYLING COE ST. NORTH For the Latest in Coiffure Fashions Phone 4 King St. E. FOR APPOINTMENT 723-5571 NS escape to Calypso Country Air Canada's jet services there are the best ever!' | This winter, AIR CANADA has more jet flights than ever before and every one of them leaving to go 'way down South to Ca- lypso Country! That's where the pace-setting people hide from Winter -- and that's where you belong! This year, relaxing rendez-vous wi to be sure you can leave when you want to, make your AIR CANADA jet reservations early, After all, who ever stood up the Sun! come with us for a th the Sun. And just stop). *All Flights Shown Are From Toronto. How to beat the 7 year itch... re the 15... os a the 10... , ag * the 25... Take a free lesson Get out of that rut you're in,.. give life a whirl! Go dancing tonight... FREE Murray * * Now is the time to break loose and join the lively set! Learn all the exciting dances... learn them at Arthur Murray, Take advantage of the "Three Free Lessons" offer, For information, call or visit ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO W. MARKS, Licencee 11% Simcoe St. South Telephone 728-1681 tomorrow night, or the night after that-- or any three nights you choose, ¢, This offer expires Oct. 30th. BAHAMAS Daily non-stop jet flights to Nassau leave Toronto International Airport: at 9.30 a.m. You're there in just.2 hrs. 50 mins. $149 return. JAMAICA Daily non-stop jet service except Wed- nesdays! Leave Toronto at 10.40 a.m. $199 return. ANTIGUA Up to 5 jet flights a week and 4 of them are non-stop, BARBADOS Up to 6 jets a week (one is non- $256 return. $219 return. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Up to 3 Jets a week, $278 return. FLORIDA Air Canada js your only non-stop serv- ice there--twice daily--plus a daily Vanguard, (2 Vanguards on Saturdays!) To Tampa/St. Petersburg 34 return, All. fares shown (except Tampa/St. Petersburg) are 21Day Economy Excursion Return from Toronte and re effective Dec, 16, 1965-Apr, 14, 1966, Talk to your Travel Agent about an ail-inclusive Package Vacation in the Sun and for details of our Fly Now -- Pay Later Plan. Or call us at : write AIR CANADA in Toronto at 130 Bloor St. AIR CANADA @® 104 BROCK ST. S, FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION CALL D TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 57 KING ST. E, FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVE 728-6201 25 KING ST. E. CALL NOW FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001