Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1965, p. 34

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a ce OE ea : Sean 34 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 13, 1965 "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of he Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday & ay TO tg ep ge" we wee ee BUSINE SS SERV CE DIREC PORT V5 MORE SAFE 10 RIDE THAN Wf LOOKS. Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies Rug-Upholste-v Service ecounti: i Sicron. Bet DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and Complete Bookkeeping service," 299 Simcoe] VICTOR, Barristers, solieilors, Noteries.| GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES OSHAWA _ Complete . AWWAT ARE THE, South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. | Bank <" be Walaa wagnor td cpr GREEN AND BUSHY FOR CLEANERS ak GARE Bons Seek eae ion coon we Creighton, Gc; orresidenem', G. K'| HEDGES ETC, -- FREE ES- he nasi uaransse, | ciascinizn BY Accountant, 1, s * yO OL, ANTI WRESTLING Bout o1 ping Contre, 725-9953. lac C. ria-a76b; me Nictor, Mars pisces Shi WOLEL Rug ond Upholstery Clean- RECORD ook PLACE SCIENTISTS ? JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account- ant. Licnesed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ast. 7 723-4833. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- ant, 47 Prince ily ont 4, Oshawa,| Ontario, Telephon | YALE, FR SaNoER 7 > €0.,} Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus-| tees in _ Bankruptcy, 522 Simcoe Street) North, Oshawa, 728-7371. a | HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Mortgages arranged. Building Trades SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders SMITH'S TREE FARM Newtonville --- Call Collect 786-2283 home. CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET CHESTERFIELDS and ol and old chairs, covered like new, Get the best for Instruction Canada Driving School @ Fully insured dual control South, Call 728-6451. Free estim: RE-UPHOLSTERY py experts, Estal ing. At our plant or in your at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street re- fess blish- 25 Bibs SPICY, FLOWERY, =| FRUITY, RESINOUS, | FOUL Aw ScorcHED | bade A 8--Articles For Sale a o 12. 13--Articles for Rent toblems |17--Female Help Wanted PARTS For Washers, Stoves and Dryers. ELECTRIC MOTOR Repair and Exchange APPLIANCE 186 coe S. 728-7535 HONDA SHOP "'Oshawa's largest motorcycle dealer". Buy - sell - trade. Re- pair all' makes. Free esti- mates. Access: -- helmets, windshields, carriers, jackets, tires, etc. Winter storage. New Hondas only $295. No down payment. fay 199 King W: 728-4242 BEST' QUALITY siuminum 'windows, doors, awnings, railings etc. Low, low! Prices! Call 728-5385. GUNS -- sold, traded, + Pasties on nna Opportu es Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses; Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men"s Formals, White Fox Furs. Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414. Prestige Business Opportunity Investment only $1,330. Valuable distributorship requires no previous ex- $60 A WEEK FOR 15 HOURS 2 Ladies with cars to service existing Fuller Brush routes in Oshawa -- Whitby area! Pick your own hours, Our best lady last week made $129-- in 20 hours! If you do not believe it give it a try on ~ expense! For information call: Fuller Brush OSHAWA PHONE 728-4922 OR WRITE FULLER BRUSH OSHAWA _ 822 GLEN ST. WANTED -- woman for light housework. one morning or day weekly. Telephone | : Bought, repaired tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bus. | Remodelling, carpentry, til- cors @ Licensed by Ontario |ed 17 years. Compisie range of materials. at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, Perience or costly over- |723-3538, ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-| ing, painting, plumbing, elec- Department of Transport @ Seremenanip. Weexwneed fe. veers, Free = 728-973) ae head. GIRL for baby-sitting "ena Sand leh hee tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A.| trical work, roofing, eaves- Cars supplied for Government |buiin Furniture refinished, Oshoe Up- penal TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4-foot tower hold duties, Live, in, South Oshawa area, pices inl itl troughing, plastering, cement Tests @ Home pickup ser- |holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, es structure all-channel antennse Installed, aelepnene Tarn p Pp $50. Oshawa TV Suppl: Limited, WALL, A GERKIN ae seer jcharacse work of all kinds. Aluminum | vice li , cANAGIAN eoine Z oe | You benefit by know-How of |A RESPONSIBLE waa to come in and ccountants, 2 . Pasi. Gaininy Bo ey cy ORB SEER ETERERN a rN anonaercae.od hur ---- "will ec} - H H j care for two cl ren, morni awa, 725-6539; David G. Perkin, CA; King) doors and windows, siding. | 728-4811 CHESTERFIELDS re-vpholstered and re- a bi eso ogeonibll nuneine ce change silver. dollars, nickels, 'pennies.| oroonization with distributors 11°". coc Bruce Street créer aber Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; William C 20 skilled men ready to |-- ~ styled. Free estimate. See our material) FROM HIS CAMEL IM THE DESERT FOR PRAYE ETHERS MIS Telephone after 5 p.m., 728-0194 in U.S., England and Canada. [6, phone 728-5626, Hall, B.Comm., CA serve you. | Hee nngeiytls Bly Upholstering, 75) MOUNT Wri A ROPE. FROM 1% HEAD 40 1%5 KNEE, 70 MAKE SURE SUY AND SELL Good ine tues Investment is secured by your BABYSITTER reared Tee days wat 4 7 ' | Oshawa . ANIMAL WILL NOT TRAVEL OR FAST FROM 4HE SPOT. 1 «2nd appliances. One locatinn only, Pretty; inventory, Exclusive sales ter- ly, Cedardale ai One school-age child, Barristers _ ae NELLIS' HOME | Driving School \Sal : id Savi : H © Rn Fane toads bas 148, Weds nema Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 7233271. | ritory offers high potential - |e Pre-schooler, Telephone 723-5567. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici IMPROVEMENTS _ | ares COP eevee | GENERAL ELECTRIC TV, three weeks income. Write giving full re- |LADY required to assist mother of small tors. etc., 114 King Street East. Dial ; 10. years teaching driving CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. old. Can be seen between 6.30 - ¥ p.m. sume without obligation to |famity with general housework, $60. per 72%2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, Oshawa -- 728-2061 | outomatic and standard cars Complete service. Free estimates. Mil é . at 303 Albert St ' 9 month, plus board and furnished base QC, 7250368; Terence V Kelly, BA, BCL.| Peterborough °--- 745-2184 _| Professional instructors. Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, _ 3--Sportsman's Column 8--Articles For Sale BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture! |ment apartment. Telephone 7258915, 7a st32) Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, | 728-0091 GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer DEER HUNTERS WANTED -- for 'first - eh and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215) BOX 337 i eee P sfitlr ye ot Ap- Bardioten ats A A | - washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! , r iw Dundas East, Whitby 668-548) |ply Rotunda Restaurant, ing Street ig, ont liga THE | ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME |72#1742. Week Mallbotton. "area; call Waynel Cuan ONLY LOGAM laa iegy cvs NINA A ' Seal, Conve MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36 King) p> 1) CABINET CO 'NY E : -- Roberts, 723-1386 TEXACO DEALER pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone Oshawa Times BABYSITTER WANTED, five evenings Ser or 8. Boyenn @.6, W. A. Hillman vary : DAY and Evening Classes for adults and Septic Service IRISH HUTS, one 4x 8, $25; one 6x 6,| @ FUEL ond STOVE OIL Jack Lees, 728-6956 jweekly, 4.30 to 11.30 p.m., to care for two CoB, 7i, b. Humphreys, BA, LUB. omice:| 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY |nigh schoo! students in English, Latin and Gaetic YAS Gina. Bae |$35. Apply 559° Dean Avenue e WOOD _ e COAL HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appii-| RESTAURANT in Worm Chaves initia: Sica. S16: Nery. yetepnone TT Rdchacey 728-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, | 668-6911 French, by J. C. Luck, B. A. $13 Byron| SEPTIC 74 ape ge Prompt serv. e BUILDING SUPPLIES ances. Big discounts without sacrificing sean neinicn ee Pgh lag Nir hao MAID for upstairs work, steady employ- 668-776); 720-4326; 725-5132. NHA and eb is ald ee Fiend Street West, Whitby 660-2563. 5--Troilers } ALL 668-35 14 jguality. 424 King Street West, Oshawa. apartments or boarders Telephone 728-| fant, Rivet BS _lesetae and have other first mortgage funds availab.e Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, ite "Ss nastier rps asa rableclbensi.a.2/ --_--__--< | CALL bees 728-919) | 648s, t [Hotel ancasters King' Siveat" Wash" MeGIBBON AND BASTEDO, Barristers, Custom. built :cabinets yanitor 3€ ervice _|Surveyors | SAWDONS MOVING TO APARTMENT! bed-chester-|mesTAURANT well established on busy| bane Lec Solicitors. Mortgages. arranged. National) __ -- GEOR -| ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco-|---------- joa ---- COOK' S | (Whitby) Limited field, In good condition; watnut nine- jhighway, Oshawa area, living quarters,| |SALESLADY -- for ladies 1 children's Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South nomical ceiling, wall. cleaning done by|DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, C Ontario ? shah Sele kid oa piece dining room suite, excellent condi-|oitt counter. $15,000 down, For particulars | Coir xperienced preferred. Apply 1, Mais Bese Ge; Grace ann OCTOBER SPECIAL modern machine, Free estimates, Work|Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints, 244 Brock St. South en; chrome kitchen set and chairsiwrite Box 917 Oshawa. Times. calls and Sonty 20 King Street: Wael. edo, QC; Grant H. A | Imates. | itke new); : ce ie ba OS calee ea tala "| Save up to 15% during |guaranteed. 728-7736. ier ; calls Midd A ethan TRAILER SALES | JANSSEN'S POWER \vears alas Miestiaghone ruiountee| BEAUTY PARLOR Business -- in central| Steg hg cook or walt rene. te JOSEPH P. MANGAN, @C Solicitor, October on Rec. Rooms, Cup- Moke va Loan i, FLIM ANB TROL ora, Ontario Land SIMCOE §T. NORTH | nacre Sh [with targe freezer section; ametal cr arg Bag Ag hg Sp Reet Telephone Orono 246. Money to loan. Office, 14% King Stree!) boards, Tiles and all general |Momey I Veen tt ada race Me sige A Few. calle amailay ter Telephone "725-|part ime help. Last year's gross $7500. |EXPERIENCED short order cook and East, Oshawa. 728-8232 See Home Remodellin | ao ---------------- | ro, Moto-Mower Massey- | 4s, Good 'clientele, regular. Equipment. cost|clerk. Evening shift, 411 p.m. Tel e oo hdd ae | 9 . . Clearance Sale eg quipmi JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar-| All Work Guaranteed | TV--Radio Repairs Ferguson Riding Tractors. | -------- | $2,000, can be bought as going concern |725-3772, , Public, i | cae int i 7 inc Piareat police, Me King west Just phone for my prices. FREE winter storage, no in- | ervice on all power equip- 9--Market Basket Hpapection coir ken Lowen Bow. ang | DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avail H. McKo 725- 8576 terest rotes, low down pay- | ment. Licensed mechanic on WINTER cabbage; Spanisn and cooking Quay Realtor, Whitby 668-5868. me et call tor roducts. 72598 'yee able, 723-4716 of 725-4717 OY. nedeli duty onions, Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd.|ON HIGHWAY NO. 7. iwel ja er ages sag. i cpaee a ment on ai! models. B43 King West 728-9429 5' First farm south, Hydro sub-statii oy welve te les) MARRIED -- WOMEN ~ whose Id ANTHONY -- EDWARD LASKOWSKY, ROOFING, conctere Noors, flat roofilig,| } é Duan pha ¥ 0 /from Port Perry, cement block Property-|chores do not permit full-time employ: BA, BCL, Barrister an jolicitor. '3iour specialty New work and repairs. "1 Oe Ok ..Biae ts Six rooms, oil furnace, good basement. e Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m.-5.30/Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing| ECONOMY. AND Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m. |REDUCE WORK -- maintain a lovely NO. 1 WINTER POTATO) 751b. Me-|Also workshop, 20' x 20', with 1965 licence. "|ment, sell_Watkins Products, Three hours f 1 ' complexion, eliminate the ugly bathtub 3 per day. Five days a week, will average p.m.' Evening appointments. Dial / and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. | Gund . i; h dé also save|!ntosh apples, $2.75 busnel. Free home|Will sell cheap. Small down payment or] sis in commission. Call between § and 9 525 166). DELUXE Closed on Sunday. 9, ge ee Sr aire Sey {.|delivery. Call. evenings 655-4983 will exchange for pick-up truck or late; + | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-| : money by having the wor!d famous Culli cage: Malonce tn: ORI Baymont: five hin at ee Ineys built and. repaired: gas linings | Priced to suit your budget. Phone 723-9534 gan Soft Water system put in your home |CARROTS, suitable for storage or treet-lyear mortgage at's per' cent, immediate | -- Spe installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. You can try it for one month for only|ing, $1. per bushel. Also pumpkins. Wal-| } 6.5) Classified Rates | 723-2997 ae TERMS ARRANGED FOR SALE -- house trailer, 9" x 27',|$5. Call Culligan today. Whitty 668-2200. |ter Huron, Huron Farm, Va mile west of (possess om Oo5-4773- ee Male 'Help | Wanted _ ae NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco _ OSHA A TV new Gephoerds, Insulated, ae CANADIANA ENCYCLOPEDIA a 10- Oshawa on 401 north service road, 15--Em hevinsi ment - Wanted WORD ADS sidewalks, re-mode:'ing, rec-rooms. Free UICK W. jteayy dune, wiring. Propane gas. Excel volume set with stand. New, never used. |SPANISH ONIONS, field run, $2 per| seh Excellent Job Cash--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 \estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or LIKE A BUNNY! Hee 725-3751 9 One| Cost $149.50. Wi Nsell $85. Call 723-5970." |bushel. Bring containers. W. Eymann,| WOMAN wishes cay work, house or office additional words 4'4c each; 3 con- |728-4717 : H SUPPLY LIMITED eta ENT -- cash|halt mile east (past Roy Nichols Garage) cleaning, central, Telephone 728-9267 Opportunity For A secutive insertions of 2% rords $2.58 | FOR ROOFING, chimneys, sidewalks, TAUNTON RD. E TENT TRAILER sleeps fours off ground |RESTAURANT FQUIPMENT. -- cash) full mie east fom "corner | ctl salah ie : pportunity For additional words \2¢ each; 6 con t " t ae et eank Mccann, GET A LOW-COST, ' ' Mattresses, spare wheel, canopies, $200. et bil meat slicer, Pop cooler. fryer, _.| BABYSITTING per hour, day or week. secutive Insertions of 24 words $4.32 -- of reg wor dea: | LIFE.INSURED J East Of Rit Telephone Brooklin 455-3889 Ools, booths, etc. Nestleton 986-4200. |WINTER cabbage; Spanish and cooking | Reasonable rates. Mother's cate. Inter- additional 'words 18 each. Oshawa. Brooklin : ust Eas itson ee USED OEnIDTAS abBIInnE apenas entons a Foo Tpenice eee ' 'de view Mrs. Luck 668-3866. > TYPES building, roofing ret 6 goods. Bought, sold. Best prices! Vatiev|farm sout! ydro sub-station (west side. se - er ey ag Charge -- 10 per cent additiona' |and remodelling; chimneys, new and re a, 728- 180 | -Marine Sautement Creek, 16. Bond West. T3440. ROASTING chickens, orders taken for| iHOMAAN Toning: chicas tn Telephone! charge If not paid within 8 days. (paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. BIO U7 PLA = jengths; freezer, 4 Ibs. $1.35; 3 Ibs. $1.15. Free | 728-4369. : Method of counting -- Less than Be Whitby . 668-2774, Gord May. _ re TN cige tea pipe eeral toe delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291. lwo he pace words counts as 24 words; each word, i peoeiee NE RIE 8 s r 0! res Reasili MAN would like housework. les initial, figure or abbreviation counts | EXPERT well he Mgt crane LOAN HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED FALL CLEARANCE 9.30 'a.m, or eventrgs. 10 F Col |phone 725-0434. as one words phone number counts includes grac Paving, 723- Sal Weren'| YOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE, | HARDWOOD, beech or > Cot -- farmer's Colu Umi ___ |WILL_ GIVE. daycare. fo ChId In my two words. eRe, Sager ess | TV TOWERS SALE ay ay a aale vin POAT sty a 30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole, own home. St. John's School area. Tele- eliver wtonville collec se, BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- work. New or remodelling, Special 'ail 'THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ARE THE BEST! FLY euctine nano camaiiey ane ae ee ae es Seeded % phone Whitby 668-2095. at prices. Call Tony 725-4953. * ° ! y' iy and cripp! 'arm stoc! | : SOCIAL NOTICES ric ry for one month for only $3.50./up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, tyrone, 17--Female Help ' Wanted | Must be able to install and $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim-|-- WwW. DEL Call Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200, hone Col i y Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721, LI- aintain 'oduct ] ditional charges if not paid within 8ineys built and repaired; gas linings!| WILL LOAN you up fo $5,000 at a rea WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ' hist Ae Konica S00-C-e5. eel moi ' Production contro! days. installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. sonable rate of Interest to consolidate 3 only 3.9 H.P. Merc, 1965, |WE fe, and exchange Used 0 Wallet due -Fesuay Tih |" equipment. We offer high. 723-2997, 'our bills or for an ther worthwhile ' elfer, due ebruary (Is! | IN MEMORIAMS hs inline acasateinnesiiin Le alton providing evil pabiy steadily em-| 1. R. : 0. 1 only 6 H.P. Merc. 1965 Trading | Sool A isa 32¢ Simcoe Street! calf); Jersey cow due April; Polled Here-| WAITR ESSES | level wis oe A corps $2.00 for the first 38 words and Se \Cartage ployed and have good credit. Telephone 1 only 20 H.P, Merc. 1965 = ford heifer, call (6. mios.), Seb4ee2 eve PIOSESINY @ aaem TIES: Settee 2a each thereafter, plus '2c per line of ------ | 723-4631 TELEVISION ' fey TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and nings, weekends cludes; verse 25¢ additional charge if'not paid |JOHN'S MOVING, | Storage and Cart oe. | | c Bond and Divisi 1 only 35 H.P. Elect. Short time clocks and rebuilt. One year;HAVE STALLS for approximately seven EXPERIENCED @ Ten paid holidays plus up within @ days. Reasonable rates, fully Imsured, Cali Mortgages orner 728- 514 ivision Shaft. guarantee. Outstanding oer buys ac head of cattle, willing to do chores, feed| to five weeks of paid 728-3661, Ajax, 942-2020 kins' B Machine Sales and Ser-|supplied. Rossland Road. Telephone 668 : CARDS OF THANKS | Rab Pec ge 2 only 35 H.P. Elect. Long ce, 728-7783. Open evenings. 2194. Dacetime oad tulbtime.. Fall vacation annually, $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se [Dentistry MORTGAGE N - RADIO Shaft. TYREWRITER standard, $35; portable, oa i : © Free double indemnity life each thereafter, with 5c additional beeen | ~-TELEVISIO 1 only 50 HIP. Elect. Start $307 adding machine, $267 electric type-| 11--Pets. 'and. 'Livestock barely For anosintment colt insurance and comprehen charge if not paid within 8 days. CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M. _Dental| INVESTORS 24 HOUR SERVICE ct, t 0; electric casn register item. s, For appo iv honsiiat "ya , VENTS Surgeon, 172 King sires East, Oshawa.) * Shaft and Alternator. 20}, 723-4434 BEAGLE -- vyear-old" female, | also Eng- s iv Agent Ayes rhe 'sh pointer, one year old, male. PP er wi - Se ee uy vide jor the ee ee | Units of participation avail- 1 Cedar Strip Lakefield (new), | STUDENT'S. TYPEWRITERS, new andj1i95 Wecker Drive" q hac biie $2.10 per inch (display Mecatine (SIALEK, OR. ©. P. mat Surgeon,| able in first and second mort- j ; 2 ; cash registers, adding machines; -- | - ness benefits. first 20 words and Sc each thereafter. |115 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For F t 2 Cedor 14' Fibreglass Boats up. Machines guaranteed Expert|BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown! @ Expanded non-contributor (Word Ads.) i 726-5844 or Res, 728-8441, | gage funds. ) a ee dikes Aben dogs, pure white, tan and black, $20-$30; | : appointment, 796-5842 or Res. ' (new) awa Busi Machines, 728- } ensioi ram and s Aietion aces | Diversification --- manage- r 1 Caddr 1a X F 664 oF 725-9748 part-Spaniels, $10. Selling out. 668-2067. FLYING DUTCHMAN ee st if Abe o up | Dressmaking ment -- High yield -- cap- shalt uminum Fisi- | FREE! Have your Turnace cleaned and|ST- BERNARD pups, registered. Stud| Disb idle adele ee Allah 62:19, PER INCH: INSERTION | itol appreciation ing Boat (new) adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble free| Service. Boarding. Brooklin 655-4760. | OTOR HOTEL benefit. DRESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies' 1 12' Aluminum To a nter if you purchase the best in|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for) MOT: cons kot DEADLINES wear, High quality work. "Call Agnes CENTRAL for aes service Eee Car Top fuel oii from Western Oil Company. Dialltraining, talking 'strain. Apply Mrs. T.| Apply to ressmal ' - ' 725-1232 | : 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS shies -__ |Broad, 114 Elgin East. | Bowmanville Personnel Department |DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, ONTARIO Whi itb oe 668 5679 USED ADDING MACHINES, iypewriters, cash- POODLE: PUPPIES, smal! miniature and : 2 LOST AND FOUND alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a| ! ay ers, duplicators, chequewiters, f11e,\toys, white, nine weeks. Excellent Ene:| D ini 9 a.m. day of publication specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. | TRUST d SAVINGS sep aoaD me 1 Humberjewel Fibreglass desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service|lish breeding. Show quailty, $90. and u ominion PERSONAL STYLING - for fashion- an . FALL SEASON SOON and trade, with budget terms. New and Telephone 725-6473. | Rubber -- an BIRTHS AND DEATHS wise women! -Dressmaking, alterations CORPORATION J 1.15' Weymouth Runabout sed. Low, low prices. Bill. Hamilton, | ce greg a --Fararina| pany 9 a.m. day of publication Fitting @ specialty, 728-1823 for appoint- OSHAWA 723-5221 TY CHECK-UP NOW 1.4 HP. Evinrude Selectrie pony colt, white mare; three years; Ger-| men SE f CLASSIFIED DISPLAY csi. [LAIES -- Have your "children's ~doils|_BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 | 7 qualified servicemen. ia ee PAGE NEATER -- | "STUy_olher 'boarding. -AshbUA-ASS4sed evenings, | REQUIRED DOMINION TIRE eck revi y otal Bs os ui notors, 0 BTU, wit 5 - umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous dressed for Christmas. Teen-age dolls a 40 STU, with plpes and elbows. 668427. | -ciiGAHUA, renistered, short-haired, | DIVISION specialty! 725-8592. et MORTGAGE . . * . HEAVY DUTY range, apartment size;ibrown, male, eight weeks old. Paper| 149 Strange St., Soece Leet cne AND EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing and| TELEVISION ~All above stock to be sold at gas stove, nearly new; % bed complete) trained. Very lovable. Telephone 728-2065) FOR LOC. Kitch (e) t CORRECTIO aiteraviones It Sen Heme: Mra Allee Vent LOANS $ end tables, ice box, bath tub; éinch fur-/or appiy 114 Grenfell Street. itcnener Ont, 7AM DAY OF PUBLICATION Det Holds, Roselewn Ave. 725998, | a | 728- 5143 _ BIG SAVINGS ot nace pipes, fiitings. 109 Colina Sires. (TTENs FOR SALE, nother parr | TEXTILE PLANT ' praia one one 'or first mortgages ( BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- s0e i ney gag - ------____---- -- oiL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, 'portraits,| Siamese, 162 Verdun Road. Gardening q ond "Supp ies | Open Mortgages FE C © work, custom picture framing.| 728-8788 Applicant should be an ex- ANAGER While every endeavor will be made =) Interest" at" 7-%. AST _T.V SERVICE. Gord s Marine Sas eee atch Unies One YEAR-OLD | Samoyed. Wonderful! perienced sewing machine op- to forward replies to box numbers to DUTCH No Bonus Service Call only $2.50 rere : pe Telephone erator, able. to give instruc- the advertisers as soon as possibie dative No Ch tie Valin ervice Sali only SKATE EXCHANGE --. New and used Re ee ' we accept, no 'lability in respect ot "RU "ui Jo Charge for Valuations DOMINION Fi Ont. Scales" Sells pxchandad: EXGE sharoen GIVE AWAY = One 'female cat, good) tion to operators, and be fam- loss of damage a. eged to arise | Mortgages ond Agreements ycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344,|for farm. Also two female kittens, three) ii.) ith quality control, through either failure or delay in for. 'arahased aE VISION months old, Box trained. Telephone ia Sf 4 warding 'such replies, however: 'caused TOP SIZE | Mees eo ceed' Metcanes ELE Phone 649-2007 GURNEY range ang Norge, fetrigerator 1214 | Write giving full particulars to heather oy negligence ur otherwise j c | oney Second Mortge - cterag rete ge a ela HORSES FOR BOARD. R ie rat os The Times will not be responsible tor | | ULIPS Fost Service | 728-5154 9a.m, to9 p.m. |ismrt. weymouth cabin cruiser, 50 iter 630 p.m ees HORSES FoR D. Reasonable rates, Box 243 Piva gp . Excellent replies uncellea for in 20. days HYACINTHS M. F. SWARTZ | All work guaranteed HP opennston motor. Telephone Alax/ FURNITURE -- three rcoms, new qual-| oop ainin@" CLASSES--sponsor Osh- ties Nad nif : in a | Mii wo arant 942-5056 ty ture nly nplet on ood GULATIONS DAFFODILS ee pe ce Hr ahaa lee awa Obedience Association. Fall class| Oshawa Times bhi aigrring selery en REGULATIO f cic 26% King St. East | MERCURYS, MK 20 H, $225; KG 7 H sbie vatue!|filled. Enquiries invited for nig | ae panes _| "benefits. The Oshawa Times wit) not be re | NARCISSUS Oihawa Ontiris |T AERIALS T|s170; KG 7, $100. Telephone 728-2 ss, aad Simcoe classes. Telephone 723-9708. onsible for errors in advertise na A fe] 5 i : as Bee taeas crate "tars | CROCUS 723-4697 lo «= RON'S: TV of teroor riareotass Larson boat, con- so 5; Cal oer 106 pine Bescwnes.| D1 CTAPHONE & FOR INTERVIEW t col cantly data SNOWDROPS ~~ |W 12: Years' Experience Wi dian traveller, trailer, Priced for quick BREE DION. for olla pully rst E | TELEPHONE emer? nor : | le or details and demonstration, charge for sing.| IRIS SUMMERLAND Fs All Work Guaranteed E pdestaN nin 8-6113 or apply 392 Oshawa Blvd. South 13--Articles | For Rent _ | TYPIST- ror oceur ¢ BOX TRAILER, 4' x 8' x 16', two wheel, after | error occurs GRAPE HYACINTHS SECURITIES 723.7521 Sean erties sche i eer eee | RECEPTIONIST |TRANS CANADA The Oshawa Times reserves the right ° 112 Slmevce: St.' North R RON BRIGHTLING R Telephone 942-2226 TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- eel RENTALS _ ip laselly | rising according ©) BIRT) FEEDERS | Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 (|S 9 AM oo SI7. Swap and Barter e all-channel antenna com- required by progressive com- WILD BIRD MIX re onte : 'pi tax, included, guaranteed | OF ALL KINDS } pany located in Whitby area. CREDIT ee / See' all towers at TRIO ' The SUNFLOWER SEED ales | TV SERVICE «Set oy eee, @ rer Bond "and Division, eee een fees CORP. LTD ee ae vailable ar kitchen sinks: medic } minimum 0 luca~ Bie actus) er Ww r ow Interest DAY OR EVENING ihe weabinets Pte . CAR COATS, boy's, size 66x, $3, each.) REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- tion: neatness, good grooming i 4 eh By STRAY | ar fittings; caviomalle Wa and Two-piece snow suit, boy's size 6X, $8. massaging belts, rowing ma- | and ability timeet the pub- no. liabritly Ontari 728-5286 |dryers; boiler n, Hill: Telephone 728-10 | chines, bike exercises -- - all lic pleasantly, are prerequis- 728-4628 or ha jside and Park " : ry unk ---- inbcturacies i Mort Associat sid ENGLIS CLOTHES ORYER, bunk $6 r -- 4_jtes_ For appointment he, eonee Smith Ca: : n -- eds with mattresses, walnut china cabl} pry ee moe Lo oes a --942- 742-4020 _ 16 CELINA ST FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale| OSHAWA 8--Articles for Sale nette. Please call after 5 o'clock, 728-| LS pip ; = Any advertisement cancelied before aes Hormernbrith DULCHOSAS aft Said. Haanilek) << ceg Spe penn pk Ts eee 994 | cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- Call Mr. Ninaber publication will be charged one day's 1139 723-2312 and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street ELECTRONICS SOFA-BED by DuBarry, green nylon, pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- | Ace lacie pete city Tv" TOWERS, a antennas yialea red TENTS mattre beautiful condition,| ters, pipe threading dies, Phone 668-3315 IT'S EASY TO PLACE A FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS PRIVATE. AND CORPORATE monies fori nairs All work guaranteed. S11 Dean tilde eet A | toilet auger. : wenten- TIMES ACTION WANT AD Hahn Gr agin. turerered Creighton abel Telephone 725-0500 He catarnnsofed dnl he HEAVY DUTY 'range, four-burner,|. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- i Cali Classified Direct Drynan, Murd and Victor (See ayy. Aah saci DOO WHERE ORE, SM. Teepe es, stepladders, ladder jacks For pick-up 723 3492 -- Well Drilling--D aging th at hay ai nd a -tetelater NEW WHITE WALL set of fi steel scaffolding compressors, s % with storm fla ute loor set of four ding, compressors, : eS me f Musical Services |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing ith aunin P, F ne new Deluxe Champion fa spray guns, wallpaper steam- and delivery Loid and Delivered . . . also [Street West, Whit piney Ral 'anno une t x 14 still in wrappings. Best) . ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, INDEX TO Cedar Hedaes, "Patios "Laid VERSATILE four-piece combo avaiinle|Siee" West, Whit. 8253 or From $39.95 Up jeter over one hinared dottars. 725069%.| Crenane torches EARN AVERAGE OF | # Must be fomiliar with city ond Delivered or weddings, dances, banquets, efc.| omer sh STINGHOUSE refrigerator, $35. Tele-} BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- CLASSIFICATIONS CALL phe cisco : ~~ - Women' : Column a BICYCLES HERR MM as soc | cement ay finishing tro- $5. PER HR, ® Guaranteed salary with : . j = on specia' age Hair- BABY RIAGE, G | i if ait H Werner's 'Colvin "MAPLE LEAF Optometrist inertia S80 its Aten, cetnae ai also ear seat, In nen coheivet| wels, wheel barrows, electric | While worikng 2 or more Incentive Bonus 2--Persona er nb ABA BE aK Sepsis F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Westmount, Telephone 725-5363 s for $25, Telephone 655-4556 | vibrator, air compressor, jack evenings a week ---- No col- : eeooriensn's Column hse ere QNTGEN ETVICE istreet North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone| lo Pace aoe on iat : : Jose ANTIQUE mahogany dining room suite,) hammers, hand trowels, water * lecting or delivering --- good apply in person rei Hi ne Equipment 725-061 | wisi ----Fersone bral ee cna ee bre xd dition Ustilzd ches-|_ pumps, portable heaters, steel personality and car required. \ aes -- ~ k silv: raz te ermos jug T--Swap, and Barter id and "chat | S--Articles for Sale Rickey and Decorating © 1 Remdvat of sugeriuoce hole frames and fork ' "| + sket : i reek Colin BLUE >» SOD PAINTING AND |) Marie Murduff will be -in From $34.95 Up li--Pets and Livestock Cnt DE CORATING Oshawa Oct. 18th, 19th, and l2mArticles Wanted C field t i] 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel 1 ticles tor Rent eck the qu n the field ; i jet | 4 ice eiees Sosoriie ties A Srean" Nursery Sod {TERIOR and EXTERIOR ; on these dates for appoint- OAK OFFICE DESK, hearly nev, 60" x) 15--Employment .Wanted rower Townline North Broadloom, Custom Draperies } ment lone 723-336: | } ft it ; et FREE ight, di Jat HOCKEY ment, © r le ' he tae Wanted 2 mile N FREE TIMATES | ELECTROLYSIS big Ad a cat e fog ol he ght é oe rchaséd. last bol hl ag vias 1--Male Help. Wanted mee OSHAWA DODD & SOUTER | 723-4641 f a ah ta a ohana two/p sxing. gloves 19--Male or Female Help Wan' SD 75 from 1" to 3', r a re Ll og TREE To TRIM? Call sii rr pit bad: 668-5862 jAUTOS Pdi dbetstdlal anywhere, Canada, ed handle Ne Gt Da ¥ . or u SF em wn. Free estimat CROSS TOWN ting and decorating Ja slitornia, Bonded drivers. To c U warmer, suitable 'for eA ee is ag 0610. ts S Top materials; workmanship - guaran- {ronto, yet gh oe oe Toe From $39.95 "P ateteria. Best offer ratee| 23--Real Estate Wanted NURSERY and field sod Promo de-|'eed. Free estimates. Dial 728-9098 aa : 24--Stores, Offices and Storage ivery and free estimates. Teldphone|PAINTING AND DECORATING, Exterior|LAOY would like ride Whitby to Oshawa REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12; 25--Houses for Rent 23-9910, evenings 728-0875 and interior. Paper hanging. Bowmanville|2'ri¥ing at approximately 8.30 a.m. Tele- new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs,| 2b--Apartments for Rent TOP SOIL with or without manure? also| 622-258 |Phone Whitby 668-5393 after 5.30 p.m 95; new crib mattresses, $9.95; stoves, 27--_Rooms tor Pei manure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby.|ALL TYPES of repairs and remodellin | TRAVELLING ALONE? Join one of our $24.95; televisions, $49.95; space Savers, 24--Room and Boar Telephone 668-3906 or 668-398). |new "and used materials. Reasonable|2"OUPS or escorted tours. Howard Travel TIRE ST RE he ey ere eae anes eee ct chines tar. Gels |MANURE, well rotted, $4 per yard? top|"a!es. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley |Bureay Ltd., Alax, 942-6690, guns, new and used. Valley Creeks 16) 31--Compact Cars for Sale Soil, $2.25 per yard. Delivery charge on|ALL PLUMBING AND a 1 32--Trucks: for Sale two-yard orders of top soil. *25-0697 piles. Telephogp 725-3521, hava Me site| 3--Sportsman's Column 145 King St. W PIANO, 'Williams upright, medium size,| Automobiles Wanted pon -- lum tia and ehuinear ie ~ 26 65 od. $2 lease cal saaAvierebile Repair ARMSTRONG SOD AND LOAM. Nursery ae $s lessleg olde Shi and Engineering, | |DEER HUNTING licences. New and Telephone 725-6511] n, at 14 Westmoreland or tele. 3$--Lost and Found gi a la ag eek td : haste Hmunition Best Prices:|pLasTic seat covers, $5; outside clothes! 88212 Io--legal : 2 CITY-WIDE COVERAGE and at iow costjValley Creek, °6 Bond Street West, {y/.0°° ge" lady's wool plaid jacket and|VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, U--Auctions DANGEROUS TREES trimmed or re-jis wnat you get with Times Action Want |WANTED ak for organized hunt{leopard coat; size 14, $5 each; boy's coat|brushes, efc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| " 1 9 y 38--Coming Evapts imoved by reliable party. Allied 'Tree|Ads. Telephone 723-3492 and get in touch| camp for first week of deer hunting. Tele-jJand hood, size 6, $4; and man's grey Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Servies, 7264171. }with & courteous ad-writer, phone 723-7278 suburban size 44, $12, Telephone 668-2970, | Pickering. ' ie. scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hamrn masonry saw, build- ing jacks, mortor mixers, mortar boxer, chain hoist, miter saw, electric plane, tar- paulins, sand blaster, power post hole auger, ascillating | sdnders, disc . sanders, belt' | nders, flo sanders, acty- | weld outfits, 200 amp electric welders, | | STAN'S | 233 King St. W., Oshawa | Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. PHONE 723-3224 |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospitsl beds, walkers, reducing machines, 'sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 | |ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred| people! Oshawa Tennis Club for | 'DINING LOUNGE Telephone 942-6603 Waitresses Required APPLY MR. WIEDER GENOSHA HOTEL WAITRESSES REQUIRE Full and part-time. 7 to 4 p.m. -- 4 to 1] te Apply MR. CAMPBELL Genosha Hotel p.m, parties, "weddings, anniversaries. ties, bar kitchen, Parking. | rates, 728-6315, rec Reasonable} YOUNG WOMAN required as housekeep- er. Child welcome, smali remuneration. VADIANT LEANERS - Ofnawa Shopping Centre Ornamental IRON WORKERS Experienced men wanted for the fabrication and installa- tion of interior and exterior wrought iron railings. Good wages, steady employment. Apply Jensen Welding & Steel Supply Ltd. Telephone Leskard 36R4 after 5.30 p.m, 66 Russett Avenue

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