Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1965, p. 2

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Q 'THE OSHAWA FO Weteaeier: October 13, 1965 ; Higher Cov nt Should WEATHER FORECAST Indonesia | 4 Bear Service Cost: NDP-er | Sunny, Warmer sete" oo M 0 Cy Oliver Hodges, NDP candidate|must not exceed 27 per cent of 2 Phot ak : rm white River: Mi for Ontario riding in the coming|the buyer's annual income if he budy Ts. oves : n j 7 , Nov. 8 election, said here lastjis to qualify for an NHA loan. ain vernl t | Cochrane, Western James j week that the "servicing cost of fom nad on a $17,000 home are! pe Ako banigen goon _ | '2 , ri land for housing|$360 a year, or $30.a month. | ; sas showers OF si 4 Red P a i should be ocne by higher yond ' "It Fa os i a $3,000 down, TORONTO (CP) -- OfficialLake Huron, Windsor, London: ries. Light northwest winds. , Sag a acura cv payment the balance amortized forecasts issued by the weather|Increasing cloudiness followed gerne at O'Neill Collegiate over 25 years is $1100 a year or|ffice at 5:30 a.m. by showers bui turning miider. 'Lo ypoory hich "Tare t Thursday cloudi-|Light westerly winds. bed It, y KUALA LUMPUR. (Reuters) a A efi) | ith national party leader T. C.|$91.67 monthly on a $14,000 mort-|_ S¥sopsis: Wisdioue ' y Douglas on the platform, Mr.\gage -- $3000 down payment,/©Ss with showers will move in| Niagara, Lake Ontario, at Phos. The Indonesian government has) . made its first move against the) oe Hodges said that "high housing|$14,000 mortgage--$17,000 home.|ith @ weak storm from the\southern Georgian Bay, Hali-y jydon : s Communist party, 4 ei 'sd é costs have been inflated enor-| 'The fotai monthly payment Prairies. burton, Killaloe, Toronto, Ham-|Vitshoner , some of whose members were y 4 j 2 mously within the last three|for principal, interest and taxes Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|ilton: Sunny and a little milder, Mount seer age Boe a ty jigs j years, A Sn a rms is $121.67 or $1,460 2 year. : clouding over in the afternoon! Wingham ......... <> anti- ; \wide, 120 feet deep in 1962 could| "tnder the NHA qualifying|qualify for an NHA mortgage|with showers by evening. Light| Hamilton .-...-+ aprtareess cove, Radio Malay- 4 : a as be bought for $3000. Today such /formula a worker earning $5500)for $14,000 because 27 per ent westerly winds. St. go go ' , a lot costs $5500". a year could pay $1485 a yearjof $5500 is $1485 -- $25 more| Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-\Toronto ......+++ Po eg Bg cctgg xy y 4 w Bl reygacting 4 the a "one-third a gered home," Mr. Hodges/than the powertdy maximumjagami, Sudbury, North Bay: Peterborough bes ore Mn Jase road- a j ; cre said, adding that "h Id th ount permitted cast an _-- banning one Com- a bis j per cent in the city and labell ig le Cou! usjamount pe! y the Act.|Sunny, clouding over with oc-iTrenton .......... munist y group and sus- : it "fantastic". pending another, along with 14 ' "Young families ought not to ' institutions of higher learning. g j be saddled with the cost or be| The reports followed out-| ' kept out of decent new housing | besoks sf aot Coastnunist vio- ; Me pon gill' Fal gage: on ence Tuesday in Jakarta in a 4 fi va \ ean | which a Moslem crowd at-| f j P ; een eee available as pened Tea titkined paper! My i keg: 4 Right now, private ere tant Communists, dragging out i Bf . money is available at seven and | the furniture and burning it. iy j Z i ae uli Y beaetncore dh pig Png loes Le ae as ee & ce : Th ident was the lates 4 j tid, 4 wii | Nationa using Ac | a iene or ihouan wick ig ' af ve 4 gages are one per cent cheaper, | . tacit pport, stroy ' ; |Mr. Hodges said, He said there Conde' wanes oe A i , i te are roadblocks, "curious" ones, | SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 16 ness establishments, 4 ae d : j A 7 getting in the way of the per- k son who wants to build with an Since the party's. headquar a + 4 ' ters was partly burned down 4 q : . gaping SUPER SPECIAL Friday, the premises of the j.. . ¥ ll |, To begin with, he said, "'one NEW CMGTE gad tolen | orgusise | aes ws gree acy tes ONE ¥ ans nthe cal have bee AMERICA WELCOMES CUBAN REFUGEES cn 'wsr. ye -A-DAY -- uind ,,, 4 OZ. attacked and damaged. The! house of party chairman D. N. Cuban refugees are being 'The group fled Camarioca, cutter Cape Darby and |$5,500 a year he still won't PLUS qualify. Aidit, also was ransacked. helped ashore at Key West Cuba earlier and were pick- brought to Key West. (AP) ) ef ; sa by U.S. Coast guardsman. ed up by the Coast Guard , He ran down the basic ex- IRON EXTRA DRY | t Tuesday, Radio Jakarta said penses in initial buying and in- President Sukarno held top-, . level talks with cabinet mem- evidence that the plotters knew|the uprising and Gen. Abdul|concerning Sukarno's link to the terest rates involved in pur- bers after it was announced the|the exact whereabouts of.each/Haris Nasution, the defence|Communist piot has come from chasing a $17,000 home. ; , A MULTIPLE VITAMIN HAND CREAM revolt in Indonesia had been 90 officer. Six of the seven top minister, escaped with wounds. \confessions of men deeply in- "You know that 'the total of per cent crushed and its army leaders were slain during The Post says information volved in the affair. ithe principal, interest and ta and taxes FORMULA SUITED TO leader, Lt.-Col. Untung, ca i opt = TODAYS NEEDS. tured The radio quoted Foreign Minister Subandrio as saying F i ==! LYPSYL the president believed recent ceieniaicaas Tl events would not weaken Indo- ee oe ae | nesia but on the contrary would oe SUGG. LIST 2.98 12 King St. E. 123-3633 msanaom | ae ee to keep your lips fresh "strengthen our resolution ~ unity and solidarity." WASHINGTON (AP) --The : vye vy Washington Post says that U.S. metre ------ rea ifc -(yC e € officials have what they con sider incontrovertible proof that ' President Sukarno was in are oa H league with the Indonesian a ee ¢ ec | ¢ ing Communist party (PKI) in the! ' a *, go, ---- 7a TIRED HALF THE TIME? THEN TRY oo a Sone te | aR even membrane itching 'lieves itching medicinally, quiets The post says officials here 3 : : inde 1 rete Ges erase tho now know that the PKI com- ---- You con get fast, blessed relief vicious "'itch-scratch-itch eyele", ® mandos were called out Sept. TMP satin sig a a from Itching, chefing, rashes, ary And LANCANE soothes rew, in- Tok i 28, two days before the at- # - ~ ESTERS skin eczema... even embarrast- flamed tissue, checks harmful hs en regularly it _ you ect tempted overthrow. At that eS, |--__-- ng membrane itch (vaginal end bacteria growth, helps speed etter, rest better, feel better time, the Post says, the com- --" ' rectal itching) nealing, Greaseless, venishing 'mandos joined with Lt. - Col. ee « RemPnNSaG LANCANE'S medicated formula pleasont to use. Why suffer? Get c Untung of Sukarno's bodyguard }----------- J auickly elms irritated nerve ends, LANCANE, 1.35 ond 2.29. -- e in an attempt to assassinate the 'Re ARRAS top leadership of the army. AND -- = ee ee T A p X NOW ... FALSE TEETH FIT BEAUTIFULLY TRY "CUSHION GRIP" HERE and THERE WIN G ST Some ae rr ee EAKS = PACKAGES OF 10 51. 98 w $2.25. a two-week course in indus- trial instrumentation at Phil- adelphia. He is employed with 'ease Lake Ontario a E N ees ee cee trie. | or ae © SPECIAL VALUES e ed studies -. eas -- |--_--_---- } : mi sorepeomeeren ee naa. ---- |] BROMO-QUININE, 32 $s sues. ist 1.19 008 ong or He egg omer DELSEY é PLY TOILET TISSUE SUGG. LIST 2/.29 4/.52 have established a parents' ; KLEENEX, 200's secon -16 and 2/.31 association at Ajax along with a seagnene -- be : maausaeang. | KOTEX 48' their children. Association : ister . s SUGG. LIST 1.85 1.59 STUFFED meetings and language ; Sor Gin costions velit toa Bologna nia 29 c ---- SOFTIQUE, 7-oz. suse, ust 3.39 299 nace and will continue until the end of the current school B : Beef r y The Piece STEAKS C.G.E. BEST BUY INSIDE FROSTED LIGHT BULBS seca, 2/51 'term, are held at Bernadette's Catholic School. Language les- lb omer aaeR i 1 sons are two hours long and 3 sj 79 P Hearts GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS STEEL BLADES 5's sues. ust 75 +09 Ibs. Ib } 10' suse. ust 14s 1.29 ae Ald. John Brady returned tthe ts council chamber FREEZER SPECIAL -- ADORN SELF STYLING HAIR SPRAY $UGG, LIST 1.89 1.69 weeks last night and said he HIND BEEF SECRET ROLL-ON DEODORANT a was "feeling real good." Ald. Brady, who has been resting . QUARTERS ne souk BROMO-SELTZER ne OF BEEF B. IDASAL - OUR BRAND A.S.A. TABLETS 300's es tak we at home following a recent ANY ONE ITEM || .p.a. MILK of MAGNESIA, 16-cz. ee 2D: 2. 39 $1.00 GUARD AGAINS r SL. aoe ee RICKARD. HUDNUT advised him he can return to work before the end of this SIDE or FRESH MADE 3 lbs. Pork Hocks WITH deep magic SHAMPOO VEAL SAUSAGE | 3 lhs. Rib Stew DRY SKIN CONDITIONER EGG CREME month MEAT . acini ba 9: te Mh Patties abit moltonaae by fa --- CLEER SHEEN . s. Cou : ne : SHAMPOO G lb 4 Ibs. 49 ey Seeger a Cut and Wreppe le. Apply Deep Mi VO ee tte vie WIENERS Bkin Conditioner dally; wateh k matt CREME RINSE i rd In LEAN SIDE SLICED for invisible na le bc Sas ' or ' tection from aging dryness.|deal, ~ RINSE'N' SET Ibs. ¢c j too, for hands, arms and legs. | BACON : 3 09 a SEASONED fist $1.25 $]-' hg SUGG. LIST 1.69 " i i lb. lb Pharmacy 28- King St, 360 Wilson 302 Stevenson Rd, Oshawa Fire Department made two minor calls yes- terday. One was to flush . spilled gasoline off the road at Park and King and the other was to extinguish a blazing tarpaulin at Inter- City Transport. City ambu- Jance made five regular house calls. A meetingg has been scheduled for 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Oshawa Civic Audi- torium when Oshawa's cen- tennial project in regard to plans and financing will be discussed with auditorium patrons and members of city council. On Oct. 16 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will put on a drive to raise funds to take care of the poor and needy people. Can- vassers will call on homes in Oshawa selling electric light bulbs HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. Seasoned 5 h : 573 King St, E. East Rd, South North Fac 725-3594 723-4621 725-8711 723-1131 and 2 12 KING ST. E. eartek seth Sime 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-3633 | ae Law's Jamieson's Mitchell's North Simcoe 723-4663 STORE HOURS: 1204 Wecker 241 King 9 Simcoe Pharmacy ' Drive St. East St. North 907 Simcoe St. North SERVING OSHAWA OVER ca Open Friday till 9 P.M. 50 YEARS . Saturday till 6 P.M. 725-3525 725-1169 723-3431 723-3418 MAMA el ITAA cd

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