Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Oct 1965, p. 18

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Daughters of England Bene- volent Society, from Mrs. George Hannaburg, London, Ontario, Worthy Grand President. Mrs. Johnson is a MRS. SHERIDAN JOHN- SON, Chaucer avenue, left, receives a braille writer, purchased by a bursary from the Grand Lodge, Daughters Of England Present Bursary To Oshawa Resident The Worthy Grand President,)Also present was Mr. of England Benevolent Society,|CNIB, Toronto. paid a visit to Oshawa recently} Worthy President Kate Glover|)airctyjles were introduced by to present, for the first time, ajpresided, assisted by the vice-lyjicg Grace Ann Wood. . bursary to a student graduating) president, Nancy Murrall. Past from a schoo! for the blind. The} presentation was made at the/duced the guests, to whom David Grand Lodge of the Daughters|Hatton, Field Secretary for the qoccort tea and '""Glamorama of 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 13, 1965 i Aelia lik a ad es SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, Five members of the Univer- sity Women's Club of Oshawa and District will be attending the Eastern Ontario Regional Conference of the Canadian Federation of University Wom- en on October 15 and 16, at Cornwall, Ontario. They are, Mrs, E. M. Culp, Mrs. R. H. Donald, Mrs. G. A. Rundle, Mrs. Bernard Lewis and Mrs. A. M. Dixon. This conference will mainly be a further probe into the retraining and use of university trained woman power. Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs.| Milton Tamblyn, Orono, were and Mrs. John Leishman, of | Governor Mansions, | Thanksgiving Day 'guests at the home of Mrs. L. V. Bren- , Oshawa boulevard north, her son, Flight Sergeant|for Mrs. Robert Osborne, the recent graduate of the Blind |Fred L. Brennan and Mrs. Institute at Halifax, Nova /|Brennan, Ottawa, and daughter, Scotia, and has just recently |Miss Elizabeth Brennan, Lind- moved to Oshawa. lsay, and Miss Patricia Bren- --Oshawa Times Photo j|nan, Ottawa, and Miss Muriel = i: Allan, Halifax. UCW Puts On Show (Of Hair Styling | Mrs. Charles Twining, presi-| dent of Harmony United Church Women welcomed guests to a Mr. Ralph Burton, Simcoe street south, has just returned lteomn a motor coach tour of the Maritimés and the New England States. In the latter he enjoyed |the side trips to Mount Wash- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Coiffures'. New and exciting Styles ranged from the long. | president Edna Huband intro-\fowing casual to the short cut|FOR TOMORROW : and lively curls. The art of} A highly inspiring day! Plan- Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cawker, | Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. PERSONAL Women's Editor ington, and Bar Harbor. He was ifascinated in New nswick by the reversing falls, he magnetic hill and the tidal bore. A con- ducted tour of Halifax was a good introduction to the busy city and Peggy's Cove and the Cabot Trail provided scenic splendor. He ferried to Prince Edward Island and found the home of Anne of Green Gables and in Fredericton, New Bruns- wick, he enjoyed Lord Beaver- brook's Art Gallery. Nearer) home,-he toured Quebec City) including the Plains of Abraham and Montmorency Falls. | Mr. and Mrs. Adrie Van Dyk) and their youngest son, Wayne, | of Montreal spent the Thanks-| giving weekend at the home of! [Mrs. Van Dyk's parents, Mr.} jand Mrs. William Ruiter, Divi- sfon street, * [outst A HONEYMOON in Ber- : | muda followed the marriage jformer Miss Sandra Hopkins,} of Barbara Edna Puckrin were Mrs, James Haire, Juliana} and James Donald Sleep in crescent, and her co-hostesses, |-- --e Mrs. Leslie Booth and Mrs.| Doasias Lave, who arranged «| College Hill H & 5 Plans Fall Bazaar Among those who entertained} dd Ail dc de lk ha sha k ° NA eg NNN Rie ash os ie Me possible after the ceremony. soe e WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the cor-pleted form ané a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as You are asked to submit the names Of out-of-town guesis aiiending ine wedding io the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Sleep - Puckrin St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, was the set- ting for the marriage of Bar- bara Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thomas Puck- rin, to James Donald Sleep, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sleep, all of Whitby. 'The Reverend W. J. 8. Mc- Clure officiated and the soloist, Mrs. Jack Randall, Uxbridge, sang "The Wedding Prayer" and 'I'll Walk Beside You," accompanied by Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Whitby. Given in marriage ' by her father, the bride was wearing a formal gown of peau de soie with a sheath skirt and lily-point sleeves. The bodice and skirt were trimmed with French lace and seed pearl appliques and the floor-length train was held at the back waist by two self » bows. Her formalized headdress St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Puckrin and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mr Clarence Sleep, all of Whitby. Alsworth Photography held her elbow-length veil of tulle and she carried a cascade of pink delight roses arid white # feathered carnations. , The maid of honor was Miss |Betty Puckrin, sister of the jbride, and the other brides- jmaids were Miss Linda Sleep \and Miss Sharlene Ridley, with |Miss Susan Mesher as the jun- jior bridesmaid. They. were dressed alike in formal gowns lot turquoise peau de soie, with bodices. of Chantilly lace, French sleeves and semietesn necklines, and carried cascades of shasta chrysanthemums and turquoise carnations. The best man was Mr. Gar- net Reid, Cobourg, and the ush- ers were Mr, Douglas Puckrin, Whitby and Mr. Donald Hen- ning, Bowmanville. ; The reception was held in the church hall, where the bride's mother received, wear- ing a deep blue peau de soie dress with matching jacket, white accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses, The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a mink-colored dress of peau de soie, matching jack- et, brown accessories and a corsage of coral sweetheart roses. As the couple left on a honeymoon to Bermuda, the bride was wearing a jade suit with black accessories and a green cymbidium orchid cor- sage. Mr. and Mrs. Sleep are now making their home at 220 Euclid street, Whitby. HOUSEHOLD HINT Fill an insulated jug with ice water and keep it on a kitchen counter so when the children run in hot and thirsty there'll be no messing around. staff of Cole of California, Can-| ada, Ltd., presented the bride} with an electric floor polisher. | The first meeting of the fall Sixty band members of the|season of College Hill Home Ontario Youth Music Camp atland School Association was in Beaverton have been chosen to|the form of "Curriculum form an all-star band to play|Night". next Sunday in London, On-| Principal Mr. Howard Brown tario, where the Canadian) ' Bandmasters' Association wil poke briefly to the members be holding its annual meeting. |@04 then introduced the teach- Among the sixty will be twoling staff. Mrs. Michael Mayko, Oshawa musicians, Joan and|Mrs, John Frolick, Mrs..C. De-| Gerber MIXED CEREAL Carol Weir, daughters of Mr.| vit) wrs.-S. E. Wills, Miss| and Mrs. .W J. Weir, doris hee Peterson, Mrs. C, Bra- Mrs. regular meeting of the Daugh-|warm welcome was extended. ters of England, Empress of|District Deputy Doreen Ladd, India Lodge, No. 26. ion behalf of the officers and Mrs. Sheridan Johnson,{members, thanked the Grand Chaucer avenue, who received|Lodge visitors for their assis-| the award, a braille writer, was' tance. | born in Fredericton, New Bruns-| An invitation to attend the wick, educated at the Blind In-|75th anniversary of the Queen) stitute of Halifax and moved to/Victoria Lodge at Hamilton was Oshawa this summer. laccepted and plans were made Special guests at the meeting/for a bus to leave Oshawa, No- evening glamor was demon-letary influences smile on ro- strated by the use of postiche.;mance, travel and social ac- The commentator was MYrs.|tivities. The p.m. hours will en- John Harris who introduced) compass a fine period in which Miss Wood's staff. _ |to make plans for the coming The theme ranged from 8ix-\two weeks--especially those of year-olds through the teen-age/ an enterprising nature. years into the career girl era) ~ and the homemaker's world,, FOR THE BIRTHDAY ee with a complete wedding! If tomorrow is your birthday, party. |your horoscope indicates that, to witness the presentation by ee 10. ns Thanks were extended to thelwhile not . ueaedas eer wees, Hikoubure "Mrs Wiliamslfr an Po Pm a, who) this new year in your life will Ss. , Mrs. ' ass ; and Mrs. Kemp. It was an- ssisted in the making of @/bring some progress and that most successful evening. nounced that a penny sale g ld be held Tuesday, Oc- he o. cibak of 'the ph iesis Card Party Treat were served) Doubles As Dessert meeting. Refreshments and a birthday cake was pre- sented to and greetings sung for| Looking for a treat to serve Miss Luckett, one of the special|at your next bridge party? Then guests. The next regular meet-juse Ontario pears which are ing would be held Tuesday, No-|available now and create a vember 2, it was announced, _|light, tasty Pear Roll. PEAR ROLL 14% cups sifted pastry flour. ¥% teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 2. tablespoons butter % teaspoon baking soda tablespoons lard Y% cup sour milk % cup chopped fresh pears crescent. Joan and Carol are members of the O'Neill Col-jcey, Miss Jean Imeson, legiate Band. C. Corden, Mr. Donald Ray, Mr. F. Pieuko and Mr, R. M. Members and guests of Xi Smith |Alpha Sigma Chapter, Beta)' : |Sigma Phi, met at the home of} The president, Mrs. Nicholas Mrs, Percy Bradley, Grass-\Gujenchyn, informed all mem- mere avenue, last evening.| Mrs. Bradley arranged an ex- bers that preparations were be- hibit of Eskimo carvings tojing made for the fall bazaar compliment the program taken|which is to be held on October from the current study book,'93. She asked for co-operation in Tne: Folar Regions. filling the various booths. Mrs. William Dearborn gave) report on the Canada wide) and School Centennial) which - is IMPROVED. Mrs. George Hannaburg, Lon- R don, Ontario, Worthy Grand President, were: the Grand Vice-President, Mrs. Reginald Biggs, Hamilton; Grand Past President, Mrs. William Ander- son, Toronto; Grand Secretary, Miss I. G. Luckett, Weston; Grand Treasurer, Mrs. Norman Purkis, Weston; District Deputy Mrs. Richard Boundy, District Deputy Mrs. William Williams and Worthy President, Mrs. Murray Kemp, all of Toronto. Mrs. Michael Kodoski Heads Mary Street H&S Association Mrs. Richard Donald, execu-| The citizen chairmen, Mrs. D. tive president of Home andjJ. Rawlins, introduced a very Schoo! Council installed the ex-|distinguished panel, Mrs. Bar- ecutives of Mary Street Home|nard Lewis, Children's Aid So- and School Association as fol-|ciety; Sergeant William Tane, lows: Past president, Mrs. Wil-| Oshawa Police Force; Dr. Brian liam Broadbent; president, Mrs.|Doherty, general practitioner; Michael Kadoski; first vice-/Mr. Stanley Richardson, com- |the results you do attain, where |ambitious and worthwhile goals jare concerned, will be of the} enduring kind. In job and finan- cial interests, stars promise some fine advancement and rec-) Qgnition for past efforts be- tween Dec, 21 and Feb 15. Here, however, a word of caution: |Don't "go overboard" in spend- jing and don't attempt to specu- late after that, since you won't have another really good boost along these lines until early April, and then only a brief one, lasting for two weeks. Next sood periods along material lines; June, August and Sep- tember. Domestic and social interests; 4 cup brown sugar will be generou ly governed Y teaspoon ginger during the coming year--if you Sift dry ingredients together.|are careful to avoid the Li- Cut in shortening, and add sour|bran's tendency to. domineer. milk. Mix well. Roll out dough|This will be specially impor- to Y-inch thickness. Mix pears,|tant during 5he early part of} president, Mrs. Angus McMas-|missioner for Boy Scouts; Mr.|S¥8@" and ginger. Spread on|March and early June, when ter; second vice-president, Mrs.|Joseph Victor, Lawyer, with |20Ugh and roll as for jelly roll.}even minor aggravations could Keith Peer; recording secre-|Mr. D. J, Rawlins as moderator.|CUt in %-inch slices, and place|send you flying "off the han- tary, Mrs. Robert Hall; treasur-|These gentlemen gave their|°" buttered baking sheet. Bake dle". Best periods for romance: er, Mrs. Claude Halleran; corre-|views and explanations on citi-|@¢, 400 degrees F for 20 to 25\Late December, next April,| sponding secretary, Mrs. Alanizenship.. The panel answered| ™inutes. May and August. For travel: Barclay; elected chairmen,|questions which the parents| 5% Setving with orange sauce, Early February and the period Mrs. Harold Sleeman, Mrs, D.|found interesting and educa-|Pear Roll can also double .as|hetween May 15 and Sept. 10. J. Rawlins, Mrs. Arthur Kit-|tional. Mrs, William Broadbent | essert. | chen, and Mrs. Roy Anderson; thanked the guests. ORANGE SAUCE H and § council representative,| _p ' ne 1 cup orange juice | Mrs, L. W. Hurren. tate wines. Se la % cup granulated sugar | The new president, Mrs. Mi-\class, and seniors, Mrs. G.|}_ , tablespoon cornstarch | chae] Kadoski, welcomed all) Hester's. 1-16 teaspoon salt parents and teachers to the| Refreshments were served by|, Heat orange juice. Add com- first meeting of the season." |grade mothers Mrs. John Bak-|>ined dry ingredients, stir, and The teachers were.introduced|Ker and Mrs. William Clark, of! cook until thickened. Serves six. | by the new principal, Mr. Ru-|Mr. Harrison's class. i : -- pert Harrison as Mrs. A,.Keys,| The kindergarten tea was kindergarten, Miss Susan Laird,|very successful and it was an Grade 1, Miss M. Purdy Grades|enjoyable afternoon for chil- 1 and 2, Miss Ferne Ledgett;dren, teacher and mothers with Grades 2 and 3, Miss Joyce'the children each receiving a Martyn Grade 3, Mrs. G. Hester little gift. Grade 4, Mr. L. C. Gauer Grade ae 5 and Mr. Harrison Grade 6. SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Trot- ter wish to announce the. forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Beulah Pearl, to Garry Ar-) thur William Parfitt, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Victor Parfitt, all of Oshawa. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, November 13, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in Albert) Street United Church, Oshawa. AT HOME | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, Trull road south, Courtice, will be at home to their friends, re- latives and neighbor: on Satur- day, October 23, 1965 from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th 'wedding .anniver- sary. : The home of Mrs. William Pierson, Eastbourne street, Osh-|a awa was the setting for a work|Home Gen a bee by the committee in charge|Project $ Children's} of the Harmony United Church|Reading" and "The Study of the/ Women's 'Bazaar of the Four|Canadian Indian", Seasons", Mrs. William Pierson,| Two 20-minute periods en- Mrs. Jack MacMillan, Mrs.jabled the parents to go to the Vance Cooper,-Mrs. _Charles|class room of their choice where Twining and Mrs. Alistair Fulton|the teacher outlined the course) form the committee. Mrs. Ful-|of study for the coming year.| ton has been named general} Room prize was won by the chairman of the bazaar. room of Mrs. C. Bracey. 2 ae ORE SS SE "ARTISTIC HAIRSTYLES" Creative Styling 725-7221 73 ial gE. om * & GEE, SARE 'ilte. Ailsa ee, Bom Re BH hens Be od tasting! im: Good nourishment, too--in Gerber Mixed Cereal for your baby. This delectable blend of oats, wheat, corn and barley has added goodness in every serving. Like all the Gerber Cereals, it has added iron to help in blood-building. Calcium and B-vitamins--thiamine (B:), riboflavin (Bz) and niacin--are also added for your baby's benefit. The delicate flavour of Gerber Mixed Cereal was devel- oped for its appeal to babies. Its consistency, too, is especially pleasing to the very young. So easy to mix with milk or formula! Flakes absorb all the liquid in seconds, bringing you @ smooth cereal that keeps its creamy consistency--all through the serving. vei imal City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. GUYS & DOLLS A A bench-warmer coat, with a hood of all-wool navy melton ... cozied up with red pile lining and knitted cuffs. B A mad plaid in red wool slipped over quilted lining . . . hooded for cold weather fun. Sizes 7-14, $15 NOW OPEN @ Finest Furniture © tmported Crystal Chondeliers and Lamps @ Spanish Imports © Top Quality Drapery ond Broodloom @ Complete Decorator rvice TURNBERRY INTERIORS 723-3889 | | 'xr YOUNG AGES... You can see the prettiest and most proctical foshions for boys and girls . infants to size 14. i It's good to know that selection of grains and care in processing are both controlled by Gerber specialists who work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. LULL FASHIONS SINCE 1867 LAY-AWAY for CHRISTMAS EARLY + «+ The Best Costs Less at... . UINIGHAIG OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 'Babies are our business... our only business! _ ee Gerber Baby Foods, NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA '

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