Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 15

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| | | | 7 executive as: follows: honorary \ Mrs, Wilfred Ottenbrite Installed President, St. Christonher's CPTA St. Christopher's CPTA met recently in the school auditor- jum. Mrs. Wilfred Ottenbrite, president, welcomed those present d The Reverend Joseph Bor g, spiritual director, reminded the members that October was the 4 month dedicated to the Rosary 7 and urged family recitation of the Rosary each day for "the family who prays together, stays together." / Father Borg installed the new Ht president, Sister Mary Beatrice; resident, Mrs. Wilfred Otten- rite; vice-president, Mrs. Gor- don Dignem; treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Cotnam; _ secretary, Mrs. Thomas Norton; teacher councillor, Mrs. Daniel Malone membership conveners, Mrs. Samuel Bonk, Mrs. James | Sarnovsky. The president reported on the 2 successful field day held last| yy June and read the correspond-| ence. lclassrooms would be open at Mrs. Ottenbrite announced|7.30 p.m., with the teachers that funds raised last year by|present for the next meeting so RS. WILFRED OTTENBRITE : the unit had been used to re-that they could view their chil-|float would be entered. plenish the stock in the kitchen,/dren's work. BETA SIGMA PHI COUNCIL the Oshawa City Council of Beta |Sigma Phi was held recently at |Robert Jackson on Jasmine cres- cent, iresentatives from all five chap- iters of Beta Sigma Phi in the city of Oshawa. Its purpose is to foster and co-operation throughout the organization. chairlady, the council for a mamouth rum- mage sale to be held on Wed- nesday, November 17. All of the representatives meeting were requested by Mrs. Mathews to secure their vidual chapters approval wholesale participation of the project. parade. The membership agreed that next yeaf if a similar event | should take place, a properjby the president. An invitation) DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. , fall luncheoi &<!d recently. In turn they thanked the sub- conveners and all who had worked to make this such a suc- cessful event. Plans were completed for the Christmas bazaar and tea to be held November 20, in the parish hall. The Boulevard Group was hostess for the social hour which followed the meeting. 25th SCOUT GROUP AUX. The first meeting of the sea- son of the 25th Scout Group Auxiliary opened with the in- stallation of the new officers for the coming year, conducted by. Mrs. Edward-G. Simmons, past president of the District Com- mittee Scout Group Auxiliary, as follows: president, Mrs, Ar- thur Recalla; 1st vice-president, The first monthly meeting of he home of the president, Mrs. The council is made up of rep- greater understanding Mrs. John Mathews, project presented plans to attending the indi- and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 12, 1965 95 A Well - Dressed Woman Always Wears Hat, Gloves By ROBERTA ROESCH your outfit or erage with HF "Ever since I've been looking|are most appropriate. Do avo for a job I've noticed that quite|the casual knitted gloves used a few women, especially|for driving or sports. irls, do not dress wu! While jov-linting make sure ie yond ped and gloves Pr to wear them. They will fail to interviews," writes a reader.|sive your appearance that fin- "Ig it correct to job hunt|ished touch if you clutch them dressed this way? in your palm and let them droop iy _|where: they will. Remember a) oF a a at ~~ they can always be removed 1 inal atta t hia b p when need be. don't know what to wear. Will you please give us the latest information and include your opinion about hats and gloves." In reporting the last word on job-hunting clothes, I'm all for including hats, since one that is flattering and becoming com- pletes the entire outfit. In fact, in these days when women are "hatless" more than they're "hatted'" the well-chosen hat} In addition, to achieve that well - turned - out appearance, choose a good basic dress or suit with clean trim lines to wear to all of your interviews. Wool is most suitable for fall, winter and spring; linen, cotton or synthetics for summer, Plain high - heeled pumps, a smart purse and a minimum of under- stated jewelry and accessories A discussion was held con-\Mts. Perey Bierness; and cerning the council's entry in|Yice-president, Mrs. H.W. Packer; treasurer, Mrs, Eric he past Dominion Day festival Lloyd. The annual report was read jto attend the Regional Con- It was announced that and Mrs. the|ference was accepted by Mrs. | to purchase library books for! the classrooms and to buy treats /o' It was decided that members f the Holy Name Society would next meeting would take place|William G. Grant on Monday evening, November|Atthur Recalla. for field day; that rosaries andjbe asked to put up the schooll; at §:90 p.m. at the home of| holy cards would be purchased/rink. Mrs. Wallis Cain, :346 Elgin for the First Communion Class;/ The president asked for sUug-\ court, that there would be three more gestions for future programs meetings this year tentatively;and for uses in the classrooms! ALBERT STREET H-S An enteresting talk was given by Mrs. Edward G. Simmons, outlining the origination of the Boy Scout uniform and the many uses each part of the uni- form serves in this present day, for example in case of emer gency how the hat can_ hold water to carry. Mrs. D.'M. Campbell thanked Mrs. E. G. Simmons on behalf of the auxiliary. Refreshments were served. 'jolous and not career-minded. will add the finishing touches, Finally, keep your color scheme to two colors so you won't be a walking kaleidoscope when you go through the inter- view door. that you wear to an interview \may be the one accessory that} imakes you stand-out in an in- \terviewer's mind. It indfcates \also that you've taken. care to look your best for an interview. Chocolate Sauce Tops Baked Pears A special occasion calls -for an elegant dessert -- one that any hostess can serve with pride, Home economists at Mac- donald institute, Guelph, sug- gest a recipe for Chocolate Pear Deluxe, which includes . baked Ontario pears combined with coffee ice cream and chocolate sauce. cup granulated sugar cups boiling water tablespoons lemon juice peeled pears tablespoons butter Start heating oven to 350 de- grees F. Simmer sugar, lemon juice, butter, and boiling water for five minutes. Arrange pears in two 1%-quart casseroles, Add syrup. Bake, covered for 55 to 60 minutes or until tender. Add a little vanilla extract if de- sired, At serving time, put a layer of coffee ice cream in a ich Ne ~2> sherbet glass. Top with'a pear and then pour favorite hot chocolate sauce over top. Makes six servings. Select a chic hat as a frame| for your face, but make sure it \complements your dress or suit. |Buy a plain hat with good lines jrather than one bedecked with) |gay trimmings, since too many} |flowers, ribbons and bows will] jgive a prospective employer the \feeling that you are really friv- | For all seasons gloves are a "'must." Here, again, simplicity) is the keynote you should follow. | For spring and summer white) jeotton gloves are a smart ac-) jcent. For fall and winter fabric} lor leather gloves that JUST ARRIVED Colorful tulips, Spring. ULB 4p SELECTION... fragrant hyacinths, dancing daffodils and the many lovely little flowers of the new season grow from bulbs planted in the Fall, They ore the simplest of flowers to grow, easy to care for and inexpensive. All they ask is that you give them a home in the ground through the winter, They will re- ward you with weeks of flowers around your home all through the RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE | FROM HOLLAND .. BEAUTIFUL one of Mayfair's Fa ... BILL BABICK CREATING... you let "Bill'" create a new style for you... Tho Mayfair Salon I! Hair Styles. Why don't | over-dried. The new 1966 New Drymaster Control gives | Clothes - , anew leas = on life! Precision-drying prevents scorching . and over-drying. Fabrics are never cooked, tortured or weakened by heat. 0 Bae on We ve ee ale ie Rael a ee SE ae * sie ee | The new 1966 Inglis Royal Automatic Dryer dries garments faster than ever before, yet with a totally new kind of tender care. "Drymaster" control precision-dries every known kind of fabric for the exact length of time, to produce the exact degree of dryness you want. This extra-special Inglis drying care helps clothes to last longer, look nicer. You set the dial, but "Drymaster" works out its own dryings run, then shuts off the machine when clothes are as dry as you want them to be. Fabric fibres are never scorched or Inglis Royal Automatic Dryer also has 2 speeds! Normal speed for regular drying action. Rinse andi, the set for December, February andjof monies raised by the CPTA.| Albert Street Home and May: that family donations) Sister Mary Beatrice, princi-| School Association held its first! would be gratefully received|pal, introduced the members Of| meeting of the new season on and that special envelopes for|the tine and wished them 4! Monday. this pu e would be sent out./successful year. eo ' ' Mrs. "Ottenbrite thanked Mrs.| Sister Mary Irene won the omen eee as ae pr Bonk for her gift of a linen|Junior class count and the Sen-|ri4y.. I ait peauident eit table cloth and tea towels. jior. class count was won by Lloyd Harlow: president Mrs Parents were informed that: Mrs. Lorena Malone, _ | Hayden Kemp; Ist vice-presi- jdent, Mrs. Albert Thompson; | as S t H / 2nd _ vice-president, Mrs. Henry e ome wee ome Lee; récording secretary, Mrs. : Douglas Keeler; treasurer, Mrs. * Murray Hainer; eorresponding -- VINnUS orous ors secretary, Mrs. Walter Crystal and chairman of the social com- By ELEANOR ROSS jsolve to banish all unwelcome |mittee, Mrs. Lloyd Edwards. You don't have to be a pri-jodors and then see that they|Other executive members are vate eye to know when there's|never again reek in the kitchen. |Mrs. Ernie Hamilton and Mrs. something in the house that) This goal is easily accom- | elen Price. isn't as sweet-smelling as it) plished if you have a supply of| Mrs. Lloyd Harlow was pre- might be. You can be a "'pri-good old faithful baking soda |Sented with her past president's | vate nose." on hand, for among its stellar |Pin by Mrs. Hayden Kemp. Mr. | A sharp nose and a good qualities is its ability to rout | Julius Zilinsky, school principal, | sniff lead you right to the/odors and keep them: at bay. | introduced the teaching staff. offending spot. A solution of three tablespoon-| Refreshments were served by The kitchen is generally more|fuls of bicarb to a quart of|members of the executive. susceptible to odors than any|warm water is a good basic| ® saad y other room in the house, so it/solution for general odor-oust-| ST. GEORGE S should, be given regular sniff|ing. ae nooo GUILD inspections. e regular meeting of the| Check the refrigerator and seed SODA a Women's Guild of St. George's freezer. Both are quick to ab-|_ Draw up a soda-sweetening |Memorial Church was held re- sorb. odors from anything (uation Sponge down the in-|cently at Cowan House. The has been stored uncovered or| terior of the refrigerator and/president, Mrs, L. F. N. Hind, | - Il its trappings, the bread box/expressed her thank: Mrs. | unwrapped. a ippin C pre er anks to Mrs. _. |and cookie jar with the' soda!F. C. Mustiness is apt to creep into solution at. least once the bread box and cookie jar, week, especially in damp weather. A! pour it into the vacuum bot-| mildewy odor will come fromitie and let it sit for a while a youngster's lunchbox vacuum|after every use. bottle if it has been stored,/jeave open. corked, for any length of time. Dade the solutl inte A stale aroma will greet you! +. ey , pis va when you lift the lid of ee ee ee ee ee neglected coffee maker or tea-| If the coffee maker is made | pot. jof pyrex or of stainless steel, | frp gees beg gee ee s se. 'y actually) 7 ES affect. the flavor of the foods|Minum, don't. Boiling can cause with which they come in con-| discoloration. tact. | Stubborn spots, such as hard-/| jened spills in the refrigerator, | can also be safely removed | RESOLVE NOW So this fall, when doing your postsummer cjeaning, adopt a Home Sweet Home policy. Re- without fear of, scratching by applying the soda dry with a damp sponge. STARTS THU FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the letest Shodes end Fabrics... see... Mé&C BRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 74 Celina Street TMK 7 | oo Come in and see these new arrivals... see the new shopes . designed te your Fall » new styles... compliment wardrobe, 4.95 to -55-00 100% "---- For Fashion Accessories... Visit 20 Simeoe North JEWELLERS 9 p.m. Frideve SHOPPING CENTRE Reg. 19.99 RS., OCT. 14 Help Yourself To A Big Slice Of Savings HUNDREDS OF FABULOUS BUYS SOME QUANTITIES LIMITED--SO.HURRY-- BEAT THE CROWD AND SHOP EARLY! ZELLER'S ANNIVERSARY SALE Watch For Our 12 Page Anniversary » Sita tease FOR YOUR HERE ARE BUT A FEW ga OF OUR #. EXCITING SAVINGS HUNDREDS MORE SAVE UP TO 41.00 ON LADIES' AND MISSES' LAVI COATS 38.00 SH FUR-TRIMMED Reg. 79.00 , SAVE 4.11 ON MEN'S POPULAR DUFFLE COATS WOOL MELTON CLOTH 15.88 First Quality Seamless Microm SIMCOE ST. S, | In Your Mail Soon ! SAVE ON EVERYTHING For Your Home! BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE BUY NYLONS 6 pair 1.88 Pipher and Mrs. Donald pest ii i pi one | 728-0662 27 Celina St. every| Fox who were conveners of the! | - | OSHAWA DOWNTOWN | Sale Circular FAMILY... i) | | Low speed for delicate fabrics, New Push-Button Fabric Selector Touch a button to select the exact fabric drying temperature you need : heavy, regular, wash'n'wear, delicate or air-fluff, Fabric Selector works in conjunction with "Drymaster" control to give you foolproof, precision-drying, for every known fabric from hard-working corduroy te gossamer chiffon. See the matching 1966 Inglis Royal Automatic : Washer! : tics automatically, clinically- clean, Inglis clean every time. - Ask any. /nglis family how they like their Inglis i See the full line of Inglis appliances : at your dealer's now. ; iste nhans aceon ee ene a esh Nylons | | | | H 1 | KING STREET EAST BAD BOY APPLIANCES (HEATHER HILL) ° "We UNDER SELL Those Who Won't Be UNDER SOLD" . \ 728-4658 CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD "First With All That's New" 80 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA * +

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