Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Oct 1965, p. 26

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¥ a ¥ et 'wie sae TMA > Re Om< goer axnen iclssioncn plane a eae aaa iorm2zo0 a a shades 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 9, 1965 27--Rooms for Rent ip yo tod pi eg a PL sya yep ay. '30-----Automobliles For Sale/$4--Compoct Cars for Sale 38--Coming Events IN MEMORIAM | 20A--Summer 'Properties 23--Real Estate Wanted For Sale or Rent WE SEN NEES Qcen wit - "$50. DOWN, $48 MONTHLY NEED YOUR PAYMENTS START APRIL, 1966 @ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LISTING | LOT 75' x 200' surveyed with ae fomily-sized cottage, 3. bed- Buyers Waiting rooms, erected, $2,995. cosh CALL or Budget Plan. $50. down, . $48. monthly, para stort J.B. April, , Limited num- ber. Year round activities. . + Good roads, open year round. McMULLAN Hydro, telephone, swimming, Real Estate Broker fer tegine, rantings «= | 668-6901 or = ing, boating, hunting, ete. Winter Ski-tow nearby. PAOY Fol, Winer, Serna, 725-355] and Summer. This property selling rapidly, Be Ven Went it PONURDER NOW! | SOLD... MEET at Fowler's Corners, or just listed ? | junction Highways 7 ond 7B Business is good. We are just | _ on the Peterboro to 'Lindsoy about out of listings. If you | Highway each day this week- have a home to sell in Osh- end at | p.m. and 3 p.m, No owa, Whitby, Ajox or Pick- oppointment necessary. erin 9. Ph, ho PLEASE CALL an be seen Mo y throug Friday, di ing, ny era GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. PITTS 723-4645 PHONE, 112-372-9494 $4533 555 55535 HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG __ ONT. > OAK HILLS SEVEN LOTS OVERLOOKING DON. STRADESKI S REALTOR s RICE LAKE is 63 lag : peTRGRIE Ce HOME SITES! wilh ke Diet Sh idl These lots ore located in a OLDER prestige area less than 40 miles from Oshawo. We ore HOMES encouraging the sale of these lots for the erection of per- NEEDED | manent homes priced from $20,000. to $40,000. Call: Bill Johnston > | NEED HELP ! 4 bedroom homes, in Osh- awa and vicinity, and need immediate listing help. If you are considering selling S S Si Have clients for 2; 3 and. S$ S > S AANANHNUNANDNANNNNH Yours' may be the one. S wun These lots feature waterfront park land for swimming and boating, ond plans ere well 728-1066 edvanced for the construction é of en 18 hole golf course on _ Schofield-Aker Ltd. the property. | Representative on site the WANTED week-end. DIRECTIONS ---- 401 to Port Older 2 storey home in town Hope, 814 miles north on 28 highway to the South Shore ., : Road, east 14 miles to OAK ~ miles of Oshawa, Cal! --_ KEITH PETERS 725-3568 REALTY LTD. also small home within 7 ---- $$ 728-7328 . 21--Farms for Sale ie | SARGAIN -- small form, nearly new OLDER HOMES house, barn, creek, good land. Make otter, John Kuipers 723-4590. Keith REQUIRED Realty Limited. i 4 $1X-ROOM house ce. Six ecres young pear Da gk starting into 0 production, Just No. 115 near New- REALTY LTD. castle; 20 minutes from General Motors. Asking $16,500 with $3,000. down; balance 728-5157 one mortgage. McGill Real Estate Brok-) 00 Eis itahiien oe Re er, 778-4285. | ENNISKILLEN -- Farm tor 1) toca 4 acres. Good bulldings, house, pase | Listin S Invited ture supplied by springs. 90 acres good) crop Telephone 728-6456. 160 ACRE highway farm, will consider / three-bedroom home in Whitby as_ part | payment. Contact Hervey Hogan, Brook lin, 655-3663 D. W. McQuay Realtor 22--Lots tor Sale REAL ESTATE LTD. SERVICED semitom ready to go, 20) 728-7576 doubles, $7,000 per lot, active Bay Ridges a, with Oshawa and Toronto cilentele i Mr. Wilks, 942-2611. PMA Realty STOP THINK 1 ina ERR ; For fost ection, list all pro TEACRE LOTS--Level, good garden sol! perties with ; Only 10 minutes from General Motors a CLOSMAWA REALTY 30 ACRES paved road frontage, flowing ah See , apring. $330 per acre. John Kuipers 723 BOND §T.) LIMITED 4590, Keith Peters Realty Limited 25 Bond West 728-9466 APARTMENT SITE, Park Road North, 92 urRGENTLY NEEDED -- genuine cash x 140, eleven suites, Earle Allen 725-7782. nive. equires two or three-bedroom Keith Peters Realty imited. jhome on outskirts of city. Contact Jim hood-BrothersLotd.,.728-5123 SERVICED semis and single lots, ready.) op fia to Ge, in Oshawa. Terms. Call Clare Mc u Cullaugh, 723-7843. W. Frank Real Estate| WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Four - bed a room bungalow with finished recreation TWO CHOICE building lots, centrally lo room, in College Hill area or near Elm cated. Close to shopping, schools, US. grove Street. Call Oshawa Realty 728-9466 30 x 150'. Services. available. Asking ask for Jack Zurba £4,500 each. W. ©. Martin, Realtor 728 5103, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage : 23--Real Estate Wanted BE READY | OFFICE SPACE FOR spRING | AVAILABLE newest 171 your In Times Building Building Lot Now! e Choice level lots | 100' x 150' | contact: - 4 miles East of Bowmanville, | Fo crak as ee T. L. WILSON | from G.M t AL THE FIMES EXSELLENT TERMS OF eR OG OFFICE for rent, 460 sq. ft. of prestige office pace Centr Idea for doctor $ l 50 down accountant etc. Apply PO Box 772, Osh awa, Or ond $48 80 for 36 months STORE, witabie tor ottice, any tyne but ral Incation Simcoe South *s C Gl it Reasonab rent 728-19 INAC STORE for rent 22' x Y4'. Central --- Johr REAL ESTATE BROKER SI at Simcoe South, Telephone 725-9544. PARKING available, downtown. Tele 728-4285 phone 725-8902 25--Houses for Rent WINTERIZED COTTAGE on Stone Street for rent to June 2, Fully furnished and couple with one child, $110 monthly. Must have good references. Call Steve Englert HOMES IN at Guide Realty Limited, 723-528 THREE bedroom bungalow with recrea: tio roorr Ge ntial area, Suitable WH ITBY AREA for b eS and family $145 monthly available C 6 References Write WE. HAVE CASH ego tacd \ . nal 11-ROOM house, two bathrooms, nine BUYERS FOR WHITBY miles east of Oshawa. 25 per month PROPERTIES, BUT WE Available November 15, Telephone 263 736) ARE "SOLD OUT" Call Listing Dept. -at SIX-ROOM farm house available imme diately. Mogfern. bath, kitchen, oll heat Scugoq Island, Port Perry, 985-749 728-5 ] 57 MODERN three-bedroom bungalow. Re frigerator and range. Available Novem $125 monthly. Tele A Photo M.L.S. Office MODERN, two-bedroom bungalow, paved 4 ve, garage. Completely. furnished. . Ref nces required. Telephone 728-4797. . . ie |TO RENT -- sub-let. two-bedroom house December $95. monthly. Pickering. {Dunbarton 839-2379 REALTY LIMITED EXECUTIVE HOUSE FOR RENT -- 8 _ room home at 142 Simcoe Street North. $175. & month. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd 178-7876 NEEDED Immediately! Three bedroom heme in the Oshawa area. C t ha £1,800 down and would jike po within 20 days. Please eal! Griffin Gerate Ltd, 770-4648, [LM 728-7576, ' asion| COLUMBUS -- Sroom house for rent TWO-BEDROOM house on large fenced lot in Whitby. Garage. $110 monthly. New oll furnace, large basement, 725-6797, $115 MONTHLY, seven-room home, resi- dential, hardwood floors throughout, oll heat. Close to town and. hospital. able Immediately. Telephone 725-3093, Furnished room, sult- ge! ample parking. Telephone 623-2361. keeping in home. . Central, Sult gentleman. 723-9225. Avail- 26--Apartment For Rent MALA GLEN COURT Located 3 minutes from Gen- ZLEAN sinale housekeeping room. South GOLF STREET -- Two furnished light housekeeping rooms on third floor, Lady eral Motors plant. RESERVE NOW AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT * 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms * 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and 3 bedroom. suites) Eleyators Balconies Intercom System FM Music Broadioom Halls 728-9468 or 728-9466 Model suite now open for your inspection, Rental Representative on duty from | p.m, 'til 9 p.m, daily. OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. After Hours Call 723-6299) ~ Se VICTORIA MANOR 1724 Dufferin St.. Whitby 2 blocks below 401 Highwoy Now Renting 2 Bedroom Apartments. Everything included Rental on location, Sunday, Oct. 10; 11,12, 13 $99 MONTHLY. Ground floor, large three- desired room apartment, built-in cupboards, stove |S please give me o call S| and refrigerator. Heat included. Close to town and. hospital. Suitable for widow or quiet adults. Telephone 725-3093 $5 SINGLE, $7 aounle, daily, spec. weekly rates, Small apartments available. Board optional, Hollywood Motel and Restaur ant, Whitby 668-2067 LARGE modern apartment, near schools and shopping. ' Two children welcome Telephone Ajax 942-0130. TWO-BEDROOM apartments. Refrigera tor and stove, drapes, Intercom, FM music, controlled entrance and washing facilities. Adults only. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, Apt, 104, or telephone 728-9094 TWO ROOM furnished apartment. Private entrance, Adults only. Abstainers. After 5 apply 286 Drew Street or telephone 723- 3914. GIRL with nicely furnished apartment in apartment building wishes to share with another working girl. Laundry facilities Wilson-Olive area, $40 monthly. 723-9991 after 5. ONE- and two - bedroom apartments in modern building, Rent Includes stove, fridge., heat, water, drapes, elevator ser .|vice, paved parking. Adults preferred Telephone 723-4368 or apply Supt., 32! Marland Avenue. NEW MODERN one-bedroom apartment fully equipped, all conveniences, centrally located. Available on Noy, |. 330 Gibb Street ONE-BEDROOM apartment in modern apartment building, 787 King Street East. srivate entrance, adults only, 723-7011 or 725-1551 for appointment CENTRALLY Jocated four-room, clean jfurnished apartment, new continental leds. Suit three, four working, responsible FOR BROCHURE |gentiemen. Parking, utilities, 133 Oshawa Boulevard South. WHITBY -- Three room "apartment "in apartment. building. Sultable for quiet adults only. Available November |. Tele Phone 668-3591. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, un furnished, private bath, private entrance, heat and hydro. $75 monthly. Telephone 723-1638. FOUR-ROOM self-confained apartment, tiled kitchen and bath, no smoking. Adults only. After § telephone 723-9738 FIVE-ROOM apartment, all conveni ences. Garage. Separate entrance. Close to schools and church; 15 minutes from Oshawa. Available now. Hampton 263-2394 NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE, two-bed room apartment? working couple only refrigerator and stove, $105 monthly. Ap ply 230 Buena Vista, Apartment | BACHELOR apartment in the Windsor Plaza, $100 month includes light, heat hot and cold water, refrigerator and stove Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 TWO ROOMS with kitchenette, stove. and refrigerator, in private home, laundry and parking. Suitable for couple. Avail able now. Apply 347 LaSalle Avenue SIMCOE north 'at Arlington, four fur nished rooms, two bedrooms, near hos pital, schools, bus. Private bath. Ab- stalners, Adults. Parking. Television out et. Diat 723-3597. BAY RIDGES -- Furnished apartment Reasonable, In private home, Telephone Bay Ridges 839-3393 MARY STREET, 53) Completely fur nished, two-room. apartment, all conven: ences, Abstainer. No children, Gentlema preferred, References, Parking facilities 725-569 THREE - ROOM apariment, heated adults please. Appiy 1389 King Street East. Telephone 725-1709 YOUNG GIRL to. share two-hedroom apartment, in apartment. building, '$55. anthiy, Telephone 723-6895 Suitable for five y are. Telephone 725-9320 THREE-ROOM apartment on ground floor Apply 15 Falrbanks Ave. KING STREET, Newcastle, downstairs apartment. Large kitchen, new cupboards large livingroom, two bedrooms, bath room, garden, Phone Newcastle 9874232 PRINCE ALBERT, two-pedroom, self contained apartment. Immediate posses $ to schools One child welcome. ( Telephone Port Perry, 985 TEACHER or banker to share modern furnished bachelor apartment, north Osh awa, all facilities. Telephone 723-2265, ex tension 32 THREE-ROOM apartment, quiet, private entrance, parking. Apply 84 Westmount BASEMENT apartment, one. bedroom iving room, kitchen, bath, One child wel Telephone after 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Ava Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | able in private home, }DEAN AVENUE, Furnished room, clean and quiet. Lady preferred, $8 weekly Telephone 728-4597 FWO furnished rooms, use of kitchen and living room. Suit couple, Telephone Whit by 668-6236 ONE or two girls to share bedroom single beds. Five-day week. $15 weekly Blair Park Plaza area, Whitby 668-6616 » HOUSEKEEPING room gentleman. Apply 200 King 5804 telephone TWO furnished bedrooms, suitable for gentlemen; also furnished double room, twin beds, suitable for two girls. North jwest district. Telephone 228-1832 LARGE furnished bedroom in auiét home. Parking facilities. Suit business gentle man. Apply 574 Crerar Avenue FURNISHED ngle roorr suitable to ady or gentleman. Apply 119 Brock! Ne Street East ONE furnished bedroom in private home. and North General Motors. T 72-264, caled. Apply 231 Centre Street jONE furnished' room, 55 Celina Str rel, Real | Call Tony Zakarow at Sibby's Real ole for gentleman, Telephone el preferred. Aiso garage for rent. Centrally Tel |ELEAN Tcomfortable and warm | room, u y, reasonable, very central. Tele- 25-9820, ROOM for rent for gentleman with ing space, 109 Park Road South. 2? LARGE "furnished room, iady preferred, ROOM FOR RENT, sullable for two separate beds, Central, Tele- 2091 'Ywo single beds, suit land downiown, Apply 257 Adelaide Ave- CHURCH STREET -- Large furnished bedroom suitable for lady or gentleman Zoltan, Nick and ' Dan's WOODVIEW.. COMMUNITY. MORE CASH SW COM \Centrally located. Phone 725-7073 after {5 p.m : |TWO FURNISHED rooms, near Shop- jping Centre, clean home, Apply 86 Cabot |ROOM FOR RENT -- Whitby, furnished) "Across from Royal Hotel \light housekeeping room for rent with Vv.) = Private entrance, Phone 668-2332 or apply Whitby 668-3331 | 542 Mary Street East. . a LARGE housekeeping room, suitable for|Qver 60 cars to choose fromm. NO GOW? | nn Parking, Also furnished|paymentsi Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-|LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want |single room. Telephone 723-1832. TWO FURNISHED rooms, kitchen nd 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible,|~ vate entrance, on bus route. One person|61 CORVAIR four-door (Robin Egg Blue) | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars arate entrance, .Close to hospital 9 '§6 PONTIAC two-door hardiop, 6 auto-|phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols | With which we'll never part | to matic, perfect body and trim. Licence getieh | AUDITORIUM Ged: has, het. nis Reeote so gat Thelen each an | 4 for two willing to share, use of kitchen if 28--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, to > junches packed, cix-day week, cen- Telephone 725-9843, 55 Brock East. SINGLE ROOMS and board yapply at 15 King Street West Apply 25 standard, 19,400 miles. In excellent con: gentiemen | "Se as err "a shift workers welcome. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard Shopping Centre area located to north GM plant and downtown. ROOM AND BOARD for Five-day week, $18. Phone 728-575) ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen best offer. Telephone Dunbarton 839-2862 DATED at Oshawa this 7th Parking 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, runs good,| day of October, A.D. 1965. s. Shift workers welcome. Call needs | some body work, $185. Brooklin WILLIAM FROLICK and ROOM and board, five-day week, Lunches |j9sg PONTIAC convertible, power sfeer-| For TWO gentiemen Lunches Tele- phone 668-3231 Whitby ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, close 1545 ¢575. Both cars clean and good running » COLBORNE EAST: Rooms for gentle 1954 PONTIAC Licence H24729, two-door AUCTION SALE sedan. Full price at $145. Cash, trade or Close to north General tral to downtown. Apply above address Pasa rooms to share, eer 1964 CHEVROLET six, avlomatlc, while. The ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, pri- |i ; stoc vate rooms, five-day week. 64 IMPALA Super Sport 327, 250 HP, 4 the farm sto k and 29--Wanted to Rent 0 rent small house or apartment in Whit Box 381, Whitby, Ontario WANTED, apartment where woman could look after two pre- $650. Telephone 723-4 school children while mother works . brad ent three or four bedroom house. JATTRACTIVELY furnished apartment self-contained with furnished rec-room na men, willing to CONVERTIBLE (Eldorado) Cadillac, 'S5,/Shadelite glass, power steering and reasonable 6 668-8574 Auctioneer 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, hardtop, V-8 6 p.m, Whitby * '62 BUICK sedan, automatic, power steer continental kit Oshawa 1958 DODGE station wagon, ® cylinder, | 334 RITSON RD, 5S, avlomatic, $295. Fair condition Telephone 723-3461 1964 F85 OLDS., four-speed, radio, extras 385 Hume 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air hardtop, auto-|Laurentian, V-8, four-door, low mileage, | matic, 6 cylinder, radio, speaker, A-| con radio, whitewalls, one owner, under war- hardtop, |1961 MORRIS MINOR 1,000 conve , suitable for one Street West o miles, radio, automatic, washers, white 1958 VOLKSWAGEN radio has excelient| 1959 FORD convertible and 58 Oldsmo! : | hardtop, Best cash offer. Phone|1965 CORVAIR, four-door hardtop, two-| 20 Games $8 eS ¥ 60 PONTIAC Parisienne V8 debt a " . ; aA How mileage king 300 or best offer ¢ Dance | - 5 J | Lengel Mus vel 7207850" Y <= $180 Jackpot to go (FUNERAL CHAPEL). tononto (ch) ----8 pales Oy oe William McKewon, 6568./1963 VOLKSWAGEN delivery van, good five minutes walk to bus. Gentleman pre- ferred, Parking space. Telephone 728-8766 , ELGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Furnished room for gentleman. Close to downtown lephone (5? CHEVROLET Biscayne Coach, , ROOM for rent, sult two gentler will ing to share. Single beds. CentPBly | Your Authorized Datsun OWN -- In loving memory of @ Paid for Good clean: cars, and Fiat Dealer dear husband, Howard Brown, who pass- i @d sway October 10, 1963, Trade up or down, Liens paid. Specializing in Volkswagen B | N G 0 Wher seu | st ' clasp his hand, DODD MOTOR SALES Repair and Service, To! hear his" woie "oe Wi smile oe eee 728-0051 IMON., OCT. lithier. Sacer eer in VOLKSWA an a deluxe, biac.| : ae = radio, seat. belt, res, One owner,| --Admision Ticket Gives You me RIE ig" Petacchi heaves BUYING OR SELLING In @ ent condition, $800 or best offer Fra phones On. 0 Phot fate oti gtiomard Brown: who passed = Sener Py arr ero T Pe 'We lost a dad with a hea' --' gold, TED CAMPIN pee poy gles TR Ble I od -- $250 Jackpot Nos, Who as mare Yo ie then Wealth creda, Meas Seererreetinnpnnanirenermenendeart untold; MOTORS 1964 VOLKSWAGEN bus, A-1_condilic 52 and 55 Without farewell he fell. asieep. $1,795. Telephone 7-200. Jackpot Pays Double in 52 With happy memories for us to keep, 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA |i963 MORRIS 1100, very good conditic Nos. or less aver comecroares Usa Vielen, Kass Just East of Wilson Road -- |radlo, Best cash offer, Private sale. Tele $50. Consolotion and Earl and granddaughters, 723-4494 Res, 725-5574. [P00 ' eaaomeromneremoumem | CT Ka -- $150 Jackpot |,.5Rtr Vil "Aa Soper. sstea| oat tate cosets te Mt: ov bt ON $20 @ line fies Y ' ahs KELLEY DISNEY 2% TON Maple Leaf truck, stake body In $50 full card wh acon: div te edge of grief | USED CAR LOT good condition throughout. $650. Phone But memory turns back every leaf, 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST (728210 20 Games at $20 --Sadly missed by the family. SOCIAL WORKER WHITBY: -- 668-5891 1962 GMC veton pickup truck, 24,000, 5 Special Games at $30 GILBEY -- In lov! " meee , Cars bought and sold va a4, Bently Avene or TENE P dear father pa *\grondtetner,. Aitred | Stewart A. Sutton, 56, a: - Leins paid off i964" SCOUT International, posiiraction oe Pe 4 bey, dounie v Tia and trother and Srateiibers Antis| distinguished Cana '50° Trade up or down [front and rear, fedior warn hubs, excel! ; $100 60 Deck hie McSweeney, who passed away November cial worker with a back © & __Always top quality. ia eeeep al ehh . Early Bird G t 7:45 ' eters I rest, grant unto them, O Lord, ground in international s0- ALL CASH cack Wolk | a he y'"perpelval "ligh! shine upon) cial work, has been appoints 33---Automobiles Wante Admision $1.00 Lovingly remembered by daughter Mar-| ed first secreta of For clean cars or trucks, We Extra Buses. garet and family. | the Vanier Insti the " deal up or down. Liens paid. CARS WANTED > HESS ---In loving memory of @ Pe Family. He takes up his | INICOL: ae Buying a New Car? RED BARN father and grandfather Lyman Hess who| post Jan. 1, (CP) | S MOTORS LIMITED) Sell : "Ted! passed away October 9, 1964. | nn eaeaegenteeeeeeeemeeee ant 146 BROCK ST.NORTH | "SL, 7°UTUE Or lew NORTH OSHAWA | While you dear father, rest in sleep--! ay, well | Cor Dealer ond 'Save* Children under 16 jot ad : C a FOOTBALL STANDING P LIENS PAID OFFI | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | and Darlene. | By THE CANADIAN PRESS © is Some | iaone mae menckaes wmi| . MONDAY Ms, atnainne ermaci! tear] Pat Arosnan and Tipes Soe 8:00 P.M, | Hess who passed away October sth,' 1964-10 oth of Toronto Argonauts, is may think we have forgotten! moved up in the Eastern Foot- . When at times they see a smile " i But they little know the heartache {ball Conference scoring race 7375. cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. 100 Wentworth East, 725-1181; Bedroom, suitable for working couple or|348 cy, In, motor, standard floor shift, (OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars! 3 ed th needs top, very reasonable, Telephone|for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. i B | N | Our smiles hide all the time. g r eracked the bedroom and kitchen, 723-5742 1175 Nelson Street, Telephone 725-2162 --Wife Vera and Family. he ec ne Argos, aroppell a automatic transmission, excellent body|bought, parts for se ron and metals ; Bi idsdupneck feng 8 evn, Li dibad of s 27-26 decision to Calgary Stam- and 'mechanical condition, Terms. Lic.|bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311, | ST GERTRU DE S arrcal naa Gehbver i Me wne'neders Friday night in an inter- 126108. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568.'wawTeD --- Cars for werecking. Tele $ Her memory Is a keepsake - locking Canadian Footba H48480. Nothing down, monthly payments. | H H | We have her in our hearts, Brosnan e _-- Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 34-- Automobile Repa we 690 King St, East ot Farewell |--Lovingly remembered by her family. counted a touchdown to remain ish BUICK Le Sabre, convertible. Fully|OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex | ' : h powered. 18,000 miles, executive driven,|pert carburetor and auto electric service KILGOUR -- 10. leving memory, of 8 dear tied with 24 points --, -- Nipigon|Licence 767428. Gus Brown Motors Lid,,|222 King Street West, 728-0817 ee FREE i ding Ml vie filo arclay Kilanur jumped into a deadloc' 725-65 TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis-| We treasure still with love sincere sixth place with Jim Dillard of 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne custom sport|sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe ADMISSION | Beautiful: memories of one so dear. (Ottawa Rough Riders, who also converitble,. power brakes, power steering,|North, Phone /28-7339 | radio with reverberator, white walls etc see ist | od | $3250, Telephone 723-9721 after 5 p.m, or hd a a lic: SAC alIey tO nes ieee FREE KILGOUR -- Oin loving memory of a | Parker kicked three converts , y en} father and grandfather, Barclay K | i r 1963 CHEVROLET station wa 74, Bsa' Riteon South. One Ie es] y who passed sway October 10,1940 ee and added a field goal to bring ion wagon, V-8, itson South. 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 Always remembered by Rebecca and his total in 11 schedule games Frank, Mariene and Ralph to 20 points good enough for ' i | 2 i SNOWBALL--$130, in 56 Nos. | Logan -- in loving memory of my|10th place behind Joe Zuger of Plus $10 each horizontal line. | dear husband John Logan who passed aw) Hamilton Tiger-Cats who has |---Always remembered by the family, 8 'Pegi |has 24° points, jdition, Telephone 725-8416. 36--Legal top, low mileage, V-8 automatic. Notice 8 PM, : : seu Robinson and Lovell Coleman Everlasting Memorialization took, over the top two spots 'in | \ | Sunnyside Clubhouse | _, is almost possible with the |the Western Football Confer- | . MICHEAL FEROZAR, | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER lence scoring race Friday as no extras to buy, New whitewall tires NOTICE 1©) | | Ocieber % 1964, 193. points radio, front. and back speaker, r| ! You were always too impatient \4 5. brakes, power steering, tinted | pate ag tag Through the years you struggled on | TDC FG 8S Pts lor gentieman, will- up ights, railer itch, window | " ' « nm ose ands at rest orever peep udetiar ted By te da murah: oe will tke pie car in | ° me ope | Mode the iene that now Is psd |Racine, 0 024 9 5 56 trade. Phone 728-4733, CREDITORS | SHARE. THE WEALTH |--Always remembered by wife Gertrude| Lockett, M 800 0 #8 ROOMS AND BOARD for gentlemen, bdrlad CAR PARTS, spindies to "make | band Wak ae son Jack, Suther, H 0 12 i 2 47 t desired, very centrally |tralers, also used tires, $09 Bloor Street! Al) persons having claims 000 Forking | MeMURTRY -- in loving memory of| Watkins, O 700 0 4 I it ( i ' ~ | nst the Estate of WIL- our dear mother and grandmother, Lilaig (a el ee TPA SHEWCHUK, 'ate of es me eee ee, Sa ee wey Ohard, 0 ' } } : FH : , UK, 'a of . ict. 11, 1962 | rd, ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Tele-|i9gq LAURENTIAN Pontiac fourdoor,| the Villoge of Columbus, in No Children Please. What would | give to clasp her hand; Thilen, T 400 0 2% : s V-8, automatic, spower steering, tinted) the County of Ontario, Gen- | _ Re i TE EN sl. Te pede hue aelee ant woe perenne IBRDEDAD, 1 400 0 24 WARM basement room, twin beds, suit-|windshield, color fawn, Excellent condi tleman, deceased, who died | |. That meant so much to sah eA H 2001 28 able for two men willing to share, Packed |tion. Priced for quick sale. 725-7836. Le ae alae thie BEL GBVS OE SQUARE DANCERS _ |=S#dly missed and lovingly ' emembered| ous e, Whitby, telephone 1944 PARISIENNE convertible, V-8, auto-| Anyi] 1965, are hereby Loe by davonter Risanore aonaniaw -cherie| Parkers, © 017 1 0 20 matic, yellow with white top, power! Pp 700, Ore y and grandchildren, Janie, Gall and yS21 lydbyl octiv gentlemen. steering, extras, $2,600, Low mileage ified to send full particulars A square dence group i | Danny. Telephone 725-7538 | to the undersigned on or : | i f 3 | a Eastern Conference ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, close 1959 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. Six cylinder before the 30th day of Oct- being organized under the Pathe ui tarnen Hee id i ' "ers | Hamilton 6 4 0195 100 12 Shift. workers welcome. |Standard shift. $195.00 Call 668-4224 after * 1068 at hich. do | [we » Harry Rigg, who é ober, 1965, after which acte passed away October 11, 1955. " 6 0 219 162 12 . oN the state will be. distnbuted | direction of Jim Morrison. Procinin for aver are' tambien af aug | Cre 4 ROOM and board for young lady. Own|1964 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible) 4), seaard only to cloims of | Today, tomorrow and all life through |Montreal 4 6 0123 141 8 power equipped, VB automatic, After 6. Wi'! 4 +4 | Just as you were you will always be, evenings telephone 725-1850 which the undersigned shall | TUES OCT: 12th Treasured for ever in our memories Toronto 110 0 131 289 8 1959 FORO four-door standard $275 or| then have had notice < ; jean Sve Ee Oe fomily.) Cal St ders' Larry | | Calgary Stampeders Ing. In excellent conditi ith Executors, by their Solicitors, : | 4 4 Me otto eae | -MANNING F. SWARTZ, end | Anyone interested invited te | thot we peer » install; --_|the Stampeders pes Bob 1964 BUICK LeSabre, power steering,| RONALD L. SWARTZ, | attend Argonauts 27-26 in a ey pt power brakes, whitéwall tires, radio, sad 262 King Street East, | MOUNT. LAWN Football League interlocking die tan, Will guarantee, Whitby 668-3822.! O.awa. Ontario lgame in Toronto, '0 CHEVROLET -- Standard 6, sedan $750; Also '58 Chevrolet Impaia V-8 auto- i | matic,. powér steering, brakes; radto 37 Auctions MEMORIAL PA 5 B | N G @} se ger - | Robinson, who had been tied in first place with Peter Kempf lof British Columbia Lions, KINSMEN CENTRE 'scored two field goals and three TUESDAY 7:45 leonverts to take top spot in the terms at Nicols- Motors Ltd, Whitby | bey a oo. 'CARD OF THANKS |r2°° with 66 points. Fullback | | | | 728-5387, soni Coleman collected a pair of $1250 in. Prizes touchdowns to move from fifth undersigned ouctioneer Jackpots 53 and 54 "| it ints. Crise tat Ne nok allowed |yRENORRION We, Yah te feara|' SACOT le ta ia SA S | 7:30 bus from lour relatives, many friends and neigh: emp 0 pecial 7:< " |h7 points and «fullback George walls, radio, discs, many extras. 15,000| Wil! sell by public. auction jmiles. $2,075. 725-2879 bors for their kind expressions of sympa- speed, positraction, reverb, radin, double! implement Eagle tires, ek interior piements 4 Corne {Eaale tires, maroon, black interior, 668-| Corners = | thy and beautitul floral tributes in the loss|Reed of Saskatchewan is two \G > > BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue,|o * dear mother, Margaret Henderson. ! naj soa 1989 PONTIAC 6 cylinder standard tour for EDGAR WRIGHT Thursday, 2 p.m. and Euchre, Saturday, | special thanks to Or. Halam-Andres and points back in fgurth spot. Winild tiki dpor, Hew Balti." mechanienly sound Hpi : Dr, Rowhell, nurses and statf of 3B Osh ment in Whit- good' fires, © push-button radi. Good lot 20 concession 8, DARL awa General Hospital, Rev. Morris and) The leaders; Write Post Office econonical second car. 728-4733 | j N WIN V Meintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, | INGTON TOWNSHIP. 4 | The Family | woaie (28, PONTIAC six, sedan, stick "shit, mile eost of ENNISKILLEN | ~The Fem"y Robinson, C 130 8 6 66. xcellent. condition all around. | | 5 on | | iC i, 19 0 0 0 60 ih 4490, ' BIRTHS ROGERS -- The family of the late Her-| voléman % : 25 8 2 57 ina CHEVROLET Bal All Val bole | bert Rogers wish to exined their sincere| Kempf, B.C, b : matic, radio, power steering, whitewalls, MONDAY | [thanks sand appreciation to all friends|Reed, § 900 1 55 Two beg pols discs, low mileage, Telephone 728-826. | and neighbors for the floral tributes and) ahendschan, $ 01810 6 54 13s PONTIAC re . 2 MORRISON -- Born: to Mr, and Mrs.|Kindnesses during the recent loss of @ lov-|--, sit aga SM i Talicy dower sieeve): Grakinc Gunter OCT. 11th, 1965 anthony G. Morrison, RR 3, Sollna Road,| ia hsuband and father, Special thanks volSwift, B.C. 794% be 'adio, whit W fir cs ; Bowmanville, a baby girl, 7ibs., 2 ozs.;O0ctors Patterson, Fulton, Campos and) @, y EB ERN two or hiree-bedroom bungalow! interior Licence -K379i2. 42.198: Bit Whir| 30 head of cattle on Tuesday, October $, 1965 (12:20 p.m.i| Rundle: the Nursing Staff of the Oshawa] Coffey, E tia 6 interiors Llaeone ey D eters a ea ae ea Soy oct fbrT iispital, Aaister, for |General Hospital, 3A and intensive Care| Fleming, B.C, 600 0 3 sas PONT weight s : Cindy, Sherry,_and--Gerard. Mother and|UNit, Rev. L. McGough, Rev. J. Markle) Campbell, S 6:0 0 0 36 Mohdays 1AC two-door coach, 6 cylin each, John Deere A tractor in bahy doing fine. Special thanks to Dr. (UAWAs -Canadian_Legion, GMC and Merl 1, 6000 36 der, radio, standard transmission, white 'ood condition, an A.C, Com Anderson and 4th floor staff. jIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home for their Perkins, W wall tires. Licence 255778. $1,495. . Bil i) " jexpressions of sympathy and understand-/ i would, Whiltick Motors 668-5871 bine 60. model, good condi- ing. Western Conference | New Hall Baler 68 : 1958 OLDSMOBILE sedan. in good condi-| tion. New Holland Baler 68, wor iF-Ar ieee cree Lo Soe Or lll § to later model,| Farm Hand wheel rake, 32' SCOTT <1 wish to tender my grateful / Calgary 9 3 0 256 171 18 jor TET ONCE Th CRs a 199 | aoa 0 yy q ast 269-919 elevater--ferhay.or _argin thanks to th fi be Fa 13 eke anks to the many friends and neighbors ¢,|1957 CHEVROLET ertible, power John Deere fo slower of.Reverly and Central. Park Boulevard Winnipeg 7 5 0 201 218 14 John eer { ye =blower, f, Pa) steering, radio, 6 cylinder, automatic.| : : : | i North, for their kindness, sympathy, cards| R.Cs & 4 1.299 149 18 Tandem disc, 50' endless belt P olor Colonial cream. Good top pars orl andem ¢ 20 endiess its jand floral offerings extended during MYiGack @ 8 12 213 13 best offer, Telephone 728-9013 1946 Che dump truck, recent bereavement " " d id 4 8 0 188 305 8 . - 1 \ ' 30--Automobiles For Sale |'%5 PARISIENNE: 'custom sport, noo grain box and trailer, ate ORBAN, Alexander Mrs. Eaward R, scott Edmonton _ 108, automatic, radio, whitewalls row roller, grinder \ Entered into rest In the Oshawa General oar : Re.|brakes, $3,000, Telephone. 728-2878 scuffler far B tractor, Geor Hosoltal, on Friday, Oct. & 1965, Alex : e 482 ann wleets pees 27 ander Orban, beloved husband of Mar- hd J 5 59 CHEVROLET Biscayne coach. New DUM t more garet Sefcsik,. father of Mrs. Steve Min: | 1 me n rican us. Ay Paint, 6 standard, radio, whitewalls, | Chey, motor with pulley and acs (Irene) of Oshawa and grandfather of; wheel discs, Licence H47082, Gus Brown governors jMrs. Larry Hutchison (Francis) and Les * 5 : Motors Lid., 725-6568 lie Minacs, both of Oshawa; in his 77th oniclair sedan, auto Resti t the Armstrot Funeral tes " Aistateg hi : tc year, Resting at the ng eral | radio, Less than i OL Mei cha ne. Mr. Wright-has sold his farm |Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in| am e S an é roun 1019 Gea. traphaniesl: candition bai to psd there will be no reserve, terms --|the Chapel, Monday, October 11 at 10.30 Good Brooklin 855-3544 : offer.) cash, Sale at 1.30 P.M, a.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. | {¢ s not to call a e val 2 sa . m f 'oie JABUAW XIE BiGS RON Soins te uae pena \funeral home 'before "Sunday afternoon. ACCRA (Reuters) -- Shake-not changed for hundreds of immaculate condition. Must sell, Whitby . t |spear's Hamlet has been filmedjyears, fits in naturally, but it jin the African bush in Ghana--|is something of a shock to hear a but it is Hamlet with many|the words "so ething is rotten Entered into rest in his late residence, 31--Compact Cars f | 1964 409 motor, p sh thd Sele AUCTION SALE 318 College Avenue, Oshawa, Frederick| differences. lin the stage of Tongo." Peters, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.! 'Phe play has been renamed|TONGO HAMLET Frank Peters, brother of Sidney of King-| * V@LVO & PEUGOT ; ston; in his Séth year, Resting at the|Hamile (pronounced ham-i-le)| Tongo is a little Frafra town. if PEDES AERCEDES, BENZ | st; PETER'S MEN'S CLUB |Armstrent Funeral Heme, Oatmme, siitibecause the setting la a Fratra/Tbe name was Cieene, O00, Oe brakes, e : : are sponsoring an AUCTION {October 11 at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa| village in northern Ghana and/other reason than that it sounds JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE | 4 r Union Cemetery, |Hamile is, in fact, the name of] well. The production has thus Cour- Auto-Electric Service SALE,--SAT,,. OCT, 16 at 2 la border village. ibecome known as "'the Tongo sone 449 Ritson Rd. South ofclock, ot the corner of | eSCOTT: Alexander: Ogg | Other names have also been|Hamlet." Oshowo 728-0921 __ Ay his home, 387 Indian Grove, Toronto, |changed. Ophelia becomes Hab-- When Laitu (Laertes) leaves : PERRCES ; esibaen Saturday, Oct 9, 1948, All | , . Cedar and Thomas Street, [on Saturday, October % Mes. Alrsemar iba, Horatio becomes Karimjfor France it ts referred to as Telephone 655: SABYAN | Good clean articles and o [dear father of Helen Nina (Mrs. O. Rand the words of Polonius are|Lome (the French-speaking cap- SS {Sinclair) of Oshawa, grandfather of Don- MOTOR SALES LTD. number of ontiques aid, Robert, Christine, Blair, Scott and] Ellen: brother of Walter of Brampton and|Ibrahim. spoken by a character named ital of Togoland). The mounted messengers who customized, double Volkswagen Sales and Service | Td David A, Scott, Mono Centre. Resting #!) The palaces of the great are/gallop 'in (on good Ghana army | Ney ) ¥ | : the Wm. Spiers Funeral Chapel, 2926/ = : ew and Used Cars | AL GARDINER (me gia, Spiers Funeral Chapel 2°! only thatched wattle and daubjhorses) with the news that AUCTIONEER -- {spnte until Sunday evening at 10 p.m.ihtits, painted with blue stripes, Hamlet is safe say they are rn eral Home, Orange- 4 _ thence to Turner Funeral Home, Orange-inafra style, with gaudy cur-|from Sokoto (northern Nigeria), Open Evenings 38--Coming Events tains and carpets within, not England, za SKIRROW, Charlotte Emma The women are seen pounding, The ghost does not declare he [1958 VAUXHALL sedan) 64 Pontiac' was poisoned with "the juice of _ |ntered into rest in Hillsdale Manor, CaSSava 'Or winnowing grain by B | N G @) lie ten pte ago & gs J Char-|traditional methods, Stoops of|cursed hebenon'? but, calls it Pe Haury skivrows mother of John angjale have become calabashes of!crocodile poison," which is easier for a West African to un- ORANGE TEMPLE {Star ey of Oshawa; in her 78th year. |pito ranty. 728-3608 after 6 : ~ Ideal second car. Teleph 728-992 78 phone 728-9922 ng at the Armstrong Funeral Home,| ry " _ iy SBLRAWAGEN GA GS cea Ty Aiicas, wih funeral, Ge Ww Ihe The Frafra dress, which hasiderstand, voce lgcond car: Call alter: 6 pm. 72a.' SATURDAY, OCT, 9th. jchane! Monday. October 1) at 1 Binh. 8 snes ; Me: Se z ' terment Oshawa Union Cemetery. (Loyal| - True Blue Lodge No, 55 service Satur-| > {body and mechanically A-1. $275, Call 7:30 P.M |day evening al " ) P | ; 1 ile | 942-3167. . | -- a e ec ive u S 1 vo Vv T, tone, automatic. transmission, wire wheel Kindness beyond Price;--yet ane" ah | vir ves! Talks To, Wrestles Armed Man- 63 VOLKSWAGEN 1500, radio and extras,| 4 40 Ja kpot to go 1196) FALCON station. wagon, One owner | discs, fully equipped. Low mileage. $2375 Share The Wealth 390 KING STREET WEST jdetective discarded his revolver] first on the scene, was met by son-|runnini ndition, good tires. Telephone! , } 1k No t | osday nig atte -arrvi W i demon vcatra's: Food, Market, a re Children Under 16 Not Admitted | Telephone 728-6226 | Wednesday night and attempted)a man carrying a .22-calibre Gisl aig ACADIAN Gace, a lina - | to talk a man armed with aj rifle equipped with a telescopic _ fautomatic, radio, whitewall tires, choco-| SOCIAL BINGO LOCKE SFLORIST (nile -- vireeeee shag! a bw The man told the officer fate brown, matching interior, Li he a i d sno come i a awaits, [395980 Bill Whittick Ruitary, au ORANGE TEMPLE Funeral arrangements and oad . oe ace . erie. bie near him or. he Licence H47082. Gus Brown a i Wednesday, October 13th floral angements for all sain 7. 1 st 2 Ag ee Bg eM ponte Ht |_ Robert Lorne Allen, 30, Det. Sgt. Donald Davidge ar: door | Telephone 723-4058 04 PRIZES~ | OSHAWA. SHOPPING |Thursday was remanded to Oct. rived with other officers. Tear fandard. Very 900¢|-4§ CHEVELLE two-toor hardtop, 397, Play as many cards as you. | SHOPPING /92 on charges of possessing a gas was brought, but not used , ed He peepee Ue HN asl ahee wish Refreshments 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE weapon dangerous to the public) for fear of, harming a child still 728-6196.| right, 723-7877, ce $1 per person 728-6555 peace and pointing a firearm.|in the house.

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