20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 9, 1965 ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THIIFTY CANADIANS big value in new fall shades gp First 'quality seamless micromesh. GOLD FISH TO EVERY CHILD ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT "STANTON" MODERN ELECTRIC WALL CLOCK by Westelock For every gift eccosion, room in the house, and every purse and purpose. ss 5 O7 "COZY FLANNELETTE "CHINOOK" BLANKETS IN BLUE baie PINK WITH STRIPED BORDER "BA" x 80" 70" x 90" 80" x 99 x 100" | 1.37 1.87 2.47 2.87 * STOCK UP NOW AT et PRICES ' SUBS f 'ne ' sad ¥ x Mi 'ay oe § BAe Pp a # ie i j AAP ay f ' > d 4 é Oe sti S 7 - At er WG ; fave ~ ) ial fe ? , ~ < y f -- re s , q \ ne $ © \) ae " . : le GIRLS' SKI PYJAMAS Cosy tHannelette, knitted age on jacket and pants. Sizes 7 to 14 1.97 Intimate Fashions for| SPECIALIZED SIZES Mee FLANNELETTE FULL 'GOWN is delightfully flower-printed and has ° frilly high collar, long eNsieeves: Pink, blue / BOUNCING BABY VESTS Boys' and Girls' vests -- fine F «quality combed cotton -- short ' sleeve pullover, button front style, expansion wrap-around Cosy-Comfy Flannelette Pyiamas For The Men Folk Neat prints on cosy cot- ton flannelette that's pre-shrunk, Three-but- ton-front jacket over boxer - waisted pants. Piping trim. Sizes A to | MEN'S and BOYS' COLD WEATHER UNDERWEAR Shrinkage Controlled Thermal for men and combed cotton for boys. bee 7. Drowers 1 ey | H Drovers Boch WOT titiet collar t 'arcane Le fae DAINTY LACY BLOUSE FOR GIRLS For a Hower-dainty young miss, @ really u 'feminine" blouse with all-over loce front. Short-sleeved with jewel neckline. White, pastel pink, yellow or blue; sizes 97: W Ue Niry: TOTS TO TEENS SLEEPERS TIGHTS Brushed Terry Knit stretches, os 3 baby 'grows! Handy snop-front Sizes C Peter Pon collar; elasticized waist Sizes 10 to 14 é closing, topped with contrast-edged 1 to 10 at back. Styled with built-in feet. Maize, blue or pink/white, Med- INFANTS 4-PIECE ium (6 to 12 mos.), lorge (18 to 100% ecrylic fibre, warm, soft end washable. 3.88 Reg. 5.99 -- White Only FLUSH-A-BYE DISPOSABLE DIAPERS The modern baby-core wey. 1.97 Reg. 2.49 "POLO JAMAS Not a chance of @ chill in these comfy combed cotton Interlock polojomas ! Styled with two- button shoulder opening and con- trasting-stripe ribbed band at neck ond cuffs, Keeps them cosy right to the tips of their toes! White in siezs 12 to 24 mos ZELLER'S CREST WOOL Knitting worsted 3 ply 100% virgin weel. 2 1.00 Reg. 69e Each KNITTING WOOL CLEARANCE 1, PRICE FLANNELETTE GOES FEMININE n these cosy pyiemes Butcher vy style with lace-trim Peter Pan the jacket in pink. or ints, the ponts matching solid color. Sizes B to 14, MEN'S WORK SOCKS 7 3 tb. Homespun nylon reinforced heel and toe. Stock up ot this low price. 3. CONVENIENT BUDGET PLANS