Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Oct 1965, p. 9

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d |\ NEWS FROM CHURCHES Christian Workers Conference Planned For Weekend Of Oct. 15 A Christian Workers Confer-; Rev. Peter Gordon White, fence is plannes far Friday, Oct.|eaitor-in-chiei, Depariment oi {15 at 7.45 p.m. and Saturday.| Sunday School Publications of [oet, 16, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.|the United Church of Canada, by the Bible Club Movement of has been appointed secretary of Oshawa. The meetings will be the Board of Christian Educa- held in Calvary Baptist Church,|tion. Dr. White succeeds Rev. corner of Centre and John sts., David. 1. Forsyth who retires Oshawa. ithis month after holding office The conference is of special) for nearly 19 years. interest to those working with Dr, White has had editorial children in Sunday School and responsibility for bringing into youth work, : | being, a new and in many ways 0. Hirt, international director) revolutionary program of edu- of the Bible Club Movement in| cation -- the United Church's Philadelphia, will be one of the New Curriculum. Since 1952, main speakers. Miss Anne Car- this project' has involved study man, a missionary to Spain, will and research in the fields of also be speaking and showing| education and theology, train- pictures, There will also be! ing of personnel, and super- = per engage Be age ' vision of publication. seers, Wien | © ea! tm July, Dr. White was given with the groups of children, on) Age : : various age levels, will be held an award "in recognition of out | a wall of intransigence and holy pride between tne Ciirisiian and communist world, which. would not be broken down for a thou- sand years, "The answer to the Viet Nam situation is, of course, a very difficult matter, especially when the United States has got so deeply involved. None of us would want the United States to withdraw into an_ isolationist shell. However, we can call upon the American Government to take this problem to The United Nations as she demand- ed that Britain and France take the Suez crisis to the United Nations, Certainly the vast ma- jority of Canadians accept the jfact that our Western Nations must learn to co-exist with the Communist World and accept the international fact that Rus- CE MM SAT LOLA LEL IML LEILA I ID oe THR AtUAWA- TIMES, Soturday, October 9, 1965 @ GORDON GRANT. Canadian Press Staff Writer Canadian, stock markets wan- dered through the week with in- vestors unable to decide whether to be buyers or sellers. As a result the market saw brief flurries in stocks affected by news in their particular field. There was, however, a good deal of activity at the adminis- trative level of the Toronto Stock , Exchange. New rules were dnnouriced for some small mining companies and the royal commission report on Windfall Oils and Mines Ltd, was made public, : Tuesday, the Exchange issued its new. delisting policy under which shares of small inactive mining companies will be sus- pended from trading for one year, If at the end of that time Plenty Of Market Activity, S35 <eset sxe" But Not At Buy-Sell Level of Toronto's top analysts, limbed 2% to 36%. Hudson Bay, a lead-zine ducer, was ahead 2% to. Noranda, a copper | 5 setback, off 2% at 21%. to 541 and Falcon' 8 Over in the mining section,'producer, % to 104. Are you a Unitarian . without knowing it? Do you believe the Bible to be an inspiring human deca» ment, rather than the literal "word of God"? Do you believe that man is sot condemned by the doo trine of "original sin," but is inherently capable of im provement? Wf b Do you believe the development of character to be move important than the accepting of religious creeds? Saturday afternoon. The Bible Club Movement is an international interdenomina- tional organization working in the interest of girls, boys and youth. The local director is Rev. C. R. Nelson, The children of St. Gregory's and St, Joseph's Separate Schools are looking forward with no little anticipation to ministry of The United Church|ary Cease-fire. Sunday, Oct. 17, when they will receive their First Communion at 3 pm. Mthe Church of St. Gregory the Great. The spirit dividing line be- tween reality and illusion will be examined at all Christian Science services this Sunday. The Golden Text is from Paul's epistle to the Romans; "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death," The subject is 'Are Sin, | | standing achievement in the edi- \torial field, and lasting contribu- ltions to the cause of Christian \journalism,"' by the American Baptist Convention at its annual Christian Writers and Editors Conference at Green Lake, Wis- consin. | Dr. White was brn in Scot- land in 1919, and educated in Canada. He was ordained to the of Canada in 1946, following graduation from United College, Winnipeg. His first post was as field secretary of Christian Edu- cation for Manitoba Conference of the United Church. Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church: of Canada re- cently commended Rey, J. R. |/Hord for an article on the sub- ject "The Christian Conscience and War in Viet Nam', which was released by the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of the church, sia will wield her sphere of in- fluence, China hers, and the United States, hers, "The following steps might lead to a peace settlement, | (a). "There should be cessa- jtion of bombings in North Viet |Nam by the United States and |a call to each side to indicate a |willingness to begin a tempor- (b) "A conference should be convened under the supervision jof the United Nations, similar jto the Geneva Conference, in- jcluding representation of the |Viet Cong, which would work out the terms of a peace settle- ment, (c) "There might be an in- jterim government in South Viet |Nam, including strong repre- sentation from the Viet Cong, who would govern under. super- vision of an international police force until elections could be arranged. The members of this This is the nearly-com- |; pleted giant parabolic an- tenna near Goldstone, Calif., that is expected to extend America's space - tracking EAR IN THE SKY ability by 600 per cent. The big radio 'ear' is 214 feet pick up radio signals from more than a billion miles high and 210 feet in dia- away. Construction trucks meter -- by far the biggest are dwarfed on ground | this country has, It will (AP) |split in 1961. The company re- lquarter earnings and said there |provement in the near future the companies remain without money the shares will be de- listed, WARN TEN FIRMS Ten companies were told they will be suspended Oct. 20 un- less they can satisfy the Ex- charige that they do not come within the policy, Prices in all the issues were slashed at the opening Wednes- day, with many cut by more than half, The Toronto industrial index, meanwhile, climbed .04 to 167,10 in: tight dealings. Canadian Breweries fell % to 7/8 and: sold as low as 7%, its lowest price since the stock was Do you believe the purpose of religion is to help us live this life nobly and constructively, rather than to empha- size the preparation for an after-existence? 'The Unitarian answers are affirmative. Join with other religious liberals who insist upon individual freedom of belief and the use of reason in religion. 11:00 A.M,---~ OCT. 10th Speaker: Rabbi Louis Cashdan of Toronto Subject: "Why Be Thankful' The public is cordially invited to attend @ lecture, with discussion periods, by outstanding Unitarian Ministers, in the McLaughlin Library, Oshawa, No admission charge, Tues., Oct, 12th 8 P.M, Rev, Alfred Fowlie, Willowdale, "What Unitarions Do," UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP cently announced lower third is not much hope of any im- Greater Winnipeg Gas dipped 1% to 2214 and Northern Ontario Natural Gas lost % to 29%, Newsprint stocks moved! Disease and Death Real?" "! am disturbed," Dr. Hord) yojj¢ The Right Reverend Monsig-|said, 'at American massianism|eme sarees eee vt fren nor Dr. Paul Dwyer, pastor of displayed in foreign affairs. The} (qd) "flections might lead t the Church of St. Gregory the|United States is in danger Of], communist paverdisent sorted Great, Oshawa, was one of the jaunching a holy war againstlwe must be prepared to accept clergy in the sanctuary of St.)communism, As Christians, We/This does not mean that s i Patrick's Cathedral, New York,/should remember with sorroW|, government in South ie when it was visited Monday by|the Crusades of the Middle|/Nam would be a stoogi rt His Holiness Pope eons , |Ages launched by Conan na-/China, gieo Monsignor Dwyer is on his|tions against the Moslems. It is) (e) «5 : way by boat to Rome this weekjlittle wonder that Christian ma By ue ee to attend the fourth session of| missionaries today are unable to|igu, world and 'assent oy the Ecumenical Conference win converts in Moslem lands. | onces including The United NE. where he is serving as an ob-|If we would learn the lessons} tions. server for the clergy. lot history, we should not build in, moet setnioeiniiialians which faces the West is to learn! who include one-quarter of the to live together with the Chinese |The U.S. economy, still rolling) ness customers. Economy 'Hardly Noticed' Effect Of LBJ's Operation NEW YORK (AP)--U.S. busi-;cago that the U.S, governmentiarbitrary lid on interest rates, nessmen this week pondered the|would not favor a broad in-| On another front, Commerce lettects of President Johnson's|crease by banks in their money-|Secretary Connor said in Wash operation, debated over rising| lending rates, Major banks, re-jington that there may be a interest rates and head of a pos-|acting to a tighter money sup-jtightening of the president's sible tightening of U.S, corpo-/ply and growing demand for|program of voluntary curbs by irate investments abroad, jloans, have increased interest|U.S. businessmen on thetr in- The immediate result: Little, | Charges recently to some busi-|vestments abroad. The program, launched last March, is aimed at cutting the on its record peacetime expan-| The American Bankers Asso- of 10% while losses were also taken by. Consolidated Paper, B.C, Forest Products--a west) jcoast producer which cut its! iprice almost a year ago--Domg jtar and Bathurst. | Great Lakes took the heftlest) lower after Abitibi announced it| has cut its basic price for news-| print .by $5 a ton. } Abitibi fell to a two-year low TRctea GT. Neos aca THEY'RE HERE AGAIN! | last week, A year ago, auto as- sembly lines turned out only 82,- 161 .cars when output was |slashed by a strike that closed General Motors plants. | Rhodesian Smith's Threats world's population. It is out-|sion, scareely paused for|ciation passed a resolution atjbuildup of U.S. dollars in for- ---- | D R PIER DU rageous that China has not been| breath. included in The United Nations.| Seem Empty As U.K. Talks i= sti sous: other smaller nations, to chal- By HAROLD MORRISON junlawfully, he not only would||enge the U.S.A. on this issue Canadian Press Staff Writer |have to face the wrath of Brit-/and vote for Chinese member- lan Smith, the determined! ain but of most of the Common:|*hip in The United Nations." Rhodesian prime minister, must! wealth and a good part of the Fiat Pe se in me Pond of once more return to Salisbury rest of the world, i | on Unitarianism empty-handed, His threat pve States 14, Including the\was held at the McLaughlin seize independence illegally , 4 Library on Tuesday night, The may be just as empty as his FEW UN FRIENDS speaker was Rev. David Pohl, week-long negotiations with the The issue then might be taken minister of the Unitarian British government. from British hands and turned|Church in Ottawa. His. subject For weeks Smith engaged iniover to the United Nations|\W* ,"What Unitarians Be- what is known as diplomatic| where Smith and his ministers eve. brinkwiqnship, Hé warned that could expect little sympathy.| Unitarianism may be describ- if he cannot win independence|Thus it would seem from a @d as the fourth faith -- Protes- for Rhodesia legally by the end strategic position, that Smith|tant, Catholic, Jewish and Uni- of the year, he would declare! must continue to threaten and/tarian, and came into being the central African colony inde-|roar and do nothing but bide|because the others refused to \their Chicago meeting saying Major corporation continue tojinterest rates should be allowed eign hands and easing the bal-| ance-of-payments deficit. We Canadians should call on our check in with higher profits, de-jto "respond to market forces,"| esti-| The U.S, automakers | |partment store chains reported|The bankers said the real risk;mated they built 189,225 cars back-to-school sales higher than|to the economy would be in althis week, a 12 per cent jump} makers prepared-to turn out /886,000 new - model cars this) month. U.S, unemployment fig:! ures stood at their lowest level in nearly eight years. | | At the bottom of the econ- lomy's strength, said econo- mists, was the confidence of the average American consumer, A |University of Michigan study said that despite widespread concern over the war'in Viet Nam, consumers feel things at jhome will remain good or im- |prove. The study concluded that |Americans feel there is less \likelihood of a recession today FREE METHODIST CHURCH frie St., off Simeoe 5, Minister: Rev, C. M. Bright (Next after Bloor St.) Phone: 725-3872 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE "A THANKSGIVING MESSAGE" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING WORSHIP 6:00 P.M.--F.M.Y, Wed, 6:30 P.M.--C.Y.C, Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting and Bible Study A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU a year .ago and automobile/government move to clamp anifrom the 168,975 cars assembled | BAHA'I! ~ WORLD FAITH Teaches: must go hand-in- hand" For information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshawa Times WORLD VISION "Religion and science || pendent without British sanc- on. That could spark a brushfire race war in Rhodesia that could spread into most of the turbu- lent continent. Smith has little' to gain from such a prospect. | Prime Minister Wilson is known to have made clear to the Rhodesian leader that, at present, Smith has only to deal with the British government. But if he seizes independence School Ripped By Vandalism KINGSTON (CP)--Police arrested three youths--one a juvenile --in connection with vandalism Thursday night at Inverary public school, 15 miles north of here. Police did not disclose the names of the youths, No charges were laid immediately. More than 100 pupils were sent home Friday morning while police and school board officials examined the damage A glass door and an interior wooden. door were smashed, the teachers' dressing room 'torn apart, a duplicator machine was overturned and ink aplagbed across the floor Teacher and student desks were wrecked, books torn up, light- fixtures smashed and Bottles were thrown through windows. Tobacco Sard Quits Ag.-Fed. | SIMCOF (CP) -- The Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board has quit the Ontario Federation of Agricul ture in a dispute over the $12, @00 yearly membership fee Fees are based on gross sales and the board wants them based on membership In Toronto Roy Hergott, sec retary manager of the feder ation, said work has been un- der way to change the method of fee assessment. He said a new method had. been studied and was to be presented to the board in November. George Demeyere of Tillson burg, Ont., board chairman said mo official reply has been received from the federation since 'membership was can i his time. The Rhodesian leader argues that he tried to go some dis-| tance to meet British conditions for independence only to find the British government more unyielding. But what are the facts? Wil- son wanted Smith to agree to the five principles established) by the Commonwealth prim ministers last June. This would linclude the gradual extension of the vote to Negroes, iron-clad assurances that the constitution! wouldn't be changed by a min- ority white regime, an end to racial discrimination, better education for the Negroes and reasonable assurance that the measures taken are acceptable to. the country as a whole. Since the constitution could be changed by two-thirds majority decision in the Rhodesian Par- liament, Britain demanded agreement that the Rhodesian opposition would always have more than one-third of the vote --the so-called 'blocking third." LUDICROUS PROPOSAL To-all this, Smith merely of- fered to set up a Negro senate of 12 chiefs, all reported ready +o---obey Smith's demands cause they 'are paid by the present Rhodesian government Wilson dismissed this proposal as ludicrous The argument tow remains that Smith must seize independ. ence unilaterally or he may be bonted out of his job by white extremists in his government. That argument is fallible. for Smith made sure his delegation to London included Interior Minister William Harper, leader of the right-wing extremists. The bargaining with the Brit ish government was on a collec tive basis. If Smith goes home empty-handed so does Harper. Smith now can maintain they are all in this together. He did not fail alone ~ HEAR The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY & Mon, te Set, 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. CKLB radio ol 1350 he: i change with the changing times. It is a faith of adventure as op-|{han at any other time in the posed to a faith of stability, 1t|'@st 15 years is 'an affirmative life, to be But behgy wo Johnson 7" lived with trust, honesty and in-|{W® major usiness issues to tegrity. It is a Fellowship of|take with him to Bethesda Na- Seekers, and a way of life| Val Hospital. One was the cost rather than a body of dogmas, |°! bank loans. The other was There are three basic tenets,|(he continuing balance-ofspay- in which Unitarians believe; ments problem and =e corpo- (1)--Individual freedom of |"@te investments aproad. belief, with self chosen disci-|, Treasury Secretary owler plines. We must practice our| told a bankers meeting in Chi- freedom or we discredit it, but we must always choose to do right. (2)--Inherent and supreme worth of man, being a human. being is an indication of worth. (3)--Principle of growth--we must be open to constructive and basic change, Religion is a quest, not a bequest. The last in the series will be held Tuesday at & p.m. in the McLaughlin Library, GRACE LUTHERAN. PARK ROAD. & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Ronald A, Jansen, Vicar SUNDAY SERVICES LISTEN TO THE FAMILY. BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M CKLB -- DIAL 1350 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP Christian Workers Conference . for oll CHILDREN'S LEADERS CHURCH WORKERS mA WORKERS. Fri. Oct, 15--7:45 p.m Sat. Oct: 16--10:00 am, -- 2:00 om SPEAKERS--MR. 0. HIRT, Internationa! director of Bible Club Movement -- Miss Anne Carman, Missionary te Spiain Held in CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH COR. CENTRE & JOHN STS, -- OSHAWA SPONSORED BY BIBLE CLUB MOVEMENT ~ FAITH | LUTHERAN CHURCH (Eastern Canoda Synod) THE REV, HENRY FISCHER - 725-2755 Postor: SUNDAY, OVTOBER 10th 9:45 A.M, -- SUNDAY CHURCH SCHQOL 11:00 A.M, -- THE SERVICE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St, ROSSLAND ROAD FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd. W., East of Garrard PASTOR----REV, R, H, JAMES, 725-1280 10:00 A.M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL 11;00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVENING WORSHIP MON, 6:45--CHILDREN'S MEETING WED, 8:00--PRAYER AND PRAIS@ THURS, 8:00--YOUNG PEOPLE'S Do not miss the Light ond Life Hour on Radia Station WHLB. N Falls, N.Y., 1270 on dial at 4 p.m : aaa THE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CHURCH BOND ST. EAST : z. REV, RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister AY 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--THANKSGIVING SERVICE Sermon: "What are the Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit?" No, 5 in series 'The Holy Spirit--and you,"" 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 p.m.-EVENING SERVICE 'THE GREATEST JOY OF AN UNSELFISH CHRISTIAN" From the book of | Thessalonians Sermon: THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Officers Major & Mrs, Gerdon Holmes 133 Simcoe South TO SERVE GOD! SUNDAY, OCT. 10th 11:00 A.M.--MORNING SERVICE 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE TUES. 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE WED, 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Rood South (near Olive) 723-6325 Direct from Korea - CIVIC AUDITORIUM _ OSHAWA THIRD WORLD CONCERT TOU! The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M,--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistie Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Sat, 8:00 P.M.--Young People Sunday, October 17th 3:00 p.m. Admission by Ticket' Only=1:'50, Tickets Avealleble. et: Ideal Dairy, Oshawa; Oshawa Realty Ltd., Oshawa; Murray Rug & Tile, Ajax; Courtice @harmacy, Whitby; or write: World Vision of Canada, Box 181-K, Toronto 12, INFORMATION CLASSES REGARDING THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND-1TS TEACHINGS WHEN: MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS TIME:--7:30 P/M. WHERE: ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM - ROOM 1 ~" "194 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO BEGINNING: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1965 at7:30p.m, INSTRUCTORS:--REV. L. McGOUGH and REV. J. MARKLE 725-8444 NON-CATHOLICS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND CATHOLICS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AND TO BRING NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR THOSE INVOVLED IN SHIFT WORK There is no fee for these lectures. The Classes are arranged for those who wish to learn more about the History of the Catholic Church, her Doe- EVERYONE WELCOME "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" You Are Invited to Worship With Us trine, Liturgy, and Beliefs. Questions and discussions are encouraged.

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