-- 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 7, 1968 'Transportation Brief - Asks More East Roads -- HAM -- A brief com-jstandpoint. We are putting @ D. i. Fiitz, eierk| even exist. Industry 1s concern- ies H. Faulkner, plan-|cloak on M2 which does not Ww. yeeve ¢ Township, was n to forward to the Toronto and Region $ Study, at a coun- ei] meeting Monday night. Reeve Laycox outlined the brief, deploring a lack of ex- pressways in the eas! part the township, having only the Macdonald + Cartier Freeway, while in the west part there were three, "We feel that Highway 7 carry through to No. 1%," said the reeve, "with a system starting at Freeway. We a cloverleaf at ¥ Moore's rd. The depart- with us rd. or ment of highways agree that we have a nasty problem. The reeve was of the opinion that possibly in the, near future larwood overpass would be ed with creating an advertising image." NO-OPEN STORAGE Mr. Wank pointed out that heavy industry is not built in the surroundings and landscap- ing of the '30's, and recalled that in the planning board's recommendations open storage was not permitted. "They care about their own business, and they care about their own product," said Coun- cillor Newman. Councillor Campbell was dubi ous. "Some don't give a darn,' he said, "especially when there ig no product. , "It you have one M2 industry on the Brock rd. which other industries might not like to be beside, the industries which you hoped for, you won't get. You have to be realistic," Mr, Camp- bell continued. "The purpose of planning is to envisage what the future is going to be. One of the Friends Honor ¥ Brooklin Couple . BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- A tion was held, in the Mount Zion Church basement, for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Brooklin, Burnett Jamieson read an address and presented them with a chair. A_ social evening and refreshments were enjoyed. Mrs. Lorne Jones, Doreen and Mrs. Murray Jones attended a miscellaneous shower, in honor of Miss Betty Evans, of Clare- mont, at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Payne of Cedar Creek. | The Harvest Home Service | wil be held at 9.30 a.m, next Sunday. ; , Plans for a bazaar to be held Nov, § will be discussed at the Oct, 13 meeting of the United |Church Women at the home of Mrs. Glen Manderson, Mrs. Orr Graham and Mrs, Lorne Jones will be in charge of the pro- Municipal Building Setback Given Approval By Council » BROUGHAM -- At the re- quest of the Depertment ofiget Highways, Pickering . Township Council this week agreed to move the site of the new muni- cipal building back 45 feet, The department asked for the set- back due to plans for Highway 2, Councillor Newman expressed concern about losing the Jand. With Deputy Reeve Mrs. Mc- Pherson and Councillor Spang, he voted against the resolution. TENDERS OPENED . Due to a difference of 44 cents in the last insurance tender for fleet and non-owned auto insur- ance, and the fact that the in- spector of insurance condemn- ed this difference in submissions from two agents of one com- pany, the insurance was reten- dered. The new tenders were higher. The clerk was instruct- construction over two years. The reconstruction of its share of the. cost, ing done." practic~ proper control, ed that the township do not bud- for larze jobs but, if pos- sible, carry the cost of large the Fairport rd, was estimated at $44,000 while the actual cost was $135,000, On the $91,000 over- expenditure, the department of highways will subsidize $48,500-- "The department does not take exception to over-expendi- ture," said the reeve, "on con- struction of roads and is happy to know that something is be-! Following the controversy re- garding the bylaw recently pass- ed to close the gravel pit area on Valley Farm rd to the dis- charge of firearms, the gameig committee recommended coun- cil reopen the area for target) and hunting under) Shrinking Violets | Lose 37 Pounds | WHITBY -- The Whitby] Shrinking Violets Tops Clad) held its meet! Tuesday at Dundas Street 1 with 16] members present. A ~-- loss of 37 pounds was reco: : : ngrn 'a short pve meet-| ing members games. || A gift was presented to Mrs,| Powell for the hospitality shown to members during home for the weigh-in. A Stork Shower was held in honor of Mrs, Eleanor Coogle}} who received many beautiful gifts. WON VOTE IN WAR Women in Canada won bd vote for federal elections in 1917, cay imerrienamrparmnenmenrenatnas ° NOTICE e -BE AVER--- LUMBER YOU ARE WITHIN SAVING DISTANCE OF BEAVER GARAGE GALVANIZED STEEL ed to check ine tenders before acceptance. Tenders for paving and side- gram. The matter was to be settled at a bylaw committee meeting this week. Re: : "Frank Robinson Shoe Repair walks in Rougedale Acres will be checked by the township en- igineer. While Councillor New-| Scout Auxiliary Plans Card Party |man suggested the sidewalk ten-) der be turned over to the pub-| Nigh so .ogined a Ch lle utilities eummission for con-| PRESENT SACRED TOKEN saeunandnshibel caps LONDON (CP)--Fijian units of the St. John Ambulance Brig-| ade have presented a tabua, a whale's tooth ornament, to the Persons may obtein articles left for repeir ot premises, Thurs., Oct. 7... 9-12,2-6,7-% DOORS All eteel bonderized, complete hard- 8 x 7 with Mee coccmeeses S4758 o = 7 see With tites 8 x 7' MASONITE PRESOTEX,. HARDBOARD ROOFING Popular 6 ribbed pottern, special IRIDITE protection, 30 US gouge. 12 ft, lengths. a fly-over. He pointed out that jarge sums of money had been nd on conservation areas in sideration, it was felt that per- London chapter. This is one of things of the present is that we j ; and Scouts Mother's Auxiliary haps a poll of residents of the the highest honors the Pacific are going to have a big nuclear) .ombers to make arrangements plant, and 1 think we could belr,. tne forthcoming card party 139 Fri, Oct. 8... 9-12,2- 6. V4" x 4' x & Sheets 10 Pes. of More--Smolier Lot $1.47 e east, and not sufficient ex- pressways to lead to them. The brief will be forwarded at once, and a presentation will be made by council when mu- nicipal briefs are heard, pos- sibly by the end of November. Councillor Hubert Wank com- mended the men who prepared the brief, describing it as an ex-) cellent one. / ZONING APPROVED A recommendation for the re- goning of Pickering's industrial park by the planning board was endorsed by council, with Coun- cillor John Campbell and Reeve Laycox opposing in a recorded vote. Mr. Laycox explained that he hed expressed a preference to light industry along the Brock . father than heavy, because {t was along this road that tour- ists would travel to examine the Nuclear Generating Plant, "My feeling was that Sandy Beach rd. should be light indus- try because it abuts Bay Ridges," he said. 'The Brock rd. will ultimately become the avenue to our Hydro plant, and hydro officials have indicated to me that these will, in the future, lying ourselves open to defeat our own purpose." SUBDIVISION TABLED A recommendation to approve an application for a new sub- division of seven homes on the former G. K, Cowan property at Rosebank by the planning board, was tabled. The planning board approval contained 13 conditions. Reeve Laycox said that sani- tary sewers could be available by local improvement, and storm sewers could be avail able. Since it was a small sub- division, the planning board had deleted paved roads and curbs, and required roads gravelled and ditched in accordance with surrounding roads, and accord: ing to the engineer's specifica- tions. The requirement for side- walks had been deleted. "Tf we are deleting side- walks," said Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPherson, 'are we not setting a policy? I feel if we are going to grant a plan of subdivision, we must be consistent." "T don't want to be sticky," said Councillor Bill Newman, "but I'd like a further chance to study this." with President Mrs. M. V. Mal- \lon who chaired the meeting. area as to whether or not they islanders can bestow be - . jwanted a sidewalk should \taken, | | Mrs, Dan O'Hagan is conven-/ EXPENDITURE APPROVED er of thé card party to be held, Reeve Laycox said that, with Nov. 23 at St. John the Evan- the township engineer, he had p |met the department of high- gelist parish hall. Assisting Mrs.|ways and its auditor regarding O'Hagan will be Mrs. Frank|the over-expenditure of the road Canzi, Mrs, Ed Finan, Mrs.|budget. Thomas Spellen and Mrs. John| The reeve said the department Spratt, The lunch convener will er ge pig ent be Mrs. Louis Bedard. She will | be assisted by members of the auxiliary. WHITBY Anyone wishing to make ar-| DRIVING SCHOOL rangements to form a table} New dual controlled corsa. | RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY -- wittace crance 725-655 3 | RUTHERFORD"S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa POPLAR UNDERLAY Woterproot 4" x 4' = 4 Shee Less then 50 ts, 50 Sheets or, More--- $1.29 '2a CEILING PANELS V4" x 4° x 4 Panels white V-Seored, 25 or More. Smaller Lots $2.40 20 vu The Best Costs No More (@rmstrong NYL. SBiSVC FLOOR TILE Famous EXCELON tile. . 30 to 69 SQ. Less Then 30 Sq, ROLL ROOFING no MICRO PERFORATED CEILING TILE Personal courteous service, could contact Mrs. Frank Canzi,| Fuly licensed end insured. (Mrs, Ed. Finan, Mrs. M, C.| Diol 668-6176 Mallon and Mrs. Dan O'Hagan. | J, A, OSTERHOUT. Owner coos PORTE MORE IEEE We Guarantee to SAVE YOU $100.00 ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST PHONE 723-1163 Chambers. FOOD CLUB 933 RITSON RD. 5. become park lands. I felt these shold be M1 (light) to create an avenue of industry to the Hydro, and we should put our cence ee A $6,00 M? (heavy) internally." | "Tf we're talking about ap-| pearance," said Councillor Hu-| bert Wank, '"'it doesn't matter. | I think either type of industry) would be a benefit to the mu-| nicipality from an assessment) standpoint and an aesthetic) Family Allowance Grows To $414.48 In 5 Years Individuals er Groups for St. John Ambulance Junior end Senior First ald end Home Nursing Courses Phone 668-4666 When it fs Deposited in @ Monthly Payment Guaranteed, Investment. Whitby Evenings 725-4197 ane or -- MRS. V. APPLICATIONS Now Being Taken For Retarded Children's - PRE-SHOOL NURSERY Phone: -- MRS. 723-1367 G. GRAHAM HYDERMAN 723-2341 1 THE FOOD PLAN THAT | HAS PROVEN ITSELF FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades ond Fobrics .. , see ,.. Mé&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 74 Celina Street | CHEVROLETS OMING THURS., Oct. 7 Failure te pay all instalments collection by bailiff with the Whitby Bonk benk Collector to collect in accordance with the several provisions; this includes seizure of rent, where appli owen TOWN OF WHITBY TAXES FINAL INSTALMENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1965 by this date empowers the Tox it cost payable by the taxpaye: Fer your convenience all current texes are peyable at ony lecti h ' Red Wing ROADSIDE MARKET FN. McEwen, Tax Collector, TOWN OF WHITBY. Orchards "Fancy" and 4 McIntosh Apples "Cee" Grades FRESH DAILY "BIG RED 2% Miles West of Whitby on Highway No. 2 -- At the APPLES" Open Thars. & Fri. -- 1 p.m. te 8 p.m. Set. & Sun. -- 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. DONALD Lid. DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PH. 668-3304 Open Evenings Till 9 p.m. White . 1000 perforations or tile. 64 sq. ft. @ corton. Carton Lots only. BEAVER LUMBER RED TOP INSULATION BATTS 90 $Q. FT. A CTN. 60. $Q. FT. A CTN. 5" x 34 In Smaller Lots. ... 3.68 37 A Ctn. seconds, all first grode ond quality 9" x 9 8%:. Carton Lots enly, 96 tile per carton. 45 tb. Smooth 2.27 90 Ib. Rock .seeeee. 3.42 2.81 15 tb. Asphalt Felt ... G45 A CTN. 45 Pane! 2 f . : 4 « 8 $2.75 25 PANELS OR MORE SATINCOTE WHITE -OEILING TILE Fast, accurate T&G edge. Double coated white. 64 sq. ft. per carton, Carton Lots only. BEAVER LUMBER | MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELLING Ready to finish . . . random V-grooved 10 to 24 panels, 4' x 7'--$2.70 and 4' x' 8'--$3.00, PREFINISHED SELF STORING ALUMINUM COMBINATION STORM DOORS extruded doors, Long service, strength 14" hardware, ready to install, All standord sizer. BEAVER 4000 FT. TRUCKLOT SAVINGS SOUND, DRY » debaw94 2x4's White Pine Barn Boards eh 14s Per 1000 PP. Utility Grade Not Stocked At All 80 Ontorie Stores 1" x 6" SPRUCE D4S or T & G 85.5 extra pre-hung, weotherstripped, self-storing, ell 3.67 aa 7 PANEL 4' * ak 25 PANELS OR MORE MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELLING Toasted satin smooth finish, randy V-grooved. 10 to 24 ponels. 4' x $3.47 ond $3.87---4' x 8'. : | BEAVER LUMBER | LUMBER Candle Light CHERRY HARDBOARD PANELS Random V-grooved, cherry woodgrained, 10 to 24 panels 4' x 4 Sas and 4' x 8'--$4,85, 4° | \ 4' x 7' PANEL 25 PANELS OR MORE CANADA'S LARGEST THERE ARE 285 BEAVER LUMBER STORES From BC. te Quebec there ore 285 Beaver stores. In Ontario there are 80 community stores... you are within saving distance of Beaver, FIR '4 PLYWOOD Yi x A x.8 0s %l"x 4'x B'.., Vol we A cB, %" x 4'x 8'. HA" x 4' x B All the rices are on mixed lots of 50 sheets or more, Sheathing (see trucklot savings) moy be included to make up volume, Smaller lots add 20c per sheet. SANDED .. 3.69 , 5.12 6445 . 7.49 Per. 1000 ea. #. 2 Utility Construction 2x4 82,50 95.50 2x6 84,00 99,00 £28 o.,sc0. 00 BEM vnnnkss 108.80 NEW/ALL PURPOSE ASPENITE Construction e' 0 99.5 BYLVAPLY PLYWwoop 5/16" x 4' x 8' Waterproof Plywood STANDARD SHEATHING Interior and Exterior Boord Y"xa xe SHEETS 25 or 44 More. Small Lots vx? Spruce $2.69. 2:60 2:80 3/8" x 4'x 8 3.00 3.28 1/2" x @ x 8° TEN- 431 EN-TEST 5/8o 0 OE ete BRB acne O08 Sruce Sheathing Not Stocked At All 80 Ontario Stores, Select Underlay =a FIR 5/16x4x8... SELECT T & G COVERS 4' x 8' . 3.45 3/8x4x8.,...3.90 %x4x8 .... 615 4.55 7 INSULATING BOARD 50 Sheets er More 25 to 49 Sheets POLYETHELENE 2ML.. 500 sq. ft... 2.66 4 ML .. 1000 sq. ft. .. 10.18 Ail Cash and Carry purchases are on an in-stock basis. All items sub- ms ---- aay ee bypes rig bet morke' nges, Prices only sli higher hort et North Bay. any SHEATHING ¥ax 408 6455 Be -- %" 3.60 54" 6.61 ASPHALT IMPREGNATED BUILDING BOARD 7/\6x 4' x 8' 1.76 7/16" x4' x9 1.99 ¥e" ROCK LATH ¥e" SHEETROCK PLEASS NOTE: All f 4000 the truckloads ' oF we plywood when. not included ih truckloads add costs. ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE AND handlin MARKET CHANGE. tn thi tes prices mS se Bee coe sory oe norme! mixed 38.75 PER 1000 53.25 pen son BEAVER OR YOUR NEARBY BEAVER on 5 er lots of Oc per sheet to cover