DRIVERS INJURED IN CRASH AT INTERSECTION Both drivers were injured and $800 damage was done to the vehicles they were driving in a collision at the intersection of Centre and and arm. Mrs. Phoebe Laws rence, 413 Byron st. 8S. Whitby, suffered bruises. Both drivers were alone. St. John sts., Whitby, Tues-" day afternoon. James Val- liant, 507 Colborne st. w., Whitby, was admitted to the Oshawa General Hospi- tal suffering bruised ribs --Oshawa Times Photo. Adherence To Zoning NEW SCHOOL SITE WHITBY (Staff) -- Whit- - by School Board is planning to purchase a new. school site, it was announced this week at ihe town councii meeting. Construction could be started in 1966. The announcement was made in a letter from the board requesting pertinent information from the coun- cil. The board is desirous of obtaining facts on conveni- ence of services, including sewers, storm drainage, water, power and _ street access for property on Burns« st. The approximate cost of services and identity of per- sons responsible for such cost was also asked. The board also requested infor- mation on'whether there is an agreement between the town and the present prop- erty owner. De Awarded By Town WHITBY (Staff) Three tenders' were received for paint- ing the council chambers and police department office, the property committee reported at the council meeting Monday evening. Successful bid- was tendered by 'Dodd and Souter in the amount of $710. This was the lowest tender submitted. Tenders ranged from the low- Painting Contract BOARD TO BUY | Uxbridge Family Awarded Damages Totalling $14,000 of the family were hurt"and a passenger killed. | Defence counsel 'ference Keliy told Mr. Justice Landreville that|; 100 per cent of the blame was admitted by the defendant, Mrs. W. Feikema, as she had run through the stop sign at Ross- land- and Thickson rds. In making the awards, Lordship awarded $1,500 each to three-year-old Wesley Campbell Gregg and his five-year-old sis- ter Lynne. Mr. Gregg was awarded $4,951 for out of pocket. medical ex- penses and $1,000 general dam- ages. Mrs. $6,000 damages for injuries she received which included a frac- tured pelvis, jury and a knee injury. WHITBY (Staff) -- Damages, totalling more than $14,000, were awarded Tuesday to an Ux- bridge family of four by Mr. Justice Leo Landreville of the Supreme Court of Ontario. The damages were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Gregg, and their two children, as a result of an accident Aug. 26, 1964, in which all members European Trip Pictures Shown WHITBY -- St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit No. 9, held its meeting at the home of Mrs. A. S. McLean who opened the meeting by welcoming all pres- ent. Games Night Plans Laid WHITBY -- All Saints Angli- 'ean Church Evening Guild held its meeting Monday at the par- ish hall. The president, Mrs. Vincent Graham, opened the meeting with prayer. During the business session members discussed and made plans for the forthcoming "Games Night" to be held in January. Further arrangements will be made at future meetings. The Oct. 18 meeting -will be held at the home of Mrs, Charl- es Rycroft, 700 Byron st. s., when a make-up demonstration will be given by Mrs. Herb Wright of Beauty Counsellor. It was announced that B. Lewis of the Children's Aid So- ciety, Oshawa, will be guest in-the---other-car His Gregg was given a shoulder in- It was announced that the general meeting of the UCW will be held Oct. 5 at the church hall with Unit No. 9 in charge of the meeting and luncheon. The next unit meeting will be ;Oct. 18 at the home of Mrs. {Keith Lunney, 404 Dunlop st. w., | with Mrs. 0, Jewell in charge of \the program. The Nov. 29 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. VanDeuren, 112 Bowman ave., and will take the form of an auction or white} elephant table. There will be no} meeting in December. Mrs. H. VanDeuren read a} |story from "Worship Anthology" jealled 'Jesus' Way Our Way" Mrs. K. Lee followed with the jreading of the scripture and! prayer. Church Parade Is Planned The parade will be i by the with St. John Ambulance volun-| jteers from Ajax, Oshawa, To-| ronto and Whitby taking part in| the event. Divisions will also participate in) the parade, Accompanied by the Whitby | |Brass Band, |form up at the Whitby speaker at the Nov. 15 meeting. Following the meeting an op portunity sale was held with Mrs. Jack Wilson acting as auc- tioneer. The balance of the cloth- ing was packed and will be sent to St. John's Church Missionary WHITBY (Staff) -- The Ontario - Durham St. John Am-'Store at Matheson, Ont. bulance Corps will hold a church| parade and inspection Oct. 17 in)Mrs. Tom Tompkins and Mrs. Whitby. Refreshments were served by \H. D. Hill. WME OSHAWA "TIMES, Wednesday, October 6, 1965 § CASTRO BUYS TAILS "ROME Fuel Oil Tender Awarded By Town WHITBY: (Staff) Seveh tenders for supplying fuel oil were received by the town's property committee, it was re- vealed an week. Lowest tender was submitted by Murphy Oils of Oshawa and was pted in|cost of $120. Manilio Piergentil, tailor. "(AP)--Fidel Castro, - who is usually seen in jungle- green fatigues, has bought a full dress evening suit from a lecal The suit was air- expressed to Havana at a total the amount of 12.95 cents per gallon. Tenders for supplying the oil ranged from the accepted bid through 15 cents per gallon sub- mitted as the highest tender. The lowest bid was 90 cents below the nearest tender. ACTOR UP IN AIR went on strike. Neemiah Persoff, guest star on the Canadian-made Seaway, was 100 feet above ground on a crane hoist at the moment Montreal waterfront workers Council Approves. Third Pool Hall WHITBY (Staff) -- Applica- tion for the operation of a pool hall was accepted by town coun- cil this week. Authorization for opening of the business was granted to Dean Georgas of Toronto. The pool hall, third one to be operated in the town, will be located at 131 Brock st. n. It) was approved following investi: gation and study by. Chief Con- Family Monuments Created T: individual. Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 stable George Rankine. pected | Toronto headquarters Nursing .and Cadet) will Plaza the parade est to a high of $855. The suc- Mrs. H. Meyers reported that} at 5.30 p.m. and proceed to Cen- | SAVE 15¢ Suggested By Council cessful tender was $78 below/eight hospital visits were made|tennial Park vis Brock st. s. Fol-| WHITBY (Staff) Town Council Monday night instructed) the building inspector to recom-} mend to the committee of ad- justment that the town's new zoning bylaw be adhered to in regard to a submission by Bea- con Homes Limited. Earlier in the meeting James B. McMullin, representing the) firm, appeared before council. He complained about the new bylaw and suggested he had been given a wrong impression by town employees. Beacon Homes Ltd., apparent-| ly had planned on building a 23: suite apartment on Dundas st. je., near the Dundas Street Pub- jas definite. lic School. When the company's representatives appeared at the town office they were informed |of the new bylaw being imple- mented, "We purchased the land in) good faith, complying with the old bylaw," Mr. McMullin stated. He said town officials had indicated the new bylaw might allow erection of a 29- suite apartment building but that this could not be regarded) "Our firm. had no the project plans would be| slashed," Mr. McMullin said.) Town Committee To Study Transportation For Pupils WHITBY (Staff) Harold Slichter, chairman of the streets committee, was instructed by town council this week to in- vestigate the feasibility of re- instating a bus service for St. John's Separate School pupils. Separate School Business Ad- ministrator Benson §, Hamilton, in a letter to council, said the board had received ne requests for reinstat transportation for the woe The bus service would operate pointed out sider Annes st. extremely dan- gerous for children walking on} the roadway, particularly since} the road has been paved," Ham- ilton advised. submission of the most direct! route to the school, along Annes} street, does not have a sidewalk| between Harriett and Newman! streets and, between Dunlop and| Dundas' streets.. "'Parents con- Mr. _ between the school and the New-|safety sidewalk along the east man and Westview sub- divisions. | Side of Annes st. Council instructed the streets |mission, "We were prepared to go along) {the next lowest bid. jin September, one card sent and on the idea we would _be al structing a 23-suite apartment. If provision was revealed later | for the larger plan this would) be all well and good." Mr. McMullin admitted town| UN Day To Be 'Observed Here WHITBY (Staff) jone thankyou note received. Members enjoyed watching movihg pictures taken by Mr. and Mrs. William Clark of their trip to London, Rome and} | through Africa. Mr. Clark ac- jcompanied the pictures with his/ Whitby | commentaries. officials did not give him any/Town Council approved the cele-| 'The hostess served lunch. firm committment but definitely|bration of United Nations Day} \Oct. 24, at its meeting this week, The request to honor the spe-| learn that only an 18-suite apart- [cial cay aa Suan | to coun-| QC, a |ment building can be construct- former mayor of Toronto, in the Work Explained idea) ed," he said. "Our firm stands|form of a letter. indicated the 23-suite aparinent) }would be possible. "Now we} 'Fellowship House Mr. Phillips) wyrrpy St. ! i proceed north on Brock st. to) Dundas st, then west Buy this special combination pack owing the inspection at approx-| mately 6.30 p.m. the parade will | to All : 100-tablet package of Aspirin $ .99 Saints Anglican Church. 8-tablet Children's Size Aspirin _.15 Total: value $1.14 Get both for 99¢ and save 15¢ Aspirin is the registered trade mark of The Bayer Company, Limited, Aurora, Ontario Older Homes Required H. KEITH LTD. PETER AGG -- Rep. Ph. Whitby 668-5009 and 668-8727 to lose # large sum of money|Said he had been appointed! preshyterian Women, Group No.| |through this change." Council agreed the question! was possibly serious but should! jin }of adjustment. Town To Sell. Pipe To PUC |chairman of United Nations Day 1, held its meeting Monday Canada. evening at: the home of Mrs. president, Mrs. William Scott, opened the meeting with prayer. | Rev. W. J. S. McClure led the| |Bible study. Phillips asked pointedly on the work of 'Fellowship tionalities friends. it was announced this) It was indicated the works de- Richard Deacon of The Dick lweek. The sale could net the! town approximately $400: based| |Van Dyke Show is proud of his Hamilton' Wdvised 'the! jon the sale to the commission e€ fk. council, the board had approved|"' © bald dome as a jthat sets me apart from the \crowd. 10 members were reminded of the drama, "Too Little for Milo" to be presented at. the church Get: 27. SHUNS FALSE HAIR "trademark the home of Mrs. D. Zilstra, 210) \Palace st. a request for @lpartment has a quantity. of the jpipe stored in its warehouse and that it is no longer used by) the workmen. The statement} He explained the board had|committee chairman to makelrevealed there is about 1,500 received a petition and met &ajan early study of the situation|feet on hand and that 1,000 feet! delegation of ratepayers recent-/and report back as soon as| jor more will be sold to the com- ly. The reason behind the re-| quest was the safety of school) children, he said. The business administrator Drum Instructor Hired By Band WHITBY (Staff)--The est Brass band begins its current) drumming sessions in the band- room, over Allin's drug store,/ at 8 p.m. today. A new feature] this year is the hiring of a drum| instructor. Anyone having sticks or. pads "{s urged to come out for this) first meeting," Eric Clarke,| bandmaster, stated. "In fact,| anvene who is interested in drumming is welcome to come out," he added. Mr. Clarke said a new in- structor, Dave Maybee, had been hired this season. Home Additions Boost Building WHITBY (Staff) -- Building in Whitby during September total- led more than $8,290, S. R. Cor-! rell, building inspector, tol council Monday night in his monthly report. Residential building accounted for 86.24 per cent of the total with alteration or additions to four houses costing $5,450.. Ga- Tage, carport and tool shed building accounted for another) $1,700, bringing the total to! $7,150: Commercial building was $1,141. This was made up of| $941 for a dry cleaning plant] and $200 for alterations to a' store front. | BOWLING Mixed League FRI. NIGHTS 7 to 9 P.M. at the 'County Bowl Byron St, N., Whitby For Further Information Call 668-8223 | Whitby Community Arena House" in Prince Albert, Sask.,| where young people of all na-| may make new) The Nov. 8 meeting will be at/ The letter pointed out many of|Jack Gilmour, Cochrane st. The| the attributes of the United Na- come up before the committee jtions and called on all Cana- ldians to recognize the effort be- ing put forth by the organiza- |tion. | Mr, that council inform him about plans being made in Whitby for \celebration of the special event. WHITBY (Staff) -- The Whit-|No plans were disclosed by the lby Works Department will sell|town elders. labout 1000 feet of no-corrode} |pipe to the Public Utilities Com- Mrs. Gilmore read a cond { During the business session| BEST BUY! Save "4¢! BEST BUY! Save Ne! All Purpose 9-th, Bag Fancy Quality ae Strte i Stokely's Corn 2: 37. i Five Roses Flour 6% ii] BEST BUY! Save | BEST BUY! my 3e! Vork Fancy Peas 4:69:|| FANG CRYSTALS 2343 BEST BUY! Save Me! 38 Inches Wide Rell BEST BUY! Seve I8e! Se Off Pack . 1-Ib, Bag |i] Wrap Your Tarkey In possible. 'mission. BECKERS -:- THE ORIGINAL JUG MILK STORE "BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT BECKER'S" Prices Effective Wed., Oct. 6th te Set., Oct. 9th. JEAN BECKER'S OWN -- PLAIN - SUGAR ~ CINNAMON 25° REG. 29% JEAN BECKER'S OWN -- ALL PURPOSE GRIND COFFEE 'ue on dae BECKER'S -- REG. 19¢ 14 PINT -- PLUS DEPOSIT Y-PINT 15* COFFEE CREAM nu: cn. The BECKER MILK Store BLAIR PARK PLAZA -- WHITBY OPEN 9 A.M. -- 11 P.M. -- 7 DAYS A WEEK TALKS CARS 3-STAR © SELECTION @ THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED _ @ WRITTEN GUARANTEE USED CARS ¢ SEE RON HEWAT 1963 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission; custom radio; white walls; wheel discs. Maroon metallic top, white body. One owner since new. Lic, No. 601-179, » e@ SEE BILL THOMAS 1963 CORVAIR "MONZA" COUPE Lustrous Autumn gola metallic; 4-on-the-floor shift; AM/FM radio; white -wolls; wheel discs; washers, etc. -- with the Big "110" sgl Lic. No, H50172. © SEE LES KAYTOR 1960 METEOR Custom 4-DOOR SEDAN Thunderbird V-8 engine; custom radio; auto- matic transmission; white wolls; dpa eine finish, Lic, No. H26761. On USE NORTHSIDE'S CONVENIEN) PAYMENT PLAN NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE #6 E BR Ck '1795 '1695 eT N PUBLIC SKATING For Adults EVERY WED. NIGHT 8.00 to 1 0.00 P.M. Admission -- 50c WE pounded Ha Company Guaranteed In- vestment Certificate for 5 years with Interest Com- amount to 690.00, $50.00 MONTHLY $3454 -$72.40 MONTHLY $500 PAY A BONUS OF INTEREST FOR REGULAR SAVINGS 10.00 Invested Monthly in a Victoria and Grey Trust If-Yearly will Red Rose Coffee 7% Maple Leaf - Redi To Faulty Cooked - fo." 2-8-%. Avg. Seale Picnics 1%: Trend Bacon 89: Save Be! Fancy Sticed po wey Tins DOLE PINEAPPLE 37: sage Hill Cheese Wedges | Alcan Foil Wrap 5% Specially Selected Grade 'A' - Choice - Plump Hen TURKEYS toy og THANKSGIVING FEATURE! Reg. 93c! ICE CREAM «.. 19% SUPREME FRUIT CAKE' 97- Specially Baked! Save 4c! 15-02, Tins OCEAN SPRAY cz = 27- Save 4c! Red & White New Process 6-02, Jor PEANUT BUTTER 39% Save 22e! 15e Off Pack . . 79. OXYDOL GIANT KSG 'SHOP FOR WILSON "FOODMASTER" SPROULE'S Red and White Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Corner Simcoe at Mill Shopping Plaza Dicilnes 59 Sausage Meat 45: Tb Grapes 79: Louisiana Yams 29 45 lb DUCKLINGS Sunishine Frash Produce ! Lettuce 25c iceber Gg Tender Brussel Sprouts 29 FROZEN Bes ara FOR THANKSGIVING! Save 8! -- Old Mill Mince Pie - full 24-07. size Save 8c! 28-e2. Tins MINCEMEAT MAPLE LEAF 45< MAPLE GROVE Red and White Maple Grove ' Ontario BROWN'S Red and White Brooklin, Ont.