Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1965, p. 33

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° BUICK RIVIERA FROM GENERAL MOTORS Buick Riviera. has been _. creases the low-car effect completely restyled for 1966, «nd improves visibility finements. LeSabre and nena aN EN Bure ce fg Pearson Invades ' NDP Strongholds TIMMINS (CP)--Prime Min- sity financing is under study ister Pearson set out today to! but it is evident that both fed- survey crop damzz* in Mani-\eral and_ provincial govern- toba after promising Northern| ments must do a great dea! Ontario farmers feed grain as-| more to assist the universities, sistance to meet crop losses|he added, \ we H at ye} | Boe & lens wet spel a Der! gave 20.00 MORE | The prime minister spent the) "We are going to have to do) first of four election campaign-| more than ever before and we) ing days on the road in efforis| ate ging to have to do it to break the hold of the New, dickly. Democratic Party on Timmins| Youth allowances and atu-| and neighbering Timiskaming} dent loans had been enacted. | constituencies. | The Liberals would bring in a At a sports arena rally Tues-| Program of 10,000 scholarships' day attended by about 1,600/ year of $1,000 each at the persons here, Mr. Pearson said) next session of Parliament. the main difference between| As soon as the Bladen report | his Liberals and the New Dem-| was studied, a conference with) ocrats is that the iiverals are|the provinces and universities) LADIES' CARDIGANS as illustrated in this sport coupe, and it is a langer car in every way. The wheel- base is longer at 119 inches, with wider tread, and both the hood and the front fend- ers are longer. Sharp slant- Riviera is offered this year as a sixypassenger car with- out a console. Instruments are grouped on the panel directly in front of- the driver. Riviera _ restyling Wildcat models have been redesigned front and rear with sharply defined lines and angularly rakish wind- shields. There are 16 models in the five series, including Electra 225 Custom. ing of the windshield in- highlights a year in which Bankruptcy Probe Report Exhorted By Diefenbaker VINELAND, Ont. (CP)--Con-| produce a justice department/ ing disclosure of the justice de servative Leader Diefenbaker| report on bankruptcy investiga dry Fey hag wt aip ou . y was n this case) Tuesday night swept the gang-| tions from Parliament,' said at al Jand slayings in Quebec of pos-| He also pledged that a Con-) Hamilton press conference dur-| sible fraud inquiry witnesses|servative government w ouldiing his campaign tour | into the political arena and| 'clean up this mess." "If it (the report) had been) challenged the government to, Mr. Diefenbaker, in demand-/ revealed there would have been! Jess possibility of such horrible }erimes being committed." s { In an evening speech here,} rits arre 0 e e jhe said a Conservative govern |ment would appoint a_ royal| com mission to investigate) 2 . bankruptcy frauds and' "appro-| And Socialism, Says Camp priate punishment" would be handed out to wrong-doers. LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Dalton|to raise future generations in) ;, gon hapthrusse ied a Camp, the Progressive Conser-|the conviction that security iS! nas proposed to investigate pil vatives' national president, ac-|more to be prized than chal-| yanized crite in Canada cused the Liberal government/lenged," he said. 'That equal-| a untinse , Tuesday night of making Can-|ity is more to be prized than| TOLD OF SLAYINGS -- ada "an international bore"}the pursuit of excellence Poo cnges a or i at He r i it idly : ; aude Wagner disclosed Mon- pean peer poogen g Rondon ¥| Speaking at a nomination day that five known persons| i vernment's for-| ; 7 a vagy ob of giving] selected J. A. (Jack) Irvine as| weeks. Discovereies of more are expected commission on _ biculturalism jand bilingualism was _| meeting where Conservativesihave been slain in recent|said in a position to bring about the| would be called to see what) social reforms both parties ad-| could be done to help the uni- vocate. | versities. i He said the Liberals, like the] r. Pearson began his tour NDP, want free university edu-| with the announcement at Earl- cation for all able to qualify ton of the feed grain subsidy. {academically. But because the|He repeated it in a _ public} 'NDP had no chance whatever| meeting at Kirkland Lake and) jof forming the government|again here, denying what he after Nov. 8 voting day, they|said were reports the federal) could ignore the problems of| government was slow to come cost and provincia: responsibil-| to the aid of the farmers in) ity in the field. | Northern Ontario. | "We Liberals . cannot and| He also said Forestry Minis-| will not ask Canadians to be-|ter Sauve will tour farming | lieve in overnight miracles,"'| areas to recommend what fur- he said 5 jther aid, if any, should be pro The Bladen report on univer-: vided 'Not Here About Election' Lesage Assures Sudbury | SUDBURY (CP) -- Premierjticular status for Quebec, Jean Lesage of Quebec saidjwhich would allow that prov- Tuesday he had already jince to do such things as make planned to visit Northern On-jcultural agreements with other tario before the Noy. 8 election|countries. But these, of course,| was called must never conflict with Ot- His reason for coming here|tawa"s foreign policy. was to tell the story of Quebec,; .. - SES a story that "simply has to be| I feel I can, speak straight} re ; : "\from the shoulder. here, in reagan St be Northern Ontario, for this is an area that understands and ap-) an preciates the problem of: Que- "shocker to me,"' he said in an bec. interview 'Quebecers dont, they On separatism in Quebec, hejsimply don't expect the mass! i of English-speaking Canadians} "There are two acceptable ito speak their language, but! in what\possibilities. One is a far)we do hope that you don't ex-| , i sacri-|their candidate for re-election! bodies : : advice without making sacri-their candi one police officer called 'thejgreater French - Canadian par-jpect the mass of French-speak-| tices and the Liberal party "is|in-the London riding, Mr. Camp I crime of the century." ( 1]-mell." tration of hypocrisy and weak- é Rage oyster | i jings to the investigation of} "But surely we are not goingi ness in its 244 years of office. | 7 --~|bankruptcy frauds. The report to which Mr. Dief-| State Of Revolution Nears sss e'. itt." } a ay ticipation in the federal gov-jing Canadians to speak your) eft, it's rushingjaccused the Pearson adminis- ¥ p J Se Bearrmen e " Mr. Wagner linked the slay-jermment. Tne second is a a nguage." | 'It's The Liberals And Us' Fighting Election-Tommy QUEBEC (CP)--T. C. Doug-ate is undecided on how it will Attroctively designed me 3 PLY WwooL Proloft cardigans with long sleeves. Choose from @ wide variety of soft shades: white, pink, blue, beige ond yellow in sizes 16 to 20, Shrink ond stretch resistant, 3 ply, 50-50 yarn, 50% Wool and 50% Nylon in 1 ounce bolls. Wide assortment of colours. Compereble value 37¢. OCTOBER SPECIAL ' Comporable value 5.95. First quolity seamless mesh nylons. Latest fash ionable Fall shades to choose from in sizes 81% to 11, Comperable value $9. OCTOBER SPECIAL Turtle Neck Sweaters Greot savings with these stylish turtle neck Acrylic pullovers! Sizes S, M, and L in solid colours of white, red and 99 blue. Compereble value a 5.95 OCTOBER SPECIAI. OCTOBER SPECIAL $3-99 Stylish Pullovers Glamorous Acry; lic pullovers with lovely large platter collars Available in three lovel shades; red, blue and PATCH MAT in Patch mat with foam rubber 4 i Ss M tL va ks ) isi backing ond overstitching all omparoble value 5.95. dp . cround mot. 27 x 18" in variety OCTOBER SPECIAL " ae é of colours, My py. de Comperable volu 98e, OCTOBER c eke a. SPECIAL PYJAMAS JR, BOYS' Te ------_ PYJAMAS Girls' Flonnelette SEAMLESS NYLONS Him around. caller, [M Boys' Flennelette front yoke and pock- et. The long pants have o covered elastic waist, Sizes 3 et, Come in wide to 6X in a variety of assortment of plain plain colours with colours with eolour printed colour de- cowboy designs, in 'signs. Comporeble sizes 3 fo 6X. Com- volue 1.66, perable value 1.66. $1.17 hae S].17 MEN'S Knitted SHIRTS Handsomely styled Men's Combed Cotton knitted -- shirts. Long MEN'S MEN'S WORK SOCKS "JAC" SHIRTS Men's rugged work socks of Men's knitted "Jac" -- shirts in Cotton Core yern with Nylon Pog Cotton with button frent, reinforced heel and toe. Grey ong sleeves end coller. Choose from @ voriety of plain col with white heel and toe, top with senha frat tn. aed also white with red tip. sleeves, two button placket end one pocket: Sizes $, M, L, In Without Reforms: Cliche | missioner of bankruptcies. | "T ask the department of jus-/ tice to produce the report-- ST. JOSEPH DE BEAUCE,|the farms to go to the towns) Que. (CP)--Robert Cliche, Que-jand cities because the present! bec leader of the New Demo-jeconomic situation no longer) cratic Party, said Tuesday allowed them to live at home night Canada will soon be in aj satisfactorily This exodus to state of revolution unless solu-|the major centres of Quebec, tions are found quickly to eco-|of Canada and of the United nomic and social problems. . [States could not continue for Mr. Cliche, addressing aj long. crowd of 600 persons at an; Mr. Cliche drew support for NDP convention at which he|his campaign in Beauce from was unanimously chosen as|T. C. Douglas, national leader there is nothing secret about it. And let's find out what was hid- den in this case from Parlia- ment." ig At his press conference, Mr. Diefenbaker was asked whe- ther the: report mentioned the bankruptcy of. Max and Adolph| Sefkind who sold furniture on credit to two federal cabinet ministers He said the Sefkinds "alleg- ediy made $2,000,000 on this party candidate for. election in}of the NDP, who attended the racket." the riding of Beauce, said ajnominating meeting. Mr. Doug- country which crime of allowing its young) Quebec Lamontagne and Mr. Tremblay) workers to be unproductive,; On the night of the elections, who bought furniture on credit with its factories closed, must|Mr. Douglas said, 'the eyes of and forgot about it would have| expect to bear witness to\Canada will turn towards been 'not too anxious for any| numerous social disorders." |Beauce to see if Robert Cliche production of this report." Young people were leaving! was elected." Maurice Lamontagne is sec- 'p eer ee ey Ce ree Sore ELT ee Be and Rene Trem- s blay, immigration minister H her Farm Insurance when the furniture purchases 1g. ' were discoyered, now is post- master general. Ld The Conservative leader said Lower Premiums -- Hays. y"»rr i gevennn's. : fused to table the report in the STEINBACH, Man. (CP) --|istrative costs with the federal au ioe a Agriculture Minister Hays an-| government. statement "on. the subient af nounced plans Tuesday to} These measures, he told a po- -. cary iow. broaden crop insurance cover-|litical rally in this southern o ets had all the fects, he's age and reduce farmers' prem-| Manitoba farming community, oa. no ataiats ent." at GE iums if a Liberal government, would be introduced at. the first mac en i oes is re-elected Nov. 8 session of Parliament after the ; He said a Liberal governmentjelection and be in operation ti would increase the level of cov-| within 18 months e oresta 10n eragé, make it more suitable to} Four provinces now offer a . mixed farming and pay 25 per|crop-insurance program -- Al T P cent of the farmers' premiums.| berta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba ory romise The federal government now and Prince Edward Island. On HALIFAX (CP)--A_ Progres pays 20 per cent of the prem-|tario, Quebec and British Co iM ' ith ' : Conservative government d Mr. Hays said the lumbia have indicated that a '!¥® a " would reforest more than 20, five - per - cent increase would program would be introduced saath i : depend on whether the prov- if coverage was extended, he so tie ee of Fn migeiand ince would also pay five per|said. Other provinces also are fe a a io Ante le still splitting admin-| considering a program he next 10 years cent while I ig admis gat _ Nov, 8 Alvin Hamilton, agri- culture minister in the last M El s G Bl Conservative gov ernment said any Liections Let Blame "y=: 3» 0, meres F - % ee ge ot nae tin agg tt or Indecision Of Voters 3": 3: only with the co-operation of the previneial departments OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance|decided about which party to Ninety' per cent of the expen Minister Gordon. said Tuesday|support in the Nov. 8. general diture would be on labor, he he thinks the usually large election said number of undecided voters in) Mr. Gordon, Liberal federal Ontario and Quebec would Canada is partly due to the\campaign chairman, held the each have 8,900,000 acres re- frequency of -elections in the' regular weekly briefing on the|forested The Atlantic prov- last few years campaign Tuesday, and_ said/inces would have a total of He was commenting on pub- opposition leaders were mak- 4,900,000 acres reforested lic opinion polls which show' a/ing "a lot of loose statements.' high percentage of voters un They were making "personal attacks and that sort of thing." "Tl have the impression they! BUT HE BARED pres a to grips with HIS THOUGHTS The campaign chairman said, ithe Liberal party's 265 nomin NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. jations for the election will be (CP) -- Barry Mather, NDP |"pretty well cleaned up" by the! member of the last Parlia- |end of this week. | ment for New Westminster| He said he didn't know) who is seeking re-election |whether Mr, Pearson would go} Nov. & made a brief cam- /into Northumberland to cam paign speech Sunday. paign with candidate Pauline Jewett, who is opposing forme! His audience of. about 15 \eatete ates ee wore expressions of attention. es ree Ceeaiiats | Mr. Gordon again defended Site of the speech: The |the decision of Mr. Pearson to 1e Meadowbrook Nudist Camp. |confine his. campaign to the! MITCHELL'S Said Ernie Detwiller, presi- {last five weeks. He said people DRUGS dent of the Western Canada complain in every election : : Sunbathing Association: "Mr. jabout the length of the cam 9 Simcoe N.*° 723-3437 Mather .was quite at ease." jpegs ne we took the lead Open Evenings Till 9 P.M in this." | PROMPT. SERVICE, He wore clothes City-Wide Delivery las, leader of the New Demo-|vote. « cratic Party, said Tuesday the) He did not, he said, see the election struggle at the mom-) \ug ent is between the Liberals and|"%° of tisting the scandals the NDP in most parts of the;Which have burst on the poli- country. jtical scene during the last year Mr, Douglas made the state-|These scandals had already ment in an interview on arrival had their influence. by air from Halifax. He is to, One of the greatest problems| make a short campaign tour ofitoday in Canada, said Mr Beauce County, south of here.|Douglas, is the economic in- He said it is mathematically|equality that exists between possible for the NDP to takejdifferent regions. This was why "If it (the report) has' any|power after the Noy. 8 electionithe NDP was so preoccupied "commits the|las called him his right arm in reference to that { am sure Mr,|aS 40 per cent of the elector-iwith the question. assorted picin colours. 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER NE S).99 Boys' "Jee" Shirts Ir sizes 8 to 16 for cay 1,99 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE whether you plan to build or buy, make sure your new home isa Medallion All-Electric Home A Medallion all-electric home gives you the benefits of -- 1. Flameless Electric Heating 2. Full house-power 3. Planned lighting--inside and out 4, A superfast Cascade 40 electric water heater MEDALLION HOMES COME IN ALL SHAPES, SIZES and PRICE RANGES. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . . . 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