siete gas eepractan fieale ee eens ies - who said: GA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 2, 1965 LEADERSHIP TRerrr reser VU iiLIGLY . ..FOR OUTSTANDING DIMENSION Recreation: A Combined Operation By ALLAN BAILEY { @f The Oshawa Times Staff No government agency or any @me. agency can alone produce & community recreation pro- gram. These were the words of Wendell Brewster, RDMR, Osh- fAwa's director of recreation, "There are commu- fiity forces making contribu- tions of varying nature and ex- tent; private agencies, schools, @hurches, voluntary groups, Bervice clubs and others. **The need is great and in- Breasing. In order to meet it we must learn a lesson of work- ing toward a common objective. Buch co-operation of those wrorking for the benefit of peo- = would leave neither time or place for professional jeal- pusies, organizational feuds or Btatus-seeking by an individual ®@? an organization." OUTSTANDING DIMENSION Mr. Brewster concluded that & can be done by mutual re- pect, clear and articulate com- munication and joint planning. Above all, leadership and ilities must be pooled and ly utilized," he said. "The product would be the estab- ent of recreation as a the Ontario Recreation Associ- ation, Locally, Mr. Brewster is pres- ident of the Social Planning Council and a member of the Oshawa Civic Auditorium board of directors. DEPUTY DIRECTOR Second in command of the city's recreation department is G. K. "Gerry" Gelette whose title is deputy director of recre- - ation. He holds a permanent WENDELL BREWSTER Recreation Director ally outstanding dimension of | ving in our time.' Mr. Brewster came to Osh- | @wa about 15 years ago. Prior Petar here he held a simi- | position in Stratford and was serge director and _ boys' ork secretary of the YMCA tm Moncton, N.B. He is qualified practitioner of eation, holding a permanent " certificate from the On- fario department of education is a graduate of the recrea- ion course at the University of estern Ontario. He is a past president of the Bociety of Directors of Munici- Recreation and is currently istrar of this organization; a fellow of the American titute of Park Executives @nd a former vice-president of MRA a Hse iicstenntteninns G. K. GELETTE Deputy Director THE TIMES SPORTSCOPE SATURDAY, OCT. 2 HOCKEY -- Professional Ex. Game, Boston Bruins vs Okla- homa City Blazers, at Oshawa @vic Auditorium, 7:15 p.m. §$OCCER -- Oshawa and Dis- trict League ("B" Division) -- Kickers vs Polonia, at Lake- w Park, 4:00 p.m. ("A" Divi- --Local 222 vs Ukrainia, 7:00 p.m. and Polonia vs , at 8:45 p.m.; both games & Kinsmen Civic Memorial Sta- SOFTBALL -- Oshawa City District Assoc. Juvenile Championship Finals -- Cees vs Genosha Aces, at andra Park, 7:30 p.m. (If sary, 4th game of 3-out-of- ries. OASA Inter. "C" Play- -- Brooklin "Concretes" at ham, 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 ern Ontario finals. e Smart Travelles kes his reservations % AIRLINES % TEAMSHIPS + TOURS Me HOTELS--by calling: 723-9441 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE SUNDAY, Oct. 3 SOCCER -- Exhibition Game. Oshawa 'Polonia and Thistle "United" vs Toronto Croatia, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadi- um, 3:00 p.m. SOFTBALL -- Oshawa City and District Assoc. 'City Cham- pionship Finals'"" -- Bad Boys vs Gale's Lumber, at Alexandra Park, 2:30 p.m.; 3rd game of 3-out-of-5 series. UA WlLeague Semi-Finals. (if necessary) at Alexandra Park, 3:00 p.m.; 3rd games of two 2-out-of-3 series; McKeen's and Scugog Cleaners and-or Karn's Drugs and Wayne Auto Parts. MONDAY, OCT. 4 SOFTBALL -- Oshawa City and District Assoc. Juvenile League Championship Finals -- Genosha Aces vs Jay Cees (if necessary), at Alexandra Park, 7:15 p.m. 5th and deciding game of series. TUESDAY, OCT. 5 HOCKEY -- Junior "'A'"' Ex- hibition Game --Niagara Falls Flyers vs Oshawa Generals, at Civic Auditorium, 8:00. p.m, SOFTBALL -- Oshawa City and District Assoc. "City Cham- pionship Finals" (If Necessary) Gale's Lumber ys Bad Boys, at Alexandra Park, 7:15 p.m.; 4th game of 3-out-of-5 series. SOCCER -- Oshawa and Dis- trict League -- ("B" Division) Thistles vs Polonia, at 7:00 p.m. and Rangers vs Hungaria, at 8:15 p.m.; both games at Kins- men Civic Memorial Stadium. "B"' certificate and is qualified for an "A" certificate and is also a graduate of the recrea- tion course at Western. (Profes- sional staff workers are re- quired to be certified in this way by the provincial minister of education so the department is eligible to receive provincial grants applicable to' recreation. Ninety per cent of the grants received are applied to leader- ship both full and part-time.) Mr. Gelette first came to the Oshawa recreation department in 1959. He spent a short while in Etobicoke as program direc- tor and returned here just over two years ago to his present position. He is president of the Recre- ation Directors Association of East Central Ontario and a member of the board of direc- tors of the Ontario Recreation Association. The third member of the pro- fessional staff is Pat Mce- Garrity, an assistant director and sports consultant. He came here from Peterborough, attend- ed university in Halifax and brought his qualifications up to date by taking the final year of the recreation course at West- ern. He is now eligible for an interim "B'"' certificate. The department is presently in the process of filling a vacancy on the professional staff which would bring the staff up to par with four. Other full-time department employees include two office workers, a maintenance man and combina- tion program and building con- trol officer. The department WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6 No Games Scheduled. THURSDAY, OCT. 7 HOCKEY -- Professional Ex- hibition Game -- Oklahoma City Blazers vs Tulsa, at Oshawa Civie Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. SOFTBALL -- Oshawa City and District Assoc. 'City Cham- pionship Finals" (If Necessary), Bad Boys vs Gale's Lumber, at Alexandra Park, 7:15 p.m.; 5th and deciding game of series. SOCCER -- Oshawa and Dis- trict League ("B'"' Division), Kickers vs Thistles, at 7:00 p.m. and ("A" Division) Kickers vs Thistles, at 8.15 p.m.; both games at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium. FRIDAY, OCT. 8 No Games Scheduled. SATURDAY, OCT. 9 HOCKEY -- Opening Game of OHA Junior "A" Schedule -- Kitchener Rangers -vs Oshawa Generals, at Civic Auditorium, 7:15 p.m. SOCCER -- Oshawa and Dis- trict League ("B" Division) -- Polonia vs Italia, at Lakeview Park, 4:00 p.m. Waterloo Lets Students Vote WATERLOO (CP) -- Stu- dents at Waterloo Lutheran University who have to travel long distances to vote in their home constituencies Nov. &, will be excused from attending lectures that day. Dr. Lioyd H. Schaus, dean of arts and science at the univer- t PAT McGARRITY Sports Consultant also employes more than 100 persons throughout the year for various programs. Efforts of the professional staff are channeled toward as- sisting community non-profit organizations primarily concern- ed with recreation for their members. Assistance may be obtained in the areas of organ- ized direction, facilities, adver- tising and secretarial and office work. CENTRAL COUNCIL The prime organized recrea- (hunting); and the Cloud Chas- Central Council of Neighbor- hood Associations. The city neighborhood structure, consid- ered to be one of the most suc- cessful of its kind in Canada, enables many local people to be participants, administrators and leaders in the pursuit of good use of leisure time. It is through this structure that it is possible te conduct city-wide sports and social pro- grams for young and old. Minor (HW QUdb 0} OEHHA ETLCELEA ODE AGL AUREL EE POMP LEE AE AREA Gg PCPP RNA AR PONG RSET SAP MAES RR sity said faculty members will be asked not to schedule tests or assignments for Nov. 8 or 9. Canadian university students are not allowed to vote in their campus ridings unless they were resident in the ridings be- fore Sept. 8, the day the federal election writ was issued. Dr. Schaus said he was urg- ing his students to vote in ad- vance polls in their home con- Stituencies if possible. The ad- vance polls will be held Oct. 30 and Nov. 1. sport programs, adult bowling and dart league competitions are examples of some of the activities sponsored by the neighborhood associations. There are 20 such associations governed by the central council. Other organizations to take advantage of the department's facilities are the Society for the . Prevention and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America; Sweet Adelines, a sister group to the barber- shoppers; Tops Clubs (three) for ladies interested in losing weight sensibly; Chess Club, Checker Club, Maple Leaf Judo Club, Health and Strength Club, Slot Car Club, Rock and Min- eral Club, Aquarium Society, Accordion Instruction, Square Dance Club, National Campers and Hikers Association (Osh- awa Chapter), Senior Citizens Shuffleboard, Wood Hobbyist Club for people interested in developing skill and knowledge of the ancient art of woodwork- ing: drawing and painting club; Uplands Bird Dog Club (hunting); and the Cloud Chas- ers, a model airplane club The recreation department, under the administration of the recreation committee of city council, is currently taking @ look at its full programming ia three major areas. Mr. Brewster said the first is the program area where ac- tivities are promoted and con- ducted entirely by the depart- ment; second is the field of individual group programming and general activities now con- ducted by affiliated organiza- tions where the department either initiated or assisted im the: continuance of program and where they continue to pro- vide material and leadership assistance; and third, the group program and general activities operated by non-affiliated clubs, groups and associations, where facilities, equipment, services and sometimes leadership are provided by the department. vient "Fantastic" The Cadillac Hotel MR. MERCHANT Advertising Space is Available In This WEEK -END SHOWCASE Phone 723-3474 The Oshawa Times DISPLAY ADVERTISING