sr etihaaart teas ma yaaa ogi BE WHEN ALL THE WORLD iS BIG i \_ SHOPPING CENTERY can, without. 8 HUMAN creatures are getti to show themany affection 3 along,the best p 7 WBS See LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THERE SHE IS NOW, AN» WELL, GEE WHIZ-- I'M NOT THOS Word vighs --BUzZ SAWYER "THE LONE RANGER grating sage as ny oo ampere \ THAN 4 l= } ve yen? J, Biss 7 HE SQUA ENEMY PLANES » DESTROYING TWO, SENDING SIX SCATTERING ¥ ROCKETS, BUT RETURNS TO FIND |ORON _ IN. TOO. BAD YOU \ JUST MISSED THE : BARELY, © King Features Syndicate, loc, 1965. World righ reserved. -- XK 1S APT. BALL, BRITAIN'S Ain . DIED WITH 50 ENEMY NEMY PLANES TO HIS CREDIT ¥ AND YOURE ASKING ME TO DATE HIM AGAIN, MR. CORRIGAN ? SECRET AGENT X9 DROP YOUR GUNS! 70Ss £m DOWN FAST OR THIS KID STOPS A BULLET/ DONALD DUCK LCAPTAIN....T/7 ADMIRE FO TALK WITH YOU A gt «15 see PRIVATE MICKEY MOUSE fH, PAL! WHAT DOES IT YOU TO DRIVE THAT ONE 'TENTH WHAT IT COST ME TO DRIVE THAT LITTLE by King Features Syndicate, TELEVISION LOG 2--Buftalo | 9:30 PLM 11:38 A.M. 3--Barrie | 1--Petticoat Junction 9--Peter Potamus 4--Buttalo 8-2--Mr. Roberts 7--Porky Pig 6--Toronto 7--Peyton Place | 4--Quick Draw McGraw Channel 7--Buffalo 4--The Smothers Bros. | #~--Fury Channel 8--Rochester | | é Channel 9--Toronto | 10:00 P.M 12:00 NOON Channel 1--Hamilton =| 11------The Merv Griffin Show | 1_wrestling commen | Man from U7N-C-L-E.! 9_Wish You Were --Jimmy Dean Sho e2--Top Cat PRIDAY BVENIN@® © | (ym oe ce 6:00 PLM, 4--Siatterys People | Robin Heod 'i--Family Theatre 3--Trials 'of O'Brien | $--Robin 9--The Virginians | 10:30 POM. | 4-Sky King &--Superman | Spotlight On | 3-Country . Style 6--This Land | 3--Adventures In Paradise) | 11:00 P.M. | A oy seid B--Lloyd Thexten ! ah --News) | aoe Pm | Weather Sports |7--Hoppity Heoper Leave it to Beever 1:16 P.M. | &-Woody Woodpecker 6--Spain in September | 9--Metro Final | PG add of Lassie | | é--Viewpoint en 6:09 P.M. 11:38 P.M. 7-4--Late Show | 6--Night Metre 11:98 PLM, |li--Lete Show |b-2--Tonight Show | | 6--News 4--Rural Review | 3--Movie | 3--Wrestling 11:40 P.M, | 1:0 PLM, 4--Premiere Theatre |!1--Long John Silver kanaktes | 2:00 P.M, SATURDAY i1--College Football 6:00 A.M, | 9--Hi-Time 11--Outdoors Unlimited 7--Major League 7:00 PM, 7--Farm and Home Hour Baseball ; its 4---Bewery Boys 43--CBC Sports 1--Shindig i | 1 GF lim 9--The Flintstones | Channei Channel Channel Channel Here 1:00 PLM. 1]--The. White Hunter | @2--The Movies 7--New American Bandstand 6--Wrestling 6:0 P.M. Ni--Femily Theatre Me. 2 9-42--News; Weather; Sports 8--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne 4--Across Canede, 11--Schnitzel House | 2:30 P.M, 6--News, Weather, WELL, I GUESS IT'S SORT OF A COMBINATION OF MODERN ART AND BAKING ty MUGGS AND SKEETER REMEMBER THE LAST TIME You T368. World richer rearevea "THT LS viii Kang Foanaree Syeda WAS A PLANE BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER' GRAMPS THOUGHT IT 4 JULIET JONES THE HEALTHIEST KID ON THE BLOCK, MY DOCTOR INSISTS THAT THE J KALAWADI CLIMATE ,. WOULD PROBABLY WILLING TO GO? AND STILL YOURE JX@ | 4-Hogan's Heroes 9--Cartoon Playhouse 4--Cameo Theatre 02--Three Stoog 2--Checkmate A So alleen 9:00 ALM. 3:00 P.M --Compa | yy ery nahi 2--Huntley-Brinkley | baat; eral ' 9--Weestling 7:3 PLM. | Soneuey Island 1--Man from U.N.C.L.E. 9:30 AM. 9--The Smothers Brothers! 1|--The Sonins 7--Flintstones 4--Fleld Trip | 6--Addams Family | Hercules | 4--The Wild Wild West | } 10:00 A.M. | | a0 AM | 8&--Movi | Sports i 3:28 PLM. 8--My Little Margle 4--Barn Dance 4:00 PLM, 1--Ovtaoors Unlimited 9--After Four 8-2--NCAA Football 4--NFL Game | 3--Bowling | Roller Derby 4:00 PLM, 1l--Hawkeye &9--Worid of Sports 4--NFL Game 3--Golf 2--Camp Runamuck 4:00 PLM 9--Patty Duke Show 7--Tammy 6-3-Get Smart 2--Hank ii an. on PM }31--John Bradshaw '1--Twelve O'Clock High Bessa ant Wee 9--A Go-Go 6 | ireba 8-2--Convoy | 7~--The Beatles 7--Addams Family | 4--Linus The Lionhearted | 63--The Tommy Hunter | 11:00 A.M. Show ["--Mabby, Time win | 7--World of Sports | Jane 1h6-Rareet 8 | 9--Milton The Monster | agi ated bl a #-2--Dennis The Menace | P.M, 7--Cartoon | & é--Cousin BIN 11--Johnny Quest 63--Bugs Bunny Tom and Jerry Hearted 4~Zane Grey Theatre 6-8--Under: 7--Popeye 4--Mighty house Mouse | 6:00 Pm. j|!1--Dennis The Menace 9:00 PLM, 9--Movie 7--Honey West 6--Friday Movie 4--Gomer Pyle a 3--Wild, Wild West? YOUR HEALTH Cirrhosis Date Fully Explained ® By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD +| hours a day. The other tells you! Dear Dr. Molner: What is the difference between biliary cir- rhosis and alcohbdlic cirrhosis When one doctor recom- mends moderate activity with two hours of bed rest in the morning and two in the after- noon, and another recommends complete bed rest except for three hours a day, how does a patient decide which advice to follow? Also will you please explain the significance of a total bil irubin reading of 10.1, 5, and 242--M.R Biliary cirrhosis of the liver) is not common. It features en-jthe liver is small rather than largement of liver and spleen, and long-standing jaundice (or yellowing of the skin) which, however, can be yariable. It usually affects younger per- sons, and is thought to result from some toxic factor or infec- tion of the bile ducts. The other type of cirrhosis (which I do not call alcoholic, because alcohol may not be in- volved at all) is much more common and tends to occur in }older people. True, alcohol can be a prominent factor, but not in all cases Anyway, in this latter type, ACROSS 1. Visible junctures 6. Curve | 9. Maxim 10. Excla- mation of con- tempt . Coolness of manner . Group of islands in S. Pac, . Neglected school subject: abbr, Branches of learning 17. Greek letter 18, Land ZAI measure 19. Liberate 20. Offer 21. Back of neck 23, Primps 25. Nuts 27. Column 29. Questions 32. Tennis pofnt 33. Article 35. Exclama- tion 86. Brazilian palm 37. Handle: Rom. Antiq: 38. Metallic rock 39. Gamut 41, Pulverize 43. Escape: sl. 44, River flowing into North Sea 45. Type measures 46. Angler's basket DOWN 1, African desert 2, Egress 3. Trouble 4, Tooth 5. Samarium: chem. 6. Arabian garments 7. Male sheep 8. Polish- French composer- pianist iG AIOTAME Yesterday's Answer . Cheese . Pine Tree State . Caresses lightly . Pen- dant of ice . Core - Lean-to . Anxious 37. Gifts to the poor 38. French river 40. Old Dutch measure 42, Regret 44, Ed Sullivan or Ted Mack, for instance Z Y Z 13 15. 2 s 9 VA, 16 0- |large; jaundice is slight; therejof my reply to you. Notice that are other technical distinguish-| the jaundice can be variable. 'It ing factors. | varies with the amount of yel- RHEE een {low pigment which is lodging in REST IS NECESSITY {your blood, skin and. other tis- A great deal of rest is ajsues instead of being normally fundamental necessity for bil-jdischarged by your system: iary cirrhosis. One doctor tells; The bilirubin reading is a you that you can stay up three! nemical measurement of the to go back to bed four hours a) amount of this pigment in the day. Assuming that you go to blood and hence a more exact you have a lot of rest at night,| jaundice than merely trying to the difference in the two in-| gauge "how yellow you are" by structions is only a matter of| sight. degree. | Dear Dr, Molner: If you are going to have two'get rid of psoriasis How can I of the bed early and get up late, so|determination of the degree of! doctors, you should let them) know it, so they can resolve) the matter. In any event, the amount of bed rest would: vary in accordance with how you re-} spond. One doctor decides to start with more 'rest and per-/ haps reduce it; the other starts| with a little less with the idea' of perhaps increasing it. Unless; the doctors know which advice. you are following, it leaves' them in the dark as to just how to proceed in your case. As to the bilirubin FOAnings| look back to the first paragraph scalp? I have tried things and nothing will heal it My scalp itches and my hair comes out in patehes and the pimples get pus in them and it spreads. Please tell me what to do.--Mrs. E, M. C, From' your description one might question whether you have psoriasis. Rather, it evi- dently is some other form of skin fiisease That's the trouble with buying "remedies" for an ailment with out really knowing what it is. You spend good money but lots of 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, . Friday, October 1, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER d-hold. M (Top Individual Chempionship Ploy) TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Six Clubs. North leads the queen of diamonds. How would you play the hand? @s32 #86 oAé6 AK I962 @AQ96 ¥AQ Ko #Q10854 N WE 8 2. You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump. North leads the king of spades. How would you play the hand? @Al4 @AT4 @KQ73 & A109 o82 9632 @AIB + Qsse2 1, Played correctly, you fre certain of making the @lam re- gardless of how the adverse cards are divided (unless the opening lead is ruffed by South), The key card in this problem, composed by Paul Lukacs, is the six of spades. \ Win the diamond with the king, extract the missing trumps, cash the ace of dia- monds and then lead the jack of spades. If North plays low and the jack loses to the king, you make the contract whatever South re- turns. South must return either a spade or a heart, ending the hand immediately, or else re- turn a diamond, which gives you a ruff and a discard. If North covers the jack of spades with the king, win it with the ace, return to your hand with a trump, and lead another spade. If West produces the four or five, or shows out, you play the six, thus endplaying South, while if West produces the seven or eight, you cover with the nine, again nullifying the de- fence whatever the lie of the cards. 2. Win the spade with the ace, cross to dummy with a dia- mond, lead the queen of clubs and finesse. If the finesse loses, ten tricks become certain. If the finesse wins, repeat it. This method of play guarantees the contract even though a defender shows out on the first or second club lead. If you were to duck the king of spades -- a play quite often made in similar circumstances -- you would be courting dis- aster and might well go down. For example, suppose North then shifted to the jack ot hearts and South overtook the jack with the queen. You would then be in danger of defeat whether you took the heart or not, and could easily lose the contract if it turned out that North had the king of clubs. The only way to insure the contract is by winning the open- ing lead. This relatively simple play guards against every pos- sible distribution of the North- South cards. Their Mascot Is Special TORONTO (CP)--Most organ- izations have animal or human mascots -- somethin alive, at least. Not so the Toronto harbor po- lice. Their maseot is a 350- pound English - made portable fire pump. The machine can pour most of Lake Ontario onto a fire or pump water out of a flooded ship with equal efficiency, they Say. Wher the freighter Orient Trader caught fire July 21, two policemen put the pump aboard their patrol boat and it was kept at work for hours until the burn- ing cargo was brought under contrel. The police mascot is abso- lutely reliable, say its admir- ers, polishing up the overhead camshaft and cleaning out its intake pipe, "the size of a junior telegraph pole." Official statistics are that it pumps 250 gallons of water a minute at a pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. This requires two men to control the nozzle of the hose, N WE 8 don't get results. Consult a dermatologist (skin specialist) for diagnosis and treatment. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 70 and recently developed a mild arthritic condition. There seems to be some thought that drink- ing soft water (I installed a softener system in my home 18 months ago) has a tendency to develop this ailment. What's you ropinion?--H. F, W. There is no evidence that soft (or softened) water has any- thing to do with arthritis. At 70, most of us cen expect that the years will have made our joints somewhat creaky. SALLY'S SALLIES "T don't think much of the view. Those mountains hide all the scenery."