18 THE OSHAWA Tims, Pricey, Geiwber i, 1965 'Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Probiems" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP ane Accountents Barristers Instruction TV--Radio Repairs CLANCY'S Accounting _service.| JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Eareloe bookkeeping service, 299 Simose|rister. end Solicitor end Notary Pu Oshawa South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. The Commerciai Building, 286 King We: Drivin School ALBERT WOSMAR, Chartered Keeount-| Oshawa, Ontario, Client Parking @ is] < fg ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshawa, able. T2016 or 5-017. | 10 years teaching driving ECONOMY, AND Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. automatic and standord cars. 1 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND €0., Money 0 loan. Office, 4% King Strest) Professional instructors. DELUXE Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- id . 728-0091 Priced'to suit your budget. tees in Bankruptcy, 522 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-7371. Building Trades ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME TERMS ARRANGED Sore, teas Pancin Wale Sane tert intants, Financial ul ing, 7 king ic Pret ret. we SPECIAL tario, 725-3509; Hopkins, i | ; Beadle, CA; &. Lukow, CA. | 10% Discount WALL, PERKIN AND C€O., Chartered! Accountants, 362 King Street East, Osh-| On All Orders awa, 725-6539; ila G. Perkin, CA; Kini 987-4240; Willlam C.| Remodelling, carpentry, til- A ing, painting, plumbing, elec- . Certified Gene trical work, roofing, eaves- Accountant, Suite 205W, Cenewp eid | troughing, plostering, cement work of all kinds. ping Centre, 725-9953. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accou aI Aluminum ant. Licnesed Trustee, 17 Bond Street, doors and windows, siding. East. Telephone 723-4829 20 skilled men ready to A serve you Barristers ' id thes sowane. LAsKowsKy,| NELLIS HOME A, " it icitor, autre Sirs "Office hours: 9 a.m.-5.30) IMPROVEMENTS p.m. Evening appointments. 0 Oshawa -- 728-2061 723-1661. Peterborough --- 745-2184 McGIBBON parse gp tee agit) eee Solicitors. M ages arrang atior | THE Trust Bullding, 32 Simcoe Street South,/ R. H. CABINET CO. 728-7336; Charles C. MecGibbon, QC;) | 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm-/| 668-6911 strong. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and/ VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. | Bank of Commerce Buliding, § Simcoe) i Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446, T. K Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K.) t Srynan, QC 74584; 6. L Murdoch,| custom built cabinets... QC, 723-4768; J. C. Victer, 985-7115. OCTOBER SPECIAL _ Mortgages arranged. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Sollci-| tors, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| QC, 725-3368; Terence V Kelly, BA, BCL,| 728-5832; Thomes H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, Seve up to 15% during October on Rec. Rooms, Cup- boards, Tiles and al! general Home Remodelling. All Work Guoranteed 668-3895 | HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- Just phone for my prices. MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% be Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey: H. McKoy 725- '8576 | QC; G. S. Boychyn QC. W. A. Hittman,| LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and other first mortgage funds evaliab.e. Classified Rates ROOFING, concrete floors, 1 fiat our specialty, New work and Large and smaii jobs. L. and H. and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 ALL TYPES buliding, roofing and remodelling; chimneys, new paired; sidewalk and A otal Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. repairs and re repairs. WORD ADS CARPENTRY work, new and repairs, also cement work, free estimates. Tele insertion of, 34 words, $1.98 iphone 728-7680. secutive insertions of sii words an EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents squere foot! words con insertions of 24 cody $4.32, additional words 8c each. 1 per cent os Includes -- and fill, two-year guran- tee. Terrano Paving. 723-5841. | Your LOCAL CHIMNEY cieaner. Chim- jneys built and repaired; gas linings words counts as 24 words; each word, he PLASTERING and repairs, stucco initial, figure or counts re-mode!!ing, rec-rooms. Free as ome word; phene number aus estimates. A. C, Woods, 728-3420 or twe words. 728-4717, FOR | ROOFING, « chimneys, sidewalks, ai! Frank McCann,| BIRTHS ~ DEATHS -- fuabe of ahah aris BR's, Oshawes Brookiin' 655-308), SOCIAL NOTICES 00 per insertion with 28 cents ad- vy . ditional charges if not peld within «| Dentistry wash CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M, Denial IN MEMORIAMS Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa For appointment, 728-517) BIALEK, words and Se paid ae = Se he © oR. C. By sigs CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words end Sc each * wi Be charge If not pald within 8 days. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc e@ach tMereaftter. ressmaker, -- sewin ¢ Roselawn Avenue, Osh- nion-| ions. ERSONAL STYLING tor wise women! Dressmaking, alte: op loa roofs repaired. Free estimates. | |DAY and Evening Classes for adults and |high school students in English, Latin and B, A. 513 Byron French, by J. C. Luck, 'St. S., Whitby. 668-3866. OSHAWA TV \Janitor Service SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD. E. | ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, nomical ceiling, 728-7736. eco- wall cleaning done by {modern machine. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Just East Of Ritson Money To Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea- to consolid: your bills or for any other worthwh' purpose providing you are steadily em ployed and have good credit. sonable 723-4631 rate of interest Telephone 7288180 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! Morty MORTGAGE INVESTORS Units of participation avail- able in first and second mort- goge Diversification ment funds ita! appreciation CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST and SAVINGS manage- High yield -- cap- CORPORATION OSHAWA 723-5221 BOWMANVILLE _ 623-2527, MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgages Open Interest Mortgages at 7% No Bonus No Charge for Valuetions Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for Second Mortgages Fost Service. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St East Oshawa, Ontario. 723-4697 SUMMERLAND 112 Simcoe St. SECURITIES North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Member Onteorio Mortgage Brokers Association ments of Drynan, Murdoch and Mortgages sale purchased. Viet "Barristers".) Mrs. Alice | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for all mortgages. and agree Creighton, 'or rie in WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ee TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 TELEVISION. - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE | | HOLMES ELECTRONICS for aka as service Whitby -- --'66 5679 FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. All work eed 5 RON Tyo DOMINION | Pork Rd."ond k Aiton ree |... SEIGNEURS o RON'S TV o Dee eame Sportswear Ltd W_ 12 Years' Experience | and | RENTALS portswear . E All Work Guaranteed E TIRE STORE | Oshewa Shopping Centre - leefoel A ouored ages Burk Street OF ALL KINDS |-- RON BRIGHTLING | i f uilding | IS 9AM --9 PM S Telephone (27°0011 igh Sa tg ot reoucine eoulpment -- | OFFICE CLERK Se ; ra massaging belts, rowing ma- | TV WHITBY'S. ONLY LOCAL on job 8 to 8 chines, bike 'exercises -- all | SERVICE TEXACO DEALER | Phone 725-4171 anytime $6. per month Experienced DAY OR EVENING @ FUEL and STOVE OIL PL UMBER'S S TOOLS -- pipe | SRVERAL Woo - , with some knowledge of book- | * WOOD COAL renal ORL on hatte Srimei| aleoning tors ceme vite Hl | Lae end ty 728-5286 @ Bl bra tA pag jeai for high school girl. Also brides-| POds, pipe gee sgh tg , # ping. Jk 24 maid's dress and head-band, size 8-10, ter ip tr ies, j OSHAWA SAWDONS' {turquoise match ng "lunler Gridesmaid's toilet sida fini des gs Please write stoting full ~ ress and headband, dee; nk, for gir - ; re ELECTRONICS Whitby) Limited ten tweive -years oid relephone. eve PAINTER 2) ROUIERORNL: == qualifications to: CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, aiso 244 Brock St. South reawaiteet-- Sading machines end Gel cleldine compan pairs, All work guaranteed, "$11 Dean|RCA Whiripoo! wringer wasner almost | time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year spray guns, wallpaper steam- BOX 518 Ryenve. Telephone 725-0500. Well Drilling--Digg ing : WELL DIGGING by machine " specializing | 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut] Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-2809. Second mortgage. Sale agreements purchased and sold, Hennick King Street (Werd Ads.) Ping @ speciaity. 728-1823 for appoint- Eiger AND men AUCTION SALES LADIES -- have your children's dolls|and Hennick, Barristers, 31 02.10 PER INCH INSERTION dressed for Christmas. Teenage dolls a East. 723-7232 INES specialty! 725-8592. re) DEADL |DRESSMAKING -- All kinds of ledies' )ptometrist WORD ADS i we hie quality work. Cal! Dri king, ORESSMAKING -- Sui, < copts, dresses, aiterations, siip covers, drapes. Fitting a 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND ? a.m. day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 col urns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION Gardening _and Supplies -- | "FALL SEEDING" | IS BEST | SUPERFINE GRAS MIX | NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX | PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS MIX KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS MERION KENTUCKY BLUE BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Se While every endeavor will be made | to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept, no tiability in respect ¢ to arke joss or damage ai'e SO-GREEN 7-7-7 t fail for- . wae cof repiise. Som caused MILORGANITE whether by negligence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for repiles uncalled for in 20 days, C.l.L. GOLFGREEN | 2-6-6 C.1.L. EVERGREEN 6-9-6 C.l.L. SUPERFLOW 10-6-4 REGULATIONS BONEMEAL The Oshawa Times wilt not be re PEAT MOSS bie for errors in advertise POTTING SOIL me submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one Inser- tion of eny advertisement nor be yond the price charge for e single Insertion in which error occurs. COOPER- SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. _ 723-1139 IFOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS SOD reserves the right | according to | The Oshawa Times to classify advertising its proper classification. in the cases of dispiay advertisements i will not pe held respon- Finnie jore space 'han that vhich | ctual error occupies The pub- | tis endeavor to reproduce ali ad- TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 Any edvertisement cancelied betore| Laid and Delivered... also will be charged one day's | Cedar Hedges, Patios Laid | ond Delivered IT'S EASY TO PLACE A CALL | "MAPLE LEAF' Landscaping ond aGrden Service Agnes' |e RICHARD 6 LACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone 723-4191. specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whithy, 668-2372 Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Droperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER our RATES ar much cheaper. Our werk guaranted. Our Our service is 24 hours is ber is 13 CROSS TOWN oainting and decor Top materials; teed. Free 668-5862 information 3317, workmanship gi estimates Dial 728-9098. Plumbing 'and | Heating -- \s free. Our phone num- ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- Ltd., Pl Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark 75 Ss mcoe new and rates. 'Rug-Upholstery Servi eo Estimates Heating and @ Street South. Ing, ES of repairs and remodelling, used materials. free. 723-11 Reasonable Foley Rug and Upholstery Clean- ing. At our plant or in your home. OSHAWA CLEANERS CALL 725-9961 9 4 BRUCE STREET RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Esiabiish- ed 17 years, Complete range of materials Workmanship guaranteed five years. Free estimates built holatering 725-0311 Credit terms Company, 267 Mattresses Furniture re-tinished. Oshawa re- Up- Dean Avenue,|CAMI covered like new. Get the best for less at Mod nt Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street! ~ 's Column 396 Pine Avenue, corner Telephone 725-5363. ing, of Westmount 2--Personal Removal of superfluous hair Morie Murduff will be = in Oshawo Oct. 4th, 5th, ond 6th. Phone Genosha Hote! on these dates for appoint- ment. ag ey YSIS | GENTLEMAN would like ride fo Toronto, |Thornciiffe area, arriving at 8:30 Telephone 728-7847 after 8 GUITAR Good guit 3--Sportsman '8 } Column ER HUNTERS ted for first and! second week, $70. per week. Haliburtor Aree. Call Wayne Roberts. Telephone! TELM, p.m. Wanted guitar High gel or lg 28-9 5--Trailers COOK'S TRAILER SALES SIMCOE ST. NORTH Clearance Sale | FREE winter storage, no in- terest rates, low down pay- ment on all models. Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m. Closed on Sunday, Phone 723-9534 i968 TRAILER, (3 fF, Used once $1,450. Will sell for best offer 152. Cost ~ i mehooany Whitby |® By RJ. SCOTT 9--Market Basket |15--Employment Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted WINTER cabbage; Spanish and cooking | womal 'work, house 'onions, carrots. Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd. brteins aed brant elephone ae oilice $. First farm south, Hydro sub-station ped ee like housework by the day. eliable. 725-6990. (west side). APPLES, Cortland, Sweets and Snows, Glenosha Farms, Town Line Road, lalf-mile south of Taun- ton. Telephone 728-6908. le for storage or free: Pumpkins and tom: toes also available. Walter Huron Farm, half mile west of Oshawa on 401 north service road. STOCK UP for winter, foes, ripe and green? turnips. Townse! 12> Highway. SPANISH ONIONS, 5c each. Pick your own. We pull carrots, $1. per bushel Bring containers. W Eymann, 'mile eas! of Roy Nicholl's Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. 10--Farmer's Column FRESH CORN ensilage, delivered, reason- able price, contact Ed Steinfield at 723- 4376 or 668-3500. 100 LIGHT SUSSEX puliets, five months) old, starting to lay. Two Yorkshire sows, | five months old. Telephone 655-3736. | DEAD and crippied farm stock picked tains LADY requires beeen Hd pees sitting for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed- esdays only. Call 723-7257 evenings, 5:30- . Friday morning 8 - 1.30. OOKKEEPER -- Fully experienced | ccounts payable, receivable, trial bal ance and payroll, would like part time work hg fh eae or In own home. toma-| » Carrots, cab- 's Greenhouse, |17--Female He P Wanted SECRETARY REQUIRED For Law Office Lego! experience necessory. Good solary. Al! replies con- Z ; | ip promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. fidential en mw MANY gees Telephone. Collect' Hampton, 263-2721. Li-| you AME. LAKE CHAD REGION Zoe a see Amat epee = Holstein, some Charole, ary oF wi MEIR BODIES ARE geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7 - 9 of AFRICA KAVE HO MOKOPOLY ' LES$ TAK MALE Gann ade dcalnahasableaties BOX 912 OX FACIAL MUTILATION. 2,800. A Foor 10nG. 11--Pets and Livestock OSHAWA Tikies | COZY-J-RANCH KENNELS. Paiamino| i ce eg andy reco nutes pony colt, white mare, three is. 'Ger. ieeedl ma Shepherds, registered; puppies; | boarding. Ashburn 655-4662 nirgs. | | ' . RHODESIAN Ridgebacks (the African! ~~ 8--Articles for Sale |8---Articles For Sale Lion dog). Excellent bloodlines. CKC reg 10 YS" | eeelennie waterproofed = drill, floor, rear window storm flap, dutch door awning "From $39, 95 Up BICYCLES Heavy sewn with i ith Stondord features, include | chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver 'brazed frames and forks From $34.95 Up LAWN MOWERS Light, dependable and power- ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to. 3'. Chrome plat- ed handle. From $39.95 Up MUST SELL TO-DAY @ Gilson electric 30°' range | @ Westinghouse refrigerator @ Findlay space heater with 6 speed fon, pipes, 200 gallon tank, 25 gallons } oil | @ Fluorescent. 8 foot 2-lamp fixture Apply 131 Albert St. or Call 728-4061 ' | Wrecking new, $65. Two pair lined shortie drapes,|quarantes. Outsta 63 inches by $3 inches, $15 per pair.| Pair unlined shortie drapes, 53 inches Bi) 63, inches, six months old 798-7224 |VACUUM repairs, all makes, brushes, ete. Pick-up, delivery, Fiem ra Vacuum Service, Main Pickerir $5, Telephi "hoses, 942-021 Street, ne | 220-7783. M TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- oi BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- es % structure, hot dipped galvanized 1 tower cement mixers, finishing tro- } a y a included, single all-channei antenna com le h b 3 : dag TIME Me clerk for interior decorat Lele', Indtalied, tex incised auareniaed wel wheel barrows, electric jing store. 40-hour, five-day week. Some one year, $50. See ail towers at TRIO, Vibrator, air compressor, jack ene iL Anely mas tak cous Television, corner Bond and Division, hammers, hand trowels, water 1c Is eeventiol. Apply Bex 1 Oshewe |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture | 726 5143-4 | |player\television Just shape. Best cash offers. dryers and chairs, shampoo chair and - {sink Phone /28-5343, |TV COMBINATION television, radter| - me Iphonograph. "Admiral", in. good wo! VIKING 30°" electric range, in good con ing $50, Phone 668-2303 '59 AUSTIN HEALEY niotor and trans- condition overhauled, hand-|Harwood, Ajax Shopping Centre BABS hag ef cash offers, | HAIR DRYER, air conditioned, also three dition; & cu. ft HOUSES nding good buys. Open evenings. Frigidsive refrigerator; % bed and one double bed, springs. Tele 23. phone Brooklin 655: Jen kins Business Machine Saies and Service New and| "'14--Business Opportunities, stered. Call 723-6475. PONIES, geiding (two) with saddle offer. Call Pickering 942-} 1924, FUN Tor BEAUTIFUL baby budgi ies, ready training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin East BEAUTIFUL while Samoyed pupples for the discriminating buyer. Females, regis- Ladies earn extra Christmas TAKE YOUR' PLACE BESIDE THE PROFESSIONALS OF CANADIAN FORCES Navy, Army, Air Force IF YOU ARE 17-24 years * Nevy @ 16-23 years--Army 17-29 years--Air Foree have Grade 8 or higher physically fit and single o Conadian citizen or British subject WE OFFER @ $180 « month while train- ing in electronics, mechan- t thi lon, fathi | ered. Mother a champion, grandfather a money We will train you to Canadian and American champion. Ne pachee. Kennels, telepiione 725-6030. demonstrate a full line of toys | GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, registered, | and gifts. Commission. Car | from champion stock. Four months old, essential. No investment. } $40, Telephone Whitby" 668-2103. | CALL NOW BLACK LABRADOR pups, from good | Peggy. Langille working strain; dogs, $50.; bitches, $40. | Phone /23-6074 728-360 TOY TERRIER pups, excellent house PeadlttencercttoSte. pets, three females, $20 each. Phone Blackstock 986-4747. APPALOOSA stud colt, well "marked, 'best | offer Telephone Port Perry. 2959. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, 10 weeks old. Ajax 942 2 1325 GERMAN Shepherd pups, very reason able, Telephone 728-9815 atrer 5 p.m TOY COLLIE, brown and wh nine months old, spayed, had a $50. Telephone 728-2983. |PUPPIES -- Two male dachshund, papers, quality stock, seven weeks old.| Phone | 728-5089 SATE SALES LADIES Port-time for exclusive sports- | wear shop. Experience desir- oble. Pleasing personality, good appearence. References essentiol. Salary in eccord once with ability te sell, Apply in. person. neue, ical communications, od- ministration or many other fields @ free medical and dental care @ free uniforms ® free sports facilities @ @ very generous pension plan @ opportunity for wide travel © 4 weeks' onnuo! holiday with pay DISCUSS YOUP. FUTURE with « CANADIAN FORCES CAREER COUNSELLOR et ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches OSHAWA TIMES Times, giving experience, if and references. any pumps, portable heaters, steel! Jand appliances. Goold"s Furniture, 215|q cir Or rag Pte. NSE aasciierre aki Dundat Bae, 'Whi thy 668-5481 REDUCE WORK -- maintain a lovely scaffolding, electric generator, EXPERIENCED WOMAN ~Fequired for fisksoraAewra __.. jcomplexion, elimin the ugly bathtub ' NEW, USED -- vacuums, era, Re-|ring., get whiter w send nibs 'save ramset, power rollers, electric restaurant work from 3 9 p.m, pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone|money by having world famous Culli hammers, masonry saw, build- pecan platen Seas oe eg ite Apply Jack Lees, 728-6956 igen Soft Water. system put in your home. | ing jacks, mortar mixers, chee!'s ar-h-S. Park Rew Sovin ia gon > Ha You can try It for ene month for oniy| ba : RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two baad M = Bought, told Yraded:, repaired ss" cal Culligan today, Whitby 668-2200. | dissioat ste gh -digsd igo children, ages 2% and 3\%. Live in pre- 728-9731 |CANADIANA ENCYCLOPEDIA -- | te a na eat age elle oe $20. weekly. References. Call lume set with stand. New, never used. | ulins, san faster, power sc REE oa SHE Siciniepaialanis inpeageneeb tes gta aaa 'few qual |cost" $149.50. Will sell $85. Call 723-5970 post hole auger, oscillating |RELIABLE woman to ao light housekeep- lbedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles.| OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits,, sonders, disc sanders, belt |!n9 8nd care for one preschooler and p 1 fleur: k t tran ; # , . [two school boys, five day week and live ay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable vaiue!|figure wor custom 'picture framing. sandet floor sanders, acty- |j Telepho: Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoe) (clark Studio, evenings and weekends. lan aid tits, 200 n. Telephone 6468-5488 | South Fe 325 Brock North, Whitby Pde Reet ie hig bee sled |BABY SITTER "0 live in and care for| ls 'amp electric welders two preschool children. $15 week and/ ave OR SELLING "furniture or ep-|TV ECIAL -- 40-foot "tower | | liances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294|structure all-channe! antenna installed, room and board. Telephone 723-5788 after lor 263-2695 $50 Oshawa TV Supply Limited S a A N'S aL NE OREO A t -|RESTAURANT FQUIP: -- cash WOMAN 'to look atter two children, near |ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash u Qui meNT cas ' N Shopping Centre, light housework. Able Hlers, duplicators, chequewiters, files,|register, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer, 2 19 W, Oshawa t kK GM yirl' jdesks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service|stools, booths, etc, Nesileton 986-4200 St lo work GM yirl's sift work. Telephone ith q | ~-- narpaning "& Rentals Ltd. | 728-1098 | nd trade, with budget terms. New and/ USED -- furniture, appliances, sporting a ome -- Used. Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, /ggogs, mought, sold. Best prices! Valley PHONE 723-3224 DOES A "BEAUTY C 3 bbe \Creek, 16 'Bond West. 728-440) : Z on you? ) ~ need someone in your} HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil-|Savm ss0 on new NSU scooters" The ; tbenalh Rien cals eh AN titra la Big discounts without sacrificing|eycie Shop, "53" Simene Stree! Sout, Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- |PRACTICAL nurse, steady employment, | qu 424 King Street West, Oshawa | 725-6611 es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coftee Write Box 116 Oshawa Vimete stating 728-919) SCRAP HARDWOOD = onetost engin: Urns, Punch. Bowls, Bridal qualifications. - ere ~ _ loot lengths. { ' , rane oan a FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE of a-| \97: 75 sin cord. Phi 723-2281 before Webr,-Men's Formals. Whit GIRL for evenings only. Apply in person ; ; gle cor one 72 0 e ormals nite ; jon inved bat erns, ay sieiee fy vib 9.30 a.m Fox Furs. Mink Steles to Scott's Chicken Villa, 295 Simcoe South. [Church Strett, Oshawarn |HARDWO cut to SALESLADY for drug store. Full time. | length, single cord, $10, double $18 SARGEANT'S REN TALS Apply Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza. tye ag I a 15) portale Ideivare. Newtonville 786-2283, collect. STENOGRAPHER for law office. Exper- ine, i - | [writer 84s elpciric cash register. (tem: |FLY KILLING aystern, completely auto-| 463 Ritson Rd. S._725-3338 __|ience desirable but not essential. Apply [lzer, $100. 723-4434 |matic. Try for one month for only $3.50.|CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church|HY¥man and Hyman, 86 King Street East, Call Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200. | ee runner Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 : |STUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, new and] ---- -- Te | Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414 to care BABYSITTER wanted to care for sree] used; cash registers, adding machines;|HONDA MOTOR BIKES 1$35. up. Machines i Fane Expert| used, $299. No down payment. Open even-| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred poll et one pre-school, light housekeep- service. Oshawa Business Machines, 728-|ings until 9 p.m. honda Shop, 199 King|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban. |/n@ duties. Live In preferred. Bay Ridges. | | 3664 or 725-9748 West, Dial 728-4242. et parties, weddings, anniversaries. 839. 4037 CEE OP ORES nee NERS IE SRE | ~ | a re 7 lities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason-| RELIABLE housekeeper required for) GUNS new and used, _ WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| lible rates, 728-6315 motherless home with five girls. Live In.| Ammunition, tlcences, hunting supplies, ture or anything you have. The City eee Telephone Whitb} 3237 701, lpest pricest Vi; Creek, 16 Bond Trading Post Store, 33¢ Simcoe Street FOR LEASE 400 acre hunting area, prone y 668- or 668-4 | Street West peel 723-1671 with camp, sleeps 10. 18 miles north of | |FREE! Have your furnace cleaned and|FULL-LENGTH WEDDING dress "with 09-3060 EST Se re) Banach Avalt 18---Male Help. Wanted adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble freejaccessories. Cheap, Approxi mately 12 fer if you purchase the best in| Telephone 723-i386. Call before 2.30. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, weikers,| | tue all from Western Oi! Company. Dla!) wOMAN'S brown squirrel fur coat, Teele ania 100 ene aoe: ae es. | IS THIS 4 2 new, reason for selling, owner deceased } | FLEETWOOD combination, radio-record-Coat can be seen at Mac's Talior, | _ FOR YOU? POR SALE | are | | with me as a salesman. Tre- OR LEASE | mendous possibilities for a | man with ability and ambi- 725-( 0611 ai! 728-645). Free estimates 6--Merine Equipment -- |e oeee ee ean ove rive' MICtIBABY CARRIAGE, grey, Thistle, Very | " gosereoresacen si é RFIELDS re-upholstered and re-liai@RT. Weymoulh cs == | Telephone 728-4920. condition, $25 or best offer, Tele Privately -owned service sta tion whose earnings are re- | INDEX TO j bh Ma Fre ate. See our meterial|HP Johnsten motor. iia os wo or im ee 723-2663. y ae tion 2 large bays, with | stricted in present position | | BLUE SOD. cn rien Stew, Es vee bernainan INSEL Serpe nae _- [Price $30. Telephone. 725-2361 361 lad es ine Victor, f1-inch) stockroom, large sundry store | | will teach the right man all | CLASSIFICATIONS | GRASS ets nei aeraiticn i movin 6nd Very|COMPLETE double bed with mattress | can be converted to snock | | know obout my business. | | ; | Check th litv'in the field and Service eed condition. $1,200. Phone 723-1809. Ispring and combination bookcase head: Nght) bar, very good gallonage. At- | will pay him more than he \--Women's Column | . Check the quality in the fie #&. 4 i940 1 HP vinrude motor. Like naw |board; kitchen set, table with four chairs, |0d- Telephone 25-710" eee tached three bedroom home, | is worth to start and exact- 2--Personal All Green Nursery Sod D repairs to all good condition. Telephone 725-0105. ANTIOUE SOFA, Victorian style, gold. Well located on busy higt fe oe Hh bs | 3--Sportsman's Column G T line North washers anges. Free estimates. Cal! - - also 'a settee, green. Telephone 725-3769 e ocatec lA) usy high | ly what e is worth ofter | $--Trailers BOWES, TOWING: TOFD, 78-1142 jcomber runabout fibre |ACCORDION for sale. Fully equipped, |®! Lb lf lls idl woy, east of Oshawa | that. | expect no capital in é--Marine Equipment % mile N. of Taunton Village oop cmt rernnennennnnee: | 91488 Cruiser with 100 Mercury moter and ah details and demonstration, telephone + Admira , one year] FOR DETAILS Ba vain wed Barter OSHAWA 725:9674 CANVAS awnings, curtains, eenoples, Many extras, 623-3818, 726-6113 or apply 392 Oshawa Blvd Southlold. Good condition, $160. Bes! offer.| C | vestment but only honest, a--Articies for Sale bic SS RNOE het Sie th ARCO RIE Selina, P2999. an itd estimates. Mel)/--------___. sensintinnie jatter 6 haa Phone Hampton 263-2194 | | intelligent effort. We don't o--Market Baske! ee ee 7--Swap ¢ ond 'Berter |FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator (large); 22°|BEDROOM sulle, new condition, refrig-| a - ] | work @ forty-hour week, but 6--Farmer's Column | GUARANTEED:'CEDAR TREES Se ; ----.-. | ange} 25 gas range, Moffat; doublelerator, chesterfield, lamps glass and si! we don't punch clocks either ae wanes GREEN AND BUSHY FOR tic 'Serv e BATHROOM kit Kitchen nd shower cabinets, bed, complete, bookcase headboard, "lver, four sets lined drapes, garden e0-|pecraimANT in Norn Osh "i PY P s either. r eames risonnrasenipcaiagets . up. Pre 7 t 741 i n North Oshawa, dinin \ Articles for Rent | HEDGES ETC FREE ES s Prompt serv-|systems, sump pumps, stainless ptt poe Aen ent sc scadnonalde hidh jeyclepadie. Telephone 725-176 room and counter, with equipment Abia you are ot least a High 14--Business Opportunities | TIMATES, QUANTITY OF |ic@ oF calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut! sinks, basins, fittings, pioing, boats, mo-| BEDROOM SUITE -- bed spring, chest,|NINE-PIECE walnut dining room suite,/rooms upst can be used for two} School graduate, 25 - 45 Employment W | POSTS Np Es . Street West, Whitby 668-2563 tors; tr H. Chinn. 723-7088 dresser with mirror, vanity with bench,/upholstered chairs, broadioom, 12 boarders. Telephone 728 years old, established loca! Agents Wanted } STS AND POLES ee -- sells _| very good condition, $100; also two Jack-|with pad, coffee and end. tables, with| asas aL with f --Fermale Help Wanted | SMITH'S TREE FARM Surveyors 8--A ~Artiel " for Sale Posts. used two months, $$ each. 723984.|merble top, all in new condition. 725-5225 lag eraumawit well eatabllahed OOS ! bil C Setre 0) ie : | ; m ; "1 - "ary nen | - w Ie-Male Help Wanted Newtonville Call Collect |Sowevan and FLEISCHMANN, -Omterie| ~ __ |CHDAR FENCE RAILS. -- Come end|PIANO, apertment size, Winter, only|highway, Oshawa area. living on busy esta MAN 'tie rey, be. the o--Rent Estate Tor 3 786-2283 pil ols ie iAkeae's bOeh I et them! G. A. Laing, Orono. Telephone jone year old, Telephone 725-5725 |gift counter, $15,000 down. For particulars} On oe ooking for, so write i BREE Ghat: soi 11 Ontario Stree / SEN'S 4 | le - ipantech tonal chester-| write Box 917 Oshawa Times in confidence, giving -- full leeee aaa a Po rowel 6m Hi. FLIM AND TROLLOPR, Ontario. Land EQUIPMENT CENTRE |WHEEL-CHAIR and crutches, In good|field with end table ner table, porticulars to a 723-9910, enings 728-0875 rveyors 3 Elgin Street aon Phone 1 Moto-Mower Massey eed Hon. for, seis sAeply. af 2B4 Courcel good condition. After 5, tel enone 723 15--Employment Wanted 3 Se ane Men |€OR SOIL with witncal Tanoray alien 725609 erguson Riding Tractors penta |YOUNG ENGLISHMAN of 2 art BOX 4] 5 14 Stores, micas " |manure for sale. Wm Kur. Waibe, . r Service on all power equip- erenoscpede ase for sale, like new.|NO. 7 WINTER POTATO) 751b. MElInearance, good education, s RA \ 2--Apartments for Rent | Telephone 660-3908 'or 440-978'. TV.---Radio Repairs ment. Licensed mechanic on : = - a |aetiver i Hy cen aaeei983, Moe epeiayeret, Aneiitg legal, conaineren r@) h Ti 27---Rooms tor --, | TREE TO TRIMP Call Sim. Or ili cut aise tuay ef duty HISTLE baby carriage, grey, $25. P if hades ~ | Telephone before noon 728-4238 snhawa times 2h---Room and Boar them gown Free estimates, 725-5118 or jfect condition, Telephone 725-6716. TWO GIRLS' bicycles, with carriers,|BUSINESS MEN! An "Typing | ST BA 7 4 7 1 < } tick MG outta ' y sort of typing |STEADY, lan Wanted to ane Hoe lyeeoes FALL SEASON SOON | 843 King West 728 '9429 {POOL TABLE 4 i! x 6 (1, Like new,|9900 Condition, $15 each. 728-4989 done including dictaphone. Fast Ht restaurant Wrnctien Tee ltl --Automobi les for Sa o RETO TV CHECK-UR NOW rye sea 2B v $195. Also Keys ton © fully automatic movie|------ - --|rate, confidential, Pickup. and delivery.ipoiniment to interview. 31<Compact Cars for 1 tr oti en }BUY AND SELL - Gooo used forniture| camera and case,' $110. '725-7892 [Reasonable rates. All work guaranteed {a CIE i ihn RRND Ra ETERS 32--Trucks for Sale ns ruction canes 7 quolitied servicemen land appliances. One location only thy |9--Market Basket Telephone, Whilby 468-2498 °° WAITER for beverage room. Mus! have rll nr WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dual Furniture, 444 Simcoe South ripsart" SET OF BIGHT beautitully en jfore $1.28 bushel. Pick your own,|WILL CARE 'or 5 Sia lo aye Meaterec Ue Ubtaae Ee : WHITBY } a + $1.25. bush ick your own KR tor pre dcnodl child lo Mivitma) pratarrer:. ite Vics ' 35--Lost and Found lee. "Wally romanad gt a 1 R, a O [DIVAN CHESTERF dea! for re-jwide tea. kettie| bring containers. Telepnone 728-4839 hems. Alison "Need deuth af. Conant laiteat Wael Gahawe 0 %~--Legal ily tice sed a Jnaured: 668-6176 . creation room 0: $35 bein id Call 728-3689 \ORDER for cre roaling ice Telephone 728-1719 WANTED "7 cenit ting chicken. s : ae P--Auctions NO ACCORDION -- Private or clas TELEVISION ss iagasione 94 TELEVISION, RCA Vitor, 21-inch, 'beau-|four pounds, $1.38) three pounds $1.18.|DAY CARE tor child, in my herve. five Escalon wartng Lenitor 38--Com vents +. ' - i) ' ridgeston Q ul cabinet, very goed condition, shag on order of ten or more, Tele-|days a week. North- + . } compa: 5-656 87 Simece Street North, | 728-5143 miles, Best efter. Telephone 725-5626, or nearest offer. Telephone 7258576, |phone 728-8291, Sain, et ee ee ae al | hatreunes Armouries | Monday, October 4, 1965 between Noon and 6 p.m. JUN IOR COST-CLERK: Grode 13 preferred. Apply in person to: J. S. Emmerson GOODYEAR Tire-and Rubber COMPANY _BOWMANVILLE, ONT PART-TIME WORK In retail .stores and wore- house. Age 21 to 35. 3 years of High School education or the equivalent. Applicants should be interested in fu- ture regular employment Apply in own handwriting. No telephone calls accepted BREWER'S RETAIL STORES P.O. BOX 517 Oshawa WARRANTY CLERK Experienced required for pro- ro G.M. Dealership xcellent opportunities future advancement for right man. for the APPLY K. M. McGARVEY ' General Service Manager THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 723-4634 BRAKE MECHANIC. GENERAL SERVICE MAN Required Salary, bonus ond all company benefits Apply FIRESTONE STORE 190 King Street East, _ OSHAWA =~ 725-6566 TRUCK DRIVER For cleaning Establishment BEFORE 5 CALI 723-1159 Evenings 723- 723-7388 PPLE PICKERS Wanted at Omar Farms, Ashburn, ee ee ; Nara eC ON a ACORN EL