aoe victed SERN of careless] S Driving | aiving and fined $50 snd costs Pope Paul: Warmer Man, [7".a7. bah See 'Different Man On Travels |." or BIG BAND. A-GO-GO SATURDAYS lachie, driver of a car which struck and killed Lynn Marie COUPLES ONLY | Care pl By EUGENE LEVIN town of Concesio, 60 miles eastja review of his church's teach- VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The) of Milan, His father ran a Ro-ling about birth control. Pope Paul North Americ will see may appear to be a vastly different man from the Pope Paul Romans see. Travel does things to him. In the Holy Land and India, he seemed to be a warmer man, responding to the crowds around him and evoking a re- sponse. At home, in his own diocese of Rome, he is often taken for granted. The crowds are used _ to seeing Popes. POPE PAUL IN APOSTOLIC PAL ACE Cholesterol Isn't Likely Cause Of Coronaries, Doctor Claims TORONTO (CP)--Dr. David)of 'thought on cholesterol. A. Turner, associate scientist} pr at the Hospital for Sick Child- ren says he does not believe} medication aimed at cholesterol -- a fatty alcohol found in certain foods--is the the body, and said he was con- primary cause of heart disease. "If the cholesterol levels in|duced cholesterol the blood are elevated, it, indi-| P™ gnant women. cates there is something wrong, Heart disease could be con- with the metabolism," not nec-| trolled by eating "less of every- essarily heart disease, he said.| thing," he said. intake Those who know Pope Paul say he is a warm but basically shy person who finds it difficult to stir a crowd without some help from the crowd itself. When he travels, things are different. He is swept up in meeting new people and seeing new things. The crowds are live- lier than Rome's. They: haven't seen a Pope before. THEY INSPIRE HIM "They inspire him, and he in- spires them," said a Vatican prelate who travelled with Pope in nearby Brescia, a journalis- lin his approach to Catholic 'daily newspaper) But many see contradictions|Tracey, near the child's) JERRY REIDT renewal.jhome here July 22, was con- end his orchestra tie background that Pope Paul) [Paul is cautious in some mat- has often recalled. ters, and his repeated warnings Giovanni Battista Montini was against change for the sake of ordained a priest in 1920. After\change seem aimed at braking three years of graduate studies|the renewal drive. in ovat and a year in Warsaw, To some, Paul has appeared as secretary to the apostolicita be the hesitant intellectual nuncio (envoy), he entered the while John had been the impul- Vatican secretariat of state. He! sive pastor. This does not mean | PLUS | JERI JAE JORDAN PLUS The IZZA telephone 728-0192 PI's A-GO-GO-GIRLS . Canada's most unusual Ballroom CA ADA'S MOST UNUSUAL BALA rose steadily..Pius XI made him/ paul has been less courageous substitute secretary of state in than John. 1937, and Pius XII promoted) i him to prosecretary of state in|CALLED COURAGEOUS 1952. . "Perhaps no act of his ponti- .|fieate has more eloquently ex- BECAME ARCHBISHOP pressed his worthiness to suc- The career in the secretariat ended after 31 years, when Pius XII sent him north to Milan as archbishop of the most impor- tant diocese in Italy outsie Rome. He was proclaimed car- dinal Dec. 15, 1958. Eight years later, in June, 1963, Giovanni Battista Montini returned to Rome for the con- clave of cardinals that elected geous act in accepting the UN invitation," John Cardinal Hee- nan of England has said. In going before the UN Gen- eral Assembly, he is undertak- ing a mission to a secular world that often has not heeded his ap- peals for peace, and might ig- nore him again. | "This is a risk that must be Paul to India and the Holy Land. Of the 45 years since he be-| came a priest, he has spent 35| in Rome. He was a prominent) aide to Popes Pius XI and Pius} XI. But his background is north Italian. He was born Giovanni Bat-| tista (John the Baptist) Montini Sept. 26, 1897, OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE bal 723-4972 NOW PLAYING Two Turner warned against} blocking |the build-up of cholesterol in! cerned about the problem of re- in Dr. Turner, also associate professor in physiological hy- SATURDAY NIGHT giene at the University of Tor- onto, said there are two schools OLD TIME and DANC E MODERN Te The Dance to STROLLERS RUDY FRI.OCT. Ist || VELTR! sei2em || NEW TORNADOS At The Toronto's POLISH HALL Most Versatile Group 168 Banting JL RED BARN BOX OFFICE OPENS 7.00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK in the northern) him successor to Pope John taken," Cardinal Heenan said. | XXII. "People don't come to us now. Pope Paul vowed to continue \We have to go to them," \the policies of John. An exam-| That has been Pope Paul's ap- ple wes Paul' s decision to orderiproach. Oshawa HAS a STEAK HOUSE Yes, Oshawa Really Does Have A Steak House The customer demand and accept- ceed Pope John than his coura- js DORIS, i pAY'" GARNE in Eastmn COLOR ly Py, ARLENE "€F 7 FRANCIS Ti TODAY! "A-GO-GO"" Oshawa Children's Arena Saturday, October 2 FEATURING "THE BIG TOWN BOYS" on their lost Canadian appearance plus the | "JUST us" . and direct from New York ... the "A GO-GO" DANCERS. Continuous dancing from 8 to 12 (don't miss out) Dress: casual. Admission: 1.50 per person ence has been so greot for the tre- mendous steak meals which the Oshawa Steck House serves, thet the management are having Thurs., Friday and Soturday Nights as Steck Nights in Oshawa oct the Oshewe Steak House. STEAK NIGHTS Thurs., Fri, and Sat. Every Week FULL COURSE STEAK DINNER: Wing Steak, French Fries, Chef's Salad and Beverage for Only $1.95 per person. The Oshawa Steak House FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE IN TORONTO 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL "e eseres ees seceneesscapteresenees O'KEEFE CENTRE Oct. 1 - Oct. 9 Canadian Opera Company Oct. 11 - Oct. 18 DON'T FORGET Che Rih Room Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL Music Hall of Moscow S004 ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE Oct. 1 - Oct. 9 Dorothy Louden in "LUV" Oct. 11 - Oct. 23 Porgy & Bess 004 ART GALLERY OF TORONTO Oct. 1 - Oct. 11 Kurt Schwitters -- paintings and KINGSIDE PARK DANCE Kinsmen Community Centre SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1965 Charlie Cochrane & His 10-Pc. Orchestra Door Prize -- Refreshments -- 9 P.M. collages by the 20th century German artist. Oct. 16 - Noy. 7 Focus on Drawings drawing and Spain, OOM ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM Oct. 1 - Oct. 17 (Canadiana Building) Show of Water Colors by Daniel Fowler i). 2Oth Century-Fox presents MARLON BRANDO YUL BRENNER THE SABOTEUR cOOE WAME-CHORITURT?) CREST THEATRE Oct, 20 - Nov. 6 The Private Eor & The Public Eye COM? UNIVERSITY THEATRE October FEATURE TODAY: 2:40 - 4:25 - 6:40 - 8:55 My Fair Lady it |For economy and friedly service | plan to stay at Toronto's v7 THIS WEEK - AS USUAL INTRODUCING... "MISS RED FEATHER" 50c Members @ 75c¢ Non-Members DRESS: -- Shirt and Tie HOTEL ® conveniently located in the heart of downtown (at the subway) Singles 6.50 to 10.50 Doubles 10.50 to 14.50 Free Overnight Parking 30 AES) LORD SIMCOE HOTEL King & University Telephone: 362-1848 from Canada, Great Britain, Italy LORD SIMCOE | HELD OVER -- 2nd WEEK! A sen- u-ine movie first! A way-out whopper! A funny movie? YOU BET IT IS...! " PATHECOLOR.. PANAVISION JAMES BROWN ayo suc ramos rane LESLEY GORE zovn KIRCAID vous SHAW * parr: CHANDLER * maar WUGHES © GENE CORMAN ALAN RAPRON ROBERT RAUPIBN PLUS -- A Living Nightma Born Before Time Began i Marine iM fits in TERE GNA GT PERSON ase HO MT (uve cua] Bir SARSTON The WORLD « HENRY ORIENT. YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS KING ST. W., OSHAWA OLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE TIMES -- 1.35 - 3.35 - 5.35 - 7.35 - 9:40 LAST SHOW 9.15 With Vincent Sa Tob seasilae Susan Hert Cetra 8 Eal= Ganes Meek Productions Presents ... JON and LEE AND THE CHECKMATES |. CLUB ESCAPE Whitby Arena This Sat., Oct. 2nd Tickets Available at the Door Dencing Every Set. §) = TO-NIGHT = THE MORTICIANS THE GARDEN CITY... AGO GO DANCERS PLUS FRANKLIN SHEPPARD AND THE A GO GOES Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 Admission $2.00 | | OSHAWAS FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT BOBBY GIMBY presents THE ROSS CULLY QUARTET. | Formerly with the Glen Miller and Tommy Dorsey Bands "Jazz In The Modern Manner" @ APPEARING NIGHTLY -e@ Don't Miss This Entertaining Group * Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ MATINEE SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. ALLAN MACMILLAN -- Manager