Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Oct 1965, p. 15

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At the Blyth-Gower wedding Tea, Showers, Presentations Fete! SOCIAL & PERSONAL roi int sonny" te Lions Community Centre,. Bow- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor manville, the bride's table was Teiephone 725 - 5374 for Women's Department decorated with yellow roses and " _-- ivy, Penge 4 : be " "| Mr. and Mrs. William Skelton,|by United Church where t eir}ding cake made by the ride's Come eicase man ven, ok Sect ae Sates fet terion: Carleton Place, formerly og om were the 5 gy . sei angio ge -- " : wae tertained at a number of show-|cousin of the prospective bride-|Ottawa and Toronto, are now Pecan aah an te iearonihs Iisuible. The wedding coke Wad ers, teas and parties. groom. They wore corsages of making their home in Oshawa)prother, Mr, James McClelland.|served to the guests by the hy Mrs. Gar. Peters, Mrs. Jack] Scott, education convener; brad | Cameron and Mrs. Bert Hard-| William A. Clarke, presid ing; a bathroom shower at the|the CWL and members of the| ANTS E home of Mrs. Russell Wicks| executive. The dinner will be in CHOSE NOSE OVER CAR | MUTANTS' P. peaigy. assisted by Mrs. Gordon Mc-|the form of a potluck. ¢ eupper RBRINGNORTH, Enclend .CP)| LEICESTER, Ensland (oP}-- Rae and Miss Nancy Wicks;|and the speaker will be Mother Jackie Robinson's father had/The haul at a robbery from a Unit 5 of Albert Street United) M. Olga, MA, PhD., IBVM, Pro-|cayed up to buy a sports carjhosiery firm here was 240 one-» Church Women gave a miscel-| fessor of French at St. Michael's lnbeus' skewer and: die Hit for her 21st hirthday but she}legged women's tights. Not for 3 e future| College, Toronto, who will take| it down. What shejone-legged women, a spokes- = bridegroom's parents, Mr. and/as her topic 'Human Education| Mrs. Clifford Solomon, Tresane! in the Face of Automation." | wanted was plastic surgery forjman explained, "they are just street, entertained following the! a new nose--and that's how she/tights which had not been fully = A tea was held recently injcelebrated her birthday. jmade up.' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 1, 1965 15 Tomorrow's Bride, Lynda Linton Prior to her marriage to Mr.)the a. girls, Miss Rhonda A kitchen shower was: given by Miss Linton's co-workers at General Motors, Engineering Department. The hostess was Mrs. Dennis Brown. Friends and relatives of the prospective bridegroom gather- ed for a miscellaneous shower given by the Stark and Muzik families at St. George's Hall. A neighborhood personal shower was given by M Thomas Wolframe at her homie on Glenalan avenue. The host- ess was assisted by Mrs. Jack Barta. The maid of honor, Miss Marie Zakarow, and a bridal attendant, Mrs. Robert Cros- mas, held a personal and mis- cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Julia Pidwerbecki, Mey- ers street. Mrs. George Floody, Ridge- way avenue, opened her home for a cup and saucer shower. white baby chrysanthemums. Those serving were Guides Ellen Mack, Laurie Burnett, Gayle Floody and Patricia Par- sons. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Jack Barta and Mrs. Thomas Wolframe. Following the rehearsal to- night, the bridal party will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muzik, Fisher street. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Do not expect too much of Saturday's morning hours, when you may be faced with some obstacles to your plans, and consequent confusion. P. M. in- fluences improve considerably, however, and you should not only solve all problems, at the Casa Manana Court. Mr. and Mrs. Skelton dre the par- ents of Mr. Edward J. Skelton, Sunset avenue, and the grand- parents of Judy and June Skel- ton. On Tuesday evening a small family dinner party wa held in honor of Mr. and Mrs: Skelton's 5ist wedding anniver- sary. A practice session for the models of the "Flight Into Fashion', nual fashion show sponsored by the Evening Chapter of the Oshawa General Hospital Wom- en's Auxiliary, was held re- cently at the home of Mrs. D. E. Sager. Models taking part in the show will be Mrs. C. M. Elliott, Mrs. R. J. Murphy, Mrs. R. F. Richardson, Mrs. C. A. Root, Mrs. J. N. Perry, Mrs. William Clark, Mrs. Ken- neth Arbuckle, Mrs. W. forthcoming the an-| Miss Jill McClelland presented her mother with an orchid cor sage and her father with a bou- tonniere, and many gifts from family and friends were sented. The evening ments were served by the host- ess. Mr. and Mrs. have two children, Mr. Jack McClelland and Miss Judy Mc- Clelland and a grandson Stephen. Mrs. William Boissoin, gener- al convener, opened her home for the members of the commit- tee planning the Candlelight Ball being sponsored by the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League. Those attending were Mrs. Rob- ert Mills, ticket convener; Mrs. A, |Leo Menard, .Mrs. Brige-La- pre- was spent in dancing and refresh- McClelland lert Wilson; Mrs. Thomas Setan, bride and bridegroom Mrs. Robert Solomon, the for mer Myrna Irene Jones, was honored at a number of showers and parties prior to her mar- riage recently in Albert Street United Church. Mrs. Meredith Jones, Rosedale avenue, held a miscellaneous shower assisted by Mrs. Robert Jones; Mrs. Eric Green, a. miscellaneous shower where co-hostesses were Miss Joy Wilson and Mrs. Rob- assisted by Mrs. Bert Harding, gave a personal shower; Mrs. Thomas Solomon, Burk street, a miscellaneous shower assisted by. Mrs. Thom- as Solomon, Jr., Mrs. Fran k) Jorden and Mrs. John McPhee; | Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Craggs,| Bloor street west, a party and| presentation for -- the Mrs. Kenneth Baker, Guelph! street, a miscellaneous /shower) |tending were Mrs. attending were Mr. limit set for the adult club was couple; | of the Catholic Women', wedding rehearsal. | honor of Mrs. Stanley Hester, with Mrs. Clarence Dearborn,| Darlington boulevard, as the) hostess, assisted by Mrs, C. C.| Mrs. J. R. Alexander. Those Baxter. The guest of honor, Victor F Kitchen; Mrs. Alexander, ¥ | was presented with a serving | si jtray and matching dish and) Eugene Higgins, Mrs. John Norris, and Mrs. Ross Fulling.|three cups and saucers. Those It was announced that the reg>;pouring tea were Mrs. L. R. ular ice time was Thursdays|Goldsmith, and. Mrs. C. A. from 6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and/Quantrill. Those serving were that additional ice time was) Mrs. John Bakker, Mrs. Barry booked for Tuesdays from 6.00) Attersley, Miss Joan Marshall, p.m, to 7.50 p.m. for both chil-|Mrs. Douglas Colborne, Mrs. dren and adults, A discussion|Gordon McDonald, and Mrs. A meeting of the directors of the Oshawa Skating Club was held recently at the home of was held on fees and the age Thomas Speirs. FIRST TO YOUNG AGES then... For quality, selection and values . . styles for boys and ous, Best Costs Less A\ YJO[UIN|G, AIcIE|s "The from padi ito size 4, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE is sa die 18 years of age and up. { The committee arranging the | Annual Scholarship Dinner for| | St. Gregory the Great Council] eague,| met Monday evening-'Those at-! _ Raymond PRE- featuring all the latest. CHRISTMAS SPECIA At Thomas Hornsby Studios... One 8"x10" Portrait, Reg. 6.50 Now Only 3.50 This offer good for appointments made before Friday, Oct. 8 New Location 51 King St. E. THOMAS || HORNSB but force, Mrs. Douglas Armstead M J d) 'eg ee gl pote Sey ae land Mrs. James O'Reagan. Mr.|for co-workers of the bride---- 'Arthur Bugelli will look after/elect; Mrs. Jack Logeman a Mrs. James Dimitroff, Athol|the theme and decorations. | neighborhood shower assisted 5% street east, the former Gloria} \Discount ; ;f \ ] if You ih Bring This "Sap Ad. Jean Brockman, was entertain- For All Your ed at several showers prior to Bridal Shoes her marriage recently in St George's Macedono - Bulgarian TINTED FREE CHOOSE Church, Toronto. Miss Gail DANGEY'S The co-hostesses were Mrs. Rob ert Middleton and Mrs. Leslie Magee. On behalf of the 4th Guide'FOR THE BIRTHDAY Company, Lieutenant Patricia) If tomorrow is your birthday, Magee presented Miss Lin-jyour horoscope indicates that ton with Brownie and a Guidejyou are currently in an excel- cup and saucer. Miss Linton|jent period for making long- is lieutenant of this Guide Com-jrange plans. Influences are not pany. auspicious for achieving imme- Mrs. Charles Heath and Mrs.|diate gains in either occupa- George Floody, on behalf of the|tional or financial matters (in 4th Parent Committee presented|fact, have an extremely enjoyable evening. ceo T PPE CEGGGGUCrurEc eT RCETEEL Ge et com Thompson held a miscellaneous shower at her home on Wych-| conservatism and cautions avenue, assisted by her| ; i & i 7 $e 3 jmother, Mrs. Jack Thompson,| Miss Linton with a crystal vase.|will be '"'musts" for the nextlror friends and neighbors of the| The bride-elect's mother, Mrs./12 weeks), but plans conceived), ) : W. Ear! Linton, held a trousseau/now and followed up conscien- -cotitigg SM ice Big sone tea at their home on Glenalanitiously, should bring excellent ee, Sitney: Hopkins Held avenue. To receive her guests,/resu'ts, between late December|, Yocsert supper at the Duhawa Miss Linton was wearing Aland mid-February. Further up-lGqiq and Codkiry Club for black crepe with white lace/trends in monetary interests are|<-hool friends of the bride-to- be, dress, with an empire waistlinejindicated in June, late August lwhare ale wal ptesented with and a corsage of white and pinkland the entire month of next|" any Bel te ana peter chrysanthemums. Mrs. Linton/september. After the late-Janu-|reresa Wesselink gave a ini: assisted, wearing a pink two-lary - early - February weekS| cellaneous shower at her home piece linen suit with a matching/(which should be excellent for|on Rossland road east, where hat and a corsage of pink and/job and-or business matters) she was assisted by her mother. white chrysanthemums.: Thelyour next good periods along) wre Gerry: Weksellik' and bride-elect's grandmother, Mrs./these lines will occur during the which was' attended by the Walter Saddiemire also welcom-|jatter half of April, in mid-May, ature' Grid's stant atinns of ee Fees. August and September. Mrs. Eva. Dupuis, Brantford Mrs. Joseph Sheehan, aunt of| Domestic and social interests|and Mrs. Pie ear Wilton the bride-to-be, Mrs. Georgejshould prove harmonious for/Toronto, : Floody, Mrs. S. V. Scoville and|most of the year ahead, with| Mrs. W. F. Wilson poured tea. |the exception of brief periods in Miss Marie Zakarow, the/early March and early June|lowing the Parson - nepondia CLEAR A PHOTOGRAPHER 725-0151 SPECIAL PURCHASE GIRDLE 4.99 PANTY GIRDLE Lycra girdle and long leg pan- ty girdle with lace trim and satin front panel, Superb tum- my control. Colors white, pow- der blue and nude. Sizes S.M.L. A surprise party was held fol- McClelland maid of honor, was in the trous-|anq. seau room. Mrs. Robert Cros- mas, an attendant and Miss Jo- anne Linton, bridesmaid and sis- for the single, new ro- mance and-or marriage is a strong likelihood in either late December (an all-around good) wedding reception recently, for Mr. and Mrs. William McClel- land, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manson McCabe, Baldwin SPECIALLY PRICED AT ter of the bride-elect were in the ' i ' | i i ' period), in April, May or Au-/street, where family and friends shower and wedding gift room.|oust. Best periods for travel:|gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. The guest book was kept bylearly February, May, June and|McClelland on their 25th wed- August. ding anniversary. Mrs. McCle!- KEEP SALAD IN MOULD A child born on this day willjland, the former Wilhelmine Jellied salads should not bejbe endowed with a keenly ana-|Rich and Mr. McClelland were turned out of the mould until/lytical mind, great determina-|married on September 20, 1940 just before serving. tion and self-reliance. |by the Reverend Pails of Whit- COMPLETELY FURNISH YOUR HOME AT....... An Amazing Value! 658 ANY ROOM MAY BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY 8-pce. Living Room 229.00 Stylish moulded back design. Four seater sofa and lounge chair with genuine walnut trim. Striped foam cushions with con- trosting solid color nylon boucle * ecliner chair or swivel rocker in glove soft vinyl . arborite walnut coffee table; 2 matching step tobles and poir of complimentary table lamps. INCLUDED:- 20-Piece Dinnerware Service In Floral Rose Pattern, WORLD SERIES STARTS OCT. 6th PENNANT RACE CONTINUES All the excitment and tension of the World Series can be seen as Major League Ball Clubs continue the Pennant Race. Get in on the action! Trade-in, trade-up! Take advantage of World Series television specials: Get your own personal portable. Dinette & Dinnerware 114.00 9 7-Piece b with walnut arborite top--36" x 45" x 60"--figured vinyl foom sect chairs . . . 20-Piece dinner- ware set is included! WORLD SERIES SPECIAL ADMIRAL 11" PORTABLE Reg. $159.95 Value! WORLD SERIES SPECIAL Westinghouse 19" PORTABLE All tures of a big console! A full 172 sq. inches of view- ing Front speaker, FM scopic antenna $169 WORLD SERIES SPECIAL ADMIRAL Remote Control 16 Wide angle portable T.V WORLD SERIES SPECIAL Electrohome 19" PORTABLE Reg. $209. Value The Cadet WORLD SERIES SPECIAL Westinghouse PORTABLE T.V. with 8-pce. Bedroom Group 248.00 Strikingly modern mo-mer top suite in new golden Bisque. Big triple dresser, chest and book- case bed plus high quality smooth-top innerspring mattress, matching box spring and poir of pillows. Suite also aveilable in wolnut if you prefer. SEE OUR OTHER 3-ROOM GROUPINGS AT $399.00 and $499.00, Personol size screen "Instant on" T.V no Warm-up. No walk back. Just Instant th rformance fea- +e 's 0 Steal Bond picture tube. Equip- Lig @ Hardon oars no wait, TY. and white case ped with sonar remote control. Sit in Personal portable TV. Steel sonal portable amartiy bond picture tube, earphone jock with earphone, 15-ft. cord included. $139 switch on and you get picture. Choice of in handsome comfort and change styled in a grey mounted channels and volume and on/off Hos -19" oreo direct vision picture sound. Tele- colours $137 four case. switch without leaving $209 (herney's your tubes and carries a full yeor's choir. warranty on all parts $189 ENJOY RUTHERFORD'S EASY BUDGET TERMS Immediate Delivery or Lay-Away ... 4 Small Deposit Reserves. EXPERT DECORATING ADVICE FOR THE ASKING THE FINEST FURNITURE VALUES . " IN OSHAWA TWO DOWNTOWN STORES 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. SHOP IN COMFORT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. FREE PARKING 725-6559 EES a es TRADE-IN!... TRADE UP TODAY! BEST BUYS IN SIGHT AND SOUND!

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