Bae, Vg BE Vine ities eo ee |aleGholics. About one in five al- ARGOS STREAK Alcohol Excess = ohotics ie a woman." TORONTO (CP)--Hast York i | He said most women alcohol-| A is scored their 21st In South Africa lies are housewives, 'The, fajor- consscutive tele Ontario Feted At Pre-Nuptial Parties | JOHANNESBURG Citeuters) ity eome irom "goad" tamutes|sushy Reoiball Union victory 'handing London Loras a 31-0 ithe routine of housekeeping! and. their husbands are promi-|by a Miss Elédnot Harden, Osh-|street, opened het home for a) and the isolation in which house- | nent people sich as abctors, dean Wednesday night, awa, daughter of Mrs. Vernon asec y igeont A large wives e vig Pag more and protease, magistrates and or 1 gate streak covers group of fellow-employees from) more ou African white) dustrialists. , the last two years. Harnden, Peterborough, and eee oe the Oshawa Gerl-|women to drink, reports the| esi ai: the late Mr. Harnden, whose showered the|South African National Council eral Hospital 2 martiage to Mr. Lennis Light-|bride-to-be with many lovely) for Aleohoiism. \ 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 1, 1968 bourne, Jt., of Cobourg, former-land. useful gifts.' A mock-wed-| The couneil 'estimates there | ly of N , the Bahamas, son|diig was the highlight of the|are about 15,000 white women' of Mr. and Mts. Lennis Light-|evening. alcoholies in the country, which) has a total white population of . Linda Ann Sweet Honored bourne of Nassau, the Bahamas, A personal shower was given is to take place tomorrow in|by Mrs, Wilbur Parker at her! about 3,250,000. St. Luke's: Anglican Church in/home on Grierson street. | The superintendent of a Pre-, toria clinie for alcoholics, J. A.| At Trousseau Tea Showers \Peterborough, has been honored) Mrs. Sidney Pammett _ of / lat several pre-nuptial showers. |Peterborough, opened her home Pienaar, said alcoholism in gen-| Prior to her marriage to-\tea were: Mrs. Percy sweet! A. miscellaneous shower was|with the assistance of Mrs. Gor-jeral is 'much more serious, morrow to Frederick Thomas|and Mis. Harold Sweet, held at the home of Mrs, Ron-ldon Brown, Peterborough, for a|than most people think. Luke, Miss Linda Ann Sweeti/great-aunts of the bride-elect,|a!d Harnden, Hogarth street,/miscellaneous shower. Many! "What is, above all, disturb-) was entertained at several|and Miss Norma Sweet. .. igiven by Miss Carolyn Hall.|friends and relatives attended.|!ng is the increase in women aid of honor arid Mrs. Ronald) Followifig the wedding te-| . Peterborough Bride-Elect | showers and teas. Miss Sandra Sweet, maid of|'™ ' Mrs. Seymour Sweet entertain- honor, held a miscellaneous] flarnden, an attendant. Many\hearsal tonight, the bridal party stretch and nature carries on. ed at a trousseau tea in her|shower at her home on Centre |long-time acquaintances andjwill be entertained at the home| Get the moffing stretch habit. | daughtet's honor at their home' street. new friends were in tags pained be the mother of the bride-to-be! follow through with six to 10 Mr, Jack Gallagher, Robertlin Peterborough, iminutes of easy stretch-bend-, on Centre street. Assisting were) Bridesmaids Miss Susan and) Mrs. Ernest Sweet, grand-|Miss Bonny Sweet held a inis-| Ques ------=contraction action. | mother of the bride-elect and ajcellancous shower at their home| KEEP IN TRIM os Wining i wondart exaccte.| 72 5.3 581 ' i} great-aunt, Mrs, Lloyd Sweet. jon Centre street. To feceive, the bride-elect| Mrs. Leslie Sweet entertained| body steps up calorie burning! wore a suit of sky blue Lurexjat a miscellaneous shower for| E ' A d Di 8 ; nd is a general conditioner. If| and a corsage of yellow roses./her sister-in-law at her home on) xercise nh 1et ombined you lie a walk to work, exer-| Her mother wore a blue dress of Centre street. \cise would be a natural. But dis- for the best ltances are usually too great. It jame with a pink rose corsage.| Mrs. James Picken entertain-| B 8 S T The bridegroom's|ed at a miscellaneous shower in| ring uccess LO Reducer takes fortitude, but could you prospective | mother, Mrs. Elmer Luke, wore her home on Lakeside avenue, | start early enough to take a 15- ja dress of green shantung with/assisted by Mrs. John Coleshaw By IDA JEAN KAIN foutine? Get a ove on! When|minute walk before boarding the jlace and a similar corsage. and Mrs. Elmer uke. | Many overweights, in an éf-\yoy move about, that's exercise, |PUS: OF having your cat pool ss F | The guest book was kept by| Mrs. James Loreno éntertain-|fo-, to find out why they are)g, ldrivet pick you up en route? A WEDDING OF WHITBY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Sweet, sister-in-law ed at 'a.personal shower in her! jot josing, write a letter, giving Sit less, move more, Calisthen-/goine husiness men, on their interest was solemnized in William John Newton of of the future bride. : home on Oxford street, assisted (heir food pattern and a list ofiics help, for they tone and|doctor's advice, are now walk St. Mark's United Church Airoonds: and .the . bride The maid of honor, Miss/by Mrs. Erie Elliott. _ |the food eaten daily. Invariably tighten the muscles and prevent|ing a quatter hour at lunch delivery service Sandra Sweet, kept the trous-| Mrs. George Sweet entertain-jthay ask what they are doing flabbiness, It's quite remarkable|time. Regularity of exercise is tecently, when Catherine groom is the son of Mr. and A . Violet Newton became the Mrs. Roland Henry Daniel seau room. Miss Beverly Sweet.jed at a miscellaneous shower ati wrong and why they are not re-|how well the tone of the muscles|important. bride of Robert Frank = of Whitby. ; a bridesmaid, assisted by Miss|her home on Wardman crescent, ducing. Usually the food pattern)can be maintained with stretch-| Odd, isn't it, we work hard to i town Daniel. The bride is the "Horton Studio, Ajax. [2uae Sweet, a junior brides-)Whitby. is fairly good, What then canjing exercises, taken daily. Onjbe able to buy the things that n |maid, had charge of the shower) Following the rehearsal 0-\he wrong? awakening tomorrow morning,|make life easicr--and it's killing gift room. ' night, the bridal party will be! Ghances ate the trouble isjindulge in a big stretch. Start alus! Miss Bonny Sweet, a brides-jentertained at the home of the|iack of exercise. Weight control| ; ---- You get quality all the way with Lender-Sterk. W i 'DDING ALBI IM |maid, had charge of the wed-|prospective bridegroom's par-); i ; : nae lai " is the balance between the ' : iaing gift room. ' ; ents, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Luke./smount of food consumed and \ ] | he Ry Mer vee Soe emer: Ma sty poset ai be Bh Askacbide assed street. |the amount used. To lose, there trucks. And onee ¥ eo Lender-Sterk 'i . you never need to keep phoning for oil; your tenk |must be a calorie deficit, so is kept filled automaticelly. Added benefits for A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The | siondciaiial seas me Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The | ' f ' that nature caf call on stored Genawa Times retard marly publication of this wedding | Bride-Elect Clara Mitchell tat for part of the energy fe- you are: Free Emergency Service by Lander-Stark's record is facilitated by submitting the completed form an | |quirements. If you have cut own techniel Free 1 Tune-up end Clean- cut; Budget Plan! and money-saving Replacement Parts Plan. a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as IF 4 ldown on food, but have cut 'Feted At Shower And Parties om « te ar 1es Goi nh even more on exercise ARANCE possible after the ceremony. You ate asked to stibmit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to th you still are eating your full ia od , gues g the wedding to the Prior to her wedding to Mr.jtaised in her home, old friends| quota of calories. 4 . | Phone tedey end ee YOUR order for your social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Joseph Dominik Jr., tomorrow, lot the bride-elect, at which time| Dietiers, if the pounds seem CLE --e ee jglued on, find ways to step up aaa IMiss Clara Mitchell has been/a crystal decante ' sent- . 2 oe Ee \daily exercise. With some type Daniel ma Newton |feted at many showers and par-|ed. of regulaf exercise you will look mee 7 Mrs. Sylvester Szabo and Mrs.|slimmer, feel better and burn Her co-workers at City Hall|Gustav Szabo, both of Toronto,|more calories. This does not ne- tn a doublering ceremony in| The flower girl, Angela Won- ; : St. Mark's United Church, Whit-\nacott, Bowmanville, wore a entertained at a luncheon heldjassisted by Mrs. Joseph Dom-|cessarily mean calisthenics, but by, Catherine Violet Newton be-|ry54.i¢ gf : in the City Hall Fifth Floor,jinik and Miss Margaret Dom-jroutine activity. When you need came the bride of Robert Frank or-length gown of candlelight|where the bride-to-be was pre-|inik entertained relatives and|something from the drug store, Daniel. The bride is the daugh- rited with a vacuum cleaner.|friends of the prospective bride-| could you walk? Today's dieter ter of Mr. and Mrs. William accented with baby chrysanthe- The bridesmaids, Miss Mar-igroom at a_ kitchen shower|has been described as the one garet Mitchell, Miss Patricialwhere the bride-to-be received|who drives @ half mile to the BOYS' AND GIRLS' Long Sleeved Sweaters 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 peau de soie and carried a muff|5® John Newton of Almonds, RR 1, 5 aCia) Whitby, and the bridegroom is sare Pier Lewson. Whithy Andrey, Miss Margaret Dominik| several electric appliances andidrug store to get an appetite the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland ,.° ihe pest man ¢ n itby,/and Miss Dianne Hergott held/kitchen utensils. |depressant. Alas, appetite de- Children' | Reg. to 6.00 Henry Daniel of Whitby. Bae War Wael and the ting-|a bathroom shower in the home| Mrs, George Mitchell enter-|pressants are not even in the ildren's pullovers and The Reverend John Smith of omg Weak Udetine. ht li oma Mrs. William pe ng er gtd and neighbors jright direction, for they do noth- cardigans. V and crew neck- SALE ' 4 's was assisted b ' PETE Ate y- : of the bride-to-be at a miscellan-jing to change your food habits i ; St. Mark's was assisted by the\Mr. Ralph Newton, Almonds;| Mrs. Donald Metherall enter-|eous shower. Co-hostess was or your everyday ways of living ed styles in versatile Orlon. PRICE Reverend F. A. Bamford of To-/Mr. Neil Daniel, Oshawa, and ---------- Mi i the a ere in | Miss Margaret Mitchell. One doctor, when asked by a now ota Chak el Paul Johnstone, Burlington | Mr. and Mrs. William Cromp-jhomemaker for an appetite de- Plains and checks. In the lat- 2 ag ganist, played the wedding A reception and dinner was |ton entertained the bridal couple|pressant, answered: "'Use the est Fall colors. Sizes 4 - 14. e Susie' and accompanied the|leld in the church hall followed and the staff of the Purchasing}one God gave you. Eat a little soloist, Mr. M. Binstead of y a dance at Irwin's Recrea- Department of City Hall where|less food at each meal, and find Claremont. jtion Hall. To receive, the bride's | |the future bride had been a sec-|ways to use up a little more mother wore a spice brown st retary. The couple were pre-|food in exercise, and you'll sented with a casserole oven. {have it made."' The homemaker Following the rehearsal to-|did exactly that. Six months night Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dom-|later and 18 pounds lighter, she Wearing a formal gown Of|sheath of silk crepe; a feather. re ee de soie, meied hat in matching beige and re ae eer ane on ek iy sate A y anisories and a corsage of golden 2 inik will entertain the wedding|thanked th t : he doctor. pogo ot styled ite elbow: fe se ts mo ig a green Cym-| |dorr 4:7 party at their home on Keewat-| How can you fit a little more length sleeves, scoop neckline srosan's osha sae a Nile in atreet healthful exercise into your . ' ni bs . i } ---- o aoe aor rh reer |benn Sk close anetie ib a0) WIFE PRESERVER veil of candle-light tulle ated sctet ast maeunr anonan| To perk up hat veiling, iron and she carried a cascade ofjies, Her corsage was composed | between pieces of waxed paper. pomanees fhoag on --e stephanotis and a white gat-- i gaa orion HOLD The matron of honor was me 'The couple left for a honey-| TORONTO (cP) -- Cowboys Terence Oeppen of oy She/moon in Bermuda. As they leftifrom many parts of the world wore a formal gown of burnish-|the bride was wearing a black|will attend this weekend's third ed copper peau de soie designed|chiffon dress under a black andjannual Canadian championship) with scoop sega _o vy i Platinum. fur jacket and a cor-|rodeo and stampede at Maple length sleeves. er ee reS8isage of red roses leat Stadium. Events Oct. 13 was a tailored bow and s e sod Mr. and Mrs. Daniel will re- include saddle brone riding, ried a matching muff socente side. in the Georgian Court(bareback riding, call: roping, -- crc gst A emesticony sel Dundas street east,|steer wrestling and Brahma The other attendants, Miss Mar- ee ee a "bull riding. -- : ilyn Harris, Almonds; Mrs Peter Lawson, Whitby, and Miss Donna Johnstone, Burlington were dressed similarly in apri cot peau de soie poke ecco nee nO Women's Group 4 W OOT , Hopes For Equality, GETS YOU A VOTE _ OF CONFIDENCE In Church Laws © jy THESE NEW VATICAN CITY (AP) A Ro a man Catholic feminist group > which has heen working for ehurch HELD OVER ONE MORE WEEK! AINT SALE of LUCITE-DULUX * REGISTERED TRADE MARK equality for women in | attitudes and Jaws is keepin a hopeful eye on proceedings of the ecumenical counci 4 a Glenayr ~ The St. Joan's Internationa!) % Alliance already has seen on goal attained with the admit SWEATERS CANADA : of Catholic women obser : poi 1964 into the council ha Fashion's loveliest "lovelies"' THE NAME You CAN TRUST IN PAINT of St. Peter's Basilica choose new easy-to-care-for ; | ses as eaeeebrn, cone acreage INTERIOR . | of St Fault gio rte re | Complete your Kitten bi natural inferiority 0 _wom "8 Collection today! é i expects years af struggle ove P ! its crowning aim of ordained @ CARDIGAN y | women priests z i doubinhad: saatan thouldé ; 3 Miance. hep * ra j oc th 8B y math i Fd | By coo Ce on ee citing new" ai i ¢ WALL PAINT. Regular 9.50 Gallon. SEMI-GLOSS. Regular 10.50 Gallon France and claiming less than % eoch 9.98 ans So i | 2,000 members, was started in % / Z \ 1911 as a suffragette group try-| 7 4 S | G | S | G | ing to win voting rights for Other CARDIGANS / d 6 e r ai. dq =] * dq ® women. St. Joan of Arc is the Be Aree eee hur blend. # | patroness of the alliance 2 delightful shades : F | Their representatives in 7 each 9.98 to 19.98 ; ALL OTHER FINISHES AT SIMILAR SAVINGS | Rome have been passing out 7 / / 1 literature since the council's é i fourth and final session began : PULLOVERS | [ last week. The alliance also met| aes Cinle Nack / 4 here and drew 'ip rec ommended with 34 or full sleeves. oe 4 ' 5 changes in Roman Catholic! % , i 1 canon law for the Vatican to! 4 cl ul age it & PURE VIRGIN WOOL / | consider. ; j New International mark of ; i [ The alliance had special 4 quality, now in Canada. praise for the 1963 Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) encyc lical of Pope John, which men- HARDWARE OPEN TONITE 'TIL 9 P.M. PAINT AND WALLPAPER tions the status of women as a 94 Years at 85 Si $t. North H -- WwW A R D S Phone: 725-3529 a oNEREE DELIVERY Oshawa Shopping Centre Free Parking Behind Store Phone 725-3527 being ideally equal in cignity| The group has argued in its| i 31 Simcoe St. South Ph: 725-1151 4 literature against early church a higher parts of the soul are) & i] manly mG $he lower parts ; aes ae f me | H writers who claimed that the womanla: