Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1965, p. 32

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errs snanaitteneneteiecieit no itapntaanet tt Ain OT aceite eae MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY YEAH=HE SAID THE LEADIN' MAN ALWAYS KISSED THE LEADIN' LADY AFTER = F t SS I DONT BELIEVE IT~I FAWNCY IT WAS ALL. '16. OWN IDEA/!: TEMPTIN'-~BUT (IT'S$0 AH MUSTN'T 7.7 Pd THINK THAT WOULD Re MAKE IT ALL THE LONE RANGER Z'VE TOSSED AN! TURNED ALL - DAY! SECRET AGENT X9 [ RIDING = DONALD DUCK YOU WANT AN EASTERN OR A WESTERN SADDLE? IF He TRIES. TO DATE ME A9000 START DIRECTION COMES APRIL. Tp (FIZ WALT M°DAYTER NORMAN DREW I Ml 4-/ WANT TO SHOW YOU WHAT SPOOKED THE HORSES/ STAMMERED BEFORE HE CAME UP WITH THAT. ANSWER / ALREADY 4 HE DOESNT WASTE A MINUTE / ee TALS vata s by King Fentoree LL BET WE'VE MADE THE LONGEST CHALK DRAWING OF A MAN IN ALL THE WORLD' AND Hi6 FEET ARE 2 BLOcKS DOWN THE STREET/ OH, MY! THAT'S THE END OF MY BALL OF YARN... JUNIOR, WOULD You LIKE TO MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL? 2M AT THE LITTLE DINER " RIGHT OUTSIDE THE TOWN LINE. PLEASE.. PLEASE, MISS JONES --MEET ME HERE |! YOU KNOW THAT AS A WATCHDOG YOU'RE US: why, = Ware!- BUT AS A YARN-HOLDER YOU'RE IN A CLASS BY YOURSELF," I WANTED To MEET YOU ON NEUTRAL GROUND, THIS NEUTRAL ENOUGH ?, y iTIs, TWoNDER WHAT PAUL WOULD SAY IF HE KNEW HIS LIFE WAS Al | BEING SETTLED IN A LITTLE DINER OVER A CUP | World Rights Reserved THERE NO CHARGE.] | IT'S ON THE HOUSE! Channe) 2---Buftalo $-3--Okay Cri Channel 3--Barrie a0 Channel 4--Buftalo Movie Channel 6--Toronto Channel '7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiiton | 4Beverly | ! | 7--The Big 100 PLM, N--#amily Theatre -- | 9:90 9--Five O'clock Show --|6-3--Festival 6--Superman 6--This Land 3--Cannonball 3--Lioyd Thaxton 3) Pm, &--Leave it Te Beaver 4--Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay | 6:00 PLM, 7-2--News 6--Serenade 4--News, Sports With |3-2--1 Spy 7--Amos B Agent | 6-3--Genera' 11-9-8-7-6-4-3- Vi--Family Theatre 9-43--News; Weather and Sports 8--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne @--Across Canede 71:00 P.M, N--Gilligans Island 9--Camp Runamuck jamond 6--Night 6--Sports Movie jeymooners 3--12 O'clock High 2--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:38 P.M. 11--Green Acres 9--Gidget 6-2--Virginian 7--Ozzie and Harriet 6--Wheelspin 9:00 4--Lost In Space 1--Topper 6:00 PM. 9--Playtime | i--Soeciat Movie 11--Schnitzel 4--Captain [f2-Ses Hope ---Green Acres | 4--Dick Van Dyke | 10:00 P.M, 1--Merv Griffin Show 4--Danny Kay Show 10:38 P.M. Healy 11:68 P.M, Weather, 18 P.M, 9--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 11:28 P.M, 7-4--Late Show Metro 1,20 PLM, i--The Saint 11:40 PLM, | 9---Plerre Berton 6--The Long Hot Summer | '!---News 12:30 A.M. 11--Joe Carlo at ihe Organ THURSDAY 6:08 A.M. TELEVISION LOG ackerby PM, 4--Mikea Carnival Mickey Mouse Cive 1190 AM. 1--Ed Allen 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Ann Southern Show 10:00 AM 11--Nurses 62--Truth er P.M. Consequences 4-1 Love Lucy 10:38 A.M, 9--.Bingo Theatre Hilibitiies 9:00 PLM. Valley This Song 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys 1:00 AM, 1}--Bonnie Prudden urke Secret | 9--Sports Hot Seat 9--- Mr. And Mrs, | 7~ABC Scope #2--Concentration ition 7--The Young Set 4--Andy of Mayberry TB AM, . %--Summer Fun 11:38 A.M, \1-Albert J. Steed 9--Abracadabra $-2--Jeopardy 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 MOON %--Toronto Today 6-2--Call My Blu 7--Money Movie 4--Noon News 3--Pepeye and Peis 12:18 PLM. 4--Speaker of The House 12:30 PM. 3--News Sports | 9-1 Love Lucy 02--I'll Bet 4--Search for Tomerres 3--Noonday Repert 1:48 PLM, House Kangaroe 1l--Racing Forum AM. | 4--Guiding Light | 100 Pam With Uncle} !1--Theatre 9--James Beard Show | Bobby | %--My 'Favorite ical MO A For Dotiore | &--Matinee 'J J--Patty Duke Show irl Talk 7--Ben Casey 'YOUR HEALTH How Many Calories For Growing Boy? By JOSEPH G.' MOLNER, MD Dear, Dr. Molner: How many calories a day should a growing boy have to lose weight? My son is eight years old, four feet, two inches tall, and weighs 88 pounds. He has gained 23 pounds in one year.--Mrs. I. D. Youngsters of this pre-puberty age quite often pack on some extra weight but not, of course, to this extent .He is about 25 pounds overweight, and most of it accumulated during the last year. If you give him 1,000. to 1,200 calories a day in well-selected foods (plenty of protein, which is lean meat, eggs, cheese, fish, and a goodly supply of milk to provide calcium for bones--skim milk ought to help give him what he needs yet cut calories) he should lose some pounds Jaturally he needs fruit and egetables, but if you select the ww-calorie ones, he can get his vitamins and roughage without piling-up calories. But here's an important point: When a child becomes tubby, he also has an inelination to sit around instead of exercising. This is extremely important. Exercise does more than build muscle, It uses up excess cal- ories which otherwise would turn to fat Naturally, and this is fupda- mental, watch out for the cook-' ies, candy, pop, cake and other pastries, and so on--the foods' that have lots of calories. The "treats," the between - meal! snacks, do more than the ordi- nary meals at the table to make kids fat. It might he wise to have the boy checked by your doctor, to be sure that no thyroid or other glandular defect is involved. Most likely the answer will be negative, and the real reason will be that he's eating more than he uses up in energy and in building his growing body. But if you have such a ch 4, Escape: slang 5. Organ 6. Spot. 7, Satisfied 8. Seed 1. Twin 6, Meager 11. Soothe 12, Japanese gateway 18, Muck 14, Infirm 15. Border 16, Names 17. Go away! 20. Unrolled 22. Back of neck 26, Fencing position 37. Oil of rose petals covering 9. African river 10, Links 16, Bushy clump 18, Amuse 19. Command to horse 20. Tuber: So, Am. 21, Invalid's food [alc TTIOIRISI IO} 25. Bitter Eee! (eMMel INfelOl 27, Festi- Li INIMIGH INIGIETR| go , point Yesterday's Answer 31,------ Venner: Holmes' novel 32. Poet 33, White ant 34, Bustle 36. Metal 37. Licks up 39. Sleeping place 40. Pay dirt 28. Church 2 15 ca | ie 8)? | part 29. Warns of an attack 30. Ebb $2. Fight 35. Thousand 38. Forest oxen 89. Snake 41, Half 2. Auk genus 3. Socially ambitious people |made, you'll have that much, more assurance that you are} doing the right thing in limiting his calories, and giving him most of them in the foods that will build him strong instead of| build him fat. | You are wise to be concerned Get him back into good eating and exercising habits, despite his protests, if he voices any, and you'll have -a_ strong, healthy son. If you let him sit and eat, and eat and sit, you'll condemn him to a life of being too fat, and too hungry. It will also be too short, because over- weight definitely shortens lives. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 47 and have heen bothered with pinworms all my life. I have been too embarrassed to consult a doctor. | have gone to drug stores and bought pills, and must have taken barrels. of them, but the condition has never been cured. Chocolate of any kind seems to irritate more than any food. Is there a cure for pinworms?--MRS. M. B. There are excellent treat: ments for pinworms, but they aren't worth zero for treating troubles that aren't pinworms Pinworms don't come and go depending on what you eat-- whether chocolate or anything else. as trouble isn't pinworms, but more likely it is a sensitivity to certain foods--including choco- late of any kind. Stop being embarrassed. Go to your doctor and let him find out, yes or no, whether you have pinworms. If you don't, then start letting him help you find out what foods bother you, so you can avoid them. Of course, you might have pinworms . plus food sensitivi- ties, but in that case you'd better learn to combat both, Dear Dr. Molner: My neigh- bor says toast doesn't have nearly as many calories as plain bread. I say they are the same, Who 1s right?--J. R. B. You are right. Toasting doesn't destroy calories (unless 1 you burn the toast). Dear Drm, Molner: Is it pos- sible, under any circumstances, for soft water used for drinking to cause heart attacks?--D. B. No. Dear Dr. Moiner: My friends say instant coffee is harmful due to sediment taken into the system via the kidneys, etc. I think otherwise. What is your opinion--P.R.T. Instant coffee is essentially no different from other coffee, except that the bean 'is finely My auapicion is that your ground, , |the missing 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 29, BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' individual Championship Ploy) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable;, North-South have a part score' of 40, South West North East 19 1@ 29 Dble Opening lead--king of spades, This hand comes from a rub- ber bridge game in which East made a tactical error by doubl- ing two hearts. It would have been wiser of nim to have pass- ed two hearts, or else to have bid two spades, even though he had only a doubleton, West was not blameless in the matter, either; he could have and should have taken the double out to two spades. South had to play well to make the contract -- and he did. West led the K-A of spades and continued with a low spade. Declarer discarded a club from dummy, East ruff- ing the spade with the eight. East then cashed the ace of clubs before returning a dia- mond, certain that he would sooner or later get two trump tricks to put declarer down one. But East made only one trump trick later, despite his holding of the K-J-10 over dum- my's 9-9-7, and the result was that South made two hearts doubled, South knew from the double that East had started with all trumps. He rea- lized, when East returned a dia- mond at trick four, that the con- tract could be made only be executing a trump endplay and thus cutting off one of '|East's trump tricks. In line with this thought, South won the diamond with the j |ten, ruffed a club, played a dia- mond to the king, ruffed an- other club, trumped the ace of | |diamonds in dummy, and then ruffed the queen of clubs. These thoughtful plays prodtced the following position: North 9Q97 West East Immaterial @KI10 South @ae oe South now played the queen of diamonds and ruffed it in dummy with the seven. East overruffed with the ten, but then found it impossible to take any more tricks. So South made two hearts doubled. BOWLING NEWS EASTWAY MIXED TEN-PIN LEAGUE Standings .-- Vancos 13, Maligs 12% Team No. 7, 12, Speedy Muffler King 12, Team No. 11, 9% Hitt and Miss 7, Pick- wick Cleaners 7, Esses 7, Team No, 1, 6 North Oshawa Driving Range §, Gilllands 5, Nu-Way Photo 4, Morings Garage 5, Central Auto Body 2 and Yomacs 2, After two nights of bowling, Vancos moved into the iead with a 61 win over Team No. 1. Keeping pace were the Majigs 5-2 over Gillands, Team No. 7 taking Team No. !1 5-2 and the Muffler Kings by the same score over Nu-Way. The Esses shutovt Morings and Pick- wick cleaned the Driving Range, also 7-0. Oshawa Cleaners, who we missed in the standings, have five points which they picked up by downing the Auto Body gang by @ 5-2 score and the Hitt and Miss club also were 5-2 winners over Yomacs. Top shooter for the giris was Mary Cole with 503. Other good scores were by Eileen Worsley 493, Josie Gyurka 479, Doris Vann 474, Martha Stauffer 469, Mary Mothersili 460 and Marion Peake with 449. Harry Blohm 588 (214) was "Top Dog' followed by Doug 'wsibbs $67 (219), Sam Larocca 546, George Lawrence 536 (203), George Turner 525, John Brige 508 and ig Clark 503. Captain's meeting, et the Lanes, at 8.45 p.m. Please attend or have a team repre- sentative present. OSHAWA MIXED MAJOR LEAGUE Men's Over 800 -- Reg Hickey 811 (211, 280, 320). Men's, over 700 -- Arn Green 780 (290, 269, 221); Ron Jay 775 (280, 286, 209)3 Al Perry 741 (202, 210, 329); Palm Knight 718 (214, 256, 248) and Ron Bragg 713 (236, 281). Ladies Over 800 -- Alice Westley 814 (284, 294, 236), Ladies Over 700 -- Mavis Taylor 759 (344, 231); Ev ttarding 711 (228, 227, 256) and Joan Nesbitt 710 (273, 242). Teams Standing --Ailev Kats 8, Sabers 6, Perry's Pets 5, Hickleberries 4, Trot- ters 3, Jaybirds 3, Bali Hi's 2, Hot Shots 1. Hickleberries took high team triple with 3,504 also team single, wiin 1,271 To Press Reporter. Please submit fu- ture reports in "'double-soace" typing, in- stead of single-soace, Thank yout MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE 400 games -- Mabel Moss 493 (258, 235); Fairley Bouckley 492 (252, 240); Maude Cockerotn 474 (275); Al Hill 458 (284) and June Grice 4°7 (209). 200 Games ~ Ann Peters 241, Mae Ja- mieson 209, Judy Zak 208 and Myrna Baldwin 207. Points Taken --- Modern Upholstering 3, Angus - Graydon 0; Jury and Lovell 1, Nu-Way Rug 2; Thomson and Kernaghan 3; Swan's Hardware 0; Jordan's Florists 1, Riviera Hairstyling 2; Kinloch's Men's Wear 3, People's Clothing 0. SALLY'S SALLIES racomal says it's one of my se erets and he can't... he Wednesday, Sept, 29, there will be @. _ Wahoo. NOM UE - PSE SEM TEIN tater Ebene Ae

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