NERA MENA TIE CEN ant ila mai i ME ee ' Sa eet ae Pca ee SPECIAL! IMPORTED --SHORT SHANK -- WHOLE or HALF LAMB LEGS. 5 SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS... 67: SPECIAL! SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF SPECIAL! ALORO FRANKFURTERS .......... nt SQe PIZZA PIES Hiatt. GPe SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS SEB COUPON FOR EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS J 2-ROLL PKGS. 43-0Z. JARS SPECIAL! PENNYWISE BEEP SPECIAL! COORSH __\_4 "a STEAKETTES .............. 2% 55¢ CORNED BEEF... 42% 95e SPECIAL! Loblaws Famous SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS S88 COUPON POR EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY NOW FOR BEST SELECTION PRIDE of SPECIAL! ORANGE PEKOE c 60' a Salada TEA BAGS «79° ARABIA » SPECIAL! VANITY -- ASSORTED COLOURS C TOILET r ISSUE -- 2 4 - COFFEE 3-LB. BAG $2.29 SPECIAL! GERBER'S STRAINED -- ALL 12)4c VARIETIES C T.V. SPECIAL! STA-FLO -- 17¢ OFF DEAL BABY FOODS .. 8:: 89° spray stiiren-- ..::.. 59 vswee® AEROSOL TIN SPECIAL! COUNTRY GOOD CHICKEN NOODLE SPECIAL! AYLMER FANCY j ; 48 FL. HEINZ SOUP MIX ....4:: 45: TOMATO JUICE--.2.°5:59 SreCIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS SPECIAL! | : s 5-LB. | CARNIVAL CREAMS... 223: 33: FIVE ROSES FLOUR... : 53: | T.V. SPECIAL! McCORMICK'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE | =DIPNICS cine ee 4 5. APPLE PIE ner DO \f @ FROZEN FOODS e . ; SPECIAL! Minute Meld! Floride C FTO CHANNEL gy Orange Juice 4.:%.89: 2 ois B50 SPECIAL! SWIFT'S DAILY MON. to Fel. DINNERS wean ------ 1 So 10.30 to ® sd "ef SPECIAL! FARM HOUSE 26-07 "eg APPLE PIE ner ern 2 ee, TQ | BOLERO THERM-O BOWL 8 DIFFERENT COLOURS A DIFFERENT COLOUR EACH WEEK each 39c FROM CALIFORNIA! CRISP AND SWEET! GRAPES --2..29° ONTARIO GROWN! FINEST ALL-PURPOSE VARIETY! McINTOSH FANCY ceevee on. 5 = pounn C APPLE GRADE POLY BAG GARDEN FRESH MILD FLAVOUR! ONTARIO GROWN! BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2 POUNDS 39° ONTARIO GROWN! JUST DELICIOUS BAKED! PEPPER er name, SQUASH 2 ~ 25¢ SHOPPING CENTRE STORE OPEN WED., THURS., AND FRI. TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M. 200 GALLONS OFT YOUR BINGO CARDS'AT LOBLAWS. WATCH. TV SHOW WITH EACH CAR FOR PLAYING RULES. F THE OSHAWA TIMES, 15 Wednesday, September 29, 1965 Usnnns 2180 Hutcheson he Sah aes ta coat haat Poe or alee ete 663 (313)7 Harold Com ie a) 'Dave ish bmg Eig a Fa I iy? Bn le 659 (220, 258); Harold Creamer ¢ 207)3 Clare Hardsand 651 228); Oscer Morrison 622 (716, 215); Doug Pelow 622 (223, 238); Madeline Morrison 621 (248)7 J. Norris 620 (233, 226); Al Hardsand 605 (227) and Gien Swindelis 600 (215, 200). Over 200 -- singles: Tom Rae 247, 221) Keys 231 Dot Hughes 262; June Wagg 2377 Branton 236; Ted mn 230; L, 130, Alex Alexander .. Jim Huxtable 222, C. Irwin 221, Bill Tonkin 221, Audrey Keys 216, Phyilils pe ce Gen. Bry- rk! . Finns --~ Norris' 8, Moonlighters 6, Puffers 6, Kaymars 8, Hebjoys 7, Lucky Thirteen 7, Hasbeens 6, Bluffers 6, Hi- tows.6, Blimps 5, Frultcakes 5, X-Rays & Clippers 3 and Hideaways 3, UAWA LEAGUE High Triples -- H, Kellock 812, J. Trott 794 (327), G. McKnight 753, B. Stovin 748, D. Hodgson 747 (309), A. Stovin 743, H. 722 (368); M. Love 719, D. Tilk 716, R. Murry 709, D. Stovin 709, R. Godfrey: 702, A, Barvosky 700, ee 682, LA log 675, J, Glover 672, H. Armstrong 670, W. Kelley 666, J. Redko 664, K. Cobb 659, J. Cook 658, A. Hruska 648 K. Johnston 644, R. Scourgie 644, D. Kelleher 641, S. Lebreton 641, E. Jordon 640, P, Kirk 636, A. Anderson 636, G. Forrestail 635, E. Kaynick 635, J. Brown 631, |, Estabrooks 629, T. Smith 628, J. Holt 624, D. Brown 622, _P. Lyson 615, A. Nell 614, W, Bawks 614, S. Rout 612, J. Tate 608, N, Galka 604 and J, Vandyke 600. Points Taken -- G and B, 4, Local 2784 10; A and W 3, Routs 17 Clints Texaco 2, Durnos 2; Tumeys 4, Honest Celis 07 Meads 3, Goch's 17 Onlerda & pres % Bosco's 4, Bergs 0; Home Appliances 4, Body Shop 0; Houdallie 4, Smiths Bev- erages 0; Russ's 3, Tony's 1 and Esse Service Centre 3, Scugog Cleaners 1. CATHOLIC L&AGUE The mixed Catholic Bowling League got away to 8 good start Wed. Sept. 22, at Motor City Bowling. The Cardinal's are at it again, with John W, Cardinal be'ng the only one to go over 700, with a 305 single, and a 724 triple. The ladies' Hr triple goes to Marg Boker with @ 562, and # nice 243 single, aiso goes to M arg Boker. Points Taken: Joe O'Malley's feam took 4 points from Ed Bialek's team, Mieka Howard took 4 points from Bob Rora- beck's team, Joe Peter's took 3 points fo Helen Burrow's 1, Marie Meinychuck also took 3 points te Alan Oerton's 1, 200 Scores: John W. Cardinal 238, 305. Fred Watts 201. John A, Cardinal 255, 220, 214; Marg Rorabeck 103; Marg Boker 243; Jerry Rolfe 205; Bob Rora- beck 213; Harry Dickinson 236; Oben Arsenault 260, 203; Clatre Henning 203. Lemon League: Ena Ward 27, 35, 76) Janette MacDonell 39; Ray Martell &7 and Mildred Rolfe with 76. Anyone wishing to join, please phone after five o'clock, 725-7618, WIRE AND HARNESS Team Standi; -- Alley. Cats 9% Lucky Strikes 9, Jest 9, Head Pins 8, Fly- ers 7, Hi Balls 6, Go-Getters 3, Hi-Los 3, Gay Six 1 and Pin Pickers 1. r 600 -- M. Hurren 773 (283, 26%, 221); D, Abramoff 689 (255, Ld H, Sin 296) 612 (223, 209); T, Collins 611 (233, 202); M, Shorten 605 (236, 216) and B. Keenan 603 (240, 209) Over 200 -- E, Lynburner 258, R. Gen- dron 248, T. Barclay 238, C. Weeks 215, G. Keenan 210, P. Ruttan 209, €. Morri- son (208, 204), C, Hutchinson 208, L, Gor- man 208, C. Dubblestun 207, L. Atkinson 207, B. Lynburner 3, T. McKinnon 202, S. Lovelock 201, E. Robinson 200 and D. Barclay 200, | | WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH | Over 600 -- Ken Cobb 701 (230, 206, 265)) Bill Taylor 726 (216, 257, 253); Mable Smith 681 (243, 265); Joyce Lamb 665 (242, 228); Harry Bennett 639 (201, 228, 210); Bill Romanuk 679 (234, 266); Les Barany 613 (215, 260); Gord Holbrook bee 210); Lorn Martin 616 (309)) Lamb 620 (304) and Doug Smith 660 (216, 258). er 200 -- Te jerrow 220, 'erry G » Norm Naish 213, 229, Joe Ward 253, Marg Laurie 220, 244; Ann Naish 219, Clark 206, Murray MacPherson 218, Ailin Anderson 200, Helen Slater 254, Jack Wilson 202 and Maxine Scott 220. CELLAR DWELLERS -- se Laurie 89, Gord Brown 8, Ruth Small 50, 85, Ella McPherson 99, Aliln Anderson 96 and Ada Taylor 90. To Press Reporter -- Please submit your bowling league reports, with each group in paragraph style (as above), rather than listed In @ column, one un- derneath the other, Thank you. TOWN and COUNTRY LADIES' LEAGUE High Triples -- Jackle Legere 678 (257, 222); Joan Anthony 611 (242, 210); Janet Lepine 602 (300); Mary DePratto 569 (221, 213)3 Audrey Hepburn 561 (212, 208); Dona Pascoe. 557 (205); Elizabeth Hutche- son 557; Betty Varga 555 (220); Jean Gaskell 553 (201); Earline Keeler 544 (205); Isobel "co 53%, Dorothy Brabin 534 (212, 210); Eleanor Vaillancourt 522 (201)7. Karen Orpwood 518 (218); Ferne Buechler 506; Gall Baker 503 (222) and Barbare Minaret 503 (205). High Singles -- Marilyn Bannon 208. Lemon League -- Jean ha gg le Jean Ward 91; Muriel Landry 78 @ Gall MacDonald 67. Team Standings -- hm pe 10, Fal- cons 8, Wildcats 7, Valiants 4, Stingrays 4 and Corvettes 3. NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES' LEAGUE re were no les this. week and Joan Taylor had high single again with Other 200 scores were Laure Coilins 222, 222; Marg Beaupre 212, Nancy Vick- ers 212, Bea Farnham 211, Mary Daniels 210, Betty Pearse 208, Dorothy Bentley 205, Shirley Winstanley 204, Bev Phillips 204 and June Cheseborough 200. Points taken were Taylors 4 Vickers 0; Burrus 4 Scotts 0) Pearses 3, Hubbells 13 Collins 3, Campbells 1. Total points are Collins 6, Taylors 5, Burrus' 5, Pearses 5, Hubbells 4, Vickers 3, Camp- bells 2, Scotts 2, MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL Team Points -- Westmount 3, Rey- nolds 3, Genosha 3, Acedian 3, Motor City 0, Playboys 0, Dairy Queen 0 and Imperial 0. High Singles -- B. Gallant 360, 203, F. Hayward 323, 253, D. Wotton 297, 268, 260, A, Dionne 289, J, Bell 287, D. Cor- mier 286, W. Helmecke 279, 274, C. Weeks 276; 273, F. Linley 257, 257, L. Arp 256 and J. Sharp 25). High Triples -- B. Gallant 864, D. Wot- ton 825, F. Linley 775, €. Weeks 760, W. Helmecke 751, F. Hayward 751, L. Arp 683, J. Bell 672, A. Dionne 672, J. Sharp 650, W. Smith 642, D. Williams 632, P. Cormier 625, C. Winacstt 615, E. Girovard 614 and M, Thompson 601. STORE LEAGUE Town and Country 2, Coulters 2; Na- tional Grocers 0, Motor City 4; Ont. Motor Sales 4, Balko's 0; Pediars 1, Dixons 3; 7-Up 0, Oshawa Bakery 4; Aca- dian Cleaners 3, Powells 1; Hallldays 0, Goch Supertest 4; Algers 4, Consolidated Heating 0, High Triples -- R. Brown 719, B. Morey 747, J, Ristich 707, S. Skerrow 713, R. Brooks 746, F. Ball 715, B. Clayton 701, W. Lanning 708. High Singles -- Hw. Norton 278, §. Salmers 272, C. Halliday 264, W. Ander~ son 300, B. Lavergne 268, T. McGee 275, Q. Salmers 286, D. Smith 258, J. Healey 291, J. Ristich 262, R. Winfield 289, B. Turnstall_ 253, G. Pearse 256, B. Morey 287, G. Brocamier 272, H. E. Bathe 282, R. Brown 258. HUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE High bowler for last week was Pat McConnell with (146, 113) 259, followed by Ereda White (107, 48) 155; Ada Mec- Dondugh (62, 92) 154; Beatrice Chute (32, 93) 125; Wm. Brown (65, 56) 121 and Har- old Bateman (37, 66) 103. With handicap -- Vera Siblock (51, 52) 103) Eva Wakely (SI, 51) 102 and. Clara $uddard (50, 50) 100. ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE LEAGUE 600 Games -- Dan Charuk 764 (203, 355, 206); Jack Strank 651 (204, 216, 236) and John Jukes 618 (23%, 200). 200 Games -- Sam Stainton 246, Ruth Solski 217, Jack Gale 2'6, Hugh McMahon 214, Bill Corbett 210, Barb Holland 210, |ecns Sutheriand. 20? and Marion Man ning 208) + ---enceemnencomeceiisaed Lemon League -- M, Bi 9, &. Simmel? (Sse 23, 41) and Jackle Smith 95.