Calls For Steamroller Victory Canadians will be the judge and jury, and the sentence will be swift, just, concise and final, Michael Starr said Friday night. Speaking at a packed Legion Hall n Whitby he called upon party workers to work to assure "your" election. "This is your election. You are running and I'm carrying the torch," he told 225 cheering backers. The former Labor minister in the Diefenbaker government said he doesn't want majority. "T want you to get behind a steamroller and roll 'em down," he pleaded. NO OPPOSITION Mr. Starr was nominated, with no opposition, by his campaign manager (rural) William New- man, of Brougham, in Whitby Legion Hall. He called upon party workers to help him in the campaign days ahead. "T have confidence in you to work on my behalf," he said. "I will be away quite a few days. You are running. I am_ just carrying the torch. It is the Liberal government that is on trial." Mr. Starr said he felt nervous on his seventh election in 13 years. "T am determined to serve all in the riding-- evenly, equally and with all dedication," he said, ' BUSY IN HUSTINGS He is committed to 12 nomina-j tion meetings in Ontario, and a) western Canada agenda which is being prepared, "It is difficult to brush aside all the requests, and the res- ponsibility on my part to win all] seats possible, and return to honesty and integrity, is great." .W H. J. Thompson of Picker- ing, president of the Progressive! Conservative Ontario Riding As- sociation, told the audience John} G. Diefenbaker can form the; next. government and Mr. Starr| will be in the next cabinet, "if| we all work hard, and ease the task of our candidate. "Talk victory everywhere youjesty, integrity and morality, Dr. go. This breeds success," he said. "There is a ground-swell'day night. rolling now. be "just a 7 MICHAEL STARR, cen- tre, chats with Ontario Health Minister Dr, M. B. Dymond and Albert Walker, Oshawa riding member of the Ontario Legislature in Honesty, Main Ones, Speaker Says | The main question in the up- coming election is one of hon- P. B. Rynard said in Whitby Fri- Speaking jn support of Mi- (Continued From Page 1) The speaker asked those in attendance to show their affec- tion 'for a great citizen of Osh- awa, of Canada and of the North American world'. Madame Vanier leaned over and kissed "Mr. Sam" during the long, standing ovation. "I have enjoyed every minute/ of the time I've been in Osh- awa," said Col, McLaughlin, who celebrated his 94th birth- day earlier this month. 'I love this city and I always shall." Referring to the Governor- General's remarks about chil- dren, Col. McLaughlin said if a child "can't get under the skin of any decent man or woman -- then there is something wrong. "We must look after the chil- dren and see that they have every opportunity to be brought up properly, enjoy life and re- ceive a good education, If we don't do-that we are neglecting our duty." | Col. McLaughlin said he was | "embarrassed beyond measure) by all the sweet and flattering things which have been said abcut me... and I want to ex- press my heartfelt appreciation for the kind words." He said he did not realize (until it was mentioned by chairman Ald. Clifford Pilkey) that the luncheon was in honor of his birthday ("not altogether --I know that!" he chuckled). He read a telegram from Prime Minister Lester Pearson, | who extended warm and good} wishes to Col. McLaughlin and| his many friends, | MOST DELIGHTED H Mayor Lyman Gifford official-| ly welcomed Their Excellencies | to Oshawa and said "we are de- lighted beyond expression that both of you have found it pos- sible to visit us and join in) marking the birthday of our) most illustrious citizen, Col. R.! S. McLaughlin." | Prince Phillip are on the wall behind the three men, who were featured guests to- day at a picnic on the farm of Heber Down, Brooklin. --Oshawa Times Photo Whitby last night after Mr. Starr was nominated to carry the Progressive Con- servative banner in the Nov. 8 federal election: Pictures of Queen Elizabeth and On behalf of his council col-| KISS FOR COLONEL SAM ldenied, and that instead they) zens of Oshawa but even more so of being true Canadians", "Their presence brings great honor to our city and is in keep- ing with their own unselfish de- votion to their services of Her Majesty and Canada," he said. Ald. Pilkey, chairman of the arrangement committee, intro- duced the head table guests at the Hotel Genosha. In addition to Their Excellen- cies the Governor-General and Madame Vanier, Col. R. S. Mc- Laughlin and his daughter Miss Isabel McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Brockington, Mayor Gif- ford, were: Rt. Rev. Paul Dwyer, who gave the invocation, Stewart Alger, who introduced Mr. Brockington, E. H. Walker, Albert Taylor, Ald. Christine Thomas, Ald. Gordon Attersley, T. .L. Wilson, Lt. Col. William Paynter, Stanley Richardson, Alfred Brisebois and Harold Mc- Neill. Douks Draw 5, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 25, 1965 2 Measles Could Be Conquered | LONDON (Reuters) -- Mea- sles, the disease that hits most children, may have been con- quered, the British Magazine Maternal and Child Care says. "It looks as if children will soon get immunity without hav- ing to suffer from the disease first," the magazine says. Life-long immunity could fol- low the injection of dead mea- sles vaccine, followed by a live measles vaccine. TORONTO (CP)--Dr. George A. McNaughton, assistant ee fessor of pediatrics at the U: ) versity of Toronto, said Friday|] cau, he believes all children over 10 DIX ON ' s FOR months should be immunized against measles, OIL FURNACES _ In a statemen: Dr. McNaugh- ton said recent reports concern- ing a symposium on measles held here Tuesday had given a misleading impression. Dr. George Moss, Toronto's deputy. medical health officer, was quoted as saying the right vaccine for mass immunization against measles had not yet been developed. FUEL OIL AND HEATING SERVICE SERVING THE PUBLIC OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST, OSHAWA ' 723-4663 AN CITY OF OSHAWA ie Burned Home -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP)--Two} tearful and unrepentent Douk-) hobor women received two five-| year concurrent jail terms for) destroying a house near Kel-| owna by fire July 18. Mary Malakoff and Mary As- tafooroff were given five years for breaking and entering the home of Wasyl Konciewicz at Rutland and five years for arson. | They were sentenced by County Court Judge A. D. C. Washington after an all-male) jury found them guilty. Mary Malakoff, crying, told) the judge that their request to} be judged by the Bible had been) had been convicted by the law)! of man. She likened her trial to that jof Christ, 'who was crucified by) NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS Dogs Are Prohibited From Running At Large At All Times Notice is hereby given that Dog Control By-law No. 3418 of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, as amended, was further amended by By-law No. 139-65 passed on the 20th day of September, 1965; so that By-law No. 3418 now reads, in part, as follows: 1. No person shall keep or maintain any dog in the City of Oshawa unless been licensed and registered under this by-law and, subject to the p i 4 (4) of the Dog Tox ond The Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection Act, has on @ collar to which is affixed @ dog tag issued for the current year for the said dog. . No dog shall run et large and no person shall permit « dog owned by him to run ot large in the City of Oshawa et any time. . For the purpose of this section @ dog shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of the owner end is not under the control of a competent person either by means of « leash not more than 10 feet in length or by virtue of being found not more than 10 feet from the person supervising the dog. such dog hes of ¢ ei, et of the by-law shall be the City Dog Pound and held d at the expiration of 48 . Every dog found running ot large ary to the p taken up by the Dog Control Officer and impounded in for a period of not less then 48 hours and, if not red: hours, may be sold or destroyed. . The owner of on impounded dog shall be entitled, on proof of ownership, to regain possession of the dog on application to the Dog Pound and payment of the following Morality Issues | could not deduct advertising asjof the splinter parties he would a cost of their business.' fall apart trying to explain Said Dr. Rynard: "The effect|them to the Ilouse -- so he of this would be to stop busi-|called an unnecessary election." ness from advertising or, if they) Dr. Rynard quoted the phrase advertised, would make their|"economic underworld" from a Liberal "campaign primer". He leagues and all of the citizens Criminals. of Oshawa, the mayor acknowl-| edged to the Governor - General] and Madame Vanier "'our loyal- | ty to Her. Gracious Majesty) | Queen Elizabeth'. | Ald. Pilkey said the presence | of Their Excellencies, as repre-| sentatives of the Queen, '"'makes| NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Peyment |!) December--Coll PERRY 4) Day or Night . . . 723-3443 i pound fees: first dey or port of day -- $5.00 each additiole! dey or pert ef dey -- $2.00 All licensed dogs ore recorded ond indexed ond every effort is made immediately after dogs ere picked up by the Dog Centrol Department. The above regulations ere effective immediately. to notify the owners L, R. BARRAND, City Clerk. us feel very proud of being citi- ichael Starr, who is defending his "bailiwick" for the seventh time in 12 years, Dr. Rynard |stressed there was 'never a lfinger of suspicion" raised) against the Tories during their} recent reign. "This is not a Grit or Tory question," stated the MP for Simcoe East. 'It is a question} jof 'Are you going to vote for right or wrong?'. | "I'm sure there are hundreds'| lof Liberals who will vote for "Let us turn it into a tidal wave of support for Mike. Let's show the Prime Minister_ this (the election) is the biggest mis- take he ever made." Italia Lads Go For Cup o los M4 . jright in this lection." with Dorion, Banks and Rivard na . . ' : 'Ithey have foupd out what is At 8 Tonight | Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, On*|the Pearson government must vain on." ? |tario Minister of Health, said/haye a most elastic conscience : there has never been any ques-|-- jf it is clear -- after this." A record-shattering season for Oshawa: Italia soccer club comes|*" to a close this evening, and/S!¥ Motor City enthusiasts are hop-| BEHIND PARTY i od " of siege ter "We stand four-square behind) $ 5 the Progressive Conservative champs take to the field at); 4, he said acine th Sinuinwn Civic Memorial Stadi-Detty, Ne salu, in sharing © um at 8:00 p.m. to do battle| Platform with Mr, Starr and Al- with Vancouver Firefighters for|°¢"t oat member for Osh- the Dominion Cup. awe ee The local club has to be con-| "The Conservatve Party sidered the underdog -- a fact|brought in Confederation. Let's which doesn't dampen the en- make sure the Conservatives thusiasm_of its members. To|bring inthe second 100 years.' them, upsets have long ago be-| Dr.. Dymond calléd on Con come commonplace. jservatives to "work for Mike Several weeks ago they ad-| (Starr) who is working for all vanced to the Ontario Cup\of Canada, and see that he gets championship for the first time,|the biggest majority ever." and won. The triumph sent them) Dr. Rynard noted that unem- tion where provincial progres-| conservatives stand. won|when Mr, Starr was made} Labor Minister in 1957. dian playoffs, and they there too. They enter tonight's contest has gotten them this far will/recession their own advisors} bring the national title to Osh-|told them was coming,"' he said awa -- timely offensive power, Cane a sturdy defence and superb MAGNIFICENT JOB goaltending from young Freddy| "Mr. Starr stepped in and did Rohr. his job magnificently. They realize, however, that] 'Some $300,000,000 worth of| every member will have to| vocational schools were built! come up with his top effort to|and. 100,000 persons retrained, | turn back Vancouver's high-|with 75 percent of the cost paid. scoring centre - forward Art|It's time for a better look at} |minister -- of jdent - prone' and should be jbelieve the whole story (of the|comes, "And the pension plan six months or more before the| goaded Quebec Court of Appeals hears to Halifax for the eastern Cana-|ployment was on the increase|y", pore of the United Steel: "The Liberals made no prep-|p Gas " bas | ip Bae confident that the formula that/aration for automation, and ie waa ea Ltd./had called the 1957 strike. The costs of production so high it would not be competitive with|said the phrase was applied to | foreign business. ithe unskilled worker, marginal) ) "This Tom Kent, the great|farmer, senior citizen and dis- |! master-mind with the prime|abled persons. 13 nist of a government) 'The Conservatives voted to |' with ideas like that -- makes ieive them (the pensioners) $100 |; you think. This swing to the!a month, and this we will do |}: left is frightening. when we are back in power|| Dr. Rynard suggested that|Noy. 8," Dr. Ryaard promised. such a government is '"'acci-| "Never since Confederation 4 af has a. government been under taken off the road". jsuch a cloud of suspicion. And It is up to you to take this|/neyer have the Canadian people government off the road. What/yo'zd a goveynment in, once Dr. Rynard said he has fought , ,,|the 11 percent tax on drugs, es- Dr. Rynard said he doesn't) pecially for those on fixed in- Dorion report) has been told.|-- there is no help for 1,500,000, UNNECESSARY ELECTION (and no provision for anyone "I think Mr. Pearson looked/sick at crime and corruption, and| 'This is the biggest loop-hole felt that even with the support'of them all," né said. Steelworkers Try Appeal On $2.4 Million Judgment QUEBEC (CP)--It may bejion argued that the company the men into walking out by dismissing the president of the USW local at Murdoch- of America (CLC)Iville. from a judgment which ordered) In stories Sept. 15 and 16 The the union to pay about $2,400,-\Canadian Press said the Union union objected to this on The Quebec Superior Court/grounds that the question of es- judgment Dec. 7, 1964, came on|tablishing responsibility for the a suit by Gaspe Copper for re-|strike is still before the courts. covery of all profits lost during} In the judgment being ap- a bitter strike at Murdochville'pealed, Mr. Justice Antoine La- from. March 10 to Oct. 5, 1957.)courciere held the union respon- The case centred around re-|sible for 'fomenting, organiz- sponsibility for the walkout./ing, sustaining, directing, fi- The company argued that the/nancing and prolonging' the USW was responsible. The un-Istrike: "Cowboy" Hughes, and to dent|this than the Liberals are giv- the armour of unparalleled goal-|ing,"' he said. tender Ken Pears. | Dr. Rynard said Tom Kent,! Whatever the outcome, one|the Prime Minister's personal) thing is certain: Oshawa fans|advisor, has said that Cana- will be treated to the finest soc-jdians do not know their real cer display staged in the Motor|needs City in many years . , "This is a new arrogance on capac teceireaiasacae BTR % ithe: part of the Liberals," he Inoted, quoting Mr. Kent this NEEDS MUCH WOOD It takes 2.2 cords of hard-| 'Business as a whole finds its wood, such as oak. maple OF|profits in what it sells to the hickory, to make a ton of char-| community. .It is engaged in a coal jgigantic effort to tell the com- This 1370 square-foot house is owned by Mr. and Mrs. R. Kruckeburg. Their total electric bill for last year was $196.62. They estimate their cost for electric heating at $138.00. "We have never heated for as little as that since we came to this country," say the Kruckeburgs. "It has always been more." "Our previous home was a little smaller 5°4% G.1.0's *Guaranteed Investment Certificates : | munity what it wants. FAME DID NOT LAST | In the process it wastes talent The bison which modelled for and encourages wage increases, | the United States' 1913 "Indian|the level of debt and inflation. | head" nickel was killed off twolThe government should disallow years later for meat. ltax laws so that companies) oe ; an at | than our present one, and we were paying up to $80.00 a year more to heat with another system." "Some people still think electric heating is expensive, but when they say that, I ACCOUNTS Interest Calculated and Paid Quarterly A'/2% SAVINGS | @ NOTICE @ GLAZIER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Will be closed MON. & TUES., SEPT. 27 and 28 Due to Religious Holidays OPEN WED. 9. A.M. SEE WED. AD ANNIVERSARY SALE CONTINUES. . FOR EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS just show them my bills. We would never switch back to any other heating system." Electrically heated homes, insulated to Hydro standards, cost no more to heat than homes with other systems. In fact, in many areas in Ontario it actually costs less to heat a home electrically. SAVINGS HOURS MONDAY -- THURS. 9 TO 6 SATURDAY 9 TO S FRIDAY 9 TO 9 nin HEAD OFFICE 19 Simcoe St. N. 23 King St. W. THERE IS MORE TO ELECTRIC HEATING THAN THE LOW COST, Flameless electric heating is the cleanest heating possible. It doesn't burn fuel so it cannot possibly create dirt, dust, film or soot, Electric heating offers you roon-by-room or zone temperature control. You enjoy even, comfortable, healthful warmth -- always. You gain extra living space with electric heating too, because there is no bulky fuel-burning equipment. Annual servicing is eliminated. Cleaning and inspection are not needed. Electric heating is the most carefree heating system of all. With all its advantages, no wonder so many people throughout Ontario are turning to electric heating for the comfort, convenience and economy they want in a heating system. $1382 heated this 6-room Galt house ! for a whole year-electrically iti gigas Electric heating is one of the many features of the famous Medallion all-electric homes. For full information, consult a qualified electric heating contractor, or your Hydro, if parts of your home than it costs to extend ELECTRIC HEATING FOR YOUR PRESENT HOME If you are planning home extensions or properly heated, you can install sup- plementary electric heating for less are not now your present a » your hydro ELECTRIC HEATING IS THE SUPERIOR HEATING SYSTEM Bowmanville Oshowe 723-5221 Tel. 623-2527 Tel. FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Bowmanville Office Closed on Wednesdoys HARMONY VILLAGE Walnut Court ROSSLYN HEIGHTS Norwich Street North of Rossland Rd. W. BEAU VALLEY Oshawa Blvd. N. SEE MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOMES ON DISPLAY IN THESE COMMUNITIES DOWNSVIEW. Adelaide Street East BELLE VISTA Melrose Street