58 iy SM P prkiy dette alee di . g * TZA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Feidey, September 24, 1965 20:2 02 eee +. ceemeeewre The range of new houses. provide more practical and Charles B. Campbell of to be found in Oshawa al- luxurious features than Hamilton, who is president lows for every taste and could have been imagined of the National House Build- ' pocketbook. Today's homes 20 years ago, according to ers Association, Houses have tee. PG DOGG 0 PARP AGAR NG ABELL EOE AIDES ri eee ooo ayn tte z Ne MODERN HOMES CATER TO ALL POSSIBLE TASTES changed immensely since the Second World War and all to the good. AAP B gy 1 plea BRE ME | DON'T CARE FOR DOGS' SAYS DOG-LOVERS' GUEST WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)-- Dog lovers here learned more than they had bar- gained for when they at- tended a meeting. The printed program primised that as this week is National Dog Week, the speaker would be Dr. Regi- nald Doidge of the Western Ontario Agricultural School in Ridgetown who would lec- ture on "changes in the field of veterinarian medicine." When he rose to speak, Dr. Doidge said: "My topic was only given to me about three minutes ago. I wasn't even aware that this is National Dog Week. As a matter of fact, I don't particularly care for dogs." In a hushed silence, he spoke on "changes in the field of agriculture." --Photo by Ireland Studio 'What's Good Design In Purchasing Home? What is good design? This is ajstairs bedrooms without inter-|the sprawling ranch type bun- 'question that crops up sooner| fering, with the stanier anprar galow. 9 ance, he one thing you shou Mess 4 or later whenever & person COn-)) are of is that designs for|SPLIT-LEVEL tsiders purchasing a home./tnis house often require dorm-| The split-level embodies some) * There are many expert opinions|ers, As dormers add to the cost,|6f the advantages of the bunga-| * on the subject, but as yet, there/ you should try to obtain a planiigw and the two-storey house. | lis no concrete definition avail- nes -- for light through the One welcome advantage is that! ' able. What may be attractive to|°"° ©": jee are only Ae. veven sap i ic-| TWO-STOREY | between floors which ma! es or ~ buyer ay mom be weethetic:| less strenuous stair climbing. * ally appealing to another. | Many people prefer a house|Gogq zoning of family living If you are buying a home, it)with an upper floor, but they areas is easier in a multi-level 'is important that the design of| may wish for more than two/home. If the lot you have chosen *the house meet the living re-|bedrooms, In another instance,|is a sloping one, the split-level) 'i t of ticu! ja person may prefer a particu-|would be most useful in solving} , vuremenst of your particu ariiar neighborhood but can only|the problems presented by this} -family. It would certainly not/find a narrow lot, once again a/land. " be in your interests to choose a|two-storey house is the answer.) It is apparent that every| * house solely because of its ex- Ns can be used to vag Leeda Font _ its page ag i ; ; Sort | age on a narrow iot where aj\disadvantages, ut, e Wis , terlor beauty without BIVIN SCI vide frontage is impracticable.|buyer will consider the merits) ious consideration to the prac-| Dye to its compactness the two-|of each in relation to his family . ticability of its interior plan. | storey house is easy to heat, and|needs before making a decision * Home buyers today hbenefit)Would not present the heatingjon the design he should. pur. from the opportunity to choose! problems often encountered with] chase from a wide variety of houses --mneneene and designs available on the! » market. In selecting the proper home for you it might be well to keep the following facts about _the various house types in FOR COUNTRY ee LIVING IN A GRACIOUS HOME... . The one-storey house is still the most popular type of accom- modation in Canada, although it is gradually losing some of it appeal to the mure practical! two-storey home, But the bunga | low offers many advantages, the ; obvious one being easy access ' to rooms which are all on one . level, The housewife will appre- > ciate this during her work day . Her only climb in this type of house would be the basement ' stairs. Usually there are fewer - accidents in a one-floor home : particularly where children and . elderly people are concerned. *1% STOREY : The 1% storey house provides »the greatest amount of floor "area for the Jeast cost. Should + you require only the first floor - living area at the outset, the ~ Plan also allows for future ex- pansion by completion of the up- Coll... AMBASSADOR Joseph Francois - Xavier houde, now charge diaf- faires and consul in Monte- video, has been appointed Canadian ambassador to Peru with accreditation in Bolivia as well. Mr. Houde, 39, has served previously in Brussels, Athens and Paris. --CP Photo ULRICH STRAHL CONTRACTOR OF FINE HOMES 725-6969 ba with these precast concrete products -- @ SEPTIC TANKS ® DURA STEPS ® COLORED PATIO ® RAILINGS ® WALK SLABS ® WELL TILE @ DRIVEWAY CURB e CATCH BASINS ® PARKING BUMPERS @ MEMBERS OF OSHAWA BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION PRECAST CONCRETE is an important part of all building projects. Oshawa district con- tractors save time and are always assured of consistent quality CUSTOM PRECASTING FaaZZe CITE owners 17a, 655-331) House Designs and Structural Engineering 52'/2 Simcoe St. N, . 723-4661 PETER JOHANSEN LIMITED HEIGHTS Where Homes Are Built By Johansen, They Are Built For Comfortable Family Living. Your Dollar Gets its Greatest Value in Lovely ROSSLYNN HEIGHTS You'll truly enjoy the most relaxed, comfortable living you can imagine. Low, low maintenance costs, highest re-sale value all insured by rigidly controlled building standards, set by one builder... PETER JOHANSEN. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO VISIT PHASE-2 ROSSLYNN HEIGHTS PETER JOHANSEN & SON LTD. 812 LAW ST. 723-9207 East of Stevenson Road North. off Rossland Road .