sic aseaats 7 Meee rt a : G2 spansinae iO apcanapinsy ay RNS ata ila a Neg ickog sata ags igang THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 24, 1965 TTA In Homes It pays the home buyer to carefully select his house design and he will gain even greater dividends in comfort and satis- faction for his family if he is just as prudent in selecting the builder of his future home. Often the new home buyer is at a loss to know the best meth- od of choosing a builder. Cer- tainly it is essential that the man responsible for a product requiring as heavy an invest- ment as a home should be repu- table and experienced. A builder | must be capable of making man- 'agement decisions. In addition, he must be technically compe- [font and aware of the latest ma- terials and construction meth- \ods necessary in today's high | volume housing market. | The modern house builder is a very different person from the jcarpenter of yesteryear, who, | perhaps, built one or two homes |annually and depended upon his own two hands for much of the labor involved, He is responsible for co-ordinating the efforts of} all the specialists that work on! jyour home. He must know how) \to select the various sub-trades, | | such as, the carpenter, plumber, | brick-layer, painter and the var-| ious other tradesmen fequired to) build a quality home. As well as being a judge ot the efficiency of such sub-con- tractors, he must also be aware of the various mortgage regula- tions, building codes, zoning and) --Photo by Ireland. | Planning bylaws in effect in the) particular area where the home is is being built. TORRE SUSPENDED MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Joe Torre, catcher-first baseman of | MODERN SUBDIVISIONS ARE FAMILIAR SIGHTS Such modern subdivisions tion increases rapidly and Oshawa subdivisions. The fully planned to allow for as the Kassinger (shown the demand for home re- homes are of original design, roominess and scenic de- above) are familiar sights in finements grows, Note the ultra-modern in architecture, sign. Oshawa today as the popula- wide boulevards and spa- Such subdivisions are care- Milwaukee Braves, was sus-| Corps Of Ambassadors Expanded By Mr. Drapeau #2223 liams in Sunday's game "with | 'San Francisco Giants, Beau Valley Isn't this a lovely street. The houses. are all so different. All houses are different in Beau Valley. Because people STE ay are different. And we built for people. We want them to be happy. And happiness begins in your home. Don't MONTREAL (CP) -- During|nected with the proposed towerjdoes no harm to his business |----. the last 10 years Mayor Jean|for Expo 67, plans for which dealings in Canada, but Mayor Drapeau of Montreal has builtj/have since been discarded, Drapeau said Mr. Marchais has up a corps of personal ambas-| For official business the|never received a cent of public sadors that now extends into at}mayor deals through the fed- | money for his services, cre 10 re < is _-- ri gag et 5 eg ag Poe "His mission is strictly that ularly active in Paris, New/fairs but a man like Mr. Mar fe York and London. ichais is considered Ca an tne PereOnRy: FS presentative His ambassadors have no dip- when information is needed| for specific matters," said the lomatic status. They are busi-| quickly. |mayor., nessmen--nationals of their own| Mayor Drapeau's reason for) He met Mr. Marchais in country, often able to act more establishing his contacts is his|Paris in 1956 when the mayor efficiently than protocol-bound|vision of Montreal as an im-| }was paying his first visit to diplomats. portant international city and|France. With a partner in Mont- The mayor doesn't like to talk/because of Expo. jreal, Mr. Marchais was con- about the arrangement, saying) Mr. Marchais is a vice-pres- jnected with the export of French "the results of their work arelident of the Franco-Canadian|Wine to Canada. He was ex- more important than their|Chamber of Commerce in Paris.|'Temely useful in putting the names," but he concedes that|He is said to have been con-|Mayor in touch with the right one of the top men is Georges/sulted by Canadian politicians people in Paris. | : Fook Erigas Marchais, 54 ~ year - old Paris|and civil servants as well as by} "Since then he has been will- e and Garden Sais wood and wine merchant. Canadian businessmen. ing to help Montreal as much| as he could. He has been. in- at... His name appeared locally| UNPAID AMBASSADOR valoabla: & veal (lend 45 Munts ® because he was reported con-| His co-operation undoubtedly bec He hialps us because he is RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. PM SENDS BEST WISHES he loves Montreal and Canada."/Mf 1018 King Sti E. 725-6581 TO 3,000 NHBA MEMBERS wait until it's too late. Make Beau Valley your home. Sold by SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 King West Oshawa Phone 723-2265 Built by H. KASSINGER Construction Limited Phone 728-7583 Mr. Marchais carries a card| showing the crest of the city of Montreal, Mayor Drapeau' §| name and title and, Mr. Mar-| chais' own name and title, "Le Conseiller Charge de Mission On the occasion of Nation- al Home Week, I extend greetings and sincere good wishes to the more than 3,000 members of the National House Builders Association. The remarkable volume of residential construction now under way is-evidence of the growth and vigor of the house- building industry and its suc- cess in providing a variety of living accommodation. It is also evident that a new ap- preciation and sensitivity for good design is being shared by builders and consumers as standards of quality become higher. Today, residential construction requires a com- bination of skills and service involving the engineer, plan- ner, architect, developer, lender, manufacturer, builder and tradesman. I am pleased that all of them are keeping pace with the needs of na- tional developments. National Home Week is an opportunity for the industry to display its products to the consumer public. I commend it to all as a worthy celebra- tion of Canada's growing competence in the important task of housing our citizens. --L. B. PEARSON, Prime Minister of Canada. \teur softball association inter- pour l'Europe." Asked whether the title might suggest a conflict with Ottawa's diplomatic connections with Paris, Mayor Drapeay said the word 'mission' in French hasn't got the strong diplomatic flavor it has in English. KINGSTON WINS TORONTO (CP) -- Kingston Aces defeated Toronto Metro Police 11-1 in an Ontario ama- mediate industrial playoff game Wednesday night. Kingston won the best-of-three quarter-final series in two games and will meet St. Catharines Macs in a best-of-three semi-final starting at Kingston Saturday. PLAN NOW -- FOR A BETTER SUMMER -- 1966 LOOK AT THESE SPECIFICATIONS .. » Live Life To The Fullest With YOUR OWN SWIMMING POOL 16 ft. x 32' inside d --Floor 6 © Concrete S000 Ibs. per. NOW LOOK AT . watt Thickness 844" THE SALE PRICE inch compres- sion strength © Steel reinforced diserinciion @ Lovely 3 ft. walk around your pool plete filtration system with DURO guerenteed self prim- ing pump @ Automatic surface skimmer @ Chrome on brass main drain © 2 Chrome brass adjustable inlets @ Chrome on brass vacuum fitting @ Stainless Steel Patio Slebs. EASY TERMS ARRANGED -- FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CALL... RELIABLE POOLS S22 9776 Ledder © Vacuum Cleaner @ 35 Pounds of Chlorine and Test Kit © Sidewalk 22 ff. x 38 ft. Poured Sidewalk or COMPLETELY INSTALLED Nothing More Te Buy! WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ..... electric heating brings ~ you room-by-room comfort control Only with flameless electric heating can you control the tem- perature in every room. Electric heating is completely even heating . . . no cold spots, no rushing blasts of heat, no chilly drafts. For more information, talk to your qualified electric heating contractor, or ask... your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 --InCooperation With-- TELEPHONE 668-5878 TELEPHONE 942-0500 TELEPHONE 942-2930 725-3974 or 725-9991 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . BUILT BY ROTH CONSTRUCTION