AWA TIMES, Pridey, September 24, 1965 tices, Labor and material rec-jdata processing and planning 4a ve om wii : : ords will be kept by the Divi-lof the Mark V during the win-| sion of Building Research forjter with construction taking! 4 h tie tructi ummer 66, Home Buyers Benefit More itz ites: seo wou serve in eect ths experiment il as a basis of comparison with/provide a time and _ motion) another house (MARK Y) to bejstudy on the construction of a) On Mortgage Arrangements built as a second phase of the|typical house by a typical build-| operation. er. The undertaking should pro-; Home buyers are now bene-jprogramming, better construc-) This Mark V unit would be|vide an objective study on the) fitting from improved _mort.|tion methods and a careful use/identical in size and layout with|industrialization of a siagle 8 ts. whic "lof housing standards tomor-|the project house in order that| housing unit. arrangemen bi rs q|row's homes will be as attrac-|the appearance and visible qual- Certainly, builders and poten-| clude higher. lending. values oo tive an investment as those onlity would remain the same,|"al home buyers across the) er periods of repayment.|i days market. \Construction details would be|country will be keeping a close) One of the major reasons for ica on ike Mark V t | ver the next two years the revised to conform to minimum| ey as it cou found "ey "fect, that pn te - Nicsnieh Committee vill carry|structural requirements in thejhave a marked effect on house) Residential Standards and ad-|building operations in the ciiti-| pose co Sance a bet. Mark ¥ beasts, mealonpl <" vantage would be taken of any|cal years immediately ahead. cor eaects a construction| Maintain high standards of|improved techniques that offer techniques through a constant|house building and at the same potential cost saving: GO BY WIND, MUSCLE rogram of research carried on|time achieve a greater cost con-| Present plans cali for com-| Only 10,500 of Ceylon's 75,000 by th the industry. trol. The experiment will be/pjetion of the builders' projectifishermen have powered fishing, For example an active Re- used to demonstrate that poten-|home this fall. This will permit'boats. search Committee is maintain- tial savings may be achieved GUC ne nme rs ara ed by the National House Build.|" ® typical project home by) ers Association, This committee taking advantage of techniques) ot eee Deere ican stheet cominsiag| A ' : pr yp ag Moy iuortenss the appearance or the utility of! n nou ncing and Housing Corporation, the|® Unit in any way. at Division of *pullding Research) In the initial stage of the of the N.R.C, and major build-|project, a typical house design) ing material manufacturers, Injwill be selected to be included] this way the National Houseljin a builder's regular construc-| Builders Association strives to/tion program and built using) ensure that through improvedjhis normal construction prac-| IT'S RUNDLE'S FOR... | | Ht WELDING and You'll enjoy Comfortable COMPLETE YN | FABRICATORS LID. oe i SCA vy i [4 | Moved to New Location ne uv ss g c ogee gpl Mall given ihe! gP ieadag Meat ig 747 B loo r St. W. ' we SME a s ARDE nS @ complete landscaping service . . . they can not only plan your landscaping for you, but also provide you with only the lity materials to mak beam with pride. fm i ee ge pee th perdi yh elit Soe at Highway 401 Come and visit Kingsmere Gardens and see for yourself, you will find quite reasonable. | beautiful homes, in a beautiful setting, at prices that will be a pleasant TELEPHONE 725-6551 Telephone 725-8031 surprise to you. Just drive out King Street East:to Athabaska Street, one RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. block past the Seventh Day Adventist Church, turn south and follow the 1015 KING ST. E. | signs. Custom - Designed, All-Electric Homes built by GEORGE LYSYK Lysyk Custom Built Homes are designed to accommodate the taste of those : new home buyers who want something "just a little nicer', Each home is FREE custom designed and custom built to suit the owner's individual taste and 4 requirements for comfortable family living, Visit Kingsmere Gardens and inspect Lysyk Built Homes Now. EXCLUSIVE p REAL ESTATE AGENTS aie LIMITED Live Better Electrically OUR MODERN PLANT & SALESROOMS 4 ea aN A symbol: of Electrical Excellence. These homes at 95 Athol St. E. (1 block south of the Times Bldg.) kh ) are Power, Light and Appliance Contained. ' Oe : Planned: for modern living . . . Today and To- morrow. ENUINE, LIFETIME A "BAHAMAS ROOM" Ye a : -- Progressive builders include Medallion Features al for your comfort, convenience and safety. On- Koo DOL \ ENT l N S T A L L A T ] @) N DOORS 4 "fore TT tario Hydro suggests that you visit these modern ? homes and discover the benefits of planned AWNING +3 by Nash Aluminum --- Oshawa "To Save Cash-- | ye electrical living, (and everyone in between) will ESL get the most out of living in imaginative Brae- mor, PARKING a The whole family, from Colorful KoolVents keep pai i ' js ¥ d '@) i d up to 20° cooler... prevent sun * | 6% Bhi pede 0 u n g a n and comfort to § damage to furnishings .. . give your home new beauty and all- Pa 3 | Mi SEE them In | M 1 'weather protection. i caper om wi enjoy your home. SEE THEM TODAY! Aluminum Vertical vs Gloss Alumii 5, Mullions Aluminum i For more details come in or phone | 3 ee FORGET PAINTING LET US INSTALL These quality homes of distinction are located 5 minutes from downtown FOR YOUR NEW HOME intra ' : Oshawa, yet spaciousness was carefully included in this planned community, Model "S" SIDE GLIDER Windows COVERS with all services available. Inquire now about a home in Braemore Gardens. Aluminum Prime, Storm-Screen Panels -- in wood frames with all hardware i Frames clad with aluminum optional RAIN CARRYING : Srevennen eh Supapets APPROVED FOR ELECTRIC HEAT EQUIPMENT | see sides losis «3 os Sone SIDING FOR THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE LISTINGS SEE OR CALL FABRICATORS OF FINE ALUMINUM PRODUCTS SINCE 1949 BAKED ENAMEL FINISHES -- KOOLVENT-ENAMALUM-NASH-ST. GEORGE BRANDS JACK SHERIFF ; DICK BARRIAGE j S | HYM A Real re LES HALL BOB STEVENSON aia) ALUMINUM LTD. | Wu Ben wie Eee 95 Athol St. E. 323 KING ST. WEST 728-6286 FRANK SMITH -- PHONE 728-1633