Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fdey, September 24, 1965 "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, 8--Articles For Sale _--{11--Pets- and Livestock {17--Female Help Wanted RHODESIAN Ridgebacks (the African / sc B R. J SC Lion dog), Excellent bloodlines, CKC regi BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |") "| storm EBEBR) secretary : WINDOWS Brosan'ive Bigin Phe Apply Mrs, 7: Good shorthand and typing BOARDING horses Wanted: Box "stalls, skills ore o must for this posi- excellent facilities, 15 minutes from down town Oshawa, Yelphone 423-2790 atter| {10 Preference will be given and 6 p.m., for further Information, 9.9 mature individual able to Rug -- Upholstery Service ; BEAUTIFUL HORSE, Westerd Wrained,| Odie administrative details. | : five-year-old Chestnut seiding? and tool A minimum of two years sec- DOORS ed roping saddie; bridle with) retorial experience is required Accountants Instruction VANCY'S 'Acco ntin service, JAMES "MACDONALD, BA, ry Bar bon ctancy's A rol lg 184 Bond|rister and Solicitor and Notary Public, A HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE OSHAWA bit Alt % a3 Sen pled seag Bow to aunty. nv Street Wee West, nb-097 Res 723 1605, : The Commercial Building, 286 King West, In just o few months you can A } j : arn PH GUTMANN "Chartered Account ping A lh Al Parking avail have a highly-paid career, Rue CLE \NERS 4 AWNINGS BOSTON TERRIER puppies, ight weeks Starting salory ond compony 'ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street| Ol: 7234716 or ae with Independence, and the ug and Upholstery Clean- Deposit will Noid. Tarephone ranwie' | Paid benefits are attracti East, Telephone 123-4839 Joe an MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.) chance to create something ing, At our plant or In your Deposit _will_ hold, Telephone 728-9122, TTY REGIST 0 St, Bernard, 6 months oid, Please contact MRS, BETTY KEIP, staff personne! deport- ment, Money to loan, Office, \4a King Street £ ACHERT WOSMAR, Chariered Accouni- beautiful every doy of your home F Qj East, Oshawa, 720232, y ¥ Kn ond male, Telephone Whitby 668-3705 ant, 47 Prince Street, Guile 4, Oshawa, life, PAUL POGUE BEAUTY CALL 725 996) Ontario, Telephone 723-122), ine eri . ~ SAC MAVION" -- icin ; fa Building Trades ae SCHOOLS will train you to be 94 BRUCE STREET A » 1 ALU NA INUM DAL MATION puppies, one female, three vA DLANDER AND CO, : 4 Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus:| a hairstylist, cosmeticion, iag.upioustaRyY by experts, establish te, Milne RR 2, Pickering Dunbarton 639 3779. cy fees in Rankrupicy, 52% Simcoe Stree! SPECIAL solon manager, Your talent is joa 17 years. Complete range of materials.| yi! Ee PL. Wom North, Oshawa, 728-7371, developed under personal Workmanship guaranteed fiva years, Free JO ' \ AHA Ad DUNLOP seers Anti -- " C GRAW " GERMAN SHEPHERD ; HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char 10% Discount guidance, No advanced edu- = jestimates. Credit terms, Mattresses re pn ut . SIDING silver and cls i Mareten tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- cotlon required, Coll or write: pull, Furniture refinished. Oshaws tn 1.0 THROW 263-2361 CANADA LTD ing, 187 King Street Bast, Oshawa, On PAUL POGUE BEAUTY. jholstering Company, 267 Dean Avenue, COus. a aa is uF 725-3800) $ T. Hopkins, CA) H, A On All Orders P 3 J | | 725-0811, A BASEBALL BEAGLES ~-- registered, seven weeks fri, Tuan) §, 3 hope ph SCHOOLS LIMITED, 2337 yk id, 7 Beadie, CA; B, Lukow, CA SCHOOLS =L ; : | -- ; CURYL BY J always old, Telephone 728-5262 or 725-7041 after WHITBY HACC PERKIN AND" C0; Charierea| Remodelling, carpentry, til- Yonge St., Toronto, telephone |Sales and Service J SU071NG UP CAN YOU KAME Tie paca ; Accountants, 364 King Street Bast, Osh ing, painting, plumbing, elec- 487-2107; or 249 Queens Bare ee ee | 3 AWREL STAKES | FOUR DIFFERENT KINDS hi phUe egy REGISTERED eagie pups, 2% months TEEO repairs to all wringer awe ca < 668 'awa, 1256839; David G. Perkin, CA) Kina] trical work, roofing, eaves Avenue, London, telephone 5 ahh rations: Prea hetimintek: Con YHA ROW AND | OF HORNS AMONG MAMMALS | POWE™ ley aig old. Telephone 175-0450 -336)1 Man Rcommy CA" "| troughing,, plastering, cement Aor 010) barnes | Cee ainaunen ¢ Case RIA GAN ter. 4 @uniy plas fea Tobenes| Ear ieee ike) doors ond "windows, ding, Osh CAN sere ee" tingle Mai] vibe ED y tusx soir | Yowow nonns, mone onsee suit sions | . Sere teller a: Local 318 sine cen 'sn Oshawa Shop| goort end, cng Mira Js awa Jeline, 728-1993 anytime f 4 PED wen pei et sella i hing 12--A icles W ' z at Driving School : ; LNB) Anound " 1 WH TELM, ticles Wante $60 A WEEK serve you Septic Service cenit Get BIRD DOGS required m B rriste s 5 10 years teaching driving : 24 required. Young German ANTHONY "BDWARD LASKOWSKY,| NELLIS' HOME automatic and standard cars, |SPTIC TANKS <ieaned, Prompt serv ome br a Th Wt a rr Sales (Toronto) [Pointers 'preterred, for hunting club in FOR 15 HOURS 1] \ aint |Hallburion this 'veek-end. Good prices Rarriter aid Solicitar, 73] IMPROVEMENTS Professional instructors ie oF Pll Whit. ted, 04 Chestnut Limited paid, Phone 263-7683 be Office hours: 9 a.m5:30] : 728-0091 ' ; USED 21' "television. Good condifien,| 2 Ladies with cars to service aren. seremiomiy | Rial) enewe 728-206) ANYWHERE --- ANYTIME . |Surveyors 5--Trailers 8---~Articles for Sale Our. factory trained experts |Price reasonable, Bowmanville 623-3848, | existing Fuller Brush routes in ane - peterborough 745-2184 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, 6 : (Bre aaeye ceaey, 0. eg 3 i Oshawa ~~ Whitby orea! Pick MeGINBON AND BASTHDO, Barrisiers,| PRIVATE tutoring high school students [ j + Onlario 1: Tale Vaart problems | 13--Articles for Rent i Solicitors, Mortgages arranged, National JALITY. CARPENTRY Jin Bnalish + Latin » French. J. €, Luck Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints COOK'S Bargain Clearance | y P Heb ctaR eee your own hours. Our best Trust Auliding, 32 Simeone Street South QU/ CARPEN 513 Byron Street South, Whithy.|!! Ontario Street, 725.5632 WITHOUT OBLIGATION lady last week mode $129-- Liisa RENTALS -- | fein tnt do believe it give it o try on @ CAMPING GEAR | CALL ~ CALL OF ALL KINDS |. 2% erst! Fer information Tents, stoves, ice ches | 70-7496 Charlies C€ MeGibbon, QCi) and rn 1866. HW. PLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land fdgar FP, Bastedo, QC) Grant HW. Arm GENERAL REPAIRS LIRM MUSIC? Ler BorcAl Music Siudios| Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street Bast, Phone TRAILER SALES f Summer Stock 7 | | ceaienten SATHANHUROCH | Roofing, Painting, Siding, teach you to play the accordion quickly, | 725-688) sabia Rel x A yan "4 easily, surely, Class, private instructions 4 : | SIMCOE ST; b VieroR, Rarristers, Solicitors, Notaries,| Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Ree iar Aileen ermine, Day oF avering, Clos iTV---Radio Repairs | SIMCOE § nk of Commerce Building, § Simcoe! Rooms, ee ee remod sical, dance band, country and western or Clearance Sale # North, Oshawa, 723-3446) 7, Ki @l All *) oranteed rock and roll, rite Box 299%, Osha' . P lant te Creighton, GC) or residences: G, Us Brtearnsiie apy Pe eae ne onterns, ¢ | OSHAWA = TORONTO | REDUCING FOUIPMENT: -- Fuller Brush Brynan, @C, 72-8884) G, L. Murdoch pe | V TOW | BREb Winter HOrene. AB iA GARDEN EQUIPMENT] mossaging belts, rowing ma OSHAWA Qc, mae; J. C Vietor, PAS 7IN5 ¥ and Evening Classes for adults and) ' ii 728 3 59 755 3313 euiniu Wike Baar lees atl Mortgages arranged Th iF high school students In English Latin and terest rates, low down pay ownmower roto + tillers, - $6 "i th PHONE > - sa ifrench, by ¢ ick A, 513 Byron | ment on all models seeders, hedge trimmers, t mon ~ 72 i oni 1 AND KELLY: Barristers Holic R.H. CABINET CO {8t, $., Whitby, 668-386 ECONOMY, AND | . PLUMBER'S TOOLS --- pipe 8-4922 ni ' | | |e | | | | 723-2278, Residence Phones: J, M, Greer,| : ' | QC, 725.9348) Terence V, Kelly, BA, acL,| 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY Janitor Service bos Gil sae bil. meeeee? Theme Hy Jermyn) BAs LLP 668-691 } ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, veo | TERMS ARRANGED Inemical ceiling, wall cleaning done by wheelbarrows, . ete . | " cleaning rods, pipe vise tri OR WRIT MEC HANICS TOOLS Wrecking pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- FULLER BRUSH 2"drive socket set, pipe DELUXE Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m Closed on Sunday, Mad heed ters, pipe threading | dies, OSHAWA 822 GLEN ST. H 193.9534 WISTS, toilet auger, HUMPHREYS, GOvCHYN, ane sh Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, play ee estimates, Work| OS! IAWA TV Phone 72 3 @ BOATS MOTORS end HOUSES PAINTER'S FOUIPMENT ' SANE TO free Custom built cabinets | "| - ; . T ers lodders i Street East, Oshawa; R, OD. Humphrey | is r ment | ral steplodders, odder jacks, QC) G, & Royehyn GC W, A. HiIMAN ROOFING, contrere floors, flat rove, Money To Loan > 6----Marine Equipme | @ HIGH PRESSURE STEAM ot steel scaffolding, compressors WANTED | LLB) J, 0. Humphreys, BA, LLB, Office ' SUPPLY LIMITED INSIDE STORAGE 'cr boats. Reserve , ' Vnithe [Our specialty New work and repa | F CLEANER » spray guns, wallpaper steam- EXPERIENCED FEMALE odie A Hid ne dian MWA Mand|' arge and small Re +"; and Hi Rooting ' WILL LOAN you up te 85.000 a! @ rea} TAUNTON RD. £ sayy RG) IRON IO EAN WHNOY Ne F ark Rd and King ers, tarpaulins, blow torches s jand Construction 728-6997 jsonable rate of interest to consolidate ' 5A9 U ' ' ether first mortgage funds availane lyour bills or fer any. ether worthwhile ; . mi: pres asi | 44 * d r 4 | af ond propane torches pata dR nbn a=» |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, slucco 'other. worthwhih Just East OF Ritson fain-FT, Weymouth eabin © erulear, 3 Unite Renta S$ Birk Street BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ---= ding you > lewalks, remodelling, recrooms, Free| Purpose prov! HP Johnston motor v For generol cooking and ve estimates, A, C, Woods, 7283420 or Ploved and have good credit, Telephone 942-5056 cement mixers, finishing tro- Classified Rates ANI? 123-4691 : : ~ TR a ae Tans Wilson and Olive re er ee wala: Sibel bee: aieciee pastry. No Saturday Work, NEED A new floor? Phone Whitby 648 Mort: ages equipped with steering lights windshield, | ves abe runing vibrator, oir compressor jock No 'Shift Work. No Nights, 2897, We specialize in corlon and any 999 } ompass and 16 4, P, motor, $600 Whirby 728-5565 materiols for sale, Salesman 4 Good Salary Benefits, U, insertion of %4 words $1.08 lvard goods tile and ceramic well tile i 5 648-2095 hammers, hand trowels, water f nis Words dc each) 3 con |Free extimation. Work guaranteed 6 TELEVISION - RADIO isda Cae RTLING WHT hale on job 8 to 8, pumps, portable heaters, steel Wack. Supplied. Forty Hour fou An " - \per een : p , Ean eee eee che a 'com (ALL TYPES" buliding, roofing repairs yA 24 HOUR SERVICE deluxe with convertible top, 40 HP Evin JANSSEN'S POWER i 725-4171 scaffolding, electric generator men additional" w , , nd rer hin hime new and re] (°] Zyls " ~o t lectric with tony shaft, 900 Ib, Tee | NT CEN phone 2: anytime . secutive insertions of 24 words $4.32, /ANd remodelling: chimneys, new fet rude elec with Jong snail. 999. 1b EQUIPMENT CENTRE ramset, power rollers, electric otionas 'waren as" ost cn ae ae 2° ming 'atte hy. sala nem tans| Toro, Moto-Mower Massey |BINING ROOM aul marseny, Buneni| hammers, masonry sow, build 5. 5 RRESGE j | e c Jo buy R as Phyte table and six chair nv U le ' Charge = 10 per cent additional [CARPENTRY work, new And. repairs , ncrifice sale, Call 7236125. Make anj Fergu on Riding Tractors, lApply 556 Wychwood Street ing jacks, mortar mixers, . cha it not paid within &. days. laiso cement work, free estimates, Tele second Mortgages Mf Service on all power equip | KeRORGION HOR re bas = mortor boxer, chain hoist, CO. LTD Method of counting oe Less tne | phone 728-76R0. SHEPHARD, Inboard, outboard and trail ment, Licensed mechanic on ped. Por detalles and Dea uanipatteh tale miter saw, electric plane, tar- : nis as 24 Words; each wo | ) hp Ford intercrater motor. 17 . Heel ; ' | $ : eer Favre or abbreviation. counts [EXPERT PAVING, 2% cents square loot) Open contract, No bonus or ELECTRONICS 200 hn Cord. niarcaatee Pie duty jphone 728-6113 or apoly 392 Oshawa! poulins, sand blaster, power 13 SIMCOE 8T, §. as ome words phone 'number counts | neludes grad ng and fill, es reer eure hidden charges. Get the cash night Made (ulead ' ae 843 King West 728-9429 | |Aivad. South after 4 post hole auger, ascillating : two words, tee, Ferran Paving, 723:304 dt Rai $ k aoe 4 ' sn | * you need today sr free bro smith serv VIKING heavy duty 30" stove, window in sanders, disc sanders YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim promy 15 FT, moulded plywood beat, Convert Gravel 6 Send 6 Stems Tee me arr miner ; 'anders, belt ORNS BIRTHS -- DEATHS = bull nd repaired: eas linings chure write or telephone Call ble top, equipped with lights, windshield ey orev a r ae aera scenlient Chaaiiens aap sanders, floor. sanders, acty 5 i " ire tin " inle (DV A , ' --~ ------- SOCIAL NOTICES installed; reefs repaired. Free estimates ; and trailer, 25 HP einctric start and bat-/@ 4 Much @ Building Material Telephone 729-9768 lene welding outfits, 200 193.909 Whitby 668-5679 tery, $550 or best offer. 725-0830 | TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL | omp electric welders. Ve D Yy. $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad | , vr E 2.00 per | - C.A.C. Realty Limited Free 24-hr, Burner Service pa hl sealers weaing aching ditional charges if not paid within @ ms : days, Dentistry Oshawa Shopping Centre, HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 7--Swap and Barte Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer|s35. 'up. Machines guaranteed, Expert S T A 7 CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M, Benta Stevenson's Rd, & | BATHROOM kitchen and shower cabinets, CALL 668-3524 ervice, Oshawa Business Machines, 728 | With soles i IN MEMORIAMS - - ne 810.9 ; + 795-0748 experience for Surgeon " King Street Bast, Oshawa RC follets $20.95, tubs $10 and up. Pressure i ) ) 464 oO! a $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se ipa' ith kine lee 728-1691 TV TOWERS avstems, sump pumps, stainiess steel) SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED | om Wsed, bought aold.| eos. King St. W., Oshawa furniture @nd appliance fach thereatier, plus ide per tine of ARE THE BEST! ks, basins, fittings; pling, boats, mo 244 Brock St. South Ammunition, licences, hunting suppiies.| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | store. Part-time to work into verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid |BIALAK, DR, C. B., Denial Surgeon ; - ; trator'. Chinn, Tos " Sireet n " Best prices! Valley Creek, 16 Bond ith Simeone Stree », Oshawa. For BUY AND SELL Good used furniture O te, wag ecto appointment, 7285842 or Res, 72844) MORTGAGE WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ANTIQUE COLLECTORS! Very and apollances, One lecation only. Pretty |siramt Weal. i PHONE 723-3224 full time. Good wages, plus " Nahogany diningroom rulle, fire screen) Burniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327), |FREGI Have your furnace cleaned and bonus, Pleasant working CARDS OF THANKS with a) 1 ture, mahogany side d pa | 0 te tne Pa m wove an s |Dressmaking LOANS T R | @ with nae apoiny lcture y CANADIANA" ENCYCLOPEDIA". 16 aclusted free cour trouble free) Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- conditions eac ereatier, with ise additiona ; H i y ; ~ | caren it not paid within @ days PERSONAL STYLING tor fashion Money for first mortgages : Cont rats Wii gel SAR Colt aah ae oil from Western Oli Company, Dial! eS. Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee 723 | 22 Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal For more information wise women! Oressmaking, alterations Open Mortgages TELEVISION 8-- Articles for Sale \72 ' COMING EVENTS Fitting a@ specialty, 728-1823 for appoint latabhse oh | =| OL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits,| seoore R96 Vespa, very good ahape,| Wear, Men's Formals, White ment Corner Bond and D 6 figur Y \ pictur f a . n Corner Bond 4 Division foure work, custom | picture | Iraming. | vindshield, spare wheel, back carrier,| - Fox Furs, Mink Stoles PHONE q 99.10 ber inch (display) $1.50 for the | N or , 7 ir first 20.words and Se each thereafter, |CADIES have your children's' dolls Bonu 728-5143 [Clark Studio, evenings and weekends. | ong tires, excellent motor and accessor (Word Ads.) dressed for Christmas, Teenage dolls al No Charge for Voluations pecans Paani Beil ad es, $300, 723-4900 SARGEANT'S RENTAL cris av 3 Ss 7 peciaity! 725-8502 Mortqages and Agreements or AERIAL TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- W-loot tower| ce writer standard," $98) porlable, 2 8 - 25 9 ] AUCTION SALES DRESSMAKING --- Suits, coals, dregnen purchased 0 RON'S TV " eavy: waterproofed -- drill, siructure sikehannal antenna inatetled|¢ $30; adding machine, $28) electric. type:| 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725.3338 Ba . $2.10 PER INCH. INSERTION alterations. slip covers, drapes, Filting «| Money for Second Mortgages QO vnein floor, rear window | Faeeee -svipeurs oa |writer, $40; electric casn register. Item |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds walkers, _Petween 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. specialty, Mrs, Tams, Whitby, 668.237 : 12 Year's Experience 1 Many styles. /izer, $100, 723-4434 reducing machines, sick room supplies purses Fast Service W , pe WwW th storm flap, duteh door : | P DEADLINES DRESSMAKING A i, of ladles All W § Nap, Rest selection: lowest prices from $17.77 Ald Rentals, 105 _Beatrice, _s- 1644, 3 AIT kine 7 Work Guaranteed ite ry 0 Ch DEER RIFLES -- Mauser 98; custom) ¥ S owr '| Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street niet wins calibre: PRE SER WORD ADS wear. High quality work, Call Agnes _ F A : f itr i pm, DAY PREVIOUS Dresimaking, | 64l-ees M, F. SWARTZ 723-752) ; F rom $39.95 Up [Restaurant RQUIPMENT --~cash/with scope 38 Remington calibre: algo 35(alsle runners, Cleve Fox. Rentals, 412 for dey. elecning 24 Kine St. East R ache R egister, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer, milometre camera, All like new, Very/Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 LOST AND FOUND : : ? ' RON BRIGHTLING 4 ' Hf Mba Staab hts # am, day ot publication Gardening and Supplies Oshawa, Ontaric seh OPM S| | ee Ncemeetindae Souieeareseener occ | eemmree rm. writen, Seen ENTERTAINING -- Fifty io one-hundred! Apply in Person 723-4697 v AM PN : | USED" furniture, "appliances, sporting |BUILT-IN cupboards, 6-ft, complete, /people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban>| BIRTHS AND DEATHS » a" = ' ' goods, Rought, sold, Best prices! Valley | g40 heavy duty electric stove, 40-in.,/quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries 9 am, day of publication "FALL SEEDING' : te Ar ees reek, 16 Bond West, 729-4401 90.) gas stove, nearly new, $58.3 Wash:|Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason Top woges for right people. - me 4 ; FAST T.V. SERVICE feotures nelude rn * ' i ping machine, $18.) hatitub, $5.) gas) able rates. 728-6315, SUMMERLAND : HAMPERS = ovsnel Bite Uied Once Eee ee eee dine galvanized. pipe - VADIANT ;: : ys ' F service Ca niy $2.50 o guard erry Coaster like new, suitable for apples, vegetables mriey i : sas Teslumn ~ 4 p.m, day previous ? col SECURITIE te oe ver brazed (ete. Telephone. 125-8160 mectri service' hoxes aie, Veincn pipes, 14--Business Opportunities umna or ~~ 10 &.m, day previons | DEREINE be p fe ee ee DOMINION 'ae cnet PERECS Beige -- Jost Two! Cling sree CLEANERS € » t Oshawe inter 795. 3546R - m\ / years of © large mahogany antique - ' CORRECTIONS Bes owe, O ita ch TELEVISION From. $34 95 Up hairs. Phone D830 Or Ieee FURNITURE, vlociric range, large re) CENTRAL STORAGE OSHAW SHOPPING , LICATIC R N GR V : frigerator, New condition also other ars dices cites Babs emaahiyrath BURR Mortgage Money 728-5154 9am. to9 p.m $208.-THREE ROOMS of furniture, Best ticles, Apply 68 MeMillan Drive, apart FOR RENT CENTRE ' hf sae " selection, $3, weekly, Wilson Furniture nt BOX NUMBER RENTAL oe ' f Available All 4 , 2 Church Street aves "J " 3] } ANTIQUE Jacques Haves loveseat with ' Rosewood Approximately 1,400 square While every endeavor will be made ERION KENTU Low Interest SAVE $30 on new NSU scooters. Thelmatching chair and rocker, ' | to" tarware 98 " ag i : G ee \ : sia ond power y Shop, 183. Simone {treet South, upholstery, Telephone 942-1874 feet of clean, heated wore WAITRE rect N RGA Member Ontari V v r "Ai WEODING DRESS and veil, taffeta with housing with 10-foot ceil | CLASSIFIED DISPLAY IS-BEST we accept, no 'iad B Gg height | swREa ROOMS of Turnliure, ses0, No jas of damage Mortaqnge Brokers Associatior 7 4 fied men Chrome plat PR tA by se Anza, Hoor-lengih, size 8. Shoes, size na, loading facilities and . down payment S1S monthly at Hones! > ee ' tte: Telopnone 726-8519. "4 st offer po hatkinn, Laeéed in COREE required building nad suitable for theovan elther fail 7 VEF E ' | ¥ | mnidie al's, 424 King West, 728-019 ' warding such reniies ' ¢ R y T R ' FOR SALE -- Three rooms of furniture. whether by negligence BONEMEA : OP vara ONO CORPORATE meniea to . Ae . From $39.95 Up SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-toot lengths, 'Apply after S$ p.m. $97 King Street The Times will not be re pons le tor RONEMEAL alt mortgages. Mortgages and agree ELEVISION y $7.75 single cord, Phone 723-2281 before East | other service uses, Availoble renilen uncalied for in 9 PEAT MOS ments of sale purchased. Creighton TELEVISION SS ga ok womens | > M r DRY APPLE WOOD chunks, suitable for} immediately, ryna doch and Viet er 98.5143 i REGULATION : Rerrinters \ Lhasa WARDWOOD, beech or maple, cul to fireplace. Clarence Allin, Newcastle, 987 Betrceatesa FIRST AND SECOND mortoage. Sar ay ena Sime Serer Si sonal. 21h Aris PAUL RISTOW Limited 283, collec delivered, Newtonville APPLY The Oshawa Times w be . - - aes aponsibie tore adv OOPER- Au Heanichs Barriateeac 8) Kine tivaat TV SERVICE RLY KILLING aystem, completely aulod re ane Cesk -- at" x @. five draw 187 King St. &, TIRE STORE ers, Also china cabinet, both new, $25 7 p.m, to-ll pm, pm, to 7 am. MR, CAMPBELL Cail Chilehern' Chemients, Whitey gearaage, (ees Telephone 7202164, 728-9474 \GENOSHA HOTEL writing not for more than one inser SMI TH O . " DAY OR EVE NG tion of any advertisement nor be & AE SAFE GE SURE! Ontario Mort : eee fra ain . 792 69 ~ ' aaa ic wneh ore sai 16 CELINA $7 qaae Broke sociation gives y 728-5286 145 King St. W REE Wee eae a |9--Market Basket GROCERY STORE with large turnover inaertic i che ¢ xt, double protection, Be sure your broker ls A complexion, elimin ne ugly ) c ° i ' AEE a member. Look. ter the OMBA Emblem Telephone 725-6511 na. get whiter washes and. also save| TOMATOES, $1.25 bushel, Pick your own, | {iWAlly located, Price Includes brick The Oshawa t yt a5 : Shas Comitiente ct Memisaeanie his OSHAWA ' money by having the world famous Cullis| bring containers. Telephone 720-4829, ela ats oes Hn fer to classify , ding 723-1139 2 fl rte ys Ping Manel gages deed ; on BEDROOM SUITE -- bed spring, chest, gan Soft Water system pul ih your home _-- me We. Double serege New he lealadion its proper c ' ' " ELECTRONICS ; A : ' +> nie A ny NO. 1 WINTER POTATO, $1.75; ?5-Ib./air turnace and all equipment, Full price} % pron a n the OMBA fead Office: 4° onge ' ~ e v Mak va fe ; wenen You can try it ere month = Only | to npoles, $2.75 bushe Free / $22,000 with terms to be arranged, For i 2 BPE pia scab ery good condition, $ so two FACk:/$5, Call Culligan today, Whitby 668-2200, MC" Appin ' | sa eu ani ot delay ove FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS City TV TOWERS, ante scr nt toe nite ech TWN. GaRGRanlan A SAE MRR FS| cee Ne eater a es Ome eee Rae | ulltinacagy 2 We 4B. not ' ' ereete 20. ORC. ate TOMATOES, $1 oushel, Pick your, own al Nyrtin Realtor The Times will : pairs, All work guaranteed t " . ; . P| rR q r achty nd duced € op, % sible tor more . N S 0 D Nursing Homes Avenue, 'Telephor Nag cia New ner tatty oe rae stn, Heer Om SF SIMCOE Apply 434 Garrard Road North, RR 3 (BEAUTY SALON -- Weil estahiished | Apply to re space ew ars South, 725 re ent ments: submitted otherwise = tha tisk ~e ry PRIVATE au! th ters ding good buys. Jen Osh awa, Telephone beauty salon with good clientele, low! actishin Fonte wren sare ae ee eae aching Seles and "Servi TELEVISION, GE radio ~ record overhead, well equipped, owner leaving : eipiect| Na ; ae ; ; geoires Well Drilling Digging ; > 9 palin edstdaia suitable for recroom, automatic mang oneaghatel tsgshcl an. Ld $1.25! country Contact George Koornneef of MRS. CLARK na fiadilitly of ads ' onisid nupies ent meals : ' ras : bus be or gre ese WELL DIGGING by ma hang Bal arriage, crib, In good |Pe F } |Schofield-Aker Cimited, 29-2263, or 723-| inaccuraciés in any torr containe Write x me va nes + Sane + hestnut HONEST CAL'S niture and Appli:icondition, 728-2280 delicious and are favored by all WhO! de: evenings E | United Cigar Stores therein. a ' i Street West, Whithy e bran highest discounts Pick your own, Tender | ~ rabbhessdet Mee is SENERAL electric inch steve; West Pt r right for your corn/PORT PERRY -- two-storey brick store y j r We car tonic and Bever Optometrist , a Waar aetne aasher, Telephone !roa ce tor 3}. Highway 2 tolwith basement, 16" < 62°, Well. situated pes ertisement ancetied -- heters . r ' Oshawa Shopping Centre pont De charged ohe day's CA 1--Women's Column chice. Contaet shane 798-3609 Fairport Road North, to first road runs(full price $15,000, Terms. W. J, Carnegie, | jonest Cal at inse: AMADIS F. RICHARD BLACK, Ob mcti' "duc ores n ning west to Sprucenil! Road, then south/Reaitor, Port Perry, Telephone 985-780) MAPLE LEAF Street North, Suite @ Oshawa, Teler PERMANENTS Page + K street W 8-919) HONDA MOTOR BIKES New ang) Wins fo sprucenill: Re Ou itor, ephe ' ech . : ; \ . ment, Open even- to entrance, Morcroft Organic Gardens. | space abi Neat tet. | t s¥ TO PLACE A AreSs TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft, Used $299, No down payment, Op nen wee! <r 4 available for delicatessan ovtiet./ Pa GAsy TO ' 2 and aGré "ah dipped. galvanized 1" tower (nas unt m, honda Shop, 199 King /OPen weekend ne up and see Us. _Tatso cut and potted towers Fridays. and! FLORAL DESIGNER Westmor is MBS ACTION WANT AD 7 saps ; West ' POTATOES, $1.65 Nel) also fresh|Saturd nly, Telephone 727-4438 725-061) Painting and Decorating omit al 728-4? » $1.65 Ddushel) also. fresh|Saturdays only, Telephone 727-4X | Call Classifies Direct 42-06 2--Personal staiied : guaranteed WE BUY, sell and exchange used turn |venetables. Free delivery tor OsheWaleestauRANT in North Oshawa, dining:| 723-3492 i ie t _ y ' at © ture or anything you have, The City ebb bsniddaaBa te jroom and counter, with equipment, seven | , . BLUE PAINTING AND Reranval 6? sunert ji evi ¢ Bond and Division, Trading Post Store, 226 Simcoe Street ORDER fo rece Toating chicken, rooms upstairs, can be used for two} Shop, Salary open, t i ; auth, P2D-147) four pou 35; Three pounds $1.15./apartments or boarders, Telephone 728-| 3 : DECORATING Marie Murd Ye . : Sunes amas : : i j GRASS SOD he COR Hi Sop dem NG 6 . ' BABY CARRIAGE, iene, Mi bassinet, CLEARANCE SALE, Used bets $12 nth yon order at ten or more. Tele) 44ns | CALL 249-1033 INDEX TO a NTERIOR and EXTERIC Oshawe ¢ ois th Ronit) Nee. AEDT Ghe ene ae ee theme, nelmene i the qualit i eld 1 stom Droneries é Pp ( ha 88 Wood Street or PIRGRAS after 6 o'clock. staves $29.98; lamos ath esses, springs TOMATOES--$i. bushel, Pick your own,/WANT ADS reach thousands of interested) Eveninas CLASSIF ICAT IONS ' y REE ESTIMATES wy date o 1 VACUUM epairs all makes, hoses, 490 chestertieids. 14 Bid Street West, Scott's Farm, Harmony Road North to/prospects every day, Take advantage of) '. iintitiassalaiia : . \ 5 nC SDD SOUTER sant e > p. delivery, 9490713.) Valley Creek end of pavement, turn left, thira)the vast audience by telephoning 723-3492! EXPERIENCED woaltress for evenings, Women's Column , & SC a r ~ ming V Service, Main Street, FURNITURE y YOOMS, Hew quailty (NOUS® On north side. and place your ad before them now. (51) pm, Apply Smith's Coffee Bar, 2---Bersene eae ( ' 7&9 668-5863 ats furniture, only $299, inc. complete bed | FRESH VEGETABLES, tomatoes, car oo Telephone 725-3952 se J--Sportaman"s Colvin 3.4¢ GOOD 'coal and wood furkwce" G0 Teig.(toom. living room," Kitchen ensembles. jrots, pumpkins and. cote, Weller 'Huren|1 S ployment W: FULL TIME clerk" for interior @ecorale For high class Metro Toronto * Pay only $3 wkly Jnbeatoble valve! Farm, half mile west of Oshawa on 40) Store. 40-hour, five-day week. Some OUR RATES ar much creas " RESPECTABLE aaa se Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $ |Highway. North Service Road WILL MIND child iy my home. Town tine),"? M v8 ESPEc |typing and an apptitude to please the gvaranied tien & Raps ope aay vy 1968 BSA as ) with Pew Motor, $650. ------jand King Street, Reterences. Telephone/ a iniic is essential Apply Box 103, Osh or Our Matton Bad 00 ven Apt 9. yaeo8 UNDERWOOD electric typewriter 1 F Col 728-3909 hig ta! site, . N P e 4 . onditian, $78. Ask f Mike yelushane 0--Farmer' $s column i jawa Times, giving experience, if any and -Rarmer's Colur . see 215 LAS, of & hells, two bars, bench and, 725.9833. ERESW CORN " WILLING to care for two or three chil-| references Per t ' r Ross TOWN Bain? "i ih tands. F meit ba $80 complete ensilage, delivered, reasanidren in my home, five days or evenings | ren : Lor & telephone Erooklin 683.2129. GREEN CHESTERFIELD, custom duilt,/able price, contact Ed Steintielt at 723-|waexly. Ajax location. Telephone 942-4074 Rotel Pi alg ng idan moe re q : Pr > 2 . 80" long, excellent condition: Vik ng mee 4276 oF 66RI900. : : , , WILL PAUL ease, FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE of tric foor polisher, (inree bros WOMAN wishes day work, house or office schoolers, in Whitby east end. Telephone . : . i aps ' 'res antinur orns, All siashed -- initioor lamp and cocktail table. Te akan DEAD ned crippled tarm stock picked cleaning, central. Telephone 728-9267 | Whitby 668-6227 '3 e ? awa Sp testes ner 1. \ senttur re UP promptiy, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. . - i NBIC Oe Plumbing and Heating S Wilson Furniture ORY Telephone Collect Hampton, Se)a72. LEIEMPLOYMENT wanted. Reliable women|RELIABLE WOMAN to care tor three TREE TO TRim ALL PLUMBING AND NEATING sup INGLIS gas dryer, one year old, newlcence 389-C will give care to infant or preschool ch Rarer 19 my borne while mother works ' RIM? ¢ $ ' ¢ ' > . et * ' BUY AND SELL Good used furniture nett shams 5 ' vet x --jcniidren in my home daily or weekly 0 S15 p.m. Blair and Park area, ; ; Sta ood used turniture! condition, Telephone 722-9916 or apply 188! = ~ : " i ate , 'a a. He 3--Sportsman's Column e sold' F ures -2)5i warren. Avenue 30 GRADE cot Noistes ae jOshawa General Hospital area, Phone 68-8900 ese, ducks, police pups . : : : bello. 1723-6183 COMPETENT housekceper wanted by and Engineering i. . DUCK SEASON SPECIAL! ae C jas Ea Nhitoy 668548 , . FUR JACKET; two tulllenath winte NURSERY ond tied" snc. Promo delaLe Types a fa emi perial hells, $ et ner, | vo aggre sek og) LE i Ce STRRESHLY BALED mixed combination] WOMAN Wants Iemsework. Telephone|adult couple, Jive: tn, New country home > . 'eens are ss " a iT es alley x Peete ' New iat Phone/ All in excellent onttition. 0. App a aw Exceilent cattle 1725-04 approximately 10 miles from Oshawa, All a faaiiek on . + n New hoses ener tag ebay Also oats and straw, Directly t om ~ modern conveniences, Telephone 942.) 733 e ' Y A958 92 Quebec Street derween 12 a4 ephone 668-8003 or (723-6719 scoKaneER "Tully qualified to trial bal aan ' withe i ms am nce, experienced with accountant, also| EARN EXTRA Crrisimas money! Exper 3 ) traded, repaired e0 oF t is M Houses tor Re . wnitoy. Rug- eee Service $--Trailers : hend Sirect west, RANGE, Vi ot con. FOUR BREEDER sheen oF ewes tor sale, tetall stores, Desire Somewers or part-|ienced women wanted for telephone work Apartments & e « or 668.20 Te ge ee ie ° ; . ey six | TetePHONe 728-1092 jtime position, Telephone 723-1328. at home. Please write particulars te 2--Rooma tor , RMSTRONG 80 6°. suc aL a8 ut a . : ny Avion cove nit me | - - = | Box 750, Oshawa Timo i Pag ARMSTRONG SOD AND LOAM. Nursery and s . HONDA : . 1 Pets d Livestock |MONEST reliable womar ould %--Room and Bo ml, QFAVE!, stone and top soll. Telennor wt : ers each. Ty n" Arailers, g¥es, MON Ru 1966 re ity Wree ----Fets an iv rags Se peer cas fice | Dy Wanted te Rent Ciepn ayste $9 t ' : s od . . " 4 . 4 week t > , ess than jhousekeeping position in good home wr a] SECRETARY batl or tor's office in Whithy --Automoniies tor . _.|chestertio mF iSecegg oD ell " ' th sally BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-/FOR SALE -- very "handsome chestnut | 10-year-old child would be welcome, Write/Pavired. Secretarial experience | essen- M--Cerpact Cars to Inst ti CHESTERFIELDS ey way : ? Telephone otiances. Call Elmer, Hampto 24 Saddle horse, Reasonadle, Telephone day, /Box 146 Oshawa Times ni rene Sa with "veferances to Box a yeake tee nstruction ESTERPIELDS 'and TaN TRAILER : sl esn-4 ; psig ante 723-2015; Night, Newcastle 987-4045 Rhy GN kab her aoe iSe| 3Orl_Oehewe. Times, Whitey i HEARN EXTRA MONEY Show « anada's Sale sS--Aulomee en NHITRY DRIVING SCHOO®@ ne ae 6 : ; , . si Ae Renae WHITs RIVING ¢ ; a2 Siry ' THREE ge e ene aa : COZY:RANCH KENNELS. Palaminolfive days weekly. Baby preferred. og apegonns Pound a e > * BAAS ee * ® id ' 5 -- o's An meen nee . pony colt, white mare, three years; Ger-itratly located. Telepnone Whitby 468-56 a bina ety hel Che a Cards, wraps, : nie stereo tape Ore, Cupicare pe stl » Shephe: eniarer t ies novelties, etc. Over 300 ems. For tree Mak ega CHESTERFIELDS hn CITY-WIDE COVERAGE pw costo be PP TO i desks, chairs. We & e he service |e" Bigg pooled te ered: FUPPIOS! BABYSITTING Der hast, day or week! beautifully. illustrated catalogue, samples Vee Auctions PIANO ans "| waite oc ee tatimate ' ' . get wit a x and trade, with budast terms. New and a Seaeer_ OY 9 at reasonable rates, Your child will havelon approval and. the tastest service Coming Events Lect Pat . ecovering ph r 2 . ? a . PISOVEREIGN = wate onditioner - Restiused. Low, low prices. Hamilton, |GERMAN Shepherd pups for sale, Tele-/@ mother's care. Interview Mrs, Luck, 313/Jeandron Greeting Card Co. 1253: King 3 Nehicee ee] Cha a Street, 2) : 'with @ courteous ad-writer aier, Apply 598 Carlyle Court, Oshawa, [ Regina. phone 728-9818. Byron St, S., Whitby 668.3866. Street, East, Hamilton, Onteria, "\ TOP SON. w

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