Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 17

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SW TT ETT Penieny aa capes | _f\NONS SMOOTH DINNER PATTER SILENCES BUZ.LIKE ACLAM, aay | 17, Hw Te, bibA-Mee ', * " A / ' 4 e ie sks Rowsecenteo | |DAboVWiTh YOUR EXPENSIVE)| [7p SAGVIOOD "|. rwoRTiiT TO | PaNAZLN'S ) OR | | | _taden, bepramber- 24,1068 BATH GALT BATH GALT FOR THAT BOTTLE WAVEA ipo bbe noweR, Bee si = i oe Sak ~ HH. : é + i TL OF BATH BALT/ iy WHO SMELLS Lis . s BRIDGE AROSE? ,-4 . | / ey J di | | by B, JAY BECKER " ) a an) V4, \ jb record-holder in Masters' ie Don fi si | ind iduel Chempionship Play) BIDDING QUIZ Your right - hand opponent deals and bids One Heart, nel- : x ther side vulnerable, What VENING COCKTAILG,,,TITO'S SUAVE w ; would you bid now with each of dary MAKES BUZ FEEL. " / the following five hands? peony 1. $2076 96 OAKIODD QAI > 2, @AT ars BRUANG AT CANAL BU NORD ARE CAUBHT THOUaH ied Harney, SOON THERE'LL BE NO MORE yi pa . ; "ae one 6 SURPRIOR MANOEUVRE 4's - | |/T PROVES A & ; aammnenens 4 905 om 6 5. @AQ9 won oxOs 4a76 DIANS ¥ INSTE 1, Double, There 1s too much danger of missing a spade fit by overcalling a heart bid with two diamonds. Thus, partner may have @ hand with five i JIGT FOUR HOURG AFTER LIBERATING Sore ya king 'ee be én. MONG able to speak over two U Kt-9 wane rina CANADIANS monds, in which case a game GELEBRATE THE BND OF LO WAR If |might be lost. Similarly, partner may have a good fourcard spade holding which would also produce a sound play for game. > GEE, ZERO=T CANT FIGGER 4 , ca eee eee The iP ae has sn ad- on Clee uy , i yal ' vantage of representing more ENE | 827 MISS WINNIE OUT MR, TONE I@ 4 OW THE LOVE SCENE | MISS WINNIE OUT" MAR, TONE 16 oe: ay #4 egy! accurately the actual strength PORCUPINE THE MINUTE HE 2, Pans, Despite the 14 high- i card points, it is best to pass, It would be unwise to double be- cause support fer spades or dia- monds is lacking, and it would be unwise to overcall with two clubs on such a weak suit be- cause of the danger of -being doubled, The hand would be more promising if RHO had opened the bidding with a dia- mond or a spade, but his heart bid in a suit where we have four Se Josers should put a damper on 1 ; YOU FOOLED ME WITH THis \ NAMES AND IT 6BMED A i NO SANE CREATING aggressive action, ee a A 4 we cous A _ ROSB6 AND THAT LiN@ ABOUT \ RICK = HARMLESS WAY / Us A FUS6, I'LL HUMOR 4, Two spades, The choice lies WATS CUSTOMER. HAVING KNOWN MEF ATSCHOOL, | AN ~ \ 7 Ww HIM FOR AN HOUR OR between a double and a jump a LOOK BUSY .// BUT WE'VE Never Mer / ADHIRGR. 7) 2 "I i SO AND THEN DITCH 5 overcall, the latter getting the WHO AR® YOU REALLY € WHO |: ag j , nod, The double of a sult bid , ») "SUSI HAD |) Wii, ip - ee generally indicates support for To MEET You, |" : 4 abe Pe! 15 i at least two of the remaining F Soa suits, and this hand obviously fails in that regard. The ee overcall is not forcing, thoug partner is expected to reply if his values are such that he would have responded had we opened the bidding as dealer with a spade, 4, Double, Here we just about make the grade for a bid. It , would be excessively -- "a | saliia tive to pass and let the oppon- ee Se J an enna Were araer ew] Ceotene. Fagin Rau [ts uery Os all eae LIKE CAN ' F WERE BEHINP SIxTY 'EM A SLAM= . WHAT HABPENED TO vou? nent There is a good chance that only a part score is at stake. but part + score battles should not be ignored merely because the stakes are less than in game or slam hands, It must be re- membered that two part scores, back to back, make a game and are worth fighting for, 5, One notrump, We have the values for a double, but it is better to overcall with a no trump, a bid which represents what we a8 a lh 18 a al d distr , When 1 al WE WALK SIXTEEN PEET.n, AN' RIGHT HERB UNDER MY FEET = are lucky a oie a 19 AN IRON KETTLE FULL OF GOLD ae a LOOK THERE / A crack \ wesT/ AN' SILVER COIN WE. STOLE OFF ION i, G ACROSS DOWN 18. Heavy bid available | which he gare PTRAIGHT AP A DIE,... THE INTERNATIONAL AN' GREAT Bxploaive 3, Contour ham- a At] jyour hand perfectly, you shou NORTHERN RAILWAY... THE LONE pe wee Gal ecunde Feather mere use that bid in preference to at STAR ROUTE... HOUSTON TO Ventas | ni ae Lewis, 2.Plant of 17%E os one which is ambigtous, 4T, LOVIS, Channel le The Merv Griffin Show| Robin Hood Williams, lily family 20, C Channel e sdeoMan from UPN.C.L.E,| deSky Kini Mac s , (my Channel 7--Buttale country Wi Mack, 8. Spuda ' 3 'oa OW G NE Channel G--Rochesier 4 pasty meen Hew nn vy tye ete 4,80; Scot, 31.K ST fl Channel %--Torante 4~Slatterys People sage . Traian 5, Tapestry 4 ~- im) LY Channel eHamilion ; Trials a! Prbrien 1 Peeeuegire ne seaport used as a Bashan (Sieik) = GLENWOLME SCHOOL LEAGUE ' Ww w * , Wonders curtain . Africa N This was the first pewling event FRIDAY BVENIN@ =| > Sperlight 'On yal ho) FA ay! ra tana! eit @ Sewith p paddy EISIET SMR IRL TE of this new term at Glanholme School, a0 Py FP ke Leto iE a\hensa & Ve ' The children were eager to participate family Theatre egy | . Join month Adage Yesterday's Amewer [in this activity again, Randy MeArthur H riuseenen ; } esi | 1:00 PLM, . Cougars 7.U, 8, coin . Bun had ihe highest seore with 920 and $---Ivannoe PPPOE Shee lis skm Wht, Master Forest 8, Malicious god $2. Performa the pil Bis ag --o Cannonba é *) A ( ad 6--Viewpoint | @BenThe Movies ox gonsip Consume 34, Czechosloe Senior Boys ~ w. » oe aN | FoNew Amerigan 5, Not 9. Largest of Planted vakian Vennor 90) Ross Shcttn rN Randy ge * . eae ah | andatern speaking Marianas Andes river McArthur 320, Carlo Devong. 280, Philip | t--Leave It to Beaver | wate ow | @--Wrestling Plane Tipton 150, John Baxter 100, Robert Pler- $~S50in In September | é--Night Metro | deeRural Review | Shelves slands mammal 35. Bristle son 230 and' John Wilson i | mene say 0 PM, peapeish tia | 18. Cordage 11, The »Chemical 38. Rhine Senior Girls -~ Christine Siraaxewsiti | 4:09 PLM, lowwkate Show 1 PM. fiber fourth ---- compound tributary '10, Doreen Carsnn 280, Linda Harding O-Meet The Prees A sr ontent how lacane jeha. Aitvel 9, Mineral 7, TS 270, Christina LaRush 1%, Karen O'Royle tract Norwest ade, SoHeur source i one ZA, Wanda" naer Nos Riesy' Peyton 38 and Pacitic orth Mov Ve nda jather . y 4---News, Sporte with 10 BA | 100 PLM, 20. Garment 5 ff Billy Nichols 190: mn re " Chuck Healy &=Promiera Theatre N= phil ag and Horse 2. Acrobatic Y intermediate Boys -- @rian Bernier 120, oe weed' P.M + | Se Mavie OHitime figure in Aj David O'Royle 11% Bobby Henning 14% a To-Malor League | fancy "9 seat een ene eee ae saTURDAY Basevall Joseph Holkema 105, Mary Palacek 210 li--Family Theatre Ne? ee ae Pp esteali skating and Jennie Lee Whea 60. Hee Hew Weather) ' nee AM. Maminien a}. OHawe . Macaws! Bey nee oes A eet tw Outdoors Unlimited -- | | i olitvKe 60, Jane Blecha $0, ja Lame 8--Huntiey-Brinkley Twarm and Home Hour | o~Pl'™ | Braz, rt 80, Joseph Lambert 80, Freddy Jenn: News +--Bowery Boys » Longs Ann 0, Borla Skobilikesky 100 and Ross | JuCheyenne 2:30 PLM, 490 AM, 2--Checkmate nosed Kane 70. e---Across Canada, Hefehnitzel House fish | SEartaan inno | 1:00 PAM, | 98. cry weit oa vacate as ig ree Stooges yest) sdk eam Sta es = ins 4 The Flintstones m oe j Se Wreatling . Colonized Dings "6. Robin Hoeds S, Hot a--Mavi 100 AM, Pd | . Dispatch Strikers 3. Bar Piles 3, Climbers 3 and 6--News, Weather, Ve mecketane ' 200 PM | boata Spoilers 2 Sports TPaniiay thlena | @aMy Little Margie Too Over 200 Lieyd Schram 234, 209, 227) 4---NFL Pre Season Game . » Ray Whitaker 230, 7 Tune MAKING [ BUT, REALLY. (CIN MY LIVING ROOM P) Pp r Bae al ea 4:0 AM. " Stitch 4, George Mets 221) 303 ree he KIDS... } ees omen 7 Huntley-Brinkley ~The Sonins | 4 PM again 207) Herb Buller 214, 243, John Gibbs PAS FOR ~ a Oo i Jas PA On | j mM PM, 4--Fleld Trip 217, 2182 Norma Eeigar 204, 204) Jeanette THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY _ SECRET AGENT X9 t THOUGHT YOU WERE TO NOTHING.» BANG FIGHT THE COACH OF YOUR TALK! FOOTBALL TEAM! Boot Thuted by Kime Peet ures apedicate, _ SR DONALD DUCK MICKEY MOUSE YOUNGSTERS,' a od | V--Man fron U.N.C.L.E.| $-Hercules =-Qutewors Unlimited » Subside Kossatz 210, Ken Taylor 287, Jovee Aah :_A ¢ a y a /, The Smothers Brothers 7 Aiter Fou . Mountain 220, Andy Czerwaty 28}, Pal Kunkel 201 é d(: . onl) F faa Flintstones 10:00 A.M, . a AR Feotball | crest and Dan Price 208, 222. * | & Addams Family 0-2-Underdog | " | * High Triples ~~ Herd Butler 64, G aa" f The Wilt Wild West] P--Popeye | Roller Derby | . Egyptian Moss 431, Dan Price 698, Jovee 'aan ste, Camp Runamuek 4---Quick Oraw McGraw a PM, | dancing Dave Kyle S63, Ken Taylor 364, Andy | $ iy Crerwaty 441, Jenn Gibbs $93, Norma | 4:00 Pam 10188 AM, ll Hawkeye girls ' ' | CFL Football |--JONA Bradshaw |h%--World of Sports 41, Thin nail Y pan Rg nd Liove Senrem sts. is Winnipeg al Montreal, ? casper } abe Game 42. Back %, Donna Gi ", 99, ammy #2--Fireball Kis 3--Go | ; x oe &3Gel Smart ~The Beatles | | Phage Kossatz 9%, Jud! O'Mennell $100 PLM. | . i | Glad Carter $2, 4, Kay Mackie » 3, | 2--Hank 4-Mighty Movee Playhouse li---Bennis The Menace Libby 'Steteon Pt and Agnes Boyd 92. an be Wie AGL World of Sports }times this can be corrected sur-}sema, get him to your docter. LADIES MAJOR "BY LEAGUE Twelve O'Cinek High 3---Forest Rangers fic 4 'Ss 2 iA GOGo b VeeHobby. Time: With oun Game" gically Once you understand the NA+) en triple anne Gwilliams 48) (275. &-2---Convoy Jane Gray Insufficient thyroid activity/ture of the disease, you'll see! a4) t Ae 4100 PLM, . *} i sa : i Helen Trott 466 (228, 224) and Beth Bg cory Sg fea gia ST Rg oa Nh~Jehnny Quest j|may be involved, Use of proper! why it isn't something that will/Shertt 410 (1a, 133) _ git | Show J-Cartoon +)--Bugs Bunny | hormones can be very helpful in be helped by any special diet.) Tor Ten = Mari Hickey 253, Josie WOLD OUT YOUR HAND! naar eaohconguenprg FeRrect) BinTy MANOS Hogan's Heroes Cousin Bilt ete Ser ee euch: cases Suapayeesn ts a lune condition. |Rresel' fae Nerme' Sean INR, aids be wt ad Aha ee aed WeAERPV. READING ST 1) toe | "Vearten"* ""*® | ° savymoay ave, | Naturally, general health is Nortney 218, Jean IP. Dolores YOUR PLS si fr y F fleece : -Honey Wes! | Vie Am, 4:00 PM important Der Dr Meee Wath Keir. 2% Harel Rumpel and Shelia ~Rrid: havi % Peter Potamus. \--Plipper . if z Bena bua Porky Pig ~Vovane Te The Bottom | Sometimes in fact, fre-/your opinion of all the gormis| Lemon Leagues Pearl Peacock a? * : © Kany Fame Senne tes 00h Dail whe eee KUHN Wild, Wild West | 4The Jetsons Of The Sea quently--a period of abstinence) cidal mouthwashes? 1 think the/Jea McPhecson 8 Eile Baldwin 4 & Ly World of Spots | fy. . '. y y me P, Gauewinivintn |from sexual activity allows the) more germ-proof you are, ther" pants Taken Horne's. Basso 4 Say Hee gas Pl l11--Wreatiing Sconene® {sperm to increase in number. | more cancer + prone you are.|weil's @: Menderaan' a Burn's @: Mit 2--Peyton Place @-Wish Yeu Were Mere > Ni A The motility or activity of the}sometimes the cause of badichett'a 3, Rint's 1: Motor City & White's 1) sincbinesees eiasamiiiteianssbsin : cit He ===} sperm is one thing The number! preath is from eating too much| Nes & ard Chen's 2 -- jof sperm cells is another, Ooly| cweets and starches, Sugar fer- don he" Neste Cs tana YOUR HEALTH : : fjone healthy sperm cell is re-| ments and this is the cause «fjell's & Olsen's % White's, Saywell's and x Mi quired to cause pregnancy, if/pad breath.--M. F. Bint's 2, Burn's Bea Alexander 4. that cell reaches and penetrates | 4 se45 vum. Yet tur ranged) Are you asking me, or teiling {| Query Too Difficult Sigmemeai sc A miscues fee = SALLY'S. SALLIES ot 224 | F : are ogee at aig ga The gpd ya can freshen the ------_---- - _ leachate An oh etal number and the motiily or ac-| mouth, and remove some debris TAND... YOUR HEALTH, yt M YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, or y Doctor ries are different factors, bull that causes odor, Rinsing your YOU KNOW THAT RICH "AND QUITE FRAGILE, | ces ae if the sperm count is increased,| mouth with water will do some THE MISERABLE AND NONE OF THAT | | By JOSEPH G., MOLNER, MD \the chance of finding more ac-|of that, too. If you like mouth: COUNTS ahve 4 Dear Dr, Molner: Please dis} will respond to treatment jtive cells also is increased.| wash, use it, but you can't get FOR PAU jcuss treatments to increase fer-| Mumps, whether in childhood| Hence the count is a good guide| rid of all the germs in the tility in men, Approximately | or later, may (not necessarily| but isn't necessarily the whole! mouth. |how long does it take to build/will) destroy fertility, If beth! Story. I don't know a shred of evi- jup the sperm count enough to/testes are affected, there is no| The sperm count can vary, sojdence to support your notion j}cause pregnancy? My husband/ treatment to restore fertility, If}don't rely on a single examina:| about cancer, As to your (heory jhas only 30 percent motility.--|only one is affected, fertility re-|tion. Several counts should been bad breath, certainly sugar | Mrs, J. B. mains, Another cause is unde:}made to be sure that a defi-ior protein material ferments | There are different causes;|scended testes; unless this is|ciency really exists and provides a goo? medium in ldifferent treatments, As k i n Si corrected early (by teen-age at which odor - producing germs how long it will take to build upMleast) sperm production will be} Dear Dr, Molner: | think my)can thrive, But there is a great the sperm count is too difficult! nil husband has emphysema, soideal more to bad breath than a question for any. doctor to \ defect in' the tube which!please write about this disease/sugar and starches--onions, to- "T want to study abstract arg answer, The question is how/conveys sperm from the testes{and the diet for it.--Mrs, E. G.|bacco, infections, trapped parti- Tm just full of odd ideas," quickly, if at all, the patient/is another possibility. Some-' If you think he has emphy- cles of other foods, etc, MUGCS AND SKEETER 2m.

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