Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1965, p. 6

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x <& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredoy, September 23, 1965 -Whitby Chamber To Hold Miner Milent Screens, fuols Sout, gest: with, Dome. Mov seni ie ca Saleen) suis aeae, e ac only onela: ig. goa 5 AP) -- Willle Panthers swamped Cubs byjassists. Dan Cowle collected ioe as oat a Giants, Barry Virtue and Ron Mc-|23 to 0 in a Minor Pee Wee/four goals and three assists.\who clubbed 17 home runs dur- Mullen were the'scorers for the|Lacrosse semi-final, Only two|Mark Johnston had four goals|ing the month, is the August winners with Ken Tabb and|penalties were called. * \and an assist: while Waynelwinner of the year-long poll to Larry Devitt each getting an| Murray Cawker led the win-|Martin had one goal and threejdetermine the &. Rae Hickok Working directly under the main chairman is Gordon Mifflin a| chairman of the Mit | Yellow Jackets Close On Title BOWMANVILLE -- Yellow Jackets defeated Spurs 2 to 1 Clean-up Plan Under Way win to take the title. renovation project. Mr. Mifflin is assisted by John Visser. The project is currently work- : Santa Claus Parade Dec. 4 © . WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby - 'will definitely have a Santa Santa Claus parade this year, it was announced at the Whitby Lions' Club meeting this week. Date of the mammoth parade planned for the community was tg for Saturday morning, Dec. Details of the parade to be directed by the Lions and spon- sored by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, are being arranged at a fast pace, according to Norm O'Leary, past president of club. He said various club bers are taking on special chores such as arranging for floats, bands, food treats for the children and a multitude of other items that must be con- town," O'Leary quippea. He said the Lions are looking for a large number of jokesters for the Santa Claus parade. "We can use as many clowns as we can get," Mr. O'Leary said, "'the more the merrier." The Lion official also expressed a need for a great number of other items of interest for the parade. "Anyone interested in enter- ing floats, antique cars, bands, ponies or what have you would be more than appreciated," O'Leary. commented. He said there was a definite urgency and called for all entries as soon as possible. WHITBY (Staff) -- The down- town renovation and a general clean-up program is currently underway in Whitby. First of many steps in a move to im- prove the down-town business section is the painting of upper parts of building on Brock st. s. In charge of the operation from a supervisory standpoint is Joe Oteenbrite, serving as chairman of the Retail Section, Whitby Chamber of Commerce, the Lions' Civic Improvement committee chairman, olly Smith could be contacted at 668-3703, or anyone interested could write to the Lions direct- ly. Letters should be addressed ing along the east side of the street with plans to swing over { in the second game of tnel to the opposite side upon com- pletion of the first phase. Paint- ing work is being conducted by Dodd and Souter, of Whitby, with profits from the project to be donated to ,the Whitby General Hospital. Commenting on the program already initiated, Mr. Otten- brite said it is only the begin- ning in a long list of changes] for the town's business section." | We hope to have awnings andj store signs also conform with} each other in a uniform pattern designed to catch and hold the public's attention." Additional plans for reviving the business and commercial as- pect of the town will be reveal- to the Whitby Lions, Box 35, The past-president suggested firmed. "It may not be the largest in the district but it will a good one," Mr. O'Leary promised. He suggested the pa- rade could possibly be made larger and more expansive each During the meeting the Lions' ways and means chairman, Don Irvine announced the club's Christmas theme project. 'The club will be selling Christmas cakes this year," Irvine stated, "and each member will be ex- pected to go all out.". Sample portions of the cakes to be sold were passed out to all members during the evening. Clowns, clowns and more clowns are urgently required by the Whitby Lions' club it was announced this week by past- president Norm O'Leary. "Every service club has a few clowns on their role and there must be lots of them around Whitby WCTU Holds Meeting WHITBY The Women's Christian Temperance Union held its September meeting, Tuesday, at the honie of Mrs. THE WHITBY & AJAX BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY Santa Claus parade. ed as the program progresses. *& DRAPES * BROADLOOM * PAINTS * WALLPAPER DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 Whitby [ --s HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 © INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET WHITBY ARNOLD"S 115 Brock St. N. -- Whitby Just North of the 4 Corners SEE OUR ALL WEEK FOOD VALUES EVERY SAT. IN THE OSHAWA TIMES 5153 Brock St. $. yoy | Furniture and Appliances %* Phillips * Clairtone * GE. FREE DELIVERY Harwood, Ajax 942-3711 ROYAL HOTEL Peoturingt @ Excellent Cuisine @ Quiet Atmosphere F@ Fully Licensed Enjoy an evening out 171 Brock N. 668-5012 E. B. Killens. The president Mrs. Harold Quantrill, opened the meeting with a list of Beatitudes and prayer. | The treasurer, Mrs. Jerry! Whitehurst, who is leaving) shortly for a trip to England, | was presented with a going-| anne fo away gift For As Little As $25.00 DOWN You Own A QUALITY CAR from NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK N, 668-3331 Mrs. Richard (Dick) Adams) was in charge of the devotional | period. Her subject was "'Les-| eons in Understanding." Mrs. Quantrill read excerpts from the White Ribbon Tidings. Mrs. Mary Mitchell was in charge of the clip sheet. She was assisted by Mrs. Irene Lockie, Mrs, Gor- | don Glenny, and Miss Maude Cameron. Mrs. Amy Dair closed the! meeting. with prayer. A social | time was spent. Mrs. Ruth} Pickering and Mrs. Gordon CONNELLY SCHOOL of DANCING Dencing Instruction from 4 years of age. Classes for Ladies. Register NOW for Fell term ~ 513 Mary E. BEAVER LUMBER CO, LTD. "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes £. Whitby Dor-Mar Beauty SPECIALS PURE lee 3 Days Only Fri., Set. & Men. FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 Glenny served refreshments. | | The next meeting will be Oct. | 2: | Shrinking Violets Report Weight Loss WHITBY -- The Whitby Shrinking Violets Tops Club ned its meeting with the ing of Tops Slimming Song. The .14 members present were happy to learn that they had Ltd, Monuments in stone and marble Stafford Bros. 4 Generations of Experience ie 318 Dundes &. 668-3552 lost 234% pounds. A corsage was Presented to: Dorothy Gardner for the 6% pounds she lost with- ih the past week. All present gave her a good round of ap- use, At the next meeting all in attendance will start doing ex- ereises accompanied by music. | All members are cautioned that) if they are absent three consecu-| tive weeks they will lose their] membership, unless they have) a valid reason. | At the close of the meeting, | ABNER'S ESSO THE GREAT NEW RAMBLER 1003 Brock S. 668-5391 social games were enjoyed led) by Irene Clarke and Rose Fudge. Children's Film To Be Shown WHITBY -- The full-length film, "The Incredible Journey", the story of the animals that tried valiantly to find their) young master, will be presented this Friday under the auspices of the Junior Branch of the Secretarial Overload Service *® SECRETARIES * TYPISTS *® EXTRA STAFF *® MAILING & DUPLICATING SERVICES 101 Dundas W. 668-8181 BUSINESS OF THE WEEK DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE 107 Byron S. Thinking of redecorating your home? Your "'One-Stop Decorating Service" is the Dodd and Souter Decor Centre et 107 Byron S, They offef complete decorating needs from quolity C.I.L. and Du- pont Paints to the best in wall- paper, drapes, ond broadioom, They hove a complete contracting division plus a retail outlet ot 107 Byron S, Grant Dodd and Howard Souter, proprietors of Dodd & Souter. Decor Centre, hove -meny years of experience in the decor- ating field and have been in their own business since Jan. 1959, In. addition to complete decorating materials, Dodd & Souter also car- ry a complete line of Artists' Mater- ials, Grant and Howard ore both from Oshawa end through their business they sponsor teoms in the minor basebal) end hockey assoc- iations, Howard is also a member of the Kinsmen Club of Whitby. Dodd & Souter Decor Centre also stock a complete line of broad- loom. Remember for all your dec- crating needs, its the Dodd & Souter Decor Centre of 107 Byron AJAX | CLEANERS © COLD STORAGE @ SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 . 72 HARWOOD S., AJAX HOMES Proudly Presents Southwood Park | Ajex and | Roiiing Hiiis Estates Olive & Grandview, Oshewe 942-2401 43 SHERWOOD £. ARMSTRONG | PICKERING assist. Fred Brown scored theiners with 10 goals and sixiassists. Pro Athlete of the Year. EAVER LUMBE YOU ARE WITHIN SAVING DISTANCE OF BEAVER LUMBER I BEAVER 4000' TRUCK LOT | SAVINGS fi utiuity PER 1000 BD. FT. | | i2 x 4's I UTILITY CONSTRUCTION _. 82.50 ...... 95.50 Il .. 84.00...... 99.00 Il Lees 197.50 |] 109.50 1 2x 4's || 2 x 6's || 2x 8's yas 10's POON | WHITE PINE Utility grade not stocked at el! 80 stores. | BARN BOARDS, ll | 1x8, 1x10,1%12 104.50 | PER 1000 BD. FT. || D4S or T&G UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ll rl SPRUCE 1x6.... 85.50... 101.00 i T ll it ll Hl se yy) 378" 1/2" || s/s" SYLVAPLY SYLVAPLY WATERPROOF PLYWOOD STANDARD SHEATHING SPRUCE 2.62 3.02 PLYWwoop 2 | 3.29 || 4.56 5.37 Il x 4' x 8' sheet x 4' x 8' sheet...... MA' 0 8! ORs acd 4.31 x 4 x 8 BOR: ics 5.28 Spruce Sheathing not stecked et all 80 stores, SYLVAPLY || SELECT UNDERLAY l| FIR SHEATHING || 5/16" x 4' x 8' 3.46, 3/8" x 4' x 8 3.93, "" 6,62 SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD 1/2" x 4' x 8 5.20 lj 5/8" x 4' x 8 6.21 r Ye" 6.66 || SELECT T & G {| COVERS 4' x 8° Lenderest % JUST OPENED ! WHITBY MEAT MARKET 313 BROCK S. 668.6941 WHITBY Whitby Humane Society, the Anima! Defenders Club. Starting at 7 p.m., the film will be shown in the parish hall of All Saints' Anglican Church. After the film, a apron HORTON'S STUDIO drawing will take place for the door prize, as well as severa! other prizes. Tickets for this event are) available from members of the Humane Society. A limited num-| ber of tickets will be available! at the door. @ INDUSTRIAL @ CHILD STUDIES @ PORTRAITS @ WEDDINGS 942-1110 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX S,, Whitby. BROUGHTON @) MOTORS * Licensed Mechanics %* General Repairs .. %* Quality Fine Products 1101 Broek $. 668.8211 FURNITURE SPECIAL... New -- Unpainted Furniture and Chrome Kitchen Sets 215 DUNDAS ST. E. 668-5481 THE ULTIMATE in shoe comfort! Try on the new Hartt flexibies, Lighter, softer, more flexible . . . gives the some solid support, lasting teomfort end quality thot is built-in te every poir of Hertt shoes i yet GEO, HARDING | EXCAVATING Trenching is Our Specialty FAST EFFICIENT ~~ SERVICE 668-3566 411 Feirview Dr. Whitby DX OIL Now is the time to to arrange for your FUEL OIL from DX. 668-3341 No. 2 Hwy. Whitby GOOLD'S | | | : | LEHN'S oe te Speciclizing e Cakes ®@ Pastries Open 10 o.m. - 9 p.m, Tues., Sat., Sun. 12 - 9 p.m. 668-8111 114 Lupin Drive Whitby (oo neneeore - me eeeneeene eens ee -- TT COLLIN'S SHOES 119 Brock St. S., Whitby Phone 668-3476 This Space Available For Your Advertising Message The Oshawa Times Call 723-3474 Advertising Dept. SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE * Brighem Brier Pipes * Guns * Ammunition *® Cameres * Films WOURS 8 A.M. -- 10 P.M. DANY 121 Brock N. 668-8361 RANG Gi) "| Geo. H. Vick Ltd. 668-3579 and 668-3330 | 108 Brock N. Whitby ASPHALT IMPREGNATED BUILDING BOARD ROCK LATH ...0:52++ 3010 per 1000 SHEET ROCK ......+» 63.26 per 1000 PLEASE NOTE: All the prices in this column apply en normal mixed truckidads of 4000' or mere for complete jobs, Coorg gts 7/16" x 4x 8 7/16" x 4 x 9 es on ply- | wood which are also available on minimum 50. Smaller lots ll of plywood when not included in trucklots add 20¢ per sheet to cover handling costs, ALL ORDERS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE AND | MARKET CHANGE, a | na a -- a on 25 SHEETS OR MORE ASPENITE | mee a9 SMALLER LOTS -- 2.69 NEW! ALL PURPOSE BOARD POLYETHELENE 2m! Thickness 2,66 $00 S. FR... 4ML 1000 Sq. Ft. ...... 10,15 ROLL ROOFING 45 |b. Smooth 90 Ib, Rock 15 Ib. Asphalt Felt 3.42 2.81 CASH AND CARRY PURCHASES purchases ere on en in-stock besis, All items subject te All Cash end Ca and market chenges, Prices only slightly higher north prior sale evailabi! of North Bay. BEAVER LUMBER 668-5818 623-3388 WHITBY 419 DUNDAS STREET ; BOWMANVILLE 96 KING ST. E. or Your Nearby Beaver Lumber Store The Price Is Right . . . Compare! Save Time and Gos ... Buy at BEAVER! it mekes goed sense when you ere building meteriets in quentity, thet meke @ further seving on your time ond stores in Ontario and we heave elreedy true home. You else are assured of the attention te your needs that heve been Beever Lumber stores ecress Conede. ked the meterials close te your All Stee! Bonderized GARAGE DOORS STANDARD 8' x 7' 41.55 With Lites ..... 47.55 9' x 7' size .... 46.45 With Lites 52.95 INSULATION BATTS _ 2" 90 Sq. Ft. Cartons 3" 60 Sq. Ft. Cortons A CARTON 20 Carton Lots in Smelier Lots .. 3.68 1.39 10 PCS. OR MORE | MASONITE HARDBOARD Ye" x 4' x 8' SHEETS SMALLER LOTS 1.47 NATURAL READY TO FINISH MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELLING RANDOM VEE GROOVED 4' x 7 (10 to 24 Panels) 4' x 8 (10 to 24 Ponels) ......0-..00. 3 4' x 7' PANELS 4'x8'.... 2.75 25 PANELS OR MORE RANDOM VEE GROOVED Candle Light CHERRY WOODGRAINED HARDBOARD 10 te 24 Panels 1 te 9 Panels 4' x 7' PANELS 4x8... 4.55 23 PANELS OR MORE VINYL ASBESTOS ida -- 1 FLOOR TILE Trend colours Jamaica White, Sahera Sond, stores A THE 9° CEILING PANELS 4" = 4 x 4 V-Groaved. 25 or Mere, Smaller lots 25c, EACH......, SF CEILING TILE SATINCOTE WHITE DOUBLE COATED, 64 SQ. FT, PER CARTOON. 6. MICRO.PERFGRATED CEILING TILE Satineote White Finish, aie tee em, .... GBT A CARTON GvOD SPRUCE STRAPPING " = a", UN, FT. x. LN. FT. UY" x 4'x 4 1 Less Then SO 1,29 ASPHALT SHINGLES Top Brand, 2 10-lb, 6.58 Two Colours, A Sq. ..... A CARTON POPLAR UNDERLAY WATERPROOF ' Sheet 22 EACH 50 oF more STORM - SCREEN ALUMINUM DOORS Extra long service extruded 114" aluminum door completely weather- sealed, pre-hung, ready to install » all hardware included. TEN-TEST INSULATING BOARD 7/16" x 4' x 8' Natural .... 7/16" x 4' x 8' Primed 50 SHEETS OR MORE 2S, te 49 Sheets .. 06... 2c. 1.96 and 2.57 ase $199 GARAGE SYLVAPLY materials include all doer end plens. SANDED PLYWOOD Dougles Fir Good } Side VY" x 4 x 8.... 3.69 %" x 4' x B'.... 5.12 4" x 4° 8. c Ce oe x x8 cc FO %" x 4' x B.... 8.74 All the obove prices are on mixed lots of 50 sheets or more, Sheath- ing (see trucklot sovings) may be included to moke up volume. Smolier lots odd 20c per sheet. ONLY 4.88 Order your eluminum storm-sereen windows now before winter sets in! eeeees Com PLYWOOD PREFINISHED! MAHOGANY PLYWOOD @ SATIN SMOOTH @ VEE-GROOVED @ BEAUTIFUL TOASTED FINISH 25 PANELS OR MORE 87. 10 te 24 Panels 3.47, 3. 1 te 9 Panels 3.77, 4.17

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