Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1965, p. 5

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: "! i WHITBY CURLING CLUB Members of the Whitby tion is being placed between Curling Club will have a -- the pipes and the ground, better ice surface on which S. J. Minnis and C, W. to play this winter. Insula- King, both members of the TO HAVE IMPROVED ICE will be jaid in the rink. by Oct. 15. --Oshawa Times Photo club, have been busy for the past 10 days laying slabs of Stryofoam which is used as insulation, It is expected ice 8-TO-1 VOTE Town Council Opposed To County Assessment WHITBY (Staff) Whitby;city, "It ical hay any good Town Council voted eight to one/for them," he said. in favor of opposing county) Reeve Everett Quantril stated peg at its eon meet that "4 one had proven the awe g. The decision by council, tO/fits of county assessment to support {ts county representa-him, "Until such time as I see tives, was based on the theory|such proof 1 shall be in opposi- county assessment had little toltion to this legislation,"' he said. osha in the way Of} Councillor Bobbie Attersley re questioned the town's County Deputy Reeve George Brooks|representatives on whether the was toud in his opposition to/town could drop out of the ge county assessment, atressingh' Sc en tasereorston city the point such legislation would] «rf it isn't good for the City take assessment one step fur-jof Oshawa now then I ask, ther away from local taxpay-| would it be good for Whitby at al ers. He suggested the provin-jlater date. If annexation goes cial government was definitely,through, and the town becomes in favor of such legislation and,|@ city, could Whitby drop out should it be unsuccessful at the of the program?" county session this week, would . veainias ' 1B ' », DROP OUT QUESTIONABLE invariably atemnt tram SUCH! "Reeve uantill "and Deo later , uty Reeve Brooks suggested : ithat if the legislation goes) NO GOOD FOR OSHAWA [through Whitby might not be) The deputy, reeve stated the able to drop out, | City of Oshawa did not have to| The reeve stated that if| participate in county assessment/Whitby had an _ incompetent since it was an incorporated' assessment department _ the Council Will Assist Whitby Theatre Guild WHITBY (Staff) Town Council will support the Whitby Theatre Guild if possible! vandals, in securing space for storing) 'The entire question was equipment. Decision to take broached by Cr. Edwards who! such action came Monday night) said the council should do its at the council meeting on & utmost to assist the Guild, Ed- strong recommendation from) wards paid tribute to the Guild Councillor Tom Edwards for co-operating with the Rotary The property committee} Club in pre-dating a drama pre-| chairman, Vernon McCarl, was)sentation they had planned.| instructed to investigate the pos-| "The Guild is doing a bang up| sibility of using the upper room) job in the town," Edwards sald, | in the town's fire hall. Storage) "we should try and help them) space may be available, it was| now in their need." suggested but only on a tem-| Cr, Edwards said the Guild| porary basis until more perma@-|haq to remove its equipment! nent quarters were located from the Oshawa Airport build-| A second instruction regard-| ings. "They are co-operating} ing quarters was directed at)with other organizations in Deputy Reeve George Brooks. town, the least we can do is The deputy reeve was instruct-| help them out if at all possible." | Whitby ever, it was stated, since many, lof them have been broken by |ment. Will Improve Street Lights WHITBY (Staff) -- Additional lighting in Whitby will be re- quested from the Public Utilities Commission, it was agreed Monday night at the council meeting. Improved lighting will be re- quested for Hillcrest Dr., Beach st. and Centre st., above Chest- nut st. The decision was made following a recommendation by the town's fire and light com- mittee. During the discussion Deputy Reeve George Brooks voiced disapproval of rising costs for lighting in the town. "I fail to understand why the costs of Hydro continue to go up three times over each year," he said, "Don't we ever manage to pay for anything" he added, Mayor Warren Mowat prom- ised to look into the matter and come back to council with a proper reason for the rising costs. In regard to the number of requests for improved light- ing in the town, His Worship said this was a natural even- tuality. "Improved lighting is con- stantly being installed in new areas of development,' Mayor Mowat said. "This naturally leads to older districts request- Whitby Teacher To Do Research' WHITBY (Staff) -- Bringing additional honor to the town of Whitby, L. P. Valiquet, French) and German teacher at Ander- son High School, was named |to the Research Division, Royal county assessment setup could) Commission on study of Bi- be good. "We have a very com-|lingualism and Biculturalism, at petent department, however, he|ottawa. said, 'Therefore, 1 cannot see) The local instructor, head of any reason for changing OUr|the moderns' department at_the assessment picture. We would|school, joined the faculty last not stand to gain anything," he|Septemher. He has been re- added, sponsible for French and Ger- Councillor George Bevan. was|man instruction to Grade 12 and the only member of council to|13 students, Selected for the} vote in favor of the county special honor, Mr. Valiquet will lof 18 different assessment de-|research department, however, partments," he pointed out, jit is thought, he will be the "This is only duplication of ad- only secondary school teacher ministration," he said, arene wget ee Mayor Warren Mowat stated) Mr. Valiquet received a leave the council should move slowly |! absence from the local school in considering any move to and left the community to take ty 8s jup his new duties last week. drop out of the county setUP.| though his term of educating | lassessment, 'There is no need/join three other members of the) ; ing improved lighting." BOYS INVENT AMUSEMENT RIDE WHITBY (Staff) -- Some- thing new in amusement rides has been created in Whitby by two enterprising young local boys. The de- vice is known as a 'Hot Box' and has room for one passenger. The 'Hot Box' was cre- ated by Ronnie King and Jimmy Town, and is lo- cated in the town's back yard, The device is a bushel basket suspended from a high rope by a string and pulley. The basket is lifted to one end of the 'high rope' fastened to a swing set and then slides down at a sharp angle to rest against a nearby fence post, "The only trouble is we can't ride in the thing," Jimmy Town said. 'The basket is too small." He suggested the inventors may revise the gimmick so it could possibly carry heavier passengers and, more of them. No attempt has been made to patent the inven- tion at the moment with trials still continuing. By Ratepayers WHITBY -- Plans for one dance got off the ground, while another was left up in the air at Monday's meeting of Blair Park Vista Ratepayers' Associa- tion. The membership made final Bridge Work Is Delayed WHITBY (Staff) -- Motorists using the Brock st. s. railway overpass were given a reprieve this week, The reported closing of the railway bridge for re- pairs has been held over to Sept, 27. The bridge originally was sup- posed to be closed to traffic Sept. 22, However, railway. offi- cials have agreed to co-operate with the town in delaying the closure, Reason for the change in plans was described as al- lowance for the movement of heavy trucks, Numerous ship loads of rock salt for highway use this win- ter are being unloaded at Whit- by Harbor. Weigh scales have | been installed at the department) lof highways depot located be-| tween the CNR tracks and the) MacDonald - Cartier Freeway. | |Should the bridge be closed off| the trucks hauling salt would) |have to-use the Thickson rd.,| overpass, a distance of some miles. Repairs to the bridge will) begin on schedule Sept. 27 it) was reported, with the work con-| tinuing until Oct, 27. Cars will |be re-routed over the Henry st.| }overpass while trucks will be| trequired to use the Thickson rd, route. president, Hard Times Dance Planned Association plans for its fall "Hard Times Dance" to be held in Whitby Royal Canadian Legion Hall Oct. 16. The event will be one of the major social events of the year for the organization, = and will serve the double pur- pose of giving the area resi- dents a night out and giving them a chance to meet new neighbors, many of whom have moved to the area during the summer. nar «ase " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesaey, seprember & "-- @ FRANCE PLANS COLOR TV PARIS (AP)--France will be- gin color telecasts in Septem- her, 1967, says Information Min- ister Alain Peyrefitte. France is developing its own color process in co-operation with the Soviet Union. A , JUST ARRIVED ! ~ New Fall Tailored Meade to Measure Samples @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors --eh-- Be USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock $¢.$., WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New dual eontrolied Personal courteous # Fuly licensed and insured. Dial 668-6176 J. A, OSTERHOUT, Owner PHONE 668-2091" " TEENAGE DANCE The association's plans for a teenage dance didn't fare so well. Stymied by a limited bud- get and a school board .ruling that the dance must be staged without admission fee, if it is to be run at R. A, Hutchinson Public School, the association may be forced to cancel the event, The membership expressed concern with the abrupt t . ment meted to a delegation by the public school board, when the delegation asked permis- sion to hold the teen dance. NAME CHANGED Monday's meeting, which offi- cially changed the name of the association from 'Park Vista Ratepayers" to "Blair Park Vista Ratepayers," decided to take an active part in the com- ing municipal election, and to jinvite all candidates to speak) to the association. Two vacant seats on executive were filled by the jelection of John Zwueste to the| t of first vice-president, and second vice- pos Harry_-- Houston, BROCK WHITBY CLIFF ROBERTSON JACK HAWKINS in Eveni One Complete Program Each STORM ng -- Starting at 7:30 MAY SCARE YOU OUT YOUR MIND IL. PUNTER IS NEMS RS w"we must be sure we-will gain} y through such action," His Wor pisesid bo agli hing lo ship advised, |will be held open, Alex Andrews, IBAD FOR TAXPAYER jschool principal, stated. fabslel| a: hae = expect to have Mr, Valiquet Winding up the discussion, |) oo, 'at the. ethool at the be! Deputy Reeve Brooks repeated vinning of the new school term! his earlier statements. The next year," he said. | county assessment would pre-\0 0s? vent the local taxpayer from) coming to our office to find out) any particulars about his assess- Town To Erect ment," he said. "I think this is} 9s " @s: anal tagr Oy i "Stop" Signs _On a recorded vole only! WHITRY (Staff) -- Stop signs! Councillor George Bevan voted! wi} be erected at the corner! nay to a resolution authorizing! of Rowman and Crawforth sts.,| opposition to county asseSS-/{{ was announced Monday night Voting in favor of the at the town council meeting. | resolution were: Mayor Warren) The council also stated Bowma Mowat, Reeve Everett Quan- will be regarded as the 'through trill, Deputy Reeve George' street', Brooks, Councillors Bobbie! the announcement was -in Attersley, Harry Inkpen, Vernon keeping with a recent letter McCarl, Harold Slichter and)from the town engineer advis- Tom Edwards. ing council a bus route, for pub- sieeve es ------| lie school children in the Bow- BEGGING PAYS OFF man-Crawforth area, will be ini- ; 5 : tiated. Pick-up locations will be KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia'at Johnson and Anderson sts., (AP)--Beggars can be choosers,'and, Bowman and Crawforth! reports a woman state welfare sts. ofticer. Fatimah Binte Musa The eingineer further advised : the area in question has re-| said some of 58 people arrestd) cently been paved and advised] for panhandling on the capital's) council no stop signs are at the! streets in the last two years|intersection. of the two. streets y at the present time. were quite well off, One had 4 i rerthic auaneiek ihe about $70 in his pockets and osc department will arrange several female beggars had hus: ty provide a children's landing]! bands with good jobs. | | PATIO SLA 2, Vale PCE Wise Home Owners ~ " DEVAY | . | | | insist on "'HYDRA-PRESSED" Concrete Slabs for Patio and Sidewalks. Eech slab is precision mede under 400 fons ef prensure pivi will "Me for the firet time aver superb quolity et @ price you "Hydre-Premed" slabs are frost resistant tee. of sizes end colors, you new have ligne for your Patio end Sidewalk. Cell us tedey or visit our plant for complete information ond price. PRONE ROOK /OR YOUR FREE BROOME OW BITIO DESIGNS A CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. area at the bus pick-up spots, I! ed to check on possibility of the) ------ garage at the old County. Court House being used. Windows) would have to be replaced how- | | | | | | j SEE Seas SES NURSING GRADUATE Lyn Murison, daughter of Reeve and Mrs, Ross Muri- son, Pickering, who gradu- ated recently from the school of nursing at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. She is doing post- graduate work at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Towa Buys Land For Park Purposes WHITBY (Staff) Town eouncil approved a town prop- erty committee recommenda- tion to purchase land near the Palmerston Street Public School for park purposes this week, The property, belonging to) Stanley Mitchell, consists of ap proximately four and one-half acres. It can be purchased for $7,500. Cost of the purchase will be acquired through sale of lots in this area now owned by the) tounicipality, it was advised. | How to be a two-account family the permanent way (it makes sense and it makes money-- for you!) Hete's what you do: Pay household and personal bills from your Regular account which earns 344% interest. No service charges either! Meanwhile, save with a Special account which carns you a big 4%. You can make withdrawals at any time on your Special account, but not by cheque. This mak es you save! A cheque is too tempting. Be a two-account family the permanent way and watch your cash reserve grow and es SAVINGS «TRUST SERVICES « MORTGAGES ESTABLISHED 1886 Oshawa Shopping J. W. Froud, Centre, 728-9482 MANAGER grow. | the 207 Dundas St. West Look Sharp, Maties! the New 1966's Are Coming! Soon! A WHOLE NEW BREED TO CAPTURE YOUR HEART | Watch For The New 1966 CHRYSLER DODGE VALIANT and Swinging Coronet Coming Soon ! Place Your Order Now For Early Deliveries! Watch for Official Show 'Don't Miss The LOUNGE GE and DINING LOUNGE et the WHITBY HOTEL LOUN Whitby COMING THIS WEEK! THE | heery-0 Direct from « tour of Los Vegas and Atlante, Georgio -- featuring TOP ENTERTAINMENT this comedy, song team is sure to please and entertain you ++. ome end enjoy the show. Entertainment Nightly -- 9 P.M. JAMES MAHER -- MANAGER © '

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